Beaumont Sport and Recreation Centre Pre-Construction Timeline SUMMER / FALL 2015
AUG. 23, 2016
NOV. 2016
DEC. 2016 TO MAR. 2017
Beaumont conducted an Aqua-Fit expansion feasibility study.
Council approved $2.4M in the Budget to design the Aqua-Fit Phase 2 Project to the building permit stage.
Council approved a Project Charter (conceptual and detail design) for the Aqua-Fit Phase 2.
Town engaged BR2 Architecture after a competitive RFP process.
Town Staff and BR2 reconfirmed information on work completed to-date.
JAN. 2018
FALL 2017
MAR. TO JUL. / AUG. 2017
MAR. 28, 2017
MAR. 20, 22 & 27, 2017
Additional public and user group engagement occurred, and Council approved the Project as part of the 2018 Capital Budget subject to conditions.
Council considered the budget request for the Aqua-Fit based on the detailed design.
Completed conceptual and detailed design to the building permit stage.
Council selected the preferred option for the conceptual design phase of the project.
BR2, Focus Communications and Town Staff hosted Community Public Open House Input Meetings.
AUG. 2018
SEPT. 2018
OCT. 2018
Beaumont engaged the various levels of government and our regional partners to help financially support the project moving forward.
Council approved the hiring of a Construction Manager to work on final pricing and timelines with a final approval to start the proposed project Fall 2018.
Joint Funding Agreement reached between Leduc County and Beaumont: Aqua-Fit Centre Phase II.
Council voted on Sept. 11 to proceed with a $29.5 million dollar renovation and change the name to Beaumont Sport and Recreation Centre.
Construction began Oct. 1 and is scheduled to be completed Summer 2020. Follow construction at