Green Room Early Learning Child Care
Laura—Early Childhood Program Coordinator Kristi—Early Childhood Program Assistant
It’s hard to believe that it’s already February! Last month we wrapped up our exploration of collections and moved into building! After seeing the way the children were interacting with the tools that we had put out in our block corner we quickly realized that building was our next concept to explore. Along with all the construction tools, construction trucks were a huge hit too. We opened our big sand box and added our collection of construction trucks to it. The children spent so much time moving the sand around the sandbox and making the noises of the construction trucks as they dug and backed them up. We can’t wait to further explore this concept and to see what kinds of creations we can make and build with so many different building materials. We are so excited that Ciara has chosen our room for her practicum placement. Ciara is currently talking her Early Childhood Education online through Lethbridge College and will be doing her first placement with us! She will be spending some extra time in the mornings with us until the end of April. We are also welcoming a new friend to our room this February, Dean, will be joining us on Tuesdays and Thursday. Grayson is sadly leaving and we will miss him very much!