Child Care July 2017 Newsletter

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Sunshine & Green Room


Rainbow & Gold Room


Kinder Room




International Mud Day


ELCC Snack Menu


SAS Supervisor and Staf


SAS Reading Club Update


SAS Snack Menu


SAS July Activity Calendar


Community BBQ


Fee Schedule


ELCC Supervisor Update Thank you to all the families that participated in the annual parent survey. We will be doing a roll-up of the results and comments and sending those out this month along with some additional information as needed based on the feedback. If you or someone in your family has any special talents they’d like to share with the children, please let your child’s room educators know - we welcome special visitors to the center all year long! Staffing update: Sarah Arbuckle will be starting a permanent full-time position on July 10th. Sarah recently graduated from the Early Learning and Child Care course at MacEwan and has been working with us as a casual staff for the past four years. Sarah will continue to work in all the rooms providing coverage for staff vacations this summer. Michelle Sturley will be starting back with us on July 17. She will go back into the sunshine room with Tendai for the summer and then will be working in the Kinder room September 2017 –August 2018. We will be welcoming a new team member on July 10th, Simrandeep Maan. Simran comes to us with a lot of experience and will be working in the gold room covering Melissa’s maternity leave for the year. We are excited to have her as part of our team! Reminder – Please call and let us know when your child/ren will not be attending the Centre or if there are any changes to their regular schedule and hours of care. This helps to ensure that ratios are met during opening and closing times of the day. If there are changes to your child’s vacation schedule that was submitted, please email me directly. Please note that the down-stairs rooms may close at 5 or 5:15 pm, so you will have to call the upstairs line if you need to contact us after that time. If and when the downstairs rooms close early, the children will combine in the rainbow room until parents pick up. Please be aware that our full-time educators work a 7.5 hour day and are scheduled on various shifts to accommodate ratio. While we do our best to have consistency in each room it can be difficult to maintain when they have time off. Please feel free to text the room cell phone at any time to relay information about your child and to ensure your messages or information is conveyed to the appropriate room educators working that day. Sunshine Room Cell: 780-399-2156 or Green Room Cell: 780-399-2475 or Rainbow Room Cell: 780-862-9046 or Gold Room Cell: 780-863-7386 or Kinder Room Cell: 780-862-3207 or

2017/18 Closure Dates: July 3 August 7 September 4 October 9 November 13 December 25,26,27 January 1

We recognize that parents will have days when they aren’t working but will still want their children to attend the child care center (vacation days, summer holidays, sick days, maternity leave). We ask that on these days, you bring your child in after 8:00 am and pick up prior to 4:30 pm, this still provides up to 8.5 hours of care within that day but helps us maintain staffing ratios for the opening and closing shifts. This will also ensure some balance for your child and give them the opportunity to have a shorter day as well; play is hard work after all!! Thank you for your continued support! Have a great month – Jodie

Sunshine Room

Tendai—Early Childhood Program Coordinator Michelle—Early Childhood Program Assistant

This month the Sunshine room has been quite busy and much louder than usual. The children's interest in animals, especially farm animals, has us exploring sound and movement in many different ways. We have been using the teen centre quite a lot to run ,walk and make loud sounds like the animals we have identified in books, on the iPad and by just listening to each other throughout the day. As we continued to explore animals big and small, we discovered the tiny animals that crawl on the ground and on tree trunks outside. This has opened up a whole new world for the children. As we go on our walks or as we play in our park looking for bugs has become the most important and interesting thing to do. As much as some are not yet sure what to make of the crawling creatures, most of the children are exited and curious enough to even touch some worms and ants. They have come to realize that in order to find the bugs they have to lift objects up and look underneath ,what a great sense of discovery this has been. We have also embarked on a new big project, OUR GARDEN. The children have been working hard helping put it all together each step of the way. It took us 2 days to put in enough dirt into the big planter but we did it. We have planted carrots , beans , peas ,lettuce and pumpkins. Every day going outside is such an adventure as we tend to our garden and go on bug hunts. We are looking forward to the summer where we will explore more in our outdoor spaces.

Green Room

Laura—Early Childhood Program Coordinator Kristi—Early Childhood Program Assistant

We are so happy that we were able to transplant all of our veggies into our pallet garden and we've been working very hard to make sure we look with our eyes and not our hands. Everything is growing so great that it's so hard not to touch them and feel the different textures of the leaves. We also took our small water cans outside so we are all able to help water our garden. We've been filling up five gallon buckets and having the children fill up their own watering cans and watering the garden by themselves! We've continued our exploration into spring/summer time, with our focus a little more on bugs, birds and the wind. We were so lucky to be able to sit and watch all the birds in our tree the last few weeks, we were so quiet that they started to land on the ground near us and we were able to get a really close look at them. We were all so excited to see them and to see that they were enjoying the birdseed that we put in our bird feeders. This month we said goodbye to our Lethbridge student, Angie, we will miss her so much. Angie provided some amazing experiences for the children to explore during her time here and she was a great addition to our team in the Green Room. We wish her all the best in her next adventure. Thanks to everyone who has brought in a swimsuit, towel and water shoes for their child, if you haven't brought your child's swim wear in yet, please do so. With the hot weather coming our way we can't wait to enjoy some splash days in our park. Also please make sure your child has a sun hat, water bottle, and an extra change of clothes in their cubbie.

Rainbow Room

Beth—Early Childhood Program Coordinator Lorena—Early Childhood Program Assistant Tammy—Early Childhood Program Assistant

Welcome to July!!! We plan on spending lots of time outside this month, visiting various parks around Beaumont. Depending on the weather, we hope to have weekly splash days as well. As per the letter that was sent home last week, we have many things planned for the children. We will let you know in advance if you need to send anything extra for your child, ex: picnic lunch etc. Naptime for the Rainbow room will be from 12:30 to 2pm for the first two weeks for July and then 12:30 to 1:30 for the last two weeks. In August naptime will be eliminated for all Rainbow room children who are moving down to the Gold room in September. Ethan’s baby sister Fiona arrived on June 20th. Congratulations to Bo and Frank on their beautiful daughter. Thank you for completing the vacation forms, if there are any changes please let us know in advance as this may impact our staffing. We hope everyone has a great summer!!! Thank you, Beth, Tammy and Lorena

Gold Room

Joanna—Early Childhood Program Coordinator Melissa—Early Childhood Program Assistant Jodi—Early Childhood Program Assistant

July is here which means that vacation time is upon us once again! Although it is hard to believe, summer has arrived. It feels like just yesterday we were welcoming a new group into the Gold Room family, and now it is almost time for graduation. As you have seen throughout the year, your children have not only grown taller but have also learned many new skills that will help them to be successful in school. June was a very busy month in our room, as preparation for and participation in Senior Appreciation Week captured our focus for a while. The children had a great time singing the Canadian Anthem, playing Bingo, as well as delivering roses to the seniors. When people are raised in different time periods, perceptions of the world can be quite different, and this can lead to difficulties in understanding one another. Because of this gap in understanding between the young and the elderly, it is important to find links between younger and older generations. This can be accomplished by helping children learn how to relate to older adults, and vice versa. We hope that next year we will be invited there again, or maybe seniors can visit us at the center. Our Father's Day Sport Event showed the children how to care about their families and how to make connections between the center, home and the broader community. We surprised the dads with "All About Dad" information sheets, games, home– made pizza and we had fun just spending time together. A big thank you to all our honored guests for attending this small but important event. Starting July 4th, we will discontinue having Toy Days (to get ready for the school routine), and we will instead attend three sessions of Story-Telling at the Public Library where the children will participate in singing, playing and creating art, guided by the library program coordinator. We will also have Splash Days and we will visit the community parks, weather permitting. As it is hard to predict weather as well as UV index, we ask you to bring a labeled reusable bag with your child's bathing suit and a towel so we can keep it in the classroom and enjoy water activities as often as possible. Our Mud Day was very exciting and a bit messy as we spent the day painting, baking, planting flowers, searching for treasures, and exploring the obstacle course, mud being our main ingredient. Happy Birthday to Jenson, Carter, Taylor and Nixin.

Kinder Room

Amy—Early Childhood Program Coordinator Stephanie—Early Childhood Program Assistant Lyndsey—Enhanced Ratio Support

Wow! It is so hard to believe summer in the Kinder Room is already here! With the warmer weather we have been having already, we have been spending lots of time outside and can't wait for school to be completely over so we can spend more time going to the different parks around town! We have been having a great time exploring the water wall outside in the park and creating car washing stations for all of our toy trucks! Sadly, we are saying goodbye to Cohen, Mutsa and Brenton at the end of June, but we wish them all the best and we are sure going to miss them in our room. To celebrate their time spent in our room we had a going away party. The party was equipped with Brenton's favourite sport, hockey, on the lego table. It was quite fun to watch the competition ensue as Oilers versed the Nashville Predators. The party also included a basketball net in honour of Mutsa's love for basketball and huge car ramps as we all can attest to Cohen's love of cars. For our summer plans, each family was given a calendar of the events and activities we have planned. Please make sure you check this daily so your child is prepared for each day! We also ask that you send a water bottle, and hat every day!! Throughout the summer, a change of clothes or swimsuit and a towel is also recommended to be kept in their locker as we often have spontaneous splash or messy days. We look forward to spending the summer with our Kinders and having fun in the sun each day.

Celebrating International Mud Day June 29th, 2017





4 Canned peaches with Teddy grahams

Thursday 5

Raisin bread with apple sauce

10 11 12 Mini rice cakes with Rice Krispies with Tortilla wraps with apple slices orange slices pea butter and banana

Fresh fruit & fig newtons

17 Canned fruit and graham crackers

18 Eggos with syrup

Cereal bars with fresh fruit

Meat, cheese & crackers and pickles

24 Yogurt with orange slices

Shreddies with craisins

Egg salad sandwiches 31 Fruit cocktail and mini caramel rice cakes Green apples with ham & cheese

Veggies and ranch dip

19 Cheerios with banana slices

Veggies and ranch dip 25

Granola bars and fruit

6 Yogurt with frozen berries


Ritz crackers with Cucumber, corn and cherry tomatoes and chickpea salad with cream cheese Italian dressing

Tortilla chips with salsa and sour cream


26 Apple sandwich with pea butter and granola Pretzels and cucumber with cheese cubes

Sushi sandwich— tortilla wrap with rice and ham 13 Yogurt with bran buds


English muffin pizzas - pizza sauce, ham & cheese

20 Cinnamon toast with apple slices


Ice cream cones with yogurt and frozen blueberries 27 Toast and mozza cheese

Watermelon with arrowroot cookies

28 LEFT OVER FRIDAY *Birthday snack— PM

*All snacks and lunch are served with milk and water


Supervisor, Chris Kruk Program Coordinator, Shirley Webster Program Assistant, Karissa George Program Assistant, Jamie Scott Program Assistant, Ingrid Holtz Program Support, Karen Hanchurak & Ariunaa Tsend

SAS Supervisor Update Summer is here! Congratulations to all the children who have survived another school year! A big thanks to all of you parents for supporting us this year, it is greatly appreciated. A big thank you to all of the parents/guardians who completed the 2017 Annual Parent Survey. A roll up of the results will be available shortly and the information collected will greatly assist us in providing a quality program. Moniqua Gervais will be returning as our summer student for this upcoming summer! Moniqua has almost completed her Nursing Degree at MacEwan University. Just a reminder, it can get very hectic as I am sure you are aware and we do very much appreciate to notifications and the patience as we ensure the safety of the children. To make things easier, we do have a program cell phone that you can now TEXT if your child will be absent. The program cell phone number is (780) 862-7803. Our regular phone number of (780) 929-2190 can still be used but if it is easier to TEXT us, please use (780) 862-7803. Christopher Kruk

SAS Staff Update We have a busy, fun filled couple of months planned and we are all looking forward to them. Thank you to everyone for returning their vacation and hot lunch forms. Attached is the calendars and snack menus for July and August. Please have your child check it daily so that they can be prepared for the days’ activities. A reminder that your child needs a hat and water bottle here at the site at all times. An extra change of clothes and a towel would be beneficial as we often have water play on the spur of the moment and this will allow them to participate. If your child will not be in for a day we would appreciate a text or call on our cell phone at 780-8627803 or a call on our landline at 780-929-2190. Please remember that we are in ratio with the children and may not be able to respond right away. Have a great summer and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask any of the staff members. SAS

READING CLUB NEWS We are having 3 exciting things happening this year regarding the Reading Club. 1.We will be doing our regular draws during the summer but you (the children) must complete a slip with the name of the book and your name. Then put it into the draw box, which will be in the Reading room. 4 prizes will be awarded 2.We have a challenge of reading 5,000 pages over the summer if you want to participate get the challenge sheet. If you succeed then there is a special challenge reward. 3.We will be going to the Beaumont Library to go to the book fair. You will be able to bring $2 if you go on this field trip. This is a voluntary field trip. If your child has decided to participate (they have to sign up by June 30, 2017) in the library fieldtrip on July 5, 2017. We are going to check out the book sale, with all proceeds going back to the library. We are leaving at 9:30am and returning at 12:00 (noon). Your child will need the following: A hat, a bag to carry their purchases, maximum of $2.00 to purchase books is optional. Thank you, Ingrid

School Age Site July Snack Menu Monday




4 Yogurt & Fruit


Mini Subs



Toast Left Over Friday

11 Breakfast Cookies

Banana Roll Ups 17

Eggos & Fruit


5 Cereal

Hummus & Veggies



18 Oatmeal Cups

Watermelon Pizza 12 Apples & Cheese

Celery, Wow Butter & Raisins 19 Cinnamon Toast

Meat, Cheese & Crackers 13 Bagels & Cream Cheese

14 Left Over Friday

Ice Cream Cones 20


Cereal Left Over Friday

Pitas, Veggies, & Hummus

Cucumber Sandwiches

24 Toast

Oranges & Graham Crackers 31 Cinnamon Toast

Hummus & Veggies

Triscuit Pizzas

25 Pancakes

Mini Meatloaf

Trail Mix

26 Fruit & Yogurt

Popcorn & Vegetables

27 Bagels & Cream Cheese Fruit

28 Left Over Friday







4 Outdoor Sport and Lawn Games




Kick off to Summer

Chantal Berube Community Youth Centre

Kindness Day! Family BBQ 4:30-6:00 pm

Depart: 12:00 pm Arrive: 3:30 pm


11 Music Day

12 Slurpee Day


14 Print Making

Depart: 10:30 amArrive: 4:00 pm

Hot Lunch Boston Pizza

17 Hockey Day (Join us for a game of water hockey and wear your favorite teams jersey)

13 Street Performers

18 Kinsmen Pool/ Broadmoor Park


20 Slip N’ Slide & Sundaes


Water Games

Staff VS The Kids Water Fight

Depart:10:00am Arrive: 4:30 pm

Hot Lunch A&W

Nature Week

24 Green Thumbs Hot Lunch Edo

25 Nature Park Depart: 1:30 pm Arrive: 3:30 pm

26 Busy Builders

27 Legislature Pool Depart: 10:00 am Arrive: 3:30 pm

28 Mud Day!

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