Child Care Services July Newsletter

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Beaumont Child Care Services Newsletter JULY 2018 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Supervisor Update


Sunshine Room


Green Room


Rainbow Room


Gold Room


Kinder Room


Mud Day 2018


ELCC Snack Menu


SAS Update


SAS Snack Menu


SAS July Activities


Fee Schedule


Child Care Services Supervisor

Jodie Vesso 780-929-1263 ELCC Room Cell Phones Sunshine 780-399-2156 Green 780-399-2475 Rainbow 780-862-9046 Gold 780-863-7386 Kinder room 780-862-3207 SAS Contact: Phone: 780-929-2190 Cell :780-862-7803 email:

Upcoming Closure Dates July 1 August 6 September 3 October 8 November 12

December 24, 25 & 26 January 1

Child Care Services Supervisor Update Thank you to all of you for the support during our first annual professional development day held on June 13th. At the ELCC, We had 45 out of 61 families attend the parent-educator meetings and the feedback was very positive. I had some valuable feedback from some SAS families and we will absolutely be making some changes for next year. If you have anything that you would like to share regarding the PD day, please feel free to contact me. As this was our first one, there are certainly a few kinks to work out for the next one. Next year’s PD day closure will be announced as soon as possible. Reminder – Please call and let us know when your child/ren will not be attending the Centre or if there are any changes to their regular schedule and hours of care. This helps to ensure that ratios are met during opening and closing times of the day. If there are changes to your child’s vacation schedule that was submitted, please email me directly. Please note that the ELCC down-stairs rooms may close at 5 or 5:15 pm, so you will have to call the upstairs line (780-929-5913) if you need to contact us after that time. If and when the down-stairs rooms close early, the children will combine in the rainbow room until parents pick up. Please be aware that our full-time educators work a 7.5 hour day and are scheduled on various shifts to accommodate ratio. While we do our best to have consistency in each room it can be difficult to maintain when they have time off. Please feel free to text the room cell phone at any time to relay information about your child and to ensure your messages or information is conveyed to the appropriate room educators working that day. Sunshine Room Cell: 780-399-2156 or Green Room Cell: 780-399-2475 or Rainbow Room Cell: 780-862-9046 or Gold Room Cell: 780-863-7386 or Kinder Room Cell: 780-862-3207 or School Age Site cell: 780-862-7803 or We recognize that parents will have days when they aren’t working but will still want their children to attend the child care center (vacation days, summer holidays, sick days, maternity leave). We ask that on these days, you bring your child in after 8:00 am and pick up prior to 4:30 pm, this still provides up to 8.5 hours of care within that day but helps us maintain staffing ratios for the opening and closing shifts. This will also ensure some balance for your child and give them the opportunity to have a shorter day as well; play is hard work after all!!

Have a wonderful month! Jodie

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