Lakeview Area Structure Plan

Page 1


Adopted September 2018 Bylaw 927-18 Amended November 2019 Bylaw 958-19


1994853 Alberta Ltd. Prepared For

Invistec Consulting Ltd. Prepared By

Spencer Environmental Management Services Ltd. Hoggan Engineering & Testing (1980) Ltd. Scheffer Andrew Ltd. In Association With


01 Introduction

02 1

01.1 Purpose




Land Ownership


Existing Conditions


Land Use Concept





Guiding Principles


Land Uses

04.2 26

04.3 Servicing

03.4 2



Active Transportation

03.3 3

Transportation and Servicing

Roadway Network Concept 26



01.4 Policy Context


Land Use




01.3 Supporting Documents



01.2 Authority

Site Context




03.5 Development Statistics 25


05 Implementation

06 33

05.1 Development Staging



05.3 Amendment Process



05.2 Redistricting and Subdivision



05.4 Summary of Consultation 33

Policy Context 36



List of Figures

List of Tables

F1: Location F2: Ownership F3: Existing Topography F4: Site Features and Considerations F5: Land Use Concept F6: Residential Uses F7: Commercial and Mixed-Uses F8: Parks, Open Spaces, and Schools F9: Roadway Network F10: Sanitary Servicing F11: Storm Servicing F12: Water Servicing F13: Staging Plan F14: Context Plan

4 5 6 8 10 13 19 22 27 30 31 32 34 46

T1: Ownership 5 T2: Development Statistics 25




01.1 Purpose The purpose of this Area Structure Plan (ASP) is to describe the land use concept, development policies, and objectives for the Lakeview area. The ASP intends to guide the future development of a complete community that is vibrant, healthy, and family-oriented; is compatible with the surrounding existing and planned development; and facilitates attractive, efficient, and orderly development. 01.2 Authority Preparation of the ASP was authorized by Beaumont on April 28, 2017 at a multi-departmental meeting with Beaumont’s administration. Beaumont is the planning authority on the subject lands. 01.3 Supporting Documents The Lakeview ASP is supported by the following technical studies: 01.3.1. Biophysical Assessment The Biophysical Assessment completed by Spencer Environmental Management Services Ltd. identified the environmental and ecological assets within the Plan Area and surrounding lands, including existing vegetation, water features, and ecological connections, and provides a recommendation on their protection and enhancement. The Biophysical Assessments included field investigations that analyzed the entire Plan Area. 01.3.2. Geotechnical Report The Geotechnical Report completed by Hoggan Engineering & Testing (1980) Ltd., for the north half of the Plan Area and the Geotechnical Report completed by CT & Associates Engineering Inc. for the south half of the Plan Area assessed the soils and underground water conditions related to the suitability of future development within the proponent’s lands. This includes site grading, residential development, stormwater management facilities, infrastructure, and roadways.


01.3.3. Hydraulic Network Analysis The Hydraulic Network Analysis completed by Invistec Consulting Ltd. identified the servicing alternatives to provide water to the proposed development. The report uses projections to pinpoint the future needs within the region as they relate to water servicing. 01.3.4. Neighbourhood Servicing Report The Neighbourhood Servicing Report completed by Invistec Consulting Ltd. describes the specific servicing concepts to support development within the Plan Area. 01.3.5. Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA) The TIA completed by Scheffer Andrew Ltd. outlines the overall traffic impacts on the existing and planned roadway networks as a result of the build-out of the Plan Area. The report provides recommendations for roadway infrastructure improvements. 01.3.6. Agricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) The AIA completed by Invistec Consulting Ltd. assesses the impacts of development on the existing and surrounding agricultural lands as a result of this plan. 01.4 Policy Context The Lakeview ASP was prepared in accordance with the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan, the Beaumont-Leduc Inter-municipal Development Plan, Municipal Development Plan, Strategic Plan (20172021), the Open Spaces and Trails Master Plan, and the Land Use Bylaw. Appendix I describes the relevant policies from these documents and outlines how the ASP conforms to each plan and bylaw.




02.1 Location The Plan Area is located within southeast Beaumont and comprises approximately 65 hectares (one quarter section). The plan area consists of Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 0721688; and SE 1/4 26-50-24-W4, and is bounded by the Triomphe Estates Plan Area to the north, Highway 625 to the south, Range Road 241 to the east, and the Beau Val Park/Beaumont Lakes South Plan Area to the west. 02.2 Land Ownership The Plan Area consists of 3 privately owned parcels. A list of the legal parcels is provided in Figure 2. 02.3 Existing Conditions 02.3.1 Existing Topography The topography of the lands is gently rolling, primarily sloping towards the central west side of the Plan Area. Elevations vary from approximately 725m to 715m. Surface drainage generally runs towards the west, sloping away from Highway 625 and Range Road 241 to the central west side of the Plan Area. 02.3.2 Geotechnical Characteristics Hoggan Engineering & Testing (1980) Ltd. conducted a geotechnical investigation on the north half of the Plan Area and concluded that the lands are generally suitable to accommodate future urban development. The report noted that the groundwater table levels were low to high throughout the site, and attempts to lower the water table were recommended. The soil consists primarily of surficial t opsoil o r o rganic clay material, followed by medium plastic lacustrine clay and/or medium plastic clay till. It was recommended that all topsoil and organic soil be stripped away for landscaping purposes only. CT & Associates Engineering Inc. conducted a geotechnical investigation on the south half of the Plan Area. Based on the encountered soil and groundwater conditions, the lands are considered a good site geotechnically for the proposed development within the south half of the Plan Area.


F1: Location and Planned Land Uses 50 Avenue

Plan Area Beau Val Park/Beaumont Lakes South Plan Area Forest Heights Plan Area

NW25 50-24-4

Triomphe Estates Plan Area

Medium Density Residential

LOT 1, BLOCK 1, PLAN 0721688


Range Road 241

High Density Residential

N.E.1/4 SEC.26-50-24-4

50 Street

Low Density Residential Blended Density Residential


North Half of S.E.1/4 SEC.26-50-24-4

Mixed-Use SW25 50-24-4

Business Park Municipal Reserve

South Half of S.E.1/4 SEC.26-50-24-4

Institutional P

School Site Stormwater Management Facility/Public Utility Lot

Township Road 504 (Highway 625) LOT B


NE23 50-24-4

NW24 50 -24-4



F2: Ownership Plan Area LOT TITLED OWNER 1 2 3

Private Owner Private Owner Private Owner

N.E.1/4 SEC.26-50-24-4

AREA (HA) Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 0721688 6.0 Northern 1/2 of SE 1/4 26-50-24-W4 26.4 Southern 1/2 of SE 1/4 26-50-24-W4 32.4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION


Range Road 241



Highway 625 NE23 50-24-4


F3: Existing Topography Plan Area Triomphe Estates

Flow Direction Glenbrae Meadows

N.E.1/4 SEC.26-50-24-4

Low Point 718









721 720

High Point



715 722

▼ 715

▼ 715



723 722



715 722

Range Road 241

Beau Val Park/ Beaumont Lakes





724 722





SW25 50-24-4

719 722 721 725


723 721


721 723 720











Highway 625


NE23 50-24-4



02.3.3 Existing and Adjacent Land Uses The Plan Area is currently cultivated for agricultural purposes, but is designated for residential development under Beaumont’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP). The Plan Area is adjacent to the Triomphe Estates Plan Area to the north, and the Beau Val Park/Beaumont Lakes South Plan Area to the west, both of which consist of residential, and residential, commercial, and mixed-use land uses respectively. Figure 1 shows the adjacent land uses in further detail. 02.3.4 Existing Transportation Routes and Connections Highway 625 is a “high-load” corridor and a major transportation route to Leduc County and the Nisku Industrial Business Park that is anticipated to be widened in the future. The highway has regional significance to the Edmonton region, as indicated in Beaumont’s Municipal Development Plan. Range Road 241 is a gravel, two-lane arterial roadway along the eastern boundary of Beaumont, built to a rural standard. Beaumont’s Municipal Development Plan plans for a future collector roadway connecting the Plan Area to adjacent neighbourhoods: Beau Val Park/Beaumont Lakes South and Triomphe Estates the west and north respectively. The Plan Area is also connected to these neighbourhoods through pedestrian connections, such as multi-use trails and pedestrian linkages, and stormwater management facilities. 02.3.5 Site Features and Considerations Figure 4 outlines the site features and considerations within the Plan Area, including roadway widening, existing off-street pathways, utility rights-of-ways, and existing buildings. No historic resources or abandoned wells were identified by Alberta Culture and Tourism or the Alberta Energy Regulator, respectively in the Plan Area. 02.3.6 Existing Infrastructure Existing neighbourhoods to the north and west would provide the immediate tie-ins for water and sanitary servicing to the Lakeview ASP area, as indicated in Beaumont’s Municipal Development Plan. Stormwater in the Plan Area will discharge into the Beau Val Park/Beaumont Lakes South’s stormwater management system, which ultimately discharges into Leblanc Drainage Canal.


F4: Site Features and Considerations

N.E.1/4 SEC.26-50-24-4

Plan Area Utility Right-of-Way Existing Buildings Road Widening Highway Roadway

Range Road 241

Arterial Roadway Natural Area

Highway 625 HIGH LOAD CORRIDOR NE23 50-24-4




03.1 Land Use Concept The Lakeview ASP is intended to be primarily residential, connecting the Triomphe Estates and Beau Val Park/ Beaumont Lakes South neighbourhoods. The land use concept follows Beaumont’s Municipal Development Plan and the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan’s directives for developing greenfield areas as compact and contiguous neighbourhood by offering a variety of residential land uses, at varying densities. Commercial and mixed-use sites are incorporated into the neighbourhood to support a complete community by offering neighbourhood focal points and pedestrian-friendly meeting places in highly accessibly locations along collector roadways to provide day-to-day services. 03.2 Vision The general intent for the Lakeview ASP is established through the following vision: “Lakeview is a safe, walkable, complete community in Southeast Beaumont. The neighbourhood encourages walkability through safe and attractive routes, supports a variety of housing choices, and provides both employment and transportation options for all residents.” 03.3 Guiding Principles 03.3.1 Inclusion and Diversity A community that can attract people from diverse backgrounds, ages, and abilities supports its long term viability. Lakeview strives to provide a diverse variety of housing options to allow for aging in place, attracting people of all backgrounds, and encourages a variety of different types of residential and local commercial developments. Gathering points are an important aspect of inclusion, as they provide the neighbourhood with a sense of place and community. 03.3.2 Responsible Development Lakeview is connected and integrated with adjacent land uses and neighbourhoods. It provides varied and transitional land uses, maximizes public infrastructure, and promotes innovative, sustainable, and low-impact developments.



03.3.3 Connectivity Healthy and vibrant communities provide for a variety of transportation options that allow residents to move easily and efficiently. Beaumont’s extensive open space system will connect to the neighbourhood’s own system that encourages active transportation. Balancing the needs of various modes of transportation will support a well-connected community. 03.3.4 Safety and Accessibility Developing a safe and accessible neighbourhood signifies that residents feel safe, secure, and confident in public spaces. Encouraging safe routes to neighbourhood gathering points and barrier-free design where possible will provide a sense of security and accessibility in the community. Developments are also encouraged to utilize Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles when appropriate. 03.4 Land Uses 03.4.1 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii.

Urban Design Policies Developments should provide transitional uses of different densities, height, and massing Encourage the use of contrasting and saturated colour palettes on roofs, trim, and decorative features Encourage the design of collector roadway to include traffic calming measures to promote safety, walkability, and accessibility for all users Design streets that are functional, safe, and can accommodate various modes of transportation Safe and attractive pedestrian linkages should be provided to the greater open space system Entry features and fencing shall be of a consistent style and colour Introduce walkways and greenways to connect community focal points and destination areas Landscaping and design should encourage Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles where possible Commercial, mixed-use, high density residential, medium density residential, and school sites shall follow the French Village Design Guidelines Neighbourhood entrances and outdoor gathering spaces/focal points shall be designed to accommodate year round activity Development along major and minor collector roadways are encouraged to be street-oriented to provide natural surveillance Utilize landscape design to create distinctive entrances for the neighbourhood that identifies a sense of place


Contrasting and saturated colours shall be used to improve visual interest of streets year-round.

Entrances to the neighbourhood will be designed with a high level of visual interest.

Street trees and on-street parking are examples of traffic calming techniques.

Pedestrian linkages will utilize CPTED principles to promote safety in the neighbourhood, where possible.


ASP Boundary Low Density Residential



Greenway Housing Blended Density Residential Medium Density Residential LAKESHOR


Range Road 241

High Density Residential


Highway 625

03.4.2 Residential Uses The majority of the land within Lakeview is intended for residential uses. The Plan Area will feature a mix of residential types: Low Density Residential, Blended Density Residential, Greenway Housing, Medium Density Residential, and High Density Residential. By providing a variety of housing types, Lakeview will promote a community that offers the opportunity to age in place.

Low Density Residential Low density residential development shall be predominately single detached, semi-detached, and duplex dwelling units similar to what currently exists in Beaumont. Low density residential will include a variety of housing and lot sizes, appropriately transitioning from adjacent neighbourhoods. As shown on Figure 5 Land Use Concept Map, the low density residential areas will be regulated under the Conventional Neighbourhood District (CN) in Beaumont Land Use Bylaw: Our Zoning Blueprint . Blended Density Residential Blended density residential development shall be predominately small lot single detached, semidetached, duplex, and multi-dwelling units. Blended density residential can be found throughout the Plan Area, providing a variety of housing types and flexibility to respond to market conditions. Blended density residential development shall be developed as street-oriented units, where vehicular access is located along a rear lane. New development should consider the housing types of adjacent existing development and provide an appropriate transition in terms of heights, setbacks, and density. Greenway Housing Greenway housing is an innovative housing type that reverses traditional housing forms to front onto greenways. Greenway housing shall be predominately small lot single detached, semi-detached, duplex, and multi-attached dwelling units. Greenway housing provides vehicular access through a rear lane, while pedestrian access is from the front of the home. The greenway shall have a minimum width of 12.0m. Medium Density Residential Medium density residential development shall be predominately multi-attached dwelling units, and apartment housing. Medium density residential development is generally found adjacent to collector roadways or activity nodes/neighbourhood amenities, such as commercial sites and schools, to promote a walkable, healthy community.


Blended density residential areas help increase density without changing the lifestyle to which residents are accustomed. They also allow for a diverse population to reside in one neighbourhood, and provide visual interest to the street, as the building form will vary throughout the neighbourhood.

Landscaping should be considered in lanes to beautify and provide character to the space.

Low-rise apartments shall be designed with high-quality architecture according to the French Village Design Guidelines, complementing surrounding development.


Potential cross-section and plan view of Greenway Housing

Reference Map

Greenway housing, or “reverse housing,� reduces roadway infrastructure maintenance costs by having homes front onto an open space area and accessed by rear laneways.


High Density Residential High Density Residential development shall be apartment housing. There are two high density residential sites planned within the plan area. One high density residential site is strategically located at the southern Range Road 241 entrance to the neighbourhood. The other high density residential site is located adjacent to the planned mixed-use site, and is intended predominately for senior housing but may accommodate a multigenerational community as market demand dictates. This high density residential site and its adjacent mixed-use site will have separate entrance to each parcel, and a shared access agreement will be needed. High Density Residential development adjacent to Low Density Residential shall incorporate design elements that soften transitions in scale and strive to protect light and privacy for adjacent residents including, but not limited to, building orientation, massing, landscaping, setbacks, parking, buffers and internal roads. High density residential development will support community services, aging in place, and be within walking distance to neighbourhood amenities including schools, parks, future transit, and major roadways to promote a walkable, healthy, and inculsive community. 03.4.2.a General Residential Policies i. Residential densities shall meet the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan’s targets of 35 dwelling units per net residential hectare for greenfield development ii. Provide a range of housing types and densities to meet the needs of different ages and income groups iii. Development should be street-oriented along collector roadways to create a safe and walkable environment iv. Medium density residential and high density residential sites shall be located within 400 metres of future transit opportunities v. Medium density residential and high density residential may include limited ground floor commercial that are compatible with residential uses vi. Medium density residential should locate parking areas internal to the site, or underground where possible, to maintain safe pedestrian access vii. High density residential shall be street-oriented, and locate parking areas internal to the site, or underground viii. Appropriate transitions and buffers between high density residential and adjacent low density residential shall be provided through appropriate setbacks, stepbacks, separation spaces, landscaping, and screening measures. ix. Portions of high density residential over two storeys from greenways shall be stepped back, and portions over four storeys from the roadway shall be stepped back



ASP Boundary Mixed Use





Range Road 241



Highway 625

03.4.3 Commercial and Mixed-Uses Commercial development is intended to serve the local residents with goods and services. Commercial uses should be located along the arterial and collector roadway to take advantage of the access, visibility, and frontage opportunities. Mixed-use development is intended to allow for the development of residential and commercial uses. The intent of this designation is to respond to market conditions at the time of development, as well as responding to the needs of the neighbourhood and Beaumont over the long term. As shown on Figure 5 – Land Use Concept Plan, the mixed-use site will be regulated under the Commercial District (C) in Beaumont Land Use Bylaw: Our Zoning Blueprint. Commercial Use Policies Commercial sites shall be developed to provide a range of commercial and retail uses Commercial sites shall be located on arterial and collector roadways to ensure good accessibility Development should include pedestrian and cyclist connections between local commercial and residential areas iv. Parking areas should be located internal to the site or underground, where possible, to maintain safe pedestrian access v. Appropriate transitions and buffers between commercial and adjacent residential uses shall be provided through appropriate setbacks, separation spaces, landscaping, and screening measures vi. Commercial developments shall incorporate the French Village Design Guidelines in their design

03.4.3.a i. ii. iii.

03.4.3.b Mixed-Use Policies i. The mixed-use site shall allow for commercial and residential uses ii. The amount and ratio of the type of development (i.e. residential vs. commercial) shall be flexible and respond to market conditions at the time of development, as well as over the long term iii. Mixed-Use sites shall be street-oriented to create a pedestrian-oriented streetscape and an engaging public realm iv. Residential entrances should be clearly differentiated from non-residential entrances through distinct architectural features v. Parking areas should be located internal to the site or underground, where possible, to maintain safe pedestrian access


vi. Appropriate transitions and buffers between mixed-use sites and adjacent residential uses shall be provided through appropriate setbacks, separation spaces, landscaping, and screening measures vii. Shared parking, underground parking, and other innovative parking solutions should be considered on mixed-use sites viii. Mixed-use developments shall incorporate the French Village Design Guidelines in their design


ASP Boundary Stormwater Management Facility Parks and Open Spaces



Natural Area Public Utility Lot Roadway Dedication LAKESHOR

School Site


Key Sidewalk Connections Primary Trail Secondary Trail

Range Road 241

Potential Pedestrian Crossing


Highway 625

03.4.4 Open Spaces, School Sites, and Greenways Currently, two School and Community Park sites have been identified i n t he Plan A rea, which a re jointly located centrally within the Plan Area and adjacent to collector roadways. The School and Community Park sites have been planned to accommodate a single larger facility, if such demand for the facility is required. Greenways are located throughout the neighbourhood, providing accessibility, connections between open spaces, such as Stormwater Management Facilities, and supporting active transportation. The Plan Area proposes one Stormwater Management Facility located along the west side property line. This facility will provide additional connections to Beaumont’s open space network, while providing an additional amenity to nearby residents. A Natural Area is retained in the southwest corner of the neighbourhood, providing a community amenity space adjacent to both the north-south greenway located west of the neighbourhood and the westeast community trail south of the neighbourhood. The total area planned for the Open Space, School Sites, and Greenways is 7.96 hectares, which represents 12.5% of the gross area. Among the 7.96 hectares of land, 6.37 hectares of land will be dedicated as basic municipal/school reserves. The City of Beaumont subdivision authority may require the owner to dedicate additional reserve land through provisions under the Subdivision and Development Regulation, at the subdivision stage. Additional land designated for parks, open space, trails and schools that exceed requirements under the MGA shall be acquired by the municipality. 03.4.4.a Parks, Greenways and Open Spaces Policies i. Trails and sidewalks should be incorporated into the open space network to provide safe and comfortable access for ii. iii. iv. v. vi. viii. vii. 03.4.4.b i. ii. iii.

pedestrians and cyclists Open spaces and park spaces should have public visibility through visual corridors and walkways Parks and open spaces should be designed for year-round use Provide connections to existing trails in adjacent neighbourhoods where possible Encourage opportunities for urban agriculture in greenways adjacent to Greenway Housing Public access shall be maintained in the Greenway Housing from Highway 625 to the minor collector roadway Greenways should be designed to incorporate low-impact development techniques and xeriscaping where possible Trails shall incorporate design principles that increase safety and reduce crime, such as lighting, and landscaping

School Sites Policies School sites should be designed to accommodate a variety of active and passive recreational uses Promote streetoriented development nearby school sites Promote the sharing of recreational facilities to maximize land use efficiency


High quality designed entrance features will make parks and open spaces attractive to all residents.

EXISTING POSSIBILITY The natural topography can be utilized in park design to maintain existing drainage flows and minimize costs.

Safe and attractive places that are well connected will encourage residents to use active transportation as a mode of transportation.


Arterial Roadway Public Lot Mixed-Use (30% Commercial) Commercial Parks, Open Space, Schools Basic Municipal/School Reserve Non-Basic Municipal/School Reserve

Circulation Stormwater Management Facilities Total Non-Residential Area Net Residential Area (NRA)

RESIDENTIAL LAND USE AREA, UNITS AND POPULATION COUNT Land Use Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential High Density Residential Mixed-Use (70% Residential) Blended Density Residential & Greenway Housing Total Residential

Population Density (ppnrha) Unit Density (upnrha) STUDENT GENERATION

Public Separat e TOTAL

Elementary (K-6) 257 129 386

% of GA

Area (ha) 63.68 1.91 0.5 0.51 1.25 7.96 6.37 1.59 12.72 3.94 28.79 34.89


Area (ha) 13.33 3.55 3.37 1.18 13.46 34.89 99 35

% of NRA 38.2% 10.2% 9.7% 3.4% 38.6% 100%

Junior High (7-9) 129 64 193

Units/ha 25 50 60 40 35

Units 333 178 202 47 471 1231

Senior High (10-12) 129 64 193

3.0% 0.8% 0.8% 2.0% 12.5% 10.0% 20.0% 6.2% 45.2% 54.8% PPDU 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8

Pop. 933 497 566 132 1,319 3,448

Total 514 257 779

*Student Generation 22.6% of Total Poulation Public: 66% of Students, Separate: 33% of Students K-6: 50% of Students, 7-9: 25% of Students, 10-12: 25% of Students



04.1 Roadway Network Concept The transportation network concept in Lakeview intends to provide efficient vehicular, pedestrian, and future transit circulation, while connecting to the existing and planned roadway networks. A hierarchy of arterial, collector, and local roadways is intended to facilitate the efficient movement of vehicular traffic. 04.1.1 Arterial Roadways & Highways The Lakeview neighbourhood is bounded by Range Road 241 and Highway 625. Collector roadway accesses have been planned onto Range Road 241. Range Road 241 facilitates the movement of intra- and intermunicipal traffic, and collector roadway intersections will be designed to accommodate the projected traffic volumes. A noise attenuation barrier will be developed along Highway 625, with its design to be determined at the subdivision phase. 04.1.2 Internal Roadway Circulation The Plan Area’s internal roadway circulation includes major collector, minor collector, and local roadways. The collector roadway network provides efficient and convenient internal/external accesses, with major collector roadways connecting to existing and proposed major collector roadways. Minor collector roadways connect the major collector roadway to Range Road 241, providing access to the nearby highway system. Local roadways offer safe and convenient access throughout the neighbourhood. They maintain a limited role in the overall movement of traffic. 04.2 Active Transportation The neighbourhood’s local and perimeter trails will encourage alternative modes of transportation than the automobile through an efficient and continuous network of sidewalks and pathways. The trail network will connect to focal points internally, such as Stormwater Management Facilities, schools, and local commercial services, as well as externally through Beaumont’s open spaces network. 04.2.1 Pedestrian Crossing Pedestrian crossings are located at main intersections with marked crosswalks, or between intersections and may be marked, depending on their location. These crossings may have signage and provide connections across roadways to public amenities, such as Stormwater Management Facilities and greenway/trails. Special design may be implemented, such as bulb-outs or pedestrian islands, to enhance the safety for pedestrians.


ASP Boundary Roadway Dedication


Major Collector Roadway LAKEVISTA POINT

Minor Collector Roadway Arterial Roadway Highway Roadway LAKESHOR

Range Road 241



Highway 625






Reference Map




Typical potential pedestrian crossing along a major or minor collector roadway.


04.3 Servicing 04.3.1 Sanitary Servicing The on-site sanitary network will follow the internal roadway alignments and associated public utility lots. The Plan Area will be serviced by connecting to the existing sanitary trunk nodes (375mm) to the north and west, ultimately discharging into the Triomphe Estates and Beau Val Park/Beaumont Lakes South Subdivision system respectively. The Triomphe Estates Subdivision system can accommodate 51.44 L/s of additional flow to the north tie-in node, while the Beaumont Lakes South Subdivision system can accommodate 50.34 L/s of additional flow to the west tie-in node. The size of sanitary mains and detailed sanitary flow analysis are provided in the detailed neighbourhood servicing report. 04.3.2 Stormwater Servicing One large stormwater management facility (SWMF) is proposed to be located along the western property line, with an approximate size of 3.94 hectares. The SWMF was designed to accommodate the entire Plan Area with control structures to restrict the discharge rate into Beaumont Lakes South’ SWMF. This was done to accommodate the outflow to prevent overwhelming SWMFs down stream. The location of the SWMF was strategically placed to take advantage of the site’s natural topography and drainage patterns. Further stormwater analysis is provided in the detailed servicing report. 04.3.3 Water Servicing The subject site’s water system will be supplied by existing water mains located in the Beaumont Lakes South and Triomphe Estates Subdivision systems. The existing watermains will be extended to service and loop within the Plan Area. Servicing will be designed to provide peak and fire flows for residential, commercial, and mixeduse developments. A Hydraulic Network Analysis has been be provided to describe the water network in detail. 04.3.4 Servicing Policies i. Sanitary and stormwater servicing shall be provided in accordance with Beaumont’s General Design Standards and the supporting Neighbourhood Servicing Report ii. Water servicing shall be provided in accordance with Beaumont’s General Design Standards and the supporting Hydraulic Network Analysis iii Low impact development principles related to stormwater management facilities shall be implemented wherever feasible, such as naturalizing the Stormwater Management Facility, and vegetated swales iv. Shallow utilities shall be extended into the plan area as required


ASP Boundary Proposed Sanitary Trunk


Direction of Flow LAKEVISTA POINT

Basin Boundary


Basin Number






3 6


Range Road 241



9 5



Highway 625

ASP Boundary Stormwater Management Facility


Direction of Flow Basin Boundary




Interconnecting Pipe



Range Road 241

Alternate Interconnecting Pipe Location


Highway 625

ASP Boundary Major Water Main





Range Road 241



Highway 625



05.1 Development Staging Development will likely occur in the south half of the Plan Area, followed by the north half, with more detailed staging being determined at the subdivision phase. Development will generally commence from the southern major intersections along Range Road 241 and the proposed collector roadway, or from the north south, extending from the Beau Val Park/ Beaumont Lakes Neighbourhood. The southern school site is included in the initial phase, in order to promptly provide residents with access to the facility. Discussions with Beaumont and local school boards indicated that a new school was a major priority for this neighbourhood, as there is a high demand for such facilities. 05.2 Redistricting and Subdivision Lands within the Lakeview ASP are currently districted for Agriculture Reserve. Redistricting and subdivision of lands will be required in order to conform to the land uses designated in this ASP. 05.3 Amendment Process Policies, texts, and mapping information found within the Lakeview ASP may be amended from time to time, in order to respond to broader or more specific issues affecting the plan area. Any amendments made shall be in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, Municipal Development Plan, and all other applicable bylaws, policies, and procedures in Beaumont. 05.4 Summary of Consultation 05.4.1 Pre-Application Meeting A Technical Advisory Group meeting was held on April 28, 2017 with Beaumont’s administration. This meeting involved relevant review agencies and civic departments. The purpose of this session was to determine the technical requirements, technical constraints, and level of report details required. 05.4.2 Stakeholder Consultation Letters were sent out to stakeholders in the Plan Area on May 17, 2017. Three landowners contacted Invistec Consulting, inquiring information on what a plan meant to their land.


PLAN 932 2372

ROAD PLAN 062 8376

PLAN 092 5278

N.W.1/4 SEC.25 50-24-4

Fd.I. E.1/4 26


Fd.I. Centre

General Direction of Development Stage Number






Fd.I. Mk'd. R14

S.E.1/4 SEC.26-50-24-4 (C. OF T. 182 062 968)

Fd.I. Mk'd. R13


EASEMENT R/W DOC.# 882 139 176 (4.57x9.14)

ROAD PLAN 832 2654


Fd.No Mk. N.1/4 23



Range Road 241




(RGE. ROAD 241)

S.E.1/4 SEC.26-50-24-4

10.06 R/W PLAN 4349 T.R.


S.W.1/4 SEC.25-50-24-4

PLAN 072 1688

PLAN 1912 E.O.


N.E.1/4 SEC.26-50-24-4



Stage Boundary

BLK. 2




ASP Boundary

7.62 R/W PLAN 2945 H.W.


ROAD PLAN 832 2654

(TWP. ROAD 504) Fd.I. Mk'd. R13

N.E.1/4 SEC.23-50-24-4

Highway 625

Fd.No Mk. N.E. 23 Fd.I. Mk'd. R17

N.W.1/4 SEC.24 50-24-4

05.4.3 School Divisions Consultation with the Black Gold Regional Division, STAR Catholic School Division, and Conseil Scolaire Centre-Nord were held in May 2017 to discuss each Division’s requirements and current needs. Meeting minutes were provided to Beaumont and each Division based on these discussions 05.4.4 Public Engagement on Land Uses A survey was advertised through the classified sections of the Beaumont News, Leduc County Market, Devon Dispatch, and the Leduc Rep for two weeks from May 29 to June 12, 2017. The purpose of the survey was to receive feedback on the what residents would like to see in the Plan Area in terms of land uses. A total of 1 response was received. Some of the key components that the resident believe should be incorporated into this neighbourhood include: connecting neighbourhoods together, access onto Highway 625, new community facilities, and a mix of different housing forms. The resident supported large lot single-detached, small lot single-detached, semi-detached, multi-dwelling units, and low-rise apartments. They would like to see small scale retail and/or commercial development in this community that were located along highway corridors and arterial roadways. 05.4.5 Public Open House A Public Open House was held on February 8, 2018 in the lobby of the Ken Nichols Recreation Centre. The purpose of the open house was to provide stakeholders and residents an opportunity to learn about the proposed plan, and to voice their interest, comments, concerns, and/or support regarding the plan. 13 residents formally signed in at the open house, however the location of the open house attracted the interest of residents passing through who stopped and asked questions as well. Most attendees commented about the school sites, with some desiring a francophone school, while others desiring a high school. Other attendees inquired about the timeline of the plan area, the connectivity of Lakeview with Beaumont’s open space network, and the density of the neighbourhood. One formal feedback form was returned, who mentioned that there needed to be more green spaces, natural areas, and small parks.




06.1 Policy Context 06.1.1 Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan The Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan is a comprehensive and integrated policy document that provides its members a framework for planning their growth in relation to the regional context. The purpose of the Growth Plan is to provide guidance on how to grow responsibly through compact and contiguous development. The following guiding principles provide a guide for growth with a forward thinking vision: -

Collaborate and coordinate as a Region to manage growth responsibly Promote global economic competitiveness and regional prosperity Recognize and celebrate the diversity of communities and promote an excellent quality of life across the Region Achieve compact growth that optimizes infrastructure investment Ensure effective regional mobility Ensure the wise management of prime agricultural resources Protect natural living systems and environmental assets



Economic Competitiveness and Employment Policy 1.2.1 - An adequate supply of lands shall be identified and protected by member municipalities to accommodate the employment projections in Schedule 1 and provide a variety of employment types and support economic diversification.

The land use concept incorporates commercial and mixed-use opportunities to provide employment and services to the residential community.

Policy 1.2.6 - Employment growth outside of major employment areas will be accommodated by: a. supporting the designation and growth of local employment areas, generally in accordance with Schedule 3B, for locally relevant business and economic activities to support complete communities and strive for a diversified tax base;

Under the Municipal Development Plan, the Lakeview neighbourhood is designated as primarily residential. Incorporating local commercial and mixed-use opportunities into the land use concept supports a diversified tax base.




Policy 1.4 - To improve housing diversity in the Region, market affordable and non-market housing will be planned and developed within close commuting distance to major employment areas and within centres, appropriate to the level of service and amenities identified in Table 1A-C.

The land use concept incorporates a blended density residential use that provides a range of housing types from low to medium density residential. The land use is flexible to market conditions and will provide housing choices to residents. Standalone medium and high density residential sites are also found in Lakeview.

Natural Living Systems Policy 2.2.3 - All development shall be required to comply with all applicable provincial and federal acts, regulations and guidelines with respect to water quality, flood plains and hazard management.

A Biophysical Assessment and associated applications were completed and accepted by the Province of Alberta.

Policy 2.3.1 - The planning, design and construction of new development and infrastructure in greenfield areas and built-up urban areas will incorporate low-impact development and green building practices.

Naturalized stormwater management facilities and lowimpact development were incorporated into the plan where possible.

Communities and Housing Policy 3.1.4 - In the metropolitan area, greenfield areas will be planned and developed as complete communities that: a. are compact, contiguous, and incorporate a mix of uses; b. are accessible and age-friendly; c. provide a diversity of housing options in terms of density and built form; d. achieve the minimum greenfield density, in accordance with Schedule 6; e. incorporate an interconnected street network and urban form to support active transportation; f. integrate local services, amenities, institutional and commercial uses with residential development, within

Lakeview was designed as a compact and contiguous neighbourhood with a mix of compatible uses. Through new land uses, such as blended density residential, a diversity of housing options that respond to the needs of the market can be developed to achieve the minimum greenfield density. Low, medium, and high density residential create housing at various price points, supporting an accessible and age-friendly neighbourhood. The Plan Area is connected to the neighbourhoods to the north and west, as well as the greater open space network. Local amenities, such as school sites, mixed-use opportunities, and a local commercial site, are located throughout the neighbourhood to support walkability within the




buildings and/or within a five-minute walk (400 metres); g. incorporate higher density uses along existing and planned transit corridors and at major transit stations; and h. provide high quality parks, trails and open spaces.

neighbourhood. Higher density through blended and medium density residential are planned along the major collector roadway, a future transit corridor. Further, a high density site is proposed in the neighbourhood, with its location being within walking distance (400m) to the major collector roadway.

Policy 3.2.1 - Housing will be planned and developed to address the changing demographics in the Region by including housing that offers a diversity of types, forms and levels of affordability to support a variety of lifestyle options, income levels and to meet the needs of all residents.

A variety of housing types and styles are proposed and supported though the land use concept of blended density residential. Lakeview incorporates low, blended, medium, and high density residential, and also incorporates a mixed-use site that will provide an additional alternative residential housing type.

Integration of Land Use and Infrastructure Policy 4.1.4 - Non-residential uses including commercial, retail, and institutional uses in built-up urban areas and greenfield areas will be planned and developed in a compact form to reduce auto dependency, enhance connectivity and create vibrant mixed use areas with onsite or adjacent residential uses to meet the needs of the local community.

Commercial and mixed-use sites are planned within the neighbourhood that will help to reduce auto dependency. These sites are located near medium density residential sites and blended density residential sites, and are connected by regional pathway systems. They are also located along collector roadways, supporting future transit opportunities.

Policy 4.3.2 - Greenfield areas will only be considered for development in locations that meet all of the following criteria: a. are part of an existing urban community; b. are contiguous to planned areas approved through a statutory plan or are adjacent to existing or planned infrastructure or support the logical and orderly extension of infrastructure;

The Lakeview neighbourhood is located within Beaumont’s boundary and is designated for future residential in Beaumont’s Municipal Development Plan. It will provide connections to the existing residential neighbourhoods to the north and west, completing the major collector roadway around Beaumont. The first stages are immediately adjacent to Triomphe Estates, which is currently developing directly north. This will logically extend built infrastructure, rather than extending infrastructure from the west.




Transportation Systems Policy 5.2.3 - Active transportation networks and facilities will be integrated into transportation and land use planning to provide safe, comfortable and reliable travel for pedestrians and cyclists within greenfield areas and built-up urban areas, and provide nonmotorized linkages to transit services, adjacent neighbourhoods and employment and recreational destinations, where applicable.

Greenways and multi-use trails are incorporated into the Plan Area, and are interconnected with the greater open space system in Beaumont. The proposed trails are incorporated into the existing open spaces network, linking residents to local and external amenities. Density is planned along the major collector roadway, a future transit corridor, while also providing residents with employment opportunities within the neighbourhood.

Policy 5.3.1 - The locations, types, scale and built form of residential, commercial, institutional and industrial uses will be planned and developed to optimize the use of transportation infrastructure to ensure efficient, convenient and safe movement of people and goods.

Commercial, mixed-use, and high density development have been concentrated along collector roadways to optimize on transportation infrastructure and promote nonmotorized linkages. They also provide higher accessibility to future transit opportunities.

Policy 5.7.1 - Minimum greenfield density shall be used and interpreted as follows: b. all area structure plans proposed and approved after this Plan comes into effect shall comply with the required minimum greenfield density in accordance with Schedule 6.

The Lakeview ASP has a planned density of 35 units per net residential hectare, which meets the minimum greenfield density set out in Scheduel 6.

06.1.2 Municipal Development Plan Beaumont’s Municipal Development Plan was adopted on September 23, 1998. The MDP is a guide to future development in Beaumont, intended to anticipate future land use requirements in Beaumont and provide policy direction for its long term growth and development. The Plan is organized by six key focus areas: - Communication/Citizen Engagement - Complete Community - Fiscal & Asset Management

- Community Identity - Economic Development - People Services




Development Strategy Policy 5.2.1 - Development in residential, commercial and business park areas shall be subject to an Area Structure Plan prior to consideration for redistricting and subdivision. Policy 5.2.2 - In addition to the requirements of the Municipal Government Act, new Area Structure Plans shall address through policy: a. How minimum residential density targets for Priority Growth Area Ce (25-35 du/nrha) established by the Capital Region Growth Plan will be achieved across the plan area; b. The provision of a mix of land uses in a compact built form, including a mix of residential and employment uses to support the creation of complete communities and active transportation;

c. The incorporation of innovative and sustainable development standards where feasible to achieve compact development; d. The incorporation an interconnected street network and open space network to support active transportation and transit viability, where applicable; and

The adoption of the Lakeview ASP will satisify this requirement in order to guide future development , redistricting, and subdivision in the neighbourhood.

The Lakeview ASP meets the density target of 35 du/ nrha as required for this Priority Growth Area.

The plan includes a mixed-use and commercial site to offer neighbourhood commercial, a variety of housing types to allow for aging in place, and large park spaces connected to the greater Beaumont Open Space Network in order to support a complete community and active transportation. Low-impact development measures will be implemented where feasible.

Lakeview connects to the future collector roadways planned to the north and west, completing the planned ring road around Beaumont. The neighbourhood is also connected to Beaumont’s Open Space Network and planned primary trails along Highway 625. e. The provision of a mix of housing forms and housing The residential areas are primarily a low and blended options that are attainable in areas close to existing and residential land use to allow for a mix of housing types. future employment areas, and multi-modal transportation Medium density and high density sites are also planned access. to support different housing options, and are located in proximity to major transportation corridors.




Policy 5.2.3 - All new statutory plans shall demonstrate alignment with: a. Capital Region Growth Plan b. Town of Beaumont Municipal Development Plan c. Transportation Master Plan d. Utility Master Plan e. Environmental Master Plan f. Open Space and Trails Master Plan

The Lakeview ASP contains a Policy Context section to demonstrate how the plan aligns with key applicable municipal and regional plans.

Urban Design and Community Image Policy 6.2.3 - New development should occur as an orderly and efficient extension of the existing urban structure, while ensuring there are strong linkages with existing utility, transportation and open space corridors.

The Lakeview neighbourhood is the last unplanned area in Beaumont’s pre-annexation boundaries. The neighbourhoods to the north and west are currently developing, making the plan area a logical extension of existing development.

Policy 6.2.8 - Significant natural landforms and amenities, such as native tree stands, vistas, water bodies should be conserved where feasible, and integrated into Beaumont’s park and open space system.

A tree stand in the southwest corner of the neighbourhood is retained and integrated with the neighbourhood’s and Beaumont’s Open Space Network.

Residential Areas Policy 7.3.15 - Plan for and support a diverse range and mix of housing options and densities, including medium and high density residential forms to accommodate the needs of existing and future citizens in various demographic and income groups in all neighbourhoods. Mixed-use developments may also be considered.

The Lakeview neighbourhood contains a range of housing types from single detached, semi-detached, duplexes, rowhousing, medium density residential, and high density residential development. These housing forms are distributed through the neighbourhood to accommodate existing and future citizens.




Commercial Areas Policy 8.2.3 - Development of small commercial sites may be allowed outside the Downtown area if they: a. Serve the demonstrated needs of neighbourhoods, Lakeview contains a mixed-use site and a commercial the Business Park, or commuter traffic; site. These sites are intended to be small scale neighbourhood commercial sites to serve residents. b. Are located adjacent to a major collector or arterial These sites are located along a collector roadway, roadway, a portion of the pedestrian open space system, nearby primary and secondary trails, and are in and preferably adjacent to medium density housing proximity to higher density development. (townhouses or apartments); and c. Are developed to a high aesthetic standard, Commercial development will follow the French conform to the French Village design guidelines, and are Village Design Guidelines as required, and be buffered buffered from adjacent residential uses. accordingly as per the policies in this plan and Beaumont’s Land Use Bylaw. Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Policy 10.2.1 - Beaumont will ensure that lands are made available to satisfy the parks, recreation and open space requirements of the community. To meet spatial needs for future parks, recreation, open space and school sites, Beaumont will continue to require landowners to provide, as municipal reserve, ten per cent (10%) of land to be subdivided, less the land required for environmental reserve and environmental reserve easements.

Lakeview dedicates almost 13% of land towards Municipal Reserve, exceeding the minimum requirements in order to provide a larger open space area for residents.

Policy 10.2.4 - Beaumont supports the integration of stormwater ponds and channels into the open space system, if the ponds meet accepted engineering standards and child safety guidelines, and can provide a secondary recreation or open space function.

The stormwater management facility in Lakeview is adjacent to the other facilities in nearby neighbourhoods to connect Lakeview as part of Beaumont’s Open Space Network. Green spaces are planned to supplement this network.




Policy 10.2.9 - Require new Area Structure Plans to identify environmentally sensitive areas (provincial, regional and local), where applicable, and include a development concept and supportive policies that reduce its fragmentation, and support its management, protection and restoration

The majority of the plan area has been used primarily for agricultural purposes, thus having limited environmentally sensitive areas. However, a tree stand has been retained as part of the land use concept.

Institutional Areas Policy 11.2.3 - School sites will be allocated to individual All three school boards were consulted as part of the school boards through a School Site Allocation planning process. Agreement and via the School Site Allocation Committee. Transportation and Infrastructure Policy 12.2.7 - Area Structure Plans shall establish vehicle and pedestrian circulation at the neighbourhood level.

Major roadways and pedestrian circulation networks have been identified in the plan.

Policy 12.2.9 - Area Structure Plans shall establish the network of water, stormwater and sanitary infrastructure at the neighbourhood level.

Servicing plans have been identified as part of the plan. They are further supported by the Neighbourhood Servicing Report and the Hydraulic Network Analysis.

Policy 12.2.15 - Beaumont places a high priority on Public Utility Lots, walkways, and municipal reserve improving and expanding the continuous pedestrian are all utilized to expand and connect to the existing system, linking origins and destinations with sidewalks, continuous pedestrian system. walkways and trails. Options such as use of public utility lots, registered walkway right-of-ways, land exchanges, municipal and environmental reserves, and environmental or conservation easements will be considered. Policy 12.2.27 - Collaborate with Alberta Transportation on the protection of Highway 625 as a provincial high load corridor and planning for future intersection spacing as contemplated within the Capital Region Board’s Integrated Regional Transportation Master Plan as approved by the Government of Alberta.

Alberta Transportation was consulted as part of the planning process.


06.1.3 Municipal Strategic Plan (2017-2021) The Lakeview ASP is a primarily residential neighbourhood and was influenced by the first Strategic Pillar for Change outcome: Livability. The Municipal Strategic Plan aims to support the development of policies and programs that promote economic, physical, environmental, cultural, and social well-being of Beaumont’s citizens. The ASP incorporates commercial and mixed-use sites that are responsive to market conditions. Commercial and mixed-use sites will help shift the residential tax base to non-residential tax base, which supports the economic aspect of the pillar. Secondly, the ASP incorporates a blended density residential use that incorporates housing types from single-detach housing to row housing, and high density residential. These land uses will better utilize the land and helps meet the density requirements, achieving the physical and social well-being aspects. Finally, a large park space is assembled along with the retention of a natural area for citizens and future residents. These green spaces meet the physical, environmental, and cultural aspects of the pillar. 06.1.4 Open Space and Trails Master Plan Beaumont adopted an Open Space and Trails Master Plan in July 2015. The purpose of this Master Plan is to guide the development of future open space and trail systems. It describes different types of parks and the provisions behind their development. Open spaces are guided by six principles: - Strategically Acquire Open Space - Ensure Diversity in the Open Space System - Design open spaces based on current and anticipated demand - Create an open space system that is accessible to all residents of Beaumont regardless of age, ability, or finances - Design for Efficiency - Design open space with natural resource protection in mind

The open space system in the Lakeview ASP is an interconnected system that connects to Beaumont’s greater open space system through the Nature Park/Canal Leblanc Park system. It consists of greenways, school and park sites, and the stormwater management facility. Sidewalks, primary trails, and secondary trails are used to provide additional connections between these facilities. All modes of active transportation are supported, in order to promote a safe, walkable, and complete community.


06.1.4.a Linear Parks Linear Parks are incorporated in the Plan Area as Greenways. The Greenways provide connections between the stormwater management facility, the school and community park sites, and regional trails. Greenways improve connectivity through the neighbourhood by offering different routes to gathering spaces in the neighbourhood. These Greenways are also integrated with innovative housing with reverse housing proposed in the central south side of the Plan Area. A total of 0.81 hectares of land are dedicated as parks and Greenways. 06.1.4.b Neighbourhood Parks Two School and Community Park sites are located centrally in the Plan Area, providing all residents in the Plan Area access within a 10 minute walk. The sites are located along the major collector roadway and connected by greenways, supporting active transportation. The school sites were designed to accommodate either two school sites, or one larger school facility. The School and Community Parks are planned to be 3.29 and 4.0 hectares in size for the north and south sites respectively. 06.1.5 Land Use Bylaw The Plan Area is currently undeveloped and designated AH- Agricultural Holding District. Land designated AH is intended for more intensive development in the future through the adoption of an Area Structure Plan. Standard land use districts will be used to implement the Lakeview ASP’s land use concept.


ASP Boundary Beau Val Park/ Beaumont Lake South Plan Area


Forest Heights Plan Area Triomphe Estates Plan Area

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