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Sunshine & Green Room


Rainbow & Gold Room


Kinder Room




ELCC Snack Menu


SAS Update


SAS Snack Menu


Stress and Children


Single Parents Group


Fee Schedule


Supervisor, ELCC Jodie Vesso 780-929-1263 jodie.vesso@ Sunshine, Green & Rainbow Rooms phone: 780-929-5913 Gold & Kinder room phone: 780-929-5914 Supervisor, School Age Site Christopher Kruk 780-929-2173 chris.kruk@ SAS Room Phone: 780-929-2190

2017 Closure Dates: May 22 July 3 August 7 September 4 October 9 November 13 December 25,26,27

ELCC Supervisor Update Welcome to MAY!! The summer vacation schedules and sunscreen consent forms will be emailed out to you soon, please return these to your child’s educator or email them back to me as soon as possible. Notice to end care: If you are considering to end your child’s care at the end of June, July or August, Please let me know as soon as possible so I can consider this for future placements as I will be starting to plan for the September room movements and new enrollments by the end of May. At a minimum, you are required to give one month’s written notice; Send an email by May 30th for care ending June 30th . Please note that we do not do mid-month terminations. Gold Room parents: Once you have received final confirmation of your child’s kindergarten placement for September please let Joanna, Melissa or Jodi know. Bussing to public kindergarten from the center and back is done through us, you do not need to contact Black Gold for bussing information. However, children attending Saint Andre Academy need to secure bus placement through Star Catholic Schools, they pick up and drop off at the center as well. Reminder: Parents please ensure you are following the drop off and pick up hours agreed upon in the hours of care forms, if you need to update you hours please let room staff know. If you occasionally need to drop off earlier or pick up later than noted in the form, please text room staff ahead of time so we can make staffing accommodations if needed to guarantee ratio is met. If your child will be away for any reason it is also helpful that we have this information, please text the room phone. The center does close promptly at 5:30 so we kindly ask that parents are exiting the building with their child by 5:25 pm. May 12th is Child Care provider Appreciation Day! I will be hosting a breakfast for the team that morning. If there is anything you’d like to contribute or help out with, please contact me to organize.

SAS Supervisor Update As we get ready for re-accreditation in early 2017 we will be distributing Some surveys for you to complete in the next few months. Please take a few minutes to complete the surveys as the information is beneficial in knowing What areas we can improve upon. The surveys will be available online. If you would prefer a paper copy, we will have some of those available as well. Do you have a special talent? Maybe there is a cultural practice that you’d like to share with us? We are always looking for new and exciting ways to engage with the children by having special guests. If you’d like to volunteer with your special talent, please let any of the staff know. We’d love to have you come by and show the children your skills! Our program cell phone number is (780) 862-7803. Please text or call if your child will be absent. This helps our bus to run on schedule.

Thank, have a great month! Chris Kruk

Sunshine Room

Tendai—Early Childhood Program Coordinator Michelle—Early Childhood Program Assistant

What an interesting spring it has been! Even though the weather has not cooperated for us on all days we have had some fun opportunities. We have had the chance to go on many walks. The sunshine room kids seem to enjoy walking around the neighborhood. We have brought them for walks around the library and around JE Lapointe School. The children like to point out to us different colored cars, if they hear an airplane they will let us know, and if we see dogs or hear emergency sirens they let us know. They are starting to understand safety rules as well. For example when we walk across the street they know they need to hold hands, stay together and stay behind whichever one of us is leading the group. We will go for many more walks throughout the rest of spring and summer. Inside we have had a variety of interests happening. The kids have shown lots of interest in stacking things as well as making things rolls. We offered a variety of different types of blocks as well as boxes to give them opportunities to stack different things. We have rolled things down ramps or across the floor on many occasions. Cars, balls, golf balls through tubes, and paper rolls to name a few. It seems they have switched their interests a little and you will start to notice changes in the room as we will be accommodating their new interest. Babies! Babies have become the highlight of the room recently. They take them for walks in strollers, pretend to change diapers on the change table and pretend to feed them in the high chair. So we are going to start to focus on taking care of babies. They also have an interest in animals and animal sounds. We have been rotating the types of animals and puppets so that they are being exposed to a variety of animals and not just pets or farm animals which is what they seem to know really well. We have been working on vocabulary by naming these other animals such as elephant, giraffe, polar bear, Rhino and Hippo. They enjoy roaring like lions, waddling like penguins, slithering like snakes and stomping like elephants. Gentle Reminders….Please be sure to cut items such as grapes lengthwise instead of widthwise when preparing their lunches. As the weather starts to get warmer we will start spending more time outside. Please supply a water bottle for us to keep here that can be offered to them while outside. Please remember to label all items. Sometimes other staff is working in the room and they do not know what items belong to what children. Its very common for things to get mixed up with cubby partners. It’s helpful to have names on everything so that everyone knows whose is whose. Thanks!

Green Room

Laura—Early Childhood Program Coordinator Kristi—Early Childhood Program Assistant

We can't believe it's May already, April was a very busy month. Our Grant MacEwan student, Ally, had so many fun experiences et up for us to explore. We loved the ice breaking experience she set up with different sea creatures and lizards inside that we had to get out by smashing the ice with hammers and we really enjoyed making Raspberry Banana Smoothies with her on her last day with us. We wish Ally the best of luck in her upcoming year of school. On May 6 we will be welcoming another student to our room, Angie, is a Lethbridge student and she will be here every Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays from 8-4:30. She will be with us until June 30. We took advantage of the warm weather earlier in the month and spent lots of time outside, we spent lots of time creating dishes of 'food' for the birds to eat and we listened and looked very carefully to see if we could see them in the sunshine room trees. We've been talking a lot about what the birds eat and have decided to create some bird houses in our park, with the help of Pinterest the children have picked out the type of bird houses they would like to make. The children also want to make a bird bath too and we are so excited to dive into these projects with them. We also took advantage of our dry park by rolling our bodies down the hill in our park. We were covered head to toe in grass, but we had so much fun. Along with all this outdoor fun we started to introduce our garden project to the children. We have started reading some gardening books and talking about different things we can plant in our garden. We are hoping that in the next week or two to start our garden inside and then transplant it outside once we know the warm weather is here to stay. We are so excited for all the fun projects that will be going on this month!

Rainbow Room

Beth—Early Childhood Program Coordinator Lorena—Early Childhood Program Assistant Tammy—Early Childhood Program Assistant

May has arrived and hopefully the snow will stay away for good. The children love the changing weather and enjoy figuring out what to wear. Their favorite is no hats and no mittens. April was a fun month. The children created a grocery list for their special trail mix recipe, and then we walked to Sobey's to buy all the ingredients and prepared it together. We then visited the Green room and served them our special creation. Our MacEwan student, Zoe, was a great addition to the room and prepared a variety of experiences for the children. During one of the warmer days, she set up a mud exploration in the park which the children enjoyed. We will be visiting different parks around Beaumont this month. During spring break we spent a lot of time at the JE Lapointe park where the children practiced their climbing skills. During the last few weeks of April we noticed the children collecting and creating with a variety of items outside such as pine cones, rocks, twigs and berries. Our focus for May will be on collecting materials both inside and out. We will be sending home a letter asking for families’ assistance in this endeavor. Thank you!

Gold Room T

Joanna—Early Childhood Program Coordinator Melissa—Early Childhood Program Assistant Jodi—Early Childhood Program Assistant

The Gold Room was a very busy place this past month! We invited Min, a Grant MacEwan University student on her five-week Practicum, to show her our routine, and how to plan and be a part of preparation process for this age group. She created play spaces such as the fashion show, the magical mini world with many interesting props, and she also invited the children to prepare a fruit pizza for our snack . Our first Bike Riding Day was a blast! First thing in the morning, every bike had to be presented by its proud owner, showcasing the helmet, the bell, and all the decorations, stickers and additions. Each time someone was passing by, we would hear the bell sound in the classroom. The sudden relocation to the upper arena did not stop us from having fun. When we started to ride our bikes, the children showed us how fit they were, pedaling the across the arena and exercising their muscles. Every one of them paid special attention to the safety rules, and I am proud to say that we didn't have any accidents. Thank you to Elise’s dad for helping with a broken chain. To accommodate our part time children, we will have two more Bike Days on May 18 and on June 14, at 10:30 to 11:30 at the lower arena. A big, new step in the children's lives- starting kindergarten- is fast approaching and, with it, the kids will encounter many new challenges. To prepare them for the future, we will present the Safe Preschooler Education and Awareness Kit program in the next two months. During our Mother's Day celebration on May 11 you will have the chance to view the display with all the props and written materials. After each unit, a short note with a coloring sheet will be sent home to keep you informed. Happy Mother's Day!!

Kinder Room

Amy—Early Childhood Program Coordinator Stephanie—Early Childhood Program Assistant Lyndsey—Enhanced Ratio Support

The Kinder Room has begun a very important project this month, that we are calling the kindness project! We have really been focussing on kind acts that we can do for others to help, whether it is at home, school, or daycare! Please take a look at our wall in the hallway to see all of the kind acts we have done so far!! The children have really taken on a sense of pride with this project as they come back from school each day excited to tell us about all of the kind things that they have done, wanting to write it down on a heart to fill our wall! We are working very hard on learning what it means to be kind, and how our words and actions have a large impact on all those around us. We are still a little ways away from our goal of 100 hearts, so if you catch your child being kind at home, please let us know and we can add it to our wall! We can't wait to see how many hearts we end up having after a month!! With any luck, the weather will warm up in the coming weeks and we won't have to worry about wearing splash pants, toques and mittens outside, but until then, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather as we go outside in the mornings as well and it can still be quite chilly, especially when there are very enticing puddles to explore!

ELCC SNACK MENU— MAY 2017 Monday Monday

Tuesday 1

Wednesday 3


Fruit cocktail & mini caramel rice cakes

Banana bites with pea butter & jam

Tuna melts on Ritz crackers

Trail Mix


Yogurt & granola


4 Mandarin oranges with bagels & jam


Red peppers with melted cheese & salsa, crackers


9 10 Mini rice cakes Yogurt with frozen Peaches with Teddy with apple slices & berries grahams cinnamon Fresh fruit salad & fig newtons

Hard boiled eggs & toast

15 16 Raisin bread with Rice Krispies with orange slices apple sauce Cucumber salad with Italian dressing & crackers

Pasta with Alfredo sauce & Parmesan cheese


23 Cheerios with banana slices English muffin mini pizza with ham & cheese


Triscuits with cream cheese and sliced tomato

Rice with vegetables & soy sauce 11 Eggos with syrup LEFT OVER FRIDAY Ice cream cones with yogurt & fruit

17 18 Yogurt with bran Pea butter, tortilla buds & banana wraps Nacho chips with hummus & tomatoes



Apple slices with yogurt

Shreddies with strawberries

Bagels with cream cheese and berries

Ham & cheese sandwiches

Fruit cocktail with Arrowroots

Cucumber slides with cheese & crackers


Cereal bars with sliced pears

24 25 Cinnamon toast with Graham wafer with fresh fruit banana slices Celery stalks, cream cheese & fish crackers


Meat, cheese & crackers

26 LEFT OVER FRIDAY *Birthday snack— PM

*All snacks and lunch are served with milk and water


Supervisor, Chris Kruk Program Coordinator, Shirley Webster Program Assistant, Karissa George Program Assistant, Jamie Scott Program Assistant, Ingrid Holtz Program Support, Karen Hanchurak & Ariunaa Tsend

Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate that well but after all this is Alberta. We have had a very busy month here at the School Age Site. We set up a Flower Shop after our Bakery Shop. The children got very creative designing bouquets and flower arrangements. Our next center will be a library which I am sure that children will have lots of fun with. WE are hoping that the weather will be more cooperative and warm and dry up so that we can get outside. I’m thinking that we all would like to go out and get some fresh air. But with the hockey Playoffs in full swing, our Mini Stick hockey tournament is keeping everyone busy. Birthday wishes go out to : Jessica—May 10 Martine—May 13 Jacob—May 27 Faith—May 28 We wish you all a Happy Birthday!


Katya—May 23

Ben—May 25

The Book Club winner for the month of April was Isabella. Congratulations! Everyone keep up the great work reading.

School Age Site May Snack Menu Monday

Tuesday 1

Wednesday 2

Thursday 3






Ham & Cheese Wraps


Meat, cheese, pickles






Scrambled Eggs

Apples & Cheese


Jello & Fruit

Dump Cake


11 Raisin Toast and Apples


Nacho Salad 15 Cereal




Yogurt & Arrowroot Crackers




Fruit Salad










Bananas 7 Yogurt

Apples & Graham Crackers

Mini Subs





Toast & Jam


Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

31 Applesauce & Arrowroot Crackers Ice Cream


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