TOWN OF BEAUMONT MUNICIPAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING February 25, 2016 Town of Beaumont Administration Office Board Room File: 0562-M01
1. Acting Chair Dave Dmytryshyn called meeting to order at 3:01 pm with the following members present: Alan Harris, GM, Corporate Services; Kerry Hilts, GM, Community Protective Services; Bill McNamara, Councillor; Administration: Eleanor Mohammed, Director, Planning & Engineering; Aleshia Kwasny, Planning Technician; Judy Holmes, Administrative Assistant 2. MODIFICATION TO AGENDA: No modifications to agenda 3. MINUTES: December 17, 2015 and Feb 2, 2016 minutes accepted 4. PRESENTATIONS: No presentations 5. SUBDIVISION APPLICATION: Approval was deferred from the February 2, 2016 meeting. Meeting to consider trail on school property. Three options to choose from: Create an easement – both parties have access Change school boundary line so trail not on school property Restrictive Covenant for sidewalks/trails a) SDA-15-08 Les Champs Vallee School – 1 USI-Urban Services Institutional District Lot Aleshia Kwasny provided an overview. MOVED BY Councillor McNamara that the application for SDA-15-08 Les Champs Vallee School be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Pursuant to Section 654 of the Municipal Government Act, this application is approved subject
to the following conditions: a) That the subdivision be effected by plan of survey. b) That the development permit for a school on the subject land be conditioned with a Traffic
Impact Assessment which includes the intersection of Highway 625 and 60 Street be accepted by Alberta Transportation prior to occupancy of the school. c) The easement documents required for the existing municipal trail shall be submitted for
concurrent registration at the Land Titles Office. CARRIED b) SDA-15-09 – Place Chaleureuse School – 1 USI-Urban Services Institutional District Lot - Aleshia Kwasny provided an overview. Questions: Councillor McNamara: Explain what a blanket easement is. Eleanor Mohammed: Blanket easement is on the whole parcel and we can add details. Dave Dmytryshyn: Should the word “blanket” be in staff recommendation 1b)? Eleanor Mohammed: The easement document will be registered on the entire property.
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Minutes of the February 25, 2016 Regular Municipal Planning Commission Meeting
Dave Dmytryshyn: Is there a downside to easement verses moving property line? Eleanor Mohammed: Blanket easement is filed for intent of trail, liability, maintenance. School agreements needed? MOVED BY Kerry Hilts that the application for SDA-15-09 Place Chaleureuse School be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Pursuant to Section 654 of the Municipal Government Act, this application is approved subject to the following conditions: a) That the subdivision be effected by plan of survey. b) The easement documents required for a future municipal trail on this parcel shall be
submitted for concurrent registration at the Land Titles Office. CARRIED 6. Acting Chair Dave Dmytryshyn adjourned the meeting at 3:40 pm 7. ACTION ITEMS: Role of the Municipal Planning Commission – deferred until next meeting Discussion on: o role of Commission Members versus Administrative role o ensure both Councillor’s attending next meeting o prepare for meeting similar to Council to understand background o staff look at reports and recommendations – should understand what is happening from report o Commission Members can ask for clarification, feedback o more analysis on recommendations Ask for Marc Landry and Kathy Barnhart’s feedback and have discussion at next meeting
______________________________________ Chair
_______________________________________ Administrative Assistant
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