Transportation Master Plan Welcome Welcome Engagement Event
Public Open House
Our OurTransportation TransportationMaster MasterPlan Plan Transportation TransportationToday Todayand and Moving MovingForward Forward
SCHEDULE 5:00 – Start 5:15 – TMP Introduction and Outline 5:30 – 6:15 Workshop Topic #1: Active Living 6:15 – 7:00 Workshop Topic #2: Travel Speeds 7:00 – 7:45 Workshop Topic #3: Vehicular Travel 7:45 – 8:30 Open House, Short Presentation
WORKSHOP RULES Open discussion All opinions are valid Listen Be kind Be respectful Please put your cellphone on vibrate or silent mode
WHAT IS A TMP? Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Unlike the MDP, it is a non-statutory document The TMP is: Identification of key strategies to improve connectivity Assessment of the current and future transportation system Propose solutions to improve connectivity
This is Beaumont’s First TMP Remaining Steps to Complete TMP
Today’s Meeting Complete Draft Report Future Open House Finalize Report in New Year
WHERE ARE WE AND HOW DID WE GET HERE? Project Start: January 2016 Workshop #1: Developing the Vision – April 21, 2016 Vision Statement Craft
Workshop #2: Discussion of Key Areas – June 22, 2016 Transportation Themes
Workshop #3: MDP Related, Land Use Plans – June 29, 2016 Workshop #4: MDP Land Use and Major Road Network Options – September 28, 2016
TMP OUTLINE Vision – Workshop #1 This is a declaration of Beaumont’s overall direction for the transportation system, now and moving forward.
POLICY Policy Development (Based on Vision)
Policy statements provide detailed goals and tasks for achieving the Vision. Technical Analysis – Completed by ISL The final step, covers all aspects of Beaumont’s transportation system and is based on the Vision and Policies.
VISION DEVELOPMENT Vision Elected Officials’ Input
Vision Vision Community Workshop
Administration and ISL
Our Community is supported by a resilient transportation system that provides safe and inclusive options for active-living, while effectively connecting residents, goods, and services locally and to the region.
Workshop #1 Outcome
Policy Themes Update MDP and TMP concurrently Centre Ville, Less-Car and Carless Lifestyle Options Active Transportation – Nearby Connections to Trails, Bike Facilities Transit Service with Park and Ride opportunities Better Balance of Infrastructure Spending for Competing Modes Improved Bicycle Parking Reduced Parking for Active Lifestyle Opportunities Create High Quality, Pedestrian-First Crossing Opportunities Speed Limits: Safe System Approach
Locally and Regionally
Missing On-street Bike Routes Areas of Limited Right of Way Rapid Growth
OPPORTUNITIES Traffic Calming to Manage Speeds Leverage Trail/Sidewalk Network Leverage Walkable Centre Ville Young/New Community Managing Growth
WHAT WE WANT FROM YOU TONIGHT What do you like and why? What do you dislike and why?
School Zones
Speed Limits
Traffic Calming
Current Intersection Operations
Truck Routes
Regional Connectivity
Create new trail connections
Create high quality pedestrian-first crossing points
5 Locations along 50 Street
IMPROVE EXISTING CYCLING Proposed Plan: Leverage Existing Trail System, Create an Integrated System Create Door to Door Opportunities
All Ages and Abilities
BIKE FACILITIES 1. Separated Bike Lanes: Example is for illustration purposes only. Provides separation from cars, pedestrians and other modes. 2. Multi-Use Trail Example for illustration purposes only. Widen Sidewalks to 3.0 m or greater to create a separated facility.
3. Slow Cycling on the Sidewalk – If no other option
FUTURE CYCLING All Busier Roads Include Bike Facilities (physically separated from road) Protected bike lane Share Use Trail Sidewalk for slow cycling (in the absence of a better alternative)
Bike Facilities Provided at Key Connections and Between Neighbourhoods Busier Roads = Arterial, Collector Example = 50 Avenue, 50 Street
SCHOOL ZONES Create High Quality Pedestrian-First Crossing Opportunities Install curb extensions at crosswalks to improve sightlines and apply traffic calming Improved connectivity
SPEED LIMITS Safe System Approach Tool developed from experience with Vision Zero in Sweden and similar strategies in Netherlands, Australia, and New Zealand Safe System Principles 1. 2. 3. 4.
People make mistakes People are vulnerable We need to share responsibility We need to strengthen all parts of the system
Use a roundabout or raised intersections at roadways with posted speeds above 50 km/h
INTERSECTION LOWER SPEED TREATMENT Roundabouts: Reduction in conflict points, reduced operating speeds.
Raised Intersection: Reduced operating speeds.
Example is for illustration purposes only.
Example is for illustration purposes only.
Apply traffic calming principles to existing residential areas to target lower speeds
Implement measures to target lower speeds within residential neighbourhoods.
Target lower speeds on all residential roads (collectors and locals)
Reduction in lane widths
Reduction in intersection spacing local roads
Reduce turning radius
Consider increasing sidewalk widths
Apply speed control measures at 150 m spacing in new residential neighbourhoods
Vertical Deflections Types Types • • • •
• Raised Intersection • Speed Hump • Raised Crosswalk
Curb Extension Traffic Circles Chicanes Modern Roundabouts
Speed Hump – Pre Fabricated
Crosswalk Curb Extension
Curb Extensions
Traffic Circle
Speed Hump – Build in Place
Raised Intersection
Traffic Circle
Raised Crosswalk
Raised Crosswalk
Speed Hump
Traffic Circle
Modern Roundabout
Criteria: Level of Service D or Better
Current = Level of Service C or Better
Occasionally Left Turns on 50 Street @ LOS D/E
Description Smooth progression, limited stops Busier with more stops per vehicle All vehicles expected to stop and wait Wait times 1 or more cycles, At capacity
Delay 0 – 35 seconds 35 – 55 seconds 55 – 80 seconds > 80 seconds
MANAGING TRAFFIC GROWTH Goal: Efficient Use of Infrastructure, Utilization of Roadways Closer to Capacity
Accept Higher Congestion in the Downtown Areas Plan for All-inclusive Transportation Options
Enhance Regional Connectivity Periphery Roads Given Better Service Level
Not currently defined Perimeter Road Alternative Township Road 510 Range Roads 241 and 243 Highway 625 Existing Truck Route (High Load Corridor)
REGIONAL CONNECTIVITY Constraints: Major wetland north of Range Road 242 north of Township Road 510 Edmonton Plans: TMP ASP’s for Ellerslie, Southeast Area & Decoteau