8 minute read
Community Volunteer Organizations
Adult Sports Groups
Adult Co.Ed Basketball richards@headcount.com Beaumont Adrenaline Ringette Dennis Carr 780.504.9302 dacarr@shaw.ca
Beaumont Adult Slow-Pitch Cory Chasse 587.879.3359 doomedad@telus.net
Beaumont Badminton Club Vive Kumar 780.690.3900 www.yellowhead.club Beaumont Chiefs Junior Hockey Club Don Thompson Box 8 4901 55 Avenue Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 www.beaumontchiefs.com Beaumont Curling Club Ocean Smart 780.929.8515 PO Box 3012 beaumontcurlingclub@shawbiz.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1K8 www.beaumontcurlingclub.ca
Beaumont Disc Golf Club Ray Benedetto 780.554.3582 Discgolf.raymond@gmail.com
Beaumont Karate-Do Inc. Kendall Watson 780.504.4475 157 Rue Monique beaumontkarate-do@live.ca Beaumont AB T4X 0G3 www.beaumontkarate-do.com Beaumont Rewinds Hockey Club Richard Reimer 780.218.1969 1017 James Crescent rireimer@telus.net Edmonton AB T6L 6P6 Cycling Without Age Beaumont Michael Foster 780.288.6068 Box 6 4901 55 Ave beaumontcwa@gmail.com Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 Cyclingwithoutage.ca/beaumont
Fog Duckers Old Timers Hockey (+35) Bill Moon 780.920.2732 moon4you@shaw.ca
Gaspers Men’s Hockey Club Justin Rousseau justin@expeditionconsulting.ca
Ladies Soccer - Beaumont Belles Janet Koehler 780.929.8466 jkoehler@ualberta.c Phoenix Taekwon-Do Alan Passmore 780.919.2522 957 110A Street NW phnxtkd@telus.net Edmonton AB T6J 6N4 www.phoenixtaekwon.do.ca
Tennis Partner Registry/Drop-in Darlene Hawryluk 780.929.6607 darlene_hawryluk@hotmail.com
Volleyball Association (Competitive) Suzy Gagnon-Koylak 780.231.8356 gagnon.suzy@gmail.com
Children Sports Groups
BAHA (Beaumont Amateur Hockey Assoc.) Brian Tancowny Box 2, 4901 55 Avenue president@baha.ab.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 www.baha.ab.ca
Beaumont Basketball Association April Jones 780.737.7332 PO Box 90012 Montalet Post Office Beaumont, AB T4X 0C8
Beaumont Inline/Edmonton In-Line Hockey Ty Gard 780.289.5744 8306-164 Street www.edmontoninline.ab.ca Edmonton, AB T5R 2P8 Beaumont Karate-Do Inc. Kendall Watson 780.504.4475 157 Rue Monique beaumontkarate-do@live.ca Beaumont AB T4X 0G3 https://beaumontkarate-doinc.godaddysites.com Beaumont Minor Ball Association Scott Kadatz PO Box 3054 admin@beaumontminorball.com Beaumont AB T4X 1K8 www.beaumontminorball.com
Beaumont Blitz Fastball Association Corey Callahan 780.913.0213 PO Box 3061 Station Main president.bbfa@gmail.com Beaumont, AB T4X 1K8 www.BeaumontBlitz.ca
PLEASE NOTE: This list is based on information on file as of September 30, 2019. For the most recent updates please view the list at beaumont.ab.ca/291 Beaumont Minor Football Association Mike Garraway 780.974.3133 190-50322 RR 232 president@beaumontfootball.ca Leduc County, AB T4X 0K9 http://beaumontfootball.ca www.facebook.com/beaumontminorfootball Beaumont Raiders Lacrosse Association Tim Stewart - President Box 15 4901 55 Avenue president@beaumontraiders.com Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 www.beaumontraiders.com Beaumont Ringette Association Kirk McCarville – President Box 10 4901 55 Ave president@beaumontringette.com Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 http://beaumontringette.com
Beaumont Skating Club Jenelle Deputat Box 4 4901 55 Avenue beaumontskatingclub@outlook.com Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 www.beaumontskatingclub.com
Beaumont Soccer Association- Kirsten Nelson - 587.987.9667 Box 1 4901 55 Avenue admin@beaumontsoccer.com Outdoor/Indoor Administrator Beaumont,AB T4X 1M9 www.beaumontsoccer.com
Beaumont Youth Basketball Association Jeff Rawlings - President PO Box 90012 Montalet Post Office president.byba@gmail.com Beaumont, AB T4X 0C8 www.beaumontbasketball.com Boys and Girls Shinny Hockey Tom Kryzanowski 780.913.8325 beaumontshinnyhockey@gmail.com http://Funteamalberta.com
Excel Synchronized Swimming Club Doug Kaweski 780.417.6443 information@excelsynchroclub.com www.excelsynchroclub.com
High School Football (Bandits) Olwen Lepps, BCHS 780. 929.6282 BCHS, 5417 43 Avenue olwen.lepps@blackgold.ca Kurtis Schreiber Beaumont AB T4X 1K1
Phoenix Tae Kwon-Do Alan Passmore 780.919.2522 957 110A Street NW www.phoenixtaekwon-do.ca Edmonton AB T6J 6N4 Triton Swimming Kim Eusaneo tritonswimmingregistrar@gmail.com www.tritonswimclub.ca
Cultural/Youth Groups
After School Art Classes Ilda Labrecque 780.999.7777 5013-50 Street Ilda.art@outlook.com Beaumont, T4X 1J9 287 Beaumont ‘Spitfire’ Royal Jan Shute 780-906-1004 Box 12 490155 Avenue 287cadetparents@gmail.com Canadian Air Cadet Squadron Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 http://www.287aircadets.ca/ Artists’ Association of Beaumont Laurel Aitken 780.722.3535 4404-55 Street artistsassociationofbeaumont@gmail.com Beaumont AB T4X 1C4 www.artistsassociationofbeaumont.com www.facebook/artistassociationbeaumont Beaumont Blues & Roots Festival Jeremy Kornel Box 3280, Station Main Jeremy@bbrf.ca Beaumont, AB T4X 1L1 www.bbrf.ca Beaumont Girl Guides Genessa Belzile 780.929.7360 Box 14 4901 55 Avenue gensimb@gmail.com Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 www.girlguides.ca
Beaumont & District Heritage Society Carole Hudson - President 780.932.8031 4816 – 55 Ave info@beaumontheritage.com Beaumont AB T4X 1J8 caroleahudson@gmail.com Beaumont Highland Dance Parents Association Lynn Vaughan 780-955-8811 c/o 51022 Range Road 244 bhdpa2019@gmail.com Leduc County AB T4X 0P2 FB : Highland Dance Parents of Beaumont Beaumont Photography Club Elaine Grandon 780.929.2123 www.beaumontheritage.com ecgrandon@gmail.com
Beaumont Society for the Arts Grant Tolley 780.929.2443 c/o 5001 58 Street gtolley@shaw.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1B8 Facebook: Beaumont Society for the Arts Beaumont Society School of Dance Heather Edwards 780.929.6140 Box 3 4901 55 Avenue edwardsfam4@shaw.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 www.beaumontdance.ab.ca Beaumont Writer’s Group Edward Yatscoff 780.929.5974 c/o Beaumont Library egyatscoff@shaw.ca Edna Gerrie 5700 49 Street www.yatscoffbooks.com Beaumont AB T4X 1S7 Black Gold Community Band Andy Leibel 780.986.7181 leducblackgoldband@gmail.com www.blackgoldband.com Community Music Initatives Clarence denBok 1.877.413.4810 (toll free) PO Box 4316 info@communitymusic.ca Edmonton AB T6E 4T3 www.communitymusic.ca 1st Beaumont Scouts Kristine Killins, 780.690.1722 Box 16 4901 55 Avenue 1stbeaumontscouts@gmail.com Group Commissioner Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 www.facebook.com/groups/1stBeaumontScouting www.scouts.ca
City of Beaumont Promotions Committee Cheryl Baxter/Angela Tom 780.929.2848 5600 49 Street events@beaumont.ab.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1A1 www.beaumont.ab.ca/events Wild Beaumont wildbeaumont@gmail.com
Educational/Library/Child Care
Académie Saint-André Academy Curt Baron, Principal 780.929.2961 5811 Eaglemont Street curt.baron@starcatholic.ab.ca Beaumont AB T4X 0X1 www.sa.starcatholic.ab.ca Bibliotheque de Beaumont/ Martin Walters – Manager 780.929.2665 5700 49 Street library@beaumontlibrary.com Beaumont Library Andrea Ciochetti –Beaumont AB T4X 1S7 martin@beaumontlibrary.com Program Coordinator andrea@beaumontlibrary.com www.beaumontlibrary.com Black Gold Regional School Trustee Robyn Steed 780.929.7670 robyn.steed@blackgold.ca www.blackgold.ca École Beau Meadow School Jennifer O’Brien, Principal 780.929.2175 4322 44 Street jennifer.obrien@blackgold.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1K3 ebms.blackgold.ca
École Beau Meadow School Council Chairperson – 780.929.2175/ 4322 44 Street jennifer.obrien@blackgold.ca Eva Kryzanowski 780.929.6063 Beaumont AB T4X 1K3 École Beaumont Composite High School Chris Peacocke, Principal 780.929.6282 5417 43 Avenue chris.peacocke@blackgold.ca Kelly Chartrand (school 780.929.2840 Beaumont AB T4X 1K1 esbchs.blackgold.ca community use booking agent)
École Beaumont Composite High Chairperson Karen Meldrum 780.929.8668 5417 43 Avenue chris.peacocke@blackgold.ca School Council Beaumont AB T4X 1K1 École Bellevue School Jennifer E-Khatib, Principal 780.929.8663 5103 50 Avenue jennifer.elkhatib@blackgold.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1K4 ebs.blackgold.ca École Bellevue School Council Chairperson 780.929.8663 5103 50 Avenue jennifer.elkhatib@blackgold.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1K4 Ecole Champs Vallée Patrick Gamache-Hutchison 780.929.8888 6002 – 30 Ave Patrick.gamache@blackgold.ca Beaumont AB T4X 2C2
École Coloniale Estates School Matthew Kierstead, 780.929.5904 37 Coloniale Way matthew.kierstead@blackgold.ca Principal Beaumont AB T4X 1M7 ecs.blackgold.ca École Coloniale School Council Chairperson 780.929.5904 37 Coloniale Way matthew.kierstead@blackgold.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1M7 École Dansereau Meadows School Susanne Stroud, Principal 780.929.1928 5907 Rue Eaglemont Susanne.stroud@blackgold.ca Beaumont, AB T4X 1K3 edms.blackgold. ca École Dansereau Meadows School Jill Normandeau 780.929.1928 5907 Rue Eaglemont Parent’s Association Beaumont AB T4X dansereau.meadowspa@gmail.com École JE Lapointe School Marla Tonita, Principal 780.929.5977 4801 55 Avenue marla.tonita@blackgold.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1K2 ejels.blackgold.ca École JE Lapointe School Council Chairperson 780.929.5977 4801 55 Avenue marla.tonita@blackgold.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1K2 École Mother D’Youville School Jordan Robinson 780.929.0792 5330 Rue Parc jordan.robinson@starcatholic.ab.ca Beaumont, AB T4X 1W4 www.mdy.starcatholic.ab.ca École Saint-Vital Denis Gravel 780 929.1183 5505 Magasin Avenue sv@centrenord.ab.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1V8: www.eb.centrenord.ab.ca Friends of the Library Claire Spink 780.929.2665 c/o Beaumont Library beaumontlibraryfriends@gmail.com 5700 49 Street www.beaumontlibrary.com Beaumont AB T4X 1S7 L’Ecole Des Petits President 780.929.5445 President@lecoledespetits.ca Lecoledespetits.ca
St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Superintendent - 780.986.2500 4906 49 Avenue Kim.beaupre@starcatholic.ab.ca Separate Regional Division #38 Dr. Troy A. Davies 1.800.583.0688 Leduc AB T9E 6W6 www.starcatholic.ab.ca/
A Child’s Hope (foster parent information) 780.422.3333 – recruitment line Region6.caregiver@gov.ab.ca www.achildshope.alberta.ca
Beaumont Aging in Place Society Office 780.929.9889 5020 52 Avenue tday@placebeausejour.com Assisted Living 780.929.9000 Beaumont AB T4X 1P3 www.placebeausejour.com
Beaumont & District Agricultural Society Bruce Walker 780.983.7525 5010A 52 Avenue admin@beaumontagsociety.com Charles Fensky – 780.929.2809 Beaumont AB T4X 1E5 gpcgadmin@beaumontagsociety.com Community Gardens www.beaumontagsociety.com Beaumont Chamber of Commerce Sacha Knorr – Executive Assistant 780.850.8492 Box 11 4901 55 Avenue info@beaumontchamber.ca Curtis Haley - President Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 Beaumont Citizens on Patrol (COPS) Chris MacDonald 5501 Magasin Ave T4X 1V8 president.bcop@gmail.com
Beaumont Columbus Alberta Association Maxine Cherwonka 780.929.5588 Box 20 4901 55 Avenue maxchewy@telus.net Beaumont AB T4X 1M9
Centre Communautaire Beaumont Guest Services 780.929.1221 5204 50 Avenue CCBCCinfo@beaumont.ab.ca Community Centre (CCBCC) Beaumont AB T4X 1C9 www.beamont.ab.ca/431
Beaumont and District Lions Club Andy Brickner 780.929.9366 Box 6 4901 55 Avenue Andy.brickner@gmail.com Membership Beaumont, AB T4X 1M9 www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/beaumont Beaumont Fire Department Everett Cooke, Fire Chief 780.929.6185 5600 49 Street fire@beaumont.ab.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1A1 www.beaumont.ab.ca
Beaumont RCMP Volunteers Sherry Kerrison 780.929.7410 Sherry.kerrison@beaumont.ab.ca Office Supervisor
Beaumont Positive Ticketing Jason Springham 780.929.7345
Beaumont Indoor Playground Andrea Spaude 780.886.2011 Box 19 4901 55 Avenue beaumontindoorplayground@gmail.com Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 www.beaumontindoorplayground.wordpress.com Beaumont Toastmasters Jim Hunter 780.278.4602 Meeting Location, Bell Mobility joinbeaumonttoastmasters@gmail.com 106, 6002 29 Avenue http://beaumont.freetoasthost.org Beaumont AB T4X 0H5 Mon 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Empowering Women Entrepreneurs Roberta Lalonde 780.974.2519 Box 90044 Montalet PO empoweringwe@gmail.com Beaumont, AB T4X 0C8 www.empoweringwe.com
Leduc Community Hospital Foundation Colleen Zimmerman Leduc Community Hospital lchfoundation@albertahealthservices.ca Executive Director 780.980.4536 4210 48 Street www.blackgoldhealthfoundation.com Leduc AB T9E 5Z3
Leduc Regional Housing Foundation Tammy 780.986.2814 5118 – 50 Avenue HR@leducregionalhousing.ca Alberta Health Services –780.929.4822 4918 50 Avenue www.albertahealthservices.ca Beaumont Public Health Centre Beaumont AB T4X 1J9 Beaumont/Nisku Christmas Elves Elaine Ward Box 90065, Montalet PO bnxmaselves@gmail.com Beaumont AB T4X 0C8 www.bnchristmaselves.com
Clearwater Valley Pony Club Kathleen Ingram 780.719.4007 Box 3122 ingramrd@telus.net Beaumont AB
Community Use School Bookings Kelly Chartrand 780.929.2840 5417 43 Avenue kelly.chartrand@blackgold.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1K1 Dream Cruizers Rob Biddlecombe 780.720.8402 rob@robsellsrealestate.ca robaremaxrob.ca https://dreamcruizers.com/ Family History Club Carole Hudson 780.929.8031 or 4816 55 Avenue gchudson@ocii.com 780.932.8031 (cell) Beaumont AB T4X 1J8 www.familysearch.org
Kin Club of Beaumont Kathleine Emerson 778.241.4598 PO Box 90053 Montalet PO beaumontkinclub@gmail.com Beaumont AB T4X 0C8 #kinclubbeaumont FB: Beaumont kin
Knights of Columbus – Paul Pritchard Box 18 4901 55 Avenue whitehamster@hotmail.com Our Lady of the Hill Council Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 www.saintvitalparish.com/k-of-c/ Leduc & District Victim Services Marsha Guthrie 780.980.7232 1, 4119 50 Street Marsha.guthrie@rcmp-grc.gc.ca Leduc AB T9E 7L9 www.leducvictimservices.ca
NASAP (Northern Alberta Society Geneive Horvath 780.922.0250 admin@NASAP.ca for Animal Protection)
St. Vital Seniors/ Disabled Van Bus Coordinator – 780.929.6039 5204A 50 Avenue bscc90@gmail.com Colette Van Den Biggelar Beaumont AB T4X 1E3 www.beaumontseniors.ca St. Vital Seniors Club Acting President: Phil Lee 780.335.9664 5204A 50 Avenue bscc90@gmail.com Hall Rental – Terry Ellis 587.988.9588 Beaumont AB T4X 1E3 www.beaumontseniors.ca
Religious Organizations
Beaumont Baha’i Faith John Higgins 780.929.5816 Box 5 4901 55 Ave johnthomashiggins@shaw.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1M9 beaumontlsa@gmail.com Beaumont Baptist Church Pastor-Nate Utley 587.988.9330 PO Box 90041 pastornate@beaumontbaptist.ca Beaumont, Alberta T4X 0C8 www.Beaumontbaptist.ca Beaumont Community Church Pastor – Bernd Heyde 780.929.6444 5423 55 Street info@beaumontcommunitychurch.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1A4 www.beaumontcommunitychurch.ca
Community Threads Heather Dyckerhoff 780.850.7650 5423 55 Street dyckerhoffheather@gmail.com ( A ministry of Beaumont Community Church) Beaumont AB T4X 1A4 (Basement) www.beaumont communitychurch.ca
Eaglemont Christian Church Pastor Marlo Jenkins 780.929.5111 5002 62 Street info@eaglemontchurch.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1V5 www.eaglemontchurch.ca 180 Student Ministries Jaeden O’Connor 780.929.5111 5002 62 Street jaeden@eaglemontchurch.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1V5 www.eaglemontchurch.ca Living Hope Lutheran Brethren Church Nick Joyal 780.910.1705 6202 29 Avenue, Suite 102 nick@livinghopelutheran.ca Beaumont AB T4X 0H5 www.livinghopelutheran.ca
Peniel Pentecostal Assembly Jotty Philip 587.989.2379 5423 55th Street penielpab@gmail.com Beaumont AB T4X 1A4 www.ppa.church
St. Columba Anglican Church Rev. Stephanie London 780.929.5262 5703 50 Avenue www.stcolumbaanglican.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1C4 St. Vital CWL Belinda Halbach 780.929.8541 4905 50 Street st.vitalcwl@gmail.com Beaumont AB T4X 1J9 St. Vital Roman Catholic Church Rev. Arlan Parenteau 780.929.8541 4905 50 Street st.vitalchurch@shaw.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1J9 www.saintvitalparish.com
St. Vital Youth Group 780.929.8541 4905 50 Street st.vitalchurch@shaw.ca Beaumont AB T4X 1J9
The Church of Jesus Christ Bishop Scott MacIntyre 780.964.6028 4902 66 Street www.lds.org of Latter-Day Saints (Beaumont Ward) Beaumont AB T4X 1Y5