What is Silica?
Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS)
Crystalline silica is found in sand, stone, concrete and mortar. It is also used to make a variety of products including bricks and tiles. When cutting tiles by grinding, sawing, drilling and crushing products that contain crystalline silica, dust particles are generated. These dust particles, know as respirable crystalline silica or silica dust can cause serious health problems if the dust is inhaled or swallowed.
The amount of silica in products can vary, check out the SDS for more information. Indicative examples include:
◊ ceramic tiles: 5% to 45%
◊ engineered stone: 80% to 95%
◊ quartzose sandstone: 70% to 90%
◊ granite: 25% to 60%
◊ slate: 20% to 40%
◊ autoclaved aerated concrete: 20% to 40%
◊ concrete: less than 30%
◊ brick: 5% to 15%
◊ pre-mixed adhesives: 0%
◊ power based adhesives: 30% to 50%
◊ sanded grout: 30% to 50%
◊ non-sanded grout: 30% to 50%
◊ waterproofing membranes: 0% to 30%
◊ silicone: 0%
◊ screeds and smoothing compounds: 30% to 50%
◊ primer: 0%
Crystalline silica dust can be harmful when it’s inhaled over a long period of time at low to moderate levels, or for short periods at high levels. Product containing silica are safe when left undisturbed, but if you create dust by cutting, drilling or grinding materials that contain silica, breathing the dust can cause silicosis, a form of occupational lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline silica dust causing inflammation and scarring in the lungs.
Silica dust particles under 10µm can get deep into your lungs and stay there, permanently damaging the lung tissue and eventually leading to serious lung diseases in some people. For your health and safety if you are working with tiles, removing an old tile floor or cutting them in any way, you must be using the correct tools with safety controls and the correct PPE to protect yourself.
General Safety with Tiles
For an at-home DIYER – you may not be thinking about crystalline silica dust and how you go about controlling it. Below is a list of our safety tips that need to be considered before diving into a home DIY.
Remember, if you’re demolishing, grinding, sawing, drilling or crushing tiles, you need to ensure you’re doing so safe.
Following our tips below will keep everyone safe on the job, if you need any more expert advice, we’d love to help you on 1800 4 TILES or you can pop into any of our 115+ stores.
Controlling Crystalline Silica Dust:
◊ Water suppression uses water at the point of dust generation to dampen down or suppress dust before it is released into the air. Combined with respirator masks and appropriate tools, this helps reduce the risk of breathing any harmful dust.
◊ On-tool dust extraction equipment is another way to capture excess dust from grinding and sawing tasks and is captured using an industrial HEPA (highefficiency particulate air) filter M or H Class vacuum cleaner. Check with your state regulator for specific industrial class requirements.
◊ During the installation process, use a wet sponge or wet sweep using rubber squeegee with sufficient water added to prevent elevated levels of airborne dust, or, use a HEPA filter – M or H Class Vacuum
◊ Do not ‘clean up’ with compressed air or by dry sweeping.
◊ Access to the work area by friends or family should be prevented.
Personal Protective Equipment
◊ Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) needs to comply with the standard AS/NZS 1716 Respiratory Protective Devices. Check the product information to make sure RPE is AS/NZS 1716 compliant.
◊ RPE should be used in combination with the above dust controls if there is still the risk you may be exposed to silica dust.
◊ RPE needs to have at least a P2 filter and be tested to ensure it fits correctly. RPE that requires a facial seal, such as half-face respirators, should not be used by people with beards or even facial stubble. Where facial hair interferes with the fit of the RPE, a powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) that does not rely on a facial seal needs to be used.
◊ RPE cannot protect you if it is not correctly fitted.
◊ PPE and dusty clothing should be cleaned after each use to ensure dust does not accumulate.