7 minute read
written by: Rachael Mushala
The Lord showed me that this marine or water demon known as the queen of the coast (mermaid) has gained control of many people This is a high-ranking demon that specializes in sexual immorality.
It has a lot of other water spirits it works with in order to serve Satan and achieve his mission of promoting sexual immorality on earth This demon and its subordinates achieve this through seductive fashion as well as immoral music, movies, and TV shows.
There are also human beings, satanists who work under this demon to achieve it's mission on earth. These are ordinary humans who are in the occult and get orders from demons
This demon has imprisoned so many people and they find themselves at its mercy and can't be free on their own. People are imprisoned and have no idea that they are imprisoned by it
The demonic marine kingdom and all the demonic spirits there have held people captive through ungodly dressing aimed at promoting lust
The Lord showed me people sent by the queen of the coast to make a lot of men sin by lusting after them. They dressed up in sexually provocative clothes revealing their bodies, then started walking on the streets, wanting men to look after them lustfully.
The demons know God's Word that says: ''if a man looks at a woman lustfully, he has already committed fornication with her" (Matthew 5:28), and that's what they were aiming at apart from those who committed the physical act of fornication.
Then I saw women copy the dressing of these women who had been sent from the Marine kingdom, and they too dressed seductively.
Though these people weren't directly sent by the queen of the coast, all they did is copy the agents and start to dress like that, the queen of the coast was very happy because they were doing her work and increasing sexual immorality These people though not initiated into witchcraft and satanism were slaves of the queen of the coast and she had captured and subdued them under her control because they indirectly worshipped her
One-day I was so burdened for someone whom I have known for some years I have shared the gospel with this person, and she will not have an excuse before the Lord if she doesn't accept Jesus till the end of her life.
I saw a picture she had uploaded on WhatsApp and when I saw it, I felt great sorrow because she was dressed in a very immoral way She was wearing very tight clothes and had put a lot of makeup on her face, as well as long wigs
When I saw her picture, I felt sorry for her, and I got a heavy burden to pray for her That evening I prayed for this lady with all my heart because I did not want for her to end up in hell But that night when I went to bed, I had a dream
In the dream the lady had come over to my house to visit me She went to the kitchen but while she was alone, in the kitchen, I saw the queen of the coast enter the room, she was very angry that this lady had come to visit me because she was scared that I would keep preaching to her and she would repent
The queen of the coast strongly rebuked this lady and told her to stay away from me! This woman is held captive by these demonic spirits, and it wanted to make sure she kept doing it's bidding by wearing all those things that are displeasing to the Lord like indecent clothing, makeup, jewellery.
This demon is very possessive and even those who wish to stop using it's products have a hard time stopping unless they ask God for help The Lord showed me another vision, I was going somewhere with my younger sister, then we approached a hair salon
I saw a woman who looked like the owner of the salon, she was washing women's hair in readiness for blow drying them to stretch it out. All the women I saw here were black women and their hair is naturally very coiled, but they wanted her to stretch it out so that it's no longer curled but straight like white people's hair
In the vision, as I approached the salon, the lady was busy prepping these women's hair so she could stretch it for them The Lord then made me realize that it was the demonic water spirit, just disguised like an ordinary woman!
Immediately I realised that, I said to my sister, look! it's that demon, the queen of the coast! Then the lady saw my sister and I and she was very angry
She started to shout for us to get away from her salon She didn't want us to see what she was doing there She said, "get out of here! Get out of here!" Very angrily while pointing fingers at us
I could tell she was scared that we could tell her clients who she really was! The Lord was showing me that even women who aren't using wigs bit still stretching their hair by blow drying it were still the captives of the queen of the coast
The Lord showed my sister a vision where the queen of the coast came to earth and crowds of people ran to her to bow down and worship her saying, "the gods have come," and many were willing to die for her
The men who were running to worship her while wearing earrings, while some had shaved off hair on their sides and just left it on the middle to make mohawk
Many women were also running to worship her, and they had wigs, makeup, jewellery, trousers and other ungodly clothing
The Lord showed my sister that it wasn't about the makeup or jewellery being excessive Some just used a little makeup, but we're still worshipping this demon Some wore indecent clothes that weren't even fancy, but they too were worshipping her
Some were poor people who couldn't afford expensive wigs and had on wigs that looked "finished", however, Hey were also worshipping her
People were fighting just to be near the queen of the coast and just to be able to touch her even with just the tips of their fingers! She was showing them fake affection as though she loved them and cared about them, but it was so fake
The Lord said this fake love is how this demon, using her products makes people feel as though she's concerned about them looking "nice" and yet all she wants is their soul
The Lord showed me this demon has captured people using makeup, jewellery, indecent clothing Men too are her captives by making them paint their nails, wearing jewellery, sagging trousers, ripped jeans, and ungodly hairstyles like mohawk
The Lord showed me that this demon also controls the entertainment industry and has captured people with ungodly music, movies, cartoon and even pornography She has been designing a lot of things meant to make sexual immorality become so rampant to harvest souls for hell. The queen of the coast is operating in many churches currently
She has a lot of women working under her whom she has trained so well to execute her assignments by marrying pastor's, evangelists, bishops, Prophets and even just church members who are on fire for the Lord.
She has taught them how to pretend to be on fire for the Lord to get close to the people they are sent to and to start promoting sin, while quenching the fire of the Christians slowly She has trained them on how to pretend to be prophetesses yet seductresses at the same time She has sent some to Facebook just to send friend requests to God's children then start posting seductive pictures.
It's better to unfriend and block such people because they have been sent to make people sin They are instructed what kind of pictures to post and have to give updates of the result in satanic meetings The Lord said they put Satanic spells on the pictures and enchant on them so that when a person who is weak looks at them, these demons of immorality will be unleashed to attack them at full force, and they will find themselves thinking of fornication or adultery
The Lord said a lot of men have also been sent on different missions to promote sexual immorality, and to make women of God to backslide. The Lord said even just on billboards where adverts are placed, the satanic marine kingdom sends their people to models for adverts but will enchant on the pictures. Even though an advert isn't sexual in any way, when people look at the ladies on the advert, if they are walking in the flesh, demonic spirits will be unleashed to make them lust after the women in the pictures
The Lord said they do the same with pictures in magazines and also on TV! They do this not merely by the type of pictures, but more so by satanic spells sending demons to people who are spiritually weak, causing them to have sexual thoughts and even to enslave them with pornography and masturbation This is why there so much promotion of sex in music and movies, it's all well planned by demons They use every opportunity and God wants His people to rise up and be completely separate from the world, leaving no room for Satan and to walk in the spirit because we are wrestling against principalities and demonic spirits who don't want you to know they exist!
If a servant of God wants to marry, that person must go in prayer and fasting to hear from the Lord before entangling their emotions with anyone
Satan has become so desperate, and we have to use the wisdom God is giving us Satan has trained his people to act even more Christian than the normal people! So we can't rely on the physical appearance
They have been trained to show fake humility, fake love, fake care All they want is to get married to men and women of God to destroy their ministry have you ever asked yourself where they take your hair in the salon?
Once they marry them, they will start to execute their mission Weaken their prayer life using satanic spells and slowly lure them into sin. There's so much God has shown me on this and will share more soon God willing Many are captives of this demon but Jesus wants to set you free. Call on Him and renounce all your sins.