Beaver's Digest Vol. 2 Issue 3

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vol 2 Issue 3

BORN TO FIGHT raised in the dam



Editorial Halie Sutton Dane Dickerson Dejane Oliver Brittni Cooper Emily Doherty Madeline Bright Samantha Lopez Quinn Meihoff Nic Clarke Cianna Levi Brittany Bell


vol 2 Issue 3

Reyn Ignacio Cheyenne Lever Christina Mason Supakan Dechnarong Bantz Valenzuela

Designers Gabe Fleck Jeremy Banka Annie Mitev Victoria Rivoire

Public Relations Maranda McArthur

ABOUT US Produced three times a year, Beaver’s Digest distributes 12,000 magazines a year around the Oregon State campus and Corvallis (4,000 each term). When we say “by the students for the students”, we aren’t kidding. Our typeface is hand crafted by Gabe Fleck, a junior in Graphic Design and our Graphics Director. The body font you are reading is one of a kind as well, created by Jeremy Banka, a sophomore in Graphic Design. The front cover was taken by a fantastic photographer, Aaron Davis. Questions, comments, and concerns are encouraged and can be emailed to


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WE APPRECIATE YOU for the continuing support in all that we do. For contributing in any way, shape or form. Beaver’s Digest is written by students, for students - showcasing student life and the events that make up our Oregon State community. We give special thanks to Aaron Davis, Rose Kearsey, Adam Wood, Daniel Liles, Nicki Silva for being guest contributors to this issue. To say this publication was an easy task would be lying; to say that you make this publication possible is the truth. We are what you make us, and we thank you.


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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR WE’RE FINALLY HERE… I’ve been waiting all year to get to this point; where school is ending and summer is just beginning. I remember walking through the MU Quad just weeks ago in the pouring rain, wishing for the sun to come out and make my day. I am still counting down the days where I can throw my papers in the air and run out of the building singing “School’s Out” by Alice Cooper. Although school is not quite forever done for me yet, this is however my last issue as Editor-In-Chief of Beaver’s Digest. I will be moving on to other incredible things with Orange Media Network, but I wish the best to the next EIC as I have faith that they will continue making this publication great.

Halie Sutton Editor-in-Chief

I would like to discuss more on Beaver’s Digest’s ‘Born to Fight’ issue, which is also our first ever issue dedicated to summer and fall. I had this idea to capture the entire essence of what summer and fall is like at OSU. It was such an incredible experience to collaborate with amazing photographers, graphic designers and editors to develop concept ideas for our feature articles. As a Beaver, we all know the battles we have to fight. Whether it’s with that B+ that’s almost an A or it’s with that third parking ticket, we are all putting up a fight. Congrats to Class of 2016, you finally made it and all of your battles were worth it. This issue brings you a new perspective for the upcoming year and a memory of our university’s history. I would like to thank everyone who contributed their time and work! This issue, along with the rest, goes out to our Beavs as always.

Gabe Fleck

Graphics Director

Halie B. Sutton

Maranda McArthur Public Relations Director






Will You Take the Jump?


A Center for the Sea


Around the World Summer 2016

ARTS & CULTURE 10 Will You Be There? 12 Thespians, Thrill and Theatrics 14 Interzone Inc. A Diamond in the Rough 16 Fresh Off the Farm




20 From Store to Stadium

28 Your Weekend Game Plan

23 The Evolution of the Logo

30 Skinny Sippin’

24 Victory Through Valley 26 Hail to the Old and New OSU

32 Make the Outdoors Your Gym





t is always scary settling into a place where you don’t know anyone. It’s never easy stepping out of your comfort zone in attempts to give a good first impression. Students travel from all around the country to attend college and start the next chapter of their lives. People with different personalities, talents, and beliefs gather together through simple interactions to be apart of something bigger than themselves. Too often people misinterpret what being in a fraternity really entails. Basing their opinions off the common stereotypes from Hollywood movies. Similar to 22 Jump Street where Channing Tatum’s character is glorified because he can power down more shots than Jonah Hill, students envision this misconception of binge drinking as a reality to ‘fit in’. Tristan Lebaron, a sophomore studying Construction Engineering


Management and Lambda Chi Alpha’s recruitment chair, says, “I never expected to join a fraternity. I thought it was going to be like all the movies I’ve seen like Animal House. Since I joined, it’s been the most beneficial thing in my life.” There is more to fraternities than the parties they throw. Greek life better prepares you for life and encourages you to adapt and be flexible with a busy schedule through effective time management. It also teaches you the true meaning of family and friendship. The first week of school is when fraternities and sororities strap in for rush week, where entire chapters socialize with all the incoming freshmen throughout campus and urge them to join Greek Life. Lauren Wenzinger, a junior studying Human Developmental Sciences and was prior Alpha Gamma Delta’s recruitment chair,


expresses the exciting, yet nerve-racking rush week. All week students scatter throughout Greek row; learning about the several chapters Oregon State has to offer, and evaluating which house is to be their new home - making decisions based off their philanthropies, living situations, and members. “I remember going through the whole week crossing my fingers I’d be an Alpha Gamma Delta” Lauren explains. “I felt like a five-year-old anxiously waiting for Christmas morning.” The whole process of rush all comes down to JUMP DAY; the Super Bowl of fraternity rush. After all the rushes sign their bid to their desired house, they line up on the steps of the MU, making the symbolic JUMP into their fraternity’s arms.



Trenton Gallagher, a freshman pursuing an engineering degree, who recently took the JUMP, wasn’t planning on joining a house in the first place. “Jump Day was more than an event, it was a production,” Trenton said, “Every house’s flag is being waved across the air, and everyone is chanting and cheering for you.” For Trenton, it took him a few terms to realize he wanted to experience the truth behind Greek Life’s negative stigma for himself. After going to a few rush events he found the house where he really meshed with the guys. “There is no way I would have met so many of my best friends now if I didn’t make the jump to Greek life,” Trenton said grinning.

Each house hosts different events to recruit newcomers. Chad Casebeer, a sophomore studying Biology and current Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s recruitment chair, spends countless hours organizing events to impress potential members. Every year, Sigma Alpha Epsilon hosts an annual weekend camping trip in late August as a way to get newcomers interested in joining. Lambda Chi Alpha alternates from a BBQ to a poker night every other week in the summer, as well as driving a caravan to Eugene to watch a hockey game. However, their signature event that everyone is always eager to participate in is bubble soccer. “Everyone enjoys feeling like a hamster and playing bumper balls on the IMs. There isn’t one person not excited to get in the ball” said Tristan.

A lot of students coming into college don’t know what they want to do with their lives, and a lot are curious and question if Greek life is for them. If you want to be apart of something that you could say impacted your life for the better, consider taking the JUMP into Greek life. “I didn’t know anyone coming into college, then I joined a house and now all my best friends are right next to me” Chad said with a grin. “It’s truly amazing what Greek life can do for your life.” ◊

SPRING 2016 // 3



The narrow part of the fish’s body to which the caudal or tail fin is attached

n p C y m t b e a n


A sense organ used to detect movement and vibration in the surrounding water



Helps control the direction of movement during locomotion. They correspond to the forelimbs of other vertebrates

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n the shores of the Yaquina Bay in Newport Oregon, aspiring students gather to learn more about the vastness of the ocean and all it has to offer. This place is known as the Hatfield Marine Science Center, a unique and dynamic environment for young scholars to show the public more about marine life and the impact their research has on the ocean. Hatfield is a great place that mixes both marine, biological and oceanographic sciences that look into all kinds of projects such as ecological restoration and researching renewable energy sources. Every year, students from Oregon State can apply to spend a term at Hatfield. With a variety of work groups and areas to study, it’s a perfect place for anyone with an interest in science and working in a hands-on environment. The demographic at Hatfield is mostly juniors, seniors and some graduate research students. Tom Murphy, a researcher at Hatfield, let us know that not all of the students there were focused on marine biology. “There’s chemistry, geology, biology and we even have a few that are



looking at the technological side,” Murphy said. The students at Hatfield have long full days behind the scenes of the visitor’s center. If they are not in the lab looking at algae samples or the Pike fish they caught in the Pacific Ocean, they are out in the research vessels or combing the beaches for specimen to study. But no matter how you look at it, everyday there is hands-on work that’s going on. Whether the work is with the skilled staff of researchers from the center or specialists that come in from all around the country, everyone is interested in contributing at one of the most prestigious places to study marine life in the Pacific Northwest. On the visitor’s side of things, the Hatfield center is free for anyone to enjoy, but donations are gratefully accepted. The center isn’t just a hands-on learning place for students; it’s a hands-on learning place for the public as well.

see what lives under the docks of the Newport waterfront and tropical tanks with bright color coral and fish, used to study things like coral reef restoration. There is even debris and information about foreign objects that wash up on the shores of the Oregon Coast, such as boxes that washed up from Japan after the 2011 earthquake. Of course, one of the main attractions is Montgomery, Hatfield’s current giant Pacific octopus who lives in the tank right in the very front of the center. Hatfield is a great resource for not just students at Oregon State, but the citizens of the state of Oregon. With multiple events and learning opportunities, it is the perfect place for scholars and curious children to see beyond the vanishing skyline of the Pacific Ocean. ◊

All the exhibits demonstrate how the research being done is benefiting the local marine ecosystem as well as other marine ecosystems around the world. Hatfield offers exhibits such as a local marine life tank, where people can

SPRING 2016 // 5




ummer is a few short months away, for many students this is the perfect time to travel. As for those who won’t be, there’s something for you to do instead. Throw a party! What’s better than kicking off summer vacation than a function with friends? Nothing at all.

The best way to go about planning a summer get together is to make it fun and attractive. How can you do this? Make it a themed event. The perfect theme for the season is an Around the World party. This is all about bringing the adventure and good time to you and your friends.

Mexico – Fiesta What’s a summer themed party without a fiesta? This is a celebration full of bright colors along with amazing food and drinks. There is no better way to bring Mexico to you. Decoration A fiesta is all about liveliness and color. Banners should comingle with warm lights to develop a summer feeling. Sombreros and Mexican blankets strewn over the tables emulate a true fiesta. And who can forget the piñata? Grab one from the local party store or make it yourself! Attire Play around with vibrant summer prints and slip into some sandals. It’s as simple as that. And if there is a pool, don’t forget to bring your swimsuit Refreshments Tequila sunrise is the way to go! Throw some salt on the rim and enjoy the fun.


Monte Carlo – Casino Night Not everyone can afford a trip to Monte Carlo, so bring Monte Carlo to you! This themed party is the ultimate game night with poker, blackjack, and craps. The options are endless and the fun can go all night! Decoration Casino parties in Monaco are more upscale, so sparkle and glam is a must. The best way to go about this party is to center it around the card tables. Create tables where each game is to be played (not to mention a bar for refreshments). Attire It is definitely a black tie event. If that seems too flossy, then cocktail party attire is a happy medium. This way it’s chic but not over the top. Refreshments The beverage served during the evening should be somewhat sophisticated. A French 75 Champagne cocktail is a suitable choice; it’s classy and easy to make.


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Brazil (Rio) - Olympic Games

Australia – Down Under

Cuba – Night in Cuba

Brazil is a beautiful place, and since the Olympic games are held in Rio this summer, what better way to celebrate?

Invite your mates over for a good time around the barby. Aussies live under the sun, so why not enjoy the outdoors with some cricket and lawn darts?

Cuba is a country known for their cigars, what better way to celebrate Cuba then with Cuban cigar soiree?

Decoration Guests should see a lot of Brazilian colors. With the Olympics being there this summer, include fan fair fit for Olympians. Incorporate gold, silver, and bronze into your décor. An awards podium with the official Olympic rings would be the perfect touch. Go for the gold! Attire Guests should feel comfortable in their outfits. It could be as simple as having folks choose a country to represent. Wear it with pride and it will be the ultimate ensemble. Refreshments Since the Olympics are being held in Rio, what better than to offer the signature drink of Brazil, Caipirinha. This native classic is made from Cachaca, a sugarcane hard liquor, sugar and lime!

Decoration Koalas and Kangaroos are popular animals in Australia so incorporate them into the party décor for a real Australian feel. Australia is a great place to surf, so create a BBQ with a beachy vibe. Toss a few pool floaties and beach balls out in the lawn (or in the pool) for the finishing touch. Attire Casual attire is acceptable or just make it a pool party and wear your favorite swimsuit. Refreshments Throw some shrimp on the BBQ and get grillin’! Just in case guests feel adventurous, have a bottle of Vegemite out for people to sample. As for beverages, have your guests sip on a cold hard cider or a pineapple mango iced tea!

Decoration A Cuban themed party should hold somewhat of a rustic look. Set up a snazzy cigar bar for guests to check out. Large plants and tropical flowers can turn your space into a Cuban paradise. Cigar boxes can be used to decorate as well, adding a bit of Cuba wherever you go. Attire Guests should dress causal yet fashionable. With linen and tropical prints, you can’t go wrong. Food & Refreshments Cigar shaped cookies fit perfectly with this theme, they’re clever and tasty! Not to forget the beverage of the night, the classic Mojito. ◊

SPRING 2016 // 7



Deadline for submission: WEEK 4 OF FALL TERM Open to all majors, all mediums

Include name, major, medium, phone number, titles of work - 5 submissions maximum Find us on Facebook: OSUPrism Twitter: @OSUPrism Instagram: @OSUPrism







What the Festival


Kick off your summer with an experience unlike any other, offering a unique adventure into the forest near the town of Dufur on the eastern edge of the Mt. Hood National Forest. This eccentric wonderland features a kasbah hookah lounge, illuminated forest, and silent disco. If you get overheated, splash into the stageside swimming pool and vibe to trancey electronic jams.

If folk-pop and electronic soul genres had a lovechild, it would be Pickathon. They’re back this year with an even more extravagant lineup, including Jeff Tweedy & Mac DeMarco, perfect for anyone fond of positive music and good vibes. The Pendarvis Farm is located right outside of Happy Valley, and promises multiple stages with phenomenal performers enjoyable by all.

June 17 – 20 $275+, all ages

PDX Pop Now July 22 – 24 FREE, all ages

Are you more of the “local music” type of person that doesn’t want to break the bank? This one is for you! Every year since 2003, PDX Pop Now has brought Portland musicians together to rock out underneath the Hawthorne Bridge. Support local artists and watch all the cool bands that’ll be famous in five years. You can honestly say that you “listened to them before they turned mainstream”.

August 5 – 7 $300+, all ages

Project Pabst

August 27 – 29 $90+, 21+ If you want the most bang for your buck, this festival will appeal to both your wallet and your ears. With an array of genres ranging from indie and 80’s rock to hip-hop and electronic music, any music lover that attends will be pleased. This slammin’ lineup includes Duran Duran, Tame Impala, Ice Cube, STRFKR, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, A$AP Ferg, and more! Combined with the proximity to bars downtown, it’s sure to be one crazy night in the City of Roses. ◊

Oregon Jamboree July 29 – 31 $140+, all ages

Country fans rejoice! Superstars Carrie Underwood and Toby Keith are rollin’ through Sweet Home for the Oregon Jamboree, bringing famous country stars to our neck of the woods for over 24 years. Pull up a chair and watch live performances from two separate stages, complete with three beer gardens.

SPRING 2016 // 11

Thespians, Thrills and Theatrics The Stage Reimagined in Downtown Corvallis



it the waterfront on a Friday night, and you’ll find bustling crowds of students and locals alike trekking to and from fun bars and other happening joints - but live theatres, only blocks away are offering unique new ways to spend a night out on the town. Theatres such as the Majestic and Whiteside have been pillars of Corvallis’ vibrant art scene since the early 20th century. Now over a hundred years later, these venues are constantly finding new ways to utilize their distinctive space and rustic charm to continue standing out as a reminder of just how much can be done with a stage, a couple lights, and a whole lot of spirit.






“The Whiteside is mainly used for small acts,” recalls Oregon State theatre director George Caldwell, “it’s used for small performances or musical acts, because of its small stage size.” The theatre regularly shows films, but also hosts a number of presentations, music groups, and even festivals where you can sit down and grab a drink. A quick walks distance away is the Majestic, which provides regular films, improv groups, burlesque troupes, and everything in between. Built in 1913, the Majestic has undergone countless management and occupant changes, but has remained a prominent community theatre since it was deemed an official historical building in the 1980’s. Just last year, it was taken over by the city of Corvallis, making it an official parks and recreation office, which is a huge step for a theatre that previously relied on ticket sales and donations to make ends meet.

The Majestic has something for everyone, with countless gatherings, events, and productions of all kinds. “We have a regular Science Pub,” explains Majestic Theatre employee Gabriela Oh, “They take a topic, and get some experts to talk about it, and at the same time they have a bar open where people can get a drink and a snack. Last month we had an expert come to talk about the big earthquake that’s supposed to happen, and we sold out our 300 seat capacity, and people still stood in the lobby - we even had to start turning people away.” Events like the science pub, or any of the Majestic’s open-audition productions and groups are just a few ways to make any afternoon or evening a blast.

“Sometimes it can be difficult to break into the OSU student scene. A lot of people know where the Peacock is, but they don’t realize that they’re next to a theatre with a lot of opportunities!” concludes fellow Majestic Theatre employee Natalie Sullivan. Students of all ages and interests are welcome to come and join the fun downtown by finding schedules online, or by just walking downtown and checking it out for themselves. There’s a lot to offer in the theatres of downtown Corvallis than meets the eye, so next time you take a night off with some friends or plan to impress a first date, why not try something new? Catch a show, a class, or a drink at the Majestic or the Whiteside; the acting may be fictional, but the fun is 100% real. ◊

SPRING 2016 // 13



orvallis is a college town swarming with coffee shops and late into the nights you can see them flooded with students and community members and although each one of them offers something unique, one coffee shop seems to make more of a lasting impression. Placed comfortably on Monroe Avenue, seemingly inconspicuous, is Interzone Inc, or more regularly just called, ‘Interzone.’ It’s an independently and locally owned coffee shop that offers an assortment of organic coffees, teas, homemade pastries, mostly organic veggies, and more and however as nice as that all is, what makes Interzone really memorable is the ambiance that resonates within its walls. When you walk through the purple-framed door, past the local art and marked up band flyers, you could almost believe that Portlandia’s “Dream of the ‘90’s” was actually referring to this small town coffee shop. Interzone is a funky, hippie-flavored and lounge-y space with DIY aesthetic that is a place for local music, art, poetry-readings and everything and anything else that is painfully hip or alternative. Its bright solid alternating colored walls, murals, schoolhouse chairs and


worn thrift-find tables add to an obvious aesthetic and attitude the coffee shop is going for.

which is detrimental to a rising and blooming culture in Corvallis.

On any given day you can see the outside seating area lined with a mix of regulars and students, that hopped across the street from campus, who go to the coffee shop solely to hang out and socialize.

More on its food though, Interzone is home to some of the best bagel sandwiches in all of town. Each is layered with your choice of cheese, egg, avocado, olives, spinach, tomatoes, and pepper. It’s little to no cost and absolutely filling. They also offer pretty tempting breakfast burritos - their super vegan burrito, for examples, features tofu-veggie scramble, black beans, avocado, salsa and homefries.

At first glance, Interzone may seem off-putting and may seem to play into the pseudo-hippie culture, and although of course there are a few who really do fit that stereotype (I mean they’re everywhere), Interzone is much more than that. Interzone offers a sense of wholesome and welcoming community and is a pivotal meeting ground for the underground art and music scene in town. Corvallis DIY is a local group with the mission to work together to support each other and others in starting bands, making art, creating zines, and a bunch of other cool underground events. They relish in organizing all ages shows and events for Corvallis and a lot of those are hosted at Interzone and the coffee shop has developed a reputation for being one of the few available venues for live music in Corvallis,

The Greek Sandwich also always sounds good: sundried tomato, cream cheese, olives, spinach, cucumber and artichoke hearts all on a michetti roll. So, if you think tofu is weird, don’t appreciate good coffee, are not a fan of cool local music and art, then you may feel intimidated by this place. But if you feel at home in the kind of place that embraces new-world quirkiness, good healthy food, and artists supporting artists, then this is the place for you. ◊






owntown Corvallis is known for having unique local shops and eateries just off the banks of the Willamette River. The collection of family-run and locally owned businesses gives the community a sense of togetherness that you cannot find in just any town. Corvallis tops off this community pride with their local Farmers Market happening from April to November located at 1st & Jackson on Saturday and Wednesdays. The Farmers Market opens at 9 a.m. and at first seems quiet, but by 10 a.m. the market sees more traffic, and before you know it, hundreds of people and dogs are walking amongst the booths. As you walk through the streets, there are dozens of vendors from the Willamette Valley. Farms like Gathering Together Farm and Good Foot Farm bring in a variety of seasonal produce and baked goods. Their farms can easily sell out of almost everything by noon. Oregon State is even represented at the Farmers Market. Our food science department sells Beaver classic cheeses made by our own students here on campus. Produce, baked goods, and cheese are not the only things you can find at the Farmers Market. There is also local raw honey, fresh cut flowers, a variety of meats, and more.

If you are not in the mood to do your grocery shopping at the Farmers Market and are just looking for something pre-made to eat, the Farmers Market is still the place for you. Local food stands are set up providing a place for people to grab a hot meal or a refreshing drink while enjoying the atmosphere. Aside from the vendors, many local artists come down and provide performances. You can find a variety of musical entertainment, including everything from a person playing their guitar and singing, to a string quartet playing classical pieces. Often times there are also fun activities for kids, such as face painting, making it a fun place that the whole family can enjoy. Overall, the Farmers Market in Corvallis provides a place for the community to gather and enjoy all that the Willamette Valley has to offer. The beautiful sunshine and the friendly people make it worth getting up early on a Saturday morning. The Farmers Market is a perfect place for students to experience the Corvallis community and see what beautiful products the local farms and vendors have to offer. â—Š

SPRING 2016 // 17

Oregon State University’s Premier Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine CHECK OUT spring2016_shockpop


Interested in joining the team? Email



From Store to Stadium Ditch that oversized football jersey, throw on a sporty leather jacket over that OSU tee, and let your outfit scream as much excitement at the tailgate as it does at the game. We have paired with local boutique Runway Fashion Exchange to help coordinate your favorite OSU gear with those cute pair of shorts you’ve been dying to wear. ◊

stylist halie sutton photos adam wood

Shorts: $8.00 Runway Fashion Exchange

Jacket: $15.00 Runway Fashion Exchange


#GOBEAVS Tank: $8.00 Runway Fashion Exchange

Sunglasses: $12.00

Runway Fashion Exchange

Hat: $8.00 Runway Fashion Exchange

SPRING 2016 // 21




n 2013, Oregon State and Nike teamed up to release a revamped version of our beloved Beaver logo. This created a lot of speculation and some fans were not too happy about the modification. Nike’s Graphic Identity Group designed the new logo alongside a new identity system and uniforms for Oregon State. The new logo displayed Benny as a sleeker, modern version of him. While this may be the most dramatic logo change in Oregon State history, this is not the first time the university has transformed the emblem.

Change is inevitable. Someday when we reflect on the past as alumni and visit campus for football games, we will see that Oregon State has continued to transform. Despite logo changes and design alterations, one thing will always remain the same: the #GoBeavs mentality. â—Š







ince the first kick off in 1953 against Washington State, Reser Stadium has evolved into a haven for Oregon State fans to bleed orange and black. A new venture has recently been launched to benefit the OSU community with the “Victory Through Valley” project, which is estimated to be fully completed in October 2016. If you went to scope out the OSU football team at the spring game, or you’ve made it out of the library in the last few months, you will know that Reser Stadium is undergoing some serious changes. Believe it or not, there is actually a lot more to this project than the mammoth bones that were found in the north end zone of the field back in January. This $42 million privately funded refurbishment at Reser is titled, “Victory Through Valley” and is aimed to improve the Valley Football Center (VFC). When construction wraps up in October 2016, the VFC will provide many new amenities to OSU on its 90,000 square foot grounds. The football team locker room will be expanded the entire width of the north end zone in Reser. All student-athletes will have access to new a nutrition/performance table and a new sports medicine facility. The VFC will also serve as the grounds for the football operations area, the football hall of fame, and an auditorium.

It is clear that this is obviously not the first time OSU has made some dramatic improvements to its facilities. Reser Stadium first opened its gates 63 years ago in as “Parker” Stadium with a seating capacity of 28,000 fans. Since then, the grounds have been developed to what we know as home to our Beaver football team with a seating area that fits more than double the fans. In 1965, OSU football made an appearance at the Rose Bowl, which led to construction at Reser in 1967. During this time the facility was expanded to 40,953 seats for fans. Until recently, the last construction projects were in 2005 with the “Raising Reser (East Side)” and in 2007 with “Reser Stadium South Endzone” projects. A record crowd followed these developments in 2012 when the stadium reached 47,249 enthusiasts at Civil War versus Oregon.

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Reser Stadium has served as a place for wins and losses, mammoth bones, and radical #GoBeavs fanatics. In just a few months time, the space will hold new facilities for the OSU community to thrive within. ◊

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SPRING 2016 // 25



regon State made a number of changes on and off Reser field, some more subtle than others, but still all to advance the image of our university.

Oregon State has gone through numerous changes throughout the years. From revamping the Beaver logo, the expansion of beautiful buildings on campus, to the diversity of what the university has to offer students. However, within the midst of all of these changes, OSU never fails to still keep its traditional image alive and well. These traditional aspects are always in mind when trying to build and maintain the image of the university.

nating in color. The image that the team tries to aim for is the “athletic” look, while still keeping in mind our traditional and conservative fans. Pants and mid-drifts of uniforms have made their way into the mix as culture of the “college cheerleader” distanced from a young, high school look to an older, womanly edge. Skirts also began to come up at a shorter length, without it looking ridiculously short. The tops have incorporated fashion fads and are modeled after popular Nike sports bras. You can see some crossing in the back as well as a V-neck shape.

An example of this traditional evolution is our OSU Cheer and Dance Team. The evolution of the team’s uniforms and routines both reflect the traditional and revamped image that the university’s Marketing Department chooses to uphold. What many people do not know is that our Cheer and Dance Team is not under the university’s athletics program. The team stands under the Marketing Department with Benny the Beaver and the OSU Marching Band.

The material used for uniforms has also evolved and moved towards a Dri-FIT material making for a more athletic style. Dancers have also grown into wearing boots for some games as it reflects an older look and separates the team from other quads of the PAC12 by being one of the only teams to wear them. With the men on the team, it is a priority that they have that athletic look. They are provided jerseys and shorts with the option of pants. Their look is to be sleek, solid, and powerful to promote their athleticism in their job on the field.

Nike, the OSU athletic sponsor, works handin-hand with the team’s coach and marketing staff to create the team’s uniforms. The team receives funding for one new uniform a year, alter-

Pom-poms have also evolved with the uniforms. The team once had large, stringy poms and then transferred to smaller, ball-shaped poms. Later, the team tried out finger poms which only


covered the tips of the girls’ fingers. Today, the poms are at a medium size and have a matte colored look. The poms used to have sparkle strands, however, the matte look took a bolder statement on the field. This past season the two colored poms were orange and white because black was not as eye-catching in comparison. Subtle, but evolving changes in uniforms and routines have created the overall look of the university and the brand that we take pride in every day as Beavers. ◊






uring the Oregon summer and fall, you can smell the aroma of hot barbecues accompanied by the sounds of laughter. While everyone loves a good backyard barbecue in the summer and a tailgate in the fall, it’s not all that great for your diet. Even though traditional barbecue is delicious, it can leave you feeling lethargic and bloated with a case of the meat sweats. By making a few easy swaps to your menu, you can feel better about yourself without sacrificing flavor. This way, you can be ready for summer fun and Beaver football!


Crustless Berry Cheesecake Fruit Salad Ingredients 8 ounces Greek yogurt cream cheese, softened



½ cup sugar 8 oz light Cool Whip 3 cups strawberries, sliced 1 cup blackberries 1 cup blueberries 1 cup raspberries Instructions 1. In a large bowl, beat together cream cheese and sugar until smooth and creamy. Fold in the thawed cool whip. 2. Add strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. Fold carefully into the cream cheese mixture. Serve immediately.




Meat is arguably the best part of a barbecue, but beef and pork aren’t the healthiest options for you. Substitute those beef burgers for turkey burgers or black bean burgers. Both have less calories and fat compared to beef patties and are just as customizable! For that pulled pork, substitute for pulled chicken. Chicken is a leaner option with one-third less calories than pork. One thing to consider too is adding the sauce last rather than cooking your meats in it. Put a barbecue dry rub on first and go light on the sauce for less guilt.

The side dishes on your menu can make or break your mealtime experience. Potatoes are a huge staple with barbecue. When it comes to potato salad, substitute those russet potatoes for red potatoes and mix with Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise or sour cream. This will make your classic potato salad lighter and without weighing you down. Another barbecue classic are potato chips, which are greasy and really not that great for you. Try making your own baked kale chips at home and flavor them however you want! Sweet potato or exotic root chips are also another option. Be careful, because they can still be fatty and high in calories.

Don’t ditch the dessert! Nothing is more satisfying than cooling off with something sweet at the end of a meal. Rather than dishing out ice cream sundaes for everyone, bring some real fruit popsicles or Greek yogurt fruit popsicles. Typical berry pies are a crowd pleaser too, but can be packed full of fat and sugar. Make a crust-less berry pie and serve it fruit salad style, mixed with some light whipped cream.

Are you a kabob person? Try grilled veggie kabobs and steak to get your red meat fix. And finally, skip the buns and go with healthy lettuce wraps. If you decide to go with the buns, choose a multigrain or whole-wheat bun for a more nutritious alternative.

With barbecue season around the corner and tailgating just after that, it’s good to know you can still enjoy all the delicious food without ruining your summer bod. So Beaver Nation, get out there and have your barbecues but don’t forget to tag us in your favorite photos! ◊

SPRING 2016 // 29



hat do students of age want? Alcohol, of course. What do students of age not want? The 15 pounds that eventually come from drinking it. Alcohol can be a leading contributor for weight gain in college. Most people aren’t aware of how many calories they drink from one night out. However, there is a way that students of age can still drink, have a fun time, and not bloat with those extra calories. Many students do not understand the entire process of alcohol’s contribution to weight gain. When you drink, the alcohol is metabolized by your body, fat oxidation comes to a stop, and that produces weight gain or a slower metabolic rate. When people are hit with the straight facts of how many calories are in a gram of alcohol and so on, their reaction is that it goes in one ear and out the other. I mean, if it gives you a night of fun, who cares right? How about if we put it into a different perspective - having a Piña Colada would be like having a donut while you’re at the bar. A glass of wine would be equal to you chomping down a piece of cake. A pint of beer? Well, you should just have a huge slice of piece of pizza insteadit’s the same amount of calories. The best yet, a margarita, would be like indulging in a huge double cheeseburger. So what if you like all of these drinks and don’t want to cut your alcohol intake? Well here are some healthy alcoholic drink options that will leave you not as bloated and still having fun. Don’t forget to always stay safe, and drink responsibility. ◊



Refreshing Skinny Piña Colada • • • •

¾ cup of coconut water ¼ cup of pineapple juice, 1.5 oz of light rum and a splash of milk (if wanted) Approximately 200 calories per drink

Light Pink Starburst Cocktail • • • • • • • •

1 splash of diet lemon lime soda to fill to the top 4 squirts of strawberry kiwi flavored Dasani drops 1 oz of refrigerated almond milk ½ cup of orange juice 1 handful of ice 1 oz of vodka, 1 ½ oz of whipped cream vodka Approximately 180 calories per drink

Super Skinny Margarita • • • • • • •

12 oz of sparkling lemon lime water 6 oz of tequila ¼ cup of orange juice 2 tbsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 lime sliced for garnish Salt for the rim of your glass Approximately 100 calories per drink

Skinny Watermelon Mojito • • • • • • •

½ lime 4 mint leaves 1 cup of watermelon 1 club soda a handful of ice 1 fl. oz of rum; Approximately 120 calories per drink

Skinny Hurricane Cocktail • • • • •

2 oz of light cranberry juice, 2 oz of light orange juice, 1 ½ oz of Bacardi Select rum, An orange peel twist for garnish; Approximately 130 calories per drink SPRING 2016 // 31







here is nothing quite like being outdoors, especially in Oregon. The weather is incredible, making the outdoors seem irresistible when you’re stuck indoors studying. There are many fun and exciting things to do outdoors that can take your mind off things and give you a good workout as well. If you’re tired of the gym and want to be outside, there are things you can do besides the usual activities of running or walking. From hiking to slacklining, paddle board yoga, kayaking and canoeing, Oregon has many fun outdoor activities to enjoy.

This next hiking spot, located in Terrebonne, Oregon, Smith Rock State Park (about three hours from campus) provides a good workout with rewarding sights at the top. Pack plenty of water and get a head start before the crowds come if you plan on exploring this hike in the summertime.

Oregon has many different hiking spots to offer, but here are a few of the most beautiful hikes to take that you sure don’t want to miss.

Paddle board yoga has many benefits, such as helping you focus on your breathing, helping you relax, and giving you a killer core workout. Canoeing and kayaking are also fun and relaxing water activities that can give you a good workout. These activities can improve your aerobic fitness, strength, and flexibility. Not only can canoeing and kayaking be peaceful and meditative, it can also help increase your torso and leg strength. The strength to power a canoe or kayak comes mainly from rotating the torso and applying pressure with your legs. If you’re not about that water life, try slacklining, which can be a fun and challenging land activity.

Located just outside Salem, Silver Creek Falls in Silverton has 10 waterfalls and more than 24 miles of walking trails to explore. As one of the largest state parks in Oregon, this hiking destination is definitely worth the trip if you’re looking for some of nature’s finest. The next hike is Drift Creek Falls, located in Lincoln City. A total of three miles in duration, you find yourself on a 240-foot suspension bridge overlooking the falls. Bring your dog and a buddy to enjoy the outdoors and also benefit from a good workout.

If you’re not into hiking and are more about the water activities, paddle board yoga, canoeing, and kayaking are the ones to do. These fun water activities are not only a good workout, they’re also good for soaking up the sun and enjoying the surrounding nature.

Slacklining provides many health benefits and you don’t have to travel very far to do it either. To name just a few benefits, slacklining can help improve your balance, straighten your posture, promote social interaction, and be meditative all at the same time. Slacklining can be a good activity to get you out of the house, or the library, and enjoy the sun with your friends. Oregon State even offers some outdoor equipment that any OSU student or community member can take advantage of. Located at the east entrance to Dixon Recreation Center, the Adventure Leadership Institute offers equipment for a number of activities such as backpacking, mountaineering, rafting, rock climbing, bouldering, and much more. Go soak up the sun and get your friends together to explore Oregon with these fun activities that will also provide you with a good workout. Make the outdoors your gym! ◊

SPRING 2016 // 33

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