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The Beaverton Resource Guide


Your FREE Monthly Community Paper

Volume 10 | Issue 4 | March 2020

Connecting residents to their community

While the world may have gone

...and businesses to their customers! Photo By Christina Grow, Beaverton

Topsy Turvy

The beauty of nature brings comfort and peace... Find these stories inside & more! LOCAL BUSINESS


• Learn how brain training can transform lives (page 21) • Get fitness tips from a porcupine (page 12) • Meet the candidates for mayor (page 3)


• Caregivers should follow these strict rules (page 17)


• Fight the flu, support your immune system (page 16)


• I’m only 16. Should I worry about COVID-19? (page 21) • Messages from our libraries (page 28-29)

Many Thanks to our Community Partners!

“I always look forward to reading through the BRG to learn what’s happening in the different areas of Beaverton. We are all part of this community and sharing information on the local level allows our wonderful city to thrive.�

Mayor Denny Doyle:


• Pages: 3-12, (directory, advice, spotlight stories)


• Pages: 12-15 (animals, parks, pets, sustainability)


• Pages: 3, 13, 22, 27 (city news, public safety, history)



• Pages: 17-19, 25 (senior ads, health, events) • Pages: 16 (health & wellness)


• Pages: 20-21, 23, 26-27, 32 (essays, library, spotlight)


• Pages: 25-31 (events, art, programs, calendar, theatre)


• Pages: 2, 10, 32 (cartoon, quote, word puzzle contest)

Learning Corner: Uplifting Message

Imagine happiness Two songs that inspired me



First Settled: 1847 (by Augustus Fanno) Year Incorporated: 1893 Population: 97,229 (2017)

Mayor: Denny Doyle Council: Catherine Arnold, Lacey Beaty, Mark Fagin Laura Mitchell, Marc San Soucie




Sales Tax: 0.0% Zip Codes: 97005-08, 97075, 97078, 97003

Tuesdays, 6:30pm City Council meetings are held in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers in City Hall and open to the public. 503-526-2222 or visit:

Area Codes: (503), (971)


Income Tax: 9.0%

Elevation: 189 feet above sea level Yearly Rain/Snow: 39in/2in per year Clear Days per Year: 142 days Median Home Price: $353,316 (2017) Median Household Income: $58k (‘17) Projected Job Growth: 8.7% (2017) Average Communte Time: 22 min. High School Graduation Rate: 81%

Beaverton Recycling ........................................ 503-526-2665 Beaverton School District ................................503-591-8000 Chamber of Commerce ................................... 503-644-0123 City Hall ............................................................ 503-526-2222 City of Beaverton (Water) ................................ 503-526-2257 Hazardous Waste Disposal (Metro) ................ 503-797-1700 Oregon DMV .................................................... 503-299-9999 Oregon Ecycle .................................................. 888-532-9253 NW Natural (Gas)............................................. 503-226-4211 PGE (Electricity) ...............................................800-743-5000 Police (Non-Emergency) ................................. 503-526-2260 Waste Management (Trash) ............................ 800-808-5901


The Beaverton Resource Guide is a division of Cedar House Media. For questions or comments? Contact us: CEDAR HOUSE MEDIA 4655 SW Watson Ave. Beaverton, OR 97005 503-641-3320 MONTHLY WRITERS

City Staff Paul Craig Larry Ferguson Dirkse CC

happiness without a reason



Executive Editor: Cory Burden Managing Editor: Michael Wong Senior Designer: Sarah Jones Webmaster: Troy Brisbin Advertising: Frances Quaempts

TVF&R Staff Spencer Rubin M.E. Summer Beaverton Police Staff

Kili Garcia Frances Quaempts Kimberly Shute Jennifer Keene

Rhonda Kay Leonard County Staff Dr Bryen Bell Oregon Zoo Staff

PGE Staff THPRD Staff Oregon Clinic Curve/Jenny Craig


Hello Beaverton, welcome to another issue of The Beaverton Resource Guide. As a full-color, monthly newspaper that’s dedicated to the positive aspects of our community, you can be sure to ďŹ nd interesting and uplifting stories about what makes our city one of the best in the country (ranked #3 nationally for “Best Places to Raise a Familyâ€? in 2018 by The goal of The BRG is simple and can be easily read at the top of each page: connecting people who live, work or shop in and around Beaverton with the abundant local resources available. So whether you’re shopping and want to try out a new store or a new store that wants to reach out to new customers, The BRG is equally useful and happy to help play the role of match-maker. We also know a lot about what’s going on in the county and for those who are looking to get “Out & Aboutâ€?, we have the county’s event calendar, an exclusive with the Beaverton Farmers market, an extensive regional theatre line up, a full list of library programs as well as other announcements to help you connect to whatever interests you. The BRG is available for pickup at over 170 locations from major grocery retailers, restaurants, doctor ofďŹ ces and banks to city hall, hotels, regional libraries and the farmers market. For more information about advertising rates, current or past stories, distribution, our photo gallery and more, visit Thank you and I hope you had as much fun reading this issue as I had putting it together. Sincerely, Michael Wong (Managing Editor)

2 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

ome 70 years ago, we came to the Great Northwest from Europe as refugees from the Second World War. 2XU ÂżUVW WDVN ZDV WR OHDUQ the new language. That I did by listening to the radio. One song was especially memorable: “I want to be happy, but I can’t be KDSS\ ÂľWLO , PDNH \RX KDSS\ too!â€? by Ella Fitzgerald. Now, as a naturalized citizen, just imagine what our FRXQWU\ ZRXOG EH OLNH LI DOO husbands and wives would say that to their spouses - and then act accordingly! Just imagine a world where everyone would do the same! That, of course, would be an impossibility. But there was another song that was popular more recently: “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me!â€? by Vince Gill Happiness also needs to KDYH D EHJLQQLQJ DQG OLNH “peaceâ€? and “loveâ€?, if you give it away, you’ll wind up having more! Just give it a try! Smile and let someone pull into the VWUHDP RI WUDIÂżF DKHDG RI \RX <RXÂśOO ÂłPDNH WKHLU GD\´ DQG chances are, they’ll pass on the gesture. Have a happy day!

About Rev. Hendrik Laur

“I was born in Tallinn, Estonia, in 1937. My mother DQG , Ă€HG IURP WKHUH DV WKH Russians were invading in 1944 and wound up in Germany, where after the end of the war, we were placed in Displaced Persons camps run by the UN. In 1950 we were able to immigrate to the USA DQG HVWDEOLVKHG RXU ÂżUVW KRPH in the new world near Olympia, WA.â€? 5HY +HQGULN /DXU LV D retired Lutheran pastor, who periodically visits the Estonian Lutheran congregation that meets in the Latvian Lutheran building in Hillsdale. The congregation was established E\ (VWRQLDQV ZKR Ă€HG IURP the Russians in 1944 and came to the USA around 1950. By now, not many of them are left but they meet every second month. Before the service, Rev. Laur and his wife Valda usually stop at the McDonald’s on Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy for a cup of coffee.

Answers to Last month’s Word Puzzle • • • • •


• • • • •


• • • • •


• • • • •


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and do not necessarily reect the position of Cedar House Media and/or the Beaverton Resource Guide. Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Connecting Businesses to Local Customers Our Town: Local Elections

It’s Time To Vote For The Next Mayor Of Beaverton Introducing Lacey Beaty CANDIDATE


Introducing Denny Doyle MAYOR

KHQ , ZDV D \RXQJ NLG LQ the Iraq War, I sat crammed around a tiny TV watching the results of the Bush/Kerry election. , NQHZ LQ WKDW PRPHQW WKDW , ZRXOG never be a political spectator again. After my service, I joined Beaverton’s Vision Advisory CommitWHH :H WDONHG WR RYHU SHRSOH to create a community-driven plan for Beaverton’s future. The more involved I got, the more I realized that if we wanted this plan to become real and not just sit on a shelf, it needed someone willing to commit the time and attention it deserved. That’s why I ran for city council six years ago, and have been putting my energy behind some amazing ZRUN OLNH DGYRFDWLQJ IRU WKH VXFcessful regional housing bond and passing the largest investment in VLGHZDONV LQ \HDUV +RZHYHU WKH FLW\ LV QRW ZRUNing for everyone. Our housing and transportation challenges are real and impacting everyone - and we need to have deeper community GLVFXVVLRQV DERXW WKH QH[W \HDUV





KHQ , ¿UVW UDQ IRU 0D\RU , did so on the promise that we would revitalize this city and bring new life to the small businesses that serve as the heart of our economy. I’m proud to say today that small businesses in Beaverton are thriving and the city has progressed beyond expectations. We have accomplished so much together, and there is still PRUH ZRUN WR EH GRQH I’m running for re-election EHFDXVH WKHUH DUH NH\ LQLWLDWLYHV and projects that I want to see through to the end: expanding social service programs for members of our community experiencing housing or food instability, or mental health challenges, the revitalization of the downtown core with more housing and businesses, and continuing to expand civic engagement opportunities and arts and cultural activities WKDW SURPRWH LQFOXVLYLW\ DQG PDNH Beaverton a great place to live, ZRUN DQG UDLVH D IDPLO\ In my time as Mayor, I have ZRUNHG ZLWK FRPPXQLW\ SDUWQHUV


- not just the next four. :KHQ , OHDG , WKLQN RI P\ mother - and all other seniors on D ¿[HG LQFRPH P\ KXVEDQG ZKR experienced housing instability as a child - my sister who’s been pushed out because of housing costs - and every other family who could become homeless if just one thing went wrong. I also bring expertise in public KHDOWK DQG ZLOO ZRUN ZLWK WKH FRXQty as inner-Beaverton is currently the most underserved in healthcare in our area. 7KDWœV ZKR ,œP ¿JKWLQJ IRU DQG that’s why I’m running for mayor.

and built regional connections that have positioned me to advocate on a national level for the interests RI RXU FLW\ 7KDW ZRUN LV QRW \HW over. I have prioritized and will continue to prioritize: reducing congestion, improving roads and VLGHZDONV DQG HQVXULQJ HIÂżFLHQW WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ RSWLRQV NHHSLQJ our neighborhoods safe; lowering housing costs, so families can buy a home and raise a family here; and building climate protection LQWR WKH ZRUN RI WKH FLW\ , KDYH D SURYHQ UHFRUG RI PDNLQJ SURJUHVV and I would be honored to have your vote in the May election.

Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 3

Connecting Customers to Local Businesses A





Buster and LIlly's Doggie Daycare

Bricks & MiniFigs

Map #1: Downtown & Old Town Beaverton 122th Ave

Meridian Medical Massage

Beaver Creek Village Shopping Center

Hall Street Center

Excel Financial


Tom’s Pancake House


Gloria’s Secret Cafe Art on Broadway Quilter’s Corner Store Spicy Thai Restaurant

Beaverton High School

1st St Stott Ave

TVR&R Station 67

2nd St

Erickson Ave

Main St

Columbia Post Office Bank Vanity Junkie Salon

Ava Roasteria Camille Keith, LPC

Living Wisdom School


Angel S


Watson Ave

Unity of Beaverton

6th St

City Library

City Park & Fountain

5th St

7th St

BiZee Bird

Book Corner

Community Center

St. Cecilia School


Tucker Ave


9th S

Hall Blv


Washing to

n St

t 8th S

Columbia Medical Alarm B

Sun Connection Travel & Cruises


SW Osprey Dr

Village Gallery

NW Heights Dental

Av e 11 8t h NW


Ce da rH ill sB lv d

< 0 -1

d sR rne Ba

Market of Choice

0 >




26 17 F


Unitus -

Map #4: Cedar Mill (North Beaverton)

4 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)



Rd ry Fer s l l o Sch

Village at Unity Scholls Ferry Chiropractic Casa Lola



ve u ha n o y Do si sines n? u b a erto Beav

Cafe Murrayhill

Kaiser Permanente Walgreens

Murray Scholls Family Dental

Lo st Sp rin gs Te rra ce


NW Mill Creek Dr


Murray-Scholls Library

Banner Bank


Ava Roasteria

to 2


Murrayhill Dental



Murray Scholls Townsquare

Dairy Queen


NW 129th Ave

NW Dale Ave

24 Hour Fitness

Bank of America

es rn Ba

NW Mur ray Blv d

SW Teal Bl vd

US Bank



OnPoint Credit Union

Rd nell Cor NW


Taco Bell NW Joy Ave

NW Scie nce Park Dr


Hapa Grill


Thriftway Key Bank

Nature’s Pet

Murrayhill Marketplace

United Homecare Services




Map #2: SW Beaverton (Murray & Scholls)

Cedar Mill Library

Beaverton Family Chiropractic

Ba rro ws

NW Dogwood St


SW Horizon Blvd



Central NAC Meeting: If you live or own a business in Downtown Beaverton then this meeting is your way to communicate with the city. Please come join us on the first Monday of each month, 7pm at Beaverton Swim Center, 12850 SW 3rd Street, Beaverton

SW Murray Blvd



7th St

8th St

Progress Ridge Club Pilates




Albertson’s New Seasons


Haagen’s Shopping Center

Ava Roasteria Ziba Salon Press Cafe

SW Walnut St

n Rd NW Saltzma

NW Filbert St

10 Qdoba


6th St

Elsie Stuhr Center

NW 123rd Ave



Department of Health Services

5th St

9th St 10th St


Turtles Yoga & Wellness

Beaverton Lodge

Creekside Village

Beaverton Police Department

St Cecilia

Cady Ln

Village Home School

Home Depot

B LaScala Food Court Vault Bar

7th St Hazel St

Noodles & Company

A Hall Street Center Beaverton Law Group Pacific Medical Group

Farmers Market

Singing River Natural Medicine

Einstein Bros Bagels


Holistic Health Center

3rd St


Buffalo Wild Wings


Beaverton Florists Swim Center

Beaverton Town Square

Bvtn Hillsdale Hwy


Cedar House Media UR Restaurant

Fred Meyer Shopping Center



Tulen Center


Watson Hall Bar

2nd St

4th St

6th St

Trader Joe’s

Ex Novo Parking

Chuck E Cheese

Emerald City Smoothies

SW Davies Rd

Farmington Rd

Burger King

Olive Garden

Beaverton Pharmacy





Haven Pool & Spa

am Rd



Panda Express

Red Robin

Motel 6


Boriken Restaurant

La Hacienda Real Mexican Restaurant

Subaru on Dealership Cany


Super Bowl Teriyaki

Valley Hwy

Premier Kitchens & Cabinets

Light Benders

Canyon Square


Alexia’s Window Tinting


Starbucks Shutterbug

Big 5

Ford Dealerhip

24 Hour Fitness

Lombard Ave


Millikan Way



Home Goods


Rose Biggi Ave

City Hall

Hyundai Dealerhip


The Round

Canyon Auto Repair

Police Resource Center

Canyon Place Shopping Center

Betts Ave


nt Ave Chamber of sce Commerce Cre

Franklin Ave

Budget Hotel

T.J. Maxx Beaverton Education Foundation

Tucker Ave

Comfort Inn Black Bear Diner


Jo Ann’s

SW W atson

Guaranteed Pest Control

Cedar Hills Blvd

Hocken Ave


JMI Limousine JMI Insurance

Hometown Buffet

Beaverton Signs

Nissan Dealership


114th Ave

Habitat for Humanity Restore

Arts & Communication Magnet Academy (ACMA)

Center St

117th Ave

Carey Custom Floors


123th Ave


Historic Downtown District

Lombard Ave


McDonalds Starbucks

124th Ave

New Seasons

125th Ave

Taco Bell

Get y directo our ry list ing for on ly $15 per month

Big Al’s

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Connecting Businesses to Local Customers Arts Increasing Access to the Arts... (503) 359-5349

Wash. County Republicans

Beaverton Police Dept.

Oregon Long Term Care

Working for Oregon!, 503-927-7374 503-629-0111 MAP1D3

through our Scholarship Program and the Campaign to build the Patricia Reser Center for the Arts

Theatre in the Grove

KUIK AM 1360


Beaverton School District

Art on Broadway Gallery in downtown beaverton 503- 601-3300 MAP1C3

Cedar Hills Crossing

Solar Oregon

Village at Scholls Ferry 503-747-7238


MAP1B2 503-259-1225

City Hall 503-526-2222 MAP1B2 503-644-5555 MAP1B2

503-526-6433 503-693-7815 503-620-5262

Now Enrolling! Preschool - 5th Grade 14485 SW Walker Road (across from Nike) 503-641-4600 |

Wash. County Visitors Center

Community Gardens (City)

HART Theatre

Broadway Rose Theatre

& Learning 503-645-6433

Chamber of Commerce Lana L. Nelson Oil Painting


THPRD 503-644-0043 503-644-0123 503-639-8860



Cedar Mill Library

See my work & lana-lnelson/ (in Facebook too!) Call me at 503 830-7894

Washington Square Mall


Appreciation. Sit back and enjoy! 503-846-2700

The Round 503-591-8000 503-643-6563 MAP1B1

European Classical Music

Wash. County Sheriff’s Office

Ombudsman Program 1-800-522-2602

Visitors Center for

Democratic Party

Beaverton and Washington County 503-644-5555 MAP1B2

Values in Action! 503-626-7018

Cascade Montessori Preschool M- F: 7am to 530pm *Ages 2-6* Call Miss Tiffany at (503) 591-9654

Energy Trust of Oregon 866-368-7878


Community Gardens (THPRD) FOX 12 Oregon 503-906-1249

Resources 503-245-9932

(See useful ph# list on page 2)

KPTV Fox Channel 12

Affordable Arts and Crafts

en ard



rry R

lls Fe


97223 Tigard






Bridgeton Chiropractic

Map #3: Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy & Canyon Rd


West Slope Post Office

US Bank

China Delight

SW 78th Ave

Faces by Vivian


SW 91st Ave

SW 96th Ave


McCormick & Schmits

SW 103rd Ave



Shiloh Inn

SW 107th Ave

SW 109th Ave

B W al

Wally & Son Automotive


97223 Garden Home

Beaverton Zip Codes


SW Canyon Rd





Continental Cleaners

SW 110th Ave

Recycling & Waste Programs

Carl’s Jr.



Beaverton City Library

ke r

217 217

800-542-8818 (503) 644-2197 MAP1C4

Potions Salon

rm Fa

PGE Green Power Program




in 503-259-0185

SW 103rd Ave

SW 108th Ave

SW 110th Ave

Classes and Workshops 12505 NW Cornell Rd (next to the Cedar Mill library)

on gt

Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy

Aloha Community Library



Garden Home Community Library



TV Hwy

Murray Blvd

through historic photos, artifacts, exhibits and more! 503-430-0106 MAP1C3

Canyon Rd

SW 87th Ave

Beaverton Civic Theatre 503-754-9866

97229 Bethany / Cedar Mill



Learn About our City’s Past

26 26

Jade River Healing Arts Center

SW Dogwood Ln

& Culture

Beaverton Composting

Safeway Shopping Center

New Seasons



lls ho Sc

rry Fe


Raleigh Hills Assisted Living SW Oleson Rd

Valley Cinima

Cartridge Network


Fred Meyer Shopping Center

SW Dogwood Ln


SW Apple Way

Sisters N Style

Signature Shoes

Jesuit High School

SW Laurelwood Ave


Sambi Restaurant


Arctic Circle Businesses • Omega Gymnastics SW 5th St • Haiyan Int’l Dance Academy

Valley Plaza

Jack in the Box

Michael’s Arts & Crafts


SW Jamieson Ave

See Downtown Map


SW 99th Ave

Kaiser Permanente

SW Western Ave

SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy

Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 5

Connecting Customers to Local Businesses <-- Continued from previous page

Education & Learning Acting & Speech Coaching All levels and all ages welcome! Call Terry at 503-707-4554

The Book Corner 503-643-5188 MAP1C4

Learn to prosper with life! Let your self esteem blossom. Aweigh Impasse holding classes at 12750 SW 2nd Street, Ste 102 Call (916) 396-9633

Beaverton Downtown Association

Pain. Community. Resilience. We will persevere, because this is our Beaverton LOCAL BUSINESS


s I write this, it is Monday, March 16 and the governor has just required all restaurants and bars to close effective 0DUFK WDNHRXW LV VWLOO allowed). Businesses in downtown have already felt the pain DQG XQFHUWDLQW\ RI QRW NQRZLQJ what may be coming next. Sabastian Junger wrote in “Tribeâ€? that it is often pain, GLIÂżFXOW\ DQG WULDO WKDW EULQJV people together and builds community. We have seen that here in downtown Beaverton as busiQHVVHV OLNH %DWWHU 8S 'HOHFWDEOH %DNHG *RRGV /LRQKHDUW &RIIHH &RPSDQ\ DQG 0LON 7 KDYH DOO ZRUNHG WR SURYLGH IRRG DQG GULQNV WR WKRVH LQ QHHG :H are rallying together. But that doesn’t change the fact that this is just plain tough. Many business owners have invested all they have in their businesses. And now they face unprecedented and unimaginable challenge. They need you. Purchase gift cards. Order online. Request curbside SLFNXS 7KHVH EXVLQHVVHV DUH willing to adapt to the changing

needs of our society. Will you stand with them? All of the great stories involve a protagonist overcoming some impossible challenge. The challenge molds them and shapes them, just as this experience will mold and shape us.

Customized Learning 503-591-8000

Jazz Combo Classes Call Tina at 917-202-9816 today!

We can choose hope above fear, local businesses above global goliaths, and community above emotional isolation. The choice is all of ours, and we will rise together. • This is the nature of community. • This is the nature of resilience. We will persevere, because this is our Beaverton. #ourbeaverton (503) 644-2197 MAP1C4

in a choice-based environment. Small classes, all subjects, K-12. 503-597-9100 MAP1C4

The Catwalk Hair Studio * Living Proof * J Beverly Hills * *Moroccanoil* Call Kelly Christiansen at 503-464-6711 MAP2D

Men, Women & Kids! Up-do, Bridal, Special Occasion, Lash Extentions, Face Waxing, Colour, highlights, smoothing 503-430-0008 MAP2D

My Masterpiece Art Studio Open Studio, Parties & Classes 503-453-3700


Counseling for Caregivers 503-926-6284 MAP2E

But we have an opportunity choose.

Beauty & Wellness

Beaverton School District

Beaverton City Library Raindrop Taphouse in downtown Beaverton, where you can get growlers ďŹ lled. (Photo by Matthew Shephard Photography)


and Healers. Camille Keith, LPC-Intern Supervisor Tara Sanderson, PsyD (971-295-1547)

Photo History of Beaverton 127 pages of fascinating images and stories of our city’s heritage. 503-641-3320

Learn to Ballroom Dance! 503-593-8252 MAP1B1

Beaverton Coloring Books Color in the fun images as your kids learn about the city. The perfect gift or souvenir!

Insurance Partners NW Home, Auto, Business, & Health Friendly local independent agents! 503-372-5621

Birth & Postpartum Doulas 503-718-7574 MAP1C3

*Free Placement Testing* See student success stories in Kid’s corner on back cover! 503-639-7219 MAP2D

Your Healing Sanctuary 503-297-3825 MAP3BH

Private Piano Lesons

Support Your Library

The Beaverton Downtown Association promotes the historic preservation and economic development of Old Town Beaverton. Want to get involved? Check out our website at

by donating to the Beaverton Library Foundation online @

All ages and levels PhD in Piano, 30yrs experience. 971-246-4824

Belly Dance! Beginners Welcome! 503-974-6287

Specializing in personalized corrective care based on problems, not just symptoms. 503-574-4872

Preschool- Grade 5 Education centered in the heart. 4855 SW Watson Ave. Beaverton 503-671-9112 MAP1C4

Get your business listing for as low as $15/month!

Beaverton Education Foundation 503-643-7453 6 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

Family Chiropractic Center


Primary Care for the whole family Nutrition, IV Therapy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Dr. Jennifer Means & Dr. Elizabeth Elliott welcome you! 503-641-6400 MAP1B4

Bridgeton Chiropractic Specializing in Chiropractic, Rehab, Nutrition and DOT Exams. Call Today 971-255-1708 MAP3C

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Connecting Businesses to Local Customers


**Brain Training** Enhance your life & performance Improves memory, focus & sleep Visit (503) 420-7580

Cedar Mill Optometrist


Local LifeLine Provider Personal health & safety solutions including GPS & medication dispensing. 503-644-4736 MAP1D4

Beaverton Pharmacy

Serving Beaverton & Tigard Grab your “Honey Do” list and gimme a call. No job too small! 971-238-8358

Daycare & Pet Hotel Suites 8625 SW Scholls Ferry Rd. Easy access from SW Hall & 217 Visit or call us at 503.430.5821

Interior and Exterior Shutters

Eye Exams | Glasses | Contacts Eye Disease Treament and more. Call Dr. Goldman at 503-646-6166

Medical Alarm, Inc.

Dove Lewis 24hr Pet Hospital #1 choice for animal emergencies

Your Shower Door & Mirror *EXPERTS* Free estimates on all projects. Come talk to us! 503-644-3153



A+ Carpentry Residential Remodeling & Handyman Repairs | (503) 754-2857

Empowering Clients to Heal

Fine Window Treatments That Are Uniquely You! 503-406-2544

Nourish the soul with Reiki. **Gentle & Restorative** Visit: or contact

AWEIGH IMPASSE offering comprehensive consultations in Biofield & Chakra Modalities at 12750 SW 2nd Street, Ste 102. Call for Appointment: (916) 396-9633 Tetyana Zinchenko, Practitioner

New Continuous Gutters! Gutter & roof cleaning, gutter repair, pressure washing, moss removal. 503-268-9121

Residential Remodeling & Repairs

Hart Road Animal Hospital Individual Veterinary Care for your Special Individual! 503-591-5282

Dryrot, Doors/Windows, Fencing/ Gates/Decks, Bathrooms, Flooring, Siding and More! (503)999-8656

Medicare accredited 503-644-2101 MAP1C3

Painting & General Contracting

Dr. Dan Miller Visit our Maximized Living clinic! 5075 SW Griffith Dr, Suite 120 503-644-8844 MAP1E5

Dental care you can smile about!

Guaranteed Pest Control

Exams & Cleanings | Extractions Restorations | Removable Prosthetic | 503-336-0382

Protecting your health and property since 1949! 503-646-2119 MAP1B2

*Finishing Fine Interiors* **Weather Tight Exteriors** (CCB#205045) 503-451-3239

Your Local Pet Place! Shopping for pet supplies should be easy... that’s what we do! 503-352-4269

Healthy Affordable Pet Supplies Nature’s Pet 503-579-2403


Senior Living Community

Housing &

We make it easy to feel right at home. 503-643-9735 MAP1B5

Home Maintenance

Raleigh Hills Assisted Living Where our home becomes your home! 503-297-3200

Comprehensive dental care for your entire family. Visit us at: MAP2B 503-590-7574

Holistic Health Clinic 503-646-8575

Been in an accident?



**PLUMBING** Hills Construction Contracting Residential, Remodel & Service “We take care of all construction needs including kitchens & baths!” Low prices on water heater replacements 971-246-3682 (CCB#102201)

Senior Living In Beaverton Offering Independent Living And Assisted Living Services At Canfield Place, we are family. 503-626-5100

The place for all your bird needs.

Enjoy Life with Friends Independent Living, Assisted Living & Memory Care. 503-629-5500

Exotic birds, healthy foods, toys, boarding & advice. Great prices! 503-644-9515 MAP1C4

Pets Animals & Pet Care Adopt a Lovable Put 503.704.3587

OR Friends of Animal Shelters Family Practice Hindi & Punjabi speaking provider available. **Mon-Sat Extended Hours** 503-644-1171 MAP1C3

Retirement Residence Take a look at what retirement living should be! MAP1B5 503-646-0635

Building Family for Life Independent Living | Assisted Living | Memory Care 503-713-5143

Come On...Let’s Play!! Daycare & Overnights 4070 SW Cedar Hills Blvd 503.596.2146 MAP1B1 503-747-7818

Washington County Dog License **Cats and other pets exempt** AnimalServices

Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 7

Connecting Customers to Local Businesses Catalyst Business Newsletter

Something Is Always More Interesting! Like It or Not BUSINESS ADVICE • You’re a business owner holding a staff meeting, and one or more of your employees are looking down, interested in something else! • You’re a sales person, in the middle of a pitch, something buzzes and your prospect pays more attention to some incoming message! • You’re a sales manager, holding a sales meeting, something chimes and rather than waiting, one of your sales people puts you on pause to see what could be more important than you! • You own a business, and your customer is paying at the register. A prime opportunity for you or your staff to engage them, thank them, etc...but they are more interested in checking out what’s new on social media!


he list can go on, and on, and on! Holding someone’s attention...eye contact...and having a conversation used to be so much easier. 1RZ JHQHUDOO\ VSHDNLQJ Whatever you are saying...Whatever you are presenting...Whatever you are selling... THERE IS SOMETHING, SOMEWHERE MORE INTERESTING THAN YOU! , NQRZ WKDW PLJKW KXUW EXW it’s true. Something, or someone, somewhere else in the more interesting than you! ,WœV LQ WKHLU SRFNHW DQG LW ODVWV forever...or as long as they have a charged battery. ,WœV KDV ÀDVKLQJ OLJKWV fun games...cute pictures...and people inside it tell the user how pretty, smart, successful and important they are. That’s pretty exciting!! It’s HARD to compete with all RI WKLV HJR VWURNLQJ EDFN UXEELQJ

End Petlessness

Hoshana Rabbah Messianic

Oregon Humane Society 503-285-7722 (503) 570-3376

Pet Lost & Found All found pets are registered with the county. For more info:

Warm Church with an Open Heart Located in downtown Beaverton at 4th & Watson. Worship with us at 1030am, Sunday School at noon. Visit or call 503-646-7107 MAP1C4

Murray Hills Christian Church 503-524-5230 high 5-ing and lovefesting! It Great Cats for Great Homes really is! BUT you’ve chosen to be a 503-320-6079 sales person, a sales manager, a store manager or a business RZQHU 6R GLI¿FXOW RU QRW \RXU reality is now focused on how you Churches & Spiritual FDQ DWWUDFW DQG NHHS \RXU FXVWRPers’ attention. ,W XVHG WR EH MXVW EULFN DQG PRUWDU YV EULFN DQG PRUWDU <RX XVHG to have meetings where it was just participants, pens and paper. There never used to be these 12555 SW 22nd St, Beaverton EX]]LQJ FKLPLQJ ÀDVKLQJ H[FLWLQJ Our Sunday service times WKLQJV LQ RXU KDQGV GLVWUDFWare 10:30am (in English) ing us and tantalizing us to the & 2pm (en espaùol) point that we lose focus on what’s happening right in front of us. Valley Community Presbyterian Contact us at BUT... they’re here to or call 503.292.3537. \RX EHWWHU PDNH VXUH WKDW \RX DUH the most interesting thing in the Bethel Congregational UCC room...or your product that you Sunday mornings at 10am. are selling is the most intriguing or important thing on the planet...or your place of business is the most Beaverton Church of the Nazarene exciting, paramount, attention grabbing place to be. (503) 643-6616 You have no choice. It’s WKH SOD\LQJ ¿HOG RI WRGD\ <RX Southminster Presbyterian need to eat your Wheaties every Church. 12250 SW Denney Road morning, and go out and excite the Progressive Spirit, Beloved world. Every. Single. Day! Community, 503-644-2073

Bilal Mosque Association (503) 591-7233

St. John Greek Orthodox Church 14485 SW Walker Rd, Beaverton Sunday service at 10am. Visitors welcome! | 503-644-7444


Good Samaritan Ministries Join us Sundays at 11am A positive plan for spiritual living. Everyone welcome, families & youth 503-646-3364 MAP1B4 or call 503-644-2339.

Restaurants Food & Drink

New Hope Missionary Baptist 503-591-8993

St. Barnabas Espicopal Church Sunday Services: 8 & 10am 2201 SW Vermont, Portland 503-246-1949

Portland Balaji Temple (503) 621-7716

Valley Community Pres Church (503) 292-3537

Beer, Wine and Cider Bar Serving fresh fondue, sausages and Daily Specials! **Full Bar & Live Music** @vaulatlascala MAP1C3

Village Inn 503-644-8848 MAP3BH

Azteca 503-643-8269

• Make It Easy for People to Do, and Keep Doing Business with You!


• Look Up‌and Surprise Someone! Spencer Rubin is a sales/marketing expert and a passionate advocate for the success of small, local business owners. To sign up for Spencer’s weekly Catalyst Newsletter. Contact 971-732-4745.

Holy Angels Anglo-Catholic Sunday Service 9:15am Come connect, grow & serve with us! (503) 646-4455

Church. Services w/Father Vince Varnas every Sunday 10:30am at our home church: 8950 SW 190th Ave., Aloha/Beaverton 503-356-8852

Authentic Caribbean Cuisine Let us introduce you to the wonderful avors of Puerto Rico! 503-596-3571 MAP1B3

We offer same day appointments to meet your urgent medical needs. Call to schedule an appointment today! Mon-Thurs: 7:30am - 7:00pm Fridays: 7:30am - 6:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm “A NCQA and State of Oregon Recognized Medical Home�

4510 SW Hall Blvd. | 503-644-1171 | www.paciďŹ 8 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Connecting Businesses to Local Customers Alexia’s Window Tinting Signs & Banners, clear bra paint protection, safety/security film. 503-671-9615 MAP1B2

Italian inspired with a menu that changes weekly featuring fresh seasonal ingredients from the Northwest. 503-641-3223 MAP1C3

Enjoy Authentic Mexican Food! Open Sun - Thurs: 11am - 10pm Fri-Sat 11am - 11pm 503-601-7000 MAP1D2

Authentic Japanese Cuisine Beaverton’s Best Sushi! Udon, Tempura, soba, Ramen, Curry, and more! Visit us at 9230 SW B/H Hwy 503-296-0045 MAP3C


25 cent Color Copies! One Person, One Price for a stress free purchase! Knowledgeable, kind & experienced, just call Margo! (503) 643-5577 MAP3A

High Quality | Low Cost Any project large or small. 503-641-3320 MAP1C3

& Shopping Raise Your Business Visibility

A Little Taste of El Salvador Tu-Sa: 11-3pm, Saturday Breakfast 9-11am and Sun. 11:30-2:30pm. Homemade salsa and soups to go! 503-268-2124 MAP1C3

We Buy Gold & Silver!

Killer Burger Burgers, Beer, Bottomless Fries! Crazy Hour Specials M-F 2-5pm 503-268-1757

Engagement, Jewelry, Antique, Timepieces, Gifts, Service/Repair. 503 644-1333 MAP3B

Signs, Banners, Decals, A-Frames & Vehicle Graphics 503-526-0216 MAP1B3

Become a Lift Driver Join First Transit as a Lift Driver for our TriMet contract! See ad on page 8 for details or call 503-962-2040 today!

Real Local Florist* Flowers for every occasion, plants, cards, gifts & more! 503-644-0129 MAP1C4

Mexican Cuisine Daily happy hour from 11-5pm. 16305 SW Barrows Rd, Beaverton 503-567-8131 MAP2C



Brisbin Computer Consulting

Hot Tubs, Stoves, Fireplaces Pools, Free Water Analysis Service & Installation 503-649-2201 MAP1C3


From corporate networks to home helpdesk and affordable web design, let me know how i can be of service... 971-217-0988


30 varieties of pancakes & waffles! *Beaverton’s Favorite Restaurant* 503-646-2688 MAP1C3

General & Professional

Try our Super Teriyaki Bowl! Also Spicy Stir Fry, Yakisoba, Orange Chicken, Asian Chicken Salad, Bibimbap and more! 503-626-0552 MAP1C3

Beaverton Coloring Books

Black Bear Diner Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Take out & Delivery Available Visit 503-646-4507 MAP1A3

Learn about the city through these locally drawn coloring books. We have other Beaverton souvenirs too! 503-314-3459.

Compassionate In Home Care Trained professionals meeting senior care needs in the safety and comfort of home! 503.352-5634

Volunteer Today. 503-988-5115

Village on Scholls Ferry

Authentic Indian Lunch Buffet

Open 9am-9pm (7 days/week)

New location at 14603 SW Millikan Way at Murray Blvd. 503-671-0432

8155 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97008 503-605-1899

Class A Retail Complex. Restaurant & Office Space Avail. 503-747-7238

Book Corner 503-643-5188 MAP1C4

Independent Insurance Agent Big and Small, We Write it All. Business Ins., Worker’s Comp., Home, Auto, Health/Life. 503-644-9945

Your Partner in Homecare Personal Care, Household Tasks and Transportation 503-433-8079 MAP1E4


Oregon Metropolitan Elite Gymnastics Academy OMEGA - Inside Every Child Lies a Champion


• Locally Owned • Parent & Me Classes • Birthday Parties • Drop-In Classes • Tiny Tumblers • Parent’s Great Escape

9700 SW Harvest Ct, Suite 180, Beaverton OR 97005


• Recreational Classes • Camps • Competitive Team • Field Trips • and much more!

Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 9

Connecting Customers to Local Businesses Sports

<-- Continued from previous page


& Activities

General & Professional

Cartridge Network Disability Employment Specialists Consultation & Training in Diversity, Inclusion & Conflict Resolution ( 503-265-9256

6800 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy Portland, OR 97225 503-246-0665 MAP3BH

My Masterpiece Art Studio

Family Entertainment Center

Martial Arts & Self Defense

Bowling | Lasertag | Arcade Have your next party/event with us! 503-292-3523 MAP3C

**Adults | Teens | Kids** Way more than a kick-n-punch school. Beginners Welcome! 503-291-9333 MAP1C3

Open Studio, Parties & Classes 7905 SW Cirrus Dr., Beaverton 503-453-3700

Service and Repair, Karen Bolin, Financial Advisor Keep a level head in an up-and-down market.

Guaranteed auto service for over 45 years. 9650 SW Canyon Rd. 503-292-1626 MAP3B


Oregon Metropolitan Elite Gymnastics Academy

Camps • Classes • Birthdays We set children up for success and train champions for life! 503-466-4872 MAP3B

Cedar Hills Crossing 503-643-6563 MAP1B1

Sun Connections $3.75/Dry Cleaned Garment Next Day Service! Men’s Shirt laundry $2. 100% Eco-friendly. 25yrs in Beaverton. 503-520-8845 MAP3A

Travel & Cruises, LLC **Layaway Plans Available**. 503-655-4850 MAP1D3

Ferguson Auto Brokers

Where the Pool is the Classrom!

“The Car Guy”

Do you need Auto Help? That’s what I do! I Buy, Sell, & Consign Automobiles. 35+ years experience in the auto industry. Call me: 503-930-1493

**PLUMBING** Hills Construction Contracting Residential, Remodel & Service “We take care of all construction needs including kitchens & baths!” Low prices on water heater replacements! 971-246-3682


Say NO to DUI & Say YES to JMI Party Buses & Limos MAP1D1 503-643-6404

Openings available for newborn, toddler or young swimmers. 503-620-5370

Finding a cure for the coronavirus is really stressing me out. I need to go outside for a cigarette break!

Spanning 50 sq. Miles and providing high-quality park and recreation facilities, programs, services, and natural areas.

You can love your neighbors

The Best Providers All In One Place HOME | AUTO | BUSINESS 503-671-9966 MAP1D1

Without shaking hands. (#socialdistancing) **Check website to confirm event**

Beaverton Farmers Market

Local Advertising

Cecilia K. Nguyen, Esq.

If you like what you see in these pages and have a local business, consider advertising with us!

Immigration & Citizenship, Business Law, Adoption & Legal Guardianship, 503-644-2146 MAP1C3

10 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

The Winter Market is every Saturday, February - April (10am-1:30pm)

Jazz Combo Classes for Adult Jazz Students. Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Connecting Businesses to Local Customers





UCE GOLD MAN, O.D. Dr. Bruce E. Goldman 503.646.6166 660 NW Murray Blvd. (in Cedar Mill)

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For More Information


4,442 sq ft

For more information, contact: KW Commercial


Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 11

connecting Residents to their community Fresh Air: Zoo News is Good News

Morning workout keeps zoo porcupine looking sharp Looking for some ďŹ tness pointers? OREGON ZOO RRN QR IXUWKHU WKDQ 1Rlina, the African crested porcupine with the admirable ZRUNRXW URXWLQH $W QHDUO\ \HDUV ROG 1ROLQD LV NQRZQ IRU KHU GDLO\ SRZHU ZDONV DURXQG WKH 2UHJRQ =RR ZKLFK NHHS KHU ORRNLQJ VKDUS DQG IHHOLQJ ÂżW LQ KHU JROGHQ \HDUV Earlier this year, the normally spry Nolina began to show signs of aging, moving PRUH VORZO\ DQG WDNLQJ KHU time getting up in the morning. 7R KHOS NHHS KHU KHDOWK\ DQG active, vet staff recommended a


EULVN GDLO\ ZDON 1ROLQDÂśV FDUH staff noticed a change almost immediately. “She’s very energetic these GD\V ´ VDLG NHHSHU .ULVWLQD

Smith, who has cared for the porcupine since her arrival KHUH LQ Âł2XU ZDONV DUH D great way to get Nolina out and moving, and they give her new

things to see and smell.� Keepers lead Nolina, and sometimes her porcupine SDO 6KDUSLH RQ SRZHU ZDONV through the zoo’s indoor rainforest area, passing piranhas, an armadillo, a slender-snouted crocodile and other animals along the way. On longer jaunts, they venture out to visit WKH QHDUE\ ÀDPLQJRV JLUDIIHV DQG ERQWHERNV To encourage Nolina, Smith uses target training and food rewards — apples and sweet potatoes are among her favorite treats. Once she gets moving though, she doesn’t need much motivation. ³3RUFXSLQHV DUHQœW NQRZQ for speed, but Nolina can move

YHU\ TXLFNO\ ZKHQ VKH ZDQWV to,� Smith said. “There are plenty of days when our morning ZDONV WXUQ LQWR MRJV EHFDXVH she’s having so much fun.� African crested porcupines are the largest porcupine species in the world and among the largest rodents in the world. Among their distinJXLVKLQJ IHDWXUHV DUH EODFN DQG ZKLWH TXLOOV RQ WKH QHFN DQG EDFN WKDW FDQ JURZ PRUH than a foot long.

To see a video of this morning routine, go to

Fresh Air: Ask the Animal Shelter

Donations and senior discounts Both my husband and I are senior citizens and we have 3 dogs. Do you offer a senior discount on dog licenses?

Honor a pet with a donation to Bonnie Hays BONNIE HAYS My friend’s cat recently passed away. They adopted the cat from you 15 years ago as a kitten. I’d like to do something to let my friend know that I understand how much she cared for her cat and that I’m sorry for her loss. Can I do that with a donation?


e are also very sorry to hear about your friend’s

loss, but so grateful to hear that WKH NLWW\ KDG D QLFH ORQJ OLIH LQ a caring home. You can absoOXWHO\ PDNH D GRQDWLRQ LQ PHPory of the cat. The donation will be listed in a special section of our Animal Tales newsletter. Donations can be made online, in person or by mail.

Yes! We do offer a senior citizen discount, provided that one of the human owners is at least 65 years of age and that the dog has been spayed or neutered. You can purchase or -XVW OHW RXU VWDII NQRZ WKH QDPH renew your dog licenses and of the pet who passed away and receive the discount online, in the contact information for the person or by mail. Requiring SHUVRQ \RXÂśG OLNH XV WR VHQG WKH the dogs to be altered in order OHWWHU RI DFNQRZOHGJHPHQW WR to qualify for the discount You can also use donations to UHĂ€HFWV RXU VXSSRUW RI VSD\ honor pets and people who are neuter as a powerful tool to still alive, such as for a birthday reduce the number of unwantor graduation. ed and homeless pets.

Each month, you will have the chance to have your questions answered by the animal shelter. Email your questions to Jennifer_Keene@ and we will try to answer as many as possible. For more information on these topics and more, please visit The Bonnie Hays Animal Shelter is located at 1901 SE 24th Ave in Hillsboro.

Fresh Air: Cat Adoption

Cats that need new homes Cocoa loves his food. Abby is very sweet-natured. They’re good with people, but would not do well with dogs. If you’re ORRNLQJ IRU WZLFH WKH ORYH consider giving this sweet pair a home. Call Cat’s Cradle!

From Cat’s Cradle PET ADOPTION

Buddy (12 years)


his sweet and gentle senior LV ORRNLQJ IRU D TXLHW KRPH where he can be your one and RQO\ +HœV D YRFDO NLWW\ ZKR will tell you when it’s mealtime or naptime-preferably in your lap! He’s currently sporting a stylish haircut until his coat grows out. Buddy had a recent H[DP ZLWK EORRGZRUN DQG JRW D clean bill of health. Come meet this handsome boy at Cat’s

My name’s Buddy!

&UDGOH 5HVFXH Elsa (10 months) This outgoing beauty loves to be petted and given head and QHFN VFUDWFKHV 6KHÂśV YHU\ VRcial with other cats, and would be a great companion for a

12 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

Hi, I’m Elsa!

Cocoa & Abby Here!

IULVN\ FDW RU D ORQHO\ IHOLQH in need of a buddy. Elsa also loves human companionship, and will greet you when you FRPH KRPH ,I \RXœUH ORRNLQJ IRU D IULHQGO\ RXWJRLQJ NLWW\ come meet Elsa at Cat’s Cradle 5HVFXH

Cocoa & Abby (3 ½ years) This bonded pair are very devoted to each other. They sleep together and often cuddle with each other. They love being petted, as well as climbing on their cat trees, watching and observing their surroundings.

Find your new kitty friend by contacting us at 503-320-6079 or

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

connecting residents to their Community Our Town: TVF&R

Take Action to Prevent Fall Injuries Exercise regularly to improve your balance and strength and eat nutritious meals to fuel your body.

TVF&R offers safety tips to limit hazards and avoid falls

Remove Existing Hazards


As people grow older, the consequences of a fall grow more serious.


nintentional falls are the leading cause of injury deaths for adults ages 65 and older, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries and account for more than 95 percent of hip fractures. In addition, fractures from falls are a leading cause of disability and often result in entering a nursing home. Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue crews responded to UHSRUWV RI IDOOV ZLWKLQ WKH GLVWULFWÂśV VHUYLFH DUHD LQ “Ground-level falls are one of the most concerning type RI PHGLFDO FDOOV RXU ÂżUHÂżJKWHU paramedics respond to because ZH NQRZ PDQ\ RI RXU HOGHUV struggle to recover from them,â€? said Cassandra Ulven with TVF&R. “Most falls happen in the home and can be avoided.

“Factors such as poor lighting, narrow stairs, and slippery surfaces can increase the chances of a fall. In addition, problems with glare, depth perception, tiredness, or dizziness from prescription medications contribute to falls.� Research conducted by Yale University showed that older DGXOWV DUH DOVR PRVW DW ULVN RI falling when they fail to use handrails on stairs, reach for objects overhead, and climb on chairs or ladders. TVF&R reminds seniors and children of older adults to WDNH WKH IROORZLQJ SUHFDXWLRQV to help prevent a fall injury: Take Care of Yourself *HW UHJXODU PHGLFDO FKHFN XSV DQG WDON WR \RXU GRFWRU to ensure appropriate levels and types of medication. +DYH \RXU YLVLRQ FKHFNHG DQG replace eyeglasses as needed. Have your healthcare provider DOVR FKHFN \RXU IHHW WR HQVXUH \RX FDQ ZDON FRPIRUWDEO\

Fasten throw rugs to the ÀRRU ZLWK GRXEOH EDFNHG WDSH WR NHHS WKHP IURP VOLSSLQJ or remove them all together. Keep cords out of pathways and clean up spills as soon as they happen. Also, arrange furniture to minimize obstrucFresh Air: Native Plants to Oregon tions, and clear clutter from your living areas. Fix loose or XQHYHQ VWHSV 0DNH VXUH FDUSHW Mountain Bog Gentian is LV ¿UPO\ DWWDFKHG WR HYHU\ step or remove the carpet and fond of the high-country, and attach non-slip rubber treads to can be found growing from WKH VWDLUV ,Q WKH NLWFKHQ NHHS 4,000ft to as high as 13,000ft items you use often in cabinets in elevation. The genus name you can reach easily without FRPHV IURP DQ ,OO\ULDQ NLQJ OREGON FLORA using a step stool. named Gentius, who is said

Named after an Illyrian King Common Name: Mountain Bog Gentian

Add Protection :HDU ZHOO ÂżWWLQJ VKRHV ZLWK JRRG VXSSRUW DQG QRQ VNLG soles. Turn on lights when ZDONLQJ WKURXJK GDUN URRPV RU hallways. Use nightlights in all rooms. Install grab bars in the bathtub, shower, and toilet areas, and add handrails on stairwells. Place phones in multiple URRPV RU NHHS D FHOOSKRQH ZLWK you in case you need to call for emergency assistance.

For more life safety information, visit

• Binomial name: Gentiana calycosa • Soil type: Moist to wet • Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade • Plant type: Perennial wildower • Foliage: Opposite leaves, broadly lance-shaped

to have discovered the plant’s PHGLFLQDO EHQH¿WV RYHU years ago. 7R YLVLW WKLV VWULNLQJ VSHFLHV LQ WKH ZLOG KLNH WKH Wonderland Trail to Indian Bar and the Ohanapecosh River on the east side of 0RXQW 5DLQLHU 1DWLRQDO 3DUN

• Flower: Blue to purple


ressing subalpine streamsides throughout western North America, Mountain Bog Gentian boasts a beautiful blue to purplish wildÀRZHU WKURXJK ODWH VXPPHU and early autumn. Known for their love of wet soil, the genus Gentiana includes over 400 species of plants.

This Native Plant of the Month is brought to you by the City of Beaverton’s Landscape and Urban Forestry Department. Visit Clean Water Service’s Native Plant Finder webpage for interactive questions to help you ďŹ nd the right native plant to ďŹ t your needs!

Fresh Air: Pug Adoption

13-year-old Kona is looking for a new home This girl puts the ‘Sass’ in ‘Frass’ PET ADOPTION Adoption Donation: $150


h, hey, my name is Kona and I put the Sass in Frass! Yes that is right I am a girl with opinLRQV LGHDV DQG , OLNH WR ZHDU WKH pants! I live with other dogs and cats in my foster home and I enjoy telling them what to do during the day. They don’t seem to mind, DOWKRXJK , GRQœW NQRZ KRZ PXFK they actually listen to me.


times and will begin letting you NQRZ ZKHQ LW LV JHWWLQJ FORVH VR that you can be ready. 0\ EDFN OHJV DUH QRW ZKDW WKH\ XVHG WR EH , GR RND\ JHWWLQJ around the house as long as there is carpet or rugs, but it can be hard IRU PH RQ VOLFN ÀRRUV , QHHG VRPH help using the bathroom. It is hard for me to admit this because I am one proud lady, but I will need someone to help me express my bladder. That may sound scary and hard but it is so easy and you FDQ GR LW OLFNHW\ VSOLW $V ORQJ DV you get me on a schedule I will be accident free in the home! , WKLQN , ZRXOG GR YHU\ ZHOO LI

someone could adopt me and get perfect match is out there! PH LQWR SK\VLFDO WKHUDS\ , WKLQN , may even get some better function of my legs! For now I am really HQMR\LQJ ZDONV LQ D VWUROOHU I have silly ears that pop up when I am being feisty. This PDNHV PH ORRN OLNH D IUHQFKLH dog.. and my foster mom really JHWV D NLFN RXW RI LW , PD\ QRW EH WKH FXGGOLHVW RI JLUOV EXW , GR OLNH If you are interested in adopting to hang out on your lap and watch one of our wonderful pugs, you will TV, at least for short intervals. ďŹ nd information and can ďŹ ll out There is always something going an application at www.paciďŹ cpuon that I have to jump up and If you have additional referee! questions, please contact us at adoptions@paciďŹ I will bring lots of fun into your life and I am hoping my Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 13

connecting Residents to their community Fresh Air: Pet Care

Fear free vet visits start at home sheet for felines).

Especially for cats




s last month’s article demonstrated, going to the vet can be quite scary and stressful, especially for cats. With their highly attuned senses, the smells and sounds of an animal clinic is commonly perceived as a threat to our feline friends. Cats, no matter how cuddly, are well-evolved predators to small animals and prey to larger ones. At a vet clinic, with it’s confusing sights and smells ZLWK EDUNLQJ GRJV DQG VWUDQJH humans running about, this RIWHQ VHWV RII WKH FDWÂśV ³¿JKW RU Ă€LJKW´ VXUYLYDO LQVWLQFWV ,W LV QR surprise that many cats become a danger to both the veterinary staff, their owner and even to themselves. Fortunately, there are steps that we as clinics and you as a FDW RZQHU FDQ WDNH WR KHOS \RXU IXUU\ IULHQG PDNH LW WKURXJK WKH experience with as little stress as possible. Choose wisely: /RRN IRU the “Cat Friendly Practiceâ€? FHUWLÂżFDWLRQ RU WKH WHUP Âł)HDU Freeâ€?. Both are required to meet VSHFLÂżF SDLG HGXFDWLRQDO OHYHOV

to use these designations in their PDUNHWLQJ 1RW HYHU\ FOLQLF RU veterinarian is on board for this W\SH RI FDUH ,I \RX DUH ORRNLQJ for a “stress freeâ€? experience for you and your pet, these WZR WHUPV DUH ZHOO NQRZQ DQG accepted in most pet businesses. The FAS Scale: This numerical scale used to evaluate and record the level of Fear, Anxiety DQG 6WUHVV )$6 D SHW LV H[SHULHQFLQJ GXULQJ D VSHFLÂżF situation based on their behavior and body language. The goal of “Low Stress Handlingâ€? is to lower the pet’s FAS score utilizing multiple methods: special handling techniques, products, rewards, pheromones and medications. It is all about recognizing the individual pet’s preferences such as treats, surface preference, pre-visit PHGLFDWLRQ HWF VHH DWWDFK )$6

HART ROAD ANIMAL HOSPITAL Individual Veterinary Care for Your Special Individual

Dr. Lauren M. Smith 503-591-5282

Visit us at:

Pheromones: For travel EXW DOVR IRU JHQHUDO KRPH DQG clinics use), synthetic feline pheromones have been a game changer over the last few decades. Without drugs we can affect the nervous system of the cat in a positive way through a simple spray, wipe or plug-in. 7KH SURGXFWV FRPH LQ W\SHV 1. )DFLDO SKHURPRQHV WKDW PDNH cats want to rub their faces DQG FKLQV KDSSLO\ PDUNLQJ their worlds Maternal pheromones that PDNH PXOWLSOH FDWV IHHO OLNH PDPD NLWW\ LV FORVH E\ DQG we are all one litter Treats/Rewards: Know what W\SH RI WKLQJV \RXU NLWW\ ORYHV and use them to help your pet to not only come to you, but to accept being handled, go into a carrier and become distracted during the veterinary visit. Treats, catnip or a special toy are examples. Missing a meal prior WR WKH YLVLW PD\ KHOS NHHS \RXU NLWW\ IRFXV RQ WKH WUHDW Carrier: Have a top-loading carrier of the appropriate size available as part of your cat’s home environment. You can put a comfy bed in there and when they use it, feed them treats as a reward for using it. After that, \RX FDQ JHW \RXU NLWW\ XVHG WR the concept of the door closing and opening and that it’s not a negative thing. Believe it or not cats are easy to train when you NQRZ WKHLU PRWLYDWLRQ

Pre-Visit Pharmaceuticals or PVPs are medications prescribed by your pet’s veterinarian to help alleviate the pet’s FAS. They are administered at home prior to your visits. Supplements: There are a plethora of OTC calming supplements out there but since none of them are FDA tested or have clinical trials, it is a “wild west� for manufacturers. $VN \RXU YHWHULQDULDQ LI WKHUH is a supplement they carry or recommend. In my experience they do not have as predictable an effect as prescription medication.

In a future monthly article, we will discuss some tips for Fear Free pre-visit planning for dogs.

Dr. Lauren Smith is a veterinarian at Hart Road Animal Hospital located at 16400 SW Hart Rd, Beaverton. Contact her at 503-591-5282 or visit

Fresh Air: Portland General Electric

Q: How do we use more renewable energy sources? A: With our customers’ help, of course! FRESH AIR V ZH ZRUN WRZDUG D clean energy future and add more renewable energy to our mix, balancing the constantly changing supply RI UHVRXUFHV OLNH VRODU DQG wind becomes crucial. This is especially true during times when electricity


it even rewards you for participating.

That’s a great question. Thanks for asking.

“It’s been great! I don’t even have to think about it.� demand is high. One important way we can achieve this is with your help.

14 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

For example, by joining our Smart Thermostat program, people are shifting how much energy they XVH GXULQJ SHDN WLPHV 7KLV VKLIW ZKHQ PDJQLÂżHG E\ the thousands of homes and businesses that participate, KHOSV HYHQ RXW HQHUJ\ SHDNV and allows us to use more renewables. It also helps NHHS SULFHV ORZHU IRU HYHU\one. And, bonus of bonuses,

So, how do people like shifting energy? “It’s been great! I don’t even KDYH WR WKLQN DERXW LW ´ VD\V .DW\D * ZKR WRRN DGYDQWDJH of the program’s free instalODWLRQ SURPRWLRQ Âł, OLNH WKDW it’s a passive way to do something for the environment.â€? “It VHHPHG OLNH D VLPSOH ZD\ WR respond to climate change.â€? says Anna R., who heard about WKH SURJUDP WKURXJK KHU ZRUN

“My old programable thermoVWDW ZDV D OLWWOH GLIÂżFXOW WR XVH but I love how straightforward my ecobee is.â€? Are you ready to join? Learn more about the Smart Thermostat program and see if your home qualiÂżHV IRU D IUHH SURIHVVLRQDOO\ installed unit.

For more information, visit

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

connecting residents to their Community Fresh Air: THPRD

THPRD Summer Registration Delayed Check our website for current information

Summer Registration



he safety of THPRD guests, staff and community is our top priority and the district is WDNLQJ DSSURSULDWH DFWLRQ WR limit the spread of coronavirus &29,' 'XH WR WKLV WKH registration for summer camps, programs, classes, and activities has been delayed. Summer registration previously scheduled for LQ GLVWULFW SDWURQV IRU $SULO will be rescheduled. $V WKH &29,' RXWEUHDN LV a public health priority, THPRD will wait to reschedule summer registration for a future date. Please note, the summer Activities Guides were mailed prior to the COVID-19 closure responses. We apologize for any confusion this may cause. What’s Your Vision for the Future? Vote and Share Your Views!

This past summer THPRD YROXQWHHUV VSRNH ZLWK PRUH WKDQ 10,000 people and collected PRUH WKDQ LGHDV IRU WKH SDUNV DQG UHFUHDWLRQ VHUYLFHV Now we need your help! ComPLWWHHV KDYH ZRUNHG RQ VWUHDPlining those ideas into a survey IRU WKH 7+35' SXEOLF WR WDNH The information gathered in this survey will guide THPRD priority setting for the years to come. Please share your thoughts and WDNH WKH 7+35' 9LVLRQLQJ

Survey available at: THPRDSurvey. By completing the survey, you can enter to win a $50 THPRD gift card. We’ll draw one winner each month. The survey is available through $SULO THPRD Indoor Facilities and Outdoor Amenities Closed In compliance with the Governor’s Executive Order No. DOO SOD\JURXQGV VSRUWV FRXUWV DWKOHWLF ¿HOGV GRJ SDUNV are closed. All indoor facilities are also closed and events, classes, camps, programs canceled WKURXJK $SULO $IIHFWHG SDtrons will receive refunds during the closure. Additionally, in compliance with the Governor’s Executive 2UGHU 1R RXWGRRU DPHQLWLHV DUH DOVR FORVHG :KLOH SDUNV and trails remain open, the only activities allowed are limited to walking, hiking, biking, and running in compliance with statewide social distancing rules. Users are urged to observe the following:

• Wash your hands before and after your visit. • Follow social distancing rules DQG NHHS IHHW IURP RWKHUV • Limit group size to no more than 10 people. • Community Gardens will remain open, with social distancing requirements in effect. 3DUN 3DWURO VWDII ZLOO EH HQforcing these rules, but compliance and cooperation from the public is essential. Responding to this pandemic, with attention to how it impacts our community moving forward, has become the focus of THPRD at this time. The best source of information about closures, cancellations, and postponements, will be our website.

Coming Soon

For more information visit: Please visit:

Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 15

connecting Residents to their community Community Submission: Health & Happiness

Bulletproof your lower back with these tips Nothing can slow you down faster than a bad back

and engage the muscles VXSSRUWLQJ \RXU ORZ EDFN See your chiropractor:



t can be challenging to exercise, play sports, or even get to the grocery store when \RXU EDFN KXUWV 5HVHDUFK VXJJHVWV WKDW RYHU SHUFHQW of people will experience EDFN SDLQ DW VRPH SRLQW LQ their life. So, how can you avoid aggravating the sympWRPV RI ORZHU EDFN SDLQ" Avoid too much sitting: Long hours of sitting HDFK GD\ ZUHDN KDYRF RQ WKH

muscles and support system RI \RXU ORZ EDFN 7KH GHHS stabilizing muscles atrophy and your hamstrings shorten and become tight. When your spine doesn’t have strong stabilizing muscles, you are PRUH OLNHO\ WR KDYH DQ LQMXU\

Chiropractic care has been shown to help over 90 percent of people find UHOLHI IURP EDFN SDLQ while also providing a statistically significant improvement in function. By periodically having your VSLQH FKHFNHG \RX WDNH D Get some exercise: proactive approach to your 7DNH HYHU\ RSSRUWXQLspinal health. Chiropractic ty you can to stay active adjustments gently and WKURXJKRXW WKH GD\ 7DNLQJ effectively help restore VKRUW EUHDNV HDFK KRXU WR proper range of motion in VWUHWFK RU ZDON DURXQG WKH \RXU QHFN PLG EDFN DQG office is a great way to ORZ EDFN increase your energy level

A healthy back = a healthy life .HHSLQJ \RXU EDFN healthy is much more important than just avoiding aches and pains. A stable DQG VXSSRUWHG EDFN LV essential to maintaining a high quality of life.

By Dr. Bryen A. Bell, a Board-CertiďŹ ed Chiropractic Physician with over 20 years of professional experience. Contact Dr. Bell at True Potential Chiropractic family care facility. Call 503-574-4872 or visit

Community Submission: Health & Happiness

Supporting Our Immune Systems During COVID-19 Most people have mild symptoms

Take a walk


Enjoy the quiet

uch of the world is frantically overwhelmed by COVID-19. Many of us are staying home and doing our part in this global effort to slow down the spread of this virus. Every day I get a dozen calls RU PRUH ORRNLQJ IRU ZD\V to prevent getting it or how WR WUHDW LW 6R OLNH HYHU\RQH else, I thought I would add my two cents into the mix.

It’s Spring


3. 4. 5.

The cherry trees are blooming!

Lemon Balm Tea Lemon balm tea is a wonderful sleep aid and is DQWLYLUDO <RX FDQ PDNH D WHD with fresh leaves steeped for ten minutes in boiled water. 7%63 FXS 0HODWRQLQ FDQ also be helpful and is anti LQĂ€DPPDWRU\

Most People Who Get COVID-19 Have a Mild Flu Like Illness Do not go to the hospital or urgent care if you have mild symptoms. As of now, there is no where you can just go and get tested. It is best to stay home, rest and recover. It also appears that you should avoid ibuprofen and NSAIDS if you suspect you may have it. $FHWDPLQRSKHQ LV ÂżQH , DOVR UHFRPPHQG FKLFNHQ soup with lots of garlic and onion and vegetables. Elderberry extract is a wonderful antiviral, Oregon grape root,

hands, etc) Support our immune systems 5HGXFH LQĂ€DPPDWLRQ Fight infection Keeping our immune V\VWHP LQ JRRG ZRUNLQJ order requires adequate sleep, nutritionally dense foods, fresh air, commuQLW\ HYHQ E\ SKRQH DQG stress reduction.

Eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.

vitamin C, A and D. People with underlying immune disorders, heart and lung disease and the elderly are more vulnerable to get pneumonia or serious infection. If you fall into WKLV FDWHJRU\ WKHQ WDNH H[WUD precautions. While we don’t have a

16 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

Carotenoids are most abundant in richly colored vegeNQRZQ FXUH IRU WKLV FRURQD WDEOHV DQG IUXLWV DQG VDOPRQ YLUXV ZH GR NQRZ VRPHWKLQJ and shrimp). They function about it: how it spreads, who as powerful antioxidants that gets it, and that it can cause UHGXFH LQĂ€DPPDWLRQ DQG VHYHUH LQĂ€DPPDWLRQ OHDGLQJ enhance the immune system. to organ failure. Most vegetables and fruit also contain vitamin C. Vitamin C We want to: is an important part of con1. Reduce spreading the nective tissue in our body. It YLUXV OLPLW SXEOLF is an excellent antioxidant and encounters, wash your DQWL LQĂ€DPPDWRU\

Take vitamin D3. We are all prone to vitaPLQ ' GH¿FLHQF\ DQG LW LV immune supportive. Probiotics and fermented foods enhance your natural immunity as well. Herbs that have antiviral and immune boosting activity: echinecea , Oregon grape root, elderberry, garlic, ginger. Medicinal mushrooms. Take a Walk )LQDOO\ NHHS LQ PLQG that anxiety and fear can WULJJHU LQÀDPPDWRU\ VLJQDOV in your body. So don’t get caught up in the endless loop of fear. Turn off your devices and go plant some SHDV 7DNH D ZDON (QMR\ the quiet. It’s Spring. The cherry trees are blooming.

For more information, Natural Medical Journal has an excellent COVID update by immunologist, Heather Zwickey. Dr. Jennifer Means welcomes you for Primary Care for the whole family: Nutrition, IV Therapy, Naturopathy, and Acupuncture. Contact us at 503-641-6400.

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

connecting residents to their Community Senior Living: United Homecare Services

Caregivers should follow strict hand washing procedures Clean Hands Saves Lives SENIOR LIVING


and washing isn’t just IRU KHDOWKFDUH ZRUNHUV the CDC reminds us frequent hand washing is for everyone. While the coronavirus has everyone’s attenWLRQ D FROG RU ÀX FDQ DOVR be detrimental to someone ZLWK D ZHDNHQHG LPPXQH system. Practicing simple hand hygiene is the best way to prevent the spread of all infectious diseases. Caregivers should follow strict hand washing procedures. Here are the steps the CDC urges us to follow: • Wet your hands with clean, UXQQLQJ ZDWHU ZDUP RU cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap. • Lather your hands by rubbing them together with


• • •

the soap. Be sure to lather WKH EDFNV RI \RXU KDQGV EHWZHHQ \RXU ÂżQJHUV DQG under your nails. Scrub your hands for at least VHFRQGV 1HHG D WLPHU" Hum the “Happy Birthdayâ€? song slowly from beginning to end twice. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air-dry them. Use the towel to turn off the


:H DOO NQRZ WR ZDVK RXU hands before preparing food and after using the bathroom, but the CDC urges us to wash our hands far more frequently than we typically do. Here are a few occasions we might RYHUORRN • Before eating food • After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing • Before and after caring for


• • •

VRPHRQH ZKR LV VLFN After changing a disposable brief, pad or cleaning up after someone who has used the toilet Before and after treating a cut or wound After touching garbage After touching an animal, animal feed or animal waste

Although awareness is heightened at this moment in time, we should always practice these hand-washing


To ďŹ nd out more about United Homecare’s commitment to excellence, please visit: or call 503-433-8079.

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18 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

connecting residents to their Community Senior Living: Real Estate

Real Estate in the time of Coronavirus Remember the book ‘Love in the Time of Cholera’?

Should I still be thinking of buying or selling my house during these crazy times?



f you have not read it DQG , UHFRPPHQG \RX do), you can probably guess by the title that life GXULQJ D WHUULEOH RXWEUHDN does indeed go on. It went on for the main character Fermina and it can go on for you and me as well. So, as we navigate our daily movements, we each VHHN WR NHHS OLIH PRYLQJ LQ a forward direction. Even with restrictions, there are solutions on how to buy and sell homes. Using wise and advised steps, the SUHFDXWLRQV ZH DUH WDNLQJ DUH ZHDULQJ PDVNV ZHDUing gloves, providing hand sanitizer before people enter and upon exit to view a home or upon entry and

exit at an Open House. Home inspections are continuing as well. The inspector is able to be in the home alone and the agent can be either in another room or outside in a car. Buyers can arrive at the end of the inspection and review the results onsite or via phone or web conference. Photos are provided along with a detailed report and the inspector is always

available for additional questions after the inspection date. Signatures are almost always obtained online although for those who do not feel comfortable with this process or do not have a computer, an agent may highlight the location where a signature, initial and date are required and leave the documents at the home for the client to sign. These

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papers can then be reviewed over the phone to be sure all questions a client may have are answered. The process that closes the transaction; signing of loan documents, title documents and transfer of WKH IXQGV IURP WKH EDQN WR escrow are partially addressed online and partially addressed face to face. Being that signatures need to be wet, only those who need WR VLJQ DUH DVNHG WR DWWHQG WKLV SURFHVV GXULQJ WKH ÂżQDO ZHHN RI WKH WUDQVDFWLRQ With the call to adjust the normal way things are done to support health and safety, we too, in the real estate VHUYLFH LQGXVWU\ DUH ZRUNing together to collectively deliver steps and provide DQ HQYLURQPHQW WKDW NHHSV HYHU\RQH RQ WUDFN WR VDIHO\ and successfully reach their goals of buying and selling their homes.

Love in the Time of Cholera, by Colombian Nobel prize winning author Gabriel GarcĂ­a MĂĄrquez was ďŹ rst published in Spanish in 1985 and adapted into a movie in 2007.

By Kimberly Shute: If you would like to learn more about real estate and move management services, please contact Kimberly. We serve seniors through real estate and move management services. Call 971-227-1302 or visit

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Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 19

connecting Residents to their community Learning Corner: Ask the Beaverton Car Guy

Help! How can I clean my car if it catches the u? And other questions related to cars and COVID-19 AUTOMOTIVE Q&A Hello loyal Beaverton readers! With the everyone focused on WKH FRURQD YLUXV RXWEUHDN , KDYH EHHQ DVNHG E\ VHYHUDO UHDGHUVœ questions that relate to the current times we live in. Here are a few examples: • Will new vehicle prices come down amidst the current situation with COVID-19? • How is COVID-19 affecting car sales? • 'R \RX WKLQN WKH RYHUDOO ¿QDQFLDO VORZGRZQ FDXVHG by the COVID-19 virus will lead to better pricing on new vehicles soon? By all current indicators, the COVID-19 situation is not currently having a dramatic impact on car sales in the U.S. However, in China, where COVID-19 is hitting the hardest, the slowdown in the DXWR PDUNHW LV YHU\ UHDO Even without the virus, most DQDO\VWV DUH SUHGLFWLQJ WKDW will not be as strong as previous years and the overall situation may result in better deals. What you ZDQW WR NHHS LQ PLQG LV WKDW IRU certain cars, especially ones that DUH UHODWLYHO\ SRSXODU OLNH 6XEDUX WKHUH LV D ÀRRU DW ZKLFK \RX DUHQœW going to get it any cheaper regardless of when you buy it. Keep in mind the Virus cannot change the manufacturing costs,

and the only way vehicles will be getting any cheaper or less expensive is in the event the manufacturers offer incentives, such as rebates, dealer cash, or very low IDFWRU\ LQFHQWLYL]HG ¿QDQFLQJ In most of the cases the vehicles that are currently on the ground in dealership inventory were manufactured long before the COVID-19 became all the panic. Interest rates for buyers have DOUHDG\ FRPH GRZQ VLJQL¿FDQWO\ so this will certainly save us all a great amount of money. Do I risk Corona Virus exposure if I go out and look for a vehicle? I am a car professional and certainly NOT a medical professional so the only advice I can give is the same that comes from them: wash your hands, don’t touch your face, ZHDU D PDVN ZLSH GRZQ VXUIDFHV etc. While there remains a whole ORW WKDW ZH VWLOO GRQœW NQRZ DERXW coronavirus COVID-19, U.S. KHDOWK RI¿FLDOV VD\ WKDW WKHUH ZLOO

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be many more cases in the U.S. as well as elsewhere in the world and the World Health Organization has declared it a global pandemic. Few industries are as interconnected around the globe as the auto industry, so you might have some health-related questions if you’re shopping for a new vehicle. How to Use New-Car Incentives, Rebates and Finance Deals We’ve surveyed the available information to answer some of these questions, and we will update these answers on as new or more complete information becomes available. Are there cars sold here that are built in China and are they still available? Almost none, and yes. The RQO\ RQH VROG LQ VLJQL¿FDQW YROume right now is the China-built %XLFN (QYLVLRQ FRPSDFW 689 %XW as of this writing, there are roughly 9,000 new Envisions waiting on U.S. dealer lots and listed on websites. Are there cars sold in the U.S. that depend on Chinese parts and are there shortages? China is a major parts supplier worldwide. Global suppliers based elsewhere, such as Bosch and Continental, also have production in China. But after being hard-hit, &KLQD QRZ VHHPV WR EH PDNLQJ progress against the spread of the virus and factories are beginning

to reopen even as other areas, such as Italy, now are being severely affected. ,WœV WRR HDUO\ WR NQRZ ZKLFK if any, vehicles will be in short VXSSO\ DV DXWRPDNHUV VFUDPEOH to adjust supply chains. Plants around the world — some of which export to the U.S. — have faced at least temporary shortages, from Nissan and Honda in Japan to Fiat Chrysler Automobiles in Serbia. In South Korea, which has its own serious COVID-19 RXWEUHDN +\XQGDL SODQWV KDYH had some temporary production disruptions. No U.S. plants have been sigQL¿FDQWO\ DIIHFWHG EXW WKDW FRXOG change. And Automotive News reports that even a vehicle such as all-American as the Toledo, Ohiobuilt Jeep Wrangler uses steering gears made not just in China, but in Wuhan, the center of the origiQDO YLUXV RXWEUHDN Should I avoid cars built in China or Europe with major parts from there? Avoiding China would not EH HDV\ VHH DERYH DQG \RXœOO have to add other countries, such as Italy, as it spreads. Then DJDLQ QRQH SRVH D VLJQL¿FDQW ULVN DQ RI¿FLDO DW WKH &HQWHUV IRU Disease Control reports that the life of the virus on copper and steel is measured in hours. On other materials, it can be days, certainly much longer than it WDNHV HYHQ PRVW 8 6 EXLOW FDUV to show up at dealers. The CDC also has said that contact with people rather than surfaces is D JUHDWHU ULVN DQG WKH 8 6 KDV restricted travel by people from these areas, not cargo. Can I take precautions with a new car — or any car — if I am worried about exposure? Coronaviruses are relatively easy to render harmless with common household disinfectants, such as Lysol, that also would be easy RQ \RXU FDU <RX FDQ ¿QG D OLVW RI &29,' ¿JKWLQJ SURGXFWV DW WKH PDUNHW

Do I risk coronavirus exposure from shopping for a car? No more than in any other public place — and less than many, VLQFH D GHDOHUVKLS LV XQOLNHO\ WR EH D FORVH RU FURZGHG VSDFH WKLQN D bar or subway car). At least one dealership — in Washington state, which has been a U.S. center for the virus — had an employee test positive for COVID-19, made the fact public and closed down for several days for deep cleaning and disinfecting. When you do go shopping, \RX PLJKW ZDQW WR DVN LQ DGYDQFH about precautions the dealer is WDNLQJ DQG ZKHQ \RX DUULYH DYRLG D KDQGVKDNH DQG PDLQWDLQ \RXU personal space. Avoid any obviously ill person and follow the CDC’s UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV ZKLFK \RX should be doing anyway) for good personal health habits and preventive actions for avoiding spread of respiratory illness, including hand washing and hand sanitizers before and after shopping and avoid touching your face. You also FRXOG WDNH DOFRKRO ZLSHV WR GR \RXU own disinfecting for any car you test. The CDC has posted a graphic using an airplane as a model to LOOXVWUDWH \RXU ULVNV IURP MXVW SUR[imity to other people — up to two VHDWV DZD\ LQ DQ\ GLUHFWLRQ QRW IDU LQ WRGD\œV SODQHV LV PRGHUDWH ULVN XS WR IRXU LV ORZ ULVN DQG EH\RQG IRXU LV QR LGHQWL¿DEOH ULVN Still worried? You can limit time with other people in the dealership by doing your research online and hiring an DXWR EURNHU WR KDQGOH \RXU HQWLUH transaction would be very wise. Thank You all for reading we appreciate it very much. Please keep me in mind if anyone wants to save money on a new or used vehicle. Also, if there are any vehicles you would like to sell, I can help with that too! Got an automotive question? Please feel free to email me at or call (503) 930-1493.

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20 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

connecting residents to their Community Student Corner: Teen Essay

I’m only 16. Should I worry about COVID-19? What I learned

Yes! And there is good reason why TEEN ESSAY


ecause of COVID-19, VFKRRO DORQJ ZLWK PDQ\ other things) have been shut down for the past month or so. $W ¿UVW P\ IULHQGV DQG , ZHUHQœW UHDOO\ WDNLQJ WKLV YLUXV seriously and just considered LW DQ HDUO\ VSULQJ EUHDN IURP school instead of a safety precaution. Since I’m only 16 and don’t have any health issues, I thought I didn’t have any

reason to be worried. But then , UHDOL]HG WKDW QRW WDNLQJ WKH necessary safety precautions could affect others. It was then that I really started to grasp the severity of this situation.

Employee of the Month by Dirkse CC

COVID-19 has an incubation period of anywhere from GD\V DQG LWÂśV SRVVLEOH WR have the virus without ever showing symptoms. Now I realize how easy it is to pass on the virus to anyone I was near if I had contracted it. I also thought of my nearly 90-year old Grandmother, and KRZ P\ WDNLQJ FKDQFHV FRXOG affect her. Though I am disappointed about many things being cancelled, including my school musical that I was a part of,

LWœV LPSRUWDQW WR WKLQN DERXW the bigger picture. And I’ve already started to change my habits. I’ve been washing my hands frequently and trying not to touch my nose, mouth, or eyes. I am avoiding public places with crowds, too. Also, please remember that anyone can get COVID-19 no matter race, gender, or ethnicity. It’s important not to blame specific groups of people and instead come together and support each other so we can all get through this tough time.

Kili is a junior at Mountainside High School. She loves singing, playing piano and ukulele, and also running track and ďŹ eld.

Business Spotlight: Brain Training

Making Every Milestone Count What is Brain Training? Congratulations to Andrew!

And can it really transform lives & families?




n employment, we love to celebrate all types of PLOHVWRQHV OLNH JHWWLQJ QHZ WDVNV JHWWLQJ D SURPRWLRQ or celebrating an anniversary. For Andrew Dan, that milestone was achieving his 5th year as a team member of Papa’s Pizza Parlor in Beaverton this past year. For Andrew, a person with autism, reaching this milestone hasn’t been easy. Andrew was hired to clean and sanitize the children’s play area and, more recently, the game room. When there is so much staff turnover, and the play area regularly bustling with children, Andrew is one thing that has stayed constant in this ever-changing environPHQW 'LUNVH && 9RFDWLRQDO Support Lead Professional, Robynne Peterson and other MRE FRDFKHV ZRUNHG ZLWK $Qdrew to become more comfortable with climbing up in the towers and tunnels. When $QGUHZ VWDUWHG ZRUN KH ZDV QHUYRXV DW ¿UVW EXW DIWHU much coaching and support, he now goes up on his own without any issues. He loves operating and cleaning the ferris wheel and other play equipment. Andrew enjoys KLV MRE DQG LI DVNHG ZKHUH KH

A ZRUNV VD\V ZLWK SULGH LQ KLV voice, Papa’s Pizza. General Manager, Dan Olson, says, “Andrew is an important part of our play area maintenance plan. His WZLFH ZHHNO\ GHHS FOHDQLQJ of our play structures helps to augment our daily cleaning schedule by allowing our play area supervisors spend more time supervising the playground. It has been a pleasure to have Andrew ZRUN KHUH WKH SDVW \HDUV ´ Congratulations to Andrew – here’s to many more years of successful employment!

If your business would like to be more inclusive to people with different abilities, matching skill sets to your business needs, please reach out to Dirkse Counseling and Consulting, Inc. at 503-265-9256.

re you tired of being tired, worry that you can’t focus or are concerned that your child is having difÂżFXOW\ OHDUQLQJ DQG FRSLQJ" NeurOptimalÂŽ brain training offers a gentle, non-invasive and side-effect free way to address these and other mental concerns. We regularly hear from our clients that training has helped them sleep better, learn better and relieve symptoms of depression, anxiety, ADHD and neurodegenerative conditions. A major reason why we opened 3HDN 7UDLQLQJ &HQWHU LV WKH positive effect it has on families. When a family trains together, everyone experiences improvements in sleep, stress, focus and the entire family dynamic changes. Everyone gets along better and feels a renewed sense of connection. “I feel less reactiveâ€? and “my child is doing Jessica at Peak Training

so much better in mathâ€? and “my child’s therapist noticed a big changeâ€? is something we are used to hearing and it is what gives us passion about providing our service. +HUH LV KRZ LW ZRUNV while you relax and listen to music, NeurOptimalÂŽ “listensâ€? to your brain via EEG sensors and when the software detects an anomaly in your brain wave pattern, it sends an audible signal that encourages the brain to self-correct. 1HXU2SWLPDOŠ PDNHV WKH EUDLQ PRUH ³¿W´ E\ WHDFKLQJ it to return to the present moment rather than fall into less productive patterns of function. Each training session lasts 33 minutes, and over WKH FRXUVH RI VHVVLRQV most users report positive results. Because NeurOptimalÂŽ is fully automated, you can use it in your home, on your own schedule. Or

Andrea at Peak Training

\RX FDQ OHW XV GR WKH ZRUN DQG WUDLQ DW RXU RIÂżFH %UDLQ training teaches your brain to self-regulate to help you cope with stress, manage emotions and is absolutely crucial for OHDUQLQJ &RQWDFW XV DW 3HDN Training Center for a free FRQVXOWDWLRQ $VN XV DERXW our specials!

For more information, contact Andrea or Jessica at 503 420 7580. Peak Training is located at 10700 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Highway,

Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 21

connecting Residents to their community Our Town: City News

Our Town: Fox 12 Oregon

Improve your neighborhood

Providing meals to students in need

Let us know your ideas CITY NEWS KH )LVFDO <HDU &DSLWDO ,PSURYHPHQWV 3ODQ &,3 will be published in early July. We welcome input and involvement from the public on this process and would love to hear from you! Draft 1 is available at www. and includes capital projects that have SURSRVHG IXQGLQJ LQ 'UDIW ZLOO EH SRVWHG LQ 0D\ DQG will include capital projects with planned funding into the future. The CIP project team is always searching for ways to improve the CIP document and process so


your ideas are most welcome. Last \HDU ZH LGHQWLÂżHG VHYHUDO DUHDV for improvement such as expandLQJ IURP D ÂżYH \HDU WR D \HDU plan, integrating all aspects of the ULJKW RI ZD\ UDPSV VLGHZDONV ELNH ODQHV VWUHHW OLJKWV HWF DQG creating a more interactive plan. Beginning in Fiscal Year WKHUH ZLOO EH D QHZ and improved website with real-time project updates and an interactive map.

Do you have a suggestion for a street, sidewalk or other project in your area? Please submit it here

Lionheart Coffee steps up during school closures OUR TOWN


ith some schools not being able to provide meals to students who need them, a number of restaurants pitched in to help. One of those businesses was Lionheart Coffee Co. /LRQKHDUW ZRUNHUV EHJDQ KDQGLQJ RXW IUHH VDFN OXQFKHV at their two Beaverton locations on the day the closures began. Owner Lauren Reese said when she and her husband decided to help, they announced their plans on their social media pages. Then they got a big surprise. Community members started reaching out to offer donations of food, cash and other supplies to help out. 7KH\ TXLFNO\ KDG HQRXJK IRU WKRXVDQGV RI VDFN OXQFKHV ÂżOOHG ZLWK SHDQXW EXWWHU DQG

jelly sandwiches, chips and fruit. It’s amazing that something so positive came out of a scary time, Reese said. “Really what we’ve found is that our customer base, this city, this community, this neighborhood wanted to support it, so now it’s truly beyond us. It’s a community-centered program that we just happen to house because we have this place,� Reese said. Laughing Planet Cafe is another business that offered

D IUHH NLGV PHDO GXULQJ WKH school closures to any students who qualify for meal assistance programs. The Beaverton School District made free grab-andgo meals available to students IURP 0DUFK DORQJ with March 30-31, at multiple locations.

wheel. Examples include: a Bluetooth earpiece, Bluetooth VSHDNHU ZLUHG HDU EXGV HWF Holding the phone in your hand ZLWK VSHDNHUSKRQH DFWLYDWHG LV not an example of a “hands-free accessory.�

years is a Class B misdemeanor ZLWK D PLQLPXP ¿QH DQG potential jail time. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 1+76$ ³'LVtracted Driving is a dangerous behavior for drivers, passenJHUV DQG QRQ RFFXSDQWV DOLNH 'LVWUDFWLRQ LV D VSHFL¿F W\SH of inattention that occurs when drivers divert their attention IURP WKH GULYLQJ WDVN WR IRFXV on some other activity instead.� These distractions can include – just to mention a few – passengers, mobile electronic devices, and other in-vehicle systems. As D GULYHU \RXU ¿UVW UHVSRQVLELOLW\ LV WR PDNH VXUH \RX DUH RSHUating your vehicle in the safest possible way.

For more local news, visit

Our Town: Beaverton Police Department

April is National Distracted Driving Month Please stay alert & distraction free PUBLIC SAFETY


ince April is National Distracted Driving Month, it is a good time to remind drivers of the importance of staying focused on the single most important activity while driving: DRIVING. )URP SHRSOH KDYH EHHQ NLOOHG DQG RYHU LQMXUHG LQ 2UHJRQ FUDVKes where the driver was reported WR EH GLVWUDFWHG 2UHJRQ ,PSDFW ,WÂśV OLNHO\ WKH QXPEHU RI LQMXULHV and fatalities are actually higher, as the statistics only include conÂżUPHG FDVHV RI GLVWUDFWLRQ ,Q WKH 2UHJRQ /HJislature enacted an updated, more restrictive, version of the “mobile electronic deviceâ€? law. 8QOLNH SUHYLRXV YHUVLRQV RI WKH law, a driver violates this statute by merely holding a mobile electronic device in his or her hand, regardless of whether or not the device is in use. A driver

The ďŹ nes and penalties also changed with the updated law.

is also prohibited from using the device without a hands-free accessory, unless the person is activating or deactivating a function of the device with only the minimal use, via swipe or WDS RI D ¿QJHU 7KH ODZ GH¿QHV D ³PRELOH electronic device� as something that is not permanently installed in the vehicle and includes, but is not limited to, devices capable of text messaging, voice communication, entertainment, navigation, accessing the Internet or producing electronic mail. The law applies when the driver is operating a vehicle on

22 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

a public roadway, as well as while being temporarily stopped EHFDXVH RI WUDIÂżF RU D WUDIÂżF FRQWURO GHYLFH L H D VWRS OLJKW stop sign, or railroad crossing, etc.). Additionally, the law also DSSOLHV WR SDUNLQJ ORWV DQG RWKHU premises open to the public. “Drivingâ€? does not include when the vehicle is stopped where it can safely remain stationary and is pulled to the side of, or off, a roadway or is in a designated SDUNLQJ VSDFH A “hands-free accessoryâ€? is an attachment or built-in feature that gives the driver the ability to NHHS ERWK KDQGV RQ WKH VWHHULQJ

$ SHUVRQœV ¿UVW FRQYLFWLRQ for an offense that does not contribute to a crash is a Class % WUDI¿F YLRODWLRQ ZLWK D ¿QH RI +RZHYHU WKH GULYHU may be able to participate in a Distracted Driving Avoidance Course. If so, and upon sucFHVVIXO FRPSOHWLRQ WKH ¿QH would be dismissed, though the conviction would remain on the person’s driving record. A person’s second conviction ZLWKLQ \HDUV RU LI WKH ¿UVW offense contributes to a crash, is D &ODVV $ WUDI¿F YLRODWLRQ ZLWK D ¿QH 7KLV GULYHU ZRXOG not be eligible for the Distracted Driving Avoidance Course. A person’s third or subsequent conviction within 10

Please stay alert and distraction free!

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

connecting residents to their Community Learning Corner: Musings of a Beaverton Mom

Beaverton Bulletin Board

What Do We Do Now? Getting outside is good for DOO RI XV ,W PDNHV XV IHHO EHWter to get some of our coopedXS HQHUJ\ RXW %DFN\DUGV and open spaces are beautiful WKLQJV ,Q DGGLWLRQ WU\ NHHSLQJ the blinds open to get as much natural sunlight in your home as possible

Keep Calm and Stay at Home PARENTING ESSAY


ight now, everything is strange. The global coronavirus pandemic has substantially changed the way all of us are living our lives. Schools are closed. Businesses are severely limited. Many of our neighbors are grappling with how they are going to pay for life’s necessities if they don’t KDYH D MRE RU KRXUV WR ZRUN All of this change, these invasions into our everyday practices, occurred at a seemLQJO\ EUHDNQHFN SDFH 6R QRZ everything feels upended. Personally, I’ve had instances where I feel so incredibly overwhelmed that parts of my brain seem to shut down. My short-term memory, while not stellar before, has become worse than ever. So, what do we do? We try WR DGDSW :H ZRUN RXU ZD\ over time, into a new sense of normal, even if it is temporary. I’ve started writing down EVERYTHING. My to-do lists SUREDEO\ ORRN ULGLFXORXV WR most, but it’s helping me feel JURXQGHG DQG ¿QGLQJ D ELW RI control again. $V D FRPPXQLW\ ZHœOO ¿QG ZD\V WR PDNH LW ZRUN HYHQ LQ the time of social distancing, we’ll get through this together. Of course, it won’t always be pretty, but for the greater good of our neighbors, it’s the only choice we have. Here are some things to NHHS LQ PLQG DV ZH WUDQVLWLRQ to staying at home: Online resources for kids

As of the time that I’m writing this article, the State of Oregon is stating an estimated return to school date of April WK %DVHG RQ WKH SURMHFWLRQV from other states, the closures could be extended. Most SDUHQWV GRQœW ZDQW WKHLU NLGV to miss out on their education, and online resources are the way to go. Beaverton School District has several online learning resources in addition to

Keep exercising (within reason) It’s good to stay active, when you can. While you don’t want it to be “another thing to add to the to-do listâ€?, FODVV VSHFLÂżF DVVLJQPHQWV %6' getting some exercise in can KHOS ÂżJKW VWUHVV DQG ZRUNV DV also has locations with Graba fantastic mental re-charge. and-Go Lunches, in addition to Although the gyms are closed, computers you can borrow. there are tons of free exercisPortland Moms Blog also LQJ SURJUDPV RQOLQH WR NHHS has guides to help local famiOLHV GXULQJ WKLV WLPH &KHFN RXW you motivated. The YMCA has classes you “Navigating Quarantine in and $URXQG 3';´ DQG Âł7KH 6WXFN can stream for free. Many oth,QVLGH 6XUYLYDO *XLGH´ WR ÂżQG er popular brands are extending their free trial periods. UHVRXUFHV WKDW ZLOO NHHS WKH &KHFN RXW \RXU IDYRULWH NLGV HQWHUWDLQHG DQG OHDUQLQJ 3OHDVH NHHS LQ PLQG IHOORZ J\PÂśV ,QVWDJUDP RU )DFHERRN Many spots around Beaverparents, it’s perfectly acceptable to have some days where ton are posting free content everyone ends up on a screen, or are offering virtual classes/ SDFNDJHV and there isn’t a whole lot of academic learning going Check-in with each other. on. It’s bound to happen, and 7H[W )DFHWLPH RU JR WKDWÂśV RND\ /HWÂśV JR DKHDG old-school) call the people in and set our own expectations your life that you’re concerned a little lower because most about. See how they’re doing. of us are not trained educaStay connected. Without those tors. We’re navigating a very human connections, it’s really different approach than we easy to feel isolated and lonely. H[SHFWHG 0DNLQJ VXUH \RXU Pay particular attention to NLGV DUH VDIH DQG \RX DUH WDNyour friends and neighbors LQJ FDUH RI \RXUVHOI LV WKH ÂżUVW without family at home. You priority. QHYHU NQRZ KRZ PXFK D Find creative alternatives VLPSOH DFW RI NLQGQHVV PHDQV to someone in these stressful While you can’t enjoy times. a night out for a meal, you FDQ WDNH LW WR JR 0DQ\ ORFDO restaurants are still able to PDNH IRRG IRU FXUEVLGH SLFNXS or through meal delivery services. The Beaverton Farmer’s 0DUNHW LV HYHQ WU\LQJ VRPHthing new with a drive-thru PDUNHW Get as much sunshine in your life as you can For now, there aren’t UHVWULFWLRQV RQ ZDONLQJ LQ \RXU QHLJKERUKRRG MXVW PDNH sure you maintain your 6-foot distance from others.

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Save 40% on a 12 month run (or 20% on a 6 month run) of your business card here on this bulletin board. Katie Carrick lives in Beaverton with her husband, two young children, and their yappy but loveable dog, Mendel. She’s a former clinical scientist who now works as a freelance writer. For more information visit


To place your business card here, email

Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 23

Eat Local! Many restaurants still serve through take-out and delivery. ER BOWL SUP



Treat yourself to some local eats and treats!

Dine-in or Take-Out OK!

**Authentic** Indian Lunch

12865 SW Canyon Rd | Beaverton | 503-626-0552 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10:30 - 8pm | Wed 10:30-6pm | Sat 11-4pm

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To place your business card here, email

Swedish Pancakes ..............................................................................$9.55 3 delicately rolled pancakes, dusted with powdered sugar and served with lingonberry butter.

Three Little Pigs ..................................................................................$8.65 Link sausage rolled in 3 large pancakes with apple sauce on the side.

Master Burger .....................................................................................$9.25 Deluxe burger, served with cheddar cheese and sliced lean ham, served on sesame bun with all the fixings.

Monte Cristo Sandwich......................................................................$9.25 Our own thick french toast bread with turkey, ham and Swiss cheese.

Pot Roast ........................................................................................... $11.95 Just like mom’s. Served with creamy mashed potatoes that we made from scratch and fresh sauteed vegitables. Satisfying!

Every kid is smart. We just make them smarter.

Kumon helps your kids develop skills for lifelong success. AGES 3+

Start giving your kids the advantages of Kumon. To learn more, schedule a free orientation today.

Kumon Math and Reading Center of South Beaverton 12325 Southwest Horizon Blvd., Ste. 221, Beaverton, OR 97007


© 2020 Kumon North America, Inc. All rights reserved.

24 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Visit Local Websites to Confirm Event Date/Time Senior S i Living: Li i Viva Vi Vill Village

Viva Village understands that aging is a team sport Let’s do it together! SENIOR LIVING The Meaning of Service


he Viva Village logo includes the tagline Serving Beaverton and Beyond. When this grassroots organization of members and volunteers began operation with PHPEHUV LQ ³VHUvice� meant practical support for older adults who wanted to remain in their homes as they aged. Members had access to trained volunteers for help with home maintenance, transportation, and computer issues, as well as referrals and connections to venders and services in the greater Beaverton area. The founders of Viva Village followed the example of the Boston neighbors who 15 years earlier designed a way to get such services and HVWDEOLVKHG WKH ¿UVW 9LOODJH

9LOODJH HYHQWV RIWHQ LQLWLDWHG by members and volunteers), provide ways to connect with and enjoy the company of others. Three years ago 5 Village get-togethers were posted in the bi-monthly Viva Village Voice. Today there are 17! • :RPHQÂśV &RIIHH ZHHNO\ Thursday Socials, Volunteer Happy Hour, Men’s &RIIHH %UHDN • Pinochle and Scrabble, 1DWXUH :DON 'LQH of the modern Village Move- organization, they were also $URXQG 8UEDQ +LNHUV creating community. And that ment. Today Viva Village is Quilters and Knitters, Fun this community was itself a one of nearly 400 Villages, • for Foodies, Artists interopen or in development, in service valued by persons at a est Group, History Interest time in their lives when they the U.S. There are eleven Group, Life Stories, Villages in the Portland area. can easily become isolated. %RRN &OXE *DUGHQLQJ To live our lives more While that ideal of “serEnthusiasts. viceâ€? is still central for Viva fully, we may need transBeyond direct services portation, tech tips, and Village, the dimensions of WR LWV PHPEHUV QRZ “serviceâ€? have expanded. help around the house and DQG WKH VRFLDO EHQHÂżWV RI LWV yard. But we also need the /LNH 9LOODJH YROXQWHHUV groups and member events, around the country, Viva Vil- DIÂżUPLQJ HQHUJL]LQJ SRZHU Viva Village is becoming a of community. Many of the lagers discovered that in esresource for older adults in tablishing a service-providing increasing number of Viva

Beaverton and beyond. The “Aging with Grace� series, cosponsored with the Elsie Stuhr Center, deal with the health and well-being of older adults, and are open to the public. The upcoming “Age Cafe� sessions, cosponsored with the Beaverton Library and Washington County Disability, Aging, and VetHUDQV 6HUYLFHV '$96 ZLOO facilitate small group conversations around topics of interest to older adults and ZLOO OLNHZLVH EH RSHQ WR DOO

For more Information or to RSVP, call 503-746-5082 or email To see a complete list of events, visit our website:

Out & About: Washington County Visitors Association

Washington County Event Calendar (**Check websites to conďŹ rm events**) OUT & ABOUT Don’t Dress for Dinner: Through April 5 – HART Theatre (Hillsboro)

Ain’t Misbehavin’: Through April 26 – Broadway Rose New Stage (Tigard)

Old College Hall Open: House: April 1 – PaciďŹ c University (Forest Grove)

Brookhaven Vintage Marketplace Spring Show: April 1 to 4 – Kinton Grange (Beaverton)

1st Friday Ceili Mor: April 3 – Winona Grange (Tualatin)

Vernonia Marathon and Half-Marathon:

Micah and Me Concert:

April 5 – Banks High School,

April 4 – Walters Cultural Arts Center (Hillsboro)

First Tuesday Art Walk:

Adult Easter Egg Hunt at Lee Farms: April 4 – Lee Farms (Tualatin)

PaciďŹ c University Performing Arts Series: Dala April 4 – PaciďŹ c University (Forest Grove) paciďŹ

Beaverton Winter Market: April 4 and 11, 18 & 25– SW Hall Boulevard between 3rd & 5th Streets

April 7 – Downtown Hillsboro

Bubbles and Bunnies: April 11 – Kramer Vineyards (Gaston)

Thunder Egg Stravaganza: April 11 – Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals

Annual Lu’au by Na Haumana O Hawai’i:

April 11 – PaciďŹ c University (Forest Grove) paciďŹ

Chris Woitach Quartet – Experience Music Series: April 14 – Portland Community College Rock Creek, rock-creek/

Oak Knoll Winery,

Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour: April 19 – Forest Theater (Forest Grove)

Mamma Mia! April 17 through

Willamette University Jazz Choir– Experience Music Series: April 21 – Portland

May 3 – Theatre in the Grove (Forest Grove)

Community College Rock Creek

Art of the Story: 15th Annual Storytelling Festival:

Eugenie Jones Concert:

April 18 – May 9 – Various locations in Washington County,

Wine Glass Painting at Oak Knoll Winery: April 19 –

April 24 – Walters Cultural Arts Center (Hillsboro)

Tillamook Burn Trail Run: April 25 and 26 – Tillamook State Park

The Tualatin Valley is a short drive from Portland and is home to nationally renowned golf courses, award-winning wineries, tax-free shopping, agricultural experiences, outdoor recreational activities and more. With a combination of suburban and rural settings, the Tualatin Valley offers an unparalleled experience for all travelers. (Visit

Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 25

IMPORTANT: Due to COVID-19, many events have been cancelled.

Every kid is smart. We just make them smarter.

Kumon helps your kids develop skills for lifelong success. AGES 3+

Start giving your kids the advantages of Kumon. To learn more, schedule a free orientation today.

Kumon Math and Reading Center of South Beaverton 12325 Southwest Horizon Blvd., Ste. 221, Beaverton, OR 97007


Š 2020 Kumon North America, Inc. All rights reserved.

Celebrating 25 years of improving the lives & health of Oregonians, like you. (503) 935-8000 I 26 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Visit Local Websites to Confirm Event Date/Time Out & About: Community Event

Earthquake Preparedness April 19, 1:30pm at Catlin Gabel School



Our Town: Beaverton Historical Society

Holocaust Survivor Talk History Presentation



eaverton Historical Society Presents: $QQHNH %ORRP¿HOG +RORFDXVW 6XUYLYRU DQG VSHDNHU for the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education. Her story starts in a Jewish neighborhood in The Hague, The Netherlands.

• When: Tuesday, April 14, 7pm; Doors Open, 6:00pm • Location: Elsie Stuhr Senior Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd., Beaverton • Suggested $3.00 donation EHQH¿WV %HDYHUWRQ +LVWRUical Society

For more information, visit



Business Association

he Catlin Gabel School is trying to help families from around the &LW\ SUHSDUH IRU D PDMRU HDUWKTXDNH which might hit Portland. They are KRVWLQJ DQ (DUWKTXDNH 3UHSDUHGQHVV Event at Cabell Hall on the Catlin *DEHO FDPSXV 6: %DUQHV 5G on April 19th at 1:30pm. 6WHYHQ (EHUOHLQ IRUPHUO\ ZLWK the Red Cross), a regional expert and owner of Tipping Point ResilLHQFH KWWSV ZZZ, will give a 90-minute presentation, and the event will include a number of preparedness experts who will be available to provide informartion and resources and sell preparedness supplies.

The experts will include: • Water - Matt Weatherly from the Portland Regional Water Consortium; • )RRG 1DGLQH *U]HVNRZLDN RN, BSN, CEN will provide information on nutrient dense foods and supplies; • Emergency Kits - Jess Weinstein ZLWK -HWSDFN ZLOO VHOO D GD\ NLW IRU RU SHRSOH • Marilyn Bishop with Cascadia 4XDNH .LWV ZLOO VHOO 6WDUWHU (VVHQWLDO DQG &RPSUHKHQVLYH 7ZR :HHN (DUWKTXDNH .LWV LQ DGGLWLRQ WR safety tools and supplies; • Parents for Preparedness - one of the co-chairs of this group will

answer questions about public schools' resiliency and their efforts; • Gas Shut-off Valves and Retro¿WWLQJ UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV IURP 1: 6HLVPLF DQG (DUWKTXDNH 7HFK • Neighborhood Organizing %DUEDUD %UDFNHQ 'LUHFWRU RI 7XalatinReadyMYN in the City of Tualatin, will offer information and resources about organizing your neighborhood for preparedQHVV 1HLJKERUKRRG 5HDG\ • Fire & Rescue will answer questions about what to expect from public safety personel in the aftermath of a disaster, and also address inquiries about Neighborhood Emergency Team training.

This event is free and open to the public, and folks from around Portland are welcome to attend.

Beaverton Voters Forum

Monday, May 4 | 7:00 p.m. The Voters’ Forum will highlight candidates and ballot measures for the May 2020 election.

Join us in our new virtual format Watch online RU Broadcast live on TVCTV Channel 23

Saturday, April 25th, 2020 9am - Noon

Visit our website to learn more and submit your questions

AAA of Oregon • 8555 SW Apple Way • Portland, OR 97225

Community Partners Accepting Items: Shred - Paper products up to 3 boxes per person Neighborhood House- Canned Foods - Visit for details Community Warehouse- Collecting household goods and small furniture Interstate All Battery - Used or new batteries EcoBinary - Electronics Cartridge Network - Ink & toner cartridges If item in question, check with our community partners listed above.

Presented by the Beaverton Committee for Community Involvement

For more info visit:

Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 27

IMPORTANT: Due to COVID-19, many events have been cancelled. Library Programs in and Around Beaverton

LOVE YOUR LIBRARY Beaverton City Library

bboricuas i i us tocara a llas 2 p.m. / JJoin in celebrating children, families, and reading with crafts and bilingual bingo (in Spanish and English). Musical group, Trio los boricuas, will perform at 2 p.m.

Teen Programs at BCL Main and Murray Scholls CREATE: Mini Planter at BCL Main 4/24 | 2-3pm | Cathy Stanton Conference Room | Registration required | Grades 6-12 Celebrate a belated Earth Day with a craft! Decorate a mini planter box or a mini pot to house a succulent or other small plant this spring. Perfect for your desk or window sill.

Adult Programs at BCL Main 12375 SW 5th St., Beaverton 503-644-2197. All events are free. Registration, where noted, is one month in advance. As of this publication, all events have been cancelled through April 13th. Please check our website to see if this cancellation has been extended.

Children’s Programs at BCL Main A Gardening Afternoon 4/18 | 3-4pm | Storytime Room | Grades K-3 with family Get your hands dirty while learning about plants and soil through interactive activities.

Open Mic Poetry 4/11 | 2-3:30pm | Auditorium Read your own poetry, recite a favorite poem by someone else, or just listen! Opening the show, we are pleased to welcome our featured poet, Dr. Susan Swartwout. Dr. Swartwout is an award-winning poet, author, and professor emerita of English–Writing at Southeast Missouri State University. One lucky participant will receive a $15 gift certiďŹ cate to The Book Corner. Recommended for ages 13 and up. Poets should arrive 15 minutes early to sign in to be called to the stage.

Entrepreneurship Clinic 4/15 | 2-4pm | Mountain View Room

4/22 | 4-5pm | Meeting Room A | Grades K-5 with family

Whether you are starting or growing a business, attend this speed coaching session where counselors and business information experts will move you to the next step to success.

Make fabulous creations while reusing household materials.

Spring Used Book & Media Sale

Día de los niùos / Children’s Day

4/16 – 4/19 | 10am – 6pm | Meeting Rooms A & B

4/25 | 1:30-3:30pm | Meeting Rooms A & B | Para niĂąos de 2 a 8 aĂąos con sus familias / Ages 2-8 with family

Join the New Friends of the Beaverton City Library for their annual spring sale at the library, Apr. 15-19. The Friends will have thousands of used books, movies and music available for purchase at unbeatable prices. Book-lovers will enjoy a huge selection of

Recycled Crafts

ÂĄAcompĂĄĂąanos a celebrar los niĂąos, las familias, y la lectura con manualidades y loterĂ­a bilingĂźe (en espaĂąol e inglĂŠs)! Grupo musical Trio los

Support Excellence in our City Library, Consider joining the Foundation board! Do you enjoy collaborating with like-minded folks? Would you be interested in helping raise funds for library remodeling plans and other large projects? Joining the Beaverton Library Foundation Board might be for you! The Board meets once a month and is looking to infuse the group with fresh energy, new points of view, and out-of-thebox ideas. Contact me for more details if you are interested in exploring this opportunity!

Glenn Ferdman

Library Director (503) 526-3705 28 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

ďŹ ďŹ ction i andd non-ďŹ ction ďŹ i titles i l iin allll genres and areas of interest. The Friends will have a large offering of children’s books and some foreign language items for sale, too. A Members-only Night kicks off the sale, Wednesday, Apr. 15. Membership will be available at the door. The sale continues Thursday, Apr. 16 through Saturday, Apr. 18. On Sunday, Apr. 19, everything is clearance-priced! Sale proceeds beneďŹ t Beaverton City Library.

Solar Oregon 4/21 | 6-7:30pm | Meeting Room B Solar Oregon presents The Basics of Solar. They will present on the ins and outs of the residential solar process, from installing on your property, to ďŹ nancing, to tax credits. Solar installers will be present to answer questions.

Your Brain on Music 4/22 | 6-7:45pm | Auditorium What is it about music that makes it so powerful? Learn more about the science between the notes and the profound effects we experience from listening to and playing music throughout the lifespan. Hear how music helps reduce stress, makes us more productive and creative, improves mood, and gives our memories a boost. Get ready to groove along during this interactive workshop accompanied by a live performance. Already play an instrument? Bring it with you for an opportunity play along throughout the program. No experience or talent necessary.

Cedar Mill & Bethany Community Libraries

• Cedar Mill Library (12505 NW Cornell Rd, (503) 644-0043) • Bethany Library (15325 NW Central Drive, Suite J-8, (503) 617-7323) • Bethany Library Annex (4888 NW Bethany Blvd, Suite K-2, Portland, (503) 617-7323)

A special message from Executive Director Peter Leonard: All library events are canceled until April 30th, and outside use of the meeting rooms are paused. %RRNGURSV DW ERWK ORFDWLRQV will be closed. Please hold on to your library materials. You will not be assessed any late fees during this emergency. Online VHUYLFHV VXFK DV H%RRNV DQG Kanopy are available through WCCLS.ORG. We are continuing to monitor recommendations from local, state and federal agencies and are communicating with

other libraries h lib i iin our county and d region. Updates will be posted here as necessary. The library website, library., will always have the most current information about library services at Cedar Mill and Bethany. The health and safety of library users, volunteers, and staff members is a top priority. We DUH DVNLQJ HYHU\RQH WR FRPPLW to the hand washing and hygiene standards recommended by the World Health Organization and to do everything possible to limit WKH VSUHDG RI WKLV YLUXV %H NLQG DQG FKHFN RQ \RXU QHLJKERUV DQG family who may need support during this time..

Aloha Community Library Association

All events are free. Become an ACLA member! 17455 SW Farmington Rd, Suite 26A, Aloha | Visit for more information or call 503-259-0185.

I O O L NLOO IRU ODQJXDJH OHDUQLQJ VNLOO building, career help, and live KRPHZRUN KHOS DQG WXWRULQJ Visit to access a complete list of available resources! Stay in touch with us while you’re practicing social distancing by visiting our website DORKDOLEUDU\ RUJ )DFHERRN SDJH IDFHERRN FRP DORKDOLEUDU\ DQG ,QVWDJUDP for local updates and to see what we’re up to. In addition to library updates, we’re sharing COVID-19 resources, storytime videos, reading recommendations, virtual activities you can access for free from home, and much more! Or, you can get library news regularly delivered directly to your email inbox - email info@ with the subject heading “newsletter signup�, or complete the webform at to join our mailing list.

Garden Home Community Library

Message from the Aloha Library In order to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Aloha Community Library is closed until further notice. We will continue to monitor the guidance of public health DXWKRULWLHV DQG PDNH SODQV WR reopen when advised that it is safe for our staff and community to resume our regular VFKHGXOH SOHDVH FKHFN DW for up-to-date library information. Since our library’s mission is to serve as a gateway to lifelong learning and enrichment for our community, bringing people, information, and ideas together, we are doing our EHVW WR PDNH DV PDQ\ OLEUDU\ services and resources as possible available remotely! You FDQ FRQWLQXH WR DFFHVV HERRNV GRZQORDGDEOH DXGLRERRNV and streaming video through Washington County Cooperative Library Services - visit to get VWDUWHG ZLWK WKHVH 1R OLEUDU\ card? Washington County residents can apply for an e-access card online at wccls. org/online-card!) Other online services offered include tools

Located at 7475 SW Oleson Rd. All library events are free and open to anyone. No library card required. GHCL Annex is located at (7306 SW Oleson Rd across the street from the library. 503-245-9932.

Message from the Garden Home Library


t the advice and guidance of our Governor, the Oregon Health Authority, Washington County Public Health Department, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control in an effort to stop the spread of Covid-19 Garden Home Community Library will remain closed through at least 7XHVGD\ $SULO WCCLS has auto-renewed items, so physical items are not due until May 5. This does not DSSO\ WR H ERRNV 7KHUH ZLOO EH QR RYHUGXH ÂżQHV DQG KROGV will remain on the shelf for several days once we are able to reopen. /LEUDU\ VWDII DUH ZRUNLQJ intermittently and will answer

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Visit Local Websites to Confirm Event Date/Time

Revitalizing the Salmonberry Trail This 86-Mile Trail winds through valley and forest

Salmonberry Trail


T Julie & Jocelyn wish all of our guests the very best during this trying time. Don’t forget to read!

From all of us at GHCL, please stay safe and we can’t wait to see everyone again!

voicemail messages and email as available. 6WDII DUH ZRUNLQJ RQ ZD\V to host some programs ages via online methods during this time. Announcements about programs will be shared on our VRFLDO PHGLD SDJHV )DFHERRN and Twitter). People who are interested in learning more may also contact the library via phone or through our website. Learn more about the library The Garden Home ComPXQLW\ /LEUDU\ EHJDQ LQ ZKHQ 7XDODWLQ +LOOV 3DUN DQG 5HFUHDWLRQ 'LVWULFW 7+35' WRRN RYHU D FORVHG HOHPHQWDU\ school and made space available to local volunteers to organize and operate a library. The initial collection focused on ERRNV IRU SUHVFKRRO FKLOGUHQ Today we still rent space in the Garden Home Rec Center. But we now have a staff of 10. And our collection has grown to include materials for all DJHV PDJD]LQHV DXGLRERRNV FRPSDFW GLVFV '9'V H ERRNV GRZQORDGDEOH DXGLRERRNV D 5RNX ERDUG JDPHV DQG PRUH

We also have a Library of Things that includes a teleVFRSH D SL]]HOOH PDNHU DQG D ELUG ZDWFKLQJ NLW 7KH OLEUDU\ nearly doubled in size during RXU H[SDQVLRQ While Garden Home Community Library is a member of and receives operational funds from Washington County Cooperative Library SerYLFHV :&&/6 LW LV ORFDOO\ governed by an all-volunteer QRQSURÂżW RUJDQL]DWLRQ *DUGHQ Home Community Library $VVRFLDWLRQ *+&/$ *+&/$ LV LQFRUSRUDWHG DV D F

QRQSURÂżW SXEOLF EHQHÂżW corporation with the purpose of operating and supporting the mission of Garden Home Community Library. The GHCLA Board carries full legal UHVSRQVLELOLW\ IRU WKH QRQSURÂżW corporation, serves as the legislative body, and consists of volunteers from the community who are elected by the Association to three year terms. The GHCLA Board meets the third Monday of every month with the exception of August and December. Meetings are open to the public.

he Washington County VisLWRUV $VVRFLDWLRQ :&9$ DQG 7LOODPRRN &RXQW\ UHFHQWO\ announced they have granted DGGLWLRQDO ¿QDQFLDO VXSSRUW needed to complete the remaining master planning for segments of the Salmonberry Trail, Oregon’s most ambitious rail-to-trail project. The WCVA and TillaPRRN &RXQW\ HDFK DZDUGHG $175,000, the combined total of which - $350,000 - will help ¿QDQFH WKH PDVWHU SODQQLQJ RI WKH PLOH FDQ\RQ VHJPHQW and the 15.3-mile river segment of the Salmonberry Trail, which are the remaining two of the four total segments of the PLOH WUDLO 0DVWHU SODQQLQJ on the coastal section was comSOHWHG LQ DQG WKH YDOOH\ VHFWLRQ IURP %DQNV WR WKH WRS RI WKH &RDVW 5DQJH LQ Funding from both counties is sourced from Transient /RGJLQJ 7D[ 7/7 DQG ZLOO be allocated for a study of the Canyon and River segments that will analyze the impacts and constraints of developing a recreational trail along the old rail corridor. Designs will be LGHQWL¿HG WR KHOS PLWLJDWH RU eliminate multiple constraints. In addition, the study will evaluate rail bridges and tunnels to be reused or replaced for trail development, as well as provide detailed cost estimates of trail development. 7KH PLOH QRQ PRWRUL]HG trail will wind through valleys and forests, along rivers and a historic railroad line crossing through Washington and 7LOODPRRN FRXQWLHV DV LW SDVVHV over the top of the Oregon Coast Range, connecting the coast and the Portland-metro area. The rail line has moved people and goods through the heart of Northwest Oregon's most remote country and rich timberland—an area rich with history—since 1911. From the early logging camps to the monumental efforts to reforest the area devastated by the TilODPRRN %XUQ DQG WKH GHYHOopment of vibrant dairy and

ZLQH LQGXVWULHV LQ 7LOODPRRN and Washington counties, this passage has long played an important role in connecting Oregonians with the natural resources of their state. The project began after a segment of the rail line was severed by heavy winter storms LQ LQ WKH 6DOPRQEHUU\ Canyon area. The high cost of repairing the line combined with reduced use led to the Port RI 7LOODPRRN %D\ÂśV GHFLVLRQ not to restore rail service WKURXJK WKH FDQ\RQ VSDUNLQJ interest in a rails-to-trails project. The trail will serve diverse XVHUV IURP GD\ KLNHUV WR WUHNNHUV DQG IURP IDPLOLHV WDNLQJ D PRUQLQJ ULGH WR ELNHUV ULGLQJ the entire trail, and will connect LQWR D ZLGH QHWZRUN RI H[LVWLQJ UHFUHDWLRQDO WUDLOV DQG SDUNV educational opportunities and heritage sites while providing a safer route for non-motorized users. The revitalized trail will also support local economies through tourism and recreation and connect Oregonians to nature by educating urban and rural communities about the importance of the railway and bounty of natural resources. “We are excited to be a part of this great project,â€? said Washington County Commissioner Jerry Willey. “Trails improve health and wellness, strengthen social and cultural relationships among rural,

suburban and urban residents and help residents forge new ties to our past and future.� The WCVA funded the ¿UVW WDQJLEOH HOHPHQW RI WKH Salmonberry Trail last year when it dedicated the Manning Trailhead, adjacent to the %DQNV 9HUQRQLD 6WDWH 7UDLO 7KH 2UHJRQ 3DUNV DQG 5HFUHDWLRQ 'HSDUWPHQW 235' ZLOO WDNH WKH OHDG RQ WKH 6DOPonberry Trail coast segment SODQQLQJ VWXG\ DQG ¿QDO SODQ report, with support from the Salmonberry Trail Foundation.

For more information on the Salmonberry Trail project and planning process, visit .

Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 29

IMPORTANT: Due to COVID-19, many events have been cancelled. Out & About: O Ab Village Vill Gallery G ll off Arts A

Educational art gallery With classes for both adults & kids

Debbie Teeter

Mary Lehner

With Mary Burgess - Six-week course, Mornings or Evenings. Dates: Wednesdays; May 6, 13, 27, June 3, 10, 17; Times: 9:30am 12:30pm, OR 6 - 9pm


Spring Award Show, POSTPONED until June: Due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, the Spring Award Show is being postponed and rescheduled for June. Further information will be posted on our website as this situation evolves. Stay home, stay healthy and take a virtual gallery tour! Go to, then click on the “Artists” tab at the top of the page to see examples of many of our members’ portfolios. Enjoy! VGA Recycled Art Show & Fundraiser - OPEN TO ALL, our Community and VGA members (active, participating, associate and studio) Registration: May 10 - June 21, Show and Sale: June 26 - July 26 All are invited to participate, either by creating an original artwork incorporating a recycled item or items, or by coming to the show to enjoy the creativity of the artists and vote for your favorite artwork. Two-D, 3-D, hanging, or stable free-standing art will be accepted. All art must be for sale. Artists price their own work. For minimum, maximum and other display requirements, as well as definitions of the accepted categories of pieces, entry fee, commissions, and more registration details, please see our website. Registration for artists is May 10 - June 21 at the Gallery; the show will run from June 26 - July 26; prizes in several categories will be awarded and the winners announced at a reception on Sunday, July 13, 2020, from 2 - 4pm. Jurors will be invited from our business community. Please see website for more details. YOUTH CLASSES Children’s Art Classes Ages 7 - 11 years old -- Debbie Teeter • One 4-week course, OR • One 3-week course Dates: Thursdays: April 2, 9, 16, 23, OR: May 14, 21, 28; Time: 3:45 - 4:45pm

* NEW * Painting Portraits in Watercolor

Come join an exciting class learning a variety of art forms. I will be developing your child’s art ability and providing them an opportunity to build their skills and explore different media and approaches, so they can find out what they will enjoy. Each lesson will explore both art concepts and techniques. Activities may include drawing, painting, sculpture, mixed media. Subject matter will include people, faces, landscapes, plants and animals, and exploring subject matter in imaginative ways. Call or visit website for class supply list and more information. ADULT CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS Brooke Walter

Painting with Brooke with Brooke Walker-Knoblich -•

Four, 2-week courses

Dates: Tuesdays: April 7 & 28; OR: May 19 & 26; OR: June 23 & 30; OR: July 21 & 28; Time: 10am - 1pm

Freshen Up & Loosen Up! Improve Your Watercolor Painting Techniques With Mary Lehner - Two separate, 5-week courses [Postponed Check Website For Rescheduled Dates] Drop-Ins Welcome! Dates: Mondays: March 16, 23, 30, April 6, 13; OR April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18; Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm Intermediate to Advanced Level Watercolor: Are you ready to take your painting skills to the next level and bring passion to your watercolors? Join Mary Lehner to explore fresh ways to invigorate your style. We will be painting from Still Life imagery this 5-week session. Mary will demonstrate and discuss the journey from static to lively interpretations in watercolor. This class is not so much about technique as it is about letting the watercolor medium work to your advantage by slowly learning to “go with the flow.” Students will paint from primarily still life imagery and photo research, learn to “see” the subject matter in a new light, use looseness and color contrast to enhance dimensionality, layer paints to keep colors fresh and not muddy, and use light, shadow, color reflections and composition to learn to paint in a visually expressive and interpretive style. Feel free to call the artist directly with questions at 949-468-9574 or email her at mary@lehnerfineart. com. Check the Gallery’s website for supply list and more details.

Appropriate for any medium; Students of all skill levels welcome. Please bring all your painting supplies and a table easel. This class will be a general themed painting class, so students can bring in any subject matter they choose. Brooke will demonstrate in the first hour, leaving time for students to integrate techniques into their own work. Each class also includes a small group critique at the end.

30 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

Some watercolor experience is helpful. In this class, students will learn to achieve a likeness of human subjects in watercolor. We will explore techniques for photographing people, and students will be guided through the process of painting facial features, skin, hair, clothing and backgrounds. Each class begins with a critique, and hands-on exercise which supports the process. Every student will be given one-on-one time with instructor. Email Mary for supply list: .

* NEW * - Create, Dismantle and Transform - Art in Transition With Lori McLaughlin 3-week course. Dates: Fridays: May 8, 15, 22; Time: 1 - 3pm All supplies provided (however, you may bring your favorite art supplies)

create 3 works abstractly and discuss format and presenting with our critiques. Feel free to contact Lori at thewhiteoakgallery@gmail. com .

* NEW * -- Basic Drawing With Debbie Teeter, 4-week course Dates: Thursdays: April 2, 9, 16, 23; Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm

Debbie Teeter

This class will provide and strengthen basic skills in drawing, with an emphasis on seeing/drawing from props. Topics will include shape, value, chiaroscuro, proportion, composition and perspective. Students will work with various black & white media, such as graphite, charcoal and pen. Check the Gallery’s website for supply list and more details.

* NEW * - Experimental Watercolor Workshop With Debbie Teeter. 1-day workshop. Date: Wednesday: April 15, 2020; Time: 1 - 4pm

Lori McLaughlin

Class One: We start with a basic watercolor mono printing technique. We will learn how to create watercolor monoprints, flatten each print and discuss the aesthetics, moments to savor, and critique. Class Two: The second class is looking at what to save and how to save it. How to cut out or deckle various segments of the print deciding what direction to go in and transform into a new artwork on its own merit. Class Three: Class three deals with composing and transforming your works with thread, beads, wax and other items. I would hope we can

All levels, Beginner on up: Bring more play and imagination into your watercolors! This workshop is appropriate for beginners on up. I have been painting since high school, explored watercolors in college and am always up for a new twist. The techniques we will explore can be used in both representational and non-representational work, and will utilize an eclectic array of “toys.” We will not be creating a painting in class but developing a bank of possibilities which you can then apply to your studio practice. Plan to be loose and have fun! Check website for supply list and more details.

For more details on each listing, please see our website, or call 503-644-8001)

Mary Burgess Debbie Teeter

Village Gallery is a non-profit educational art gallery located at 12505 NW Cornell Road, Portland, next to the Cedar Mill Library.

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Visit Local Websites to Confirm Event Date/Time Don’t Dress For Dinner (Check website for cancellation info)

The Last Five Years THE STORY: An emotion-

ally powerful and intimate musical about Cathy, a struggling actress, and Jamie, a budding novelist on the brink of wild success, are 20-somethings

in New York who meet, fall in love, marry, and divorce over the span of five years. This show’s unconventional structure consists of Cathy, telling her story backwards while Jamie, tells his story chronologically as they both try to grapple with how and why their marriage went wrong.

THE STORY: Bernard is planning a romantic weekend with his chic Parisian mistress in his charming converted French farmhouse, whilst his wife, Jacqueline, is away. He has arranged for a cordon bleu cook to prepare gourmet delights, and has invited his best friend, Robert, along too to provide the alibi. It’s foolproof; what could possibly go wrong? Well.... suppose Robert turns up not realizing quite why he has been invited. Suppose Robert and Jacqueline are secret lovers, and consequently determined that Jacqueline will NOT leave for the weekend. Suppose the cook has to pretend to be the mistress and the mistress is unable to cook. Suppose everyone’s alibi gets confused with everyone else’s. An evening of hilarious confusion ensues as Bernard and Robert improvise at breakneck speed.

Don’t Dress For Dinner (This event has been postponed. Check website for new date/time)

THE STORY: Hey Monty Python lovers! It’s time for something completely different… It’s The Secret Policeman’s Orange Fuzzy Ball, a team trivia night & parody story inspired by the creative talent of Monty Python. This theatrical presentation of a trivia tournament promises to present an interactive trivia experience for all tournament participants. A storyline follows all trivia rounds, and features side show acts, musical numbers, and a loving tribute to Terry Jones. Trivia will be presented by actors playing John Cleese, Terry Jones, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Michael Palin, Graham Chapman, Carole Cleveland, and others. B t R G id

Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 31

“The Beaverton Resource Guide is a vibrant snapshot of the Beaverton Community.” Marie Prins, Washington County Visitors Association

Super Student Corner: Kumon

Meet Hannah, a 6th Grade Super Student! Thanks to the Kumon program

We Make Your Smart Kids



annah B. is a 6th Grader at Westgate Christian School in Tigard. This super student LV ZRUNLQJ WRZDUGV EHLQJ RQH year above grade level in math before she gets to 7th Grade and is three months away from achieving this goal in Kumon. Being one year above grade level in math before going into 7th Grade will mean that HanQDK KDV PDVWHUHG PDWK ZRUN through Algebra. :KHQ +DQQDK LVQ¶W ZRUNing towards her math goal, she loves to play with her younger brother Isaiah and drive their dog Bolt crazy during their play time. She enjoys reading KHU %LEOH DQG WDNLQJ SDUW LQ Church activities. Every year she competes in spelling bee competitions at her school. She loves to swim and is currently at swim team level.

Even Smarter

Word Puzzle Contest! Win A $25 Gift Certificate to Black Bear Diner! Email and let us know which words you found (minimum of 1 correct word). Also include: (1) where you picked up the paper and (2) what your favorite story was. The random drawing is on the 25th of each month so please email us before then. (Find last month’s answers on page 2)

Can you find 20

Types of food


Hannah plays Piano/ Violin at Keep up the great work church and she loves to play Hannah! ÀXWH IRU KHU VFKRRO EDQG Outside of school activities she is learning to code, loves to travel with her family and UHFHQWO\ VKH KDV VWDUWHG WDNLQJ over different projects using Welcome to Kumon, the world’s 2ULJDPL 6KH LV ORRNLQJ IRUZDUG largest after-school math and reading program. The Kumon to camping adventures once Method has helped millions of VXPPHU EUHDN VWDUWV children achieve more than they Her parents say that, “Kuever thought they could. We PRQ KDV GH¿QLWHO\ KHOSHG IRUP believe it can help your child, too. At Kumon, your child will good habits in regards to time build skills that lead to success PDQDJHPHQW 6KH OLNHV WKH IDFW inside and outside the classthat she is excelling in Math in room while gaining a sense of her class and understands that confidence that will help them in it is a direct result of practicing the classroom and beyond. KHU .XPRQ 0DWK VNLOOV DW KRPH To schedule a free placement every day.” test please call 503-639-7219.

Summer Registration EOMKNI SOON Best way to Register Online: Phone: 503-439-9400 In-Person: At any THPRD Center

32 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 4 (April 2020)

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

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