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The Beaverton Resource Guide


Your FREE Monthly Community Paper

Volume 10 | Issue 3 | March 2020

Connecting residents to their community ...and businesses to their customers! “I want young people to understand how the fire service works and how they can help create safer communities. I also want our ranks to better reflect the community we serve.” – Chief Deric Weiss

Explore a career in the



T l ti Valley Tualatin V ll Fire Fi & RRescue’s’ Career Day offers inside look (see page 23)

Find these stories inside & more! LOCAL BUSINESS


• Springtime Coffee Shop Round Up (page 3) • Worlds oldest orangutan lives near Beaverton? (page 12) • A call for Night Market vendors (page 22) • Attend a free downsizing seminar (page 27) • Coronavirus 101: what you need to know (page 16) • Local services to help with postpartum (page 21) • Washington County Event Calendar (page 25)

Many Thanks to our Community Partners!

“I always look forward to reading through the BRG to learn what’s happening in the different areas of Beaverton. We are all part of this community and sharing information on the local level allows our wonderful city to thrive.�

Mayor Denny Doyle:

Learning Corner: Uplifting Message


Winter hibernation is over!


• Pages: 3-12, (directory, advice, spotlight stories)


• Pages: 12-15 (animals, parks, pets, sustainability)


5 good reasons to get outside

• Pages: 22-23, 27 (city news, public safety, history)



• Pages: 17-19, 25 (senior ads, health, events)


• Pages: 16, 20 (health & wellness)

LEARNING CORNER • Pages: 20-21, 26-27, 32 (essays, library, spotlight) OUT & ABOUT

• Pages: 25-31 (events, art, programs, calendar, theatre)


• Pages: 2, 32 (word puzzle contest)



First Settled: 1847 (by Augustus Fanno) Year Incorporated: 1893 Population: 97,229 (2017)

Mayor: Denny Doyle Council: Catherine Arnold, Lacey Beaty, Mark Fagin Laura Mitchell, Marc San Soucie


Sales Tax: 0.0% Zip Codes: 97005-08, 97075, 97078, 97003

Tuesdays, 6:30pm City Council meetings are held in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers in City Hall and open to the public. 503-526-2222 or visit:

Area Codes: (503), (971)


Income Tax: 9.0%

Elevation: 189 feet above sea level Yearly Rain/Snow: 39in/2in per year Clear Days per Year: 142 days Median Home Price: $353,316 (2017) Median Household Income: $58k (‘17) Projected Job Growth: 8.7% (2017) Average Communte Time: 22 min. High School Graduation Rate: 81%

Beaverton Recycling ........................................ 503-526-2665 Beaverton School District ................................503-591-8000 Chamber of Commerce ................................... 503-644-0123 City Hall ............................................................ 503-526-2222 City of Beaverton (Water) ................................ 503-526-2257 Hazardous Waste Disposal (Metro) ................ 503-797-1700 Oregon DMV .................................................... 503-299-9999 Oregon Ecycle .................................................. 888-532-9253 NW Natural (Gas)............................................. 503-226-4211 PGE (Electricity) ...............................................800-743-5000 Police (Non-Emergency) ................................. 503-526-2260 Waste Management (Trash) ............................ 800-808-5901


The Beaverton Resource Guide is a division of Cedar House Media. For questions or comments? Contact us: CEDAR HOUSE MEDIA 4655 SW Watson Ave. Beaverton, OR 97005 503-641-3320 MONTHLY WRITERS

City Staff Paul Craig Larry Ferguson Dirkse CC

Executive Editor: Cory Burden Managing Editor: Michael Wong Senior Designer: Sarah Jones Webmaster: Troy Brisbin Advertising: Frances Quaempts

TVF&R Staff Spencer Rubin M.E. Summer Beaverton Police Staff

Kili Garcia Frances Quaempts Kimberly Shute Jennifer Keene

Rhonda Kay Leonard County Staff Dr Bryen Bell Oregon Zoo Staff

PGE Staff THPRD Staff Oregon Clinic Curve/Jenny Craig


am a transplant. My reasons for moving to Portland with my wife three years ago may sound familiar to some of us: we wanted to live in a place where we can appreciate the beauty that is the natural world RI WKH 3DFL¿F 1RUWKZHVW 7KH Portland area has year-round greenery, waterfalls, wildlife, ÀRZHUV WKDW VHHP WR EORRP non-stop, mild winters, and of course plenty of precipitation to keep things looking IUHVK DQG OXVK 2Q WKH ÀLSVLGH I grew up in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio, and even though I haven’t lived there since my childhood, I still remember the dark, brutally cold winter months that felt more like testing my resolve for survival than anything else. So yes, the winter months here in Portland are dark and wet‌really dark and wet. But with the transition of the seasons comes new opportunity for us to enjoy the natural beauty that is all around us once again! So, here are some things about getting outside we may have forgotten about during our winter hibernation: 1. Say hello to your neighbors. 5HPHPEHU WKHP" 7KH\ DUH still there! What a gift it is to have community! It’s okay to knock on a door just to say hello. 2. Go for a walk. Walking is so good for all of us. We may have put it on the back burner for a while, so ¿QG \RXU VQHDNHUV DQG JHW outside. And if you have a dog, don’t forget them! 3. +HDG WR WKH SDUN 7KHUH LV this wonderful place that is usually free to go to, where

Hello Beaverton, welcome to another issue of The Beaverton Resource Guide. As a full-color, monthly newspaper that’s dedicated to the positive aspects of our community, you can be sure to ďŹ nd interesting and uplifting stories about what makes our city one of the best in the country (ranked #3 nationally for “Best Places to Raise a Familyâ€? in 2018 by The goal of The BRG is simple and can be easily read at the top of each page: connecting people who live, work or shop in and around Beaverton with the abundant local resources available. So whether you’re shopping and want to try out a new store or a new store that wants to reach out to new customers, The BRG is equally useful and happy to help play the role of match-maker. We also know a lot about what’s going on in the county and for those who are looking to get “Out & Aboutâ€?, we have the county’s event calendar, an exclusive with the Beaverton Farmers market, an extensive regional theatre line up, a full list of library programs as well as other announcements to help you connect to whatever interests you. The BRG is available for pickup at over 170 locations from major grocery retailers, restaurants, doctor ofďŹ ces and banks to city hall, hotels, regional libraries and the farmers market. For more information about advertising rates, current or past stories, distribution, our photo gallery and more, visit Thank you and I hope you had as much fun reading this issue as I had putting it together. Sincerely, Michael Wong (Managing Editor)

2 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

other people are congregating, and people rarely have a bad experience. Grab your family and friends and head out for a wonderful time. 4. (QMR\ WKH GD\OLJKW 7KH GD\V are growing longer and lonJHU 7DNH DGYDQWDJH RI WKHVH days by getting outside during the times that were once in the dark. You will ¿QG \RXUVHOI IHHOLQJ PRUH upbeat, more energetic, and generally healthier. 5. Put the phone away, breathe in deeply, be mindful of the present. Getting outside allows for us to put aside so many of the distractions of our daily routines. Use the opportunities we have to savor our time on this earth for what is, with people we love and enjoy, and our community that has been placed in this particular time and place for a reason that we may never fully understand, but we can certainly appreciate. ‌and if the community gets on your nerves, then head on out to the acres and acres of wilderness that surround this wonderful city!

Rev. Jeff Binder, Pastor, Valley Community Presbyterian Church can be reached by visiting

Answers to Last month’s Word Puzzle • • • • •


• • • • •


• • • • •



Subject: Common Metals Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and do not necessarily reect the position of Cedar House Media and/or the Beaverton Resource Guide. Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Connecting Businesses to Local Customers Business Spotlight by Frances Quaempts

Get Out and Grab a Tasty Cup of Joe Springtime Coffee Shop Roundup

The Coffee Shop

good coffee. seriously.

4712 SW Scholls Ferry Rd. Portland. (503) 707-4851.

BUSINESS V WKH FORXGV FOHDU DQG ÀRZHUV bloom, the spring season is a perfect time to check out these local coffee shops working hard WR EULQJ ÀDYRU DQG FRPPXQLW\ connection to the area.


Edge Coffee 14647 SW Millikan Way. Beaverton. (503)747-6021.

Edge Coffee located near 7XDODWLQ +LOOV 1DWXUH 3DUN RIIHUV something special to the area coffee scene: in-store small batch roasting. Brenda Enyart has been roasting her own Sauvie Island Coffee for over twelve years. Brenda’s coffee venture began as a stay-at-home mom who realized Sauvie Island needed its own coffee. A roasting class inspired Brenda to buy her own roaster, eventually bringing it to Edge, ZKHUH WKH PDOO PHHWV QDWXUH 1RW only is the coffee at Edge organic and bird friendly, Brenda’s longtime staff collaborate on blends, celebrating the distinct nuances of coffee beans from countries OLNH 3DSXD 1HZ *XLQHD (WKLRSLD DQG *XDWHPDOD 7KH (GJH WHDP even has milk tastings to bring a fully developed delicious cup to every patron. But you don’t need be a coffee expert to sit indoors and gaze at the sunlit high wood beams, or sit outside and watch WKH ORFDO ELUGV 7KH SDUNLQJ LV ample and baristas are happy to customize drinks, using distinctive ingredients like sea salt, fresh orange peel, and lavender.

14647 SW Millikan Way | (503) 747-6021

Ki Coffee 4655 SW GrifďŹ th Dr. Ste. 160. Beaverton. (503)746-5907.

.L LQ -DSDQHVH PHDQV ÂłHQHUJ\´ DQG 0LVD 7KRPSVRQÂśV .L &RIIHH located across the street from %HDYHUWRQ 7RZQ 6TXDUH UHĂ€HFWV not only her heritage, exuberance, and drive, but a long-time dream realized. Misa, a working mom who saved for years to realize her FRIIHH YLVLRQ LV KXPEO\ ÂłLQYHVWHG and passionate about making a great cup of coffee like everyone HOVH ´ 7KDW JUHDW FXS RI FRIIHH has evolved over the years, based in part on her studying coffee in

0DODZL DQG 7KDLODQG HYHQWXDOO\ applying those high standards to HDFK GULQN .L IHDWXUHV 7KRUQWRQ Roasters beans, Stumptown on nitro, beer, cocktails, kombucha, and sake. Ki is known for beautiful latte art as well as colorful art and merchandise for sale from local artists. Ki also has the very SRSXODU 7RE\ 7RDVW QDPHG DIWHU the owner’s son, which is avocado toast highlighting Jacobson’s salt and house-made vegan aioli. In spite of the fancy touches and high standards, the key to Ki’s success is the relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

Lionheart Coffee Co. 4590 SW Watson Ave. Beaverton. (503)521-7051.

Late Night Coffee & Tea Shop Sandwiches served all day Great open study spaces. 4655 SW GrifďŹ th near Fred Meyer (503) 746-5907

Lionheart recently opened a second location in downtown Beaverton, offering a safe and welcoming space. Wife and husband team, Lauren and Ben Reese, are devoted to enriching the Beaverton community by delivering exacting quality with each beverage. While FRIIHH D¿FLRQDGRV IHHO DW KRPH at Lionheart with every measured espresso shot, the Reese’s are dedicated to providing a space that is approachable and

Having an Event? We Cater! Visit our website or drop by one of our Beaverton locations on Scholls Ferry Rd or Watson Ave conscientious of people and the environment. Lionheart’s community focus includes rotating local roasters like Water Avenue, 6WHUOLQJ DQG +HDUW 7KH EDULVWDV here take coffee so seriously, some of them have entered comSHWLWLRQV EHFRPLQJ ¿QDOLVWV 7KLV includes Aaron Stout, who won the 2019 Oregon Coffee Board Brewers Cup, is competing in WKH 1DWLRQDO %UHZHUV FXS DQG is ranked in the top 30 brewers LQ WKH 86$ 7KH 5HHVHœV EHOLHYH ³JUHDW FRPSRQHQWV PDNH D JUHDW product.� From the layout and design of their space in the historic 95-year-old building on Watson Ave., to ensuring each customer is interacted with, Lionheart roars with care for the Beaverton community.

7KH &RIIHH 6KRS LQ 5DOHLJK Hills is nestled at the edge of Beaverton serving families, friends, and Beavertonians on their way to and from Portland. Married FRXSOH 0D\ DQG 6WHYH %RQ¿JOLR wanted to create a homey coffee VKRS IRU \HDUV ¿QDOO\ ¿QGLQJ WKH perfect location that’s convenient with free parking in a thriving FRPPXQLW\ 7KH &RIIHH 6KRS IHDWXUHV 7KRUQWRQ 5RDVWHUV FRIIHH in an environment that’s clean and simple with coffee served right every time. Although many shops may have years of experience in the coffee business, May and Steve bring a fresh perspective to the scene as longtime consumers RI TXDOLW\ FRIIHH GULQNV 7KHLU outsider status created a shop that delivers approachable and delicious coffee and drinks that every member of the family can HQMR\ 7KH LQWLPDWH VSDFH DOORZV the couple to experiment, not only with unique espresso drinks like a Mocha featuring mezcal, but DOVR ZLWK WKHLU IRRG PHQX 7KLV includes a soon to be unveiled avocado toast that will feature lobster medallions, caviar, and black WUXIÀH RLO

Make You Happy Yes, that’s our mission! Visit us also for breakfast (all-day), lunch, smoothies, cocktails & more!

Employee of the Month by Dirkse CC

Helping to connect students with employment opportunities The Community Transition Program LOCAL BUSINESS


lanning for the future is no easy task for any parent or guardian, but for those who have students with disabilities, the options may seem limiting and the barriers overwhelming. 7KDQNIXOO\ WKH %HDYHUWRQ 6FKRRO District (BSD) has a wonderful SURJUDP WR KHOS 7KH &RPPXQLW\ 7UDQVLWLRQ 3URJUDP &73 H[LVWV to assist 18-21-year-old students who have graduated from high VFKRRO ZLWK D PRGLÂżHG GLSORPD and are eligible for special education services until the end of the school year in which they turn 21. During this time, they increase

their ability to live independently and make progress toward their post-secondary education goals, LQFOXGLQJ HPSOR\PHQW 7KLV LV where agencies like Dirkse Counseling & Consulting, Inc. join as SDUWQHUV ZLWK WKH %6' &73 WR DVVLVW LQ WKH SURFHVV RI ÂżQGLQJ WKHLU ÂżUVW SDLG MRE LQ WKH FRPPXQLW\ On the evening of February 6th, Cindy Bahl, Director of %XVLQHVV 'HYHORSPHQW DQG 7DUD McIntosh, Discovery Specialist of

Dirkse CC, joined other employPHQW SURYLGHUV QRQ SURÂżWV DQG support organizations to help educate parents and students around the employment process. Christopher Harvey-Foltz, Administrator for Special Programs at BSD &73 VKDUHG Âł7KLV HYHQW LV DEOH to showcase what is next, what is beyond our transition program, for both the students and their parents. It gives them an opportunity to hear from a wide range

of community organizations and services and establish connecWLRQV ZLWK UHDO SHRSOH 7KH SDUHQW feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and many parents noted how great it was to be able to hear about an organization and ask questions in real-time.� 7UDQVLWLRQ WHDFKHU 6WHYHQ %DHU VWDWHG ³6RPHWLPHV D TXLFN PHHW and greet is all that is needed to create a wonderful partnership for our students and their families. As the night grows, so does the future of our students!� 7KH 3DUHQW 1LJKW DW %6' &73 LV MXVW RQH RI WKH WRROV WKDW students and parents have to KHOS WKHP UHDFK WKHLU JRDOV 7KH next step toward success comes LQ REWDLQLQJ WKHLU ¿UVW MRE ZLWK employers in the community who are willing to give them an

opportunity to show their talents and contribute to the workforce. How can you help? Connect us with Beaverton businesses that would like to learn more about this program, the students, and the skills they have to offer. Help us make the future bright for these motivated and eager young adults.

If your business would like to be more inclusive to people with different abilities, matching skill sets to your business needs, please reach out to Cindy Bahl, Director of Business Development & Amplify! Events at or call 503-258-7715.

Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 3

Connecting Customers to Local Businesses A





Buster and LIlly's Doggie Daycare

Bricks & MiniFigs

Map #1: Downtown & Old Town Beaverton 122th Ave

Meridian Medical Massage

Beaver Creek Village Shopping Center

Hall Street Center

Excel Financial


Tom’s Pancake House


Gloria’s Secret Cafe Art on Broadway Quilter’s Corner Store Spicy Thai Restaurant

Beaverton High School

1st St Stott Ave

TVR&R Station 67

2nd St

Erickson Ave

Main St

Columbia Post Office Bank Vanity Junkie Salon

Ava Roasteria Camille Keith, LPC

Living Wisdom School


Angel S


Watson Ave

Unity of Beaverton

6th St

City Library

City Park & Fountain

5th St

7th St

BiZee Bird

Book Corner

Community Center

St. Cecilia School


Tucker Ave


9th S

Hall Blv


Washing to

n St

t 8th S

Columbia Medical Alarm B

Sun Connection Travel & Cruises


SW Osprey Dr

Ce da rH ill sB lv d

< 0 -1

d sR rne Ba

0 >




17 F


Unitus -

Map #4: Cedar Mill (North Beaverton)

4 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)



Rd ry Fer s l l o Sch

Village at Unity Scholls Ferry Chiropractic Casa Lola



ve u ha n o y Do si sines n? u b a erto Beav

Cafe Murrayhill

Kaiser Permanente



Banner Bank

SW Av e

11 8t h NW


Market of Choice



Murray-Scholls Library

Murray Scholls Family Dental

Lo st Sp rin gs Te rra ce


NW Mill Creek Dr

to 2


Murrayhill Dental


Ava Roasteria

United Homecare Services

Ba rro ws

Murray Scholls Townsquare

Dairy Queen


NW 129th Ave

NW Dale Ave

24 Hour Fitness

Bank of America

es rn Ba

NW Mur ray Blv d

SW Teal Bl vd

US Bank



OnPoint Credit Union

Rd nell Cor NW


Taco Bell NW Joy Ave

NW Scie nce Park Dr

Hapa Grill


Thriftway Key Bank


SW Murray Blvd

Village Gallery

NW Heights Dental

Nature’s Pet

Murrayhill Marketplace

Beaverton Family Chiropractic


Progress Ridge Club Pilates




Albertson’s New Seasons


Haagen’s Shopping Center

Ava Roasteria Ziba Salon Press Cafe

SW Walnut St

Cedar Mill Library

NW Dogwood St



SW Horizon Blvd



Central NAC Meeting: If you live or own a business in Downtown Beaverton then this meeting is your way to communicate with the city. Please come join us on the first Monday of each month, 7pm at Beaverton Swim Center, 12850 SW 3rd Street, Beaverton


NW 123rd Ave



7th St

8th St

Map #2: SW Beaverton (Murray & Scholls)

n Rd NW Saltzma

NW Filbert St

10 Qdoba


6th St

Elsie Stuhr Center



Department of Health Services

5th St

9th St 10th St


Turtles Yoga & Wellness

Beaverton Lodge

Creekside Village

Beaverton Police Department

St Cecilia

Cady Ln

Village Home School

Home Depot

B LaScala Food Court Vault Bar

7th St Hazel St

Noodles & Company

A Hall Street Center Beaverton Law Group Pacific Medical Group

Farmers Market

Singing River Natural Medicine

Einstein Bros Bagels


Holistic Health Center

3rd St


Buffalo Wild Wings


Beaverton Florists Swim Center

Beaverton Town Square

Bvtn Hillsdale Hwy


Cedar House Media UR Restaurant

Fred Meyer Shopping Center



Tulen Center


Watson Hall Bar

2nd St

4th St

6th St

Trader Joe’s

Ex Novo Parking

Chuck E Cheese

Emerald City Smoothies

SW Davies Rd

Farmington Rd

Burger King

Olive Garden

Beaverton Pharmacy





Haven Pool & Spa

am Rd



Panda Express

Red Robin

Motel 6


Boriken Restaurant

La Hacienda Real Mexican Restaurant

Subaru on Dealership Cany


Super Bowl Teriyaki

Valley Hwy

Premier Kitchens & Cabinets

Light Benders

Canyon Square


Alexia’s Window Tinting


Starbucks Shutterbug

Big 5

Ford Dealerhip

24 Hour Fitness

Lombard Ave


Millikan Way



Home Goods


Rose Biggi Ave

City Hall

Hyundai Dealerhip


The Round

Canyon Auto Repair

Police Resource Center

Canyon Place Shopping Center

Betts Ave


nt Ave Chamber of sce Commerce Cre

Franklin Ave

Budget Hotel

T.J. Maxx Beaverton Education Foundation

Tucker Ave

Comfort Inn Black Bear Diner


Jo Ann’s

SW W atson

Guaranteed Pest Control

Cedar Hills Blvd

Hocken Ave


JMI Limousine JMI Insurance

Hometown Buffet

Beaverton Signs

Nissan Dealership


114th Ave

Habitat for Humanity Restore

Arts & Communication Magnet Academy (ACMA)

Center St

117th Ave

Carey Custom Floors


123th Ave


Historic Downtown District

Lombard Ave


McDonalds Starbucks

124th Ave

New Seasons

125th Ave

Taco Bell

Get y directo our ry list ing for on ly $15 per month

Big Al’s

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Connecting Businesses to Local Customers Arts Increasing Access to the Arts... (503) 359-5349

Wash. County Republicans

Beaverton Police Dept.

Oregon Long Term Care

Working for Oregon!, 503-927-7374 503-629-0111 MAP1D3

through our Scholarship Program and the Campaign to build the Patricia Reser Center for the Arts

Theatre in the Grove

KUIK AM 1360


Beaverton School District

Art on Broadway Gallery in downtown beaverton 503- 601-3300 MAP1C3

Cedar Hills Crossing

Solar Oregon

Village at Scholls Ferry 503-747-7238


MAP1B2 503-259-1225

City Hall 503-526-2222 MAP1B2 503-644-5555 MAP1B2

503-526-6433 503-693-7815 503-620-5262

Now Enrolling! Preschool - 5th Grade 14485 SW Walker Road (across from Nike) 503-641-4600 |

Wash. County Visitors Center

Community Gardens (City)

HART Theatre

Broadway Rose Theatre

& Learning 503-645-6433

Chamber of Commerce Lana L. Nelson Oil Painting


THPRD 503-644-0043 503-644-0123 503-639-8860



Cedar Mill Library

See my work & lana-lnelson/ (in Facebook too!) Call me at 503 830-7894

Washington Square Mall


Appreciation. Sit back and enjoy! 503-846-2700

The Round 503-591-8000 503-643-6563 MAP1B1

European Classical Music

Wash. County Sheriff’s Office

Ombudsman Program 1-800-522-2602

Visitors Center for

Democratic Party

Beaverton and Washington County 503-644-5555 MAP1B2

Values in Action! 503-626-7018

Cascade Montessori Preschool M- F: 7am to 530pm *Ages 2-6* Call Miss Tiffany at (503) 591-9654

Energy Trust of Oregon 866-368-7878


Community Gardens (THPRD) FOX 12 Oregon 503-906-1249

Resources 503-245-9932

(See useful ph# list on page 2)

KPTV Fox Channel 12

Affordable Arts and Crafts

en ard



rry R

lls Fe


97223 Tigard






Bridgeton Chiropractic

Map #3: Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy & Canyon Rd


West Slope Post Office

US Bank

China Delight

SW 78th Ave

Faces by Vivian


SW 91st Ave

SW 96th Ave


McCormick & Schmits

SW 103rd Ave



Shiloh Inn

SW 107th Ave

SW 109th Ave

B W al

Wally & Son Automotive


97223 Garden Home

Beaverton Zip Codes


SW Canyon Rd





Continental Cleaners

SW 110th Ave

Recycling & Waste Programs

Carl’s Jr.



Beaverton City Library

ke r

217 217

800-542-8818 (503) 644-2197 MAP1C4

Potions Salon

rm Fa

PGE Green Power Program




in 503-259-0185

SW 103rd Ave

SW 108th Ave

SW 110th Ave

Classes and Workshops 12505 NW Cornell Rd (next to the Cedar Mill library)

on gt

Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy

Aloha Community Library



Garden Home Community Library



TV Hwy

Murray Blvd

through historic photos, artifacts, exhibits and more! 503-430-0106 MAP1C3

Canyon Rd

SW 87th Ave

Beaverton Civic Theatre 503-754-9866

97229 Bethany / Cedar Mill



Learn About our City’s Past

26 26

Jade River Healing Arts Center

SW Dogwood Ln

& Culture

Beaverton Composting

Safeway Shopping Center

New Seasons



lls ho Sc

rry Fe


Raleigh Hills Assisted Living SW Oleson Rd

Valley Cinima

Cartridge Network


Fred Meyer Shopping Center

SW Dogwood Ln


SW Apple Way

Sisters N Style

Signature Shoes

Jesuit High School

SW Laurelwood Ave


Sambi Restaurant


Arctic Circle Businesses • Omega Gymnastics SW 5th St • Haiyan Int’l Dance Academy

Valley Plaza

Jack in the Box

Michael’s Arts & Crafts


SW Jamieson Ave

See Downtown Map


SW 99th Ave

Kaiser Permanente

SW Western Ave

SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy

Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 5

Connecting Customers to Local Businesses <-- Continued from previous page

Education & Learning Acting & Speech Coaching All levels and all ages welcome! Call Terry at 503-707-4554

The Book Corner Beaverton Downtown Association

Change. History. Preservation. 503-643-5188 MAP1C4

economic development can play together effectively. We saw this in last year’s Customized Learning award-winning property rehain a choice-based environment. LOCAL BUSINESS ELOLWDWLRQ SURMHFWV DW ([ 1RYR Small classes, all subjects, K-12. Big’s Chicken, Lionheart Cofwas asked recently what was 503-597-9100 MAP1C4 IHH &RPSDQ\ DQG 7KH :KROH on my heart. Bowl. We’ll see it this year in My Masterpiece Art Studio 1DN :RQœV EXLOGLQJ LPSURYHChange. Open Studio, Parties & Classes ments and Afuri Izakaya. 503-453-3700 Downtown Beaverton is Our vision is that downtown growing so quickly. Businesses Mathnasium will continue becoming more are moving here. People are vibrant with a diverse array getting excited about down503-926-6284 MAP2E of restaurants, entertainment, town. Buildings are being retail, professional services, renovated and constructed. By and housing. With your help, all accounts, things are going we can move closer and closer really well. to this goal. It’s times like this, during Are you ready for an advenseasons of rapid change, that I ture? Get the Passport to Old am extremely grateful that the 7RZQ DW SDUWLFLSDWLQJ EXVLQHVVBeaverton Downtown Assoes (www.beavertonpassport. ciation’s (BDA) mission is to com) through March 31. promote the historic preservaIf you’d like get involved, WLRQ RI 2OG 7RZQ 7KHUH LV YDOXH KHUH WKDW UXQV we have great volunteering, Beaverton Coloring Books sponsorship, and donation opdeeply through all that we are. Color in the fun images as your portunities. Downtown belongs kids learn about the city. Our story as a community is WR DOO RI XV 7KHUH PD\ EH PDQ\ The perfect gift or souvenir! written in our architecture and building styles. It is worth pro- stories here, but we are one united community, and this is tecting. Amid the excitement, we must not forget our history. our Beaverton. #ourbeaverton Look for the historic plaques on old buildings throughout downtown Beaverton. Check out the city councilmembers names literally etched in stone outside of the SDRI building. Read the old Support Your Library news articles on the walls inby donating to the Beaverton side of Beaverton Sub Station. Library Foundation online @ When you come explore this community and uncover The Beaverton Downtown AssociaBelly Dance! Beginners Welcome! tion promotes the historic preserthe stories, we think you’ll fall vation and economic development a little more in love, and feel a of Old Town Beaverton. Want to get 503-974-6287 little more connected. involved? Check out our website at Historic preservation and

Downtown is growing quickly

Learn to prosper with life! Let your self esteem blossom. Aweigh Impasse holding classes at 12750 SW 2nd Street, Ste 102 Call (916) 396-9633 503-591-8000

Jazz Combo Classes Call Tina at 917-202-9816 today!

Beaverton City Library (503) 644-2197 MAP1C4

Men, Women & Kids!

Counseling for Caregivers and Healers. Camille Keith, LPC-Intern Supervisor Tara Sanderson, PsyD (971-295-1547)

Photo History of Beaverton 127 pages of fascinating images and stories of our city’s heritage. 503-641-3320

Learn to Ballroom Dance! 503-593-8252 MAP1B1

Insurance Partners NW Home, Auto, Business, & Health Friendly local independent agents! 503-372-5621

Birth & Postpartum Doulas 503-718-7574 MAP1C3

*Free Placement Testing* See student success stories in Kid’s corner on back cover! 503-639-7219 MAP2D

Your Healing Sanctuary 503-297-3825 MAP3BH

Private Piano Lesons All ages and levels PhD in Piano, 30yrs experience. 971-246-4824

Family Chiropractic Center Specializing in personalized corrective care based on problems, not just symptoms. 503-574-4872

Preschool- Grade 5

Get your business listing for as low as $15/month!

6 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

The Catwalk Hair Studio * Living Proof * J Beverly Hills * *Moroccanoil* Call Kelly Christiansen at 503-464-6711 MAP2D

Up-do, Bridal, Special Occasion, Lash Extentions, Face Waxing, Colour, highlights, smoothing 503-430-0008 MAP2D

Education centered in the heart. 4855 SW Watson Ave. Beaverton 503-671-9112 MAP1C4 503-643-7453

Beauty & Wellness

Beaverton School District


Beaverton Education Foundation



Primary Care for the whole family Nutrition, IV Therapy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Dr. Jennifer Means & Dr. Elizabeth Elliott welcome you! 503-641-6400 MAP1B4

Bridgeton Chiropractic Specializing in Chiropractic, Rehab, Nutrition and DOT Exams. Call Today 971-255-1708 MAP3C

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Connecting Businesses to Local Customers


AWEIGH IMPASSE offering comprehensive consultations in Biofield & Chakra Modalities at 12750 SW 2nd Street, Ste 102. Call for Appointment: (916) 396-9633 Tetyana Zinchenko, Practitioner


A+ Carpentry

MAN, O.D. Cedar Mill Optometrist Eye Exams | Glasses | Contacts Eye Disease Treament and more. Call Dr. Goldman at 503-646-6166

&ROXPELD Medical Alarm, Inc.

Your Shower Door & Mirror *EXPERTS* Free estimates on all projects. Come talk to us! 503-644-3153 Residential Remodeling & Handyman Repairs | (503) 754-2857

Shutters Portland Shutters | Blinds | Shades Schedule an in-home appointment today. 503-406-2544

Dental care you can smile about! Exams & Cleanings | Extractions Restorations | Removable Prosthetic | 503-336-0382

Housing & Home Maintenance


Your Local Pet Place! Shopping for pet supplies should be easy... that’s what we do! 503-352-4269

Healthy Affordable Pet Supplies Nature’s Pet 503-579-2403

Serving Beaverton & Tigard Grab your “Honey Do” list and gimme a call. No job too small! 971-238-8358


Enjoy Life with Friends Independent Living, Assisted Living & Memory Care. 503-629-5500

Local LifeLine Provider Personal health & safety solutions including GPS & medication dispensing. 503-644-4736 MAP1D4

Beaverton Pharmacy Medicare accredited 503-644-2101 MAP1C3

The place for all your bird needs.

Interior and Exterior Shutters Fine Window Treatments That Are Uniquely You! 503-406-2544

New Continuous Gutters! Gutter & roof cleaning, gutter repair, pressure washing, moss removal. 503-268-9121

Retirement Residence Take a look at what retirement living should be! 503-646-0635 MAP1B5

Exotic birds, healthy foods, toys, boarding & advice. Great prices! 503-644-9515 MAP1C4

Pets Animals & Pet Care

Residential Remodeling & Repairs Dr. Dan Miller Visit our Maximized Living clinic! 5075 SW Griffith Dr, Suite 120 503-644-8844 MAP1E5

Dryrot, Doors/Windows, Fencing/ Gates/Decks, Bathrooms, Flooring, Siding and More! (503)999-8656

Adopt a Lovable Put 503.704.3587

Painting & General Contracting *Finishing Fine Interiors* **Weather Tight Exteriors** (CCB#205045) 503-451-3239

Guaranteed Pest Control Comprehensive dental care for your entire family. Visit us at: MAP2B 503-590-7574

Protecting your health and property since 1949! 503-646-2119 MAP1B2

Holistic Health Clinic 503-646-8575

OR Friends of Animal Shelters Come On...Let’s Play!! Daycare & Overnights 4070 SW Cedar Hills Blvd 503.596.2146 MAP1B1

Dove Lewis 24hr Pet Hospital Senior Living Community We make it easy to feel right at home. 503-643-9735 MAP1B5

#1 choice for animal emergencies

Daycare & Pet Hotel Suites 8625 SW Scholls Ferry Rd. Easy access from SW Hall & 217 Visit or call us at 503.430.5821

Raleigh Hills Assisted Living Where our home becomes your home! 503-297-3200

Hindi & Punjabi speaking provider available. **Mon-Sat Extended Hours** 503-644-1171 MAP1C3

Senior Living In Beaverton Offering Independent Living And Assisted Living Services At Canfield Place, we are family. 503-626-5100

End Petlessness Oregon Humane Society 503-285-7722

Great Cats for Great Homes 503-320-6079

**PLUMBING** Family Practice

**Cats and other pets exempt** AnimalServices

Pet Lost & Found

Been in an accident? MAP1B1

Washington County Dog License

All found pets are registered with the county. For more info:

503.446.0698 503-747-7818

Hills Construction Contracting Residential, Remodel & Service “We take care of all construction needs including kitchens & baths!” Low prices on water heater replacements 971-246-3682 (CCB#102201)

Hart Road Animal Hospital Individual Veterinary Care for your Special Individual! 503-591-5282

Get your business listing for as low as $15/month! Email

Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 7

Connecting Customers to Local Businesses New Hope Missionary Baptist

Religious Churches & Spiritual 503-591-8993

Restaurants Food & Drink

St. Barnabas Espicopal Church 12555 SW 22nd St, Beaverton Our Sunday service times are 10:30am (in English) & 2pm (en espaĂąol)

Catalyst Business Newsletter

Valley Community Presbyterian

Be open to advice Always Listen! BUSINESS ADVICE


y company (Play.Fit.Fun) is focused on getting kids active and moving. We operate after school programs, and camps with this IRFXV ,7Âś6 )81 We are really good at what we do, and without sounding RYHUFRQÂżGHQW , FRQVLGHU P\self a pretty darn good coach. About a year or so ago, leading up to one of our camps, I was racking my brain to focus on more interactive games, rather than active. I contacted one of my coaches, asking her if she had any ideas. She gave me many, many awesome ideas! She is one of our best coaches, and is a wealth of information and creativity. She is also 1/2 my age. I am almost 51 and she is 26. 7KH JDPH LGHDV VKH JDYH PH have turned out to be quite simple...and also some favorites of the kids we have enrolled in our after-school classes and FDPSV 7KH JDPHV ZHUH VR simple, that I chided myself quite a bit for not ever thinking of them myself. 7KH SRLQW RI WKLV PRQWKÂśV

article, is to always be open to ideas, suggestions and advice. From anyone! Some of our best games we run in our program were ideas provided by someone 1/2 my age...with a lot less experience than I have. And I think that is amazing! 62 1HYHU EH WRR ROG WRR talented or too experienced WR UHFHLYH $1' DFFHSW LGHDV suggestions and input from anyone. I mean anyone. It will always surprise you where and who it might come from.

• Make It Easy for People to Do, and Keep Doing Business with You! • Look Up‌and Surprise Someone!

Contact us at or call 503.292.3537.

Sunday Services: 8 & 10am 2201 SW Vermont, Portland 503-246-1949

Portland Balaji Temple (503) 621-7716

Valley Community Pres Church (503) 292-3537

Beer, Wine and Cider Bar Serving fresh fondue, sausages and Daily Specials! **Full Bar & Live Music** @vaulatlascala MAP1C3

Village Inn

Bethel Congregational UCC 503-644-8848 MAP3BH

Sunday mornings at 10am.


Beaverton Church of the Nazarene 503-643-8269 (503) 643-6616

Southminster Presbyterian

Holy Angels Anglo-Catholic

Church. 12250 SW Denney Road Progressive Spirit, Beloved Community, 503-644-2073

Church. Services w/Father Vince Varnas every Sunday 10:30am at our home church: 8950 SW 190th Ave., Aloha/Beaverton 503-356-8852

United Methodist Church. 503-646-7107 MAP1C4

Hoshana Rabbah Messianic (503) 570-3376


Authentic Caribbean Cuisine Let us introduce you to the wonderful avors of Puerto Rico! 503-596-3571 MAP1B3

Sunday Service 9:15am Come connect, grow & serve with us! (503) 646-4455

Murray Hills Christian Church 503-524-5230

St. John Greek Orthodox Church

Bilal Mosque Association (503) 591-7233

Spencer Rubin is a sales/marketing expert and a passionate advocate for the success of small, local business owners. To sign up for Spencer’s weekly Catalyst Newsletter. Contact 971-732-4745.

14485 SW Walker Rd, Beaverton Sunday service at 10am. Visitors welcome! | 503-644-7444

Enjoy Authentic Mexican Food! Open Sun - Thurs: 11am - 10pm Fri-Sat 11am - 11pm 503-601-7000 MAP1D2

Good Samaritan Ministries Join us Sundays at 11am A positive plan for spiritual living. Everyone welcome, families & youth 503-646-3364 MAP1B4 or call 503-644-2339.

Get your business listing for as low as $15/month!

A Little Taste of El Salvador Tu-Sa: 11-3pm, Saturday Breakfast 9-11am and Sun. 11:30-2:30pm. Homemade salsa and soups to go! 503-268-2124 MAP1C3

We offer same day appointments to meet your urgent medical needs. Call to schedule an appointment today! Mon-Thurs: 7:30am - 7:00pm Fridays: 7:30am - 6:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm “A NCQA and State of Oregon Recognized Medical Home�

4510 SW Hall Blvd. | 503-644-1171 | www.paciďŹ 8 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Connecting Businesses to Local Customers Services General & Professional Mexican Cuisine



Daily happy hour from 11-5pm. 16305 SW Barrows Rd, Beaverton 503-567-8131 MAP2C




Authentic Indian Lunch Buffet New location at 14603 SW Millikan Way at Murray Blvd. 503-671-0432

Beaverton Coloring Books Learn about the city through these locally drawn coloring books. We have other Beaverton souvenirs too! 503-314-3459.

Try our Super Teriyaki Bowl! Also Spicy Stir Fry, Yakisoba, Orange Chicken, Asian Chicken Salad, Bibimbap and more! 503-626-0552 MAP1C3

that changes weekly featuring fresh seasonal ingredients from the Northwest. 503-641-3223 MAP1C3

Killer Burger Burgers, Beer, Bottomless Fries! Crazy Hour Specials M-F 2-5pm 503-268-1757

Beaverton’s Best Sushi! Udon, Tempura, soba, Ramen, Curry, and more! Visit us at 9230 SW B/H Hwy 503-296-0045 MAP3C

Class A Retail Complex. Restaurant & Office Space Avail. 503-747-7238

Trained professionals meeting senior care needs in the safety and comfort of home! 503.352-5634

Breakfast-Lunch-Diner 30 varieties of pancakes & waffles! *Beaverton’s Favorite Restaurant* 503-646-2688 MAP1C3

& Shopping

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner 503-646-4507 MAP1A3

Over 30 Years Experience Sewing | Alterations | Design Repair | Fittings 971-940-8323

Compassionate In Home Care


Black Bear Diner

Expert Fashion Designer

Village on Scholls Ferry Authentic Japanese Cuisine

Italian inspired with a menu

** $3500 Sign-on Bonus ** Join First Transit as a Lift Driver for our TriMet contract! See ad on page 8 for details or call 503-962-2040 today!

One Person, One Price

Brisbin Computer Consulting

for a stress free purchase! Knowledgeable, kind & experienced, just call Margo! (503) 643-5577 MAP3A

From corporate networks to home helpdesk and affordable web design, let me know how i can be of service... 971-217-0988

Volunteer Today. 503-988-5115

Your Partner in Homecare Raise Your Business Visibility Signs, Banners, Decals, A-Frames & Vehicle Graphics 503-526-0216 MAP1B3

Independent Insurance Agent

Personal Care, Household Tasks and Transportation 503-433-8079 MAP1E4

Big and Small, We Write it All. Business Ins., Worker’s Comp., Home, Auto, Health/Life. 503-644-9945

We Buy Gold & Silver!

Alexia’s Window Tinting

Engagement, Jewelry, Antique, Timepieces, Gifts, Service/Repair. 503 644-1333 MAP3B

Signs & Banners, clear bra paint protection, safety/security film. 503-671-9615 MAP1B2

Disability Employment Specialists Consultation & Training in Diversity, Inclusion & Conflict Resolution ( 503-265-9256

Hot Tubs, Stoves, Fireplaces

Open 9am-9pm (7 days/week) 8155 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97008 503-605-1899

Pools, Free Water Analysis Service & Installation 503-649-2201 MAP1C3

Real Local Florist* Flowers for every occasion, plants, cards, gifts & more! MAP1C4 503-644-0129

Book Corner 503-643-5188 MAP1C4

25 cent Color Copies! High Quality | Low Cost Any project large or small. 503-641-3320 MAP1C3

Karen Bolin, Financial Advisor Keep a level head in an up-and-down market.



Oregon Metropolitan Elite Gymnastics Academy OMEGA - Inside Every Child Lies a Champion


• Locally Owned • Parent & Me Classes • Birthday Parties • Drop-In Classes • Tiny Tumblers • Parent’s Great Escape

9700 SW Harvest Ct, Suite 180, Beaverton OR 97005


• Recreational Classes • Camps • Competitive Team • Field Trips • and much more!

Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 9

Connecting Customers to Local Businesses <-- Continued from previous page

Services General & Professional

Oregon Metropolitan Elite Gymnastics Academy

Camps • Classes • Birthdays

Cedar Hills Crossing

We set children up for success and train champions for life! 503-466-4872 MAP3B 503-643-6563 MAP1B1

Sun Connections $3.75/Dry Cleaned Garment Next Day Service! Men’s Shirt laundry $2. 100% Eco-friendly. 25yrs in Beaverton. 503-520-8845 MAP3A

Travel & Cruises, LLC **Layaway Plans Available**. 503-655-4850 MAP1D3

Where the Pool is the Classrom!

Ferguson Auto Brokers

Openings available for newborn, toddler or young swimmers. 503-620-5370

“The Car Guy”

Do you need Auto Help? That’s what I do! I Buy, Sell, & Consign Automobiles. 35+ years experience in the auto industry. Call me: 503-930-1493


Say NO to DUI & Say YES to JMI Party Buses & Limos 503-643-6404 MAP1D1

Spanning 50 sq. Miles and providing high-quality park and recreation facilities, programs, services, and natural areas.


Local Advertising

If you like what you see in these pages and have a local business, consider advertising with us!

The Best Providers All In One Place HOME | AUTO | BUSINESS MAP1D1 503-671-9966

Beaverton Farmers Market The Winter Market is every Saturday, February - April (10am-1:30pm)

Cartridge Network 6800 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy Portland, OR 97225 503-246-0665 MAP3BH

Jazz Combo Classes for Adult Jazz Students.

Cecilia K. Nguyen, Esq.


Immigration & Citizenship, Business Law, Adoption & Legal Guardianship, 503-644-2146 MAP1C3

Hills Construction Contracting Residential, Remodel & Service “We take care of all construction needs including kitchens & baths!” Low prices on water heater replacements! 971-246-3682

Sports & Activities

Family Entertainment Center Bowling | Lasertag | Arcade Have your next party/event with us! 503-292-3523 MAP3C

3:00 P. M. SUNDAY MARCH 22ND, 2020

Performed by Beaverton Community Band Conductor: Martin Sobelman

*New Location*

Village Church Sanctuary 330 SW Murray Blvd Beaverton Oregon 97005

Kimberly Shute Owner, PdX Mature Moves ĞƌƟĮĞĚ ^ĞŶŝŽƌ ,ŽƵƐŝŶŐ WƌŽĨ͘ ; ^,WͿ͕ ĞƌƟĮĞĚ ŽǁŶƐŝnjŝŶŐ ŽĂĐŚ ; Ϳ

Service and Repair,

My Masterpiece Art Studio

Guaranteed auto service for over 45 years. 9650 SW Canyon Rd. 503-292-1626 MAP3B

Open Studio, Parties & Classes 7905 SW Cirrus Dr., Beaverton 503-453-3700

10 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

Martial Arts & Self Defense **Adults | Teens | Kids** Way more than a kick-n-punch school. Beginners Welcome! 503-291-9333 MAP1C3 971.227.1302 Principal Broker, Licensed in Oregon

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Connecting Businesses to Local Customers





UCE GOLD MAN, O.D. Dr. Bruce E. Goldman 503.646.6166 660 NW Murray Blvd. (in Cedar Mill)

• Exams & Cleanings • Extractions

pin p i your business card here for only $85/month!

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For more information, contact: KW Commercial


Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 11

connecting Residents to their community Fresh Air: Zoo News is Good News

World’s oldest orangutan turns 60 at Oregon Zoo Arriving in Oregon back in 1961 OREGON ZOO


he Oregon Zoo’s oldest resident, ultra-geriatric Sumatran orangutan Inji, turned 60 this year. She is thought to be the oldest orangutan in the world. ³,QMLœV LQ DPD]LQJ VKDSH IRU her age,� said Asaba Mukobi, the zoo’s senior primate keeper. ³6KH KDV QR PDMRU KHDOWK FRQcerns — she isn’t taking any special medications. Her age and remarkable condition say a lot about the quality of care she’s received over the years.� Inji’s actual date of birth is

unknown. She was born in the wild around 1960, came to the United States through the wild animal trade (legal at the time) and was brought to the zoo by

her owner in 1961. She was estimated to be around a year old when she arrived at the zoo Jan. 30, 1961. Âł:HÂśUH WKDQNIXO WKDW ZHÂśYH

been able to give Inji a good home, but it’s heartbreaking to think about the circumstances that brought her here,� Mukobi VDLG ³(YHQ WKRXJK WKH SHW WUDGH is illegal now, it still exists. It is considered a major threat to orangutans’ survival, along with human encroachment and habitat loss from palm oil plantations. Orangutans are at the brink of extinction — especially in Sumatra, where Inji comes from.� Both the Sumatran and Bornean orangutan species are considered critically endangered, with fewer than 15,000 Sumatran and 55,000 Bornean orangutans believed to remain. Inji is currently off-view as the zoo completes work on its

new Primate Forest area, featuring expanded and improved spaces for chimps and orangutans. Primate Forest is one of eight major projects made possible by the community-supported zoo bond measure SDVVHG LQ :LWK ÂżYH RI these projects now complete, WKH ÂżQDO WKUHH ² QHZ KDELWDWV for polar bears and primates, and an improved habitat for rhinos — are being managed as a single construction project.

LQWDNH IHH IRU ¿QGHUV 6RPH people might prefer to license their cats, knowing it could provide extra services. Other people are strongly against regulating cats in any way. In Washington County the current code allows us to provide services for cats by taking them in, and the fee we charge helps pay for that service. We are extremely grateful to the caring community members who are willing to spend the extra time and money to help the lost or stray cats that WKH\ ¿QG E\ EULQJLQJ WKH FDW to us and paying the $10 fee. You can access the code (under ³ODZV WR NQRZ´ DQG D KDQGRXW on keeping cats out of your

\DUG XQGHU ³IDFW VKHHWV DQG guides�) on our website

For more information, visit

Fresh Air: Ask the Animal Shelter

Why the different treatment for cats vs dogs? Dog licensing fees provide extra resources BONNIE HAYS My friend found a lost dog and when she called Animal Services, they came and picked the dog up from her house. I recently found a stray cat in my neighborhood, but when I called, I was told that not only did I have to bring the cat in myself, but that there would be a $10 fee! Why the different treatment for cats vs. dogs?

when it comes to managing animals in Washington County. Some nearby counties require licensing for cats just like dogs, while others do not accept cats into their shelter at all, also because of their respective codes and the resources available to provide those services. With dogs, the licensing fees paid by dog owners provide the resources for us to HW PH ¿UVW UHDVVXUH \RX WKDW VHQG DQ RI¿FHU WR SLFN WKHP XS we do care about dogs and DQG QRW FKDUJH ¿QGHUV D IHH WR FDWV HTXDOO\ 7KH GLIIHUHQFH intake the animal. Because cats lies in the fact that Washington aren’t required to be licensed, County’s animal code does not and because of the unique have any particular provisions challenges involved with regRU UXOHV DERXW FDWV 7KH FRGH XODWLQJ ¿QGLQJ FDWFKLQJ DQG gives us our authority and housing cats, we are unable outlines our responsibilities to pick them up or waive the


Each month, you will have the chance to have your questions answered by the animal shelter. Email your questions to Jennifer_Keene@ and we will try to answer as many as possible. For more information on these topics and more, please visit The Bonnie Hays Animal Shelter is located at 1901 SE 24th Ave in Hillsboro.

Fresh Air: Cat Adoption

Cats that need new homes I’m missing. I would love nothing more than to snuggle with you and keep your lap warm, and would do best as an only cat. Meet me at Cat’s Cradle Rescue 503-320-6079.

From Cat’s Cradle PET ADOPTION

Humphrey (9 years)


’m Humprey! Don’t I look dapper in my tuxedo? Even though I’m 9, I love to play and investigate my surroundings, as well as snuggling and being petted. I’m looking for a single family home (older children are ¿QH ZKHUH , FDQ EH WKH RQO\ furry family member, and have all of your attention. I have been outside a little, but I’ll be safer indoors. I’m at Cat’s

I’m Humphrey!

Cradle Rescue 503-320-6079. Persephone (9 years) I’m a sweet girl who loves giving head butts when I want a kiss. I’ve gone through some recent changes in my home, which have caused me to

12 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

Hi, I’m Persephone!

Jaques Here!

become very lonely, as I’m not getting the attention and playtime I used to. I want nothing more than a family to love and who will love me back. Will you be my furrever family? Find out at Cat’s Cradle Rescue 503-320-6079.

Jaques (13 years) I’m a sweet, affectionate gent who has lived with my senior owner since I was a NLWWHQ 1RZ ,œP ORRNLQJ IRU D quiet home to spend my golden years, preferably with someone who can give me the attention

Find your new kitty friend by contacting us at 503-320-6079 or

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

connecting residents to their Community Fresh Air: Pet Care

Vets now embracing fear free practices VD\LQJ ³\RXœUH 2.´ ZKHQ \RX clearly are not. Over the next days, weeks DQG PRQWKV \RXU ³IULHQG´ VHHPV to have forgotten the whole ordeal but you know you will 1(9(5 WUXVW WKH HYLO ER[ RU \RXU ³IULHQG´ DJDLQ

Routine visit or alien abduction?! PET CARE Imagine this scenario:


ou are resting quietly in bed when your best friend suddenly wakes you up and tries to stuff you in a box! You instinctively run but after a mad chase all around the KRXVH WKH\ ¿QDOO\ FDWFK DQG QR matter how much you comSODLQ \RX ¿QG \RXUVHOI VWXIIHG into a nasty little box. Despite your struggle, they put you in the back seat of a car and speed wildly causing your box to tumble upside down! You think your nightmare ends when the car stops but then your box enters a smelly place with bright lights and the ORXG VRXQGV RI RWKHU WHUUL¿HG patients: yelling, crying, hissing, barking. <RXU ³IULHQG´ WKHQ SXWV \RX on a cold shiny metal table and acts really weird repeatedly sayLQJ ³LWœV 2. EXGG\´ RYHU DQG over while an alien restrains, inspects, probes, and then stabs you multiple times with a needle!

For some pets the alien abduction story ends here but for others, it about to get worse! <RXU ÂłIULHQG´ QRZ JLYHV you a pet and says goodbye. “What?!? Don’t leave me here,â€? you think as the aliens move you to a metal cage with many other scared pets. Before you know it, WKH DOLHQV VWDE \RX DJDLQ 7KLV time you start to lose consciousness but before you pass out, you struggle and cry out for someone, anyone, to save you. When you wake up, you feel nauseated with a dull pain between your hind legs. Oh no! You have been further violated and through animal intuition, you know you are missing important body parts! After what seems like forevHU \RXU ÂłIULHQG´ FRPHV EDFN WR get you, puts you in a box, drives you home and annoyingly keeps

PTSD in pets can be reduced at clinics that practice fear free 7KLV OLWWOH VWRU\ LV WR UHPLQG pet owners that brain chemistry is forever changed into severe 376' ZKHQ \RXU IXUU\ IULHQGV are faced with a trigger that reminds them of a traumatic event and scenarios like the above story play out every day all over the world. It doesn’t have to be this way KRZHYHU 7KH YHWHULQDU\ SURfession is now embracing fear free handling so look for or ask your clinic about the Fear Free &HUWL¿FDWLRQ $QRWKHU JRRG SURgram to look for is Cat Friendly Practice initiative which helps give a voice for the kitties. We are working hard to make your pet’s trip to the doctor more like a routine visit and less like an alien abduction!

HART ROAD ANIMAL HOSPITAL Individual Veterinary Care for Your Special Individual

Dr. Lauren M. Smith 503-591-5282

Visit us at:

Dr. Lauren Smith is a veterinarian at Hart Road Animal Hospital located at 16400 SW Hart Rd, Beaverton. Contact her at 503-591-5282 or visit

Fresh Air: Native Plants to Oregon

Great plant for attracting wildlife Common Name: Western Crabapple OREGON FLORA • Binomial Name: Malus fusca • Soil Type: Keep Moist • Sunlight: Full Sun • Form/Growth: Slender, can be Bushy • Plant Type: Small Tree • Foliage: Deciduous • Flowering: Yes OVR NQRZQ DV 3DFL¿F DQG Oregon Crabapple, the Western Crabapple has a long history of being valued; people LQGLJHQRXV WR WKH 3DFL¿F 1RUWKwest appreciated the fruits and used the hardy wood to make tools and other implements. 7KH EDUN ZDV DOVR XVHG IRU D large variety of medicinal purposes. While these parts of the Crabapple are still used today, the small tree has become more popular as an ornamental plant and grown in parks and gardens. 7KLV QDWLYH LV 2UHJRQœV only native crabapple, and can be distinguished from east


coast crabapples by the egg to REORQJ VKDSHG IUXLW 7KH DFLGLF and juicy fruit, called pomes, are tiny (10 mm long) and red DQG RU \HOORZ 7KH SRPHV DUH edible to humans, though their particularly sour taste requires considerable sweetening when using them in jams and jellies. 7KH :HVWHUQ &UDEDSSOH ÀRZers are clusters of small, fragrant, pink or white apple blossoms WKDW DSSHDU LQ VSULQJ 7KH OLJKW to dark green leaves are often slightly curled, saw-toothed or lobed along the edges, and are 1.5 – 4 inches long. What appear to be thorns along the twigs are actually spurs that produce WKH ÀRZHUV DQG IUXLW DQG FUHDWH SURWHFWLRQ IRU VPDOO ELUGV 7KLV DORQJ ZLWK WKH IUXLW DQG ÀRZHUV make this tree an ideal choice for attracting wildlife.

This Native Plant of the Month is brought to you by the City of Beaverton’s Landscape and Urban Forestry Department. Visit Clean Water Service’s Native Plant Finder webpage for interactive questions to help you ďŹ nd the right native plant to ďŹ t your needs!

Fresh Air: Pug Adoption

Betty loves fast walks if pushed in a stroller At age 14, Betty is still full of life PET ADOPTION

Adoption Donation: $150


etty is sweet, happy 14-year-old. She’s almost completely deaf, but still turns her head for a high-pitched squeaky toy. She enjoys leisurely strolls around the block, or faster walks if she’s being carried

in your arms or pushed in a stroller. She loves hanging

out with people, gets along well with other dogs, and LJQRUHV FDWV 6KHÂśG EH ÂżQH DV DQ ÂłRQO\ GRJ´ RU DV WKH QHZest member of a grumble. As a distinguished older lady, Betty does have a few typical senior pug ailments: she has rear leg weakness and needs to be helped up and down stairs (she’s mastered the couch ramp in her foster home). She’s housetrained, but her rear-end weakness means she doesn’t

always have much lead-time when pooping. Kept on a regular potty schedule, she’s accident-free. She recently had 18 teeth removed but it hasn’t slowed her down--she ORYHV VQRUÀLQJ XS KHU FDQQHG food, gumming treats, playing with plush toys, and chasing hands under blankets. Please don’t let Betty’s age scare you off! She is full of life and still very vibrant, active and healthy!

If you are interested in adopting one of our wonderful pugs, you will ďŹ nd information and can ďŹ ll out an application at www.paciďŹ If you have additional questions, please contact us at adoptions@paciďŹ

Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 13

connecting Residents to their community Fresh Air: THPRD

Spring Registration Begins March 7th Are you ready to register for your spring classes? PARK & REC


n-district registration begins on Saturday, March 7 at 8 am. Out-of-district registration will begin on 0RQGD\ 'HFHPEHU 7KH activity guide is already available on-line or at centers (please refer to the :LQWHU 6SULQJ JXLGH 7KH district recommends registering on-line – it is the fastest and easiest way to get registered. You can also drop in at any of our facilities to get in person assistance ZLWK UHJLVWUDWLRQ 7HOHSKRQH registration is available by calling 503-439-9400.

for children in area hospitals. Did you know that more than a half-million pounds of crayons are discarded annuDOO\ LQ WKH 8 6 " 7KLV HTXDOV about 60 million crayons! 7+35' LV SDUWQHULQJ ZLWK 7KH &UD\RQ ,QLWLDWLYH to collect your old crayons, melt them down, and recycle them into new crayons, to be given to children in area KRVSLWDOV 7KH UHF\FOHG FUD\We Need Your Old ons are distributed to art proCrayons! grams at children’s hospitals 7KURXJKRXW WKH PRQWK RI throughout the U.S. Several Portland area children’s hosMarch, bring your old crayRQV LQWR DQ\ 7+35' IDFLOLW\ pitals participate in the proand help create new crayons gram including Doernbecher

Children’s Hospital, ProviGHQFH 6W 9LQFHQW 0HGLFDO Center, Randall Children’s Hospital at Legacy Emanuel, and Shriners Hospitals for Children. Help us make a difference and please share your old crayons. Spring Cultural Art Exhibit all Month at Conestoga Recreation & Aquatic Center Check out Conestoga‌. Everyday throughout the month of March, Conestoga will be exhibiting a collection of different forms

of art celebrating the many different cultures in our community. What’s Your Vision for the Future? 7KLV SDVW VXPPHU 7+35' volunteers spoke with more than 10,000 people and collected more than 12,500 ideas for the parks and UHFUHDWLRQ VHUYLFHV 1RZ ZH need your help! Committees have worked on streamlining those ideas into a survey for WKH 7+35' SXEOLF WR WDNH 7KH LQIRUPDWLRQ JDWKHUHG in this survey will guide 7+35' SULRULW\ VHWWLQJ IRU

the years to come. Please share your thoughts and WDNH WKH 7+35' 9LVLRQLQJ Survey available at: www. ELW O\ 7+35'6XUYH\ %\ completing the survey, you can enter to win a $50 7+35' JLIW FDUG :HÂśOO draw one winner each month in March and April 2020.

Learn more about any of these events at

Our Town: Real Estate

Addiction recovery center opens in Hillsboro 4D O’Rourke Center



n January, a ribbon cutting ceremony marked the opening of an addiction recovery center in downtown Hillsboro. Funded by a grant from Washington County Behavioral +HDOWK 7KH ' 2Âś5RXUNH Center is located at 362 SW Oak St. 7KH FHQWHU ZLOO EH UXQ E\ 4D Recovery (4D), which currently operates one of the most successful recovery community organizations in the

country. 4D provides a variety of peer-based recovery support services geared toward young DGXOWV DJHV 7KHLU ¿UVW recovery center is located in Portland, and they have their sights set on opening two more in the next year, in addition to the new one in Hillsboro. ³7KH %RDUG VXSSRUWV WKLV program because we recognize that those with substance use addiction challenges don’t

14 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

have a lot of social options that encourage sober living,� said Washington County CommisVLRQHU 3DP 7UHHFH ³$IWHU VHHing the success of 4D’s peerrun recovery community center in Portland, we are excited to have the 4D model extended to our county.� 7KH ' 2œ5RXUNH &HQter, named after longtime 4D supporter James O’Rourke, will provide a safe, drug-free

environment for young adults to receive a variety of on-demand and ongoing recovery VXSSRUW GD\V D \HDU 7KHVH services include social recovery meetings, recovery events, art-based activities, video games, pool and more. Young adults can also JHW JXLGDQFH IURP &HUWLÂżHG 5HFRYHU\ 0HQWRUV SHRple in recovery who help others cultivate and develop their recovery. Additionally, 4D’s executive director and FR IRXQGHU 7RQ\ 9H]LQD UXQV an innovative leadership development program in which young adults develop personal and professional skills through civic engagement. Untreated addiction costs Oregonians $5.9 billion a year. Âł3DUW RI WKH LVVXH LV WKDW SHRSOH with addiction don’t have the long-term supports they need WR EH VXFFHVVIXO ´ VDLG 9H]Lna, in recovery himself since Âł$FFRUGLQJ WR WKH 8 6

Surgeon General, we should be designing services that support SHRSOH IRU XS WR ¿YH \HDUV when the likelihood of them using again drops from 40-60% to 15%. Our model provides that care for our future generations. 4D’s Recovery Centers are essentially safety net services that are accessible and free to anyone who wants to recover from addiction.� 7KH FHQWHU LV RSHQ HYHU\ day. Hours are Monday-Friday from 3 p.m.-midnight, and Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m.-midnight.

For more information, stop by the center during regular business hours or visit us as

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

connecting residents to their Community

Fresh Air: Gardening

Tips for mulching your garden Practical and aesthetic OREGON FLORA


ith spring time just around the corner many of us are looking forward to getting back into the garden after the winter season. Mulching planting beds and landscaped areas is a great way to control weeds, improve soil fertility and resist soil compaction. 7KHUH DUH FRXQWOHVV W\SHV RI mulch that will help your garden beds including but not limited to, wood chips, straw, leaves, hazelnut shells (an Oregon favorite!) and even pre-bagged mulch from local department stores and garden centers. After selecting the type of mulch, get an idea of the area you plan to cover and create an estimate of the volume you’ll

need. Apply mulch at least three inches thick and make sure not to bury the base of any shrubs or the trunks of any trees. After \RXÂśUH ÂżQLVKHG VZHHS RU EORZ off any hard surfaces and enjoy the practical and aesthetic values a fresh layer of mulch brings to your garden.


APRIL 18 10 AM – 1 PM

BEAVERTON CITY LIBRARY | 12375 SW 5TH ST This article is brought to you by the City of Beaverton’s Landscape and Urban Forestry Department.

Your chance to get involved! Learn about volunteer opportunities from more WKDQ ORFDO QRQ SURĂ€W JURXSV DQG FRPPXQLW\ RUJDQL]DWLRQV


Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 15

connecting Residents to their community Community Submission: Health & Happiness

Coronavirus 101: What You Need to Know There are no cases in Oregon

coronavirus, your risk is very low. Âł$PHULFDQV DUH PXFK PRUH OLNHO\ WR JHW WKH Ă€X 7KH Ă€X KDV DOUHDG\ NLOOHG more than 10,000 Americans this year,â€? emphasized Dr. Andrew Levy, PulmRQRORJLVW DW 7KH 2UHJRQ &OLQLF Âł,I \RX KDYHQÂśW \HW JHW \RXU Ă€X VKRW ´



he new coronavirus has infected more than 73,000 people and killed more than 1,800 globally. Here’s what you need to know: What is the coronavirus? Coronaviruses are actually a category of viruses that include many viruses including the common cold, MERS, SARS and the new novel coronavirus that was discovered in Wuhan City, China in December 2019. 7KH QHZ FRURQDYLUXV KDV EHHQ QDPHG &29,'

Symptoms are similar WR WKH ÀX ¹ FRXJK VRUH throat, shortness of breath and fever. In severe cases, patients develop pneumonia RU EUHDWKLQJ GLI¿FXOWLHV Rarely, it is fatal. How is it spread?

7KH GLVHDVH FDQ EH spread person to person by coughing or sneezing. What are the A new study suggests symptoms of the new &29,' FDQ OLYH RQ VXUcoronavirus, COVID-19? faces for 9 days.

Am I in danger of getting the new coronavirus? 7KH ULVN WR SHRSOH LQ WKH United States is very low; there are currently only 29 diagnosed cases in the 8QLWHG 6WDWHV 7KH YDVW majority of the cases are in China. Unless you have recently traveled to China, or unless you have been exposed to an individual who has been to China and exhibited symptoms of the

&29,' LQ 2UHJRQ 7KHUH DUH FRQÂżUPHG cases in the United States DV RI )HE &29,' KDV FRQÂżUPHG FDVHV LQ different countries, but most are in China. What should Oregonians do?

³7KH PRVW LPSRUWDQW WKLQJ you can do is wash your What should I do KDQGV IUHTXHQWO\ 7KLV ZLOO if I think I have the help prevent the spread of coronavirus? FROGV DQG ÀX DQG UHGXFH WKH spread of any virus. Wash If you have fever, cough DQG GLI¿FXOW\ EUHDWKLQJ \RX your hands a lot,� emphashould contact your health- sized Dr. David Hotchkin, Pulmonary and Critical Care care provider. Be sure to GRFWRU DW 7KH 2UHJRQ &OLQLF let them know if you have recently traveled to China or been exposed to someone who has. A laboratory test is used to determine who has the coronavirus. Where is it now? 7KHUH DUH QR FDVHV RI

For more information, visit us at or call 503-935-8000

Community Submission: Health & Happiness

Indoor Air Quality and Your Health Environmentally Acquired Illness HEALTH

• Did you know that the quality of air in your home or work place can affect your health? • Most people have heard of sick building syndrome, but what makes a sick building?


here are a variety of factors involved in sick buildings. Certain building materials, paints and glues contain volatile organic chemicals that off gas (breathe out) fumes that can LPSDFW RXU KHDOWK ,Q RIÂżFH buildings especially, all too often in order to reduce overhead costs, air is recycled through ventilation systems and these systems may not be properly maintained increasing a burden of dust, molds, bacteria and other chemicals

Is your building sick? in their air. Many cleaning products or air fresheners contain chemicals that can impact our health. Older homes are less at risk for being a sick building because their insulation is poor compared to newer enHUJ\ HIÂżFLHQW EXLOGLQJV %XW older buildings can have other hazards such as lead paint, asbestos, rodent infestation and water damage. Leaks in plumbing or the roof or improperly sealed foundations can lead to

16 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

PROG FRQWDPLQDWLRQ 7KLV can be hidden behind a wall RU LQ WKH VXEĂ€RRU PDNLQJ LW GLIÂżFXOW WR GHWHFW EXW D person may notice that they feel ill when they are at home and better when they are away on vacation. 1RW DOO PROGV WKDW ZH DUH H[SRVHG WR DUH WR[LF 7KH 3DFLÂżF 1RUWKZHVW LV ÂżOOHG ZLWK mold, especially this time of year. Most of it, however, is not problematic unless you are allergic to molds, in which case you will have

increased allergy symptoms. But some molds such as stachybotrys (black mold) from water damage in buildings can have serious health HIIHFWV 7KHVH DUH QRW GXH WR allergic reactions but rather to toxins that these molds produce. Symptoms can range from severe fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, migraines, neurological symptoms and immune problems from chronic exposure. Just getting rid of the mold won’t eliminate the problem unless the toxins are properly remediated from the furniture, books, clothing, bedding, carpets and the rest of the building. Recovering from environmentally acquired illness often takes time and is a ¿QDQFLDO GUDLQ RQ SHRSOH %XW WKHUH LV KRSH 7KH PRVW LPportant thing is to get away from the source of exposure as best as you can. If you can’t move or leave your job,

then you may want to invest LQ DQ DLU SXUL¿HU 6DXQDV (Ssom salt baths and exercise to induce sweating help too. A ketogenic diet can be helpful here because it LQFUHDVHV WKH ÀRZ RI ELOH through the liver which helps eliminate these toxins. AddLQJ LQ D ¿EHU VXSSOHPHQW OLNH psyllium husks or a binding agent like activated charcoal can also help, just be careful to take these supplements away from medications. And, if it can be helped, have your home thoroughly inspected before you buy it by an expert. It will save you a lot of problems in the long run.

Dr. Jennifer Means welcomes you for Primary Care for the whole family: Nutrition, IV Therapy, Naturopathy, and Acupuncture. Contact us at 503-641-6400.

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

connecting residents to their Community Senior Living: United Homecare Services

March is National Nutrition Month Every day is a good day to eat right

fresh frozen, dried or canned fruit packed in MXLFH 7KRVH ZLWK GHHS colors typically have more nutrients. Choose 100% fruit juice. Juices IRUWL¿HG ZLWK FDOFLXP provide a non-dairy calcium source (e.g. medium size peach or banana, ½ cup berries or sliced melon, Ÿ cup dried apricots or raisins, ž cup 100% orange juice.



t’s not always easy to eat right at any age. Seniors may have a few extra hurdles to jump. Food choices may be limited due to illness, chewing problems, lack of appetite or inability WR VKRS RU SUHSDUH IRRG 7DON to your doctor about nutritional supplements if any of these situations apply to you. $FFRUGLQJ WR 78)76 food pyramid for older adults, a person may need less food to maintain one’s weight; however, one’s need for vitamins and minerals may stay the same or even LQFUHDVH 7KDWœV ZK\ LW LV important to choose a variety of nutrient-rich foods every day.

TUFT University recommends: • 3 or more servings of low- or nonfat dairy products daily (e.g. 1 cup milk or yogurt, 1 ½ oz. low fat cheese). • 2 or more servings of protein-rich foods daily H J EHDQV ÂżVK VNLQOHVV poultry, lean meat or eggs).

• 3 or more servings of bright-colored fresh, frozen or canned vegetables. Look for dark green, red, orange and/or yellow vegetables (e.g. romaine lettuce, winter squash, sweet potato, ž cup vegetable juice, ½ cup carrots, ½ cup cooked spinach). • 2 or more servings of

Whether caring for oneself or someone else, every day is a good day to eat right.

• 6 or more service of KLJK ÂżEHU IRUWLÂżHG RU whole grains such as brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, and bran cereal (e.g. 1 slice whole-wheat bread, ½ cup raisin bran or oatmeal, ½ cup cooked enriched pasta or rice). • 8 8-oz glasses of water or beverages such as fruit or vegetable juice, milk, reduced sodium soup, tea or coffee.

To ďŹ nd out more about United Homecare’s commitment to excellence, please visit: or call 503-433-8079.

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18 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

connecting residents to their Community Senior Living: Real Estate

PREPARE for a SMOOTH HOME SALE this YEAR Attend a Downsizing Seminar on April 2nd, 10-11am

the last step you want to have to tackle is what to do with the bits and bobs. If you are interested in learning more, join us March 5th from 10:00am – 11:00am at the Oregon Food %DQN 7KH FRVW" 2QH FDQ RI food. (See ad on page 26)



very year, we buy one more of this and one more of that, but where does it go? Has it been used or is just housed in a closet not seeing the light of day? Have you become guardian over your children’s youthful memories and adult possessions? You are not alone. Spring-cleaning is on everyone’s mind as we head into the season, this adds momentum to the desire of creating organization within the home. How to start? By removing unwanted items. Because it can be a big task, especially if having lived in a home for decades, the best way is to chunk

it down starting with the smallest room so that you will feel good with having completed the process in one ORFDWLRQ 7KHQ PRYH RQWR the next size and so on. 7R WKDW HQG NQRZ WKDW LW is easy to under estimate the amount of time it can take to complete a comprehensive reduction of home possessions.

If you are considering selling your home this year then now is the best time to get started. It can take months to go through items, pack along the way and take to different donation locations. And like building a home, having the foundation laid for your plan to scale down will help you when feeling

Your Partner in Homecare Family resource for in-home personal care

frustrated or overwhelmed. For example, creating a list of agencies who take old beds, old paint, knowing the cost of a dump run, and organizations that take used clothing, kitchen ware and even unopened or unused food will save you time. When you are tired after going through endless items,

By Kimberly Shute: If you would like to learn more about real estate and move management services, please contact Kimberly. We serve seniors through real estate and move management services. Call 971-227-1302 or visit www.

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5450 W Erickson Ave | Beaverton | OR 97005 Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 19

connecting Residents to their community Learning Corner: Ask the Beaverton Car Guy

Community Submission: Health & Happiness

Do you have cloudy headlight covers?

Kids and spinal check-ups


Try using a little toothpaste

Attend the Kids and Chiropractic Workshop, 3/30



Hello loyal Beaverton readers!


e all want what’s best for our kids and navigating the endless array of parenting and medical advice for even the common cold is daunting. What many parents might not know, is that professional Chiropractic care can be part of a holistic, and individual-centric treatment plan for not only wellness but some common childhood ailments.


any thanks to everyone who has called and written in asking for help with all kinds of automotive issues. From buying or selling a new or used car to common or unusual problems, I really appreciate the opportunity to save you time and money. Over the course of the last few months, I have had a few readers ask about cloudy headlamps and how to get them VSLII\ DJDLQ 7KH DQVZHU WR their relief, was as simple as brushing ones teeth. Yes, it’s toothpaste to the rescue!


Using toothpaste to clean oxidized, faded or cloudy headlights 1. Gather the correct materials. 7R FOHDQ \RXU KHDGOLJKWV using the toothpaste method, you will need the following: car wax, masking tape, plastic or vinyl gloves (optional), soft cloth, toothpaste (any kind), water 1. Start by cleaning with soap. First wash with soap and ZDWHU XVLQJ ÂżUP EDFN DQG forth movements with a cloth or sponge, then rinse with plain water. After

allowing some time to air dry, look at your headlights again closely. 1. Protect surrounding area with masking tape. Using masking tape, cover the areas surrounding your headlights to protect them IURP DFFLGHQWDO VFXIÂżQJ 1. Wear gloves. Wear plastic or vinyl gloves if you have sensitive skin. Dampen a clean, soft cloth in water, and add a dab of toothpaste. 1. Use toothpaste laden cloth. Firmly rub the surface of your headlights with the toothpaste-laden cloth in small circles. Add water and toothpaste as needed, and expect to spend up to

Ferguson Auto Brokers “The Car Guyâ€? Do you need auto help? That’s what I do! • Buy, Sell, Consign Automobiles • Expert Negotiation and Appraising • Expert in Automotive Technology


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¿YH PLQXWHV FOHDQLQJ HDFK affected light. 1. Rinse. 1H[W ULQVH ZLWK water and allow to air dry. 1. Apply car wax. 7R KHOS protect your headlights from future damage, you may consider applying car wax to your lights using a clean cloth in a circular motion, followed by another rinse with water. Why it works Just as toothpaste can remove unwanted particles from the enamel on your teeth, it can remove stains from your headOLJKWV 7KLV LV EHFDXVH WRRWKSDVWH – even gel and whitening varieties – contains a mild abrasive that buffs out the surface for a smooth feel and look that translates into clearer headlights. 7KDQN <RX DOO IRU UHDGLQJ I sure hope this information is useful. Remember people, do not pay too much for a new or used car or truck, of any kind!

Constipation 7KH IHDU RI SDLQ DVVRFLDWHG with going to the bathroom becomes a vicious cycle that leads to more abdominal pain DQG FRQVWLSDWLRQ 7KH JRRG news is, by keeping an eye on your child’s diet, establishing daily routines, and using other forms of natural care like chiropractic can reduce stressful occurrences of constipation in your child. ADHD

Leading healthcare organizations have begun to encourage a more conservative approach to managing ADHD. Recent research conColic cluded visible improvement 7LUHG SDUHQWV PD\ ÂżQG VRPH in ADHD symptoms through relief from colic symptoms chiropractic care of children with a professional chiropracpreviously diagnosed with tic check-up. One study found ADHD. that chiropractic adjustments can reduce crying by up to two hours per day. Ear infections 7KH $PHULFDQ $FDGHP\ of Pediatrics now discourages antibiotics for young children experiencing ear infections. Researchers have found a strong correlation between adjustments (focused on aligning the spine and central nervous system) and the resolution of ear infections in children in combination with other natural remedies.

March workshop: Kids and Chiropractic. Find out more about how a nervous system check-up can beneďŹ t your child’s health. March 30, 6:30pm at True Potential Beaverton. **Light meal included** Diner and a Movie. On the ďŹ rst Monday of each month, come have a light dinner and watch “Becky’s Storyâ€? with us. RSVP (503) 574-4872 or

March Workshop: Kids & Chiropractic

Got an automotive question? Please feel free to email me at or call (503) 930-1493.

Lift Driver (Beaverton) $2000 Sign-On Bonus! **Medical (Kaiser), Dental (Cigna) & Vision (VSP) available after 30-days of Employment** As a Lift Driver, your major responsibilities will be to: • Drive a cutaway paratransit vehicle in a safe, courteous, and reliable manner throughout the service area within a daily assigned time schedule

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• Must be at least 21 years of age • Valid Driver’s License (a commercial drivers license *CDL* is NOT required) • Have at least 3 years of driving experience

20 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

connecting residents to their Community Student Corner: Teen Essay

My quest to see the northern lights But study up before you go



bout a year ago, my family took a trip to Alaska in hopes to see the infamous aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights. But we didn’t do enough planning and ended up not being able to see them, which has recently made me motivated to learn more.

For those of you who don’t know much about them, the northern/southern lights are a bunch of lights that appear in the night sky YDU\LQJ LQ FRORU 7KH\ DUH caused by collisions between certain gases (oxygen and

nitrogen) and electrically charged particles released from the sun. In my opinion, the aurora borealis is one of the most incredible phenomenons on this earth. 7KH FDWFK WKRXJK LV WKDW these lights are only present

in some areas of the world during certain seasons. Since the aurora happens near the magnetic poles, getting as close as possible to them will be the best chance at seeing them. Fairbanks Alaska and Iceland are two

really good places to travel to if you are trying to see them. %XW WKH PDJQL¿FHQW OLJKWV DUH also sometimes present in the United States as well. Another important thing to know is that since the lights only appear in dark, clear skies, the best time to go hunting for them is in late August to early April, when the weather’s clear and there are long nights. Getting away from as much light pollution DV SRVVLEOH ZLOO DOVR VLJQL¿cantly increase your chances of spotting them, though I NQRZ WKDW FDQ EH GLI¿FXOW with the increase of fossil fuels in our air. If you’re ever traveling during the winter, make sure

to look up where the aurora borealis is and keep these tips in mind! (p.s. make sure to dress really warm!) I can’t wait until I can get another chance to see them in person.

Perinatal Professionals of Washington County -

aspects of breastfeeding.

Kili is a junior at Mountainside High School. She loves singing, playing piano and ukulele, and also running track and ďŹ eld.

Learning Corner: Musings of a Beaverton Mom

The Realities of Postpartum Services to help around Beaverton

If you’re in need of just about any service having to do with pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, this group’s Facebook page should be your ¿UVW VWRS 7KH\ KDYH D YDULHW\ of professionals covering all aspects of new parenthood. ,I \RX FDQœW ¿QG WKH KHOS \RX need in their group, they can refer you to an even more extensive network of resources.) 7KH NLQGV RI VHUYLFHV \RXœOO ¿QG IRU SRVWSDUWXP PRPV DQG their partners) include: • Postpartum Doulas 7KHVH wonderful women are an extra set of hands that seemingly know what you need before you ask. With extensive knowledge of the process of recovery, they can help with just about any task needed during the newborn phase.



f you run in any parenting corner of the internet (and maybe even if you don’t), you probably heard about the ad for Frida Mom that was rejected from running during the Oscars. It depicts the authentic struggles of a new mom physically recovering from a recent birth. Many people were upset that the non-graphic ad wasn’t allowed to run. It depicted WKH WUXWK 7KH NLQG RI UHDOLW\ that is seldom discussed at all, let alone in general public discourse. In this video, we watch a tired new mom waking during the night to a crying baby. Her stomach is in the stage of early postpartum, where it looks like you are still pregnant even though a small human recently left your body. She waddles into the bathroom in disposable underwear and those huge maxi pads the hospital proYLGHV 7KHUHœV WKH VSUD\ WKH water bottle, the whole deal. 7KLV DG ZDV LQFUHGLEO\ effective at instantly transporting many of us (yes, myself included) back to that

vulnerable, newly postpartum stage. In speaking with other mothers, in addition to my own experience, it seems that the medical establishment (and society at large) prepare and support us during pregnancy, up to the moment of birth. But frequently, the focus then shifts to the baby. We’re left with little information about what to expect from our new

bodies, making recovery that PXFK PRUH GLI¿FXOW While I could undoubtedly step atop my soapbox and proclaim the need to normalize more of the realities of motherhood, that’s a topic for another day. However, I would like to highlight some of the fantastic resources for postpartum moms around Beaverton.

• Lactation Consultants Breastfeeding is way harder than most of us thought it would be before we had kids. From getting a proper latch, to supply issues, and everything in between, a good lactation consultant will guide you through both the physical (and the often-overlooked mental)

• Counselors - Pregnancy LQYROYHV $ /27 RI KRUmones. So once baby and placenta are out, mom experiences a massive hormonal shift. Add in sleep deprivation and the stresses of life, and things can get overwhelming for a new mom. Finding WKH ULJKW ERDUG FHUWL¿HG therapist can help. • Sleep Specialists - While most babies aren’t known for being fantastic sleepers, a sleep specialist can help make sure your little one has the optimum environment that they need to drift off into dreamland.

Katie Carrick lives in Beaverton with her husband, two young children, and their yappy but loveable dog, Mendel. She’s a former clinical scientist who now works as a freelance writer. For more information visit

Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 21

connecting Residents to their community Our Town: Beaverton Police Department

Our Town: Fox 12 Oregon

Police detective serves on national summit

Bringing smiles to kid’s faces

Recognizing Detective Chad Opitz

One sock at a time OUR TOWN




eaverton Police Detective Chad Opitz was one of four law enforcement professionals nationwide who was invited by the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Attorney General’s 2IÂżFH WR VLW RQ DQ DGYLVRU\ SDQHO IRU WKH Âł6XPPLW on Combating Human 7UDIÂżFNLQJ´ WKDW RFFXUUHG last month in Washington '& 7KH VXPPLW EURXJKW together law enforcement representatives, politicians, counselors, victims, and QRQ SURÂżW RUJDQL]DWLRQV from across the country to

discuss the problem of huPDQ WUDI¿FNLQJ ³7KH JRDO KHUH LV WR develop a victim-oriented approach to our investigations,� said Opitz who has become an expert at identifying, locating and recovering minors who are victims RI VH[ WUDI¿FNLQJ Globally, there are more WKDQ PLOOLRQ VH[ WUDI¿FNLQJ victims. While there is no of¿FLDO HVWLPDWH RI WKH QXPEHU RI VH[ WUDI¿FNLQJ YLFWLPV in the U.S., it is suspected that more than 5,000 cases

occur annually in the U.S. and many of the victims DUH FKLOGUHQ 7KH 1DWLRQal Center for Missing and Exploited Children estimates that 1 in 7 of the more than 23,500 runaways reported to WKH QRQSURÂżW RUJDQL]DWLRQ LQ 2018 were likely victims of FKLOG VH[ WUDIÂżFNLQJ

Our Town: City News

Call for Beaverton Night Market Vendors! Applications available from March 9th



he city is seeking food, craft and merchandise vendors from around the world for the sixth annual %HDYHUWRQ 1LJKW 0DUNHWV 7KH YHQGRU DSSOLFDWLRQ ZLOO be available from Monday, Mar. 9 through Friday, May 15 at www.BeavertonOreJRQ JRY 1LJKW0DUNHW Interested vendors should submit an online or paper application, available in English and Spanish. It is not necessary to be an esWDEOLVKHG EXVLQHVV RU ÀXHQW English speaker; support is available to navigate the proFHVV 9HQGRUV ZLOO EH FKRVHQ by a selection committee and QRWL¿HG RI WKHLU VWDWXV E\ Monday, Jun. 1. Selection criteria includes a preference for Beaverton-area businesses, unique cultural product offerings, and compatibility of the

vendor’s mission with that of the market. Please note that submitting an application does not guarantee participation. 7KH %HDYHUWRQ 1LJKW Market exists to create a vibrant, intercultural, family-friendly space that is reminiscent of night markets LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ 7KH PDUNHW offers a culturally-relevant evening activity and

22 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

gathering space with ethnic food and crafts for families of all backgrounds in Beaverton, to be celebrated this year on Saturday, Jul. 18 and Saturday, Aug. 15.

For more information, visit www.

Beaverton woman is on a mission to bring smiles and warm feet to children in need. Andie Proskus, 27, has muscular dystrophy and has been in the hospital due to surgeries and therapy for much of her life. During that time, she says she was given a pair of bright socks that brought a smile to her face and knew she had to pass along that feeling to others. So, she organizes socks drives for local children’s hospitals, sometimes from her own hospital bed. She recently organized an event at Beaverton High School during halftime of a basketball game, where people tossed socks onto the basketball court. With the help of her friends and area schools, Proskus has been collecting socks for hospitalized children. She says their reaction makes all the hard work worth it. ³, FDQ UHODWH D ORW WR ZKDW the families and the kids are going through, and it not only brings a smile to their face, and helps brighten their day up for a little bit, but it’s also very therapeutic for me, and warms my heart to see the smiles something as simple as a pair of colorful, fun pair of socks can bring,� Proskus said. Proskus has been doing these sock drives for about six years. She collected

more than 100 pairs of socks WKH ¿UVW \HDU DQG KDV QRZ collected over 10,000. ³6RPHWKLQJ DV VLPSOH DV a fun pair of socks can really make a difference and lift up the child’s day even if only for a few moments. It not only brings the child a smile, but also means a lot to their families, and it helps my own heart to and is very therapeutic,� Proskus said. Proskus is a graduate of Beaverton High School. She has received donations of socks from as far away as Australia.

For more local news, visit

Sock Toss Event at Beaverton High School

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

connecting residents to their Community

Beaverton Bulletin Board Thank you for supporting our Sponsors!

(503) 646-2119

Please call for an estimate (CCB #43186). Birds t Insects & Spiders t Rodents

Protecting your health and property since 1949! A local family owned & operated business.

Our Town: TVF&R

Explore a career in the ďŹ re service TVF&R invites you to join the team PUBLIC SAFETY


XDODWLQ 9DOOH\ )LUH Rescue personnel will be participating in several recruitment events in the months ahead, offering unique experiences that give people an inside look at what it’s like to EH D ¿UH¿JKWHU 79) 5 ZLOO KDYH DQ exhibit booth and crew ready to answer questions and meet with high school students at WKH 1: <RXWK &DUHHUV ([SR on March 10 at the Oregon &RQYHQWLRQ &HQWHU 1HDUO\ 7,000 students from about 70 high schools across Oregon and Southwest Washington are expected to attend and participate in hands-on learning, demonstrations, mock interviews, and career workshops. 79) 5 LV DOVR JHDULQJ XS for its third annual Career Day RQ $SULO DW RXU 7UDLQLQJ Center in Sherwood.

Career Day offers an opportunity for adults who may be interested in a career in WKH ¿UH VHUYLFH WR OHDUQ PRUH about job requirements and 79) 5 ,W LQFOXGHV KDQGV RQ H[SHULHQFHV LQ SULPDU\ ¿UH¿JKWHU UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV DV ZHOO as presentations about station life, career and volunteer opportunities, the hiring process, emergency medical services, ¿UH SUHYHQWLRQ SXEOLF VDIHW\ education, and more. Between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. that day, participants will rotate through activity stations and have a chance to talk with education partners from several colleges and universities about their respective emergency medical services and ¿UH VFLHQFH SURJUDPV ³2QH RI WKH WKLQJV ,œP most passionate about is HGXFDWLRQ ´ VDLG 79) 5 )LUH &KLHI 'HULF :HLVV ³, ZDQW young people to understand KRZ WKH ¿UH VHUYLFH ZRUNV and how they can help create safer communities. I also

want our ranks to better UHĂ€HFW WKH FRPPXQLW\ ZH serve. Career Day is a great opportunity to learn about ÂżUHÂżJKWLQJ HPHUJHQF\ PHGLFDO FDUH ÂżUH VDIHW\ DQG stewardship.â€? 7KH DSSOLFDWLRQ SHULRG opened February 7, and 79) 5 ZLOO VHOHFW participants for Career Day. 7KH GHDGOLQH WR DSSO\ LV March 22 but may close prior to that date if the district receives enough applications for consideration. Candidates interested LQ DSSO\LQJ IRU 79) 5ÂśV Career Day must be 18 or older and can apply online at under Âł2XWUHDFK ´ Girls in high school are invited to participate in a recruitment event tailored for WKHP 7KH 2UHJRQ 7UDGHVwomen Career Fair on May KHOG DW WKH 1(&$ ,%(: (OHFWULFDO 7UDLQLQJ &HQWHU LQ Portland, promotes success for women in the trades through education, leadership, and mentorship.

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Save 40% on a 12 month run (or 20% on a 6 month run) of your business card here on this bulletin board.


For more information about career opportunities with TVF&R, visit

To place your business card here, email

Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 23

What’s Happening Around Beaverton This Month?

BULLETIN BOARD Treat yourself to some local eats and treats!

Happy Hour Special

10% Off

**Authentic** Indian Lunch

Daily after 4pm

(Offer good at TV Hwy location only)


Open Daily from 6am-9pm!



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Enjoy Authentic Mexican Food & the n! Best Margaritas in Tow

503-268-1757 Visit us in The Streets of Tanasbourne (2130 NW Allie Ave #610, Hillsboro)

0 503-601-70 0Rd on

20% OFF

Call for take out or get home delivery thru GrubHub

Offer good One coupon per party. only. at Beaverton location

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To place your business card here, email

Swedish Pancakes ..............................................................................$9.55 3 delicately rolled pancakes, dusted with powdered sugar and served with lingonberry butter.

Three Little Pigs ..................................................................................$8.65 Link sausage rolled in 3 large pancakes with apple sauce on the side.

Master Burger .....................................................................................$9.25 Deluxe burger, served with cheddar cheese and sliced lean ham, served on sesame bun with all the fixings.

Monte Cristo Sandwich......................................................................$9.25 Our own thick french toast bread with turkey, ham and Swiss cheese.

Pot Roast ........................................................................................... $11.95 Just like mom’s. Served with creamy mashed potatoes that we made from scratch and fresh sauteed vegitables. Satisfying!

Ever been stretched by a pro?

24 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

Family wellness, children welcome!

Corrective care chiropractic

Pediatric & sports chiropractic

Motor vehicle and work-related accident care

Assisted stretching program

Professional massage services


Mention this ad for an introductory 15-minute stretch!

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Looking for Something to Do? Get Out & About! Senior Living: Viva Village

Viva Village understands that aging is a team sport Let’s do it together! SENIOR LIVING Women’s Coffee. (open to all) Every Tuesday, 10 am. Jim and Patty’s Coffee, 4130 SW 117th Ave. Beaverton. Nature Walk. (open to all) Saturday, March 7, 9:30 am. Summer Lake Park, 11450 SW Winter Lake Drive, Beaverton. Artists Interest Group. (members and volunteers) Monday, March 9 and 23, 2-4 pm. Private home studio in Highland Park Neighborhood. Enjoy creating collage and fractured books. $3 materials fee. RSVP for address. Life Stories. (members and volunteers) Tuesday, March 10, 1:30-3:30 pm. Southminster Presbyterian Church, 12250 SW Denney Road, Beaverton. Get to know fellow Viva Village members and volunteers while listening to and sharing life stories. RSVP.

Dine Around Beaverton and Beyond. (members, volunteers and guests) Wednesday, March 11,1 pm. Oasis Lebanese Cuisine,14845 SW Murray Scholls Drive, Beaverton. RSVP recommended. Pinochle & Scrabble Players (members and volunteers) Friday, March 13 and 27, 10:30 am. Elsie Stuhr Center-Coffee Room, 5550 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton. Join others who enjoy these classic games for a morning of conversation and fun. RSVP. Village 101 Presentation. (open to all) Saturday, March 14,10:00-11:30 am. Elsie Stuhr Center, Cedar Room, 5550 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton. Information for prospective members and volunteers. RSVP.

Village Forum. (open to all) Monday, March 16, 2:-3:30 pm. Wesley Room at First United Methodist Church, 12555 SW 4th St, Beaverton. Presentation by Chris Ayzaukian, General Manager of the Patricia Reser Center for the Arts on plans for this new Beaverton performance facility and community resource. RSVP. Urban Hikers. (open to all) Thursday, March 19,10 am. Cooper Mountain Nature Park, 18895 SW Kemmer Road, Beaverton. Hike at a moderate pace for 2 miles on gravel path. RSVP. Quilters and Knitters Interest Group. (members and volunteers) Thursday, March 19, 1-2:30 pm. Private home in Westbrook Neighborhood. Work on personal projects while sharing ideas and expertise. RSVP. Thursday Night Social. (open to all) Thursday, March 19, 5:30 pm. McMenamins Brew Pub, 6179 SW Murray Blvd, Beaverton. RSVP.

food Restaurant. Meet at VV parking lot (4905 Griffith Park) for car pooling. RSVP required.

Volunteer Social Event. (volunteers) Friday, March 20, 1-3 pm. Viva Village Office, 4905 SW Griffith Dr, #104, Bvtn. Join other Village volunteers for coffee & conversation. RSVP. Men’s Coffee Break. (open to all) Tuesday, March 24, 10-11. Ki Coffee, 4655 SW Griffith Dr. #160, Beaverton.

Gardening Enthusiasts (members and volunteers) Thursday, March 26, 10 am-2:30 pm. Visit to Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival. Meet at VV parking lot (4905 Griffith Park) for car pooling. RSVP. Visit to Spirit Mountain Casino (members and volunteers) Monday, March 30, 8 am-4:30 pm. Meet at Michael’s Arts and Crafts Store (4955 SW Western Ave., Beaverton) to board the free shuttle bus to the casino in Grand Ronde. RSVP required.

Village Book Club. (open to all) Tues, 3/24, 4 pm. Private home in Westbrook Neighborhood. Selected Book: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah, RSVP. History Interest Group. (members and volunteers) Wednesday, March 25, 10 am-3 pm. Oregon History Museum, 1200 SW Park Ave. Portland. Visit current exhibits and then enjoy lunch at Southpark Sea-

For more Information or to RSVP, call 503-746-5082 or email To see a complete list of events, visit our website:

Out & About: Washington County Visitors Association

Washington County Event Calendar OUT & ABOUT Ramona Quimby Through March 14 – Beaverton Civic Theatre (Beaverton City Library)

Mary Poppins, Jr. Through March 8 – Theatre in the Grove (Forest Grove) Hillsboro First Tuesday Art Walk March 3 – Downtown Hillsboro hillsboro-art-walk

The Measure of Innocence March 3-22 - Bag&Baggage Productions (Hillsboro)

Celebration of Creativity March 5-8 – Southminster Presbyterian Church (Beaverton)

Dia Do Choro Concert March 6 – Walters Cultural Arts Center (Hillsboro) city-services-overview/cultural-arts/ walters-cultural-arts-center-/concerts

Grand Lodge 98th Birthday Celebration March 7 – McMenamins Grand Lodge (Forest Grove)

Vishten Concert March 7 – Pacific University Performing Arts Series (Forest Grove)


Deathtrap March 7-29 – Mask &

Murphy’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade March 14 – Hare Field

Mirrors (Tigard)


Beaverton Symphony Orchestra Spring Concert

St. Patrick’s Day Across the Land March 17 – McMenam-

March 13 and 15 – Village Baptist Church (Beaverton)

ins Grand Lodge (Forest Grove) & Cornelius Pass Roadhouse (Hillsboro)

Beaverton Winter Farmers Market March 7, 14, 21, 28 – SW

A Touch of Frost: Music for Winter Nights March 20 -

Hall Boulevard between 3rd & 5th Streets (Beaverton)

Hillsboro Symphony Orchestra

Dirty Leprechaun 5k Mud Run March 14 – Lee Farms (Tualatin)

Marc Camoletti’s Don’t Dress for Dinner March 20 – April 5 - HART Theatre (Hillsboro)

Acoustic Guitar Summit March 20 – Walters Cultural Arts Center (Hillsboro) hillsboro-oregon. gov/city-services-overview/cultural-arts/walters-cultural-arts-center-/ concerts

Taste Local March 21-22 – McMenamins Grand Lodge (Forest Grove) Maialata March 22– Montinore Estate (Forest Grove) G.O.A.T. Farm Tour and Wine Tasting March 22– Fraga Farmstead Creamery (Gaston)

Ain’t Misbehavin’ March 26 –

April 26 – Broadway Rose (Tigard)

The Tualatin Valley is a short drive from Portland and is home to nationally renowned golf courses, award-winning wineries, tax-free shopping, agricultural experiences, outdoor recreational activities and more. With a combination of suburban and rural settings, the Tualatin Valley offers an unparalleled experience for all travelers. (Visit

Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 25

What’s Happening Around Beaverton This Month? The Kumon Math and Reading Program helps your kids reach their potential!


Schedule an orientation to see how Kumon can benefit your kids and get FREE Registration!*





Kumon Math and Reading Center of South Beaverton 12325 Southwest Horizon Blvd.. Ste. 221 Beaverton, OR 97007 503.639.7219



* Enroll between 2/1/20 and 3/15/20 to waive the Registration Fee of up to $50. The Registration Fee includes services such as processing, student evaluation and lesson plan development. Registration Fee waiver only valid at participating Kumon Math and Reading Centers. Most Kumon Centers are independently owned and operated. Additional fees may apply. See Center for applicable terms and conditions. © 2020 Kumon North America, Inc. All rights reserved.

Celebrating 25 years of improving the lives & health of Oregonians, like you. (503) 935-8000 I 26 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Looking for Something to Do? Get Out & About! Out & About: Community Event

Discover Living Wisdom School It’s All About Heart OUT & ABOUT Visit our Open House on Friday, March 6, 10-11am

Our Town: Beaverton Historical Society

Early Willamette Valley Settlers History Presentation



rench Canadians, Scots, Irish, English, their mixed race families, a sprinkling of American fur traders made the initial claims for land in the Willamette. Seasoned outdoorsmen, they knew that its terrain, climate, and soil held critical aspects for a good life. /DWHU 2UHJRQ 7UDLO HPLJUDQWV FDPH H[SHFWLQJ WR ÂżQG a second Eden dripping with PLON DQG KRQH\ 7KH mile/4-6 month trek tested all the courage and strength WKH\ FRXOG PXVWHU 7KHLU JULW and help of neighbors and

strangers sustained them those ¿UVW \HDUV LQ WKH :LOODPHWWH 9DOOH\ Presented by Sherry Johnston, Docent of the Oregon Historical Society. • :KHQ 7XHVGD\ 0DUFK 7pm; Doors Open, 6:45pm • Location: Elsie Stuhr Senior Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd., Beaverton • Suggested $3.00 donation EHQH¿WV %HDYHUWRQ +LVWRUical Society


hoosing the right school for your child can be GDXQWLQJ 7KHUH DUH PDQ\ choices and many things to consider when making a selection. Our family discovered Living Wisdom School (LWS) at a time when my eldest child was feeling pressure from the amount of homework he was receiving in public school. He was showing signs of anxiety and frustration, and he was only in third grade! Attending LWS helped my children develop not just their intellect,

For more information, visit



Business Association

but their hearts as well. With the polarized climate that we live in today, having emotional intelligence and empathy towards others is vitally important for our children. Even more important is helping them understand what’s important to them, knowing in their heart what feels right and what doesn’t, and what makes them happy. We believe that happy, relaxed children make the best learners. Along with all the traditional school subjects offered, /:6 DOVR KDV WKH EHQH¿W RI small classes, mixed grade classrooms, performing arts for all ages and a multitude of FODVVHV IRU SDUHQWV 7HDFKLQJ through experiential learning is a key component of the

Education for Life philosophy utilized at our small holistic school. LWS in Beaverton is for preschool through grade ÂżYH ZLWK VLVWHU VFKRROV LQ California and worldwide, some going through high school. Come take a look at our sweet, family-oriented school during our Preschool and Kindergarten Open House on Friday March 6 from 10 11 am. Or, you can contact us to set up a personal tour. See you there!

Preschool- Grade 5, Education centered in the heart.For more information: 4855 SW Watson Ave. Beaverton 503-671-9112

Downsizing your Home for Sale


Saturday, April 25th, 2020 9am - Noon


April 2nd, 2020

Considering a move this year, and yet, have ĚĞÄ?ĂĚĞĆ? ŽĨ Ä‚Ä?Ä?ƾžƾůÄ‚Ć&#x;ŽŜ ĆšĹšĆŒŽƾĹ?ĹšŽƾĆš ƚŚĞ home? Begin now to reduce stress and prepare your house for market by spending one-hour with us as we share a kick start 'How To' plan, Ä‚Ć? Ç ÄžĹŻĹŻ Ä‚Ć? ĂĚĚĹ?Ć&#x;ŽŜÄ‚ĹŻ ŽƉĆ&#x;ŽŜĆ? ŽĨ ĹšĹ˝Ç ĆšĹ˝ approach downsizing your home for sale.

AAA of Oregon • 8555 SW Apple Way • Portland, OR 97225

10:00am – 11:00am

Community Partners Accepting Items:


Shred - Paper products up to 3 boxes per person Neighborhood House- Canned Foods - Visit for details Community Warehouse- Collecting household goods and small furniture Interstate All Battery - Used or new batteries EcoBinary - Electronics Cartridge Network - Ink & toner cartridges

Call to reserve your seat 971-227-1302 or ĹšĆŠĆ‰Í—ÍŹÍŹÇ Ç Ç Í˜ůŽŽŏĹ?ĹśĆ‰Ĺ˝ĆŒĆšĹŻÄ‚ĹśÄšÍ˜Ä?Žž͏Ĺ?ůůƾžĹ?ŜĂƚĞͲĆ?ÄžĆŒĹ?ÄžĆ?


If item in question, check with our community partners listed above.

For more info visit:

Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 27

What’s Happening Around Beaverton This Month? Lib Library P Programs in and Around Beaverton

LOVE YOUR LIBRARY Beaverton City Library

12375 SW 5th St., Beaverton 503-644-2197. All events are free. Registration, where noted, is one month in advance.

Children’s Programs at BCL Main Growth Mindset: A Framework for Optimal Child Development with Guest Speaker Megan Barella. 3/2 | 6-7:30pm | Meeting Rooms A & B | Adults only. Bring the growth mindset research alive in your home and classroom to transform developmental challenges, optimize children’s brains for life-long learning, and help children develop a trust in themselves and you! Sign Language Storytime 3/12 | 12:15-1pm | Storytime Room | Ages 3 & under with adult. Join us to learn the basics of signing with your baby or toddler through songs and stories. The last 15 minutes will be a chance for parents to practice signs and for children to play.

World Languages Storytime Week 3/16-3/20 | 10:1510:45am | Storytime Room | Ages 3-6 with family. Join us each day for a storytime in a different language!

BCL Baby Shower 3/20 | 10:15-11:15am | Meeting Room A | Ages 1 & under with family. We would like to welcome your new baby to the library! We will have a playtime, tips for parents, and a free gift for babies under one.

Spring Break: From Aardvark to Zebra 3/20-3/29 Grades K-5. Need something to do with your kids during Spring Break? The library has you covered! There is something for kids happening every day. Learn about endangered animals through crafts, challenge your family to find all the clues in an animal scavenger hunt, DIY a llama headband, play animal bingo, design an animal habitat, make a bee house, sing along to The Lion King (2019), and more.

Teen Programs at Main Landing a Job Workshop for Teens 3/31 | 5-6pm | Meeting Room B | Grades 6-12. Looking for a job to start earning some money of your own? Join us to learn tips for

applying, l i iinterviewing, i i and d accepting i your new job! Parents and caregivers are invited to attend.

Adult Programs at Main Practical Skills for Family & Friend Caregivers: Bathing Without a Battle. 3/7 | 10-11:30am | Meeting Room A. When someone has dementia, simple personal care tasks like bathing can be a struggle. Learn tips and tricks for helping your loved one stay clean and healthy without the battle. Learn from older adult specialists trained in an award-winning program designed for helping those with dementia bathe without the fear and fighting. Learn about different bathing techniques, proper preparation for a smooth bath, helpful products and supplies, and real-life examples. There will be time to ask situation-specific questions at the end of the presentation.

Why DIY? Self-sufficiency & American Life 3/7 | 3-4:30pm | Meeting Room B. Join us for an Oregon Humanities Conversation Project focused on Do-It-Yourself! Living in a world of ever greater convenience, what motivates us to be makers and doers? How do makerspaces and skills courses affect community engagement and involvement? As we become more self-sufficient, what gets left behind? The conversation will be led by Jennifer Burns Bright, a food educator, recipe developer, and travel writer based in Astoria, Oregon.

The Lost Art of Civil Discourse 3/11, 1:30-3:30pm and 3/30, 6-8pm | Meeting Room B. Learn the Lost Art of Civil Discourse! The Beaverton Center for Mediation and Dialogue is holding seven different sessions that explore how we think and talk about differences and practice dialogue rather than debate. In the first half of each session, small groups will talk about the potential benefits and difficulties inherent in listening to other people’s beliefs (with the help of a trained mediator and facilitator). In the second half, the groups will engage in exercises to practice what they’ve discussed in an environment less risky than a holiday dinner. Join us for one or more sessions. Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided.

Cannabis: A Pharmacist’s Perspective 3/25 | 6:30-7:45pm | Meeting Room A. Ever wish you went to pharmacy school? Or maybe you just want to know more about how cannabis can affect your health? Join Danielle Backus, an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice with a specialization in geriatrics, to talk about the benefits and risks of using cannabis. Bring your questions about marijuana, THC, and CBD, and get ready for a great conversation!

Book Buzz 3/31 | 6-7:30pm | Meeting Room A. Attention, all book clubs and book lovers! Join us for an evening all abuzz with books. Let our friendly and knowledgeable staff introduce you to your next discussion-worthy book club pick or the great book love of your life. We will be highlighting new and old titles in all genres, fiction and non-fiction. Refresh yourself with tea and treats, and spend

28 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

some time i mingling i li with i h other h book b k enthusiasts. We will replenish your tobe-read list, and send you home with a free book!

Children/ Teen Programs at BCL Murray Scholls Can You Break a Guinness World Record? 3/3 | 4:30-5:30pm | Grades 5-8. How much Jello can you eat with chopsticks in one minute? How quickly can you type the alphabet backwards on an iPad? Try your hand at these and other challenges to see if you can make a new world record!

Spring Break: From Aardvark to Zebra 3/20-3/29 Grades K-5. Need something to do with your kids during Spring Break? The library has you covered! There is something for kids happening every day.

Elephant & Piggie Party 3/29 | 2-3pm | Grades K-5 with family. Do you love the Elephant & Piggie series? If so, join us as we make some fun crafts based on the books!

Aloha Community Library Association

All events are free. Become an ACLA member! 17455 SW Farmington Rd, Suite 26A, Aloha | Visit for more information or call 503-259-0185.

Toddler Storytime: Mondays at 10:30-11am. Toddler Storytime takes place every Monday at 10:30am! Join us for stories, songs, rhymes, dances, and activities aimed at children between the ages of 18 and 36 months. Adults are expected to sit with children and participate. Preschool Storytime: Wednesdays at 10:30-11am. An interactive storytime for children and their grown-ups filled with stories, songs, rhymes, and activities geared toward getting kids ready to read. For ages 3-6 yr. Adults are expected to sit with children and participate.

Messy Arts & Crafts: Tue 3/3 at 10:30-11:30am. Let your little one’s creativity run wild with sensory arts and crafts every 1st Tuesday of the month. It’s okay to make a mess! For ages 0-6 yr. All children must be accompanied by an adult (minimum 1 adult per 5 children).

Tech Assistance: Tue 3/3, 3/10, 3/24, & 3/31 at 4-6pm | Wednesdays at 1-3pm. Need some one-on-one assistance with basic computer skills? We can help! Drop in during a regularly scheduled tech assistant session, or call to reserve a longer appointment (limit 1 hour per person).

Nature Mobile: Spring Has Sprung: Wed 3/4 at 3:30-4:30pm. It’s time for the flowers to start to grow! This month we are learning all we can about the plants around us. We will make a flower related craft

andd talk the different parts off lk about b h diff a plant and how it grows. Presented by the knowledgeable nature experts from THPRD. All ages welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult (minimum 1 adult per 5 children).

Sit n Stitch: Thu 3/5 & 3/19 at 1:30-3pm | Mon 3/9 & 3/23 at 6-7:30pm. Bring your knitting, crochet, or other yarn project, and come join the Sit n Stitch group! Trade tips or simply enjoy the company of fellow crafters while you work on your latest creation.

Open Computer Lab: Thu 3/5 & 3/19 at 2:30-4pm. Drop in and join us during lab hours to use one of our library laptops to practice your computer skills or work on a project! A staff person will be available to provide guidance and assist you with computer questions. Music & Movement Storytime Sat 3/7 at 11-11:30am. Let’s get ready to move! Explore songs, dancing, rhythm, stories, and more during an engaging and active storytime. For children ages 6 and younger. All children must be accompanied by an adult (minimum 1 adult per 5 children.)

Reading Buddies: Mon 3/9 & 3/23 at 5-6pm. Need practice reading? Sign up for a session of Reading Buddies at the Aloha Community Library! Kids can improve their reading skills and make a new friend by reading aloud to a trained therapy animal. Read with a dog on second Mondays, or with a cat on fourth Mondays. Sessions are 15 minutes each. Please call or visit the library to register. Parenting Workshop: Toddler Talk: Tue 3/10 at 6:30-8pm. Join child development expert Megan Barella ( in this fun workshop to understand your toddler’s world and to transform tantrums, hitting, biting, & screaming. Let’s laugh together and support one another to make raising a toddler more fun and enjoyable, and to raise toddlers who thrive. For adults only. Content is appropriate for parents and adults caring for children.

STEAM Lab: Science of Seuss: Wed 3/11 at 3:30-4:30pm. Have you ever wondered about the science of Seuss? During this STEAM Lab, we’ll make oobleck, build truffula trees, construct traps for Thing 1 and Thing 2, and more! For ages 5-13. All children must be accompanied by an adult (minimum 1 adult per 5 children).

Creative Care Revolution: Storytelling Workshop for Family Caregivers: Thu 3/12 at 4-5:30pm. Join us for a special event with Timeslips Creative Storytelling to learn how to engage with a friend, family member, or neighbor who might be lonely, frail, or experiencing memory loss. At this creative storytelling workshop, guests learn some simple engagement techniques that can create shared moments of imagination – with no right or wrong answers. Presented by Washington County Disability, Aging and Veteran Services.

Engineering Lab: Sat 3/14 at 10:30am-12pm. Let’s build! We’ll have

LEGOs, K’N K’Nex, M Magna-Tiles, LEGO Til and d more. Come with your thinking caps and get ready to create! For ages 3-13. Small pieces that may present a choking hazard to children under 3 will be present. All children must be accompanied by an adult (minimum 1 adult per 5 children).

Reducing Food Waste: Mon 3/16 at 6-7:30pm. The Eat Smart, Waste Less Challenge is an opportunity for families to save money and contribute to their communities by reducing the amount of food they waste and keeping food fresher longer. Presenter Lindsay Kemp will talk about the issue of food waste, share some easy to do tips, invite attendees to take the Challenge, and give away free tools to make it even easier.

Crafternoon: Leather Key Fobs: Tue 3/17 at 3:30-5pm. Join us to make a leather key fob stamped with a Celtic-inspired design in this class led by instructor and experienced leatherworker Jeff Rathjen! For adults and ages 16+ only. All materials provided. Aprons will be available, but please wear clothing that can get stained! Spaces are limited; please call or visit the library to register.

Pajama Storytime: Tue 3/17 at 6:30-7pm. Put on your favorite pajamas and join us for a cozy evening of stories, songs, and fun for the whole family! For ages 2 and up. All children must be accompanied by an adult (min. 1 adult per 5 children).

Coffee with the Library Director: Thu 3/19 at 3-4pm. Your chance to meet our library leadership team, share ideas, and ask questions. Join us!

Writers Group: Sat 3/21 at 12:303pm. Drop in for a quiet place away from home to hit your word count goal, or to socialize with other local writers. You bring the talent and we’ll provide the tea, snacks, and quiet – not to mention a whole building full of research material and inspiration!

Bug Chicks: Entomology Rules! Tue 3/24 at 2-3pm. Embrace your inner bugdork and learn about the wonderful world of entomology from the Bug Chicks! Get an upclose look at a variety of arthropods with preserved specimens and a live bug zoo. All ages welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult (minimum 1 adult per 5 children).

LEGO Free Play: Wed 3/25 at 3:30-4:30pm. Come explore your creativity with LEGOs every 4th Wed. of the month! Spend the afternoon creating masterpieces out of the legendary colorful building blocks. We’ll provide the LEGOs, you provide imagination! For ages 5-13. All children must be accompanied by an adult (min. 1 adult per 5 children). Family Movie: Thu 3/26 at 2-4pm Grab your popcorn and cozy up for a monthly family movie at the library! Experience Pokémon like never before in this live-action film that showcases a wide array of beloved Pokémon characters, each with its own unique abilities and personality. Rated PG. All ages

Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Looking for Something to Do? Get Out & About! welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult (minimum 1 adult per 5 children).

Monthly Matinée: Fri 3/27 at 2-4pm Join us every fourth Friday of the month for an early afternoon matinée movie selected by our library staff! In March’s heist comedy movie, partners-in-crime Debbie Ocean and Lou Miller put together a team of specialists to pull off an ambitious feat: stealing $150 million worth of diamonds in plain sight, right in the middle of the Met Gala. Rated PG-13.

Cedar Mill & Bethany Community Libraries

Adults: Cedar Mill Library Writers’ Mill Sunday March 15 | 1-3pm | Ages 18+. You are invited to join the Owl Book Group for a great book discussion held monthly in the library’s 2nd floor Lewis Community Room. Unless otherwise noted, the group meets on the last Friday of each month. Newcomers are always welcome! In March, the Owls will discuss Warlight by Michael Ondaatje. For a complete list of titles, past and present, go to http://library.cedarmill. org/services/book-clubs/ Owl Book Group Friday March 27 | 10:30am-12pm | Ages 18+. Share your thoughts on The Mother Tongue, by Bill Bryson. Newcomers Welcome. CML Lewis Room

Voices in Verse Saturday March 28 |10:30am-12pm | Ages 18+. Bring along a cup of coffee and share your own poetry or listen to others read their favorites. The group meets on the fourth Saturday morning of each month in the library’s upstairs meeting room. Newcomers welcome! • Cedar Mill Library (12505 NW Cornell Rd, (503) 644-0043) • Bethany Library (15325 NW Central Drive, Suite J-8, (503) 617-7323) • Bethany Library Annex (4888 NW Bethany Blvd, Suite K-2, Portland, (503) 617-7323)

Kids: Cedar Mill Library Family Board Game Day Monday March 23 | All Day | Children’s Area | Ages 5+ , Come play your favorite board games and discover new ones with your family or friends.

Lego Free Play Tues 3/24, 10:30am-12pm | Ages 5+. A drop-in program with a STEAM challenge for kids ages 5+ who enjoy building with Legos. March: Build the tallest free standing structure! April: Build a structure that can withstand a “drop test”. Smart Play: Outdoor Fun Wednesday March 25 | 10:30am-12pm | Ages 3-5. Pretend to go camping, relax in a tent, and cook over a pretend fire.

THPRD Nature Mobile Thursday March 26 | 10:30am-12pm | Ages 5+. Spring has Sprung! The Nature Mobile brings the environment to the library! Each month will feature exciting new ways for your child to explore nature! Ages 5 and up. Teens: Cedar Mill Library

Super Smash Bros Tourney for Teens Saturday March 14 | 2-4pm | Ages 11-18. Compete against your friends to see who has the best Smash bros skills with the Switch version of the game. Multiple consoles with other games will be set up as well.

Wednesday Hangouts: Anime Club Wed. March 4 | 4-5:30pm | Ages 11-18. Curious about anime? Already a huge fan? Want to learn more about Japanese culture and entertainment? Join us on 1st Wednesdays to watch anime, play games, make crafts, and learn all about this popular genre.

Kids: Bethany Annex World Language Play Group Thursday March 19 |10-11am | Ages 6-24 Months. Join us for fun agility activities and a simple obstacle course designed for kids 6 -24 months and their grownups.

Book Bingo Monday March 23 | 10:30-11:30am | Ages 6-10. Will one of your favorite chapter book covers be a square in book BINGO? Join the fun to find out! Prizes will be awarded. Tuesday Morning Mix Up Tuesday March 24 |10:30-11:3 | Ages 3+. Join us Tuesday morning for a surprise activity! We will mix up reading, talking and play activities!

Kids Movie Event Friday March 27 | 3-5pm | Ages 6+. Bring a blanket to sit on and your favorite pillow to watch this PG movie with undercover agents in disguise.

Home Depot Workshop Tuesday March 24 | 2-4 pm | Ages 6-10. Join us for a fun afternoon of building with the Home Depot kids workshop crew. Kids will take home their creation. For ages 6 -10 and their grownups.

STEM Elementary Program Wed. March 25 | 2-3pm | Grades 3-5. Explore core concepts in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) with our fun, hands-on activities. Bring your curiosity and willingness to experiment! March 25: Play-Doh Engineering: Little engineers can get started designing simple structures using only playdoh, straws, and sticks. Build a house, a tower, a bridge, or whatever else you can imagine.

Teens: Bethany Annex STEM Time: Building Lego Boats Saturday March 7 | 2-3pm | Ages 11-18. Can you build a boat out of Legos that will float AND hold the most pennies? Join our challenge and win a prize!

International Taste Test Fest Friday March 27 | 12-1pm | Ages 11-18. Try foods from different

cultures and see what you like best! Registration is required and will begin on Sunday, 3/1 at

Adults: Bethany Annex Container Gardening Sunday March 1 | 2-3pm | Ages 18+. Spring is finally here and with our occasional sun breaks and milder temperatures we are ready to think about this season’s gardening. Even the smallest patio or porch can boast a crop of vegetables or a garden of flowers in containers. Container gardeners are limited only by their imagination! An OSU Extension Master Gardener will share tips and techniques for planning and planting your container gardens. They will cover some basics, dispel some myths and inspire you with container gardening ideas. Toddler Talk with Megan Barella Tuesday March 31 | 6:30-8pm | Ages 18+. Understand your toddler’s world. Transform tantrums, hitting, biting, and screaming. Let’s make raising a toddler more fun and enjoyable and raise toddlers who thrive.

Garden Home Community Library

Film Night: Where’d You Go, Bernadette (PG-13) Friday, March 20, 6-8 pm. Bernadette Fox is a notorious woman who has become so increasingly agoraphobic over time that she never leaves the house. When her daughter Bee requests a family trip to Antarctica as her reward for a stellar report card, hijinks ensue. Film night attendees are welcome to bring their own takeout or snacks. The library will provide light refreshments (popcorn, candy, and coffee).

Ukulele Party with Aaron Canwell Saturday, March 21, 11 am -12 pm. Garden Home Library’s Ukulele Parties are open to all ages/abilities and excellent for beginners. Just bring yourself; we’ll provide 30 ukuleles. With Aaron Canwell of Portland kindie (kid+indie) band “Micah and Me!”

Adult at GHCL Annex Nerd Night: Trivia for Adults Tuesday, March 3, 6:308:30 pm. On the first Tuesday of every month, come test your knowledge solo or in a team (recommended!). Five varying sets of trivia, including current events and music. Prizes for most and least points at the end of the night.

Crafternoon Tea Wed., March 4, 2-4 pm. Bring your own handcraft project (knitting, crochet, needlepoint, macramé, stamping, cardmaking, or other…) to work on, and enjoy the company of fellow craft enthusiasts! All levels are welcome. Tea is provided.

Located at 7475 SW Oleson Rd. All library events are free and open to anyone. No library card required. GHCL Annex is located at (7306 SW Oleson Rd across the street from the library. 503-245-9932.

Program at Garden Home Main Library Read to a Dog, Thursday, March 19, 4 – 6:15 pm. We have six 20-minute slots for a child to read with a certified therapy dog! Please call the library to sign up for a reading session with either Abbot or Kody and their wonderful humans, Pam and Bonnie. Winter Storytime Schedule, Book Babies on Tuesdays at 10:30 am: Family Story Time on Wed.s at 6 pm; Drop-in Crafts or STEAM Activities for Little Learners on Saturdays 10 am – 12 pm

All Ages at GHCL Annex Board Game Afternoon: Roll for the Galaxy, Sunday, March 15, 11 am -3 pm. Reserve your space to play Roll for the Galaxy, a dice game of building space empires for 2–5 players. Your dice represent your populace, whom you direct to develop new technologies, settle worlds, and ship goods. The player who best manages his workers and builds the most prosperous empire wins! Open to ages 13 and older. Call 503-245-9932 or come in to the library to reserve your space.

Tuesday Night Nourishment book group March 10, Two time options: 12:30-2 pm -OR- 7-8:30 pm. Selection: Don’t Let’s Go to the Dogs Tonight: an African childhood by Alexandra Fuller. Synopsis: Alexandra Fuller tells the idiosyncratic story of her life growing up white in rural Rhodesia as it was becoming Zimbabwe. The daughter of hardworking, yet strikingly unconventional English-bred immigrants, Alexandra arrives in Africa at the tender age of two. She moves through life with a hardy resilience, even as a bloody war approaches.

Board Game Night Wed., March 11, 6-9 pm. Come play board games. New selection provided each month. Participants are also invited to bring their own games to share.

Crafternoon Tea Wed., March 18, 2-4 pm. Bring your own handcraft project (knitting, crochet, needlepoint, macramé, stamping, cardmaking, or other…) to work on, and enjoy the company of fellow craft enthusiasts! All levels are welcome. Tea is provided. Garden Gnomes du plume – a Writer’s Group Tuesday, March 24, 6:30-8:30 pm. Our small group (limited to 15 people), meets monthly on the 4th Tuesday of each month (except December). Topic changes monthly; group is led by group members. Monthly writer’s prompt and agenda is sent 7 days before the meeting. If you are interested in attending or learning more, please register in person or by phone (503-245-9932).

Tweens & Teens at Annex Teen Book Group & Pizza (ages 12 and up) Thursday, March 12, 5:30-7pm. GROUP FULL! Please contact the library to be added to a wait list for this book group. Thank you. Feel free to contact Katrina with any questions or concerns.

Special family events: Family Movie Day: Frozen II Saturday, March 7, noon - 3pm. Come watch the newly released Frozen II. Elsa the Snow Queen has an extraordinary gift -- the power to create ice and snow. But no matter how happy she is to be surrounded by the people of Arendelle, Elsa finds herself strangely unsettled. After hearing a mysterious voice call out to her, Elsa travels to the enchanted forests and dark seas beyond her kingdom -- an adventure that soon turns into a journey of self-discovery.

Family Karaoke Friday, March 13, 6-7:30 pm. Rock out with us to songs the whole family can enjoy! There will be snacks, lights, and popular songs including oldies, Disney favorites, and top-40 hits to sing together.

Lego Creativity Club Saturday, March 28, 1-3pm. . This is our regular visit from Master Builder Blair Archer. All children (who don’t eat LEGOs) are invited to come and play and build this weekend instead! Let’s build something fun together!

Support Excellence in our City Library, Consider joining the Foundation board! Do you enjoy collaborating with like-minded folks? Would you be interested in helping raise funds for library remodeling plans and other large projects? Joining the Beaverton Library Foundation Board might be for you! The Board meets once a month and is looking to infuse the group with fresh energy, new points of view, and out-of-thebox ideas. Contact me for more details if you are interested in exploring this opportunity!

Glenn Ferdman

Library Director (503) 526-3705 Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 29

What’s Happening Around Beaverton This Month? Out & About: Village Gallery of Arts

Educational art gallery With classes for both adults & kids OUT & ABOUT Vanaja Mulagada

enjoy. Each lesson will explore both art concepts and techniques. Activities may include drawing, painting, sculpture, mixed media. Subject matter will include people, faces, landscapes, plants and animals, and exploring subject matter in imaginative ways.

ADULT CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS Drop-In Open Studio -- with Virginia Sumner, organizer. *NEW* Two, All-day Sessions. Dates: February 16, AND/OR March 15; Time: 11am 4pm .All ages and abilities.

Second Sunday Artist Reception: March 8, 2 - 4pm. Come meet the artists and enjoy refreshments while browsing the new show! • Featured 2-D Artist: Vanaja Mulagada: Watercolor and acrylic artist. • Featured 3-D Artist: Virginia Sumner: Book arts including handbound journals, bookbinding kits, altered books and books written and illustrated by Virginia.

Virginia Sumner

Media Focus Wall: For the month of March this wall highlights photography and digital art.


“Come Art With Me!” is a drop-in, open studio for all ages and abilities. Bring your project and experience the motivation, inspiration and encouragement that creating in a shared workspace provides. What, you don’t have a project but want to join the fun?

This class will be a general themed painting class, so students can bring in any subject matter they choose. Brooke will demonstrate in the first hour, leaving time for students to integrate techniques into their own work.

Intro to Watercolor -- with Debbie Teeter. *New* 4-week course. Dates: Tuesdays: March 3, 10, 17, 24; Time: 2 - 5pm. Beginner level Debbie Teeter

with Mary Lehner. Improve Your Watercolor Painting Techniques. Two separate, 5-week courses. Dates: Mondays: March 16, 23, 30, April 6, 13; OR April 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18; Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm. Intermediate to Advanced Level Watercolor. Mary Lehner

Ramona Quimby Are you ready to take your painting skills to the next level and bring passion to your watercolors? Join Mary Lehner to explore fresh ways to invigorate your style. We will be painting from Still Life imagery this 5-week session. Mary will demonstrate and discuss the journey from static to lively interpretations in watercolor. This class is not so much about technique as it is about letting the watercolor medium work to your advantage by slowly learning to “go with the flow.”

THE STORY: Unpredictable.

Exasperating. Boisterous and independent. That’s Ramona Quimby for you. The problems facing the Quimbys, a middle-class Oregon family, are problems common to most families, and the family’s togetherness in tackling

the sacrifices and adjustments required when the father is unexpectedly fired from his job is a clear statement of traditional family struggles. Along with the discovery that life is not always fair, eventually Ramona and Beezus come to realize wthat sisters may not always agree, but they can be good to have around.

Sumner -- * NEW * 1-day Workshop. Date: Saturday: March 21; Time: 10am - 3pm. Beginner to Intermediate Level. Please bring your lunch to maximize workshop classroom time.

Creative Reuse Art Class

Come join an exciting class learning a variety of art forms. I will be developing your child’s art ability and providing them an opportunity to build their skills and explore different media and approaches so they can find out what they will

Freshen Up & Loosen Up!

Introduction to Abstract Acrylic Workshop with Virginia

& Terri Rottman. Ages 7 - 11. 4-week course. Dates: Thursdays: February 6,13, 20, 27. Time: 3:45 - 4:45pm.

Children’s Art Classes -- with Debbie Teeter. Ages 7 - 11 years old -- one 3-week course, OR one 4-week course. Dates: Thursdays: March 5, 12, 19; OR: April 2, 9, 16, 23

discover the possibilities of the plant kingdom in watercolor. Each class begins with a critique and hands-on lesson which applies to the day’s concept or technique.

Painting with Brooke with Brooke Walker-Knoblich. Two, 2-week courses. Dates: Tuesdays: February 18 & 25; OR: March 24 & 31; Time: 10am - 1pm. Appropriate for any medium; Students of all skill levels welcome. Please bring all your painting supplies and a table easel.

Children’s Creative Reuse Art Class -- with Teresa Misley

Children explore their creative potential in a fun, playful and safe environment to learn various art techniques and create fun craft projects, which will be taken home to share with family and loved ones. The class will focus on the process rather than the product.

Mary Burgess

Have you always wanted to try watercolor? Or have you tried watercolor but found it somewhat daunting? Whether you have painted before or not, this class will guide you through the basics of working with watercolor and also give you some options for creative approaches with it. Lessons will cover the unique properties of this medium, composition, color, and a few “bells and whistles.” We will explore varied subject matter, and also how other artists have explored this medium.

The focus here is on getting paint down and tapping into our authentic, expressive, inner self. No worries, we will be keeping it lighthearted and all about fun in this fast-paced workshop. Learn the basics of creating and critiquing abstract art.

Close Encounters With Juicy Fruit with Mary Burgess -- (in Watercolor) *NEW* 6-week course, Mornings or Evenings. Dates: Wednesdays: March 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8, 15 Times: 9:30am - 12:30pm; OR 6:00pm - 9:00pm. Some watercolor experience is helpful. This six week class will focus on fruiting elements of the landscape. Whether is is juicy berries, pine cones, rose hips or the like, we will zoom in to

30 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

For more details on each listing, please see our website, or call 503-644-8001) Village Gallery is a non-profit educational art gallery located at 12505 NW Cornell Road, Portland, next to the Cedar Mill Library. Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!

Looking for Something to Do? Get Out & About! | The Beaverton Community Band is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

Artwork by @anthonykuenzi |

Don’t Dress For Dinner THE STORY: Bernard is


MARCH 7, 2020

10AM - 6PM

Rex Putnam High School, Milwaukie, OR

Open AND Clinic performances on the Main-stage


Participating Ensembles

Small Ensembles in the Public spaces

Rex Putnam High School, Jeff Wilson, Band Director

Clackamas Community Band, Clackamas, OR

Raffle to benefit Putnam High School Music

Beaverton Community Band, Martin Sobelman, Conductor

Second Winds Community Band, McMinnville, OR

Wally's Music, Oregon City

Beaverton Community Band, Beaverton, OR

Free K-12 Students

Michael Burch-Peses, DMA

Vancouver Community Band, Vancouver, WA

$5 Adults

Beacock's Music, Vancouver WA

Rose City Wind Symphony, Portland, OR

Food available

Canby Music

Portland Metro Concert Band, Portland, OR Rex Putnam High School Wind Ensemble, Milwaukie, OR

This year, the Northwest Band Festival will be on Saturday March 7, at Rex Putnam High School. We will again partner with the music students of the ensembles there and their Band Director, Mr Jeff Wilson. We will be open to non-string ensembles of all types —brass, ww, percussion, windband, specialty groups. For more information, visit

planning a romantic weekend with his chic Parisian mistress in his charming converted French farmhouse, whilst his wife, Jacqueline, is away. He has arranged for a cordon bleu cook to prepare gourmet delights, and has invited his best friend, Robert, along too to provide the alibi. It’s foolproof; what could possibly go wrong? Well.... suppose Robert turns up not realizing quite why he has been invited. Suppose Robert and Jacqueline are secret lovers, and consequently determined that Jacqueline will NOT leave for the weekend. Suppose the cook has to pretend to be the mistress and the mistress is unable to cook. Suppose everyone’s alibi gets confused with everyone else’s. An evening of hilarious confusion ensues as Bernard and Robert improvise at breakneck speed.



Ain’t Misbehavin’ THE STORY: Ain’t Misbehavin’ evokes the delightful humor and infectious energy of the American legend, Thomas “Fats” Waller, as a versatile cast struts, strums, and sings the songs that he made famous during the Golden Age of the Cotton Club and that jumpin’ new beat, swing music. Featuring over 30 Waller favorites including ‘Honeysuckle Rose,’ ‘Black and Blue,’ ‘This Joint Is Jumpin,’ and ‘I Can’t Give You Anything But Love.’

cal Show

The Fats Waller Musi

Featuring over 30 Waller favorites including ‘Honeysuckle Rose,’ ‘This Joint Is Jumpin,’ and ‘I Can’t Give You Anything But Love.’

MARCH 26 - APRIL 26 TICKETS 503.620.5262 •


Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 31

“The Beaverton Resource Guide is a vibrant snapshot of the Beaverton Community.� Marie Prins, Washington County Visitors Association

Super Student Corner: Kumon

Word Puzzle Contest!

Meet Amber, a 7-year-old super student! Thanks to the Kumon program

We Make Your Smart Kids

STUDENT CORNER PEHU 9 LV D \HDUV ROG ¿UVW JUDGHU 7KLV VXSHU student is working at a secondgrade level in both math and reading. She is a busy kid who sings, dances, acts with the -RXUQH\ 7KHDWHU *URXS 6KH LV also active in the local Filipino community’s youth group. Recently she competed at the 9RFDO6WDU LQWHUQDWLRQDO VLQJLQJ and talent event in Hollywood where she received the highest award in her division: Star of the Year. Kumon has helped Amber to stay focused on both academic and extracurricular activities. It has taught her how to be effecWLYH DW ¿QLVKLQJ WDVNV DW KDQG and that success is the result of diligence and hard work. Her parents consider Kumon a major component of Amber’s focus on academics, which

Win A $25 Gift CertiďŹ cate to Black Bear Diner!

Even Smarter


Email and let us know which words you found (minimum of 1 correct word). Also include: (1) where you picked up the paper and (2) what your favorite story was. The random drawing is on the 25th of each month so please email us before then. (Find last month’s answers on page 2)

Can you ďŹ nd 20



DV VKH JURZV 7KHVH VNLOOV EHWWHU equip Amber as a leader and build a solid foundation at an early age that will guide her on the path to success.

combined with artistic pursuits will help Amber develop a sense RI JULW FRQÂżGHQFH DQ DWWLWXGH of persistence and ability to solve problems independently

32 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 10 - Issue 3 (March 2020)

Welcome to Kumon, the world’s largest after-school math and reading program. The Kumon Method has helped millions of children achieve more than they ever thought they could. We believe it can help your child, too. At Kumon, your child will build skills that lead to success inside and outside the classroom while gaining a sense of conďŹ dence that will help them in the classroom and beyond. To schedule a free placement test please call 503-639-7219.

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