BRG May 2017

Page 1

FREE Monthly, Take One Home!

Volume 7 | Issue 5 | May 2017

Shop Local - Give Local - Stay Local... t %P ZPV IBWF B IPOFZ EP MJTU If you need help getting started, see page 15! t 8IBU T B -POH 5FSN $BSF 0NCVETNFO I didn’t know but do now. See page 16! t ,JET BOE BOYJFUZ JT OPU B HPPE NJY Read how one 9th grader copes on page 22! t *T UIF 'BSNFST .BSLFU B CJU PWFSXIFMNJOH Check out our vendor guide on pages 26-28! t /&8 4IPSU mDUJPO TQPPLZ BOE GVO (PU B TQBSF NJOVUFT 4FF QBHF

This is how we build a better Beaverton!


W Welcome! (City Message & Cartoon) ................................................................2 Shop Sh Beaverton (Local Businesses) ........................................................ 3-13 Our Town (Community News) .................................................................. 12-22 Out & About (What’s Happening This Month in Beaverton?) ............................. 23-32 City Information 2 Traffic Q&A 21 Cartoon 2 Teen Talk 22 Local Maps 4-5 Beaverton Art Scene 23 Business Directory 5-13 Local Happy Hour Guide 23 Beaverton Bulletin Board 6-13 Senior Village Events 24 Free Announcements 13 County Event Calendar 24 Zoo News is Good News 15 Cat Adoption 25 Beaverton Wild & Green 14-15 Beaverton Farmers Market 26-28 Park & Recreation (THPRD) 16 Library Programs 28-29 Senior News 16-19 Theatre & Movies 29-31 Beaverton Car Guy 19 Literary Corner 32 Public Safety (Police/Fire) 20-21 Win $25! Enter our Contest 32

#&"7&350/ 03&(0/ 64" 'JSTU 4FUUMFE 1847 (by Augustus Fanno) :FBS *ODPSQPSBUFE 1893 -PDBUJPO 7 miles west of Portland, OR $JUZ TJ[F 18.7 square miles (2014)


:FBSMZ 3BJO 4OPX 39in/2in per year

64&'6- /6.#&34

1PQVMBUJPO 91,205 (2014) .FEJBO GBNJMZ JODPNF $56k (2013) 6OFNQMPZNFOU 5.6% (2014) 4BMFT 5BY 0.0% *ODPNF 5BY 9.0% ;JQ $PEFT 97005-08, 97075, 97078, 97003 "SFB $PEFT (503), (971)

Beaverton Recycling ........................................ 503-526-2665 Beaverton School District ................................503-591-8000 Chamber of Commerce ................................... 503-644-0123 City Hall ............................................................ 503-526-2222 City of Beaverton (Water) ................................ 503-526-2257 Hazardous Waste Disposal (Metro) ................ 503-797-1700 Oregon DMV .................................................... 503-299-9999 Oregon Ecycle .................................................. 888-532-9253 NW Natural (Gas)............................................. 503-226-4211 PGE (Electricity) ...............................................800-743-5000 Police (Non-Emergency) ................................. 503-526-2260 Waste Management (Trash) ............................ 800-808-5901

Contact Publisher: Cory Burden Editor: Michael Wong Advertising: Michael Wong Graphic Design: Sarah Jones

Rose Festival Half Marathon By Chief Jim Monger

.BZPS Denny Doyle $PVODJM Catherine Arnold, Betty Bode, Lacey Beaty, Marc San Soucie, Mark Fagin

&MFWBUJPO 189 feet above sea level PG %BZT XJUI 3BJO :FBS 152 days

Message from the Chief

.":03 $*5: $06/$*-

5VFTEBZT QN City Council meetings are held in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers in City Hall and open to the public. 503-526-2222 or visit:

$PPSEJOBUFT 45.48Âş N / 122.81Âş W

Last Month’s Cover Art

Questions or comments? Email us: 4655 SW Watson Ave. Beaverton, OR 97005 503.641.3320

Webmaster: Troy Brisbin Cartoonist: Ralph Scheeler

“The Beaverton Resource Guide is a vibrant snapshot of the Beaverton Community.� Marie Prins, Washington County Visitors Association


n Sunday, May 28, the Rose Festival Half Marathon is coming to Beaverton! The race is charting new territory with its route throughout Beaverton featuring a unique mix of modern urban landscaping and ancient natural areas. This fast, scenic course begins at Southridge High School, then travels through the Greenway neighborhood and up Hall Boulevard toward the south edge of Old Town Beaverton. Then, runners will make their way to the Fanno &UHHN *UHHQZD\ 7UDLO DQG ÂżQDOO\

back to Southridge High School. 7KLV LV WKH ÂżUVW WLPH DQ HYHQW like this has been in Beaverton and it will take a lot of coordination of the runners, residents, and police to make sure the event is safe, runs smoothly and goes as planned. The Beaverton Police Department has been working for six months WR GHYHORS WKH WUDIÂżF DQG VDIHW\ plans for this large event. Lieutenant Paul Wandell says, “We are excited to be partnering with the Portland Rose Festival for this inaugural half-marathon in Beaverton. Between good community support, patience from motorists DQG WKH WUDIÂżF VDIHW\ HIIRUWV RI RXU RIÂżFHUV WKLV ZLOO EH D PHPRUDEOH event.â€? The event and road closures will be from 7:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. For more details on the marathon and a map of the route, please visit http://www.

Writers Chief Jim Monger BRG Staff City Staff County Staff Anna Harris Fox 12 Staff Oregon Zoo Staff Celia Lambert, PhD Larry Ferguson Bob Strong Dirkse CC Staff TVF&R Staff

Emery Hanel Spencer Rubin Bob Wayt Rhonda Kay Leonard Wendy Gorden BCOA Staff Lt. Fletchall, BPD Maddy Chavez Kaitlin Jenson Kimberly Armstrong Marc Paul Mary Elizabeth Summer

#3( )JTUPSZ The Beaverton Resource Guide (BRG) is a free monthly community paper written, edited and published in Beaverton, by Beaverton residents and for the businesses and people of Beaverton, Oregon, USA. Cedar House Media published the ďŹ rst edition in April of 2011 featuring local businesses, community news, and the Farmers Market. That ďŹ rst issue was 16 pages. Today, the paper is 32 pages and sponsored by a diverse cross section of public and private community organizations.

#3( (PBMT Beaverton has so many positive attributes and many go unnoticed. The BRG is our way of giving back to the community by highlighting what makes our city a great place to live, work and shop. With a focus on small, local businesses, we’d like to encourage our neighbors to ďŹ rst patron nearby businesses and give them a chance before looking at stores outside our community. #3( "EWFSUJTJOH With our unique layout, colorful design and exclusive community content, our readers are beyond loyal as reected by our 80%+ readership rate each month since early 2013. Not only do they want to know what’s happening in Beaverton each month, but they also agree with our philosophy staying local. As a business in the Beaverton area, your ad will be seen by those who are most willing to go out of their way to keep their dollars close to home. These shoppers, your potential new customers, also happen to be our best readers! In addition, we don’t print large quantities and mail them out to uninterested parties. Our papers are located in convenient and high trafďŹ c locations ready to be picked up by those who shop local. With low rates, targeted distribution and a willingness to provide more value than what you pay for, you’ll ďŹ nd that we’re just as interested in introducing your business to the community as you are!

%JTDMBJNFS The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and do not necessarily reect the position of Cedar House Media and/or the Beaverton Resource Guide. 2 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

“It might be psychological but since I put these Flames on my cart, I race right through shopping!“

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Shop Beaverton | L oc al B us ines s Direc tory Business Spotlight

We Welcome You to Turtles Yoga & Wellness By Kimberly Armstrong


ome and explore over 18 modalities of yoga under one shell. Our best compliment is having you enjoy your experience here at Turtles. You are surrounded by good company, great people and amazing instructors. We invite you to take a tour of the 4 beautiful studios, heated salt pool, and HQYLURQPHQW 'H¿QLWHO\ VLJQ XS IRU \RXU ¿UVW FODVV :H VXJJHVW WKH new student special is a great way to introduce yourself to the studio and your practice. Turtles was created with you in mind! Turtles is you! Every person is a turtle: We only have one shell, one life, one breath, one beat, and one experience at a time. We must remember to be in balance with our internal selves and ¿QG KDUPRQ\ LQ WKH EHDXW\ DURXQG us externally by “Escaping to the things you love” and honoring life. As a Turtle we must keep in balance by catering to the essential needs of our being, mind, body and our essence.

We live such busy lives and here at Turtles Yoga & Wellness, we ask you to slow down and detach from the technology, gizmos and gadgets of the world and disconnect in order to connect to your inner core, your breath, all the elements and the signature water print you have within. We love to see you here, our instructors look forward to helping you in your yoga practice and if you do not have a yoga practice, come in and let’s take this slow and steady, like the Turtle. We look forward to having you explore this one-of-a-kind space and are excited to be part of your Turtles Story!

For More information, visit us! 4925 SW Griffith Drive, Beaverton, OR, 503-574-4711 See ad below w

Inside Shell: Insideour our Shell Private Studios (earth, air, water, fire) t Four &TDBQF UP UIF UIJOHT ZPV MPWF

t t

Meditation Cave

Pilates - Reformer Studio t Pure .PWF SFMFBTF TUSFTT





Jr. Olympic Pool & 11 ppl Jacuzzi


t t

500 gal salt water fish tank by the show - Tanked


sq ft Event Space for private venues, teacher trainings and Fun!

t t

& Her Lockers, Showers, Saunas t His #BSSF 4UVEJP Native American Drum Workshops and much more


Instructors & Concierge Service t Incredible "ZVSWFEJD :PHB 5SBJOJOH

t t



40,000 sq ft building with Private entry and plenty of parking


Enjoy the Simple Life

$50 OFF

503.574.4711 2016 IS ALL ABOUT




The philosophy we share with you is a place to explore, create, trust and escape to the things you love. Turtles Memberships offer access to a world of wellness. Enjoy yoga, aqua yoga and meditation classes.

Receive $50 off your monthly membership (new members only) Come see what’s happening at Turtles!

4925 SW Griffith Drive, Beaverton, OR 97005 |

Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 3

Shop Beaverton | L oc al B us i nes s Direc tory "





Bricks & MiniFigs

Map #1: Downtown & Old Town Beaverton

Kuni Collision Center

Hall Street Center

Excel Financial



122th Ave

114th Ave

Meridian Medical Massage

Beaver Creek Village Shopping Center

Arts & Communication Magnet Academy (ACMA)

Center St

117th Ave

Carey Custom Floors


123th Ave


Historic Downtown District

Lombard Ave


McDonalds Starbucks

124th Ave

New Seasons

125th Ave

Taco Bell

Hometown Buffet

Beaverton Signs

Jo Ann’s

Asian Food Center

T.J. Maxx

Budget Hotel


City Hall WCVA

Millikan Way

Alexia’s Window Tinting am Rd

Valley Hwy



Gloria’s Secret Cafe Art on Broadway Quilter’s Corner Store

Olive Garden

Beaverton Pharmacy

Emerald City Smoothies Trader Joe’s

Dairy Queen

4th St

Main St

3rd St

Living Wisdom School

7th St

Village Home School

Book Corner

Cady Ln


9th S

Hall Blv


Tucker Ave


t 8th S

Sun Connection Travel & Cruises

A Hall Street Center Beaverton Law Group PaciďŹ c Medical Group

6th St


Village Gallery

NW Heights Dental

Ce da rH ill sB lv d

< 0 -1

d sR rne Ba

0 >




17 F

Map #4: Cedar Mill (North Beaverton)

4 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)


Unitus -


Market of Choice


SW Davies Rd


ve u ha n o y Do si sines n? u b a erto Beav

Murray-Scholls Library



Banner Bank


Rd ry Fer s l l o Sch

Village at Scholls Ferry


Progress Ridge Kumon


Casa Lola







NW Mill Creek Dr

Kaiser Permanente

Murray Scholls Family Dental

11 8t h


NW 129th Ave

NW Dale Ave

Ava Roasteria

to 2


Lo st Sp rin gs Te rra ce



United Homecare Services

Cafe Murrayhill

24 Hour Fitness

Murray Scholls Townsquare

Dairy Queen

es rn Ba

NW Mur ray Blv d

SW Teal Bl vd

US Bank Bank of America



OnPoint Credit Union

Rd nell Cor NW


Taco Bell NW Joy Ave

NW Scie nce Park Dr

" Gas

Thriftway Key Bank

Nature’s Pet

Murrayhill Marketplace

SW Horizon Blvd


SW Osprey Dr

Cedar Mill Library

Turtles Yoga & Wellness Beaverton Family Chiropractic

Ba rro ws

NW Dogwood St

Map #2: SW Beaverton (Murray & Scholls)

Av e



SW Murray Blvd



New Seasons Ava Roasteria

Catwalk Salon

SW Walnut St

n Rd NW Saltzma

NW Filbert St



Elsie Stuhr Center

NW 123rd Ave


10 Qdoba

7th St

8th St

9th St 10th St


Beaverton Lodge

Creekside Village



5th St

7th St Hazel St

Beaverton Police Department

n St

BiZee Bird Store

Washing to

Watson Ave

Angel S


6th St

Columbia Medical Alarm

Victor E Landscape

B First & Hall Beaverton Hist. Soc. Birthing Stone Swim Shop Craft Store City Library

City Park & Fountain

5th St

6th St

Noodles Heitzman & Company Body & Paint




Einstein Bros Bagels


PaciďŹ c Post OfďŹ ce Continental

Farmers Market

Fred Meyer Shopping Center

Bvtn Hillsdale Hwy


Holistic Health Cedar House Center B Media Mill e Moto Acupuncture Ava Roasteria Beaverton Florists

2nd St

Swim Center

Decarli MVP Dance

Betts Ave

Stott Ave

Erickson Ave

2nd St

Watson Hall Bar



1st St

TVR&R Station 67

Franklin Ave


Beaverton Town Square

Buffalo Wild Wings

Tulen Starkstreet Center Lawn & Garden

Lombard Ave

Beaverton High School



Tucker Ave

Farmington Rd

on any

Panda Express

Motel 6



La Hacienda Real Mexican Restaurant



Canyon Square


Big 5

Haven Spa, Pool, Hearth

Curiosities Boriken Restaurant

Tom’s Pancake House


24 Hour Fitness

Light Benders


Brickyard Tavern


Home Goods

GrifďŹ th

Comfort Inn Black Bear Diner

The Round

Canyon Auto Repair

Police Resource Center

Canyon Place Shopping Center

SW W atson

Guaranteed Pest Control

nt Ave Chamber of sce Commerce Cre

Rose Biggi Ave

Cedar Hills Blvd

Hocken Ave

Beaverton Education Foundation

Mathnasium Haagens


Haagen’s Shopping Center

Get y directo our ry list ing for on ly $10 per month

Big Al’s

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beavert Beaverton. ton

Potions Salon

ke r



Map #3: Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy & Canyon Rd

Key: C=Canyon | BH=Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy


SW 87th Ave

Map sponsored by:

US Bank

China Delight

SW 78th Ave

Faces by Vivian


Carl’s Jr.

McCormick & Schmits

SW 103rd Ave


Wally & Son Automotive



Shiloh Inn

SW 107th Ave

SW 91st Ave

Budget SW Canyon Rd

SW 109th Ave







V en

West Slope Post Office

Continental Cleaners

SW 110th Ave

B W al

Jade River Healing Arts Center

SW Dogwood Ln


SW 96th Ave


SW 103rd Ave


SW 108th Ave

SW 110th Ave

Shop Beaverton | L oc al B us ines s Direc tory

Safeway Shopping Center

SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy

Business Directory

New Seasons



lls ho Sc

rry Fe


Raleigh Hills Assisted Living SW Oleson Rd

SuperPlay Valley Cinima

SW Apple Way

Cartridge Network


Fred Meyer Shopping Center

SW Dogwood Ln

Signature Shoes

Sisters N Style

Jesuit High School

SW Laurelwood Ave


Sambi Restaurant


SW 99th Ave

Arctic Circle Businesses t Omega Gymnastics SW 5th St t Haiyan Int’l Dance Academy

Valley Plaza

Jack in the Box

Michael’s Arts & Crafts


SW Jamieson Ave

See Downtown Map


SW Western Ave

Kaiser Permanente

Alexia’s Window Tinting

Auto Care

(Listings start at only $10/month! Call 503-641-3320 for more info)

Arts & Culture Acrylic Artist Workshop by Seascape Artist Paul Kingsbury Call Today! 541-373-3365

Lana L. Nelson Oil Painting

European Classical Music

See my work & lana-lnelson/ (in Facebook too!) Call me at 503 830-7894

Appreciation. Tuesdays 10am noon. Just sit back and enjoy! Last Class 6/27, No class 4/4

Banking & Finance Specializing in auto body paint, repairs and maintenance. Beaverton: (503) 646-2573 Tigard: (503) 597-5000 MAP2E

All local artists, All original art! Free monthly reception! See story in Just For Fun section 503-601-3300 MAP1C3

Gifts & Gallery Service and Repair, Guaranteed auto service for over 45 years. 9650 SW Canyon Rd. 503-292-1626 MAP3C

Learn to Paint & Draw Sustaining High Quality Art within the community. Providing culturally enriching activities, programs and services.

Broadway Rose Theatre 503-620-5262


97229 Bethany / Cedar Mill

Classes and Workshops 12505 NW Cornell Rd (next to the Cedar Mill library) All levels and all ages welcome! Call Terry at 503-707-4554

Beaverton Civic Theatre


Canyon Rd

Karen Bolin, Financial Advisor Edward Jones Investments 503-356-1190

Affordable Arts and Crafts

Business Banking Done Right

Acting & Speech Coaching 26 26

Loan Solutions for You! Title loans, Auto Financing, Personal loans, Debt Consolidation 503-234-7111 MAP1B1

Outstanding artwork & photography, assessories for home & wardrobe. 503-746-7786 MAP1C3 Loved ones, family and pets!

Signs & Banners, clear bra paint protection, safety/security film. 503-671-9615 MAP1B2 503-754-9866 Luxury Services at Affordable Prices. Free estimates. Rental cars available onsite. 503-372-7570 MAP1B1

Solutions to help businesses and nonprofits succeed. Give us a call. 503-350-1205 MAP1C3

TV Hwy


rm Fa





Murray Blvd

on gt

Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy

HART Theatre 503-693-7815

Proudly celebrating 75 years!

217 217


Eco-Biz certified, Family owned 11800 SW Bvtn.-Hillsdale Hwy 503.646.5181 MAP1D3

97223 Garden Home

Personal & business solutions, real estate loans Call a personal banker today. 503-579-1947 MAP2B

Ferguson Auto Brokers “The Car Guy” d

rry R

lls Fe


97223 Tigard Beaverton Zip Codes

Learn About our City’s Past

Do you need Auto Help?

through historic photos, artifacts, exhibits and more! 503-430-0106 MAP1C3

That’s what I do! I Buy, Sell, & Consign Automobiles. 35+ years experience in the auto industry. Call me: 503-930-1493

Banking Consumer and business accounts, loans, mortgages 503-228-7077 MAP2A

Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 5

Shop Beaverton | L oc al B us i nes s Direc tory Beaverton Police Dept. Beaverton Bulletin Board

Body & Beauty

Thank you for supporting our Sponsors! 503-629-0111 MAP1D3 503-591-8000

Travel Layaway *Now Available*

Cedar Hills Crossing 503-643-6563 MAP1B1

Sun Connections

Recycling & Waste Programs

11950 SW 2nd Street | Beaverton | 503-655-4850 | www.sunco nnections.c om

Please WElcome our New advertiser!

The Catwalk Hair Studio * Living Proof * J Beverly Hills * *Moroccanoil* Call Kelly Christiansen at 503-464-6711 MAP3BH

Chamber of Commerce MAP1B2

City Hall Full Service Salon for Men, Women & Kids, Facials, Skin Care Head to Toe Waxing 503-430-0008 MAP2D

Ask Aboutt Our Mug Mu ug Club! C ubb Cl

The Round 503-381-1670


Solar Oregon 503-231-5662 503-645-6433 503-644-0043 503-644-0123



Cedar Mill Library


Call or email us Today!


Beaverton School District

Your Next Vacation Starts Here!

We work with all budgets from weekend getaways to Destination Weddings.

PGE Green Power Program

TVF&R 503-259-1225

Village at Scholls Ferry 503-747-7238 503-526-2222 MAP1B2

Community Gardens (City) 503-526-6433

Community Gardens (THPRD) 503-526-6433

Wash. County Visitors Center 503-644-5555 MAP1B2

Wash. County Sheriff’s Office 503-846-2700

Washington Square Mall Specializing in Craft Beer

Make a Day Extraordinary!

Elements Massage

(503) 64 6-2119 Guarante edP Please call


for an estim

ate (CCB #4 3186). Birds t In sects & Spiders t Roden Protectin ts

A truly Therapeutic Experience. Reduced Stress: A Healthier You! Tanasbourne | 503.828.1311

Your West End Full Service Salon 971-317-0123 MAP3C

g you A local fa r health and prop erty sinc mily own e 1949! ed & ope rated bus iness.

Community Resource (See useful ph# list on page 2)

Visitors Center for Values in ACTION! Elections, Education, Organizing 503-626-7018 866-368-7878

FOX 12 Oregon 503-906-1249

Garden Home Community Library 503-245-9932

KPTV Fox Channel 12 503-259-0185

KUIK AM 1360

Beaverton City Library

To place your business card here, email

Beaverton Composting


503-526-2460 503-640-1360

Oregon Long Term Care Ombudsman Program 1-800-522-2602

t Fri - Sat: 11a - midnight t Sunday Brunch: 10a - 2p t Happy Hour 4p - 6p

6 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

PMI Roundtable 1st Monday Every Month, 7:30am

Acting & Speech Coaching All levels and all ages welcome! Call Terry at 503-707-4554

The Book Corner 503-643-5188 MAP1C4

Customized Learning in a choice-based environment. Small classes, all subjects, K-12. MAP1C4 503-597-9100

italian inspired cuisine...where rustic meets modern

t Tues - Thurs: 11a - 11p

503-616-2416 | 12655 SW 1st Street, Beaverton

Education & Learning

Energy Trust of Oregon

Aloha Community Library (503) 644-2197 MAP1C4

Beaverton and Washington County 503-644-5555 MAP1B2


4545 SW Watson Ave | Beaverton, OR 97005

6620 SW Scholls Ferry Rd | Beaverton | 503-336-4783

Specializing in color, cut & styling for every occassion. We are a Goldwell Alliance Salon. 503-644-0510 MAP1C3


30+ taps, growlers, bottles, kegs & draft kombucha. Come see our large wine bottle selection! 503-639-8860

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Shop Beaverton | L oc al B us ines s Direc tory My Masterpiece M M i Art Studio

Beaverton School District

Open Studio, Parties & Classes 503-453-3700 503-591-8000

Beaverton City Library (503) 644-2197 MAP1C4

Beaverton Bulletin Board Thank you for supporting our Sponsors!

Learn to prosper with life! Let your self esteem blossom. Aweigh Impasse holding classes at 12750 SW 2nd Street, Ste 102 Call (916) 396-9633

K-12 Math Learning Center Free Assessment / Free Trial Week Call, Click or Come in Today! 503-926-6284 MAP2E

Private Piano Lesons

Beaverton Education Foundation 503-643-7453

All ages and levels PhD in Piano, 30yrs experience. 971-246-4824

Health & Wellness Holistic Healthcare For Everyone 971-203-2447 MAP1B4

Happy Hour Special Hot Beef or Turkey Sandwich w/drink, only $6.99! Happy Hours are MonThurs, 2-5pm. Drink includes your choice of coffee, tea or soda. Offer good at TV Hwy location only. Open Daily from 6am-9pm!

Beaverton Coloring Books Color in the fun images as your kids learn about the city. The perfect gift or souvenir! 503-641-3320

Birth & Postpartum Doulas Photo History of Beaverton 127 pages of fascinating images and stories of our city’s heritage. 503-641-3320

Learn to Ballroom Dance! 503-593-8252 MAP1B1

Belly Dance! Beginners Welcome! 503-974-6287

Burgers, Beer, Bottomless Fries (Crazy Hour Specials Mon-Fri 2pm-5pm)

Cooper Mountain Dental 503-848-9889

Holistic Health Clinic 503-646-8575

Support Your Library by donating to the Beaverton Library Foundation online @

**Childbirth Education** Placenta Encapsulation 503-718-7574

*Free Placement Testing*


See student success stories in Kid’s corner on back cover! 503-639-7219 MAP2D

Visit us in The Streets of Tanasbourne (2130 NW Allie Ave #610, Hillsboro)

Clinical Hypnotherapy NLP, Counseling & EFT. What do you want to achieve? 503-985-6650

Come join the learning & fun!

Preschool- Grade 7

Enrolling now for Fall 1/2 days for 3, 4 & 5 year olds 503-690-9867

Education centered in the heart. 4855 SW Watson Ave. Beaverton 503-671-9112 MAP1C4

Senior In-home Care Companion care, doctors appts, medication, hospice and more! 15 yrs exp | Licenced/bonded 971-227-4674

Enjoy Authentic Mexican Food & the Best Margaritas in Town!

503-601-7000 12025 SW Canyon Rd *Beaverton*

20% OFF One coupon per party. Offer good at Beaverton location only. Open Su-Th 11-10 | F-Sa 11-11

Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 7

Shop Beaverton | L oc al B us i nes s Direc tory AWEIGH IMPASSE offering

Beaverton Bulletin Board

ty &

comprehensive consultations in BioďŹ eld & Chakra Modalities at 12750 SW 2nd Street, Ste 102. Call for Appointment: (916) 396-9633 Tetyana Zinchenko, Practitioner


Traditional East Asian Medicine

Thank you y for f supporting pp g our Sponsors! p

Medical Ala rm, Inc.

Personal Safe Health Soluti


Been in an accident? Theraputic Massage for Chronic & acute conditions. Call us today!




Prescription delivery, drive-up window, ďŹ ne giftware, mobility- DME sales/rentals medicare accredited 503-644-2101 MAP1C3

Acupunture & herbs, 503-372-6463 MAP1C3


30 Minute Fitness & Weight Loss 20229 SW T.V. Hwy, Aloha 503-356-5454

David E. Nevills, DMD (503) 649-3232. Accepting New Patients!

Revive Massage Therapy 12570 SW Farmington Rd. Beaverton (3yrs to Adult) 503-746-6585 MAP2A

Primary Care for the whole family Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Nutrition, IV Therapy Dr. Jennifer Means, Dr. Katie Rewick 503-641-6400 MAP1B4

General & Cosmetic Dentistry

Learn to Meditate!

Jazz | Tap | Ballet | Lyrical | Contemporary | Hip Hop | Breaking | Acting Acro | Stretch-n-Strength | Toddler Combination & Specialty Classes

Spanish, Hindi & Punjabi speaking providers available. Mon-Sat Extended Hours 503-644-1171 MAP1C3 Personal health & safety solutions including GPS & medication dispensing. MAP1D4


Meditation for Beginners Classes & Private Instruction 503-741-1344

Family Practice

Local LifeLine Provider 503.646.1463 MAP4E

Family Chiropractic Center

Your Healing Sanctuary

Specializing in children and athletes. Wellness Awaits You! 503-574-4872 503-297-3825 MAP3BH

Housing & Home Maintenance For a sampling of local house prices, see page 20.

Call Today! (503)747-3388


503-372-7570 503.372.7563

Specializing in Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Myofascial therapy & Counseling. MAP2D

Dr. Dan Miller Visit our Maximized Living clinic! 5075 SW GrifďŹ th Dr, Suite 120 503-644-8844 MAP1E5

Interior and Exterior Shutters Fine Window Treatments That Are Uniquely You! 503-406-2544

Oregon’s only BMW certified collision center


Luxuryat affordable Service prices

t FREE Estimates t Rental Cars available onsite t Lifetime Warranty on all workmanship

3725 SW Cedar Hills Blvd., Beaverton, OR 97005 |

To place your business card here, email

Tuesdays 6:30-8pm at Beaverton Lodge,, contact Pamela at 503- 860-8281.

Comprehensive dental care for your entire family. Visit us at: 503-590-7574 MAP2-B

Hills Construction Contracting Residential, Remodel & Service “We take care of all construction needs including kitchens & baths!� Low prices on water heater replacements 971-246-3682 (CCB#102201)

Swedish Pancakes ..............................................................................$9.55 3 delicately rolled pancakes, dusted with powdered sugar and served with lingonberry butter.

Three Little Pigs ..................................................................................$8.65 Link sausage rolled in 3 large pancakes with apple sauce on the side.

Master Burger .....................................................................................$9.25 Deluxe burger, served with cheddar cheese and sliced lean ham, served on sesame bun with all the ďŹ xings.

Monte Cristo Sandwich......................................................................$9.25 Our own thick french toast bread with turkey, ham and Swiss cheese.

Pot Roast ........................................................................................... $11.95 Just like mom’s. Served with creamy mashed potatoes that we made from scratch and fresh sauteed vegitables. Satisfying!

8 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Shop Beaverton | L oc al B us ines s Direc tory Beaverton Bulletin Board Thank you for supporting our Sponsors!

The Miracle Skylight Serving Beaverton & Tigard

Commercial/Residential HVAC

Grab your “Honey Do” list and gimme a call. No job too small! 971-238-8358

Quick Response Dependable Service 503-259-3200

Jewelry Appraisals & Design Addie Balcom Graduate Gemologist

Victor E Design Landscape

Raleigh Hills Assisted Living 503-535-9921 MAP1D3 503-297-3200

503.524.6896 | Enjoy Life with Friends Independent Living, Assisted Living & Memory Care. 503-629-5500


14780 SW Osprey Drive, Suite #260, Beaverton (Murrayhill Marketplace) Open Tues - Fri: 10:30am - 6pm, Sat: 10:30am-4pm

Your Shower Door & Mirror *EXPERTS* Free estimates on all projects. Come talk to us! 503-644-3153

A.B. Gem Lab

& Solar Star Attic Fans. Let the Sun SAVE you MONEY! (CCB#30873) 503-352-0249 MAP1B2

Your local home daylighting expert!

Smooth Transitions 503-590-8562

Hardwoods, Granite, Tile, Carpet

Pet Care

Kitchen / Bathroom remodeling. Stairs and balusters **Visit our Showroom** 503-644-9663 MAP1B1

Let the Sun SAVE you MONEY! 12825 SW Beaverdam Rd, Beaverton | (503) 352-0249 | CCB#30873

End Petlessness Oregon Humane Society 503-285-7722

New Continuous Gutters! Gutter & roof cleaning, gutter repair, pressure washing, moss removal. 503-268-9121

The Miracle Skylight & Solar Star Attic Fans


Washington County Dog License

Dr. Lauren M. Smith

**Cats and other pets exempt** AnimalServices

503-591-5282 Fax 503-591-5368 16400 SW Hart Rd, Ste D Beaverton, OR 97007

Retirement Residence

Selling Fee 1% Or Less! Real Estate Buyers Free Services Trinh Vu (OR Licensed Since 1995) 503-680-2880

Hit the road with us because we never stand still for too long! 503-646-0635 MAP1B5

Individual Veterinary Care for Your Special Individual

Hart Road Animal Hospital Individual Veterinary Care for your Special Individual! 503-591-5282

Senior Living Community

Our Humble Home, Adult Foster Home. Call us at 971-344-1805!

We make it easy to feel right at home. 503-643-9735 MAP1B5

Right-Sizing Done Right!

ovingfors karenb@m

-8562 | (503) 590


. com

Ferguson Auto Brokers “The Car Guy”

Charming Boutique-Style Assisted Living Close to the Elsie Stuhr Center! 503-641-0911

Guaranteed Pest Control Protecting your health and property since 1949! 503-646-2119 MAP1B2

Lisa Fain, Realtor/Prop. Mgmt. Beaverton/Westside Specialist! 503-679-8477 MAP2A

Do you need auto help? That’s what I do! Buy, Sell, Consign Automobiles

Animal Communication & Training Pet Nutrition & Holistic Pet Care 503-741-1344

Strawberry Crepes Combo The classic combination of luscious strawberries and cream, crowned with whipped cream. Served with your choice of two hickory-smoked bacon strips or two sausage links ($9.19).

69¢ Morning Beverage! Daily 6-9am w/Entree Purchase 503-644-8848 | 10650 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy

Expert Negotiation and Appraising

Pet Psychic, Sindi Somers

Expert in Automotive Technology


Over 35 years of experience in the Automotive Industry!

Southwest Salad Savor the festive flavors of tender grilled chicken served on a bed of fresh southwest veggies, grilled corn, avocado, juicy tomatoes, and crispy tortilla strips, accented with the kick of Chipotle Ranch dressing ($9.69).

1/2 lb. Chicken-Fried Steak & Eggs Smothered in savory country sausage gravy and served with fluffy, made-from-scratch buttermilk pancakes ($10.49). Classic Eggs Benedict From our kitchen to you. Farm-fresh poached eggs and Canadian bacon slices served atop a split, toasted English muffin, covered in creamy Hollandaise. Served with hash browns ($10.19).

All-World Double Cheeseburger® Rich layers of American and Swiss cheeses on two juicy burger patties topped with savory hickory-smoked bacon strips, onion rings and Thousand Island dressing ($10.39).

Double Decker Club Slow-roasted, hand-carved turkey breast, shaved ham, hickory-smoked bacon and American cheese, with juicy tomato, crisp lettuce and mayo stacked on your choice of toasted bread ($9.89).

Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 9

Shop Beaverton | L oc al B us i nes s Direc tory Pet Lost & Found Beaverton Bulletin Board Thank you for supporting our Sponsors!

Religious & Spiritual

All found pets are registered with the county. For more info:

Restaurants (Food & Drink)

Southwest Bible Church 503-524-7000

United Methodist Church. 503-646-7107 MAP1C4

Your Local Pet Place! Shopping for pet supplies should be easy... that’s what we do! 503-352-4269

A Little Taste of El Salvador Tu-Sa: 11-3pm, Saturday Breakfast 9-11am and Sun. 11:30-2:30pm. Homemade salsa and soups to go! 503-268-2124 MAP1B4

481 2nd Street, Lake Oswego 97034


on all orders $500 or more when you mention this ad! Schedule an in-home appointment today 503.406.2544

Tigard Property With View

Healthy Affordable Pet Supplies Grooming & Self-wash. Cat adoptions available. 503-579-2403 MAP2A

Does it really cost less than $100 to place my Business card here?!?


Please welcome our new advertiser!

Let us introduce you to the wonderful flavors of Puerto Rico! 503-596-3571 MAP1B3

Portland Balaji Temple

Hoshana Rabbah Messianic (503) 570-3376


Trinh Vu (OR Licensed Since 1995)

Authentic Caribbean Cuisine

Sunday Services: 8 & 10am 2201 SW Vermont, Portland 503-246-1949 (503) 621-7716

15821 SW Mason Ct. t 4,133 Square Feet t 6 BDRMS / 3.5 BTHS t Bonus Room | 503-680-2880

St. Barnabas Espicopal Church

The place for all your bird needs.

Bilal Mosque Association

Mexican Cuisine Daily happy hour from 11-5pm. 16305 SW Barrows Rd, Beaverton 503-567-8131 MAP2C

(503) 591-7233

Exotic birds, healthy foods, toys, boarding & advice. Great prices! 503-644-9515 MAP1C4

Dove Lewis 24hr Pet Hospital

Noodles, Salads & Sandwiches

#1 choice for animal emergencies

from around the world. All for around $8! Call us for your next party or event. 503-350-0591 MAP13

OR Friends of Animal Shelters Visit us in Aloha! 503-747-7818

St. John Greek Orthodox Church

>[ ^i»h Wgd`Z! > Ãm ^i

To place your business card here, email

Great Cats for Great Homes

14485 SW Walker Rd, Beaverton Sunday service at 10am. Visitors welcome! | 503-644-7444 503-320-6079

Murray Hills Christian Church

Grooming at your Doorstep 503-524-5230

Your Full Service mobile pet grooming provider since 2007 503-995-8991

Beaverton Kingdom Hall (503) 641-7748

Bar & Restaurant Lunch, Dinner, Brunch, Cocktails Happy Hour 4-6p 503-596-2153 MAP1B3

THE AD TH ADVA VANT NTAG NTA AGES OF HA AGES HAVI VING VIN NG IT AL ALL Get a complete full-body workout in 30 minutes with the Curves Circuit and the support of your Curves Coach


GET YOUR FIRST MONTH FREE! * Plus the cost of food

10 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

Customize your menu with healthy, delicious Jenny Craig food designed to help you lose weight One-on-one support from your dedicated personal consultant encourages you every step of the way You’re guaranteed results or your monthly fees back †

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Shop Beaverton | L oc al B us ines s Direc tory Qdoba Mexican Restaurant (503) 643-5820

Beaverton Bulletin Board Thank you for supporting our Sponsors!


Please welcome our new advertiser! Asian Food Center Live Seafood, Fresh Meat & Vegetable, Asian Grocery and Gift Shop. Open Everyday: 9am-9pm 503-520-1880 MAP1D2

Breakfast-Lunch-Diner Specializing in Craft Beer 30+ taps, growlers, bottles kegs & delicious food pairings! 503-336-4783

30 varieties of pancakes & wafes! *Beaverton’s Favorite Restaurant* MAP1B3 503-646-2688

Cafe Murrayhill MAP2B 503-590-6030


We Accept Most Major Insurance Killer Burger Burgers, Beer, Bottomless Fries! Crazy Hour Specials M-F 2-5pm 503-268-1757

FREE Pie Wednesday! Good with any purchase (no coupon necessary) 503-644-8848 MAP3BH

Singing River Natural Medicine

Enjoy Authentic Mexican Food!

Open Sun - Thurs: 11am - 10pm Fri-Sat 11am - 11pm 503-601-7000 MAP1D2

t Pediatrics t Naturopathy t Nutrition t Acupuncture t Women’s Health t IV Therapy Dr. Jennifer Means | Dr. Katie Rewick

Retail Black Bear Diner Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner 503-646-4507 MAP1-A3

Frangipani Thai Daily lunch & dinner specials Happy Hour 2-5pm: $5 Specials 503-579-7542 MAP2D

4970 SW Main Ave, Ste 100 | 503-641-6400 Jazz | Ta p | Ball et | Lyri Acro | S cal | Co tretch-n ntempo -Streng rary | H th | Tod ip Hop dler Co | Break 12570 S mbinati ing | Ac W Farmin on & S ting pecialt gton Rd. y Class Beave es

Italian inspired with a menu that changes weekly featuring fresh seasonal ingredients from the Northwest. 503-641-3223 MAP1C3

rton (3yr

s to Adu

Beaverton Souvenirs



The Best DAM City in Oregon! Get pens, mugs, coloring books, stickers and more! 503-641-3320






Authentic Japanese Cuisine Dairy Queen Beaverton Burgers, hot dogs, chicken, salads, shakes, cakes and more. Fan Food not Fast Food! 503-644-3469 MAP1B3

Beaverton’s Best Sushi! Udon, Tempura, soba, Ramen, Curry, and more! Visit us at 9230 SW B/H Hwy 503-296-0045 MAP3BH

Ava Roasteria Progress Ridge, Cedar Mill and Beaverton Downtown locations. 503-641-7470 MAP1C4

Come Visit Conviently located where Scholls Ferry and Barrows Rd meet and just East of Roy Rogers intersection. 503-747-7238 | 16315 SW Barrows Rd. Beaverton

La Hacienda Real Dine-in or Take-out. 503-601-7000


Peppermill Restaurant Happy Hour Daily 4-7pm 503-642-5193

Outdoor Power Equipment Specialists 4BMFT t 4FSWJDF t 1BSUT 503-626-9193 MAP1C3

To place your business card here, email

FEATURED BUSINESS 16315 SW Barrows Rd. #203 Beaverton, OR 97007 Special Offer! First time clients receive 20% off! “Great from start to ďŹ nish. From the scheduling to exit after my appointment. Staff was very friendly and helpful. I found all the therapists to be very knowledgeable in sports injuries and sports related muscle issues. I scheduled my next appointment and can’t wait to come backâ€?. - K.G.

/PX -FBTJOH t A101: 1,850 sq ft t A110: 4,442 sq ft For more information, contact: KW Commercial

Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 11

Shop Beaverton | L oc al B us i nes s Direc tory Signature Shoes We Buy Gold & Silver! Engagement, Jewelry, Antique, Timepieces, Gifts, Service/Repair. 503 644-1333 MAP3BH

Pools, Free Water Analysis Service & Installation MAP1C3 503-649-2201

Catholic Book Store & Gift Shop 503-644-1814 MAP1C4 503-520-8845

Signs, Banners, Decals, A-Frames & Vehicle Graphics 503-526-0216 MAP1B3

Insurance Partners NW Home, Auto, Business, & Health Friendly local independent agents! 503-372-5621

Crater Lake Janitorial Professional Cleaning Services 503-591-9031

Brisbin Computer Consulting From corporate networks to home helpdesk and affordable web design, let me know how i can be of service... 503-641-3320.

Relax The Back *Come see our showroom* 503-643-1088 MAP1B1

is designed for adults 55 years and better. Classes, trips events, fitness center, lunch and friends 503-629-6342 MAP1C5

Party Discount Mega Store! 503-746-6629

Services Real Local Florist*

Cedar Hills Crossing 503-643-6563 MAP1B1

Moved but Still in Business! All natural Candlewax, recycle old candles and get credit towards a new one. 503-318-9648

Personal Care, Household Tasks and Transportation 503-433-8079 MAP1E4

AM 1360 KUIK The Voice of Washington County


**PLUMBING** 25 cent Color Copies! High Quality | Low Cost Any project large or small. 503-641-3320 MAP1C3

Affordable gifts: rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants and more. 503-524-6896 MAP2A

FREE Community Paper


Village on Scholls Ferry

Jewelry Appraisals & Design

Specializing in advertising small, local businesses.

Class A Retail Complex. Restaurant & Office Space Avail. 503-747-7238

Sun Connections Travel & Cruises, LLC **Layaway Plans Available**. 503-655-4850 MAP1D3

The Elsie Stuhr Center

Your Partner in Homecare

Flowers for every occasion, plants, cards, gifts & more! 503-644-0129 MAP1C4


Assistance League A bargain shoppers paradise! 503-526-9300 MAP1D2

Raise Your Business Visibility

Hot Tubs, Stoves, Fireplaces

$3.50 Any Garment rment Next Day 503-626-8413 MAP3BH

Hills Construction Contracting Residential, Remodel & Service “We take care of all construction needs including kitchens & baths!” Low prices on water heater replacements! 971-246-3682

PDX Premium Cleaning Services Commercial & Residential We work with any budget! 971-275-7134

Sports & Activities Inc. Disability Employment Specialists Consultation & Training in Diversity, Inclusion & Conflict Resolution ( 503-265-9256 503-492-1719

Smart Thinking Rewarded® "VUP t )PNF t -JGF t $MBTTJD $BS #VTJOFTT t 'BSN t $PVOUSZ &TUBUF Franchot Hutchinson, Agent 503.701.8033

Independent Insurance Agent Big and Small, We Write it All. Business Ins., Worker’s Comp., Home, Auto, Health/Life. 503-644-9945

Cecilia K. Nguyen, Esq.

Bankruptcy, Divorce, Contracts,

Immigration & Citizenship, Family & Adoption, Business Law 503-644-2146 MAP1C3

For gently used books at affordable prices w/ proceeds donated to the Beaverton library. 503-643-5188 MAP1C4

Quilter’s Corner Store Fabric, Kits, Gifts & More 503-644-5678 Mon - Sat MAP1C3

& DUII. 503.686.0981

12 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

Hough Law | Nicole A. Hough Family Law | Estate Planning 503.208.6610

Cartridge Network 6800 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy Portland, OR 97225 503-246-0665 MAP3BH

Widest array of Pilates classes Designed to challenge students at every level, unexpectedly low $$$ 503-605-1453 MAP2D

Elite Gymnastics Academy We set children up for success and train champions for life! 503-466-4872 MAP3B

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Shop Beaverton | L oc al B us ines s Direc tory Billings D Billi Dance Company

enjoy the experience! Facilitated by volunteers from the Project Management Institute, please visit the website for more details as topics differ every month. roundtables

70+ weekly classes 503-670-7008

Beaverton Bulletin Board Thank you for supporting our Sponsors!

Martial Arts Camp

My Masterpiece Art Studio Family Entertainment Center Bowling | Lasertag | Arcade Have your next party/event with us! 503-292-3523 MAP3C

Valley Cinema Pub Bvtn-Hillsdale Hwy. 503-296-6843

Open Studio, Parties & Classes 7905 SW Cirrus Dr., Beaverton 503-453-3700

Crafting classes 503-941-6034 MAP1C4

Beaverton Farmers Market See pages 26-27 or visit

1st class is Free! **Kid, Teen, & Adult Classes** 4-6 year old Little Monkey classes available. 503-291-9333 MAP1C3


Learn To Dance For Your Wedding! 503-593-8252 MAP1B1

Belly Dance! Beginners Welcome! 503-974-6287

Your Full Service Yoga Resort Come visit our 500gal salt tank, 4 private studios, kombucha bar & much more! MAP1E4 503-574-4711

Now Open in Beaverton Haiyan International Dance Academy *Specializing in classical ballet* Bethany & Beaverton Locations MAP3B

Beaverton Swim Center Aquatic fitness programs Lessons for all levels 503-629-6312 MAP1B4

FREE Announcements Project Management Monday

Where the Pool is the Classrom! Openings available for newborn, toddler or young swimmers. 503-620-5370


Looking to network with project management professionals in the Westside community? A fantastic group of peo0ple meet 7:30 AM, every first Monday of the month at the Beaverton City Hall Building to share knowledge. We have free coffee and pastries to

May 21, 2-3:30 pm, Crescent Grove Cemetery, 9925 SW Greenburg Road (next to Washington Square): Join us for a Sunday afternoon tour of graves of local pioneers and notable names in our early history. Tigard, Greenburg, Fanno, Denney, and Oleson are just a few of the names. Presented by the Garden Home History Project. Wear comfortable shoes, bring an umbrella if indicated. Donation of $5 appreciated. You’ll hear wonderful stories of our early history. Park down by the mausoleum at this beautiful historic Cemetery. Contact Elaine Shreve, Garden Home History Project. 503-246-5879

Blood Drive Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood and a single car accident can require as many as 100 pints of blood. On Monday, May 8 you have a chance to make a difference because the Central Beaverton NAC is hosting a blood drive with THPRD! Appointments are encouraged, but walk-ins are also welcome. To schedule an appointment call 1-800-RED-CROSS or enter the event date (May 8) and zip code for the event (97005) at this website. Event Details: Monday, May 8, 2 to 7 p.m. at Bloodmobile parker in front of the Beaverton Swim Center (12850 SW 3rd St)

CONTACT US! Submit your announcements to


11591 SW Canyon Rd

11643 SW Pacific Hwy

(503) 646-2573 (50

(503) 597-5000

Ple l ase welcome our 2 new advertiserss!!

Crescent Grove Cemetery Tour

MVP Dance Elite 503-641-5678

4QFDJBMJ[JOH JO t Maintenance t Repairs t Paint t Auto Body

Not everyone wants to join on a journey toward black belt, but stepping onto the training path for a few days in the summer is a fantastic option! Open this door and your child will be welcomed into an exciting week long journey through the Indonesian jungle! Your camper will make lots of new friends, have plenty of time to run and play outside under the trees, and importantly, they will learn essential elements of this holistic martial art, along with self-defense skills that last a lifetime. Ages 6-11, Beginners welcome! 503-291-9333


Chiropractic Acupuncture Massage Counseling Hypnotherapy Functional Medicine

20% OFF

your first visit when you mention this ad. Good through 12/31/16.

Conveniently located in the Progress Ridge TownCenter 12325 SW Horizon Blvd., #223, Beaverton, OR 97007

503-747-3388 |

Family Dentistry Scott R. Walker, D.M.D.



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35 Years Experience! t t t t t


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I get under your skin!

4475 SW Scholls Ferry Rd #108, Portland OR 97227 Conveniently Located in West Hills Office Plaza, Raleigh Hills

Openings Available Introduce your newborn, toddler or young swimmer to the water at Children of the Sea Swim School.

Call to Enroll Today! (503) 620-5970 Where the Pool is your Classroom, and Learning is Fun! n! Celebrating 19 Years!

Visit us at (Located near Washington Square Mall)

Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 13

Our Town | C om m uni ty St ories Native Plant of the Month

Oregon Grape By City Landscape Staff

12870 SW Farmington Rd | 503-644-3469

t Binomial Name: Mahonia aquifolium t Soil Type: Can tolerate dry or poor soil t Sunlight: Part to full shade t Plant Type: Tall, erect, multistemmed, shrub t Foliage: Evergreen t Flowering: Yes KH VWDWH ÀRZHU RI 2UHJRQ WKH Oregon grape is NOT a true grape, but is actually related to EDUEHUU\ 7KH 3DFL¿F 1RUWKZHVW native’s dark blue/purple berries are dusty and clustered, thereby resembling grapes. To avoid confusion, Oregon grape is sometimes hyphenated (Oregon-grape), or


referred to as Oregon grape-holly or Oregon holly-grape. Oregon grape leaves are actually made up of 5-9 spiny, evergreen OHDÀHWV WKDW UHVHPEOH KROO\ OHDYHV The leaves are reddish in color as WKH\ ¿UVW HPHUJH HYHQWXDOO\ WXUQing a dark and shiny green until winter, when the leaves become a dark burgundy. The shrub’s berries start out in early spring as FOXVWHUV RI EULJKW \HOORZ ÀRZHUV There are numerous uses for Oregon grape. The wilt-resistant OHDYHV DUH RIWHQ XVHG E\ ÀRULVWV DQG WKH ÀRZHUV DQG EHUULHV DWWUDFW wildlife. The berries, in fact, are edible and used in a variety of recipes for juice and jelly – though these usually require an unusually high amount of sugar. While

Oregon grape is tremendously SRSXODU LQ WKH 3DFLÂżF 1RUWKZHVW EXW KDV EHHQ FODVVLÂżHG DV LQYDVLYH in some areas outside of its native range, capable of displacing native vegetation.

This Native Plant of the Month has been brought to you by the City of Beaverton’s Landscape and Urban Forestry Department along with Clean Water Services. Visit Clean Water Service’s Native Plant Finder webpage for interactive questions to help you ďŹ nd the right native plant to ďŹ t your needs!

Beaverton Bird Watch

DIY Suet Cakes for Birds By Anne Harris

Uh-Oh. n spite of coupons from the Beaverton stores that carry them and my affection for our avian diners, I ran out of suet cakes recently. Fortunately, I’d heard they can be made at home using pantry staples most people already have. A little research taught me a lot. A perfectly suitable suet cake requires just three ingredients, fat, protein and grain, in a ratio of one part rendered beef fat, one part chunky peanut butter, two parts instant oatmeal and two parts yellow cornmeal. Other nutritious odds and ends like fruit, nuts, vegetables, seeds, and even cheese may be added unless they’re so far gone you wouldn’t eat them yourself. Warm the fat and peanut butter in a saucepan, stir in the other ingredients gradually, knead well, press the “doughâ€? into a container DQG IUHH]H XQWLO ÂżUP ‡ Tip #1: The plastic trays from store-bought suet cakes hold one cup. ‡ Tip #2: Coat your hands with non-stick cooking spray before kneading.



Climate Change Series Part Three: Climate Change Policy, Agencies and Plans By City Sustainability Staff

Global: he United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international environmental treaty negotiated in 1992 to “stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate systemâ€?. Linked to the UNFCCC are the Kyoto Protocol (1997) and the Paris Agreement (2015) both of which chart global efforts towards greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction, climate change adapWLRQ DQG ÂżQDQFH DQG DLP WR NHHS global temperature rise well below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6°F) through the end of the century.


National: In the U.S. various federal agencies including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Oceanic and 14 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

Atmospheric Administration 12$$ FRQGXFW VFLHQWLÂżF UHsearch on climate change impacts and administer policies addressing GHG emissions. Regional (Oregon and Beaverton): The State of Oregon has the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute created by the Oregon state legislature to research climate change, serve as a clearinghouse for climate change information and provide climate change information to the public. The Oregon Global Warming Coalition recommends ways to coordinate state and local efforts to reduce GHG emissions. The City of Beaverton developed the Sustainable Beaverton Strategy (SBS) in 2014, a city operations, action plan with a GHG reduction target of 80% by 2050. City staff are currently working to update the SBS and WR GHYHORS WKH FLW\ÂśV ÂżUVW FOLPDWH action plan which will serve as a community plan for mitigating and adapting to climate change.

‡ Note: Sodium and preservatives make bacon fat a poor choice. Beef is better. Drippings and skimmed fat are ready to use and will keep in WKH IUHH]HU LQGHÂżQLWHO\ I can’t promise my birds a homemade meal every day, but their feeder will never be empty again. Anne Harris is a local author who ďŹ nds watching her avian neighbors quite fascinating as they loudly inhabit a mixed stand of conifers and broadleaf trees behind her home. “Provide food and they will come,â€? is what she discovered, and has been avidly studying their diverse habits ever since.

Visit our sustainability page to read our next climate change series article and to learn more about what Beaverton is doing to address climate change: http://www.beavertonoregon. gov/399/ Sustainability. Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Our Town | C om m uni ty St ories Zoo News is Good News

Zookeepers, Vets Rally To Save Life Of Rare Baby Fruit Bat By Oregon Zoo Staff

where animal-care staff worked in shifts to administer formula feedings. She’s out of ICU now, but she’ll remain behind the scenes until fall during a long hand-rearing process that currently involves nine bottle feedings a day. To see a video of zoo caregivers feeding the baby bat, go to bit. ly/BabyRod. Laura Weiner, senior keeper for the zoo’s Africa section, says the tiny survivor is not only “adorable,� but a testament to one of the most inspiring conservation stories in history: living proof of the impact people can have — both

positive and negative — on wildlife and species conservation. Âł(YHU\ ELUWK LV VLJQLÂżFDQW IRU these bats,â€? Weiner said. “Forty \HDUV DJR WKH 5RGULJXHV Ă€\ing fox was perilously close to extinction. The fact that they are here today shows what a difference people can make in helping wildlife.â€?

tiny, critically endangered fruit bat that almost didn’t OLYH SDVW LWV ÂżUVW GD\ LV QRZ D month old and well on the road to recovery at the Oregon Zoo. Keepers were thrilled when 6DUD RQH RI VHYHUDO 5RGULJXHV Ă€\ing foxes at the zoo’s “bat cave,â€? gave birth to a new pup March 10. “Rods,â€? as they’re often called in zoological circles, were once considered the most imperiled bat species on the planet, and each birth is considered an important step toward ensuring their longterm survival.

Excitement quickly turned to concern the next day though, when keepers found the tiny bat RQ WKH ÀRRU RI WKH KDELWDW DSSDUently rejected by her mom. The pup — which weighed less than 2 ounces — felt cold to the touch but otherwise seemed OK. Keepers scooped her up and rushed her to the zoo’s veterinary medical center, where she was warmed, JLYHQ ÀXLGV DQG GHWHUPLQHG WR EH in good health. After several attempts to reunite the pup with her mother were met with rejection, the baby was returned to the vet hospital,

Community Submission

Community Spotlight

No Squirrels Allowed

Honey-Do List? Well, Most Honeys Don’t...


By Guaranteed Pest Control


ere in the northwest squirrels are one of the most common form of backyard wildlife and many people enjoy feeding squirrels to get a better look at the playful antics and acrobatic activities that make them a delight to watch. Unfortunately, just like other forms of wildlife, squirrels can cause serious damage to your home and can become pests in urban and suburban environments. To make your home less hospitable to squirrels looking for a place to spend the winter and have their young in the spring, follow these tips: ‡ Squirrels only need an opening the size of a tennis ball to squeeze into a cavity. Have visual inspections of your home done regularly. ‡ Repair water damaged, rotten or broken wood that can allow squirrels to enter your attic. ‡ Keep rain gutters clear to avoid water damage to facia boards. Water damaged wood is easy for squirrels to gnaw through. ‡ Prune all trees so they do not

touch your home or hang over within 10 feet of the roof. ‡ 0DNH VXUH DOO \RXU DWWLF VRI¿W and roof vents are screened. Make sure attic vents are screened with heavy duty screen material to prevent squirrels from entering. ‡ Refrain from feeding squirrels close to the house. Protect your backyard bird feeders with squirrel proof devices. ‡ Note: If squirrels have already nested in your attic and have young, you remove them, or must wait until they leave before doing any exclusion work so as not to trap them in the attic. Exclusion work to your attic will also help in keeping other rodents and birds out of your attic.

For further information and help with inspections, and exclusion work on your home please call Guaranteed Pest Control Service Co. a family owned local company here in Beaverton since 1949.

For more information, visit the Oregon Zoo:

But give her a break... Give him a break. No, give yourself a break! By Handyman Marc Paul


hese large and small issues can be time consuming and overwhelming to think about. The practical solution is to call on someone who’s equipped to handle these problems and scratch those items off your list. With an education in mechanical engineering, and a natural GULYH WR Âż[ DOPRVW DQ\WKLQJ Marc Paul is the go-to guy when you want something repaired, improved, or need advice on home upgrades. You’d be surprised how often the improvements which make the biggest impact are also very affordable. “I’ve dealt with every issue from repairing a torn screen DQG Âż[LQJ D OHDN\ IDXFHW WR completely remodeling master bathrooms and installing wood RU WLOH Ă€RRUV WKURXJKRXW D KRXVH I’ve been on top of homes repairing roofs, underneath homes repairing heating ducts, and

>[ ^iÂťh Wgd`Z! > Ăƒm ^i

everywhere in between. $ EHQHÂżW , ORYH SURYLGLQJ LV helping homeowners solve their clutter problems. Closet organization, garage shelving and converting attics to storage rooms makes a huge difference in your home’s comfort and overall feel. Clutter is an issue everyone seems to have and no one likes to confront, well, except for me. I know it’s one of the areas of improvement most satisfying to my customersâ€?. )RU KRPH UHSDLUV Âż[WXUH upgrades or clutter clearing, call Marc to help get it done once and for all, and you won’t have to wait for a “honeyâ€? to do anything.

For more information or if you have a home problem that you need help ďŹ xing, please do not hesitate to call me. 971-238-8358

Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 15

Our Town | C om m uni ty St ories Not Just For Seniors

What Are Universal Precautions And Why Should You Use Them? By Rhonda Kay Leonard


ave you heard the term universal precautions? Universal Precautions are guidelines healthcare professionals follow to prevent the spread of infecWLRQ LQFOXGLQJ LQÀXHQ]D DQG RWKHU airborne diseases. It simply means using precautions when handling EORRG DQG RWKHU ERG\ ÀXLGV RI ALL persons regardless of one’s knowledge of whether or not the SHUVRQ LV LQIHFWHG ZLWK D VSHFL¿F communicable disease. Being aware of Universal Precautions guidelines will protect you and result in fewer illnesses for you and the people you care for. What Precautions Must I Take In Caring For Someone? 1. Wash your hands with soap and running water at regular times during your day. Common infectious diseases may be contracted from dirt and waste encountered in the home environment. When

caring for a friend or family member promptly remove another person’s blood and body wastes from your skin by washing with soap and running water. Wash your hands before and after preparing food, performing personal care and housecleaning tasks, and after physical contact with the one you’re caring for. 2. Avoid punctures with objects that contain blood of others. 3. +DQGOH $// ÀXLG GLVFKDUJHV particularly urine, vaginal secretions, mucous, or blood, wearing protective equipment, including mask, gloves, gown and eye protection. Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water when ¿QLVKHG 4. Carefully dispose of trash that contains body wastes and sharp objects. Use special containers with plastic liners for disposal of refuse that contains blood or for any body spills that may contain blood. 5. Wash soiled laundry in a washer set on HOT, and dry

them in a dryer at HIGH heat. 6. For disposal of sharp objects such as razors, use containers that cannot be broken or penetrated. Do not bend, break or recap needles. Handle diabetes lancets with caution to avoid needle sticks. 7. Clean surfaces that have blood RU ERG\ ÀXLGV FRQWDLQLQJ EORRG in them with a 1:10 solution of bleach and water mixed fresh daily. Wash dishes and utensils in hot, soapy water. Rinse in very hot water, let them air dry. Since the majority of all care is provided by informal caregivers, we encourage everyone to be aware of universal precautions and use them to protect the one’s you love.

This story is sponsored by United Homecare Services. If you are interested in ďŹ nding out more or scheduling a no-obligation consultation, call 503-433-8079.

Long Term Care Ombudsmen dsmen By Sally Carter


any people have never heard of Long Term Care Ombudsmen, but every state has them to protect the rights, needs, and dignity of adults living in licensed long term care facilities (nursing, assisted living, residential care, memory care and adult foster care KRPHV 2UHJRQœV 2I¿FH RI WKH Long Term Care Ombudsman uses volunteers, trained and supervised by a small Salem staff; their work LV IUHH DQG FRQ¿GHQWLDO For example: An Oregon woman learned her assisted living facility had been charging her monthly for laundry service and help putting on special stockings, when she’d always done both tasks by herself. Management wouldn’t correct her ELOOV VR VKH FRQWDFWHG WKH FHUWL¿HG ombudsman volunteer assigned to the facility, who worked with the woman, her family, and the administrator until the bills were corrected and over $3,000 repaid. A man’s wife had been left in a nursing home’s malfunctioning Hoyer lift (used to move her in and out of bed) because the lone staffer that night wasn’t strong enough to

work the override switch. So he contacted the ombudsman volunteer assigned there, who persisted until the administrator agreed to assign enough staff each shift to ensure safe use of the lift. Residents’ concerns range from lukewarm coffee to more serious issues (such as physical abuse, life-threatening medication errors, threatened eviction, or attempts to disregard their civil rights) which can have profound effects on their well-being. Unfortunately, Washington County currently has just 16 volunteers to cover its 325 licensed long-term care facilities.

For more information or to volunteer, see or call 1-800-522-2602

Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District: Connecting People, Parks and Nature

Future synthetic ďŹ eld at Cedar Hills Park to be named for Bruce Dalrymple by Bob Wayt


ook around the Beaverton area today and you’ll ¿nd 10 synthetic turf ¿elds in use, with three more to be added this year. But it wasn’t so long ago there were none. Until Bruce Dalrymple came along. His interest in synthetics started in the 1980s when he was a volunteer coach. And when he became a THPRD board member – from 1997 to 2006 – it gave him the platform to convince others the investment would be worth it. That foresight is a major reason the district will name the future athletic ¿eld at Cedar Hills Park in honor of Dalrymple, whose life was cut short by cancer at age 58. The board of directors approved

the staff recommendation on March 14. “Bruce S. Dalrymple Fieldâ€? will be part of a major redevelopment of the park beginning next year (completion is scheduled for the winter of 2019-20). The surface will be synthetic – a Âżtting tribute to a man passionate about turf. “He coached several of the sports teams I played on,â€? recalled Brian Dalrymple, one of Bruce’s three sons. “We spent a lot of hours on grass Âżelds that were (difÂżcult) to play on and maintain due to the weather in this region. Turf Âżelds were the logical progression.â€? Although leadership on synthetics is what he may be remembered for most at THPRD, his legacy runs much deeper. He helped implement the district’s

16 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)


1994 bond measure, which led to the Tualatin Hills Athletic Center, Conestoga Recreation & Aquatic Center, and the Tualatin Hills Nature Center. He had a hand in the district’s ¿rst skate park and dog park and advocated for a

partnership with PCC Rock Creek that resulted in the 32-acre sports complex there. Remarkably, Dalrymple’s community service extended well beyond the park district. Dalrymple left the THPRD Board in 2006 to become a Beaverton city councilor, a post he held until his death in 2010. He also served on the Washington County Planning Commission and was a longtime successful businessman and Beaverton Rotarian. “Bruce saw things from the 40,000-foot level,� said Beaverton Mayor Denny Doyle. “He was the consummate get-it-done kind of person.�

miles and serving about 240,000 residents in the greater Beaverton area. The district provides yearround recreational opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. Offerings include thousands of widely diverse classes, 95 park sites with active recreational amenities, nearly 70 miles of trails, eight swim centers, six recreation centers, and about 1,500 acres of natural areas. For more information, visit www. or call 503-645-6433.

About THPRD Formed in 1955, THPRD is the largest special park district in Oregon, spanning 50 square

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Our Town | C om m uni ty St ories

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503-629-5500 5> UK (]LU\L ‹ Hillsboro ‹ ;OL :WYPUNZ3P]PUN JVT Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 17

Our Town | C om m uni ty St ories Beaverton C Committee on Aging

(Dis)abilities + Work + Beaverton = No Problem!

BCOA Events

Meet Kristen Cibula, Employed!

By BCOA Staff

Author to Speak at Viva Village Event Saturday, May 6th 1pm-3pm


REE EVENT! The BCOA has partnered with Viva Village, Village Without Walls and River West Village to present local author, Marcy Houle co-author of The Gift of Caring. Ms. Houle’s presentation will highlight her personal journey of caring for her aging parents. She will also offer much needed knowledge and practical strategies to skillfully navigate what can be an overwhelming health care system. Ms. Houle will also host a Q&A session where she will listen to concerns and respond to questions. Refreshments and snack will be offered. This event will be held at Valley Catholic Elementary (SW 148th Ave Beaverton off Farmington Rd. Look for signs at east parking area). To learn more and RSVP 503.746.5082

The Salvation Army Veterans and Family Center In April, the Beaverton Committee on Aging had the pleasure to hear from Josh Groesz, the

Director at The Salvation Army Veterans and Family Center here in Beaverton. The center is a transitional housing center that provides a therapeutic environment for 50 veterans and their families daily. Through intensive case management and collaboration with the Veterans Administration, clients are provided with the tools necessary to become VHOI VXIÂżFLHQW They offer coordination of medical, mental health, and addiction services as well as education services, housing placement and job training. Some of the classes and groups including Rent Well, budgeting classes, nutrition workshops, worship services, and Bible studies. Even Recreational activiWLHV LQFOXGLQJ JDUGHQLQJ D ÂżWQHVV room, a game room and community outings are offered. This amazing center is always in need of community support. Volunteers are needed for clerical work, meal preparation building maintenance and much more. Feel free to reach out to Josh Groesz at 503-731-3951 For information about the Beaverton Committee on Aging, contact

By Dirkse CC Team

Kristen Cibula is a friendly and outgoing 20 year old from Beaverton who enjoys riding horses, working out at the local gym while watching “Let’s Make A Dealâ€? and sharing movies with her friends. Like many young adults she wanted WR ÂżQG KHU ÂżUVW MRE RXW RI +LJK School so she could become more independent and perhaps someday have a place of her own. However unlike most, Kristen has a developmental disability making her goal a bit more challenging than just submitting an on-line application as many employers want today. Through the Beaverton School District, Kristen participated in the Community Transition Program and was introduced by The State of Oregon, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation to Dirkse Counseling and Consulting, Inc. to help her reach her career goals. Together they determined her cheerful personality and ability to learn and follow directions would be an asset in the customer service industry. In September of 2016, the Dirkse CC team found the perfect spot at a local favorite; La Provence Boulangerie and Patisserie at Progress Ridge Town Square.

their customer’s orders quickly and HIÂżFLHQWO\ The restaurant is managed by General Manager Sarah Hanks who was open to giving Kristen an opportunity to be a part of her team. Over the past 6.5 months Kristen has learned her tasks of preparing silverware and setting and bussing tables with the support from Job Coaches at Dirkse CC. Ms. Hanks shared; “The entire staff enjoys working with Kristen, it’s a pleasure to see everyone coming together.â€? Kristen is always eager to learn new tasks and is frequently heard telling customers “have a nice dayâ€? and “thank you, come againâ€? as they happily leave the restaurant with full bellies and a smile.

La Provence has obtained such popularity in the area due to its excellent service and exceptional breakfasts, lunches and dinners that feature pastries, desserts and breads they make fresh each day. At any given time, tables are packed and RUGHUV DUH À\LQJ ZLWK VHUYHUV DQG FUHZ UXQQLQJ DOPRVW OLWHUDOO\ WR ¿OO

Dirkse Counseling and Consulting, Inc. works closely with local businesses educating them about all of the beneďŹ ts of hiring individuals with barriers to employment. For more information on becoming a more diverse and inclusive employer; contact Cindy Bahl, Business Development Manager at Dirkse CC @ 503-258-7715.



48 )BSU 3PBE t #FBWFSUPO 03 t t Assisted Living Services Available

18 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Our Town | C om m uni ty St ories Community Submission

KPTV FOX Channel 12

Best Fruits and Veggies that Last

98th Birthday Celebration

By Curves/Jenny Craig


ruit and vegetables are fun to use when they’re fresh, ripe and in-season, but there may be times when you’ve either bought too many to use or continue to buy so many delicious items that some get left to the wayside to spoil. Here are some of the best fruits and veggies that last in your fridge and/or pantry: Fruits that last ‡ Apples (up to 2 weeks in refrigerator) ‡ Canned/frozen fruit (up to 2-3 months) ‡ Lemons (1-2 months in refrigerator) ‡ Oranges (2-3 weeks in refrigerator) ‡ Watermelon (up to 2 weeks) Vegetables that last ‡ Beets (up to 2 weeks) ‡ Cabbage (up to 2 weeks or longer in refrigerator)

‡ Canned/frozen vegetables (up to 2-3 months) ‡ Carrots (2-3 weeks in refrigerator) ‡ Celery (1-2 weeks in refrigerator) ‡ Garlic (2-3 months in a cool, dry area) ‡ Onions (4 weeks or longer) ‡ Potatoes (4 weeks or longer) ‡ Turnips (up to 4 weeks) ‡ Winter squash, such as pumpkin, butternut squash, etc. (up to 3 months) Keep in mind how you store these items, too. Carrots in bags can have an extended shelf life by placing a paper towel in the bag to absorb excess moisture. Apples

should be placed in a plastic bag in the fruit crisper section of your refrigeration and away from vegetables, since the ethylene gas apples produce makes produce ripen faster. Finding fruits and veggies like the ones listed above allows you to enjoy these items for weeks to come, and not have to worry about replenishing them with every trip to the grocery store. Discover other great recipes and strategies by reading our articles at or visiting with one of our Jenny Craig consultants. Schedule a meeting today by calling 503-356-5454—we can’t wait to help you with your health and nutrition goals!

Interested in ďŹ nding out more or scheduling a no-obligation consultation, visit Aloha Curves/Jenny Craig by calling 503-356-5454.

WW2 Veteran Urban Kluthe By KPTV Staff

celebrate and honor one of our treasured veterans,� said Mayor Doyle. “Urban and all the members of the Greatest Generation deserve our eternal gratitude.�


he city of Beaverton helped host a very special birthday party in honor of a hero. City leaders and the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District celebrated with the friends and family of Urban Kluthe for his 98th birthday on April 13. The celebration took place at Beaverton’s Elsie Stuhr Center, ZKLFK SURYLGHV IRRG ÂżWQHVV FODVVHV DQG VRFLDO DFWLYLWLHV VSHFLÂżFDOO\ geared toward people 55 years of age and older. Kluthe was given a plaque that said, “Presented to Urban Kluthe, In recognition of your service in the Army Air Corps During World War II. Happy 98th Birthday. Your friends at Elsie Stuhr.â€? Kluthe was given a big and bright birthday cake featuring an Army Air Corps plane, an $PHULFDQ Ă€DJ SOD\LQJ FDUGV DQG D billiard set. It seems pool and cards are two of Kluthe’s favorite activities at Elsie Stuhr. In fact, he can often be found playing a few hands in the Stuhr Center’s poker area, which he helped to establish at the center. People lined up to shake Kluthe’s hand on his birthday and thank him for his service, including Beaverton Police Department RIÂżFHUV 0D\RU 'HQQ\ 'R\OH DQG other military veterans. “It’s a pleasure to be able to

Find more local stories by visiting

Ask The Beaverton Car Guy

Trade In or Sell? What Should I Do With My Old Car? By Larry “The Car Guy“ Ferguson

Hello Beaverton Readers! his month’s article is about trade in value. In today’s market, dealerships advertise low prices on their inventory to entice customers to come in. If they advertise vehicles at a huge discount there are only two ways they will be able to make money: 1. 7KH ¿UVW ZD\ LV WR 8 $ 8QGHU Allow) the value for your trade in. 2. The second way is to sell backend products such as an extended warranty, paint and fabric sealants, maintenance contracts, and so on and so on. (Let it be well known, the backend products are mostly SXUH SUR¿W IRU WKH GHDOHUVKLS In most cases, people do their homework and have a rough idea


Trade in or Sell?

of what their trade in is worth. The problem is, if we look up Kelley Blue Book online, it gives a value on a car, not our car. Since websites do not ask for a VIN#, the value is just rough idea. This uncertainty works in the dealership’s favor as they “under allow� on trade in values. Excuses commonly used to help them lower the value of your trade in include having to: ‡ have the vehicle detailed ‡ steam clean the upholstery and under the hood ‡ buff and wax the exterior

Most of this is done in house, so there is very little cost in respect to their attempt to de-value the trade in. Here are a few more phrases to be wary of: ‡ running it through the shop ‡ need to do a safety inspection ‡ needing to perform necessary repairs and/or servicing All these things the Dealership brings up to de-value our trade in’s. The pros of trading in your old car is convenience. If you are not worried about getting top value and just want to wash your hands of your old car, then yes, a dealership will make the transaction quick and easy. Selling your old vehicle on your own (or with the help of a friend or broker like myself) can however sometimes double the amount of money you get if you

had traded it in to a dealership. Do it yourself and you get top dollar. Pay a modest fee to a broker to do it for you and I bet you’ll still come out way ahead. For example, in the last couple months I helped over 10 Beaverton families with selling their old car with over half, we got nearly double what the Kelley Blue Book trade in value was on their car. The most time consuming part of buying a new or used car can be the negotiation of your old car’s trade in value. Eliminate this and buying your new car becomes that much easier. The National average for time spent in a Dealership to purchase a car is 187 minutes, which is a bit over 3 hours. My recommendation is to cut that down to 90 minutes or less by selling your car on your own before going to the dealership. Less time

at the dealership and more money in your pocket. That sounds like a winning formula to me!

Beaverton Readers: if you have a question or need automotive advice please contact me because chances are good that I just may have the answer and if not, then I’ll help you ďŹ nd it. About the Car Guy: Larry’s specialty is locating cars, even hard to ďŹ nd cars, for everyday folk. He has been in the automotive industry for over 35 years and has several degrees in automotive technology. Email him at popslcf3@ or call 503-930-1493

Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 19

Our Town | C om m uni ty St ories Straight Talk from the Deputy’s Desk

Conceal Carry, Where Can’t I go? By Sheriff OfďŹ ce Staff

areas that the presiding judge determines should be free of ÂżUHDUPV WR HQVXUH WKH VDIHW\ RI the litigants, court personnel, witnesses and others.

Even with a Concealed Handgun License, Where Can I Not Carry a Firearm? regon law provides very few limits on where a person with a Concealed Handgun License &+/ FDQ FDUU\ D ÂżUHDUP DQG federal laws contain a few more prohibitions. Even if you have a &+/ \RX FDQQRW FDUU\ D ÂżUHDUP on any of the following properties:

O Spotlight Story

Meridian Medical Massage By Maddy Chavez

We love what we do! Help us to achieve our mission of being a trusted and connected local business while providing excellent customer care. We specialize in medical massage therapy and accept most major insurance companies and auto accident claims. We offer a variety of manual therapy techniques including myofascial release, prenatal massage, and cupping (pictured below)


ello Resource Guide readers! We are so excited to get a chance to share our story with you, and we appreciate your commitment to supporting local businesses. Meridian Medical Massage is a Beaverton based business owned by Aaron Bates, and myself; Maddy Chavez. We started this business because we share a passion for manual therapy and love that we can spend our days helping people feel better. I hope you enjoy getting to know us! After spending the later part of my teens and early 20’s travelling the world, I decided it was time to settle down and begin my career. I completed my massage education in 2013 and haven’t stopped learning. My partner Aaron and I dedicate a large portion of our free time to learning new techniques and continuing our bodywork education. As lifelong students, Aaron is currently leaving music behind and going back to school for massage therapy, while Maddy is studying Chinese Medicine.

Federal facilities. Federal courthouses, social security RIÂżFHV LQ VHFXUHG DUHDV RI airports, and on airplanes. National forests. If marked or posted by signs prohibiting all ÂżUHDUPV Designated wilderness areas. If D VSHFLÂżF GHFODUDWLRQ KDV HQDFWHG a restriction or prohibition of ÂżUHDUPV

Private property. Where the owner SURKLELWV ÂżUHDUPV SRVVHVVLRQ

Indian reservations or Indian property. You may not carry a ¿UHDUP FRQFHDOHG ZLWKRXW WKH written permission of the tribal judge; this may also apply to certain casinos on Indian lands. We advise people to contact the individual tribe to determine what the current rules are for that location. Courts. In a courtroom, jury room, judge’s chambers or adjacent

Washington County Jail. No SHUVRQ PD\ EULQJ D ¿UHDUP weapon or other contraband into the secure perimeter of the Washington County Jail, and all visitors to the jail must go through a security screening and metal detector. Knowingly introducing contraband into a correctional facility is a Class C felony. Visit the Sheriff’s Concealed Handgun License Unit website.

For more Sheriff news, visit us at

Beaverton Police Department

Meet Rizzo, Our New K9 Teammate By Lt. Fletchall, BPD

K9 partner!

I Contact us today with any questions about our services, or to ďŹ nd out if you have coverage for massage! Meridian Medical Massage, 3863 SW Hall Blvd, Suite B, 503-446-0698

Ready to be a Master of Disaster? 1/' 61

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'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our K9 Team!... meet Rizzo! He just arrived in the U.S from Slovakia a week ago and is just over a year old. He's really full of HQHUJ\ DQG GULYH +H DQG 2IÂżFHU Bastinelli will be returning home tonight, so we can expect to see Rizzo around the department soon. &RQJUDWXODWLRQV 7RQ\ IRU ÂżQGing BPD yet another outstanding

ISing Choir, Out of the Americas (Free Concert) t Friday, May 5th at 7:30pm, Southminster Presbyterian Church (12250 SW Denney Road, Beaverton) t Saturday, May 6th at 7:30pm, St Peter Catholic Church (5905 SE 87th Avenue, Portland) t Sunday, May 7th at 3:00pm, Bethel Congregational UCC (5150 SW Watson Avenue, Beaverton)

In anticipation of their upcoming tour to Japan, ISing Choir, under the direction of Stephen GalvĂĄn, will present a colorful program featuring music from the Americas. The concert will begin with dynamic Brazilian and Haitian rhythms, accented by taiko drums for a Japanese twist. The second half will start off with the audience favorite “Shenandoahâ€?, followed by “El

CĂ­elo Canta AlegrĂ­aâ€?, an exhilarant carnavalito from Argentina. Also featured on the program will be two Japanese pieces by North American composers. The concert will conclude with Ola Gjeilo’s “Evening Prayer.â€? All proceeds will beneďŹ t United by Music North America, a program designed for talented people with intellectual and physical disabilities.


ŽŜƾĆš ĂLJ͊ ds ,Ĺ?Ĺ?ĹšÇ Ä‚Ç‡ ĂŜĚ ϭϴώŜĚ

20 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Our Town | C om m uni ty St ories Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue

Traffic Q&A:

Fall Injuries Are Preventable Safety tips to limit hazards, avoid falls By Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue


s people grow older, the consequences of a fall grow more serious. Unintentional falls are the leading cause of injury deaths for adults ages 65 and older, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries and account for more than 95 percent of hip fractures. In addition, fractures from falls are a leading cause of disability and often result in entering a nursing home. Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue crews responded to 4,863 reports of falls within the district’s service area in 2016. “Ground-level falls are one of the most concerning type of mediFDO FDOOV RXU ÂżUHÂżJKWHU SDUDPHGLFV respond to because we know many of our elders struggle to recover from them,â€? states Cassandra Ulven with TVF&R. “Most falls happen in the home and can be avoided.

“Factors such as poor lighting, narrow stairs, and slippery surfaces can increase the chances of a fall. In addition, problems with glare, depth perception, tiredness or dizziness from prescription medications contribute to falls.â€? Research conducted by Yale University showed that older adults are also most at risk of falling when they fail to use handrails on stairs, reach for objects overhead, and climb on chairs or ladders. Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue reminds seniors and children of older adults to take the following precautions to help prevent a fall injury: Take Care of Yourself Get regular medical check-ups and talk to your doctor to ensure appropriate levels and types of medication. Have your hearing and vision checked. Exercise regularly, and eat nutritious meals. Remove Existing Hazards )DVWHQ WKURZ UXJV WR WKH Ă€RRU with double-backed tape. Keep cords out of pathways, and clean up spills as soon as they happen. Also, arrange furniture to minimize obstructions, and clear clutter from your living areas.

With the Beaverton Police Department


After watching trafďŹ c for a few months, it appears that large trucks use the e left lane on a four lane road for long g periods of time. Isn’t there a law that at speciďŹ es that these large vehicles use the right hand lane except when turning?

Add Protection Wear shoes with non-skid soles. Turn on lights when walking through dark rooms or hallways. Use nightlights in all rooms. Install grab bars in the bathtub, shower, and toilet areas, and add handrails on stairwells. Place phones in multiple rooms or keep a cellphone with you in case you have to call for emergency assistance.

For more life safety information, visit

A: ORS 811.325 Failure to keep camper, trailer or truck in the right lane. If the person is operating any of the vehicle’s described in this subsection and the person does not drive in the right lane of all roadways having two or more lanes. This section does not require them to drive right when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same directions, when preparing to turn left, to avoid actual or potential trafďŹ c moving onto the right lane from a merging lane and when necessary to follow trafďŹ c control devices that direct use of a lone other than the right lane.


Is it legal to ash your lights to pass a car?

A: Do not ash your bright lights to signal that you want to pass. It is illegal to ash your bright lights when following a vehicle closer than 350 feet. Q: Does “Under the inuenceâ€? pertain only to alcohol? A: Under the inuence includes being affected by alcohol, prescription drugs, and/or illegal substances. If you have a trafďŹ c question that you'd like us to ask the Beaverton Police Department for this column, email us at: (For all other police questions, call the police non-emergency number: 503-526-2260)

Beaverton Police Department

May 11th is National Twilight Zone Month. Did You Know...?


eople of a certain age or those who watch the Sci-Fi channel will recognize the above as the opening dialogue during season number 4 for the Twilight Zone hosted by Rod Serling in the 1960s. May 11th is National Twilight

Zone day followed or proceeded by National Dance Like a Chicken Day, National Pack Rat Day and National Hug Your Cat Day. None have anything to do with this month’s article other than to catch your attention and wonder where the author is going with this line of thought. May is the kick-off month for my occasional submission that I will call “Did You Knowâ€?. I have scoured the municipal codes, state VWDWXWHV WUDIÂżF FRGHV DQG ORFDO organizations rules and regulations that we (the police) have some involvement with. I am going to list bits of information that readers PD\ EH VSHFLÂżFDOO\ RU JHQHUDOO\ interested in but may know little about. Sometimes it’s as simple as a phone number you may not have. You’ll get the idea when

you’ve read a few. Enjoy. DID YOU KNOW 7KDW 3HDFH 2I¿FHUV KDYH the legal right and authority to exclude people from THPRD property for violating some district rules? DID YOU KNOW 7KDW JUDI¿WL OHIW RQ \RXU property after seven days could be declared a public nuisance and dealt with accordingly as a civil infraction? DID YOU KNOW That, while driving in Beaverton, you cannot cross private property to avoid an intersection? DID YOU KNOW That calling 9-1-1 should only be used when there is an


immediate threat to life or property? Otherwise, in Washington County, call the non-emergency number at 503-629-0111.

DID YOU KNOW That no person shall possess a UHSOLFD ÂżUHDUP LQ D SXEOLF SODFH" (Beaverton code)

DID YOU KNOW That it is illegal to offer marijuana as a prize, premium or consideration for a lottery, contest, game of chance, game of skill or competition of any kind?

DID YOU KNOW That no person shall leave a child under the age of 8 inside an automobile for more than 15 minutes. (This assumes there are no mitigating circumstances such as the heat of the car in summer)

DID YOU KNOW That if the outside air temperature is 70 degrees after 20 minutes the inside vehicle air temperature will be at or around 99 degrees? Good to know for kids or pets in cars. DID YOU KNOW Peer Court is an option for some juvenile offenders accused of some minor crimes?

italian inspired cuisine...where rustic meets modern

t Tues - Thurs: 11a - 11p t Fri - Sat: 11a - midnight t Sunday Brunch: 10a - 2p t Happy Hour 4p - 6p 503-616-2416 | 12655 SW 1st Street, Beaverton


4545 SW Watson Ave | Beaverton, OR 97005

“You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s the signpost up ahead-your next stop, the Twilight Zone�.


By Police Staff

Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 21

Our Town | C om m uni ty St ories Musings of a Beaverton Teen

Mental Health: Let’s Talk About It By Emery Hanel (12th Grade)


ay is Mental Health Awareness Month. It has been observed in the United States for nearly 60 consecutive years and was instituted to shed light on symptoms of mental illness in an effort to aid individuals in recognizing warning signs and addressing the condition before it becomes severe. This year’s focus is on factors that put individuals at risk for developing mental health problems, including but not limited to risky sexual activity, substance abuse, internet and video game addiction, money mismanagement, poor eating habits, and poor exercise habits. The mission of “Mental Health America� (MHA) is to “educate the public on habits and behaviors that increase the risk of developing or exacerbating mental illnesses�, and Mental Health Awareness Month is a massive

part of their campaign against the negative stigmatizations of mental illness. MHA’s goals are shared with similar groups such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), a group dedicated to changing how the majority of the world perceives mental illness. The negative stereotypes associated with mental illness impact their ability to be hired, acquire safe housing, be given responsibility, make friends, and their likelihood of criminalization. Because of this, those suffering from mental illness oftentimes choose WR LJQRUH WKHLU DIÀLFWLRQ LQ IHDU RI being affected by the symptoms and never meet with a mental health professional to receive the assistance they need. Without support and in some cases, without the necessary medications, these individuals are unable to recover from their mental illness and some even commit

suicide as a consequence. The facts speak for themselves: less than 50% of adult Americans suffering from mental illness receive the treatment they need and, correspondingly, suicide is one of the top ten leading causes of death in the United States. Here is how you can help: ‡ End the taboo on mental illness. Talk about it! Ask about it! Propose solutions for making the world a more tolerable place for those suffering from symptoms of mental illness. ‡ If you hear someone spreading a misconception about mental illness, correct them. Education is the key to inciting change. Advocate for those who are suffering. ‡ Don’t abuse mental illness terminology. For example, a high school teenager is not “psycho� because they acted angrily one time. The weather

is not “bipolar� because it changed quickly. “OCD� is not an adjective– it’s a serious disorder. ‡ Be supportive of individuals suffering from mental illness. Ask them how you can best help them cope with their condition. And most importantly, don’t identify that individual by their mental disorder. Their mental illness is a part of them, but it does not dictate who they are as a person. Listen to them. Encourage them to share their story with others. ‡ Research! Do some reading up on mental illness. Being informed is being an ally to those with mental illness. ‡ Volunteer with Lines for Life or YouthLine as a crisis line responder. Assist others at Albertina Kerr, an organization that helps individual of all ages to cope with developmental disabilities and mental health

challenges. Dedicate your time to providing emotional support to clients through Volunteers of America Oregon. ‡ Most importantly, if you or a friend are in danger of harming yourself or themselves, please don’t hesitate to call the 24/7 national suicide prevention hotline at 1-800-273-TALK ,WœV IUHH LWœV FRQ¿GHQtial, and can connect you with the resources you need.

Emery Hanel is a senior at Jesuit High School who enjoys reading, writing, and playing lacrosse.

Beaverton Teen Talk

You Never Know When a Ninja Might Attack By Kaitlin Jenson (Grade 9)

When Anxiety Attacks s I walk into math about to take a test, my heart beats rhythmically, creating a song that only I hear. My heart races EHFDXVH , KDYH P\ ¿UVW PRGXOH test of the year which means today is high stakes, and my anxiety is skyrocketing. Having anxiety means that every aspect of my life is plagued by sometimes exhilarating adrenaline or the opposite with vicious panic attacks and doubt. This can be good and bad. My anxiety has made me a really cautious person, which means sometimes I stop myself from taking risks because I’m scared of the possible rejection or failure that might come from a miscalculation. Anxiety is always changing and creating new forms of itself. One day, I might be anxious about a math test and the next day, I might have convinced myself that D QLQMD LV GH¿QLWHO\ JRLQJ WR DWWDFN me if I get out of my bed or that WKHUH LV GH¿QLWHO\ D FORZQ LQ WKH hallway and I should not go out there and risk my life. This means I am constantly processing and adapting to my anxiety so I can stay on top of it.


Restaurants Are Unnecessarily Stressful. I always get really anxious in restaurants. I await my food impatiently, and not because I’m hungry. Because the faster my

food arrives the faster I can leave. Being surrounded by people who are eating means I’m also surrounded by people who could choke on their food or throw up. Just thinking about people choking or throwing up reminds me of when I almost choked when I was younger and it makes my heart pitter patter like rain on a roof. My face heats up like an instant sunburn. I feel sick to my stomach. I eat what I can and get out as quickly as possible. Dread is NOT Fun to Swim In. The feeling that my stomach LV GUDJJLQJ RQ WKH ÀRRU LV HDVily described but hard to see. As with most symptoms of anxiety people can’t see the constant worry or dread that my happy thoughts swim in. A common feeling that is often coupled with anxiety is the intense sensation of dread over doing things, even if they are simple, everyday tasks I’ve done a million times. Sometimes this

22 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

anxiety- dread combo means that I wait in class for someone else to get up and throw something away before I do because my anxiety and dread convinces me that if I get up and draw attention to myself, I will PRVW GH¿QLWHO\ EHFRPH D VRFLDO outcast that will have to move to a different country to be normal again. Anxiety and dread can also rain on and cover up other more positive emotions, like happiness or conWHQWHGQHVV EHFDXVH WKH\ ÀRRG \RXU brain and wash away the positive feelings when I least expect it. Anxiety is Treated Like a Ghost. Anxiety is like a ghost, and just because you can’t see anxiety most of the time that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. While anxiety is seen (or not seen?) as a mostly mental issue it can also have physical repercussions as well. I get debilitating migraines and stomach aches as a result of my incessant anxiety. However, many people experience no physical symptoms which leads to stubborn people refusing to believe anxiety sufferers when they talk about their struggles. This refusal to accept anxiety problems as an issue has led to many people not knowing how to cope, causing them to having unhealthy coping methods to deal with anxiety, possibly leading to more severe anxiety, or panic attacks. There’s Only So Much You Can Do. Breathe in and breathe out. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Breath in, breath out. I can feel

my heartbeat speed up as I try to control my breathing and push away the negative thoughts and DQ[LHW\ WKDW LV QRZ ÂżOOLQJ P\ brain to capacity, pushing out all of the happy thoughts and making my hands shake. I feel the shivers of an oncoming panic attack rise from the back of my neck all the way to the center of my brain as it starts to shut down and the anxiety comes in waves. I try to stop it by controlling my breathing. One . Two. Three. Four. Five. Too late. I uselessly continue breathing and counting, breathing and counting. Eventually after what feels like eternity trapped in my head, I stop shaking and some of the negative, anxious thoughts exit my brain replaced with relief and calm. This is what happens when I have panic attacks. As I move on from my anxiety attack, I wipe dried tears off my face. These panic attacks are a physical and mental occurrence that comes from having anxiety issues. Panic attacks make your heart race and your breathing fast and hard. When I have panic attacks it feels like I am drowning, and trust me I have experience in drowning. They are usually brief, albeit very overwhelming. Despite What My Anxiety Thinks, I Control My Own Life. Sometimes it feels like my emotions are puppets with anxiety as the grand puppeteer, leaving my life in what feels like shambles but what is really just an overdramatic

rough patch. In theory, my brain knows it is in control but constantly needs a reminder to take control back and reign in anxious thoughts. Using techniques like controlled breathing I am able to control my anxiety. When using controlled breathing I count the length of my inhalation and then try to exhale for at least twice as long. This kicks in an automatic response in the brain to calm down, at least according to my therapist. Another strategy LQYROYHV ORRNLQJ DW ÂżYH WKLQJV LQ the room, four things I can hear, three I can touch, two I can smell, and one thing I can control. All of these things and more help me get through my day normally and make living just a little easier and enjoyable.

Kaitlin Jenson is a 9th grader at Health and Science School in the Beaverton School District. She plans on attending college after graduation and wants to become a licensed marriage and family therapist. Photo by Peter Mora Stevens

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Out & About | What’s Happeni ng Around B eaverton This Month? Art & Culture

Beaverton Art Scene ART

Village Gallery of Arts

Art on Broadway


“When darkness comes”

Reception: Sunday, May 14, from 2:00 - 4:00 PM

by Angela Ridgway, Metal Art for Mental Health Month Depression comes like a moonless night. You don’t notice that it’s arriving at first, but as the light begins to fade, you notice the darkness. Not all at once, but you can feel it coming, from dusk to full darkness. And then it consumes you.

“Dans le Jardin” featuring the art of 12 members of the High Desert Art League from Bend, Oregon The High Desert Art League was formed in 2000 as a professional artists’ group working to support the advancement of its member artists through exhibitions, education and related outreach. Each artist contributes their experience and talents to benefit the group, sharing knowledge, information, opportunities, challenges and successes.

Our show opens on May 1st at 10 am. The annual fundraising show features hundreds of 6” x 6” canvases by talented local artists of all ages - students and professionals. We have about 250 artisans participating and most are non-members. The Village Gallery has donated 32 canvases to a local school. Proceeds from the students’ work goes to a third-world project they are supporting this year. In a change from past years, all canvases are $40 each, cash and carry. You can take your painting home right away. Come and check out the fun variety of original artwork and support the gallery.

New classes offered this may: for complete details on all classes please visit our website below.

GRETHA LINDWOOD PASTEL FUNDAMENTALS Mondays May 1, 8, 15 and 22, 9:30am to 12:30pm FOR BEGINNING TO INTERMEDIATE LEVEL We are welcoming a new Instructor and a new Medium to the curriculum Lessons focus on choosing pastel papers and textures; underpainting methods; the color wheel; and working with warm and cool colors. Students will experiment with different pastel strokes while applying the principles of color, value and design. Includes demonstrations and individual instruction.

fine art concepts and techniques. A variety of subjects are explored including land-scapes, people, faces, animals, cartooning and perspective.


Kristi Roberts’ students will be participating in the May Art Challenge sale.

Mondays: May 1, 8, 15, 22 and June 5, 12, 19, 26 Art On Broadway Gallery Gallery Hours: Tu-Sa 11am-6pm. 12570 SW Broadway Street, Beaverton 503-601-3300;

Brickyard Tavern

Peppermill Lounge Mon-Fri: 4:00-7:00pm (22 draft beers) · Food & drink specials + huge late nite menu. Open till 2:30am daily. 503-642-5193

Buffalo Wild Wings

Azteca Sun & Mon-All Day! Tues-Sat, 3-6:30pm/9pm-close, Try our Sangria or Mojitos, Well Drinks are $2.50, 503-643-8269

Benihana Mon-Thurs: 3-7pm, Sake, Beer, Wine & Specialty Cocktails; Sushi rolls from $4.50, Teriyaki Wings & more, 503-643-4016

Big Al’s

Casa Lola Daily M-F, 11-5pm, Get discounted appetizers & drinks! 503-5678131

Cinetopia Everyday 3-6pm & 8pm-close, $3.99/$4.99 Food Specials, Discounted Beer/Wine, 503-597-6911

Coach’s Bar & Grill

Mon-Thurs 3-6pm & 9pm-close, Fri 3-6pm; 10pm-close, Sat 10-close; Sun 9pm-close, Food & Drink Specials, 503-748-6118

Sat-Thur: 3-7pm & Fri: 3-8pm, Great Burgers, pizza, sandwiches and dessert. 503-203-8250


decarli Restaurant

Mon - Sat: 4-6pm, food and drink specials (buffalo meatballs, $7!) 971-317-2910 (on Broadway St)

Tue-Sat: 4:30-6pm, 9pm-close; Sun 5-9pm, Panini’s, Pizzetta’s & more! Try a Cool Hand Cuke! 503641-3223

Ernesto’s Mon-Fri: 3-6:30pm, Sat-Sun: 4-6:30pm, $3.50-5.50 Food Specials & More, Discounted Beer, Wine, Well Drinks. 503-292-0119

Frangipani Happy Hours: Daily 2-5pm. Pad Thai chicken $5. Any fried rice chicken. $5. 503 579-7542

Ages 11-16: 5-6pm

Tues-Fri 2:30-6:00, Sun & Mon 5:00-6:00, pastas, pizzas, burgers & more, wine, beer & cocktails,

in Old Town Beaverton, Daily 4:30-6:30pm & 10pm-12am, $3.95 HH food & $1 off drinks, 12434 SW Broadway St, 503-641-7474

Cafe Murrayhill


MiNGO Restaurant

Broadway Saloon

Daily 3-6pm, Discounted appetizers! Wine, Beer & Cocktails. 503590-6030

Ages 7-11: 3:45 - 4:45pm

Class units include drawing, watercolor, acrylic, pastels, clay and mixed media. Each lesson teaches

Everyday 3-7pm and 10pm-Close $2 to $6 Food Specials, Daily Drink Specials, 503-718-7033

Tue & Thurs 12pm-12am, Mon-Fri 3-6pm & 10pm-12am, $1 off tall pints, 50¢ wings, 503-645-9424


Hall Street Grill M–Sa: 3–630 & 9-close, Sun: 3-close, Drink specials, tasty morsels & nibbles. 503-641-6161

Ickabod’s “Stimulus Hour” Everyday from 4 to 6pm, Domestic pint & pitcher specials. 503-646-0222

La Hacienda Real Happy Hour Daily from 3-6pm, Any dish only $3.95! Margaritas, well drinks & beer. 12025 SW Canyon Rd, 503-601-7000

Malones Cafe & Bar Daily 4-7pm & 10pm-12am $1 $4 Food Specials, Pizza, sliders, & more, Draft & Well Specials, 503-579-3663

The Mark Lounge & The Mark Cigar Bar, Daily 3:006:00pm; Drinks, Apps, Sports, Cigars & more! 503-643-5451

McCormick’s Fish House Daily 4-6pm & 9-close, Food starting at $2.95! Beer, Cocktail and Wine specials, 503-643-1322

McGrath’s Fish House Mon-Thu 3-6pm & 9-9:30pm, Fridays 3:00-5:00pm, Enjoy $3 Food Specials, $4 Beers, 503-646-1881

McMenamins Cedar Hills Crossing & Murray & Allen, Daily 3-6pm & 10pm-close, Drink Specials.

Village Gallery is a non-profit, cooperative gallery in operation since 1963. 12505 NW Cornell Road, next to the Cedar Mill Library. Hours: Mon. - Sat. 10 am - 4 pm; Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm 503-644-8001

Family Friendly

Happy Hour

Red Robin Mon-Fri: 3-6pm & 8pm-close, Beverage & Appetizer Specials,, Wash. Square, 503-624-3955

Ringo’s Bar & Grill Mon-Fri: 4:00-7:00pm, Cocktails, Food & Juke Box, Voted Portland’s Best Burger! 12300 SW Broadway St. 503-644-7847

Siam Lotus Asian Kitchen M-Th: 4:30-6:30 & 8 to close. Fri: 4:30-6 & 9 to close. Sat: Noon–6p. Sundays all day! 503-718-7101

Black Bear Diner Mon-Th: 2-5pm, $6.95 Hot Beef or Turkey Sandwich, includes beverage! 503-646-4507

Dairy Queen Weekdays 2-5pm, $1 small Iced Coffee, $2 small Ultimate Frappé, $3 small Premium Fruit Smoothie 12870 SW Farmington Rd., 503644-3469

Honey Toast Cafe Tue-Fri: 3-6pm, 20% OFF all appetizers, $8.88 Petite Honey Toast+tea or coffee. 503-747-2712

John’s Incredible Pizza Co.

Uptown Market Monday all day Happy Hour, Tuesday Trivia@7ish, Wednesday Ladies Night, Thurs-Sat: Guest Tastings. 503-336-4783

Stockpot Broiler Daily 4-6pm & 9:00pm-close, Menu items from $2.50, and bar items from $3.25. 503-643-5451

Thai Bloom! Daily: 4-6pm; 8pm-close, MonThurs; 9pm-close Fri & Sat, All Day on Sundays. 503-644-8010

The Pit Stop Mon-Fri: 3-6pm; Sat & Sun, food only 11pm-close, 503-643-4758

Family Fun Pack for $89.99: 4 buffets, 4 beverages, and 4 $25 FunCards!, 503520-0000

Taco Bell $1 Happier Hour, Medium Drinks or Loaded Grillers, 2pm - 5pm Everyday, happier_hour List Your Happy Hour!

If you have a favorite happy hour location that needs to be in this list, please let us know!

Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 23

Out & About | W hat’s Happeni ng A round B eaverton This Month?

Senior S i V Village News & Events COMMUNITY Viva Village and River West Village are dedicated to enabling older adults in the Beaverton area to remain in their homes and communities through a variety of trained volunteer and paid support services and activities.

Third Thursday Social May 18, 6-8 pm, Thai Apsara Restaurant, 11793 SW BeavertonHillsdale Hwy (On Trader Joe’s side of Beaverton Town Square). RSVP: VivaVillageSocial@gmail. com or 503-746-5082

Men’s Coffee Break Tuesday, May 23, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Java Lounge, Corner of NW Cornell and Dale Ave, Cedar Mill. Information: Contact Ross Miller, 503-713-3563

Viva Village

Book Club

Nature Walk: Commonwealth Lake. Saturday, May 6, 9 am, 13005 SW Foothill Drive. (west end of lake at Dellwood Avenue), Cedar Hills, 97225. RSVP recommended: or 503-746-5082. Information:, click on Calendar.

Effective Healthcare Advocacy: Tools to Skillfully Navigate Health Care Systems. Marcy Houle, co-author of The Gift of Caring, will present. Saturday, May 6, 1-3pm. Valley Catholic Elementary School, SW 148th Avenue (off Farmington Road). Beaverton, 97078. RSVP/Information: or 503-746-5082

Dine Around Beaverton & Beyond. Oasis Restaurant (Lebanese). Wednesday, May 10, 12:30. Murray Scholls Town Center, 14845 SW Murray Scholls Drive. Please RSVP: Frieda, f.pardo58@gmail. com or 510-693-2955

Oregon Holocaust Memorial Tour.

Tuesday, May 23, 6:30-8:30 pm, Private home in Beaverton (near Walker Road and Hwy 217). Book: Left Neglected by Lisa Genova. RSVP: VivaVillagebookclub@ or 503-746-5082

River West Village

Visit for a comprehensive list of activities and meetings on the calendar (so many activities too numerous to include in this post) Sign up of the RWV newsletter, Like us on FaceBook

Monthly Luncheon We will meet on Thursday, May 11th at 11:30AM at Peppermill Restaurant. The speaker will be Sandi Proctor from Impact Signs. She is the co-founder of the business and will talk about the challenges of starting a business in Washington County and how she overcame those challenges to create a successful business in a VERY competitive market - printing services and signs!

t Men’s Coffee Every Wednesday from 10 to Noon t Ladies Coffee & Conversation Every Thurs. from 10 to Noon

Age In Place, Comprehensive 101 Informational RWV hosts Q&A about the Village movement. The 2nd Saturday of each month from 10-11 at St. Luke’s Church.

Walking Group:

Village 101 Presentation.

RWV Happy Hours:

RWV Coed Mix & Mingle: No Host Meet up 4th Friday of the month at Prosperity Pie Shoppe in the back room

Planning Groups Meetings Everyone who has attended the 101 Intro talk is welcome to attend. Meet the last Tuesday of the month from 7 to 9pm at the SW Community Center at Gabriel Park (in one of the meeting rooms)

/29( $7 ),567 6,*+7 CFDBVTF I’ve been loving my mother 6,1&( , 23(1(' 0< (<(6 24 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

The Tualatin Valley is a short drive from Portland and is home to nationally renowned golf courses, award-winning wineries, tax-free shopping, agricultural experiences, outdoor recreational activities and more. With a combination of suburban and rural settings, the Tualatin Valley offers an unparalleled experience for all travelers.

Beehive Through May 14 – Broadway Rose Theatre Company (Tigard)

Death by Design Through May 6 – Beaverton Civic Theatre (Beaverton)

Jesus Christ Super Star Through May 7 – Theatre in the Grove (Forest Grove)

First Tuesday Art Walk May 2 – Washington County Museum (Hillsboro)

Raleigh Hills Business Association

May 5 through 21 – Mask & Mirror Community Theatre (Tigard)

Anatomy of Gray

Art Pollard Day May 6 – World of Speed (Wilsonville)

Monthly Morning Meeting Wed. May 3rd from 7-8am RH New Seasons. Speaker: Mary Sherman / Sherman Family Properties will be sharing with the members and guest about the Fir Grove Garden Club Celebrating spring with a garden tour. The Raleigh Park Garden Tour. Our mission is to support the community of Raleigh Hills; to promote a vibrant business environment, maintain a safe & healthy climate, create community consciousness & maximize livability. Visit us at

Beaverton Chamber Coffee Connection Every Friday from 7:45 to 9am. See our website for upcoming locations. The westside’s premier networking group. Join 75+ business folks each Friday at a different Chamber partners’s location. For more information visit, 503-644-0123

Cedar Mill Business Association Please Join Us for Lunch



For more information, contact : execsec@alohabusinessassociation. com or call Board Chair, Karen Bolin at 503 356-1190.

@ Prosperity Pie Shoppe in Multnomah Village - Open Meetings

Meet up 2nd Friday at O’Connor’s Pub in Multnomah Village.

(New) Thursday, May 18, 10:3012:30 am, private home in Triple Creek Neighborhood. RSVP/Information re: movies for discussion: vivavillagemovies@gmail. com or 971-400-9512.

Aloha Business Association

Weekly Coffee Meet-ups

2 Mondays per month from 9-11am. Visit our website “calendar” for location and details. Walks are about 90 minutes.

Movie Discussion Group.


The ABA welcomes guests from the business community to attend and participate at our meetings.

Thursday, May 11, 10-11 am, 97205 SW Washington Way, Washington Park, Portland 97205. RSVP: VIvaVillageEvents@gmail. com or 503-746-5082. Information:, click on calendar. Information for prospective members and/or volunteers. Saturday, May 13, 10-11:30 am, Elsie Stuhr Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd. Email VivaVillage101@ or call 503-746-5082.

Business Meetings

Tuesday, May 9th, 11:45a–1:30p. Cedar Mill Bible Church (12208 NW Cornell Rd) Our Main Speaker is a guest and a Certified Business Coach. William Lambson will be teaching us about Communication: A Key to Success. For more information visit

Beaverton Flea May 7 – Curiosities Mall

Havoc at the Hideout May 7 – Hornings Hideout (North Plains)

Shades of Rosé May 7 – Raptor Ridge Winery (Hillsboro)

Annual Oyster & Saké Event May 6 – SakéOne (Forest Grove)

Oregon Road Runners Hagg Lake Run May 6 – Henry Hagg Lake (Gaston)

Downtown Tigard Art Walk May 12-13 – Main Street (Tigard)

Beaverton Symphony’s Young Artists Concert May 19 & 20 – Village Baptist Church (Beaverton)

Nordic Dinner May 19 & 20 – Ponzi Vineyards (Sherwood)

10k Rum Run May 20 – Big Al’s (Beaverton)

Banks Linear Trail Brave Run May 20 – Banks Vernonia State Trail,

OMSI Star Party: Planet Parade May 20 – Stub Stewart State Park (Buxton)

Tualatin River Bird Festival May 20 – Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge (Sherwood)

Open Alpaca Barn May 27 and 28 – Alpacas of Oregon (Sherwood)

Memorial Weekend in Wine Country May 26-29 – Washington County Wineries, wineries-vineyards

The Roar of the Greasepaint, The Smell of the Crowd May 26 - June 18 – HART Theatre (Hillsboro)

Beer, Brats and Pinot May 27 – Patton Valley Vineyards (Gaston)

Rose Festival Half Marathon May 28 – Southridge High School (Beaverton)

Hippie Chick Half & Quarter Marathon May 13 – Ron Tonkin Field (Hillsboro) event/hippie-chick

Mother’s Day Brunch May 14 – Cornelius Pass Roadhouse (Hillsboro) and Grand Lodge (Forest Grove)

Mother’s Day Wine Brunch

For more events throughout the Tualatin Valley, please visit events-festivals.

May 14 – Plum Hill Vineyards (Gaston)

U.S. Masters International Badminton Championships May 18-21 – Oregon Badminton Academy (Beaverton) Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Out & About | What’s Happeni ng Around B eaverton This Month?

Food Trouble? COMMUNITY Trouble with Food? Tuesdays 6:30-8:00pm Help is Here! Weekly meetings are free and available for anyone

History Presentation

Adoption: Need a Friend, Got a Friend

The History of Portland

Cats that Need New Homes

PRESENTATION Oregon Historical Society’s Sharon Thorne will present

The history of Portland from its early days May 9, 7:00 PM This event is Free, Donations are Welcome! suffering from food addiction, food obsession, obesity, bulimia or under-eating. There are no dues or weigh-ins. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous is a 12 Step fellowship based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Tuesdays 6:30-8pm at Beaverton Lodge (12900 SW 9th St Beaverton), www., contact Pamela at 503- 860-8281.

Sharon Thorne is an eleven year volunteer at the Oregon Historical Society. Most of that time she’s been a docent leading school kids through the OHS History Museum. Most recently she’s worked with a group of colleagues to launch the OHS Speakers Bureau. Sharon with a master’s in organizational behavior is a retired management consultant who specialized in helping large corporations & governments manage change and operate more effectively. Starting at Tektronix Sharon provided consultation to managers within the company for seven years and then launched her own consulting ďŹ rm for twenty years. While she is not a native Oregonian, after 40 years of living here, she considers Oregon her home. She’s married, spends time with grandchildren, hiking, and reading. She will be presenting about the history of Portland from its early days as “the Clearingâ€? which was not even home to the many Indian tribes who populated the lower Columbia and Willamette Rivers. Using an interactive style with the audience Sharon will show how Portland developed into a major city and chief port on the Willamette. She will explore the role of the Oregonian, the Plank road, the impact of the California Gold Rush, and the roots of the entrepreneurial spirit that characterizes the city to this day.

Sharon will be bringing historical artifacts for participants to look at and handle.

ADOPTION PUGSLEY & OPHILIA are two young brown tabby’s, about 8 months, who are a work in progress. They were found at a hoarders home when the police were called 3 months ago. The conditions were horriďŹ c with neglected sick and dying cats living in ďŹ lth, many could not be saved. Pugsley is learning to trust people, allowing some petting, but will need more time to completely adjust. Ophelia is more trusting and is showing her brother people can be trusted. Ophelia was having a bad hair day (they look a like) therefore thought Pugsley’s picture could represent her too. Pugsley and Ophelia will need to be adopted together. They have become more playful and trusting everyday they have been in their loving foster home. Will you be their hero and give them the love and patience they deserve and need to thrive. Pugsley

STAYSHIA: Stayshia is a 3-1/2 yr old female Siamese/Tortoiseshell mix. Got a lap, she is your gal. She loves lap time and any attention you give her, she gets an A+ in purring! Recently she was diagnosed as deaf, we already knew she had a slight neurologi-


cal problem, her head ‘bobbles’ when she gets stressed or confused. Some times people think she looks like a bobble head doll when that happens. We believe her deafness, coupled with her neuro issue, was caused by a head trauma at some point in her early years. At her recent visit to the Vet we were told she is in very good health. Her foster mom tells people she is a sweet and loving kitty and calls her a perfect house guest. Now that she feels safe she is coming out from underneath furniture and learning to play. Paper sacks is her favorite. It appears she was never allowed off the oor so it has taken her a while to trust that she has permission to sleep on the furniture. She started with her foster moms favorite chair so she would be ready for lap time. Her next favorite thing to do, when she doesn’t have your lap available, is watch neighborhood cats, dogs and lots of birds from the balcony. Stayshia was initially rescued from ‘a “killâ€? shelter in Eastern Oregon. She lived there in a foster home for 6 months until Core Paws arranged transport to Beaverton so she had a better chance of ďŹ nding a forever home. She


now lives in another foster home waiting for her forever home. She is a little shy in the beginning but warms up quickly. She would very much like a home of her own that would understand her ‘physical quirks’ and help her blossom into to the kitty we know she can be. SUGARCANE is a 5 yr old female, orange and white DSH. She had a home for three years but got out. After two years she found her way home and discovered she had been replaced with another cat (understandable after 2 years). She now needs to ďŹ nd a new home with fewer cats where she can get the attention she would like. She is very affectionate, likes to play, loves big and small people and has very good house manners. She is indoor only. y

For more info contact Cat's Cradle Rescue at 503-320-6079

Elsie Stuhr Center CLASSES Class Spotlight We have two new exercise classes this spring! Come join us for a fun, new workout.

Chair Dancing: The Joy of Movement in a Chair Join us and experience the un-

Elsie Stuhr Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd, Event is free; donations are welcome, (503) 430-0106

limited possibility of grace, energy and creativity, as well as increased strength, exibility, and range of motion. Dance in the chair with music ranging from stimulating and energizing, to relaxing and peaceful. %PHXPPE 3PPN t 5VFTEBZT t 10:45-11:45 am

Chair Yoga with Fabiola

Special Event National Senior Health and Fitness Day Meet our outstanding ďŹ tness instructors and learn about our health and wellness program. The Stuhr Center will host a FREE mini ďŹ tness class sampler for participants, along with refreshments and free giveaways!

Increase exibility, balance, strength and calmness with yoga movements combined with breathing. Revitalize the respiratory, nervous, endocrine, digestive and other major systems of the body. This class is suitable for all levels.

Wednesday, 5/31 1:45-3:30 Manzanita Rm.

0BL 3PPN t 5IVSTEBZT t 11:40 am

Elsie Stuhr Center, 5550 SW Hall Blvd, (503) 629-6342.

New Family Owners

Great Customer Service Since 1935


Personal Medication Counseling Compounding Immunizations Prescription Gift Shop

12250 SW Canyon Rd, Beaverton | | 503-644-2101

Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 25

Out & About | W hat’s Happeni ng A round B eaverton This Month?

Vendor Spotlights Beaverton Farmers Market Saturdays: May - November (8am - 1:30pm) | Located on SW Hall Blvd between 3rd & 5th Streets |

ready to eat hazelnuts, named after the original farmers, Ken and June Melcher. Ken & June’s product line includes raw, dry roasted, and roasted & salted hazelnuts, as well as a delicious selection of chocolate coated hazelnuts including milk, dark and Marion berry flavored.

and honey; bring to a boil and boil 30 seconds. Remove from heat. Stir in peanut butter; mix well. Pour over cereal mix and mix until coated. Put on cookie sheet to cool.

As a family owned and operated small business, we take great pride in providing a quality, locally grown product for our customers to enjoy all year round.

Visit Booth #141

Buddha Kat Winery Packing up the two fat Siamese cats and two kids and leaving cold, dark Alaska I made my way to beautiful Oregon and discovered a winery for sale. Figuring I would save more money owning a winery then buying retail, I jumped with both feet and the two fat cats (hence the name) into professional winemaking.

Oregon Hazelnut Trail Mix

Ken & June’s Hazelnuts Melcher Family Farm Visit Booth #101 The Melcher family has been in the business of growing hazelnuts for over 50 years. Ken & June Melcher began farming hazelnuts in 1957 on a 40-acre farm in their home town of St. Paul,

Oregon. It was one of the largest filbert orchards in the Willamette Valley at the time. As second generation farmers, we now farm 300 acres of hazelnuts. In 2000, we expanded our business to include packaged,

179 Edgemaster Mobile Sharpening


177 Smokin Rose BBQ


6 cups Kix cereal


1-1/2 cups coarsely chopped or whole, roasted Oregon hazelnuts


1 cup golden raisins


1 cup banana chips


1 small package non-instant vanilla pudding


1/2 cup honey


1/2 cup peanut butter

169 Big O's Wood Fired Pizza

172 Money Bowl

To Key Bank and Farmington Rd

at the Market

- 3rd St -

May 13: Harvest Gold/ Richie Bean

138 Hoda’s Middle Eastern Cuisine

143 Vin Tyr Wines 144 Drop Shop Distillery

May Asparagus Strawberries Sugar Snap peas Rhubarb Fava beans Radishes Potatoes Carrots Turnips Kale Chard Leafy greens Onions & leeks Cauliflower Cabbage Mushrooms

147 Northern Pacific Farm 149 Price Right Farm

151 Green Garden Starts

152 Blue Raven Farmstand

92 ProFarm Produce

133 Purple Cow Vineyards

- Washington Ave -

142 Flooded Fox Den Distillery

95 99 97 98 Kaleng Swell Eats Blue Moon Salmon Produce Creek Farm Bakery

134 Bull Run Cider

141 Buddha Kat Winery


132 Salvador Molly's 129 CJ’s Nursery 127 Early Mom 126 Black Dirt Farm

121 Gloria's Secret Cafe

155 Essance Skincare

119 May's Produce and Flowers

181 Fetzer’s German Sausage

57 Kimo’s Dips & For the Love of Pasta 56 True Nature

84 Linda Brand Crab

70 Garden Lane Farms

55 Henry Higgins Boiled Bagels

71 Stoller Farms

51 Sun Gold Farm

80 Martinez Family Farm

101-2 100 101 The Ken & Willamette Valley Hummus June’s Stop Hazelnuts Cheese

33 Alotto Gelato 34 Symple Foods

29 Denison Farms

4 Skipanon Brand Seafood

35 TBees 36 Portland Creamery

37 Fressen Artisan Bakery

6 Alex Farm 28 Piping Puppy

27 Tiger Lily Beauty Bar

38 Souper Natural 39 Sterling Cookies

25 The Berry Patch

40 Cocacao

41 Zoe Ann's Cheesecakes

49 Pumpkin Ridge Gardens

45 Columbia River Sourdough

48 Pearson Nursery

Nut-tritious Foods

101-8 Don Felipe

101-7 March Biological Control

109 Unger Farms

105 Gathering Together Farm

11 Packer Orchards

23 Danielle's Sauces

15 Briar Rose Creamery

22 NOLA Doughnuts 18 N & M Herb Nursery


101-4 Eastside Distilling

To Beaverton City Library

To Public Restrooms, Playground & Fountain Beaverton City Park

Hello, I’m Eleni — Welcome to my kitchen.

17 Santo’s Family Farm

101-3 Olympic Provisions 103 Bleu Diamond Dressings

Visit Booth #166

16 Quinn’s Crab Cakes

101-6 Origins Coffee

104 It’s Party Time Catering

Eleni’s Kitchen

9 Simington Gardens

24 Lady-Lane Farm


115 La Mariposa 111 McCarthy’s Beverages

When you need a serene moment, or a treat, stop in either location to taste our wines or call ahead and schedule a private tasting or tour of the winery with our warm, friendly staff. We also play host to lively events such as “Buy Local” bazaars, release parties, holiday teas, painting classes, and more. A trip to either one of the Buddha Kat tasting rooms is a must-have experience for all wine lovers!

1 Greens Bridge Gardens

Meemee’s Goodies

101-9 Esotico Pasta

114 Pony Espresso

Music Stage

101-22 Gala Springs Farm


78 Humdinger Foods

116 Dedadent Creations

101-1 Temptress Truffles

42 Super Natural Farm

73 Winters Farms

117 NW Cactus & Succulents

180 Moh's Mobile Kitchen

58 Sedum Chicks

69 Three D Ranch

85 Lonely Lane Farms

118 Great Harvest Hillsboro

To Beaverton Art Court Booths

59 KCK Farms

68 Carina's Bakery

123 Portland Juice Company

154 ELA Farms

60 Baird Family Orchards

67 Ah-Nuts

87 Lion & Rose Handmade Soap

124 Sweet Briar Farms

122 Sinful confections

158 Old School Peanut Roasters

65 Stephens Farm

88 DeNoble's Farm Fresh Produce

125 Grandma Candys Jam/Country Charm Acres

153 Bonsante Gourmet Dog Food

157 The Mushroomery

91 Rose City Pepperheads

184 Stellar Pop

- 4th St -

168 Gabriel's Bakery

136 C’est Si Bon

May 20: The Noted May 27: Worn Out Shoes

166 Eleni’s Kitchen

164 McCarthy’s Beverages

- Hall Blvd -

161 Casa de Tamales

May 6: Beaverton Community Band

t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t

We have tasting rooms in two of the most beautiful areas of Oregon - Mount Hood and the Oregon Coast. Our main facility and winery is located along Hwy 26 as you’re heading up to Mt. Hood at 17020 Ruben Lane in Sandy, Oregon. Sandy is an excellent jumping off point to enjoy the great outdoors of the Mt Hood area. We also have a tasting room at 37 N. Edgewood in lively downtown Seaside, Oregon, just minutes from the beach.

Mix cereal, nuts, raisins and banana chips together. In saucepan, combine vanilla pudding

176 Liquid Sunshine

We created delicious varietal and fruit wines from the bountiful grapes and fruit of the Columbia and Willamette Valley, Columbia Gorge, and surrounding orchards. Our internationally award-winning wines are unique and retain the characteristic of each fruit we use. Rhubarb, blackberry, raspberry and cherry wines are perennial favorites as well as our more traditional Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Riesling, and Chardonnay. We also make several rich and luxurious fruit port style dessert wines including our 96-point, double-gold awarded, Framboise Chocolate.

My hope is to share my love for Ethiopian food and culture and make it accessible to others whether they are buying online, at a retail store, or getting it straight from “my kitchen” at the Farmers’ Market.

Continued on Page 28 - -> 26 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Out & About | What’s Happeni ng Around B eaverton This Month? Vendor Guide

Try our Fresh Produce!

From our hives to your home Local raw honey, creamed raw honey, bee pollen, royal jelly, and more. 503-858-7207 Booth #35

Many varieties of leaf greens, carrots, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, corn, broccoli & more! Booth #80

Delicious Laotian Cuisine Egg Rolls, Pad Thai, Salad Rolls, Lemon Grass Beef Sticks, Chicken Sticks & Fried Rice. Gluten Free and Vegetarian Menu. Booth #180

Handmade Soap & Natural Deodorant

Award-winning fruit & grape wines Try our reds, whites and specialty wines including, Rhubarb, Blueberry, Cherry, Blackberry Port, Framboise Chocolat & more! Booth #141

Lovingly hand-crafted in small batches with skin-loving ingredients. Try our top selling Pinot Noir Wine Soap and Beer Soap. Booth #87

High Quality Ciders & Perries

100% Grass Fed Beef Heritage Pork On-Farm USDA processing 503-845-4252 Booth#85


Try our flagship Powerhouse Dry, Bramble Berry Dry, Creekside Cranberry Perry and Pear Ice Wine. Booth #134

A Coconut & Cacao Confection made from Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Coconut Nectar, and Organic Cacao Powder. Booth #40

American Charcuterie

Fresh Falafel Sandwiches All Local.Flavorful.Made from scratch! Stop by and try our Lebanese Omelette! Full Catering Services at Booth #138

Oregon grown strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and grapes. 503-992-0710 Booth #109

SMALL FAMILY FARM Located in Aurora, Oregon Organic produce 12 months a year Join our CSA farm share Booth #9

Premium Artisan Liqueurs

Fresh Dungeness Crab Also salmon, halibut, tuna, rock fish, oysters and more! 866-569-4891 Booth #84

Our gourmet meats have deep, nuanced flavors and exquisite texture. Salami, sausage, deli meats, snack sticks, pickles & more! Booth #101-3

You Will Stop for Our Hummus Artichoke avocado, cilantro jalapeno, roasted red pepper and more! Fresh Pita Bread & Pita Chips too! 503-209-5517 Booth #100

Welcome to my kitchen! My hope is to share my love for Ethiopian food and culture. Stop by my booth and smell the rich exotic aromas. Then give it a taste! Booth #166

Ginger, Apple, and Pomegranate Liqueurs plus our “Bourbon-style apple brandy.” A balanced blend of essence, spirit, and sweetness Booth #142

Straight from the farm

True Fermented Sourdough

Sensitive Skincare Line

Reduced Gluten, Low Glycemic No Dairy, Yeast, Fat, or GMO’s Superior Taste & Texture Facebook ~ 360 448 8225 Booth #45

Farmstead Specialty Cheeses

All of our skincare products are handcrafted in small batches for freshness, using carefully selected botanical ingredients. Booth #155

Ken & June’s Hazelnuts

World’s Best Crabcakes!

Gourmet Dog Food

Fressen Bakery

Simply the best! Fresh and handmade from locally caught dungeness. 503-709-6984 Booth #16

Kitchen Made, Vacuum Packed, Frozen for Freshness, Human Grade Ingredients. 888-264-9057 Booth #153

High quality artisan breads, pretzels, and pastries in German Tradition incorporating organic, local, and sustainable ingredients Booth #37

offer a delicious selection of Raw, Dry Roasted and Roasted & Salted Hazelnuts. Milk, Dark, & White Chocolate coated Hazelnuts too! Booth #101

producing the highest quality handmade cheese possible for you and your family. Booth #101-2

Green Garden Starts Organically and sustainably grown vegetable starts. Lots of tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, peppers, beans, artichokes and more! Booth #151

and into your hands. Come see us for fresh hand picked asparagus. 509-952-0551 Booth #93

Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 27

Out & About | W hat’s Happeni ng A round B eaverton This Month? Look for us on the 2nd Saturday of each month, May - September.

Love Your Library Because it loves you!

Visit Booth #142



Beaverton City Library 12375 SW 5th St., Beaverton 503-644-2197

Vendor Guide (Con’t) Our mission is to provide the best and authentic Ethiopian food products. Our ďŹ rst product, “The Original Kulet – Red Pepper Sauceâ€?, is the Ultimate Stew Maker. Eleni’s Kitchen “The Original Kulet – Red Pepper Sauceâ€? is simmered onions, berbere (Ethiopian spiced red chili pepper powder), oil (canola, soybean), garlic, ginger and other spices; it is the base for preparing gourmet lentil, beef, chicken or other types of stews. Our product evokes the traditional, open-ame style of Ethiopian cooking and is rich in exotic aromas.

Green Garden Starts Visit Booth #151

I have worked on sugar and alcohol chemistry for many years. The original plan was to save the world by making clean renewable fuel ethanol from ryegrass and wheat straw. Turns out that the world was not that interested in being saved yet. We’d rather be fracking. Bummer. While sustainable fuels will have to wait, I realized that my skills in fermentation, distillation, and enzymatic carbohydrate chemistry would be very useful in the spirits business (and probably more fun!). Since liqueurs and whiskies have always been my favorites, those are the areas I decided to pursue. My philosophy about liqueurs can be summed up in one word: balance. Like the three legs of a well-balanced stool, essence, spirit, and sweetness are blended to achieve the perfect pitch. Or maybe like facets of a gem that are cut “just soâ€? to achieve brilliance. Anyway, ďŹ nding the right balance is one of the key challenges and rewards of being in the spirits business.

Come visit our booth to ďŹ nd organically and sustainably grown vegetable starts. Our mission is to provide healthy vegetable starts to feed your family from your own piece of earth! Heirloom vegetable starts grown from seed in a hoop house, utilizing organic material and sustainable practices. No pesticides or herbicides, no GMO’s.

All events are free. Registration, where noted, is one month in advance. Children’s Programs @ Main Think Fun Thursday 5/4, 5/11, 5/18 & 5/25 | 4-5pm | Storytime Room. Ages 3-8 | Drop-in. 1st Thursday: Imagination Station – Bring your imagination! 2nd Thursday: Builders – Play with LEGOs and DUPLO blocks! 3rd Thursday: Puzzle Time – Fun with puzzles and books! 4th Thursday: Things That Go – Play with things that go!

Free Comic Book Day Mini-Con 5/6 | 11am – 1pm | Meeting Rooms A & B. Grades K-12 with family | Drop-in. Meet with local comic creators and pick up your free comic book!

Discovery Veterinary Clinic 5/20, 10am-1pm & 3:30-4:30pm; 5/21, 1:30-4:30pm; 5/22-25, 10am – 12pm & 3-7pm; 5/26, 10am – 12pm & 3-5:30pm | Ages 3-8 with family | Drop-in. Drop by the library to discover a veterinary clinic that is just the right size for kids to play with! Limited to 20 kids per 20-minute session.

Teen Programs @ Main & Murray Scholls Make a Mini Comic - the “Lowriders In Space� Way!

I am excited to be making products that people are excited about. It was very satisfying to have our Ginger Liqueur win the Best of Show/Double Gold medal and our Apple Liqueur win the Silver Medal at the 2016 Seattle International Spirits Awards. Our two newest products, Pomegranate Liqueur and Apple Brandy, haven’t been entered into any competitions yet, but will be later this year.

5/6 | 12-1pm | Meeting Room B. Ages 12 and up | Registration required. Learn how to make your own mini comic from the author of the award-winning graphic novel series “Lowriders In Space.� Cathy Camper will be showing us how to create comics using ballpoint pens! Limited to 30 participants.

All of our spirits are gluten-free and vegan. No artiďŹ cial avors, colors, sweeteners or ingredients and no preservatives

Teatro Milagro Presents: Mijita Fridita

Adult Programs @ Main

A & B. Local bilingual theater company Teatro Milagro will present this play based on the life of young Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo. Presented in English and Spanish, this production is imaginative and powerful. Suitable for the whole family! Free and open to the public; no registration required.

Community Crafting for Adults 5/18 | 6:30-8:30pm | Meeting Room A | Registration required. Community Crafting for Adults meets every other month to present a new craft to do! Previous skills are not required, but creativity and conversation are highly encouraged! Ages 16 and up.

Northwest Local: Beaverton City Library’s Author Fair 5/20 | 11am – 2pm | Meeting Rooms A & B. Northwest Local, Beaverton City Library’s Author Fair, offers the public an opportunity to meet authors from Beaverton and surrounding communities and a chance to purchase their books.

Children’s Programs @ M Murray Scholls Think Fun Thursday 5/4, 5/11, 5/18 & 5/25 | 4-5pm. Ages 3-8 with family | Drop-in. 1st Thursday: Puzzle Time - Fun with puzzles and books! 2nd Thursday: Things That Go - Play with things that go! 3rd Thursday: Builders - Play with LEGOs and Duplo blocks! 4th Thursday: Imagination Station - Bring your imagination!

Sensory Play 5/25 | 11:30am – 12pm. Ages 2-6 with adult | Drop-in. Though sensory play, children explore and naturally use scientiďŹ c processes while they play, investigate, create and discover new sensations. Come enjoy the fun!

Cedar Mill & Bethany Libraries 12505 NW Cornell Rd, Ste 13, Portland, 503-644-0043

Oregon Ballet Theatre 2 (OBT2) 5/21 | 2-3pm | Meeting Rooms A & B. Oregon Ballet Theatre 2 (OBT2) is group of 12 talented pre-professional dancers, chosen by national audition, who share the stage with dancers from Oregon Ballet Theatre in large productions such as The Nutcracker and Swan Lake. The dancers, presented by former American Ballet Theatre ballerina and OBT2 Program Director Lisa Sundstrom, perform a mix of classical and contemporary work including: Le Grand Pas de Trios des Odalisques, by the most famous classical ballet choreographer of all time, Marius Petipa; Crush Pas de Deux, a contemporary duet by former OBT ballerina Alison Roper, with music by Brian Crane; and Bournonville Dances, excerpts of well-loved dances by 19th Century Danish choreographer, August Bournonville. This program is free and open to the public; no registration is required.

Hula the Night Away 5/22 | 7-8pm | Meeting Room A | Registration required. Have you ever wanted to learn how to hula? This is your chance! Join us for an evening of Hawaiian music and dance while learning something new, while having a blast and getting a little exercise. You’ll learn basic hula steps, easy hand motions, some Hawaiian language and have fun participating in a simple hula dance. Wear comfortable clothing and come prepared to move!

All events are free. Cedar Mill Library Programs Song Circle Tuesday, May 9, 6:30-8pm. Adult singers & acoustic instrument players gather to sing & play popular pop & folk songs of the 1960s-70s.

Lost Sock Memorial Day Tuesday, May 9, all day. Where do lost socks go? Celebrate this mystery by playing the sock matching game.

Scrapbook Club Sunday, May 14, 1pm. Join Sage Mashru for tips and tricks for creating scrapbooks.

CALM Monday, May 15, 6:30pm. Coloring & Listening Moments for Adults. Color and listen to a short story.

Writers Mill Sunday, May 21, 1-3pm. Handson inspiring gathering of people who love to write.

Countdown to Kindergarten Tuesday, May 23, 6:30pm. Parents will obtain tools for helping your child make a smooth transition into kindergarten.

5/7 | 3-3:45pm | Meeting Rooms

Support Excellence in our City Library, Support the Foundation, today! To ďŹ nd out how, visit

8IBU T 4J[[MJOH BU UIF -JCSBSZ Top three titles on the holds list last month. BLU-RAY TITLES






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28 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Out & About | What’s Happeni ng Around B eaverton This Month? Foster Care Ca 101 Wednesday, May 24, 6:30pm. Join experts from different organizations to discuss the current state of foster care in Oregon.

Owl Book Group Friday, May 26 , 10:30am-12pm. Author visit - Discuss: Our Souls at Night by Kent Haruf.

Voices in Verse Saturday, May 27, 10:30am. Open mic poetry. Come and read or just listen.

Rhythm/Drum Circle Tuesday, May 30, 6:30-8pm. Adult drummers gather to develop rhythmic abilities while strengthening the group as a whole.

Film Club Wednesday, May 31, 6:15pm. Watch/Discuss: Neither Heaven nor Earth (France)

early grade school kids. Stories, songs, rhymes, and fun geared toward getting kids hooked on reading from an early age.

Book Club Monday, May 1 at 6:30pm. Join us for our monthly book club! May’s selection is Songs of Willow Frost by Jamie Ford.

May The Fourth Be With You! Thursday, May 4 from 12:006pm. Drop in any time today for fun with Star Wars themed crafts and coloring pages! All ages welcome.

Sit n Stitch 2nd and 4th Mondays at 6:00pm. Bring your knitting, crochet, or other yarn project, and come join the Sit n Stitch group! Trade tips or simply enjoy the company of fellow crafters while you work on your latest creation. No registration necessary.

Bethany Library: Mother Goose Day Storywalk Monday, May 1, all day. Celebrate Mother Goose! Stop at stations around the library and share a nursery rhyme.

Lost Sock Memorial Day Tuesday, May 9, all day. Where do lost socks go? Celebrate this mystery by playing the sock matching game.

Bethany Library Storytimes Family Storytime – Mondays, 10:30am, 11:30am. Fun for Ones – Tuesdays, 9:30am. Twos Together – Tuesdays, 10:30am.

Aloha Community Library Association 17455 SW Farmington Rd, Suite 26A, Aloha | 503-259-0185

Urban Animals Tuesday, May 9 from 1:003:00pm. Animals are all around us, even in the city! Drop in to learn about our wildlife neighbors with hands-on activities and interactive displays from the knowledgeable experts of Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District. All ages welcome.

Lego Free Play Thursday, May 18 at 3:30pm. Come and build with Legos (and Duplos)! For ages 5-17, with accompanying adults for kids younger than 9.

Garden Home Community Library 7475 SW Oleson Rd, Portland 503-245-9932

All events are free. Aloha Community Library will be closed for Memorial Day on Monday, May 29.

Toddler Storytime Mondays at 10:30am. Join us for a 30-minute storytime program for babies and toddlers ages 0-3 and their grown-ups. Come read, dance, sing, and play with us!

Family Storytime Wednesdays at 10:30am. Weekly storytime for toddlers through

And An Academic Advantage All Year

Adult Programs Nerd Night Trivia for Adults Tues, May 2 at 6:30 pm. Come test your knowledge - solo or in a team – and ďŹ nd out who knows the most. Sets vary each month. Generally 5 sets of questions consisting of current events, music and other random trivia. Prize(s) for teams/individual(s) with the most and least correct answers. Š2017 Kumon North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Give Your Kids A

All events are free.

Books & Beers with Heather and Nick Fri., May 5 at 7 pm. Enjoy a discussion and beers while we discuss the book A Study In Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson descendants, Charlotte and Jamie, students at a Connecticut boarding school, team up to solve a murder mystery. Ask at library for set aside copies.

Container Gardening Workshop with author Maggie Stuckey. Sat., May 6 at 10 am. Come see Maggie Stuckey, best-selling author of “The Bountiful Container,� talk about how to successfully grow a variety of plants without having to put them in the ground. This program will include an informational talk, a question-andanswer period, and a planting demonstration

Tuesday Night Nourishment Book Group Tues., May 9 at 7 pm. Our selection for May is Find a Way a memoir by Diana Nyad. On September 2, 2013, at the age of 64, Diana Nyad emerged onto the shores of Key West after completing a 110 mile, 53 hour, recordbreaking swim through sharkinfested waters from Cuba to Florida. Her memoir shows why, at 64 she was able to achieve what she couldn’t at 30 and how her repeated failures contributed to her success. Ask in library for set aside copies.

Free Film Night Fri., May 19 at 7:30 pm (doors open at 7 pm). This month’s ďŹ lm is Valhalla Rising (2010, 93 minutes). An action/adventure ďŹ lm directed by Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive). Synopsis: For years, the fearsome ďŹ gure known only as One Eye (Mads Mikkelsen - PUSHER, FLAME & CITRON, CASINO ROYALE) has defeated everyone he’s encountered, but he’s treated more like an animal than a warrior. The only person he has any relationship with is the young boy who brings him food and water daily. Constantly caged and shackled, One Eye has drawn the attention of a new force now sweeping the countryside and displacing the society’s leaders: Christians.

Estate Planning 101 Tues., May 16 at 6:30 pm. RSVP by calling library. A free, one hour educational event, which will give you a better understanding of what planning options are available. Michelle-Shari Kruss, Attorney at Law, will help you explore a variety of planning decisions, including deciding if a

WITH FREE REGISTRATION 6/1 - 6/30* *Offer valid at participating Kumon Centers only when you enroll between 6/1/17 – 6/30/17. Most Kumon Centers are independently owned and operated. Additional fees may apply.

Will or Trust is a better planning tool, determining whether an additional trust is appropriate to safeguard your minor children’s inheritance, addressing Oregon’s 1 million dollar exemption, choosing a guardian “temporary and permanentâ€?, coordinating retirement and life insurance beneďŹ ciary designations with the will planning and addressing the unanticipated incapacity of a spouse/partner.

Board Game Night Weds., May 10 from 6-9 pm. Join our monthly gathering of board game lovers. New games provided every month. People are also invited to bring games they’d like to play.

Altera Vita: Tabletop Roleplaying

Midwest life and moved to San Francisco, her emotions - Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness - conict on how best to navigate a new city, house, and school. Everyone is invited / This event is free / Snacks are provided

Contest Winner CONTEST Congratulations to Madelyn M. Jakubauskas who created an original bookmark design to promote the Library Foundation using the theme: Read for the Win! Madelyn is a 6th Grader at Connestoga Middle School.

Sunday, May 28 from 1-5 pm Whether you’re feeling nostalgic or completely new to it all, join experienced game-master Eric for an afternoon of character sheets, ďŹ stfuls of dice, and collaborative storytelling in a different ďŹ ctional world every month. Try a new game each month. Characters and dice are provided- you need only bring your imagination.

Youth & Family Programs (*held in the library) Read to the Dogs* Reluctant (or eager!) readers can read to therapy dog Hannah, a friendly Golden Retriever, every month on the second and fourth Tuesday from 6-7 PM. Reserve a 20-minute slot(s) for Apr. (Apr. 11 & 25) by calling, coming into the library, or visiting our website at http://www.gardenhomelibrary. org/read-to-the-dogs/

Storytime Book Babies Storytime* - Tuesdays 11:00-11:20 AM Preschool Storytime* - Wednesdays 12:00-12:30 PM

Mo Phillips Rock’n’Roll Saturday, May 13, 1 p.m. Location: GHCL Annex (across the street from the library at 7306 SW Oleson Rd). At a Mo Phillips show you won’t know whether to laugh or dance, so ya might as well do both! Catchy fun time jams rooted in the American folk rock tradition, so much fun to sing and shake along to! Everyone is invited / This event is free

Family Movie Day Inside Out (2015). Saturday, May 20, 11 a.m. Location: GHCL Annex (across the street from the library at 7306 SW Oleson Rd). After young Riley is uprooted from her

Support the Library by donating: www.

Enroll them in Kumon and add a little brain food to their summer and beyond!

Call us today to schedule a free Parent Orientation to learn more:

Kumon Math & Reading Center of South Beaverton 12325 Southwest Horizon Blvd., Ste. 221, Beaverton, OR 97007

6 +3-/. $/- 1/32) #&"4&02/.

*Offer valid at participating Kumon Centers only when you enroll between 6/1/16 – 6/30/16. Most Kumon Centers are independently owned and operated. Additional fees may apply.

Where Smart Kids Get Smarter. Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 29

Out & About | W hat’s Happeni ng A round B eaverton This Month?

Beaverton Arts Mix!

25 ¢ COLOR Copies! High Quality | Low Cost


Any Project Large or Small

(BAM!) Juried Art Show and Sale Visual artists in Oregon are invited to submit their work to the 2017 Beaverton Arts Mix! to be held October 5-8, 2017, in the Beaverton City Library (12375 SW 5th Street.) Monetary prizes and ribbons will be awarded. BAM! artists will be honored an artist reception on Friday, Oct. 6. A free Quick Draw event on Saturday, Oct. 7 will be open to artists (BAM! and non-BAM!) of all disciplines and media. Returning this year, a free Chalk Draw event on Saturday, Oct. 7 will support a new community of artists. A full list of programming/events for BAM! 2017 will be available in September. Apply online at There is no entry or exhibit fee to participate. No commission will be taken on any sales occurring at the BAM! event.

(No Minimums) | 503-641-3320 | 4655 SW Watson Ave David Palmer Photography


CAR - TRUCK - MOTORCYCLE SHOW (Hosted by VFW POST 2666 in combination with past Annual Veterans & Family Center Cruise In producers!)

t Entries must be submitted online by Monday, July 24, 2017 by 11:00 PM Pacific Time. Do NOT wait until the last minute to apply to this call. t Notification of acceptance or non-acceptance will occur by Friday, August 25, 2017. t Accepted artwork and completed paperwork must be delivered to Beaverton City Library on Tuesday, September 26, from 1:00-7:00 PM. Late work will not be accepted. t All artwork must be picked up at the Beaverton City Library on Sunday, Oct. 8, 5-7PM.


Produced for the Broadway Stage by David Merrick H A R T The atre presents

Memorial Day - Monday May 29, 2017 9:30am-3:00pm Hare Field

Th e cl as sic Bro ad way music a l c ome d y

1151 NE Grant St. Hillsboro, OR 97124

t he

FREE admission for the whole family!


of t he


Over 200 Show Cars, Trucks & Motorcycles, Active & Vintage Military Vehicles , SWAT Car, Police & Fire Vehicles...

Fe at ur ing t he hi t songs

Plus Vendors, Food, Trophies, Classic Tracks DJ, Corral Creek Blue Grass Band, Raffle, Kids Activities, Burt Daniels Traveling Military Museum, PT658 Boat Torpedo, & Memorial Day Salute Program and more!

“ W h o C a n I Tu r n To ” “Fe e ling G o o d”

Recycle Your Books and Support Your Library!

BAM! 2017 Entrants Calendar:

By special arrangement with


Did you know that THE BOOK CORNER welcomes gently used books, DVDs, CDs and puzzles? Just drop them off. While you’re here browse around, you may pick up a good read. Donations Accepted Tues. - Sat. 11am - 5pm Sponsored by the New Friends of the Beaverton City Library. All donations are tax deductible.

For more information,

30 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

12470 Fifth St., Beaverton | 503.643.5188

t he



t he


Book music and lyr ics by

Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Ne wley Di re c te d By

G l e n Yo r k

May 26 - June 18, 2017 Grant Recipient

Adul ts: $18.00 Se niors: $16.00 St ude n ts: $14.00 Group of 10 or more - $2.00 of f e ach t icke t Bu y t icke ts online at: w w w.h art-the at re .org or c all our of f ice at 503-693-7815

HART Theatre < 185 S E Washington < Hillsboro, OR 97123 < 503-693-7815 Hearing assistance devices available. Accessible by Tri-Met 46, 47, 48 & 57 and the Blue Line Max

THE STORY: Cocky and Sir are opposing players in the Game of Life. By rigging the game, Sir wins every prize including employment, daily bread and even love. When a stranger plays the game and wins, Cocky discovers what he must do to successfully compete. This funny, moving, thoughtful and entertaining musical features a delightful Broadway score with classic songs like Who Can I Turn To and Feeling Good. The show also highlights the abilities of many of our young performers. Fun for the entire family.

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Out & About | What’s Happeni ng Around B eaverton This Month?

e i h e B ve a hair-raising musical tribute to the women who rocked the ‘60s!

TUESDAY, MAY 2 The Autopsy of Jane Doe Thriller

FRIDAY, MAY 5 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Sci-Fi The Lovers Drama Chuck Sports Three Generations Drama The Dinner Psychological Thriller Burden Documentary

FRIDAY, MAY 12 King Arthur: Legend... Adventure

Snatched Comedy Lowriders Drama The Wedding Plan... Comedy Generation Iron 2 Drama The Wall Psychological Thriller Paris Can Wait Romance Folk Hero & Funny Guy Comedy Trackdown Sports

FRIDAY, MAY 19 Alien: Covenant Action Everything, Everything Drama Diary of a Wimpy Kid... Comedy Fight for Space Documentary

Champion Paint It Black The Commune

Drama Drama Drama

FRIDAY, MAY 26 Pirates of the Caribbean... Action Baywatch Action Black Buttery Thriller Lady BloodďŹ ght Action WakeďŹ eld Drama

Photos by Craig Mitchelldyer

.07*& -*45*/(4 Coming to a Theater Near You!

APR. 13 - MAY 14 sponsored by


SONGS INCLUDE One Fine Day It’s My Party You Don’t Own Me A Natural Woman Piece of My Heart Proud Mary




%52$':$< 526( 1(: 67$*( ‡ 6: *5$17 $9( 7,*$5'

THE STORY: A fun, frothy ashback to the fabulous females of 1960s pop music, Beehive features non-stop hits from early decade bubble gum classics to the explosive late ‘60s soul sound. Paying tribute to performers such as Lesley Gore, The Shirelles, Brenda Lee, Tina Turner, The Supremes, Aretha Franklin, and Janis Joplin, this irresistible revue will y you back in time to experience ďŹ rsthand the music that thrilled a generation.

Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 31

Out & About | W hat’s Happeni ng A round B eaverton This Month? Literary Corner

Catalyst - The Newsletter C

The Most Beautiful Library

It’s on You stories, productively and positively fixing average to negative situations... oh... and setting a good example. Yes, it starts and ends with YOU!

COMMUNITY Recently, I was waiting in line, to pay for my merchandise at Dick’s Sporting Goods. By waiting in line, I mean I was only the 2nd of 2 people in line. It was not really a line, and the guy in front of me was almost done paying, so I was just seconds away from checking out. At that point, a blur in a green shirt flew by me, flipped on the light at cash register #2 and excitedly yelled: “I can help you right over here sir!” I gladly stepped up to pay. The green shirted blur was not done with me though. He excitedly asked if I had found everything I was looking for, how was my day, and as I walked out the door, he yelled a THANK YOU for visiting Dick’s and he hoped to see me back soon. Did he mean it? Whether he did or not, he was genuine, kind, engaged...and focused on helping me and making things more convenient. THAT’S A WIN!! In an era of disengaged employees, who are more interested in texting friends, break time, or going home...The Green Blur’s speed, quality of care, and desire to improve my day was a championship move!!

Question: Was the Green Blur’s action average customer service, or above average? Not taking anything away from his service and my nice experience, my contention is it was average service. He did well mind you, but truthfully, he really did was expected of any employee. You see, customer service is (on average) so poor these days, it

Get on the floor, get in front of your customers, get on the phone and set an amazing customer service example. SET THE CUSTOMER SERVICE BAR HIGH!

makes average customer service look like award winning actions. (Note: I will admit, his energy was way above average!!!) When I talk to companies and work teams, one thing I remind them of, is that their competitors’ delivery of poor to status quo service makes it easier than ever to for employees to dazzle your customers with care, love, and service.


Just like with your kids at home, your employees watch you every single day. You may not know it, but they are watching everything you do! SO... t Be what you want them to be. t Do what you want them to do. t Say what you want them to say. Train, train and keep training! Dazzle your customers! Reward your people for dazzling customers! Get and keep them excited about making your customers’ visit to you the best decision the made that day.

It’s On You!

If you want to thrive, be the best, keep people coming back, grow, and beat the better BE BETTER than status quo. And it starts with you! Look in the mirror please! If you are happy with your staff’s service performance, don’t stop! Keep training, keep improving, keep improvising, keep rewarding them for a job well done. Keep them excited to make a difference in every customer’s day! If you are not happy with the service your crew is providing... guess what? It’s your fault! It starts with you. It starts with you hiring the right people, training them well, pointing out success

Spencer Rubin is a sales/marketing expert who has spent 25 years in the industry. Spencer has become a passionate advocate for the success of small, local business owners. To sign up for Spencer’s weekly Catalyst Newsletter. Contact 971-732-4745.

Meet Hana & Kaiyan, Super Kids! About Hana Hana N. is a 10 year old, 4th grader at Valley Catholic Elementary School. Hana is a super student because she is working three years above grade and has accomplished G by 4 which is doing advanced algebra as a 4th grader. Besides Kumon, Hana plays the violin and piano for the Valley Catholic Youth Orchestra and plays basketball. She received the 2016 Valley Catholic Music School scholarship recipient for violin. She enjoys reading and playing video games in her spare time.

About Kaiyan Kaiyan N. is a 7 year old, 2nd grader at Valley Catholic Elementary School. Kaiyan is a super student because as a 2nd grader he is working two years above grade level and is on track to achieve G by 4. Kaiyan plays the piano and has completed Level I OMTA piano syllabus. He plays basketball and soccer and enjoys reading, making comics and playing video games in his spare time.

We Make Your Smart Kids Even Smarter

To schedule a free placement test please call 503-639-7219.

Hana and Kaiyan’s mom says that Kumon has helped her children learn how to manage their time, work efficiently and independently.

About Kumon of South Beaverton: Welcome to Kumon, the world’s largest after-school math and reading program. The Kumon Method has helped millions of children achieve more than they ever thought they could. We believe it can help your child, too. At Kumon, your child will build skills that lead to success inside and outside the classroom while gaining a sense of confidence that will help them in the classroom and beyond. 32 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 7–Issue 5 (May 2017)

But as he threaded through the line of parked cars to the sidewalk, he noticed caution tape looping several young saplings and iron support beams into a square. Inside lay the body of a woman, not young but youngseeming, blonde but with gray roots. The red liquid pooling around her gave the illusion that her vermillion dress had melted in the summer heat and spilled itself onto the pavement.

rather than the elevator to the third floor, and walked through the grand reading room to the stacks. He then shelved the book he’d been carrying. This was against library policy, but it hardly mattered since the book didn’t belong to the library anyway. He slid a finger down its spine and smiled as he walked away, thinking of the half-torn page inside with the words ‘you’re next’ scrawled across it—this time in red.

He recognized her. She was the American defense attaché to Panama who’d recently been caught up in some sort of scandal, the news said. The adjudicator’s eyes followed the yellow evidence markers past her body to the book laying open just beyond her slack fingers. A half-torn page with the words ‘you’re next’ scrawled in black Sharpie across it flapped limply in the breeze from passing cars.

Beaverton Super Kids


SHORT FICTION It really was the most beautiful library. Since its groundbreaking and controversial renovation, every wall had turned from stone to glass, which meant the entire city block glowed from sunset until closing. The adjudicator approached the building from the northeast corner of the intersection, crossing with the light and carrying a hardcover volume of Ezra Pound tucked under his arm.

He shook off the image as he pushed through the library door into the voluminous entryway. He took the sculpted stairs

Mary Elizabeth Summer is the author of the young-adult Trust Me mystery series. She lives in Beaverton with her wife, their daughter, their dog, and their evil overlor—er, cats.

Emoji Hunt Contest

Win A $25 Gift Certificate! to Black Bear Diner CONTEST Throughout the paper there are fun emoji or images scattered about. Find & count up the one shown below and you could win a $25 gift certificate to the Black Bear Diner on TV Hwy!

Winners Cole & Brody at Black Bear Diner

Email your guess to along with where you picked up the paper and what your favorite story was and we will enter your name into our drawing at the end of the month. Happy Hunting! Congratulations to Last Month’s Winners! Faith Woods, Eleanor Kaul, Lauri Nguyen Find

this One!

Win a $2 5 Gi ft Cert iFica te!

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

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