BRG October 2014

Page 1

FREE Community Paper, Take One!

Volume 4 | Issue 10 | October 2014

Cover Art

Mosters on the Prowl in SW Beaverton by NekoSam


Find me and win! (See back cover for details)

See Pages 26-27

What's Happening this Month in Beaverton? t $BO ZPVS EPH BDUVBMMZ UFBDI ZPV B CVTJOFTT MFTTPO See page 14 to ďŹ nd out! t %JE XF mOE UIF CFTU 5IBJ GPPE JO #FBWFSUPO Read about our experience on page 17. t %P ZPV IBWF B OBHHJOH DBS QSPCMFN Ask our Car Guy on page 19, he can help! t 5IF #BOL PG #FBWFSUPO HPU HPU SPCCFE ZPV TBZ UXJDF Find out when on page 22. t *T +PIOOZ $BTI SFBMMZ DPNJOH UP UPXO Yes and we can tell you where on page 24!

Beaverton Community Pride sticker!


Welcome! (City Message & Cartoon) ................................................................2 Shop Beaverton (Local Businesses) ........................................................ 3-13 Our Town (Community News) .................................................................. 14-22 Out & About (What’s Happening This Month in Beaverton?) ............................. 23-32 City Information 2 Sheriff’s Office 18 Bulletin Boards 4-6, 8, 16, 19 Police & Auto Q&A 19 Announcements 5-6 Teen Talk 20 Business Directory 7-13 Senior News 21 Maps 8-11 Beaverton History 22 Aloha Business Association 13 Happy Hour Listings 23 Neighborly Recipes (from My Kitchen to Yours) 13 Beaverton Farmers Market 26-27 TVF&R News 14 Library Events 29 Beaverton Business: Thrive! 14 Theatre & Movies 30-31 Zoo News is Good News 15 Event Calendar 30 Sustainable Beaverton 15 Beaverton Kid’s Corner 32 3 Dishes Restaurant Review 17 Halloween Contest 32 THPRD News 18 Handyman Bob (The Care & Feeding of Your Home) 32

#&"7&350/ 03&(0/ 64" "WFSBHF SBJOGBMM 36.3 inches per year $JUZ TJ[F 18.7 square miles $PPSEJOBUFT N 45Âş 29.14 / W 122Âş 47.84 (latitude / longitude) &MFWBUJPO BCPWF TFB MFWFM t Low: 131.7 feet above sea level (at the Progress Ridge Rock Quarry / Murray-Scholls Transit Center area) t Average: 189 feet above sea level t High: 698.2 feet (just north of Hwy. 26 and Camelot Ctr) 'JSTU 4FUUMFE 1847 by Augustus Fanno -PDBUJPO Seven miles west of Portland, Oregon .FEJBO GBNJMZ JODPNF $71,303 (2009) 1PQVMBUJPO 91,205

.":03 $*5: $06/$*-

.BZPS Denny Doyle $PVODJM Catherine Arnold, Betty Bode, Ian King, Marc San Soucie, Mark Fagin


5VFTEBZT QN City Council meetings are held in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers in City Hall and open to the public. For the most up to date agenda and materials call 503-526-2222 or visit:

64&'6- /6.#&34

Beaverton Recycling ........................................ 503-526-2665 Beaverton School District ................................503-591-8000 Chamber of Commerce ................................... 503-644-0123 City Hall ............................................................ 503-526-2222 City of Beaverton (Water) ................................ 503-526-2257 Hazardous Waste Disposal (Metro) ................ 503-797-1700 Oregon DMV .................................................... 503-299-9999 Oregon Ecycle .................................................. 888-532-9253 NW Natural (Gas)............................................. 503-226-4211 PGE (Electricity) ...............................................800-743-5000 Police (Non-Emergency) ................................. 503-526-2260 Waste Management (Trash) ............................ 800-808-5901


Publisher: Cory Burden Editor: Michael Wong Advertising: Michael Wong Graphic Design: Audrey Moran

Questions or comments? Email us: 4575 SW Tucker Ave. Beaverton, OR 97005 503.641.3320

Webmaster: Troy Brisbin Cartoonist: Ralph Scheeler

“The Beaverton Resource Guide is a vibrant snapshot of the Beaverton Community.� Marie Prins, Washington County Visitors Association


Mayor Denny Doyle Fox 12 Staff Spencer Rubin Larry Ferguson Bill Evans, THPRD TVF&R Staff City Staff Oregon Zoo Staff Julie Nielsen BPD Staff Ginger Rapport Greg Mattie WashCo Sheriff OfďŹ ce Bob Strong Kaaren Badi

Ginger Rapport Celia Lambert, PhD Maureen Wilson Hailee Meacham Laila Mottaghi Melissa Cagle Kim Mercogliano Cesaly Gomez VillaSport Staff Ben Moreno Kaaren Bedi Jolene Guptill Carolyn Best, SCAC Yubin Lu

Last Month’s Cover Art By NekoSam

Message from the Mayor


eaverton has had a busy summer hosting a variety of concerts and events as well as a successful move of many city VHUYLFHV IURP *ULIÂżWK 'ULYH WR 7KH %HDYHUWRQ %XLOGLQJ DW 7KH 5RXQG In Beaverton, your feedback PDWWHUV 7KLV VXPPHU WKH FLW\ FRQducted a community survey online DQG RYHU WKH SKRQH :H IRXQG RXW some really great information and were thrilled to hear that three out of four residents believe that Beaverton is heading in the right GLUHFWLRQ 5HVXOWV DOVR VKRZHG that 95 percent of residents would recommend their neighborhood to someone looking to move and 94 SHUFHQW DUH VDWLVÂżHG ZLWK WKH SROLFH GHSDUWPHQWÂśV VHUYLFHV :H OLNH WR WKLQN RI RXU OLEUDU\ as the living room of our commuQLW\ 7KH OLEUDU\ SURYLGHV DPSOH resources for students and hosts events that celebrate the diversity DPRQJ RXU UHVLGHQWV 7KH VXUvey revealed that 92 percent of WKH FRPPXQLW\ LV VDWLVÂżHG ZLWK the multitude of services that it

SURYLGHV Community involvement is one of the reasons Beaverton continues WR WKULYH 7KHUH DUH PDQ\ RSSRUtunities for you to be heard—I encourage everyone to participate by getting involved with one of our many boards and commisVLRQV 2QOLQH DSSOLFDWLRQV DUH GXH E\ S P RQ 2FW 7KH &LW\ Council will then appoint members for varying terms of one to three \HDUV Now that city services have VHWWOHG LQ DW 7KH 5RXQG ZH WXUQ our attention to investing in %HDYHUWRQœV IXWXUH 5HFHQWO\ ZH DFKLHYHG \HW DQRWKHU PLOHVWRQH 7KH FLW\ ¿OHG ballot measure 34-226 with the :DVKLQJWRQ &RXQW\ (OHFWLRQV 2I¿FH WR DXWKRUL]H WKH VDOH RI bonds to pay for the cost of repurposing the former city hall building LQWR D SXEOLF VDIHW\ FHQWHU 7KLV November, residents will have the RSSRUWXQLW\ WR YRWH It’s been an eventful summer, with a great sense of camaraderie at our city events that I hope will FRQWLQXH WKURXJKRXW WKH IDOO ,WœV so important that as a community we can come together to create an atmosphere where everyone feels ZHOFRPH %HDYHUWRQ FRQWLQXHV WR makes strides in a positive direction and with your help, we will continue to be a safe, responsible DQG YLEUDQW FRPPXQLW\


The Beaverton Resource Guide (BRG) is a free monthly community paper written, edited and published in Beaverton, by Beaverton residents and for the businesses and people of Beaverton, Oregon, USA. Cedar House Media published the ďŹ rst edition in April of 2011 featuring local businesses, community news, and the Farmers Market. That ďŹ rst issue was 16 pages. Today, the paper is 32 pages and sponsored by a diverse cross section of public and private community organizations.

#3( (PBMT

Beaverton has so many positive attributes and many go unnoticed. The BRG is our way of giving back to the community by highlighting what makes our city a great place to live, work and shop. With a focus on small, local businesses, we’d like to encourage our neighbors to ďŹ rst visit nearby stores and give them a chance before moving on to businesses outside our community.


With our unique layout, colorful design and exclusive community content, our readers are beyond loyal. Not only do they want to know "What's Happening in Beaverton This Month" but they also agree with our philosophy of: "Shop Local - Give Local - Stay Local." As a business in the Beaverton area, your ad will be seen by those who are most willing to go out of their way to keep their dollars close to home. These shoppers, your potential new customers, also happen to be our best readers! In addition, we don’t print massive quantities and mail them out to uninterested parties. Our papers are located in convenient and high trafďŹ c locations ready to be picked up by those who love Beaverton. With low rates, targeted distribution and a willingness to provide more value than what you pay for, you'll ďŹ nd that we're just as interested in stretching your advertising dollar as you are!

2 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014)

No Candy... do you have any tree clippings! Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Shop Beaverton

Shop Local, Shop Cedar Hills Crossing: Over 70 Shops and Restaurants! For a complete list of our upcoming events including Kid’s Club info, see page 25 or visit Visit These Stores INSIDE the Mall! A Lil'Sumpin' Sumpin' 971-238-4409 AT&T Wireless (New Location! Near Old Navy) 503-430-7277 BedCo 971-238-4409 BG Pizza 503-644-9142 Claire’s Boutique 503-352-3880 Cold Stone Creamery 503-274-9040 Dance Fit Oregon 503-641-5511 Game Trader 503-626-8484 GNC

n ke oc

503-644-1835 503-726-0770 503-469-0884 971-238-4659 503-746-7729 503-228-4651 971-238-4460 503-644-9190 503-526-8970

Thai Noodle Etc. Top Shopping USA Visionworks Weight Watchers

503-941-9112 Now Open! 503-646-7995 800-651-6000

3205 SW Cedar Hills Blvd 503-643-6563



Ha ir


13475 SW Millikan Way

HairMasters L&L Hawaiian BBQ Merle Norman MLY Jewelry Peachwave Powell’s Books Substunce Sunflower Beauty Teaser’s Top Shop

M n Ta blic pu yst c i l ta ct Ca opra ir Ch Re


State Farm Labor Max Thai Imports Vogue Nails Cedar Hills Salon Mr. Formal

AT&T -->


OnPoint (Now Open)

SW Cedar Hills Crossing Blvd


Firehouse Subs

McGrath’s Fish House

Subway US Bank

Mac Store -->

Panera Bread

Baskin Robbins


Veggie Grill


Bank of the West Starbucks -->



Roxy’s Island Grill

SW Walker Rd

McMenamin’s Pub

SW Jenkins Rd

Virgina Garcia Medical Center


Pastini Pastaria

SW Hall Blvd


MOD Pizza


Bouffant Hair Salon

“Few are those who see with their own eyes, and feel with their own hearts.”


- Einstein

Follow No One. THE ALL-NEW 2014

Infiniti Q50

0.9% financing

for 72 months*

Look. Drive. Decide. Follow No One. * Financing through Infiniti Financial. $14.27 per month per $1000 financed at 0.9% financed at 0.9% APR for 72 months, on all new 2014 Q50 in retailer stock. Down payment may be required. Financing is subject to IFS Tier 1 through Tier 3 credit approval. Cannot be combined with manufacturer rebates and dealer discount. Please see Beaverton Infiniti for details. Offer may be subject to change. Ends 08/31/2014

888-692-8850 Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 3

Shop Beaverton Advertising Bulletin Board Beaverton Bulletin Board

To place your business card here, email


Your local home daylighting expert!

The Miracle Skylight & Solar Star Attic Fans Let the Sun SAVE you MONEY! 12825 SW Beaverdam Rd, Beaverton | (503) 352-0249 | CCB#30873

7+( +8025 2) 67(9(1 :5,*+7 I’d kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Call us Today!


CCB# 201732

503-591-5282 Fax 503-591-5368

KJ Borrow money from pessimists they don’t expect it back. KJ

99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name. KJ

t Exterior t Interior t Decks t Power Washing


Half the people you know are below average. KJ Providing Peace of Mind!


82.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot. KJ

16400 SW Hart Rd, Ste D Beaverton, OR 97007

Individual Veterinary Care for Your Special Individual

Scott R. Walker, D.M.D.


(503) 590-7574

A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good. KJ

(503) 646-2119

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. KJ

Please call for an estimate (CCB #43186). Birds t Insects & Spiders t Rodents

Protecting your health and property since 1949! A local family owned & operated business.

Please call us at

(503) 579-9326 We have 1 bedrooms from $845, 2 bedrooms from $965 Drop on by and you’ll also ďŹ nd: t Heated year-round swimming pool t Smoke-free community t Assigned parking & more! Conveniently located near Murrayhill Marketplace

If you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain. KJ All those who believe in psycho kinesis, raise my hand. KJ The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. KJ I almost had a psychic girlfriend, But she left me before we met. KJ

Commercial & Residential Yard Work t t t t


t t t t


t Fences t (SBWFM t *WZ +VOL 3FNPWBM


Call for FREE estimates: 503-330-2137 Licenced, Insured & Bonded (CCB#202354)

Your Next Vacation Starts Here!

Call or email us Today!

Sun Connections


11950 SW 2nd Street | Beaverton | 503-655-4850 |

4 – Beaverton Bea eave vertrtrton ve ton RResource esou es ourc ou rcee Gu rc GGuide Guid uid idee | Vo Volume VVolu Vol olu lume 4–Issue lume 4–Iss Iss ssue ue 10 10 (O (Oct (October ctob ct tob ober ber 2014) 201 014) 4)

If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something. KJ

Medical Alarm, Inc.

Health Solutions

Nic Grasvik, DMD

Same Day Crowns Available!

503.350.1234 Conveniently located in Downtown Beaverton (4690 SW Hall Blvd.)

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm. KJ

Travel Layaway *Now Available* We work with all budgets from weekend getaways to Destination Weddings.

How do you tell when you’re out of invisible ink? KJ

Personal Safety &

Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy. KJ If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends? Shop Sh Sho S hop h pL Local Loca ocall – Gi oca Give Local Give Locall – S Loc Stay tay Local tay L Lo Local‌ ocall tthis his is hi is ho how w how we eb buil build uild uil ild a be bette b bett better ett tterr B tte Beav Beaverton Beaverton. eavert eav erton ert ton

Shop Beaverton Advertising Bulletin Board To place your business card here, email

Beaverton Bulletin Board

Food & Coupons

Food & Coupons

Announcements Beaverton City Hall

Coupon Special FREE Golden Fried Spring Roll! (good with any food purchase, one coupon per party, $3.95 value) Dine-in | Take-Out | Delivery: 503-590-9718

11461 SW Scholls Ferry Rd, Beaverton OR 97008 |


Mayor’s OfďŹ ce, City Council, Water Utility Billing, Police Dept., City Courts, Neighborhood Programs, Arts Commission & more. (4755 SW GrifďŹ th Dr.) www.beavertonoregon. gov, 503-526-2222

2 Entrees & 2 Beverages or $2.50 OFF the Purchase of 1 Entree & 1 Beverage Valid at participating restaurants. Side dishes, kids meals, beverages and pies are not considered an adult entree. Not valid with other offers, promotions or discounts. Not valid with Pie Rush Wednesday. One coupon per person per visit. No cash value. Sales tax, if applicable, must be paid by customer. Expires Gratuity not included. Expires 10/31/14. 04/30/14

History Presentation Join us at the Beaverton History Center every 2nd Tuesday, 7 - 830pm, for an enjoyable evening. For details, see the History page in this issue.


Got homework? 158th & Walker Rd (Across from Fred Meyer) | | 503-439-9942

Join Us For Lunch or Dinner! Wild Salmon Filet ..................................................... 17 Roasted salmon, a bed of conďŹ t yukon potatoes with leek cream sauce

Chili Verde Burger ..................................................... 12


Topped with roasted new mexico chili, onion and jalapeno blend

14661 Teal Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97007 (near Safeway in Murrayhill)

Beaverton City Library offers trained volunteer homework helpers after school and in the evenings. Whether you’re looking for help with math, science, writing, or almost any other subject, our Homework Helpers are here for you! Helpers for grades 6-12 can be found in the Teen Room, Main and Murray Scholls libraries.

$5 OFF!

Your meal of $30 or more Dine in or Take out 12600 SW Crescent St #150 503-718-7101


$10 OFF!

Your meal of $50 or more (expires 10/31/2014)

Let’s share the meals our moms taught us in Thailand (Locally owned and operated)

Restaurant & OfďŹ ce Space Avail. at the Village on Scholls Ferry (16315 SW Barrows Rd) For more information: 503-747-7238

Donate Books, CDs & DVDs The Book Corner is a used bookstore run by the New Friends of the Beaverton City Library. Fiction/

Expires 10/31/14

italian inspired cuisine...where rustic meets modern

t Tues - Thurs: 11a - 11p t Fri - Sat: 11a - midnight t Sunday Brunch: 10a - 2p t Happy Hour 4p - 6p 503-616-2416 | 12655 SW 1st Street, Beaverton

Enjoy Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner by the Lake at Murrayhill join us for

HAPPY HOUR Open Daily: 7am - 9pm Breakfast served daily till 3pm Dinners served from 4pm Join us for Weekend Brunch! www B Beave Be BeavertonResourceGuide eave averto rtonRe rto t nRe nResou R sou source rceGui rceG rce Guide G Guid Gui ide de com

Everyday 3pm - 6pm


14500 Murray Scholls Drive #103


4545 SW Watson Ave | Beaverton, OR 97005



(Continued Page 6)

WELCOME TO GREAT BEAVERTON DINING Cafe C f Murrayhill M hililll Eggs E Benedict B di t .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 11.95 95 avacado. tomato. spinach. poached eggs. pesto hollandaise sauce. HQJOLVK PXIĂ€Q VHUYHG ZLWK SRWDWRHV

Club Panini.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11.50 roasted turkey. applewood smoked bacon. herb mayo. avacado spread. lettuce. tomato. served on sourdough.

Butternut Squash Ravioli . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17.00 gorgonzola. candied hazelnets. balsamic reduction. sage-brown butter.

Grilled Steelhead .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24.00 quinoa. fresh seasonal vegetables. chimmichurri sauce.

Volume VVolu Vol Vo olu lume 4–Issue lume 4–Iss Iss ssue ue 10 10 (O (Oct (October Oct ctob tob ober ber 22014) 014) | BBeaverton 014) 01 eave ea vertrtrton ve ton RResource esou es ourc ou rcee Gu rc GGuide Guid uid idee – 5

Shop Beaverton Advertising Bulletin Board Beaverton Bulletin Board

To place your business card here, email



(Continued from page 5)


Nonfiction/Children’s Books Available. Open: Tues-Sat 10 am - 4 pm, 12470 SW Fifth St., 503-6435188. Shop our Amazon store at:

in Progress Ridge | 503-352-5202 | ww



Volunteer Staff Needed D you like history? Do you like Do serving your community? If so, the sse Beaverton History Center would love Be B to hear from you. Email us at info@ hi


Queen Pillowtop Mattress & Box Set

Twin Size Mattress & Box Set


Queen Size Memory Foam Mattress, Box & Frame

12602 SW Farmington Rd. Beaverton, OR 97005

Event: Dr. Yubin Lu, Ph.D., LAc, the founder of Longevity Acupuncture Clinic located at 14455, SW Allen Blvd, Suite 101, Beaverton, OR is offering a free lecture series on Chinese medicine, Chinese Culture and acupuncture. The upcoming one will be on October 3 (Friday) from 7:00-9:00 pm. Topic: Chinese Medicine Philosophy and Approach to Longevity. Call (503) 207-3865 to make a reservation. Free Acupuncture Treatment Day at Longevity Acupuncture Clinic Longevity Acupuncture Clinic will offer a free acupuncture treatment day for patients on October 7th, 2014 in the location of 14455, SW Allen Blvd, Suite 101. Please call (503) 207-3862 to make an appointment.

Friday Flowers, ONLY $4.99! 503-644-0129 | 4705 SW Watson Ave

Catholic Book Store (503) 644-1814

Books/CDs/DVDs Holy Water Fonts Christmas/Nativity Liturgical Crucifixes/Rosaries Statues First Communion Gifts and more! Tuesday - Friday: 10am to 5pm Saturday: 10am to 3pm Sunday and Monday: Closed Located next to the City Library 4755 SW Tucker Avenue Beaverton, OR 97005

FREE Mediation Assistance Building community one conversation at a time! The Dispute Resolution Center helps neighbors, landlords, tenants, HOA members, businesses, seniors and others resolve their differences. Call us, we’re here to help. 503-526-2523

6000 square feet of vintage shopping space to explore!

Open Tues - Sun:

October 4, 2pm at the City Library The NFBCL’s annual meeting will follow Allred’s presentation and is also open to the public. Highlights of the meeting will be an update on the library, the expansion of the Murray Scholls Branch, the Friends’ contributions to library programs and services and a report on the non-profit organizations’ used book store, The Book Corner. 12705 SW Beaverdam Road, Beaverton (behind Ludeman’s and Tom’s Pancake House)

Thrift Shop A bargain hunter’s paradise! clothing t jewelry t housewares furniture t books t CDs

of Greater Portland

Movie: Classed Dismissed All across America, parents are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the state of public education. The current state of our educational system & economy shines a spotlight on problems with traditional schools. Class Dismissed showcases a growing trend in alternative education strategies that are working for many families across America (see page 31 for details). Do You Have a

Community Announcement?

10am - 6pm


We believe we can make a difference... because we have. WWW.PORTLAND.ASSISTANCELEAGUE.ORG

4000 SW 117th Ave. Beaverton, OR 97005

Consignment Shop


Hours Mon: Noon - 4pm Tue-Sat: 10am - 4pm

The smart, easy way to buy or sell jewelry t collectibles t china t crystal home furnishings t unique accessories

ly real t i s I




$100 n a h t

y in m ?? to p here d r s ca sines




6 – Beaverton Beaverton t RResource esource GGuide uid ide | VVolume id ollume 44–Issue Issue 1100 (O (October cttober b 22014) 014) 01 4)

Shop Sho Sh pL Local Loca ocall – Gi Give ve Loc L Local ocall – S Stay tay Lo tay L Local… ocall tthis his is hi is how how w we eb build uild uil ild a bett b better ett tter B Beav Beaverton. eavert erton ton

Shop Beaverton L oc al B us i ness Direc tory City of Beaverton

Business Directory

Auto Care

(Listings start at only $10/month! Call 503-641-3320 for more info)

Arts & Culture

Beaverton Civic Theatre 503-754-9866

Murrayhill Marketplace

Alexia’s Window Tinting Signs & Banners, clear bra paint protection, safety/security film. 503-671-9615 MAP1-B2

Personal & business solutions, real estate loans Call a personal banker today. 503-579-1947 MAP2-B

VersaSpa Spray on tan 1-only $30, 2-only $50 503-521-8268 MAP2-A

Edward Jones Investments 503-356-1190

Beaverton Auto Repair Up to $1200 of instant credit, no credit check, 90 days same as cash! 503-642-7070

Learn to Paint & Draw Loved ones, family and pets!

Nutritional Makeovers Learn how to eliminate medication through eating healthy. Celia Lambert, PhD 971-732-6777 503-526-0216 MAP1-B3

Beaverton and Washington County 503-644-5555 MAP1-B2

Luxury Services at Affordable Prices. Free estimates. Rental cars available onsite. 503-372-7563

Lana L. Nelson Oil Painting See my work & lana-lnelson/ (in Facebook too!) Call me at 503 830-7894

Eco-Biz certified, Family owned 11800 SW Bvtn.-Hillsdale Hwy 503.646.5181 MAP1-D3 503-245-9932 503-640-1360

The Round 503-381-1670



Investment Advisor Firm. Financial planning Portfolio mgmt 971-250-0301 MAP1-E5

The Catwalk Hair Studio * Living Proof * J Beverly Hills * *Moroccanoil* Call Kelly Christiansen at 503-464-6711 MAP3

Village at Scholls Ferry 503-747-7238

Wash. County Sheriff’s Office 503-846-2700

Wash. County Visitors Center Banking

Proudly celebrating 75 years!

Garden Home Community Library 503-259-1225

An Oregon Registered 503-906-1249 503-645-6433

Fast Signs

Visitors Center for

FOX 12 Oregon

KUIK AM 1360

Karen Bolin, Financial Advisor

All local artists, All original art! Free monthly reception! See story in Just For Fun section 503-601-3300 MAP1-C3 503-526-2222

Consumer and business accounts, loans, mortgages 503-228-7077 MAP2-A

Full Service Salon for Men, Women & Kids, Facials, Skin Care Head to Toe Waxing 503-430-0008 MAP2-%

Body & Beauty

Community Resource 503-644-5555

Washington Square Mall 503-639-8860

Education & Learning

Sustaining High Quality Art within the community. Providing culturally enriching activities, programs and services.

(See page 2 for Useful Phone #s)

Beaverton Infiniti

Aloha Community Library 888-319-6583 503-259-0185

Banking & Finance

Learn About our City’s Past through historic photos, artifacts, exhibits and more! Open Tu/Th from noon to 4pm. 1-C3

I Get Under Your Skin Personalized day-spa specializing in wax, facials and peels. 503-292-7546

Broadway Rose Theatre

Beaverton City Library (503) 644-2197 MAP1-D3

Make a Day Extraordinary!

The Right Bank for your business. Call one of our client service specialists TODAY! 503-350-1205 1-C3

HART Theatre 503-693-7815

Specializing in color, cut & styling for every occassion. We are a Goldwell Alliance Salon. 503-644-0510 MAP1-C3

Lim’s Taekwondo Academy

Beaverton Police Dept.

Be competetive, be a champion! 503-277-7711 MAP1-D2 503-629-0111

Learn to sew, quilt and create

Beaverton School District 503-620-5262

Support Your Library by donating to the Beaverton Library Foundation online @ 503-591-8000

Cedar Hills Crossing 503-643-6563

your own clothes. Kids and Adult classes. Call 503-526-9999 *Wicked Stitch of the West* 1B4

French Lessons Experienced Teacher & Native Speaker. All ages OK! 503-746-4424


d yR Ferr olls Sch

SW Horizon Blvd

Come Visit

SW Barrows Rd

503-747-7238 | 16315 SW Barrows Rd. Beaverton

Retail Space NOW Available! Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 7

Shop Beaverton Dow nt own Map "





Taco Bell

Hall Street Center



114th Ave

Hall Street Grill

Kuni Collision Center

Lombard Ave

Beaver Creek Village Shopping Center

Arts & Communication Magnet Academy (ACMA)

Center St

117th Ave



Historic Downtown District

122th Ave


123th Ave


Chamber of Commerce

124th Ave


125th Ave

New Seasons

Map #1: Downtown & Old Town Beaverton

Hometown Buffet


Farmington Rd

Sunset Computer

Dairy Queen Beaverton B High School

Mattress Outlet

Erickson Ave

2nd St

Watson Hall Bar

2nd St

Beaverton Florists

Angel S

6th St

Watson Ave

Irina Moga, DDS Denture Clinique

7th St

BiZee Bird Store Village Home School


Beaverton City Library

Book Corner

Tucker Ave


9th S

Hall Blv


8th St

9th St

Beaverton Lodge

Creekside Village 10th St



Elsie Stuhr Center


Visit Downtown Beaverton for First Friday’s %URDGZD\ 6W DQG 7HUU\ +DOVWHDG & Company at Beaverton Florists, both sponsored by the Beaverton 'RZQWRZQ $VVRFLDWLRQ 5HJXODU )LUVW )ULGD\ DFWLYLWLHV include extended hours and special promotions for participating EXVLQHVVHV DQG )DUPHUœV 0DUNHW YHQGRUV EHWZHHQ SP /LPR VHUYLFH SURYLGHG E\ %HVW 5DWH /LPRV will be available between 5:00 and SP FLUFOLQJ WKH ¿UVW )ULGD\ DUHD DURXQG 6: %URDGZD\ DQG 6: WK DQG EHWZHHQ 6: :DWVRQ 6: /RPEDUG

Join us for ‘Hunt4History‘ on October 3rd, 5-8pm EVENT RU )LUVW )ULGD\ RQ 2FWREHU MRLQ WKH %HDYHUWRQ 'RZQWRZQ $VVRFLDWLRQ RQ D Âł+XQW +LVWRU\´ Pick up the scavenger hunt at the starting point of Peonies and 3RVVLELOLWLHV DW 6: :DWVRQ $YH $IWHU OHDUQLQJ DERXW WKH KLVtory of the downtown area, turn in your completed hunt at Beaverton %DNHU\ 7KH ÂżUVW SDUWLFLSDQWV to turn in their completed hunt will receive a free Beaverton item and four lucky winners who found all of the correct answers will win a SUL]H EDVNHW


2XU PXVLFDO HQWHUWDLQPHQW IRU WKH HYHQLQJ ZLOO 5HJJLH +RXVWRQ a saxophone soloist, located at and sponsored by Beaverton Bakery; 'RQQD /\QQ 0XVLF 'RQQD /\QQ DQG 7HUU\ 'DYLV ZLWK -RQDWKDQ For more information, visit 5RVV DW /DQSKHUH (QWHUSULVHV RQ

8 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014)

Columbia Medical Alarm

Apple Blossom Photography


Noodles & Company Beaverton Police Department


Sun Connection Travel & Cruises


5th St Cady Ln


t 8th S

Heitzman Body & Paint

Beaverton Post OfďŹ ce

PaciďŹ c Continental

7th St Hazel St

Bvtn Hillsdale Hwy

Cedar House Media

Fringe Salon


Blessings A Hall Street Center Beaverton Law Group from Heaven PaciďŹ c Medical Group Don Filippi Insurance Fanno Creek Healing Arts


First United Methodist Church

Einstein Bros Bagels

Starkstreet Lawn & Garden


Fred Meyer Shopping Center

Beaverton Town Square

Plus Size Clothing Event: Sept 25-28


Preferred Dental Care Center

Living Wisdom School Wicked Stitch of the West

5th St

Ava Roasteria

Trader Joe’s


Sage Center

Mill e Moto

3rd St

4th St

6th St

MVP Dance Honey Toast Cafe Decarli The Vault

Beaverton Swim Center

Art on Broadway Beaverton History Quilter’s Center Corner Store


1st St Stott Ave

TVR&R Station 67


SW W atson


Emerald City Smoothies

Beaverton Pharmacy

Gloria’s Secret Cafe

Fast Signs


Valley Hwy

Haven Spa, Pool, Hearth


Tom’s Pancake House

Lanphere Construction & Development

Light Benders

Lombard Ave


Brickyard Tavern

La Hacienda Real Mexican Restaurant

Betts Ave

Black Bear Diner

am Rd


Motel 6

Franklin Ave



Tucker Ave

Alexia’s Window Tinting



Lim’s Taekwondo Academy

GrifďŹ th

Rose Biggi Ave

Millikan Way

on any

Canyon Square


Big 5

Assistance League of Portland


n St

Comfort Inn

Home Goods

24 Hour Fitness


Budget Hotel

The Round City Hall

Police Resource Center

Canyon Place Shopping Center

Planet Thai

Washing to

Guaranteed Pest Control

T.J. Maxx Bricks & MiniFigs

scent Ave Cre

Main St


Cedar Hills Blvd

Hocken Ave

Beaverton Education Foundation

Jo Ann’s

Asian Food Center

Beaverton Signs

6th St

Optimum Capital Strategies

Beaverton Family Chiropractic

7th St

Central NAC Meeting: If you live or own a business in Downtown Beaverton then this meeting is your way to communicate to City Hall. First Monday of the month, 7pm at Beaverton Community Center, Community Room, 12350 SW Fifth St., Beaverton %



Acting Breaking | s | Hip Hop | ialty Classe ntemporary ec Co Sp | & al n ric binatio | Ballet | Ly ddler Com To | Jazz | Tap J th ng Adult) tch-n-Stre erton (3yrs to A Acro | Stre

. Beav

rmington Rd

12570 SW Fa

56o7m8 1 4 6 3 0 5 .MVPdanceelite.c www

Right-Sizing Done Right! karenb@movingforsenior

m | (503) 590-8562


Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Shop Beaverton L oc al B us i nes s Direc tory SW Osprey Dr

Murrayhill Marketplace

SW Murray Blvd

A Gas

SW Teal Bl vd

Village at Scholls Ferry


SW Walnut St

SW Horizon Blvd

SW 503-597-6911 MAP2-%

Sylvan Zoo House & Saloon

B Progress Ridge

In Cinetopia Progress Ridge

Full Menu w/Pizza & Patio Seating --w/e Brunch w/Free Mimosa---HH Daily 3-6pm & 9pm -Close---all Sports Pkgs, 19 Flat 503-297-5568 (Dine in / Take out)

Murray Scholls Townsquare

Rd ry Fer lls o h Sc

Local Happy Hour Listings

SW Davies Rd

Map #2: SW Beaverton (Murray & Scholls)

Dine-in | Take-out | Delivery

% E Albertson's Shopping Center

Portland’s Favorite Thai Fusion Food Cart comes to Beaverton! 503-590-9718

Featuring our Cheesburgers & beer garden. All lottery games. Happy Hour M-F: 4-7. 503-644-7847 MAP1-E3

Crazy Sushi Shoten

Do you ďŹ nd snacking and drinking with friends fun and entertaining? Well we sure do and that’s why you’ll ďŹ nd our happy hour list in our Just for Fun section beginning page 26.

Dine in or Take out 503-746-6373

Italian inspired with a menu that changes weekly featuring fresh seasonal ingredients from the Northwest. 503-641-3223 MAP1-C3

SW Barrows Rd

Asian Food Center

Food & Drink Black Bear Diner Preschool- Grade 7 Education centered in the heart. 4855 SW Watson Ave. Beaverton 503-671-9112 MAP1-C4

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner 503-646-4507 MAP1-A3

Learn Taoist Tai Chi 503-220-5970

Bilingual Chinese Preschool Reggio inspired & play based curriculum. After school, enrichment activities. 971-225-0698 1C4

Join us for Weekend Brunch! Enjoy Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner by the Lake at Murrayhill. 503-590-6030

A Little Taste of El Salvador Customized Learning in a choice-based environment. Small classes, all subjects, PreK - High School. 503-597-9100 MAP1-C4

Open Tues-Sat: 11am-3pm. Saturday Breakfast 9am-11am. Homemade salsa and soups to go! 503-268-2124 MAP1-B4

Licensed Preschool w/school readiness programs Mention ad for 20% discount www.playboutique.comMAP2-%

Live Seafood, Fresh Meat & Vegetable, Asian Grocery and Gift Shop. Open Everyday: 9am-9pm 503-520-1880

The best in Beaverton ďŹ ne dining! *Patio Seating* Lunch | Dinner | Happy Hour 503-641-6161 MAP1-B1

In Progress Ridge Lunch~Dinner~Late Night Dining Full Bar~16 Beers on Tap Happy Hour Daily 3-6pm, Su-Th 930p-closing. 503-747-7319 MAP2-%

Thai & Laos Cuisine Daily special from $6.95 Try our Spicy Mango Chicken! M-Th: 11a-9p / F-Su: 11a-10p 503-579-7542 MAP2-%

Sambi Japanese Restaurant;

$5.00 Daily Specials Sandwiches, Salads, Wraps, Order on-line at 9920 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy 503-646-8166 MAP3-C

Sushi, Tempura, Ramen & More! 503-296-0045 MAP3-D

Monteaux’s Public House 503-439-9942

Dairy Queen Beaverton Burgers, hot dogs, chicken, salads, shakes, cakes and more. Fan Food not Fast Food! 503-644-3469 MAP1-B3

Noodles, Salads & Sandwiches

FREE Pie Wednesday!

M-F Lunch Specials, $5.95

from around the world. All for around $8! 503-350-0591 MAP1-E3

Aloha Community Library 503-746-6918

My Masterpiece Art Studio Open Studio, Parties & Classes 503-453-3700

Honey Toasts, Bubble Tea, illy coffee & more!! Open Tuesday-Sunday 503-747-2712 MAP1-C3

Bar & Restaurant Lunch, Dinner, Brunch, Cocktails Happy Hour 4-6p 503-596-2153 MAP1-B3

Good with any purchase (no coupon necessary) 503-644-8848 MAP3-B

Natural Birth Center and Family Care Clinic t 'FSUJMJUZ 1SFDPODFQUJPO Health t 8BUFS #JSUI 0QUJPOT Available t %JBHOPTUJD 6MUSBTPVOE t $BODFS 4VQQPSU t &"7 "MMFSHZ 5FTUJOH


Vaccine Semin Birthing Classe ars, Presentations s and Health Topics eaon Various ch month‌ See our we bsi for details! te

Fresh tortilla’s made daily. Happy hour daily, 3-6pm Dine-in or Take-out. 503-601-7000 MAP1-D2

Clockwise from top left: Dr. Karen DeWitt, ND Dr. Seth Burrell, ND Dr. Leslie Hamlett, ND Dr. Nathan McVeigh, ND

2100 SW Camelot Ct., Portland, OR 97225 (503) 252-8125 ]

Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 9



SW 103rd Ave

SW 110th Ave

SW 108th Ave

Shop Beaverton L oc al B us i nes s Direc tory W al ke r


ew Vi en rd Ga

Map #3: Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy & Canyon Rd


Jade River Healing Arts Center

SW Dogwood Ln

US Bank

China Delight

SW 78th Ave

Faces by Vivian


SW 91st Ave


Carl’s Jr.


SW 96th Ave

Signature Shoes

SW 103rd Ave


Shiloh Inn

McCormick & Schmits

SW 107th Ave

SW 109th Ave

SW 110th Ave

SW Canyon Rd

SW 87th Ave

West Slope Post Office

Safeway Shopping Center

SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy 3899 SW Hall Blvd 503-672-9037 MAP1-C1

*Great Lunch Menu *Dinner Specials *Banquet Facilities *Happy Hour in Cozy Bar! 503-292-0119 MAP3

Food Photography Services by Cedar House Media 503-641-3320

Custom Sewing, Embroidery

Jewelry Appraisals & Design

& Alterations Wicked Stitch of the West “We make it YOURS!” 503-526-9999 MAP1-B4

Azteca Mexican Restaurant 503-643-8269

Professional Cleaning Services 503-591-9031

Personal Photo Organizer MAP3

The Strong Voice Commercial Voiceover

is designed for adults 55 years and better. Classes, trips events, fitness center, lunch and friends 503-629-6342 MAP1-C5

Business Done Here! Printing, Shipping, Freight, Notary, Gifts, Card and more! $10 PMB boxes available. 503-747-2278 MAP2-%

Professional printing, graphics, photography, web design, marketing and advertising. Home of the Beaverton Resource Guide! 503-641-3320 MAP1-C3

Thai Home Cooking

Ava Roasteria 503-641-7470 MAP1-C4

Cedar Hills Crossing 503-643-6563 MAP1-B1

The Round Res/Com space available. 503-381-1670 MAP1-B2

10 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014)

SW Oleson Rd

Family Chiropractic Center Specializing in children and athletes. Wellness Awaits You! 503-574-4872

Traditional East Asian Medicine Acupuncture, Herbs, Massage, Qi Gong, Movement Therapy 503-372-6463 MAP1-C3

Rebound Massage Therapy 503-746-6585 MAP2-A

Village on Scholls Ferry Just how our mothers taught us! Dine in, take out & happy hour. 503-718-7101 MAP1-C2

Lisa’s Acupuncture Blending Eastern & Western Medicine | 503-515-2657

Your Local Business Partner

Got boxes of photos in your closet? *Free Photo Inventory Assessment* Retail Space Now Available! 503-747-7238

Energy Yoga, Tai Chi & Meditation 503-352-4367

The Elsie Stuhr Center \

Affordable gifts: rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants and more. 503-524-6896 MAP2-A

Crater Lake Janitorial

rry Fe

Raleigh Hills Assisted Living

Dahn Holistic Fitness

Cartridge Network 6800 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy Portland, OR 97225 503-246-0665

lls ho Sc


Health Care Your Full Service Sign Company!

30 varieties of pancakes & waffles. Beaverton’s Favorite Restaurant! 503-646-2688 MAP1-B3

New Seasons


General Services



Fred Meyer Shopping Center


SW Apple Way

Sisters N Style

Jesuit High School

SW Laurelwood Ave

Sambi Restaurant Catwalk Hair Studio


Jack in the Box

SW Jamieson Ave

SW 5th St

SW 99th Ave

Michael’s Arts & Crafts

SW Western Ave

See Downtown Map

Valley Plaza

SW Dogwood Ln


Kaiser Permanente

Brisbin Computer Consulting

Sun Connections

From corporate networks to home helpdesk and affordable web design, let me know how i can be of service... 503-641-3320.

Travel & Cruises, LLC **Layaway Plans Available**. 503-655-4850 MAP1-D3

AM 1360 KUIK

Executive Suites &

The Voice of Washington County

Collaborative Business Community

Dr. Dan Miller Visit our Maximized Living clinic! 5075 SW Griffith Dr, Suite 120 503-644-8844 MAP1-E5

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Shop Beaverton L oc al B us i n es s Direc tory '03 4"-&

Medical Alarm, Inc.

Residential Listings


Local LifeLine Provider Personal health & safety solutions including GPS & medication dispensing 1-D4

(Address | Bdr/Bth/SqFt=$) Family Practice 971-340-8860

Preventive, Whitening Aesthetic, Operative Implants, Periodontal 503-521-1333 MAP2-B

Housing & Home care

Your Schedule, Your Budget care for your entire family. Visit us at: 503-590-7574 MAP2-B

Fanno Creek Healing Arts, LLP Hall St. Station · 4530 SW Hall Chiropractic · Acupuncture Naturopathy · Massage 503-644-6555 MAP1-C3

Let us do the cleaning, you do the relaxing. Get started with your free estimate. 503-521-6697 MAP2-A

Milton Yard Maintenance Full Yard Service & Clean up 503-330-2137

Prescription delivery, drive-up window, fine giftware, mobility- DME sales/rentals medicare accredited 503-644-2101 MAP1-C3

Canyon Medical Center Natural Birth & Family Care Clinic 503-252-8125

Michael Moga, LD Full and partial dentures Open 7 days a week by appointment! 503-643-6213 MAP1-B4

*Kitchen & Bath Renovations* *Electrical & Handyman Services* (503) 718-7934 MAP1-A3

The Miracle Skylight & Solar Star Attic Fans. Let the Sun SAVE you MONEY! (CCB#30873) 503-352-0249 MAP1-B2

Edgewood Downs Independent Ret. Community 503-643-5418

Portland Metro's ONLY Local Real Estate Newspaper! 503-641-3320

Home$ in 97005

12280 SW FAIRFIELD ST 2/1/870=$174,900 135 SW 131ST AVE 3/1/1132=$214,000 13325 SW PEARL ST 3/1/915=$219,900 12470 SW 9TH ST 2/1/800=$225,000

13425 SW BUTNER RD 3/1.1/1212=$255,000 11945 SW FAIRFIELD ST 3/1.1/1454=$274,900 14090 SW FURLONG CT 5/3/1707=$275,000

Dr Irina Moga, DDS

Protecting your health and property since 1949! 503-646-2119 MAP1-B2

16707 SW ROGUE RIVER TER 3/2.1/2248=$375,000 17251 NW BROKEN TOP DR 4/2.1/1884=$375,000

18074 SW LOTUS LN 3/2.1/1490=$249,900

19062 SW YORK ST 4/3/2702=$399,000

2571 SW 218TH DR 3/2/1470=$249,900 442 SW Marsuda TER 3/2.1/1388=$264,990

Home$ in 97007 7360 SW 183RD PL 3/2/1324=$245,000

20861 NW LONGBOW LN 3/2.1/1619=$269,900

17456 SW SARALA ST 4/2.1/1833=$245,000

417 SW 204th TER 4/2.1/1642=$272,990

6400 SW BROAD OAK DR 3/2/1336=$249,900

20391 SW ERIN PL 4/2/1588=$279,900

15528 SW STONE RIDGE CIR 4/2.1/1862=$258,000

2232 SW 218TH PL 3/2.1/2048=$299,000

7059 SW 179TH AVE 3/1.1/1653=$259,000



26 26

97229 Bethany / Cedar Mill

New Zip Codes! (as of July 1, 2014)

TV Hwy

Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy


2965 SW 120TH AVE 2/2/1657=$315,000

13805 SW DEVONSHIRE DR 4/2/1816=$369,000

1425 SW 185TH AVE 2/1/1464=$369,900

17715 SW CROSSVIEW CT 3/2.1/1617=$234,998

1932 SW 144TH AVE 2/2.1/1404=$285,000

14374 SW Rancher LN L36 3/2.1/1744=$359,990

17100 SW WATERCREST CT 4/2.1/2219=$369,867

330 SW DEVONWOOD AVE 3/1.1/1214=$228,000


12780 SW CAMELIA ST 3/1.1/1732=$300,000

91 SW HORTON WAY 4/2.1/2388=$365,000

21271 SW ROCK RD 4/3/1488=$209,900

97005 217 217

5520 SW MAIN AVE 4/3/2302=$334,995

Guaranteed Pest Control

17340 NW WOODMERE CT 4/2.1/2357=$350,000

20193 SW MIDLINE ST 3/2.1/1364=$201,400

13595 SW FAR VISTA DR 3/2/1452=$279,900

5595 SW CHESTNUT AVE 4/2/1578=$349,900 For your Smile, For your health, For you! 503-646-5909 MAP1-B4

423 SW Marsuda TER 4/2.1/2149=$349,990

3385 SW 187TH AVE 3/1/1280=$185,000

13570 SW 6TH ST 3/1.1/1008=$229,900

Custom Home Construction

415 SW Marsuda TER 3/2.1/1834=$329,990

Home$ in 97006 20633 SW NANTUCKET LN 3/2.1/1708=Auction

30 NW HENRY DR 3/2/997=$164,900

Comprehensive dental

995 SW 193RD CT SW 3/2/1575=$299,900

Sponsored By

Spanish, Hindi & Punjabi speaking providers available. Mon-Sat Extended Hours 503-644-1171 MAP1-C3

Integrated Massage & Reiki

1530 SW 132ND AVE 3/2.1/1270=$384,900

Murray Blvd



97008 97223 Garden Home Scholls Ferry Rd

97223 Tigard

Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 11

Shop Beaverton L oc al B us i nes s Direc tory 14755 SW 6TH ST 3/2/1200=$265,000

6755 SW JUNIPER TER 3/2/1757=$339,950

6665 SW 185 AVE 4/2/1892=$267,900

14396 SW Rancher LN L35 4/2.1/1837=$372,990

6763 SW TAURUS PL 4/2.1/2065=$275,000 6171 SW 165TH AVE 3/2.1/1798=$284,900 16896 SW CYNTHIA ST 3/2/1463=$289,900

14390 SW Equestrian LN L53 4/2.1/2114=$394,990

6171 SW 161ST PL 3/2.1/1834=$309,900 15735 SW KINGFISHER LN 3/2.1/1651=$329,000 19705 SW SONIA LN 3/2.1/2079=$329,900 19800 SW SONIA LN 4/2.1/2088=$344,900 15140 SW KINGBIRD DR 3/2.1/1856=$349,900 6767 SW 160TH AVE 4/2.1/2200=$364,900

17547 SW KEYSTONE CT 3/3/3246=$399,900

Home$ in 97008

Assisted Living Close to the Elsie Stuhr Center! 503-641-0911

6755 SW WHISTLING CT 3/1/1260=$244,900 12925 SW MORGAN CT 3/2/1408=$283,750 13750 SW STIRRUP ST 3/2/1797=$305,000

1bd from $845 & 2bd from $965 503-579-9326 MAP2-A

*Extreme Cleaning* Attics, basements, garages, rentals & more! Call 503-388-0732

Healthy Affordable Pet Supplies Grooming & Self-wash. Cat adoptions available. 503-579-2403 MAP2-A

7285 SW 103RD AVE 4/2.1/1790=$315,000 503-524-5230

Thrift & Consignment Shop

Business & Commercial, Auto, Home & Life Insurance 503-646-4101 MAP1-C3

Sunset Computers 503-866-3747 MAP1-B3

The place for all your bird needs. Exotic birds, healthy foods, toys, boarding & advice. Great prices! 503-644-9515 MAP1-C4

Independent Insurance Agent Big and Small, We Write it All. Business Ins., Worker’s Comp., Home, Auto, Health/Life. 503-644-9945

14155 SW 140TH CT 4/2/2032=$325,000

Raleigh Hills Assisted Living

7470 SW 142ND AVE 3/3/1936=$325,000 503-297-3200

Vintage Clothing for the Modern Woman. 503-520-9369 MAP1-C3

Classic & New Video Games BUY-Sell-Trade-Repair Greenway Shopping Center 503-372-6817

Grooming at your Doorstep Your Full Service mobile pet grooming provider since 2007 503-995-8991

Companion Pet Clinic Quality Care, Affordable Prices 503-641-9151 Auto, home, life, renters, health, business, boat & more! Call Liane at 503 579-3005 MAP2-A

Religious & Spiritual

Professional Services


Beaverton/Westside Specialist! Working w/buyers, sellers & investors. The Sunset Group 503-679-8477 MAP2-A

We do Birthday Parties! 503-644-5701 D2

The Vault Vintage Clothing Boutique

Southwest Bible Church

Lisa Fain, Realtor/Prop. Mgmt.

A bargain shoppers paradise! Clothing, jewelry, books & more. 503-526-9300 MAP1-D2

Fabric, Kits, Gifts & More 503-819-0214 Tues - Sat C3 Smooth Transitions 503-590-8562


Class A Retail Complex. Restaurant & Office Space Avail. 503-747-7238

Quilter’s Corner Store

14220 SW WILSON DR 4/2/1972=$309,000 13995 SW 20TH ST 4/3/2103=$315,000

Murray Hills Christian Church

Marketing, fundraising and event planning experts!

Don Filippi Insurance Angency

Retirement Residence Hit the road with us because we never stand still for too long! 503-646-0635 MAP1-B5

The Overlook at Murrayhill Apt 11275 SW CLIFFORD ST 3/1/1006=$229,900

Individual Veterinary Care for your Special Individual! 503-591-5282

Charming Boutique-Style

19520 SW RUTH CT 4/2.1/2332=$369,950 16040 SW TOWHEE LN 3/2.1/2540=$374,000

Hart Road Animal Hospital

Senior Living Community We make it easy to feel right at home. 503-643-9735 MAP1-B5

Ursula Marketing & Consulting

Village on Scholls Ferry

9090 SW REBECCA LN 4/3/3260=$389,900

16669 SW RIGERT RD 3/2/1531=$294,000 9442 SW 164TH AVE 3/2.1/1640=$299,950

Pet Care 503-524-7000

Hough Law | Nicole A. Hough Family Law | Estate Planning 503.208.6610

We Buy Gold & Silver! Engagement, Jewelry, Antique, Timepieces, Gifts, Service/Repair. 503 644-1333 MAP3

Signature Shoes 503-626-8413 MAP3

Personal Injury, Criminal Law DUII, Immigration, Wills/Trusts Probate, Family/Business Law 503-644-2146 MAP1-C3

Mattress Outlet $149 Twin Mattress & Box set 503-747-2896

Open Minds, Open Hearts Open Doors. Beaverton First United Methodist Church. 503-646-7107 C4

Real Local Florist* Flowers for every occasion, plants, cards, gifts & more! 503-644-0129 MAP1-C4

For your smile, for your health, for you...

We offer comprehensive dental care for the whole family. We strive to provide patients with friendly, quality care in a relaxed atmosphere. -- Irina Moga, DDS

503.646.5909 4970 SW Main Ave., Suite 200, Beaverton, OR 97005 |

$79 Special Offer: 12 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014)

Includes new patient exam, x-rays and routine cleaning.

Restrictions apply, call for details.

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Shop Beaverton L oc al B us i nes s Direc tory

Shop L Sh Local, l Sh Shop Al Aloha! h ! A Vast Selection of Treasures Purveyers of antique, vintage and collectible merchandise. MAP1-B3 503-646-8653

Inside Every Child Lies a Champion Recreational Classes, Birthday Parties, Camps, Parent’s Night Out, and more! 503.466.4872

Up Your Game!

Catholic Book Store & Gift Shop

Learn to manage stress contributing to poor sports performance! Call Mary Bigler, 503-246-3024

Rosaries, statues, cruciďŹ xes, DVDs and more. 503-644-1814 MAP1-C4

Moved but Still in Business! All natural Candlewax, recycle old candles and get credit towards a new one. 503-318-9648

Serious yet fun, we specialize in making champions! 503-277-7711 MAP1-D2

Oregon Zoo 503-226-1561

My Masterpiece Art Studio Open Studio, Parties & Classes 7905 SW Cirrus Dr., Beaverton 503-453-3700

Crab Stuffed Mushrooms

The Book Corner For gently used books at affordable prices w/ proceeds donated to the Beaverton library. 503-643-5188 MAP1-C4 503-639-8860

Sports & Activities Billings Dance Company 70+ weekly classes 503-670-7008

Beaverton Farmers Market See pages 26-27.

Thursday, October 9th 11:30am at Peppermill Restaurant. Our October speaker comes from the Washington County Sheriff’s OfďŹ ce, Investigations Department. They will discuss the current trends in fraud that businesses are experiencing so we can prepare ourselves and update our policies to minimize our risks. We will discuss the upcoming election and how legalizing marijuana in Oregon might impact businesses and discuss ways to be proactive about employee policies.

Beaverton Swim Center

New business ribbon cutting

Aquatic ďŹ tness programs Lessons for all levels 503-629-6312 MAP1-B4

Dutch Brothers Coffee on 185th and Farmington. Check our Everything Aloha Calendar on our website for the date and time.

November Meeting

Explore this ancient Chinese exercise emphasizing balance and health improvement. 503-220-5970

Valley Cinema Pub Bvtn-Hillsdale Hwy. 503-296-6843

Eric Squires will speak to us about his efforts to establish an Aloha Historical Society. We will also have our Board Elections on Nov 13th. All Members are encouraged to attend and vote for our leaders for 2015!

1HYLOOV )DPLO\ 'HQWLVWU\ 3& 18540 8 40 SSW Vincent, Aloha, OR 97007

David E. Nevills, DMD Megan L. Nevills, DMD (503) 649-3232. Accepting New Patients!

Restaurant & Lounge Happy Hour Daily 4-7pm w/ 22 draft beers! Banquet space available. Open from 6am daily. 503-642-5193

Vineyards and Golf Club My Oregon, My Reserve 4805 SW 229th Ave. Aloha 97007 503-649-8191

About us The Aloha Business Association supports a strong community that is affordable, accessible and safe! Be sure to check out our website to see our “Everything Aloha� community calendar.

Not all massage is created equal A truly Therapeutic Experience. Reduced Stress: A Healthier You! Tanasbourne | 503.828.1311

Neighborly Recipes, from My Kitchen to Yours By Kim Mercogliano

Washington Square Mall

Gluten Free Menu! Beer, Wine, Soda & Coffee Private Parties & Events 2-%

Learn Taoist Tai Chi 503-643-6563 MAP1-B1

Aloha Preparedness Expo: Saturday, October 18th at Mt. View Middle School from 10AM to 2PM. Learn skills necessary to face the aftermath of an earthquake! FREE hands-on event for all ages.

Monthly Meeting

70+ weekly classes 503-670-7008

Cedar Hills Crossing

Specialists Sales t Service t Parts 503-626-9193 MAP1-C3 503-641-5678 MAP1-C3

Billings Dance Company

Pools, Free Water Analysis Service & Installation 503-649-2201 MAP1-C3

Outdoor Power Equipment

MVP Dance Elite

Cinemark Cedar Hills Crossing 800-FANDANGO+984

Hot Tubs, Stoves, Fireplaces

Why see a movie in coach, when you can sit in ďŹ rst class? For Tickets and Showtimes Visit: 503.597.6900 MAP2-%

Healthy Lunch & Diner Options

Lim’s Taekwondo Academy

Support Our Business Sponsors

Appetizer: 6 servings, 30 mins prep time, 20 mins cook time. or any get together, this is one of my family’s favorite recipes for a simple, quick and delicious DSSHWL]HU 7KH EHVW SDUW RI WKLV UHFipe is if you have a lot to cook you GRQœW KDYH WR XVH WKH ¿OOLQJ ULJKW DZD\ \RX FDQ UHIULJHUDWH WKH ¿OOLQJ IRU XS WR KRXUV ,W KDV WDNHQ me a few years to perfect this one,


so once you get your tweaks in to match your tastes, you and your family will be devouring them with nothing but smiling faces and happy belly’s! ‡ 1 pound - fresh mushrooms, make sure they are at least 2 inches across ‡ R]V RI FUDEPHDW IUHVK RU LPLWDWLRQ ‡ 3 green onions, sliced very thin ‡ 2 cups of plain bread crumbs ‡ 1 egg ‡ 4 tablespoons of butter ‡ 1/3 teaspoon of dried thyme ‡ 1/4 teaspoon oregano

‡ 1/4 teaspoon garlic ‡ 1/4 teaspoon of dried basil ‡ 7RXFK RI JURXQG SHSSHU DQG salt, depending on your tastes ‡ 1/3 cup of grated parmesan FKHHVH SOXV WDEOHVSRRQV IRU VSULQNOLQJ RQ WKH ¿QLVKHG SURGXFW

‡ 1/4 cup of Cream Cheese Cooking and Preparation directions: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees 5HPRYH WKH VWHPV RI WKH PXVKrooms and gently spoon out the inside of the mushroom cap of any gills or left over stem, making sure you gently make deep FXS OLNH FDYHV 0HOW WDEOH spoons of butter, cook onions, chopped stems and gills of mushrooms LQ EXWWHU IRU PLQXWHV After mix is

cooled off, take the crabmeat, your green onions, herbs, cream cheese, beaten egg and parmesan cheese and mix well until the entire compound is FRPELQHG 'R 127 ZDVK PXVKURRPV under water, as you know they are like little sponges and will DEVRUE WKH ZDWHU Carefully wipe the mushrooms clean of any dirt with a damp WRZHO 7DNH \RXU FRPSOHWHG ÂżOOLQJ DQG IXOO WKH PXVKURRP caps with a teaspoon until cap LV ÂżOOHG DQG JHQWO\ SODFH WKH ÂżOOHG FDS RQ WR D JUHDVHG VKDOORZ EDNLQJ GLVK 7DNH WDEOHVSRRQV RI EXWWHU and bread crumbs cook in pot until coated, sprinkle on top of mushrooms and sprinkle parPHVDQ FKHHVH Bake for 20 minutes, until tops are golden and remove from RYHQ

Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 13

Our Town C om m uni ty Stories

Are you a great ‘Listiner’? Beaverton Business: BUILD! MAINTAIN! GROW! THRIVE! By Spencer “The Catalyst“ Rubin


Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue New Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Bethany Station 68 Opens By TVF&R Staff


room, please call 503-649-8577 for PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ 79) 5 FUHZV ORRN IRUZDUG WR serving the community from the new location and invite the public WR FRPH WRXU WKH QHZ ÂżUH VWDWLRQ QH[W PRQWK $ SXEOLF RSHQ KRXVH LV SODQQHG IRU 6DWXUGD\ 2FWREHU WK IURP DP SP 7KH RSHQ KRXVH ZLOO IHDWXUH WRXUV of the station and apparatus, a short dedication ceremony at 11:30 am, OLJKW UHIUHVKPHQWV DQG 79) 5ÂśV mobile safety house for kids to H[SHULHQFH DQG OHDUQ DERXW ÂżUH VDIHW\ 'HWDLOV DERXW WKH HYHQW ZLOO be made available over the next few weeks and can be found at ZZZ WYIU FRP VWDWLRQ

Q 6HSWHPEHU WK 7XDODWLQ 9DOOH\ )LUH 5HVFXH FUHZV moved into and began operating out of the newly constructed %HWKDQ\ 6WDWLRQ DW 1: (YHUJUHHQ 6WUHHW $V RI WKDW GDWH the former Station 68 located at 1: WK 3ODFH ZDV FORVHG 7KH QHZ VWDWLRQ ZDV EXLOW WR withstand a major seismic event, KRXVH WRGD\ÂśV PRGHUQ ÂżUH DSSDUDWXV DQG RIIHUV D FRPPXQLW\ URRP For more information on station 68, 79) 5ÂśV FRPPXQLW\ URRPV DUH visit made available free-of-charge to TXDOLI\LQJ QRQ SURÂżW RUJDQL]DWLRQV and for a fee to business, social, DQG SULYDWH JXHVWV 7KH FRPPXQLW\ room will open for public use on 2FWREHU VW DQG FDQ DFFRPPRGDWH SHRSOH ,I \RX DUH LQWHUHVWHG LQ reserving the Station 68 community

eah‌Yeah‌Yeah‌you’ve read too many customer VHUYLFH DUWLFOHV RQ Âł/LVWLQ WR \RXU customersâ€? “You’ve got 2 ears and PRXWK IRU D UHDVRQÂŤ/,67,1´ blah‌blah‌blah!!! /,67,1 WR PHÂŤ, ZDQW WR LQWURduce you to one of the best listiners ,ÂśYH HYHU NQRZQ :KHQ KHÂśV ORRNLQJ \RX LQ WKH H\HV KHÂśV OLVWLQLQJ :KHQ KH LV VHHPLQJO\ SDVVHG out‌yeah, he’s listining! You may have met him before:

This is my bro‌Ben The Super Lab! 2QH RI KLV SRVWVHVSHFLDOO\ when his mother is off on one of her many errands‌is here by the IURQW GRRU QRWH PRVW RIWHQ KH appears passed out‌oblivious to WKH ZRUOGEXW KHœV QRW Among many examples of how this and other dogs are acutely DWWXQHG WR WKHLU ZRUOGRQH DPD]ing example has always impressed PH %HQ DQG KLV \RXQJHU EURWKHU )\QQ DOVR D JRRG OLVWLQHU FDQ OLH by that door‌and hear car after car after car pass by our house and QRW PRYH D PXVFOH %XW WKH VHFond their beloved mother hits the intersection on the corner where we live, they spring up and head to the garage door to wait for and XOWLPDWHO\ ZHOFRPH KHU



7KH\ KDYH KHDUG FRXQWOHVV FDUV blast through our intersection‌ and they have heard their tires hit the strip of bricks adorning that VDPH LQWHUVHFWLRQ $QG ZKLOH ZH humans go on about our life‌ these 4-legged listining machines DUH GRLQJ MXVW WKDWÂŤOLVWLQLQJ 7KHVH JX\V NQRZ WKH WRQH RI P\ wife’s vehicle’s engine‌and the difference between it slowing down to turn into our drive way YV WKH RWKHU YHKLFOHV DFFHOHUDWLQJ E\ 7KHVH JX\V SHUKDSV NQRZ WKH sound of her tires hitting the bricks YV RWKHU WLUHV KLWWLQJ WKH VDPH EULFNV ,ÂśYH ZLWQHVVHG LW WLPH DQG WLPH DJDLQ , NQRZ ZKHQ 020 rolls home‌because these guys QHYHU PLVV 7KH\ DUH OLVWLQLQJ 62ÂŤKRZ JRRG DUH \RX DQG \RXU SHRSOH DW OLVWLQLQJ" 7KH IDFW that we are drowning in noise‌ that people just don’t care like they used to‌that texting and social media have trained us to look down and perhaps be more interested in other things rather than our employees or customers‌makes this type of reminder all the more LPSRUWDQW WRGD\ Sad to say, but if you train, train, train on basic listining, interest, engagement‌you will be leagues DKHDG RI WKH DYHUDJH FRPSHWLWRU People will tell their friends: “I KDG D JUHDW H[SHULHQFH´ Âł7KH\ /LVWLQHG´ Âł, ORYH WKRVH JX\V´ ,WÂśV +XPDQ 5HODWLRQVKLS :KHQ people are connected and feel engaged‌they buy in! Are your people world class listiners? Are they IN-terested in your customers? Are they IN-volved in their life and/or buying experience? If not, they need to be! 'R \RXU SHRSOH ,1 WHUDFW ZLWK your customers‌or do they feel that customers IN-vade their lives? It Happens! You’ve experienced the eye roll or awful attitude at another

business when their people are simply mad that you IN-terrupted their day and/or life! Are you this way with your people? Be brutally honest with \RXUVHOI $VN WKHP WR EH EUXWDOO\ KRQHVW ZLWK \RX 7+,6 6+28/' %( 21( 2) <285 0$175$ 52$' 6,*16

IN-spire your people on a daily EDVLV ,1 VWLOO LQ WKHP WKHVH OLVWLQing values and why they must happen at every turn! It’s a trickle down to how they IN-teract with your customers‌ and if you guys are great at this, it is a constant powerful, non-verbal IN-vitation to come back!! Make It Easy For People To Do Business With You! 68535,6( 620(21( Spencer Rubin is a Beaverton Resident with 3 kids attending local schools. With 23 years in the advertising and marketing Industry with AM1360-KUIK, Spencer has become a passionate advocate for the success of small, local business owners. This article has been adapted for the BRG from his weekly Catalyst newsletter. Questions? Contact Spencer at 971-732-4745 or

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14 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014)


J Beverly Hills

Loreal Professionnel

Redken 5th Avenue

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Our Town Sus tai nabl e B eaverton

Zoo News is Good News

Sustainable Beaverton

For third year in a row, Oregon Zoo is honored by peers at national zoo conference

Help Plant 1 Million Trees!

By Oregon Zoo Staff


By City Staff

ZKHQ WKH 2UHJRQ =RR ZRQ WKUHH awards, I traveled to Portland to WHOO WKH 0HWUR &RXQFLO MXVW KRZ VSHFLDO WKDW DFKLHYHPHQW ZDV /DVW \HDU WKH 2UHJRQ =RR HDUQHG WZR more awards, and this year it has ZRQ DQRWKHU WRS KRQRU 2UHJRQLDQV FDQ EH YHU\ SURXG RI WKHLU ]RR ² it’s universally regarded as among WKH WRS ]RRV LQ 1RUWK $PHULFD ´ 7KLV \HDU WKH 2UHJRQ =RR WRRN KRPH $=$ÂśV 0DUNHWLQJ ([FHOOHQFH Award for the second consecutive year, receiving top honors for its Âł)ORFN 7KLV :D\´ FDPSDLJQ SURPRWLQJ WKH ]RRÂśV SLQN Ă€DPLQJR H[KLELW

KH 2UHJRQ =RR GUHZ SUDLVH IURP FROOHDJXHV DW ]RRV DQG aquariums across North America this month, earning another prestigious award from the Association of =RRV DQG $TXDULXPV LWV VL[WK VXFK KRQRU RYHU WKH SDVW WKUHH \HDUV 7KH award was announced September WK DW $=$ÂśV DQQXDO FRQIHUHQFH KHOG WKLV \HDU LQ 2UODQGR )OD Âł7KH $=$ DZDUGV UHSUHVHQW WKH KLJKHVW KRQRUV LQ WKH ]RR DQG DTXDULXP ZRUOG ´ VDLG 7HUL 'UHVOHU LQWHULP ]RR GLUHFWRU Âł7KH\ VKRZ that we’ve earned the respect of our peers from around the country, and we are very proud of this DFKLHYHPHQW ´ Âł)RU D ]RR WR ZLQ VL[ $=$ awards over the span of three years Fall Hours (Sept. 2 to Jan. 4, 2015) 9am LV H[WUDRUGLQDU\ ´ VDLG -LP 0DGG\ to 4pm, grounds open until 5pm $=$ SUHVLGHQW DQG &(2 Âł,Q

New Business Spotlight Beaming Bronze Salon By Cesaly Gomez



KH :DVKLQJWRQ &RXQW\ FRPmunity is poised to plant one million native trees and shrubs DORQJ WKH 7XDODWLQ 5LYHU DQG LWV WULEXWDULHV VWDUWLQJ WKLV IDOO 5HVLGHQWV ZLOO WHDP XS ZLWK &OHDQ :DWHU 6HUYLFHV &LW\ RI %HDYHUWRQ DQG RWKHU :DVKLQJWRQ &RXQW\ FLWLHV QRQSUR¿WV IDUPHUV DQG PRUH to complete the work in only one \HDU /HWœV VKRZ WKHP KRZ DFWLYH Beaverton residents can be! 7KH 2QH 0LOOLRQ 2QH <HDU 2QH :DWHU FDPSDLJQ LV D FRPSRQHQW RI WKH 7UHH IRU $OO FRPPXQLW\ VWUHDP SODQWLQJ FKDOOHQJH 6SHDUKHDGHG E\ &OHDQ :DWHU 6HUYLFHV 7UHH for All partners have planted four Just Think Bucky, plant a million million native plants within the more of these and we won’t go 7XDODWLQ 5LYHU :DWHUVKHG LQ WKH hungry for years! past decade—200,000 of these trees have been planted right here NOW LET’S PLANT! ‡ 'HFHPEHU ¹ .LQJ &LW\ 3DUN LQ %HDYHUWRQ Help us plant and spread the Upcoming events: word about this great opportunity ‡ 2FWREHU ¹ -DFNVRQ %RWWRP to provide cleaner water, improve :HWODQGV +LOOVERUR wildlife habitat and care for our ‡ 2FWREHU ¹ 0XUUD\KLOO QDWXUDO VSDFHV :H KRSH \RX ZLOO Community, Beaverton join us for food, giveaways, cama‡ 2FWREHU ¹ 5\ODQG 3DUN raderie and—good work! Cornelius 7R OHDUQ PRUH RU WR UHJLVWHU IRU For more information about the city’s ‡ 1RYHPEHU ¹ :RRGKDYHQ an upcoming event, visit jointreesustainability efforts, visit www. Park, Sherwood IRUDOO RUJ

Native Plant of the Month


Big leaf Maple By City Landscape & Urban Forestry Staff

:KLFK LV ZK\ ZH XVH RQO\ WKH EHVW quality products manufactured in WKH 86$ DQG HPSOR\ KLJKO\ WUDLQHG professionals who keep up with the ODWHVW LQ KHDOWK DQG EHDXW\ 7KH PRVW UHZDUGLQJ SDUW RI working in this business is being DEOH WR VKDUH WKH MR\ DQG FRQÂżdence achieved by the client" says RQH RI %HDPLQJ %URQ]H 6DORQ V HPSOR\HHV

For more information call: 503-430-7598

LJ OHDI 0DSOH LV D GHQVH VKDGH tree that is seen throughout the western coastal range and native to %HDYHUWRQ 7KH\ JURZ EHWZHHQ to 75 feet tall and spread from 30 to IHHW ZLGH $OWKRXJK FXUUHQWO\ WKH UHFRUG KHOG E\ D ELJ OHDI 0DSOH LV IHHW WDOO LQ 0DULRQ 2UHJRQ 7KH OHDYHV FRQVLVW RI OREHV WR

15 inches wide and reach around LQFKHV ORQJ 0HGLXP JUHHQ LQ color the leaves turn a bright yellow color right before dropping in IDOO 7KH ZRRG LV YHU\ YDOXDEOH LQ making stringed instruments like JXLWDUV YLROLQV DQG FHOOL 7KLV beautifully grained wood is also used for making pianos frames, furniture, paddles and gun stocks DV ZHOO


This Native Plant of the Month has been brought to you by the City of Beaverton’s Landscape and Urban Forestry Department. Visit Clean Water Service’s Native Plant Finder webpage for interactive questions to help you ďŹ nd the right native plant to ďŹ t your needs!

Common Name: Big Leaf Maple Binomial name: Acer macrophyllum Soil type: Fairly moist, well drained Sunlight: Full sun to partly shady Plant type: Single or multi-trunked tree Foliage: Large Deciduous 5 lobed leaves Fruit/Flower: Brown, double winged, seeded samara/ small greenish- yellow cluster of owers

Lanphere Construction & Developmentt Custom Builder | Interior Design

(503) 718-7934 LCD provides an experienced team of crafts-people specializing in new construction, additions and large-scale residential renovations. From custom homes to single room remodels, there is no job too large or too small. We also have completed many outdoor living areas and full backyard landscape renovations.

Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 15

Our Town R es taurant B ul l etin B oard

Local Contractors Give Back

Food for Thought WLPH :KLOH \RX DUH VOHHSLQJ \RXU body is hard at work repairing it’s VHOI ,I LW KDV WR GLJHVW IRRG DV ZHOO then that will take away from its abilLW\ WR UHSDLU By Celia Lambert, PhD 2. Drink Water Remember: have fun, eat well 'ULQN SOHQW\ RI ZDWHU GXULQJ WKH R \RX HYHU ÂżQG \RXUVHOI KDYand always - always “Let food be ing to remind yourself of GD\ MXVW 127 ZLWK D PHDO 'ULQNLQJ thy medicine!â€? - - Hippocrates what is good for you?! In a health water before a meal will hydrate you enhanced lifestyle, a few small DQG JLYH \RX D PRUH VDWLVÂżHG IHHOLQJ Celia Lambert has earned her PhD FKDQJHV FDQ PDNH D ELJ GLIIHUHQFH EHIRUH \RX EHJLQ WR HDW 2QFH \RX in Holistic Nutrition and ďŹ ne tuned it EHJLQ LI \RX '21Âś7 GULQN ZLWK WKH through the school of life. She is the /HWÂśV FRQVLGHU WKHVH WKUHH PHDO WKHQ WKH GLJHVWLYH HQ]\PHV mother of six happy, healthy children. 1. Morning Stretch Questions? your body produce, will not become Contact me! celia. 7DNH D FXH IURP \RXU SHW (YHU GLOXWHG <RXU PHDO ZLOO EH GLJHVWHG lambert@yahoo. notice when your pet wakes from quicker and the nutrients absorbed com VOXPEHU WKH\ V W U H W F K" 7KLV LV D PRUH UHDGLO\ ZRQGHUIXO KDELW WR JHW LQWR 7DNH D few extra minutes each morning and 3. Avoid Late Night Snakes *R WR EHG RQ DQ HPSW\ VWRPDFK UHDFK IRU WKH VWDUV RQH KDQG DW D WLPH 7KHQ UHDFK IRU \RXU WRHV ERWK KDQGV Set a time when you decide you will DW WKH VDPH WLPH 7KHQ \RX FDQ NQHHO QR ORQJHU HDW LQ D GD\ 3UHIHUDEO\ down on all fours, drop, your head three to four hours before your bed

3 Easy Rules for Better Health

and arch your back, continuing, pick your head up and sway your back, UHSHDW 7KLV JHWV RXU EORRG ÀRZLQJ D little bit quicker in the morning!


By Melissa Cagle


n Saturday, September 13th WKH 1RUWKZHVW .LWFKHQ DQG %DWK 1:.$% FUHZ GRQDWHG their time and expertise to a Habitat IRU +XPDQLW\ EXLOG LQ %HDYHUWRQ 1:.$% KDG HPSOR\HH participation in the build—some of the crew’s families joined in as ZHOO Âł:H UHDOO\ OLNH WR JLYH EDFN to our community because our community makes up our customer EDVH :LWKRXW WKHP WKHUH ZRXOG EH QR 1RUWKZHVW .LWFKHQ DQG %DWK´ VD\V FR RZQHU &DURO\QQ <DQFH\ 7KH EXLOGLQJ VLWH ORFDWHG off Hall Blvd, near downtown Beaverton, comprises 24 houses; 1:.$% ZRUNHG RQ ÂżYH RI WKH XQLWV 7KH\ SXW WKHLU VSHFLDOL]HG skills to good use by framing walls

DQG GRRUV KDQJLQJ 7\YHN DQG vinyl siding, and helping to clean XS WKH MRE VLWH E\ RUJDQL]LQJ WKH EXLOGLQJ PDWHULDOV $OO WRWDOHG each employee donated 9 hours of ODERU WR WKH FKDULW\ ³:HœUH EOHVVHG WR KDYH VXFK D great company and feel it’s important to give back and bless others� ¹&DURO\QQ <DQFH\

Hours: Dinner: Daily, 5-9pm | Lunch: Mon - Fri, 11:15am - 3pm Happy Hour: Mon thru Sat – 3pm to 6pm & 9pm to close | Sun – 3pm to close Charred Octopus ........................................................................................................... 12.95 preserved tomato / olive / chorizo / saffron potatoes / aged balsamic / chili oil NY Strip Steak .............................................................................................................. 34.95 cherry-bacon marmalade / dark cherry demi glace / gorgonzola potato puree / grilled greens Bacon Poached Pork Loin ............................................................................................. 28.95 smashed ďŹ ngerling potato / grilled peach / radish / ricotta salata / warm bacon vinaigrette Oregon Albacore ........................................................................................................... 28.95 pan-seared rare / summer vegetable caponata / baba ganoush / ďŹ ngerling potatoes / saffron aioli / opal basil

3 7 7 5 SW H al l B l vd , B e a v e r t o n , OR 9 7 0 0 5

Strawberry Crepes Combo The classic combination of luscious strawberries and cream, crowned with whipped cream. Served with your choice of two hickory-smoked bacon strips or two sausage links ($9.19).

69¢ Morning Beverage!


( 5 0 3 ) 6 4 1 - 6 16 1


h a l l s t r e e t g r i l l .c o m

Southwest Salad Savor the festive avors of tender grilled chicken served on a bed of fresh southwest veggies, grilled corn, avocado, juicy tomatoes, and crispy tortilla strips, accented with the kick of Chipotle Ranch dressing ($9.69).

All-World Double CheeseburgerÂŽ Rich layers of American and Swiss cheeses on two juicy burger patties topped with savory hickory-smoked bacon strips, onion rings and Thousand Island dressing ($10.39).

1/2 lb. Chicken-Fried Steak & Eggs Smothered in savory country sausage gravy and served with uffy, made-from-scratch buttermilk pancakes ($10.49).

Daily 6-9am w/Entree Purchase

Classic Eggs Benedict From our kitchen to you. Farm-fresh poached eggs and Canadian bacon slices served atop a split, toasted English mufďŹ n, covered in creamy Hollandaise. Served with hash browns ($10.19).

503-644-8848 | 10650 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy

Pollo Fundido ...................................................................................$13.95 Deep fried four tortilla ďŹ lled with chicken breast and monterey jack cheese.

Double Decker Club Slow-roasted, hand-carved turkey breast, shaved ham, hickory-smoked bacon and American cheese, with juicy tomato, crisp lettuce and mayo stacked on your choice of toasted bread ($9.89).

Dine-in or Take-out

Burrito Chipotle ................................................................................$13.95 Wrapped our tortilla with grilled chicken breast, onion and bell pepper.

Suiza Enchilada ..................................................................................$9.95 t

Mexican Restaurant Enjoy Authentic Mexican Food at its Best!


Two corn tortillas stuffed with your choice of ďŹ lling with a delicious green tomatillo sauce and melted cheese.

Arroz con Pollo ......................................................................... $11.95 Boneless chicken breast sauteed in a traditional sauce with mushrooms, carrots, celery and spring onions.

503-601-7000 | 12025 SW Canyon Rd. Beaverton | Open: Sun - Thurs: 11am - 10pm, Fri - Sat: 11am - 11pm

Swedish Pancakes ..............................................................................$9.55 3 delicately rolled pancakes, dusted with powdered sugar and served with lingonberry butter.

Three Little Pigs ..................................................................................$8.65 Link sausage rolled in 3 large pancakes with apple sauce on the side.

Master Burger .....................................................................................$9.25 Deluxe burger, served with cheddar cheese and sliced lean ham, served on sesame bun with all the ďŹ xings.

Monte Cristo Sandwich......................................................................$9.25 Our own thick french toast bread with turkey, ham and Swiss cheese.

Pot Roast ........................................................................................... $11.95 Just like mom’s. Served with creamy mashed potatoes that we made from scratch and fresh sauteed vegitables. Satisfying!

16 – Beaverton Bea eave vertrton ton RResource esou es ourc ou rcee Gu rc GGuide Guid uid idee | Vo VVolume Vol olu lume 44–Issue lume –IIss ssue ue 1100 (O (October cttob ober ber 22014) 014) 01 4)

Shop S Sh Sho h hop L Local ocall – Gi oca Give Loc Give L Local ocall – S St Stay tay tay y Lo L Local‌ ocall‌ tthi this his is hi is ho how w how we eb build uild uil ild a be b bett better ett tter B Beav Beaverton. eavert erton ton. on n n.

Our Town R es taurant R eview

3 Dishes Neighborhood Restaurant Review Thai Pasta Story & Photos By Greg Mattie



KH .KXVDZDQJVUL IDPLO\ WKDWœV .RR VD ZRQJ VUL WRRN RYHU this restaurant when their close friend and former owner, took to ill health and had to move back WR 7KDLODQG 7KDL 3DVWD DOUHDG\ operates two other food carts in 3RUWODQG DQG RQH PRUH UHVWDXUDQW LQ (XJHQH WKDW DUH LQKDELWHG E\ 368 VWXGHQWV RQ D GDLO\ EDVLV so taking over this location was QRW DQ LVVXH ,Q IDFW WKLV ORFDWLRQ provided an added bonus because they can serve a greater variety of 7KDL GLVKHV FRPSDUHG WR WKH VSDFH OLPLWDWLRQV D IRRG FDUW RIIHUV Hawaiian Pad Thai (Price: $9.95$12.95 (Dinner price/choice of meat) Inspired by one of the daughters, this creation infuses a bit of Hawaii LQWR D WUDGLWLRQDO 7KDL IDYRULWH 7KH rice noodles are stir fried with your FKRLFH RI PHDW , FKRVH VHDIRRG egg, green onion, bell pepper pineDSSOH PDNH QRWH WKDW WKH GLVK GRHV QRW JHW LWV ¾+DZDLLDQœ PRQLNHU VLPSO\ EHFDXVH SLQHDSSOH ZDV DGGHG onion and a tangy, sweet homemade VDXFH 7+,6 LV ZKHUH \RX JHW WKH +DZDLLDQ LQÀXHQFH 7KH\ DVNHG IRU KRZ VSLF\ , ZDQWHG WKH GLVK , VDLG ¾PRVWO\ VSLF\œ 7KH ¾.œ IDPLO\ VHUYHV WUDGLWLRQDO ZKLFK ZDV D JRRG RSWLRQ , FRXOG Bangkok-style cuisine with some have gone for hotter but I wanted to 1RUWKHUQ 7KDL LQVSLUHG GLVKHV DV have a good ratio between sweet and ZHOO $ FRXSOH RI WKLQJV , OHDUQHG VSLF\ , UHDOO\ HQMR\HG WKH VHOHFWLRQ DERXW 7KDL IRRG ZLWKLQ WKH VWDWHV of seafood: calamari, shrimp and are that most of the dishes prepared VFDOORSV DOO ZRQGHUIXOO\ WHQGHU 7KH LQ 7KDL UHVWDXUDQWV DUH SUHSDUHG noodles are excellent, taking in all ¾LPPLJUDQW VW\OHœ ZKLFK PHDQ \RX WKH ÀDYRUV WKLV GLVK SURYLGHG JHW D FKRLFH RI PHDW IRU WKH PHDO ,I \RX DVN IRU ¾7KDL VW\OHœ \RX ZLOO get a dish that is served with ground PHDW XVXDOO\ JURXQG SRUN DV WKLV LV Guay Tiew Tom Yum (Price: $8.95) the custom way the meal would be 7UDQVODWHG DV +RW DQG 6RXU 6RXS SUHSDUHG LQ 7KDLODQG this is the one stop, everything-butHaving learned this wonderful WKH NLWFKHQ VLQN NLQG RI PHDO <RX tidbit, these were the three dishes I KDYH \RXU QRRGOHV <RX KDYH \RXU got to try: meats: shrimp, BBQ pork, ground



PLJKWLHVW RI DSSHWLWHV $ YHU\ IXOÂżOOLQJ GLVK LQGHHG 0\ IHOORZ UHDGHUVÂŤ, GR QRW GR WKLV YHU\ RIWHQ RND\ , GR HYHU\ PRQWK EXW GR QRW KHVLWDWH WR VXSport a great, little gem that is tucked within an overlooked strip mall off 6FKROOV )HUU\ 5RDG WKH RQH ZLWK WKH %LJ 5HGÂśV &DIp DQG WKH =RRPFDUH 7KDL 3DVWD FDUHV 7KH PRP LV WKH sweetest lady, working her tail off WR PDNH \RX KDSS\ 7KH GDXJKWHU when not attending college classes, is spending her remaining hours at WKH UHVWDXUDQW 0U .KXVDZDQJVUL spent a good two minutes on the ÂľFDUURW Ă€RZHUÂś JDUQLVK PDNLQJ VXUH LW ORRNHG SHUIHFW RQ WKH &U\LQJ 7LJHU SODWH /LWWOH GHWDLOV OLNH WKDW ZLOO QRW JR XQQRWLFHG E\ PH , ZLOO GHÂżQLWHO\ EH EDFN IRU PRUH 7KDQN \RX Âľ.Âś family! These were my 3 dishes, which ones will you try? As a graduate of the Le Cordon Bleu Program in Culinary Studies, I enjoy experiencing the ďŹ ne dining available at so many of our local eating establishments. Beaverton has such diversity to offer the curious palate that it’s hard to know where to begin. Well, now you can start your month off right here with me and my 3 Dishes Review. Greg may be contacted at:


SRUN &RRNHG LQWR D VSLF\ EURWK DQG topped with bean sprouts, green onion, ground peanuts, and crispy Crying Tiger (Price: $9.95) 2II WKHLU 6SHFLDO 0HQX WKLV GLVK ZRQWRQ WKLV ELJ ERZO RI ¾GHOLFLRXV FRPHV ZLWK D WHQGHU ÀDQN VWHDN JRRGQHVVœ LV JXDUDQWHHG WR IXO¿OO WKH Find out why Thai Pasta is Portland’s Favorite Food Cart for Thai Cuisine!

Coupon Special FREE Golden Fried Spring Roll! (good with any food purchase, one coupon per party, $3.95 value) Dine-in | Take-Out | Delivery: 503-590-9718

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Oh My God Roll (4 rolls) .................................................................................................. $6.95 Golden Tortia, cream cheese, imitation crabmeat and basil, served with spicy plum sauce House Special Curry (lunch menu) ..................................................................................$7.25 If you love peanut sauce you must try this red curry mixed with bell peppers, carrots & broccoli Oriental Eggplant Stir Fry (lunch menu) .........................................................................$7.25 Choice of protein stir-fried with Thai eggplants, bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, & black bean sauce with Thai chili paste and basil leaves. Drunken Yakisoba Noodles (lunch menu) ........................................................................$7.25 Fresh Japanese egg noodles stir-fried with choice of protein, egg, Napa cabbage, carrots, onion, green onion, & sesame oil in Thai homemade sauce. Tom Yum Fried Rice (lunch menu) ....................................................................................$7.25 Fried rice with choice of meat, egg, onions, peas, carrots, cashew nuts in homemade Tom Yum sauce.

Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 17

Our Town C om m uni ty Sto ries

Washington County Sheriff’s OfďŹ ce Bullying Victim? Not Your Kid By Washington County Shreriff’s OfďŹ ce

Teen2Teen HHQ 2Q 3KRQH:H DOO NQRZ RXU children talk to other teens before telling us what is happenLQJ %XW RQH RXW RI VL[ WHHQ YLFWLPV RI EXOO\LQJ ZRQ W WHOO WKHLU SDUHQWV that they are using their iPhone or laptop to defend themselves from a malicious rumor or that they are EHLQJ SK\VLFDOO\ WKUHDWHQHG :H ZDQW \RX WR NQRZ WKDW ZKLOH \RXU FKLOG V %)) PD\ KDYH good intentions, there is another JUHDW RSWLRQ +LJKO\ WUDLQHG 2UHJRQ WHHQV DUH VWDQGLQJ E\ WR WDNH \RXU FKLOG V FDOO HPDLO RU WH[W DERXW WKHVH LVVXHV 7KH\ FDQ provide coping mechanisms and strategies meant to head off the harmful things kids do when coping on their own, such as truancy, substance abuse, self injury, and



BPD Invitation

help your adolescent through one RI OLIH V PRVW FKDOOHQJLQJ WLPHV Save and share this information with the teens in your life:

Take the Public Safety Tour By BPD Staff

For more information:


ave you toured the Beaverton 3ROLFH 'HSDUWPHQW \HW" 7KH Online Chat: police are offering guided tours of CSC: text the keyword teen2teen to WKH GHSDUWPHQW DW &LW\ +DOO 7KLV LV 839863 your chance to get an inside look ‡ 'HSXW\ -DPLH 6KRUHV ZDV at the police department, and to see selected by her class for the ¿UVWKDQG WKH FKDOOHQJHV DQG OLPLWD9LFWRU * $WL\HK 2XWVWDQGLQJ WLRQV RI WKH FXUUHQW VSDFH 6WXGHQW $ZDUG 6KH MXVW :LWK PRVW RI &LW\ +DOO PRYLQJ missed receiving the top to a new location this summer, the DFDGHPLF DZDUG E\ D city has an opportunity to conarlier this Summer, three of our GLIIHUHQFH LQ VFRULQJ solidate, prepare, and renew the recruit jail deputies graduated :H DUH SURXG WR ZHOFRPH DOO IURP WKH 2UHJRQ SROLFH DFDGHP\ three to our team of outstanding current building as a public safety FHQWHU 6FKHGXOH D WRXU DQG VHH IRU ZLWK GLVWLQFWLRQ +RQRUV LQFOXGH GHSXWLHV LQ WKH -DLO 'LYLVLRQ \RXUVHOI ‡ 'HSXW\ 6SHQFHU 1RUGVWURP For more information: VKRW D SHUIHFW GXULQJ HDFK ¿UHDUPV TXDOL¿FDWLRQ 503-846-2700 HDUQLQJ D VKRRWHUœV SLQ ‡ 'HSXW\ -HVVLFD +HQQHVVH\ Learn more: visit www.renewforourearned a shooter’s pin and the or contact 503-526-2432 to *HRUJH / 7RROH\ 7RS 6KRRWHU sign up. DZDUG Call: 1-877-968-8491

Jail Recruits Earn Top Awards


Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District: connecting people, parks and nature 0GY CTV RNCEGOGPVU KP RCTMU FGUKIPGF VQ NKPM RCVTQPU PCVWTG ByEvans, Bill Evans, THPRD by Bill THPRD


unique project funded by THPRD’s 2008 voterapproved bond measure is taking shape in several of the district’s most popular natural areas. “Nature Revealed: Discovering Nature through Artâ€? funds natural resource art installations at Âżve natural areas and parks. The project was conceived to educate patrons about natural history and the environment, encourage them to connect with nature, and foster repeat visitation to parks. “We’re excited to offer a new, engaging, and artistic way for our

levels to allow moss to grow, which means they will constantly be changed by nature.

patrons to connect with nature in our parks,â€? said Kristin Atman, interpretive programs supervisor and the project’s manager. “It’s a Âżrst for our district.â€?

“This particular installation is about how nature happens over time, in particular with the growth of moss on structures,� Barton said. “My son got excited thinking about coming back in the future and seeing what changes actually happened.�

The Âżrst installation was completed in August at the Jordan Woods Natural Area in Cedar Mill. “Mossumentsâ€? consists of three large granite sculptures that focus on the small things in nature (e.g., moss) in a grand, monumental way.

Two other installations are at various stages of completion. “Tree Tectonics� at Raleigh Swim Center and Park features two large granite sculptures highlighting geological processes that have been placed intentionally next to trees that will interact with the stones as they grow.

“It was fun for my 8-year-old son,â€? said area resident Michael Barton, who regularly visits park sites with his family. “I told him there would be things to look for on the trail, and that became his pursuit, to Âżnd the installations before I found them.â€? The granite blocks aren’t difÂżcult to Âżnd; they’re huge (9,000 pounds). Each stone has appropriate pH

Patrick Barton, 8-year-old son of THPRD’s Michael Barton, investigates the new “Mossuments� art at Jordan Woods Natural Area in Cedar Mill.

meant to change, grow, shift, heave, and evolve over time as the trees reach maturity. The stones have been placed in the park; trees will be planted later this fall. Two other scheduled:



‡ 2FWREHU Hazeldale Park ‡ /DWH IDOO HDUO\ ZLQWHU Bethany Lake Park and Rock Creek Greenway For more information, visit www.

At Greenway Park, trees will be planted among three granite compositions engraved with poetry. These installations are

New Business Spotlight club with two hours of child care, a full-service day spa, indoor and outdoor pools, 120+ group exercise classes per week, luxurious locker rooms and concierge-style By VillaSport Staff VHUYLFH DOO XQGHU RQH URRI fter a much-anticipated grand VillaSport is also a great place opening in August, VillaSport to be with your family and friends has already earned the top spot as WR VRFLDOL]H ODXJK DQG OHDUQ ,WœV Beaverton’s premier athletic club WKH NLQG RI SODFH ZKHUH \RXœOO ¿QG DQG VSD 9LOOD6SRUW LV PXFK PRUH programs, services and amenities WKDQ MXVW D ¿WQHVV FOXE )HDWXULQJ unlike those you’ve seen elsethe latest state-of-the-art equipZKHUH <RXœOO PHHW IDQWDVWLF SHRment and classes in a remarkable ple with families like yours who 130,000 square foot resort-like share the common goal of leading FDPSXV \RXœOO ¿QG HYHU\WKLQJ KHDOWK\ OLIHVW\OHV ZKLOH KDYLQJ IXQ you need to maintain a healthy VillaSport offers special events lifestyle, including a complete kids OLNH EUHDNIDVWV ZLWK 6DQWD (DVWHU

VillaSport Athletic Club and Spa


18 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014)

HJJ KXQWV -XO\ WK EDUEHFXHV ZLQH WDVWLQJV DQG PRUH 9LOOD6SRUW will be more than your workout SODFH ¹ LW ZLOO EH \RXU KRPH DZD\ IURP KRPH Stop by to see our stunning club, meet our helpful staff and review our extraordinary programs DQG LPSUHVVLYH OLVW RI HTXLSPHQW 2QFH \RX GR \RXœOO XQGHUVWDQG WKH 9LOOD6SRUW GLIIHUHQFH For more information, visit or call 971-317-2600. VillaSport is located at 13900 SW Meridian Street in Beaverton, at the corner of Murray and Jenkins, across from Nike World Headquarters. Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Our Town C rui s i n’ B eaverton

Automotive Q&A with the Beaverton Car Guy By Larry Ferfuson


While driving my vehicle I constantly hear a high pitched squeal coming from the wheel area in the front, when I apply the brakes the noise stops.

ZKDW D VRIWHU UXEEHU WLUH ZRXOG GR 7KLV LV WKH HDVLHVW ZD\ WR UHGXFH the cabin noise and cheaper than WKH QH[W RSWLRQ 2SWLRQ LV WR KDYH D SURGXFW NQRZQ DV '<1$0$7 LQVWDOOHG ,W is a self-adhesive insulation material that sticks to the interior of the YHKLFOH $OO RI WKH LQWHULRU DV ZHOO DV WKH FDUSHW RU ÀRRU PDW PXVW be removed from the interior cabin DV ZHOO DV WKH WUXQN 7KH VHFRQG method can be quite costly, as it ZLOO EH YHU\ ODERU LQWHQVLYH

$ 7KH QRLVH WKDW \RX DUH KHDUI purchased a new ing is what is called a warning Honda in 2013, I squealer that is attached to the EUDNH SDG OLQLQJ 7KLV LV DQ LQGLFDhave what is called an oil tor the the brake pad lining is less life monitor, it reads in WKDQ UHPDLQLQJ ,I WKH EUDNH percentages, what does pads are not replaced in a timely this mean? fashion severe brake damage will $ 7KH RLO OLIH PRQLWRU EDVLoccur to the brake rotors and then, cally reads the amount of soil in a simple repair becomes a large the engine crank-case, so if you UHSDLU drive mostly in the city, the engine Our older Honda oil soil’s more quickly due to stop Civic has a great & start driving being more strenuous on the vehicle’s engine than amount of road noise IUHHZD\ GULYLQJ 7KH SHUFHQWDJH and on long road trips shows the remaining life on the it is very tiring. Is there HQJLQH RLO WKDW LV LQ WKH HQJLQH



anything I can do to help reduce the noise?

$ <HV DFWXDOO\ WKHUH LV 7KHUH are basically 2 types of rubber used to make tires, one of which is a harder rubber which transfers the road noise up into the cabin of the vehicle more aggressively than

sensor is located under the hood, QHDU WKH $ & &RQGHQVHU 2QFH the vehicle starts to move it will VHOI DGMXVW ,W ZLOO UHDG D FRXSOH RI degrees higher than the actual temperature if the vehicle is just sitting RYHU KRW DVSKDOW IRU H[DPSOH $OVR it would read a little lower in the event the vehicle were parked LQVLGH RI D SDUNLQJ VWUXFWXUH 2QFH the vehicle becomes mobile, and has been driven for a minute or two, the sensor will recalibrate to the actual temperature, to send a proper reading to the meter inside WKH FDELQ RI WKH YHKLFOH Larry has been in the automotive industry for over 25 years and has several degrees in automotive technology. Although currently working for Beaverton InďŹ niti, Larry prides himself on shooting straight with practical, unbiased information and advice. Questions? Contact the Car Guy through the paper at: or talk to Larry directly 503-930-1493.


How accurate are car thermometers and where is it located? Does it adjust for a car that sits in the sun on hot pavement? $ 7KH DPELHQW WHPSHUDWXUH

Beaverton Freshman Wins Statewide Contest “If I were a mayor I would‌,â€? By KPTV Staff

%HDYHUWRQ VWXGHQW V YLVLRQ IRU her city and how she would plan to carry out that vision if she VHUYHG DV PD\RU HDUQHG KHU ÂżUVW SODFH LQ D VWDWHZLGH ZULWLQJ FRQWHVW Nandini Naidu, a freshman at Valley Catholic High School, won for her essay, "If I were a mayor I ZRXOGÂŤ DW WKH 2UHJRQ 0D\RUV Association annual civic awareQHVV FRQWHVW 6KH ZDV UHFRJQL]HG DW WKH 6HSW 9 Beaverton City Council meeting ZLWK D FHUWLÂżFDWH DQG KHU ÂżUVW SODFH SUL]H D QHZ L3DG $LU “Nandini winning this contest FRQÂżUPV ZKDW ,ÂśP DOZD\V WKLQNing, Beaverton is home to some of the most talented students in the VWDWH ´ VDLG 0D\RU 'HQQ\ 'R\OH “She’s an inspirational young lady and we’re proud of her statewide ZLQ ´ 0RUH WKDQ FLWLHV SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ WKLV \HDU V FRQWHVW DW WKH ORFDO level, with 52 entries forwarded WR WKH VWDWHZLGH FRQWHVW 7KH HVVD\ contest includes submissions by students in sixth through eighth


unemployment rate by providing more job opportunities," Nandini ZURWH 1DQGLQL V HVVD\ DOVR WDFNOHG the issue of substance abuse in the community, stating that the intolerance about drug abuse starts at VFKRROV "I will create more programs for SROLFH RIÂżFHUV WR DGRSW VFKRROV DQG educate the students on the danger of drugs and how they can ruin a SHUVRQ V OLIH VKH ZURWH As mayor, Nandini admitted her vision to develop a perfect Beaverton will face many chalNandini Naidu receives her OHQJHV +RZHYHU VKH VDLG WZR award from Mayor Doyle words make her believe it can be GRQH JUDGHV :K\ QRW" Nandini wrote her essay as an 7KHVH DUH WZR ZRUGV WKDW HLJKWK JUDGHU DW 9DOOH\ &DWKROLF In her essay, Nandini wrote FDQ FKDQJH WKH ZRUOG (YHU\ WLPH DERXW JHQHUDWLQJ FLWL]HQ SDUWLFLSD- we are faced with a challenge or tion through community events, criticism that our plans will never like computer literacy sessions work, think why not? If we as a and open gym activities, as well as FRPPXQLW\ GRQ W WU\ HYHU\WKLQJ LQ summer internship and volunteer our power to make this city the best that it can be then we are not doing RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU WHHQV 6KH DOVR DGGUHVVHG WKH FLW\ V RXU SDUW DV FLWL]HQV RI %HDYHUWRQ XQHPSOR\PHQW UDWH VD\LQJ VKH G strive to attract more companies to VHW XS VKRS LQ WKH FLW\ 7UDQVIRUPLQJ %HDYHUWRQ LQWR an environment that welcomes new business will help to lower the For more local stories, visit

Traffic Q&A:

By BPD Staff

With the Beaverton Police Department


Is speeding up to get through a y yellow light legal as long as my front tires enter the intersection before the light turns red? A: No. Under ‘ORS 811.260, Appropriate e Driver Responses to TrafďŹ c Control Devices’, a driver facing a steady curcular yellow signal must do the following: The driver shall stop at the intersection. If a driver cannot stop in safety, the driver may drive cautiously through the intersection.


I drive a delivery van and was told by a store manager that I could park in the striped space in front of the store. The space just left of the striped space is a disabled parking space. Is it legal for me to park in the striped space that is next to a disabled space? A: (No) Oregon Revised Statute 811.615, “a person commits the offense of unlawful parking in a space reserved for persons with disabilities if the person parks a vehicle in the aisle regardless of whether or not the vehicle displays a disabled person parking permit�. Aisle spaces are the space next to a disabled space and are used for unloading wheelchairs from the side of a vehicle.


Can a person park in a disabled parking space if there is no sign but just the symbol on the ground? A: (No) Oregon Revised Statute 811.615 “A person commits the offense of unlawful parking in a space reserved for persons with disabilities if the person parks a vehicle in any parking space that is on private or public property and that is marked or signed to provide parking for persons with disabilities and the vehicle does not conspicuously display a disabled person parking permitâ€?. If you have a trafďŹ c question that you'd like us to ask the Beaverton Police Department for this column, email us at: (For all other police questions, call the police non-emergency number: 503-526-2260)

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Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 19

Our Town Teen Tal k

Musings of a Beaverton Teen

Busy Beavers at Beaverton High

Even as seniors, we can still be a kid... for just a bit longer

Introducing Senior Sarah Tantare By Hailee Meacham & Laila Mottaghi

By Ben Moreno


his is the last few years we FDQ FDOO RXUVHOYHV NLGV 0DQ\ of those around us can’t wait to become adults and that’s okay but that doesn’t mean we all have to IHHO WKDW ZD\ WKRXJK It’s okay to be afraid of growLQJ XS ,I \RXœUH DV ROG DV PH QH[W \HDU \RXœOO EH FRQVLGHUHG DQ DGXOW Next year we can vote, we can OHJDOO\ OLYH RQ RXU RZQ 7KLV LV DOVR RXU ODVW \HDU ZH FDQ JR WR FDPS 7KLV LV WKH ODVW HDV\ JRLQJ VXPPHU FRPLQJ XS WKDW ZHœOO JHW ,W ZLOO EH the last year we have people watching over and taking care of us so closely, and for a lot of us, this is a YHU\ VFDU\ WKLQJ :H FDQœW OHW WKLV IHDU FULSSOH XV WKRXJK :H DUH JRLQJ WR JURZ XS DQG WKDW LV FRPLQJ SUHWW\ VRRQ ,WœV QRW KHUH \HW WKRXJK :H VWLOO KDYH these last couple years to enjoy our fading childhood before it is left EHKLQG High school is supposed to be some of the most stressful years RI \RXU OLIH <RXœUH VXSSRVHG WR PDVK JRRG JUDGHV ZLWK DPD]LQJ test scores and still cram yourself with extracurricular activities that ZLOO ORRN JRRG RQ D UpVXPp 7KHVH can very easily be the most stressful years and can often be forgotten DV WKH ODVW \HDUV RI RXU FKLOGKRRG Applying to colleges and focusing on school is very important, but just as important is using your ODVW ELW RI FKLOGKRRG ZHOO ,WœV

Stress isn’t good so why not be a kid for just a little longer?

okay to still enjoy playing Super Smash Bros and Pokemon on your *DPH&XEH It’s okay to still go outside when it rains and feel your feet VLQN LQWR SXGGOHV UDLQ ZDWHU ¿OOLQJ \RXU VKRHV ,WœV RND\ WR JR RQ adventures and take in the smells of the forest, hearing the twigs VQDS XQGHU \RXU IHHW -XVW WDNLQJ a little bit of time out of your day to be a kid again can be one of the most stress relieving things you can do during one of the years that necessitates the most dedication DQG KDUG ZRUN 'RQœW IRUJHW WKDW \RXœUH VWLOO D NLG IRU WKH UHVW RI WKLV \HDU DW OHDVW :K\ QRW WDNH advantage of that?


hile summer break is traditionally a time for high schoolers to stay up late and sleep in all day, there are a few students ZKR EUHDN WKH PROG %HDYHUWRQ VHQLRU 6DUDK 7DQWDUH LV RQH RI WKHVH VWXGHQWV (YHU\ VXPPHU VLQFH KHU IUHVKPDQ \HDU 7DQWDUH KDV GHGLcated ten days to helping others through service trips carried out by KHU \RXWK JURXS )RU KHU ÂżUVW WULS 7DQWDUH WUDYeled to San Francisco to volunteer at a Boys and Girls club in the 7LPEHUOLQH GLVWULFW 7KH QH[W VXPmer, they travelled to Guatemala to KHOS EXLOG VWRYHV LQ YLOODJH KRPHV 0RVW UHFHQWO\ WKHLU WUDYHOV WRRN WKHP RQ D URXWH WKURXJK WKH 3DFLÂżF

1RUWKZHVW VWRSSLQJ DW ÂżYH FLWLHV WR volunteer in homeless shelters and VHQLRU FDUH IDFLOLWLHV 2I WKH WKUHH *XDWHPDOD ZDV E\ far her favorite experience, “You get to immerse yourself in the culWXUH WKHUH DQG LW PDGH \RX UHDOL]H KRZ PXFK ZH KDYH LQ $PHULFD ´ $W WLPHV 7DQWDUH IHOW DV WKRXJK VKH was the one getting the help she needed to grow in this world, “It wasn’t just us helping them, they completely changed our whole SHUVSHFWLYH RQ OLIH ´ +RZHYHU WKLV ZRUN LVQÂśW HDV\ It’s hard helping others in need and yet feeling as though you can’t help HQRXJK Âł7KHUHÂśV UHDOO\ QRWKLQJ you can do to help them besides what you’re doing and you want to give them everything you have but \RX FDQÂśW ´ 'HVSLWH WKH HPRWLRQDO FKDOOHQJHV 7DQWDUH HQFRXUDJHV RWKHUV to participate in service trips, Âł7KHUHÂśV DOZD\V VRPHWKLQJ \RX FDQ GR WR KHOS ´ 7KH OHVVRQV VKHÂśV derived from her experiences are “pricelessâ€? in her opinion, “I think the best part has been connecting with people in my youth group and in all these different communities that I would never have gotten a chance to connect with‌[it has]

taught me so much about myself DQG DERXW RWKHU SHRSOH ´ 7DQWDUH SODQV WR FRQWLQXH working with her youth group in the future, and has hopes for a VHUYLFH WULS WR $IULFD QH[W VXPPHU 7R KHU WKH H[SHULHQFHV VKHÂśV KDG and the lessons she’s learned are invaluable, “It changes everything you’ve learned and everything \RXÂśUH JRLQJ WR OHDUQ ,W PDNHV \RX feel like you have a place in the ZRUOG DQG D SXUSRVH ´ Hailee and Laila are senior editors of Beaverton High School’s newspaper, the Hummer, and enjoy reading, writing, and watching documentaries. You can contact them at:

Surprise! Will You Marry Me?

Ben Moreno is a sixteen year old Junior at Health and Science high school who enjoys writing and hopes to study law after graduating.

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Publishers of the Beaverton Resource Guide!

20 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014)

But What if I’m Not Thrilled with the Ring?

to save money, you may need WR DGMXVW \RXU GUHDP EXGJHW %H considerate: work within a realistic EXGJHW

By Kaaren Bedi



verybody loves a surprise, ULJKW" :URQJ 6RPH WLPHV despite the best of intentions a surprise engagement ring is the wrong NLQG RI VXUSULVH 6KRSSLQJ IRU ‡ *R VKRSSLQJ WRJHWKHU IRU ÂľD engagements rings is about taste friend’ and be sure to point out and money- and if you are going ULQJV \RX OLNH to marry your partner you better be 2N VR \RX GURSSHG DOO WKH able to discuss those two subjects hints and he still went rogue and ZLWK FRQÂżGHQFH DQG NLQGQHVV got something that just isn’t your But if you want to be surprised, do FXS RI WHD a little work ďŹ rst. Be honest but very tender: No one ‡ /HDYH D 3LQWHULVW ERDUG XS RQ likes being told they didn’t choose the computer/iPad with your WKH SHUIHFW ULQJ +H WULHG KLV EHVW GUHDP ULQJV RSHQ to get something that would mean ‡ /HDYH PDJD]LQHV RSHQ WR VRPHWKLQJ WR \RX %27+ pages with diamond shapes or Be realistic: If you dream of a ULQJ VW\OHV \RX OLNH FW ' Ă€DZOHVV GLDPRQG EXW DUH ‡ (PSOR\ D IULHQG WR RIIHU WR VWLOO HDWLQJ 7RS 5DPHQIRU GLQQHU KHOS

You will look at two things everyday after your wedding, your SDUWQHU DQG WKH ULQJ ,WÂśV ZRUWK negotiating to make sure you love WKHP ERWK :RUNLQJ ZLWK D ORFDO IDPLO\ owned jewelry store is a great way WR HQVXUH HYHU\RQH LV KDSS\ 0RVW have a good exchange policy and are able to work with your budget WR ÂżQG D ULQJ \RX ZLOO ORYH

Smith & Bevill, your local family jewelry store, has AGS certiďŹ ed appraisers on staff as well as master gold smiths and factory certiďŹ ed watch makers. We are buy gold, silver and platinum jewelry.

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Our Town Seni ors N ews

Speeder S d S Spotlight tli ht for f Seniors S i Help Your Family and Neighbors, Get to Know the CERT Program By Jolene Guptill



is designed to prepare you to help yourself, your family, and your neighbors in the event of a major HPHUJHQF\ RU GLVDVWHU %HFDXVH emergency services personnel will not be able to help everyone immediately, you can make a difference E\ XVLQJ &(57 WUDLQLQJ WR VDYH OLYHV DQG SURWHFW SURSHUW\ ´ 7KH $PHULFDQ 5HG &URVV UHFommends that we create a personal support network made up of several individuals who can be trusted, and who will check in on you in an emergency, to ensure your wellness DQG WR JLYH DVVLVWDQFH LI QHHGHG Consider friends, family members, relatives, personal attendants, coworkers and neighbors to include LQ \RXU QHWZRUN 7KH UHODWLRQVKLS VKRXOG EH PXWXDO <RX KDYH D ORW WR FRQWULEXWH /HDUQ DERXW HDFK other’s needs and how to help each RWKHU LQ DQ HPHUJHQF\ 6RXQGV OLNH D JRRG H[FXVH IRU D OXQFK GDWH QRZ ZKHUH WR JR" 'R \RX NQRZ D 6SHHGHU LQ Beaverton who is going out of their

Networking -4- Diabetes way to make our community a better place? I would love to interview WKHP Remember to check your speed and enjoy the ride! For More information on CERT, visit: index.aspx?nid=856

Beat Neuropathy! EVENT Next Meeting Dates are 10/7, 11/11 & 12/9, 5 - 6:30pm at BESThq (12745 SW Beaverdam Rd) Presented by: Bruce Huck, Diabetes Consultant

As former chair of the SCAC, Jolene Guptill has been advocating for Beaverton seniors for the past 12 years and continues to bring awareness to senior issues and news through the BRG. Questions? Contact: Jolene at: .*/*.6.



:&"34 0' "(& 03 0-%&3


ince there is no medical prevention or cure for diabetes, our group is dedicated to networking DV GLDEHWLFV WR UHGXFH WKH FRPplications from diabetes by learning to control the source of our symptoms: Appropriate Nutrition, Physical Activity and medication DV QHHGHG Get in touch with the activities <28 /29( RQFH DJDLQ 2QH FXS of coffee at a time!

Jim Teasly was down 14lbs after six weeks with blood sugars under 130. After 12 weeks he was down 25lbs and his blood sugars under 120! For diabetes information, search: Bruce K. Huck is a Diabetes Consultant who enjoys mentoring. “Diabetes is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to drive in the rain.� For more information about this networking group, contact Bruce: 503-523-7478

Your 3 step game plan to BEAT (diabetic) NEUROPATHY ‡ 5HGXFH \RXU LQÀDPDWLRQ ‡ 5HVHW \RXU JOXFRVH OHYHOV ‡ 5HYHUVH \RXU 1(59( 3$,1

Senior Citizen’s Advisory Committee Sharing Memories: Halloween at My House By Carolyn Best, SCAC



IURP XS WKH EORFN D IDPLO\ RI VL[ 2XU ÂżUVW VWRS ZDV DOZD\V DW &DPSEHOOÂśV 'UXJ VWRUH , DP QRW VXUH KRZ ORQJ 0U &DPSEHOO KDG been there, but he was more than welcoming to this neighborhood JDQJ RI NLGV ,QVLGH KLV VWRUH ZDV a bar with stools, where we went RQ VSHFLDO RFFDVLRQV IRU LFH FUHDP But on this Halloween, we stood in line in front of the glass candy counter salivating at all the FKRLFHV &DQG\ FRUQ ELW R VZHHWV goober peas, gum balls, and many more choices, too many to menWLRQ 0U &DPSEHOO ZRXOG WDNH D scooper and dig out a variety of penny candy that he generously

ZH FKDQWHG DW HDFK GRRU ,Q RXU SRFNHWV ZH FDUULHG EDOOV RI ZD[ :H FKDWWHG EHWZHHQ RXUVHOYHV DV WR how we would wax the windows of WKH ÂżUVW SHUVRQ ZKR ZDV QRW KRPH RU ZRXOGQÂśW KDYH DQ\ WUHDWV IRU XV Believe me it was all “talkâ€? as all of us knew it would not be worth DFFRXQWLQJ WR RXU 'DGV IRU VXFK D GHFLVLRQ After an exhausting evening, sometimes carrying home two or three bags full, we would march poured it into our brown paper up our front steps to be greeted by EDJV Âł7KDQNV 0U &DPSEHOO´ ZH 0RP Âł6SUHDG \RXU FDQG\ RQ WKH all yelled as we ran out the door to newspapers on the living room WKH QH[W VWRS Ă€RRU ´ VKH ZRXOG VD\ Âł<HV \RX Âł7ULFN RU 7UHDW 0RQH\ RU (DW´ can keep this, No not these,â€? she

said as she ritualistically separated what was supposedly good or not VR JRRG IRU XV 2QH +DOORZHHQ , UHPHPEHU fondly, as I unexpectedly went into my Parents room to say good night, and they were eating these same WKLQJV WKDW 0RP KDG MXVW VHSDUDWHG IURP RXU ÂłFDWFK´ 2XU FKLOGUHQ QHHG RXU VWRULHV :KDW VWRULHV FDQ \RX VKDUH ZLWK your children and grandchildren as you stir your historical pot? Performance dates: The SCAC serves as a liason between Beaverton’s senior community and the City. For more information,, visit: Index.aspx?NID=292

earthstone of Beaverton

Thursday, October 23 4:00 - 6:00 PM

Charming Boutique Assisted Living

503-641-0911 5 03-641-0911

Enjoy FREE food, fun and a performance by Billy & the Rockets! 12 1252 520 0 SW Hart Hart Rd everton t OR 97008 12520 Rd. | B Beverton, Family Owned & Operated

Please RSVP by October 21 (Space is Limited)

Come and join us for our

Edgewood Downs Independent Retirement Community

October Travel Adventures!

Travel in with us r! Octobe

7799 SW Scholls Ferry Road, Beaverton, OR 97008

Capitol Tour in Salem


We are an active community that loves to travel. Contact us this month to learn more about one of our October travel adventures. Please call 503-643-5418 503-643-5418

| Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 21

Our Town Our Hi s tory ĆĄ –‘ ƒ Â?‡™ ƒ†˜‡Â?–—”‡ ‡˜‡”› ™‡‡Â? ƒ– ‡ƒ˜‡”–‘Â? ‘†‰‡ ‡–‹”‡Â?‡Â?–Ǩ

New Business Spotlight Longevity Acupuncture Clinic By Yubin Lu

/ Join Us For Retirement Living at its Very Best! We have some of the largest studio, 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom apartments in the area


Prices start at $1,695, including all utilities, (except telephone) and you will enjoy your weekly housekeeping and linen service along with a ƪ‡š‹„Ž‡ Â?‡ƒŽ ’”‘‰”ƒÂ?Ǥ


Heated indoor mineral saline pool with senior water aerobic classes, art gallery, full activity schedule and so much more . . . ‘‹Â? —• ˆ‘” ‡–‹”‡Â?‡Â?– ‹˜‹Â?‰ ƒ– ‹–• ‡”› ‡•–Ǩ Visit us at

Call or stop by today. We look forward to showing you around!

503.646.0635 12900 SW 9th Street | Beaverton, OR 97005

ongevity Acupuncture Clinic LV IRXQGHG E\ 'U <XELQ /X 3K ' ZKR KDV FRQVLVWHQWO\ SUDFticed Chinese medicine and acuSXQFWXUH LQ ERWK &KLQD DQG 86$ IRU \HDUV 7KH FOLQLF ORFDWHG DW 6: $OOHQ %OYG 6XLWH is a full service Chinese medicine clinic that offers acupuncture, &KLQHVH KHUEV 7XLQD GLHWDU\ therapy for a great variety of conditions, such as all kinds of pain, emotional disorders, stress, anxiety, digestive disorders, neurological disorders, respiratory disorders, immunological diseases, allergies, skin disorders, gynecological disRUGHUV HWF 'U <XELQ /X LV D ZHOO NQRZQ VFKRODU DQG SUDFWLWLRQHU LQ WKH ÂżHOG RI &KLQHVH PHGLFLQH +H KDV GHYHOoped his own unique treatment for lower back pain, acute prostatitis,, DFXWH VLQXVLWLV HWF ZLWK JUHDW VXFFHVV 1RZ KH LV D IXOO WLPH SURIHVVRU DW 2UHJRQ &ROOHJH RI 2ULHQWDO 0HGLFLQH If you have any health issues, or if you have a condition that has failed to be successfully controlled, please schedule an appointment ZLWK 'U /X

About Chinese medicine and acupuncture, Dr. Lu has the following statement: Chinese medicine and acupuncture have been consistently practiced for 3000 years. It has it’s unique theories and treatments for different diseases. It is a medicine that does not only treat diseases, but also address prevention of diseases as well as a healthy life. It is a safe, cost-effective medicine that people today really need. 'U /X LV RIIHULQJ GLVFRXQW for new patients in his new clinic ORFDWLRQ +H LV DOVR RIIHULQJ D IUHH lecture series on Chinese medicine DQG DFXSXQFWXUH ,I \RX DUH LQWHUested, you can call 503 207 3862 to PDNH D UHVHUYDWLRQ

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 503 207 3862 or visit The Facebook page of the clinic is

Beaverton, This Decade 100 Years Ago LQYHVWLJDWH &RQOH\œV VWRU\ +H traveled to Cottage Grove, where Conley claimed his grandparents OLYHG RQO\ WR ¿QG WKDW &RQOH\ KDG QR IDPLO\ LQ WKH WRZQ 8SRQ Bank Robber Caught in Los returning to Portland, Henning Angeles By Julie Nielsen supplied a picture of Charles Charles Conley was not as Conley to the local police as well lucky with his getaway in 1919, Woman Stops Robbery DV WKH 3LQNHUWRQ 'HWHFWLYH $JHQF\ he Bank of Beaverton suffered though he had carefully laid 7KH FDVKLHU /LOOLDQ (YDQV LGHQWLLWV ¿UVW UREEHU\ DWWHPSW LQ 0D\ SODQV DQG PDGH LW WR /RV $QJHOHV After 2 robberies, the Bank of ¿HG &RQOH\ DV WKH PDQ WKDW KHOG Beaverton builds a new secure 1911, just a year after it opened in a California with his young bride KHU XS building on Farmington in 1929 wood-plank building on Broadway EHIRUH EHLQJ DUUHVWHG &RQOH\ ZDV DUUHVWHG LQ /RV 2Q -XQH &RQOH\ 6WUHHW &RQMXULQJ LPDJHU\ RI WKH grandparents were taking him and $QJHOHV RQ -XQH E\ WKH :LOG :HVW WKDW LV GLI¿FXOW WR LPDJ- stole car from the Columbia KLV QHZ ZLIH RQ D WULS WR &DOLIRUQLD 3LQNHUWRQ 'HWHFWLYH $JHQF\ ZLWK Company in ine on the streets of Beaverton as Shipbuilding ) $ +HQQLQJ &RQOH\œV IDWKHU $2,300, mostly hidden in his matwe know it today, three men stole a 9DQFRXYHU )LYH GD\V ODWHU &RQOH\ in-law, became suspicious of tress, claiming that he has earned horse and buggy in Garden Home, drove to Beaverton, where he held his son-in-law’s story after his WKH PRQH\ DV DQ HOHFWULFLDQ +H drove to Beaverton and entered the up the cashier with a revolver and daughter sent him a letter later in was held in California until he EDQN WKURXJK D IURQW ZLQGRZ 7KH stole $3,839, then shut her in the the month describing the couple’s could be extradited to Hillsboro for noise of the three men entering the EDQN YDXOW &RQOH\ WKHQ UHWXUQHG H[WUDYDJDQW VSHQGLQJ LQ &DOLIRUQLD WULDO bank and securing an exit awak- to his father-in-law’s home outside Never trusting his son-in-law, Ironically, Henning would be HQHG 0UV ' & )LVKHU ZKR OLYHG RI :DVKRXJDO :DVKLQJWRQ DQG Henning took it upon himself to arrested just a week after Conley DFURVV WKH VWUHHW IURP WKH EDQN 6KH told his in-laws that his wealthy

The Bank of Beaverton is Robbed... Twice!



Beaverton Beaverton History History Center Center

12412 SW Broadway St | | 503-430-0106

for having eighty quarts of homeEUHZHG EHHU DW KLV KRPH It appeared that Conley had EHHQ LQVSLUHG E\ WKH /HZLV %URWKHUV $GROSK DQG 0D[ ZKR ZLWK D WKLUG SDUWQHU UREEHG WKH :DVKRXJDO %DQN LQ 0D\ RI 7KH\ HYDGHG DUUHVW DQG D SRVVH VHDUFK HVFDSLQJ WR 7KH 'DOOHV where they were eventually DUUHVWHG DIWHU WKHLU SDUWQHU (GZDUG Primrose, shot and killed the Chief RI 3ROLFH $OO WKUHH ZHUH HYHQWXDOO\ DSSUHKHQGHG In 1929 a new building was built on the corner of Farmington DQG :DWVRQ IRU WKH %DQN RI %HDYHUWRQ 7RGD\ WKDW EXLOGLQJ VWLOO VWDQGV ,WV FXUUHQW RFFXSDQW LV WKH $UWKXU 0XUUD\ 'DQFH 6WXGLR Interested in more local history? Visit the Beaverton History Center!

ON Exhibit


t We Remember

Dining Through the Decades: You are invited to a new exhibit at the Beaverton History Center celebrating how we ate from the early 1890s. Later we will have other decades exhibited.

t Early Medicine (1880s – 1930s) t Children’s Games (1920 - 1965) t Country Store (1900s - 1940) t Farming Tools (1890 - 1920) t On the Oregon Trail Display t Early Farming (1900s – 1950s)

Also on display are “Things that hold Things�. See these unique containers from our history.


Volunteer or become a member! 503-430-0106

22 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014)

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Out & About W hat’s Happeni ng T hi s Month in B eaverton? on Tap,, 503747-7319

Black Bear Diner


Mon-Fri: 3 - 6pm, $4.95 Small Taco Salad, Choice of Chicken or Beef, includes beverage! 503646-4507

“Stimulus Hour� Everyday from 4:00 to 6:00pm, Domestic pint & pitcher specials. Best Burger in Town! 503-646-0222

Brickyard Tavern


Mon-Sat 3-6pm & 8pm-close Sunday - All Day!

Broadway Saloon

Happy Hour Daily from 3-6pm, Any dish only $3.95! Margaritas, well drinks & beer. 12025 SW Canyon Rd, 503-601-7000

Benihana Mon-Thurs: 3-7pm, Sake, Beer, Wine & Specialty Cocktails; Sushi rolls from $4.50, Teriyaki Wings & more, 503-643-4016

Big Al’s Mon-Thurs 3-6pm & 9pm-close, Fri 3-6pm; 10pm-close, Sat 10-close; Sun 9pm-close, Food & Drink Specials, 503-748-6118

Bistro 153 Mon-Fri 2-7pm & 9-close, All Day Sat & Sun, Food, Beer, Wine, Cocktails, 3203 SW 153rd Dr., Suite 419, 503-626-8282

BJ Willy’s Progress Ridge Daily: 3-6pm, Sun-Thu: 9:30p-closing, Full Bar~16 Beers

Buffalo Wild Wings Tue & Thurs 12pm-12am, MonFri 3-6pm & 10pm-12am, $1 off tall pints, 50¢ wings allday www., 503-6459424

Cafe Murrayhill Everyday from 3:00-6:00pm, Discounted appetizers! Wine, Beer & Cocktails. www., 503-5906030

Cinetopia Everyday 3-6pm & 8pm-close, $3.99 & $4.99 Food Specials, Discounted Beer and Wine, www., 503-597-6911

Coach’s Bar & Grill Sat-Thur: 3-7pm & Fri: 3-8pm, Great Burgers, pizza, sandwiches and dessert. Pool, shufe board & karaoke. 503-203-8250

decarli Restaurant Tue-Sat: 4:30-6pm, 9pm-close; Sun 5-9pm, Panini’s, Pizzetta’s & more! Try a Cool Hand Cuke! 503641-3223

Ernesto’s Mon-Fri: 3:00-6:30pm, Sat-Sun: 4:00-6:30pm, $3.50-5.50 Food Specials & More, Discounted Beer, Wine, Well, Drinks. 503-2920119

Hall Street Grill M–Sa: 3–630 & 9-close, Sun:

Newport Bay M-Sa: 3-6p/8-10p, Sun.-all day, Food specials $.99 - $5.99. $1 off Draft Beers. Wine & Well Drink Specials. 503-645-2526

La Fogata

Everyday 3-7pm and 10pmClose $2 to $6 Food Specials, Daily Drink Specials, 13095 SW Canyon Road, 503-718-7033 in Old Town Beaverton, Daily 4:30-6:30pm & 10pm-12am, $3.95 HH food & $1 off drinks, 12434 SW Broadway St, 503-641-7474

Sun & Mon-All Day! Tues-Sat, 3-6:30pm/9pm-close, Try our Sangria or Mojitos, Well Drinks are $2.50, 503-643-8269

3-close, Drink specials, tasty morsels & nibbles. 503-641-6161

The Pit Stop

Family Friendly

Malones Cafe & Bar

The Mark Lounge & The Mark Cigar Bar, Daily 3:00-6:00pm; Drinks, Apps, Sports, Cigars & more! www., 503-643-5451

McCormick’s Fish House Daily 4-6pm & 9-cl, Food starting at $2.95! Beer, Cocktail and Wine specials, never offered before! 503-643-1322

McGrath’s Fish House Mon-Thu 3-6pm & 9-9:30pm, Fridays 3:00-5:00pm, Enjoy $3 Food Specials, $4 Beers, www. mcgrathsďŹ, 503646-1881

McMenamins Cedar Hills Crossing & Murray & Allen, Daily 3-6pm & 10pm-close, Drink Specials. Food starting at $1.75!

MiNGO Restaurant Tues-Fri 2:30-6:00, Sun & Mon 5:00-6:00, pastas, pizzas, burgers & more, wine, beer & cocktails,

Monteaux’s Public House Happy Hour Menu, Early: 3:006:00pm, Late: Last 2 hours to close, and 10 TerriďŹ c Taps too, Ask about ‘oomph’!


Fall Voters’ Forum

The Voters’ Forum will highlight candidates and ballot measures for the general election. Come listen, learn and ask questions.

Thai Bloom! Daily: 4:00-6:00pm; 8pm-close, Mon-Thurs; 9pm-close Fri & Sat, All Day on Sundays. 3800 SW Cedar Hills Blvd. 503-644-8010 Mon-Fri: 3:00-6:00pm; Sat & Sun, food only 11pm-close, Beer, Blood Mary, Micro Brews, 10245 SW Canyon Road, 503-643-4758

La Hacienda Real

Daily 4:00-7:00pm & 10pm-12am $1 - $4 Food Specials, Pizza, sliders, & more, Draft & Well Specials, 503-579-3663

Wells - $4.00 Micros, Sylvan Exit off Hwy 26, 503-297-5568

Peppermill Lounge Mon-Fri: 4:00-7:00pm (22 draft beers) ¡ Food & drink specials + huge late nite menu. Open till 2:30am daily. 503-642-5193

Happy Hour

Planet Thai Daily 3-6pm and all day Sunday. Drink and appetizer specials. Try our Philly Crab Puffs ($4), or Crispy Spring Rolls ($3.50) 503718-7101

Red Robin Mon-Fri: 3-6pm & 8pm-close, Beverage & Appetizer Specials,, 10100 SW Wash. Square Road, 503-6243955

Black Bear Diner Mon-Fri: 3 - 6pm, $4.95 SmallTaco Salad, Choice of Chicken or Beef includes beverage! 503-646-4507

Dairy Queen Weekdays 2:00-4:00pm, Half-Price Soft Drinks, Shakes & Arctic Rush 12870 SW Farmington Rd., 503644-3469

Einstein Bros Bagels

Ringo’s Bar & Grill Mon-Fri: 4:00-7:00pm, Cocktails, Food & Juke Box, Voted Portland’s Best Burger! 12300 SW Broadway St. 503-644-7847

Ruby Tuesday Daily: 3-6pm & 9pm-close, Chips, Dips, Shrimp & Chicken, Cocktails, Beer & Wine, www., 503-579-3737

Stockpot Broiler Daily 4:00-6:00pm & 9:00pmclose, Menu items from $2.50, and bar items from $3.25. 503643-5451

Sylvan Zoo House & Saloon Daily 3-6pm & 9pm-Close, Free Food w/2 drinks M-F 4-6pm, $3.25

Daily 3pm to 430pm (closing), all bagels & beverages! Beaverton Town Sq. Location, 503-643-2334

Honey Toast Cafe Tue-Fri: 3-6pm, 20% OFF all appetizers, $8.88 Petite Honey Toast+tea or coffee. 503-747-2712

John’s Incredible Pizza Co. Family Fun Pack for $89.99: 4 buffets, 4 beverages, and 4 $25 FunCards!, 503520-0000

Taco Bell $1 Happier Hour, Medium Drinks or Loaded Grillers, 2pm - 5pm Everyday, happier_hour

Invited Candidates: State Senate 17th District State Representative 28th District Elizabeth Steiner Hayward (D) (I) Incumbent Jeff Barker (D) (R) Incumbent John Verbeek (R) (L) Lars D H Hedbor (L) State Representative 27th District Robert D Martin (L) Tobias Read (D) (R) Incumbent

State Representative 34th District Ken Helm (D) Brenden King (L) (R)

Ballot Measures: Measure 92 Requires food manufacturers, retailers to label “genetically engineered� foods Measure 34-221 Washington County vehicle registration fee for road maintenance & operations Measure 34-226 Authorizes bonds to rebuild city hall as a public safety center

Monday, October 20, 2014 NEW ATION O L C— —

Questions for the Candidates or Ballot Measures? Email in advance to: Deadline for submission of questions is Friday, Oct. 17. For more information: Call Miles Glowacki in the Neighborhood Program at 503-526-3706 or visit Presented by: Beaverton Committee for Community Involvement

6:15 PM — Meet the Candidates and enjoy refreshments 7 PM — Voters’ Forum

Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 23

Out & About What’s Happeni ng T hi s Month in B eaverton?

Compassion Cultivation Training Learn How to Train Your Mind & Heart CLASS


eveloped at Stanford 8QLYHUVLW\ &RPSDVVLRQ &XOWLYDWLRQ 7UDLQLQJ &&7 LV D nine week course developed by the Center for Compassion and $OWUXLVP 5HVHDUFK DQG (GXFDWLRQ &&$5( DQG QRZ RIIHUHG LQ 3RUWODQG 7KH FRXUVH VWDUWLQJ 2FWREHU WK PHHWV RQ 7KXUVGD\V IRU SP IRU QLQH ZHHNV DW -DGH 5LYHU 7KH FRXUVH LV WDXJKW E\ 'DZQ 6WDUU &URZWKHU / $F FHUWLÂżHG &&7 WHDFKHU DQG FRVWV IRU WKH QLQH ZHHN FRXUVH including recordings, readings DQG VXSSOHPHQWDO PDWHULDOV 1R previous meditation experience is UHTXLUHG $ )5(( LQIRUPDWLRQDO FODVV LV EHLQJ RIIHUHG 0RQGD\ 2FWREHU WK IURP SP &RPH DQG VHH LI WKLV FRXUVH LV ULJKW IRU \RX &&7 LV DQ HGXFDWLRQDO SURJUDP designed to enhance the qualities of strength, courage, and resilience LQ WKH IDFH RI VXIIHULQJ 3HUIHFW IRU health care providers, counselors, care-givers, workers, business

Assistance League Events EVENT

owners, and anyone who wants to develop their innate heart of FRPSDVVLRQ &&7 FRPELQHV PRGHUQ SV\FKRORJ\ DQG VFLHQWLÂżF UHVHDUFK ZLWK WUDGLWLRQDO FRQWHPSODWLYH SUDFWLFHV 7KURXJK LQVWUXFWLRQ GDLO\ PHGLWDtion, and in-class interaction, participants learn how to sharpen their ability to focus, increase mindfulness, kindness, and compassion for WKHPVHOYHV DQG RWKHUV 5HFHQW VWXGLHV have documented the resulting EHQHÂżWV RI WKLV SURJUDP LQ WHUPV RI reduced stress, anxiety and worry; increased sense of happiness and joy, and greater connection with RWKHUV %RWK VWXGLHV IRXQG WKDW WKH amount of time spent by participants in formal meditation correlated SRVLWLYHO\ ZLWK RXWFRPH PHDVXUHV /HDUQ KRZ WR WUDLQ \RXU PLQG and heart to intentionally choose compassionate thoughts and actions, and develop skills as an effective change-maker in our FRPPXQLW\ 5HIUHVK DQG GHHSHQ your abilities as a caregiver, provider, educator, or simply, as a human being!

To register or ďŹ nd out more, call the Jade River Healing Arts Center at 503-297-3825

Shop ’Til You Drop Events

Oct 16-18: St. John’s clothing $ 'LIIHUHQFH 'D\ %RRN 'ULYH (OHJDQW )DVKLRQDEOH .QLW by bringing children’s books to &ORWKLQJ IRU :RPHQ WKH $VVLVWDQFH /HDJXH 7KULIW DQG Consignment Shops in Beaverton Oct 18: Jewelry Sparkle in Baubles, Bangles EHIRUH 2FWREHU WK Past recipients of Assistance and Beads /HDJXHÂśV ERRN GULYHV LQ WKLV Oct 28-30: Cashmere community include the Aloha /X[XULRXV 6RIW DQG :DUP -XVW &RPPXQLW\ /LEUDU\ DQG VWXGHQWV LQ 7LPH IRU WKH &RROHU :HDWKHU in need in the Beaverton and Hillsboro school districts who qualify for free clothing through WKH 2SHUDWLRQ 6FKRRO %HOOŠ SURgram, which is run by Assistance Assistance League Collecting /HDJXH Books for Make A Difference Day $V D ORFDO QRQSURÂżW RUJDQL]D- Assistance LeagueÂŽ of Greater Porttion combating childhood poverty, land Thrift and Consignment Shops $VVLVWDQFH /HDJXHŠ RI *UHDWHU are located at 4000 SW 117th Avenue 3RUWODQG KWWS ZZZ SRUWODQG in Beaverton. Proceeds from the all volunteer staffed shops beneďŹ t the DVVLVWDQFHOHDJXH RUJ LV FROOHFWLQJ local community. Assistance League new and gently used books for has been helping local children and FKLOGUHQ XS WR DJH 7KH SXEOLF LV victims of violence since 1965. LQYLWHG WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ WKH 0DNH

Children’s Book Drive



Tickets on sale NOW‌.ticket prices are $20 (VIP), $17 (regular admission) and $15 for seniors. Call or visit The Venetian Theatre, Hillsboro, OR to purchase tickets (503.693.3953).

Providing Effective, Integrated and Compassionate Complementary Medicine for pain, injuries, family medicine, stress reduction, women’s health care, fertility enhancement and wellness for more than a decade.

503-297-3825 | 7303 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale HWY (in the heart of Raleigh Hills)

t t t t t t t

Locally Owned and Operated

Acupuncture Oriental Medicine Naturopathic Medicine Primary Care Anti-Aging Therapies Massage Therapy Reexology & Reiki

t t t t t t

Your Healing Sanctuary: Come home to who you truly are.

Aesthetics & Skin Care Yoga Therapy Fitness Training for Health Cooking & Nutrition Classes Compassion Cultivation Training Special wellness or spa days for personal & corporate events

t (SPPNJOH BOE 4FMG 8BTI t /VUSJUJPO &YQFSUT JO 4UPSF t -PX 1SJDFT &WFSZEBZ 14611 SW Teal Blvd, Beaverton, OR 97007 | 503-579-2403

“Wholesome Grub for the Pets You Love!� 24 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014)

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Out & About W hat’s Happeni ng T hi s Month in B eaverton?

What’s Happening This Month at Cedar Hills Crossing? For a directory map and store listings, see page 3 or visit our website at Now Open!

Events Cont’d

Events Cont’d

Sports Card Show

Tues, Oct 28th, 5:30pm-6:30pm Join us for Halloween themed crafts! Not a member of the Kid’s Club? That’s ok! Children 12 years of age and younger are always invited to join the fun!

t Storables t Bouffant Hair Salon t ZoomCare t FireHouse Subs

Kid’s Club

t OnPoint Community Credit Union

Events For a full listing of all our upcoming events, visit our website at

Saturday, October 11, 10am-4pm The Twin Oaks Sports Card Show is always a favorite! Stop by to check out the variety of sports cards and sports memorabilia held throughout the interior mall.

OMSI Nutrition Mission Sunday, Oct 5th, 12pm-2pm OMSI helps students understand what kind of nutrients bodies need and which different type of foods provide those nutrients.

Mall-O-Ween! Fri, Oct 31st, 5:30pm-6:30pm Join us for fun and safe trick-ortreating with participating stores. Look for the orange sign posted on the window of participating stores (exterior and interior). While supplies last!

Spooktacular Pumpkin Contest Red Cross Blood Drive Thursday, Oct 9th, 1pm-6:30pm A single donation can save up to 3 lives! To schedule a donation appointment time contact the Red Cross at 1-800-RedCross or go online to www.redcrossblood. org; using sponsor code CHCrossing.

Sat, Oct 18th thru Fri, Oct 31st Simply guess the weight of all the pumpkins on display in the Spooktacular Pumpkin Set. The three closest guesses will win Cedar Hills Crossing gift certificates to the store of their choice! Simply guess the weight of all the pumpkins on display in the Spooktacular Pumpkin Set inside the mall.

3205 SW Cedar Hills Blvd 503-643-6563

Health & Wellness Resource Fair Saturday Oct. 4, 9am-1pm at the Elsie Stuhr Center EVENT 9:30 am “Independence Where You Are: Planning for Aging in Place” by Sinai In-Home Care Join this informative and interactive workshop to explore what everyone needs to know about maintaining independence as we age and what you can do now. Staff from Sinai In-Home Care, a non-profit, licensed Comprehensive In-Home Care Agency, will explain important considerations and solutions for each of us and our loved ones when it comes to our health and safety. From planning through implementation, participants will have an opportunity to explore what is important to them as well as how to ensure that support is there for them when needs may change. Find out why an In-Home Care Agency may be a good idea and how to find one that is right for you or your family member. Learn about resources are available for seniors’ independence and what to look for when choosing an in-home care agency. Paige Coleman, MBA, Executive

Director. Shannon Miller, RN, Case Manager, Erika Foldyna and Jessica Elkington,Client Care Coordinators.

10:45am “Laughter Is the Best Medicine” by Visiting Angels Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health. Phyllis Peabody, Community Relations Specialist for Portland Visiting Angels

12 noon “Healthy Aging, Naturally” by National College of Natural Medicine Megan Golani, ND, provides insight on healthy aging from a naturopathic perspective. Aging is inevitable, learn what you can do to keep your health with valuable tips on diet, lifestyle, improving sleep and stress reduction.

Health Screenings/Services t t t t t

Blood Pressure Hearing Balance Flexibility AND More!!

Flu Shots $30 covered by most insurance plans. For details please contact the Stuhr Center

FREE Healthy Snacks! Great Raffle Prizes!

Thank You Sponsors:

THPRD Elsie Stuhr Center 5550 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton 503-629-6342

Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 25

Out & About What’s Happeni ng T hi s Month in B eaverton?

Beaverton Farmers Market Saturdays: May - November (8am - 1:30pm) | Located on SW Hall Blvd between 3rd & 5th Streets |

178-A Edgemaster Mobile Sharpening

177 Smokin Rose BBQ

175 Ambacht Brewing

174 Eastside Distilling

173 New Deal Distilling

172 Feastworks

170 Big O’s Delicious Pizza

To Key Bank and Farmington Rd

So Long to Summer, I’m Ready for Fall!

- 3rd St 161 Casa de Tamales

166 IC Confections

164 C’est Si Bon!

Message From the Market Master

168 Gabriel’s Bakery

By Ginger Rapport 97 Three D Ranch

92 ProFarm Produce

98 Cosmic Crumbles Bakery

61 Baird Family Orchards

- Washington Ave -

91 Rose City Pepperheads 65 Stephens Farm

88 DeNoble's Farm Fresh Produce 87 Willamette Valley Cheese

85 Lonely Lane Farms 84 Linda Brand Crab

83 Decadent Creations 80 Martinez Farm

67 MeeMee’s Goodies

58 Rossi Farms

68 Zoe Ann's Cheesecakes

57 Kimo’s Dips & For the Love of Pasta

69 Champoeg Farm

55 Henry Higgins Boiled Bagels

71 Kiyokawa Family Orchard

51 Sun Gold Farm

73 Winters Farms

78 Humdinger Foods

100 Hummus Stop

33 Quinn’s Crab Cakes 34 Portland Juice Company 35 TBees 37 Fressen Artisan Bakery 38 Souper Natural 40 Hammer & Tuffy's

6 Alex Farm

26 Haury Farms

23 Arcane Cellars

8 Tobor Bread

9 Simington Gardens

22 Bees & Beans

21 Thompson Enterprises

43 Spring Hill Organic Farm

19 Sweet Briar Farms

11 Packer Orchards

15 Briar Rose Creamery

18 Grandma Candy Jams

16 Early Mom

101-7 Don Felipe

To Beaverton Art Court Booths 181 Fetzer’s German Saugage

29 Denison Farms

20 Blue Darter Farm

48 Sosa Farms

101-4 Olympic Provisions

113 Pony Espresso

111 McCarthy’s Beverages

110 Little Patch

To Public Restrooms, Playground & Fountain Music Stage

105 Gathering Together Farm

103 Bleu Diamond Dressings

Beaverton City Park


1 Greens Bridge Gardens

4 Skipanon Seafood

41 Pine Mountain Ranch

49 Pumpkin Ridge Gardens

101-8 Esotica Pasta

101-1 101-3 101 Simply May's Home Grown Produce Grown Beef Flowers Food


101-5 Malou's Gourmet Brittle

To Beaverton City Library

- Hall Blvd -

95 Kaleng Produce

ecause of our unusually warm spring and summer, most growers report that their crops have been a few weeks ahead of VFKHGXOH DOO VHDVRQ ORQJ 6R ZKHQ I heard whispers of pumpkins ready for harvest, I considered issuing a unilateral ban on them in the market until I was ready to OHW JR RI VXPPHU $IWHU WKH KHDW RI WKH ODVW IHZ ZHHNV , FDQ RI¿FLDOO\ say that I am completely done with Summer! I am craving the cool, FULVS ZHDWKHU WKDW FRPHV ZLWK )DOO I cannot wait to stack up the lawn furniture, cover the bar-be-que and stash my watering wand in the JDUGHQ VKHG , ZDQW WKH ÀRRU DLU conditioner that I have been tripping over for the last three months WR JR EDFN LQWR WKH FORVHW ,œP looking forward to the smell of a large pot of pinto beans simmering on the back burner of my stove, and I want to have friends over for a grilled-cheese-and-tomato-soup SDUW\ , DP GUHDPLQJ RI VZHDWVKLUWV KRW WRGGLHV DQG \HV SXPSNLQV 2QH RI P\ IDYRULWH )DOO LQGXOJHQFHV LV DSSOH EXWWHU 1RW WKH WKLQ watery commercial stuff but the thick, spicy kind that you make DW KRPH 0\ JUDQGPRWKHU XVHG WR make hers in a roasting pan in the oven, but the crock pot has changed modern day apple butter producWLRQ 7KH FURFN SRW DOORZV \RX WR assemble your apple butter and IRUJHW DERXW LW IRU KRXUV <RX

can start it before you go to bed, RU EHIRUH \RX JR WR ZRUN $OPRVW any apple variety will work for this recipe although you may have to DGMXVW WKH VXJDU DFFRUGLQJO\ See you at the Market!

Ginger Rapport Market Master

Vegetable of the Month KOHLRABI: The Sputnik Vegetable ,Q WKH 6RYLHW 8QLRQ ODXQFKHG WKH ¿UVW PDQ PDGH VDWHOOLWH ,W ZDV FDOOHG 6SXWQLN DQG LW ORRNHG D ORW OLNH D NRKOUDEL Now, with so few people familiar with kohlrabi, the vegetable is often described as looking a lot like Sputnik, which is not IDU IURP WKH WUXWK 7KH ÀDWWHQHG globe rests just above the surface of the earth, and long stems shoot up from the curved sides as well as from the top, giving it a spiky VSDFH DJH ORRN ,WV XQLTXH VKDSH is clearly displayed because the leaves don’t begin until a foot or so above the pale green or vibrant SXUSOH RUE ,I \RX ¿QG NRKOUDEL LQ WKH store, its foliage will have been removed, so be sure and buy from a local farmer and you’ll get two YHJHWDEOHV IRU WKH SULFH RI RQH ¹ the crunchy bulbous stem, and the leaves, which can be used as you would kale or any other FRRNLQJ JUHHQ Although the outside color Continued on Next Page

Simington Gardens, Aurora, Oregon

26 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014)

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Out & About W hat’s Happeni ng T hi s Month in B eaverton? What’s in Season Apples, Asian Pears, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots , Greens, Herbs, Pears, Peppers, Potatoes, Pumpkins, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Winter Squash

Vendor Guide

100% Grass Fed Beef Heritage Pork On-Farm USDA processing 503-845-4252 Booth#85

Ask to Join Our CSA Offering an exclusive selection of Oregon wines, handcrafted by our dedicated winemaker. 503-868-7076 Booth #23

Come see us for your fresh and picked asperagus 509-280-3900 Booth #92

DQG FRSSHU 7KH NRKOUDEL OHDYHV are rich in vitamin A, so don’t IRUJHW WR VDXWp WKHP RU XVH WKHP LQWR D VRXS RU VWLU IU\ 7R SUHSDUH NRKOUDEL FXW RII the stems and leaves and set them DVLGH WR XVH ODWHU 7KHQ FXW WKH WRS and the root section off the kohlrabi, and work your way around with a paring knife or vegetable SHHOHU 0DNH VXUH \RX UHPRYH WKH VNLQ DQG WKH VOLJKWO\ ÂżEURXV OD\HU MXVW EHORZ $IWHU LWÂśV SHHOHG I often eat kohlrabi as-is, just like DQ DSSOH 2U \RX FDQ FXW LW LQWR KOHLRABI: The Sputnik Vegetable wedges or matchsticks, and have FOHDQ PLOG WDVWH .RKOUDEL LV DQ it as part of a raw vegetable tray, Continued from Previous Page of kohlrabi depends on the excellent source of vitamin C and with or without a sprinkle of salt, variety, the inside is always the potassium, and also contains vita- a light vinaigrette, or a veggie VDPH²FULVS ZKLWH Ă€HVK ZLWK D min B6, folic acid, magnesium GLS

Recipe of the Month Crock Pot Apple Butter RECIPE

Mediterranian Appetizers

Quinn’s Crabcakes

Fresh Pita Bread Fresh Pita Chips 503-209-5517 Booth #100

Simply the best! Fresh and handmade from locally caught dungeness. 503-709-6984 Booth #33

Sustainable Family Farm

From our hives to your home Local raw honey, creamed raw honey, bee pollen, royal jelly, and more. 503-858-7207 Booth #35

Wide variety of vegetables, berries, fruit, owers, honey, jams & syrup. Booth #73

Do you like fresh chopped garlic, pepper & chunks of bleu cheese? Stop by our booth for a treat. Booth #103

Fresh Dungeness Crab

Grandma Candy uses only apples, white grape juice concentrate, cinnamon, cloves and lemon SHHO LQ KHU UHFLSH 6KH QHYHU XVHV DQ\ SUHVHUYDWLYHV RU DUWLÂżFLDO LQJUHGLHQWV <RX FDQ ÂżQG KHU ERRWK full of homemade jellies and jams DQG DSSOH EXWWHU DW WKH PDUNHW RQ Saturdays!

of freshly harvested vegetables at watching the seasons change as about ten locations in the Portland almost every week there is someWKLQJ QHZ LQ WKH SURGXFH GLVSOD\V SPOTLIGHT 0HWUR DUHD :H VHOO SURGXFH DW WKH 2XU FXVWRPHUV DQG FRPPXQLW\ %HDYHUWRQ 2UHJRQ &LW\ &XOO\ DQG :LOVRQYLOOH IDUP- members have been so supportive HUV PDUNHWV <RX as the farm has grown over the FDQ DOVR ¿QG RXU years and we look forward to many produce in many PRUH PDUNHWV :H DUH H[FLWHG WR New Seasons provide in the coming weeks new 0DUNHWV ORFDWLRQV and exciting fall and winter crops and on the menus like turnips, kohlrabi, cabbage and of Portland area KHLUORRP VKHOOLQJ EHDQV UHVWDXUDQWV Stop by our booth and do some 7KH IDUP JURZV shopping! a large variety of crops for market and wholesale including various imington Gardens is a small leafy greens, tomatoes, brassica family farm located in Aurora roots, beets, carrots, tomatoes, 2UHJRQ :H JURZ FHUWL¿HG 2UJDQLF cucumbers, winter and summer vegetables year round and cur- squash, garlic, potatoes, melons, rently are cultivating about eight EURFFROL FDEEDJH FDXOLÀRZHU KRW acres with six people full time, two peppers, sweet peppers, and, everypart time and are in our seventh RQH V IDYRULWH 3DGURQ SHSSHUV \HDU RI SURGXFWLRQ :H ORYH FRPLQJ WR WKH PDUNHW 7KLV \HDU ZH KDYH D PHP- each week and seeing familiar ber farm share program, where faces, meeting new customers and participants pick up weekly shares Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 27

Simington Gardens

Veggie Juice. No preservatives or sugars. Delivered to your doorstep daily! 503-913-3367 Booth #34

S Also salmon, halibut, tuna, rock ďŹ sh, oysters and more! 866-569-4891 Booth #84

Grandma Candy will make it for \RX *UDQGPD &DQG\ LV &DQG\ )DON RI &RXQWU\ &KDUP $FUHV She lovingly stirs every batch of *UDQGPD &DQG\ÂśV -DPV KHUVHOI I have to resist the urge to eat her apple butter by the spoonful, opting instead to use it on whole grain WRDVW DORQJVLGH D KRW FXS RI FRIIHH

Vendor Spotlight

Cold-Pressed Raw Fruit &

Hand Made & Local Dressing.

HUH LV $VVLVWDQW 0DUNHW 0DVWHU Sue Poff’s recipe for Crock Pot Apple Butter: ‡ 5-6 lbs of apples*, peeled and sliced ‡ TWV DSSOH FLGHU ‡ W FLQQDPRQ ‡ ó W FORYHV ‡ a pinch of salt Combine ingredients and cook RQ KLJK IRU KRXU 7XUQ FURFNSRW WR ORZ IRU WKH QH[W KRXUV 7DNH RII OLG DGG VXJDU FXSV GHSHQGLQJ RQ WKH DSSOHV

Cook 1 more hour stirring often ZLWK WKH OLG RII If you do not have the time to make apple butter, never fear,


SMALL FAMILY FARM Located in Aurora, Oregon Organic produce 12 months a year Join our CSA farm share Booth #9

Out & About What’s Happeni ng T hi s Month in B eaverton?

First Friday Fi F id Beaver B Sculpture S l Donation D i resident of Beaverton, former Central Beaverton NAC chairman, and architect who recently added sculpting in copper to his artistic LQWHUHVWV +LV FRSSHU ZRUNV KDYH EHHQ IHDWXUHG LQ 2UHJRQ JDOOHUEVENT ies and Art Shows in the past few years and recently he had a piece VHOHFWHG IRU %$0 %HDYHUWRQ $UWV 6KRZFDVH +H LV GRQDWLQJ WKH Historical Society beaver piece as a namesake for his city and because of his connection to comPXQLW\ ³+RSHIXOO\ , FDQ SUHVHUYH a way for future generations of ULGD\ 2FW ZLOO PDUN people from Beaverton to get close an addition to the Beaverton WR EHDYHUV GRLQJ ZKDW WKH\ GR´ Copper Creations Gallery is Historical Society with the donation of a copper sculpture from ORFDWHG DW 6 : %URDGZD\ LQ Calvin Hamreus, owner of Copper Beaverton and will be participatCreations Gallery in downtown LQJ LQ WKH ODVW RI WKLV VHDVRQ V )LUVW %HDYHUWRQ 7KH VFXOSWXUH IHDWXUHV Fridays along with other down- For more information about the sculptwo beaver and incorporates actual town/central Beaverton businesses ture or gallery contact Cal Hamreus at or call pieces of wood that beaver have IURP S P RQ 2FWREHU UG 503.644.0299 FKHZHG &DOYLQ LV D ORQJ WLPH

Copper Beaver to be Donated to the History Center

High School Football On:

October 3, 7pm Westview @ Jesuit - On Air & Online Sherwood @ Tualatin - Online Only October 10, 7pm Beaverton @ Sunset - On Air & Online Lake Oswego @ Tigard - Online Only October 17, 7pm Lakeridge @ Tualatin - On Air & Online Valley Catholic @ Banks - Online Only


October 24, 7pm Liberty @ Wilsonville - On Air & Online Beaverton @ Jesuit - Online Only October 31, 7pm Beaverton @ Jesuit - On Air & Online Hillsboro @ Wilsonville - Online Only

Online at


Reading and Discussion by Oregon Author Stevan Allred EVENT October 4, 2pm at the City Library he New Friends of the %HDYHUWRQ &LW\ /LEUDU\ 1)%&/ LV SURXG WR EULQJ \RX 2UHJRQ DXWKRU 6WHYDQ $OOUHG ZKR will be reading from his book “A 6LPSOLÂżHG 0DS RI WKH 5HDO :RUOG´ 7KLV IUHH SUHVHQWDWLRQ LV RSHQ to the public and begins at 2pm on 2FWREHU WK DQG KHOG LQ WKH &LW\ /LEUDU\ÂśV $XGLWRULXP 6: )LIWK 6W Âł$ 6LPSOLÂżHG 0DS RI WKH


5HDO :RUOG´ LV PDGH XS RI short stories that are set in the ¿FWLRQDO 2UHJRQ WRZQ RI 5HQDWD :LWK WKHPHV FHQWHULQJ RQ YDULRXV FRQFHSV RI ORYH URPDQWLF IDPLOLDO JD\ VWUDLJKW $OOUHG ZLOO EULQJ KLV FKDUDFWHUV WR OLIH )URP families, loggers, farmers, former classmates or even the occasional stripper, learn how these residents

NFBCL Annual Meeting 7KH 1)%&/œV DQQXDO PHHWLQJ will follow Allred’s presentation DQG LV DOVR RSHQ WR WKH SXEOLF $OO PHPEHUV DUH XUJHG WR DWWHQG Highlights of the meeting will be an update on the library, the H[SDQVLRQ RI WKH 0XUUD\ 6FKROOV Branch, the Friends’ contributions to library programs and services DQG D UHSRUW RQ WKH QRQ SUR¿W RUJDQL]DWLRQVœ XVHG ERRN VWRUH 7KH %RRN &RUQHU Author Stevan Allred is from Beaverton and attended Sunset High School. He currently teaches writing at The Pinewood Table.

Love Aunt Tilly, but not her “special� ring? We can help! We know that cleaning out your jewelry box can be emotional. We will treat you withrespect and give you the information you need to make a decision that is in your best interest.

You don’t have to wait till pigs À\ FRPH VHH XV WRGD\

No appointment necessary. No matter the condition we purchase gold, platinum and silver- including flatware and service pieces. | 503 644-1333 | 9875 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway, Beaverton, OR 97005 28 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014)

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Out & About W hat’s Happeni ng T hi s Month in B eaverton?

Library Events Beaverton City Library 12375 SW 5th St., Beaverton 503-644-2197

1. Recommended Reads meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30. Please join us regardless of whether you finished the whole book! 2. Pacific Northwest Reading Café. Bring your lunch and join us for a brown bag discussion of a book written by a Pacific Northwest author. Third Wed. of each month at noon.

Writers group. Present your work to a friendly, supportive community of fellow writers. The group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month at 2pm & the 4thThursday at 7pm. All events are free. Registration, where noted, is one month in advance. www.BeavertonLibrary. org/register. For more information, call or visit library website.

General An Afternoon with Brian Doyle Sunday, November 2. 2-3pm. The Beaverton City Library hosts award winning Oregon author Brian Doyle as part of Oregon Reads 2014. Doyle will speak about William Stafford’s peace writings and how they inspire his own work. Oregon Reads is a statewide program to encourage all Oregonians to read the same book and this year commemorates the centennial of Oregon’s most celebrated poet, William Stafford. Brian Doyle is the editor of Portland Magazine at the University of Portland, and the author of many books, including the novels Mink River and The Plover. Special thanks to the New Friends of the Beaverton City Library for sponsoring this program. For more information, please contact the Beaverton City Library at 503 644-2197. For more information about Oregon Reads visit: http://

Computer classes are back! The library offers a selection of free basic computer classes, including Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint, and Google Docs. Classes are held at various times during the week, some mornings and some evenings, and a few on Saturday mornings. Please check our website for days and times.

We offer two book discussion groups for adults. For booklists for these groups and more information: http:// b e a v e rt o n l i b r a r y. o r g / i n d e x . aspx?NID=159

Winter Blues be Banned!

BAM! Hands-On Art for Homeschoolers Monday, October 6, 1-2pm Get inspired at the Beaverton Arts Mix! Drop in and create your own unique work of art. Grades Pre-K-12 with family, drop-in.

Teen Read Week

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Storytime Monday, October 13, 4-4:45pm Come hear all about Alexander’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day in this special storytime. Ages 2-10 with family.

Kids Page

Make Your Own Monsters

OBOB Book Club

Monday, October 27, 4-5pm Come make silly, scary or just plain fun monsters! Ages 2-12 with family, drop-in.

Sept. 17: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Oct. 1: One and Only Ivan. Registration Required. Grades 3-5, drop-off.

Chess Club Saturday, Oct. 18, 10:30-11:30am Hone your skills against other players or learn the game. Grades 3-8, drop-off.

Sunday Family Movie Sundays, Oct. 19, 2pm Enjoy the auditorium’s posh seats while you watch popular new-to-DVD family movies on the big screen for free! All ages; children under 10 must be supervised.

Teen Creative Writing Contest - I saw! I heard! Wed., Oct. 1 – Wed., Oct. 22 During the month of October, the Beaverton Library Foundation is sponsoring a creative writing contest for teens in grades 6-12! Entry forms with guidelines and writing prompts will be available at the main library and MurrayScholls Branch and online at teens in the Events & Contests section starting Wed., October 1. Entries must be submitted by Wed., October 22.

7475 SW Oleson Rd, Portland 503-245-9932

Sunday, Oct 12 – Oct. 18 Celebrate Teen Read Week 2014 by reading and releasing a great book. Drop by the teen room at the main library or the MurrayScholls Branch pick up a book while supplies last. Grades 6-12.

Tuesday, October 14. 6:308:30pm. Meeting Room B. Ward off the winter blues! Learn how depression and sadness can be reduced from the perspectives of a Counselor, Naturopathic Doctor, and Massage Therapist, Beth Mogck, MA, NCC, LPCI. In this presentation, learn non-medication ways to help relieve depression symptoms, including a brief introduction to mindfulness meditation.

Wed’s, Oct. 1, 15 & 29, 4-5pm Come discuss Battle of the Book books and answer trivia about a different book each session.

Garden Home Community Library

Music & Movement Storytime Saturday, Oct. 25, 10:30-11am Dance, jive, and use rhythm props in this movement-focused storytime. Great for wiggleworms! Ages 2-5 with family, drop-in.

Spooky Babies Tuesday, Oct. 28, 10:30am & 1pm Dress in your costume while dancing to fun, spooky Halloween music and parade around the library! Ages 0-6 years and their families, drop-in.

Zombie Party Tuesday, October 28, 7-8pm Get your ghoul on and come in your best zombie garb prepared to strut down the costume runway. There will be trivia, games, activities and snacks. Don’t forget your braaaaaiiiiiiins! Grades 6-12.

Main Library Storytimes Baby Bugs: 0-12 mos Weds, 11:45am. Fun for Ones: 12-24 months Wed’s, 10:15 & 11am. Toddler: 2-3 years Tuesdays, 10:15 & 11:15am. Preschool: 3-6 years old Thursdays, 10:15am & 1pm. PJ Storytime: All ages Tuesdays, 7pm. Family Storytime: All ages Saturdays, 1pm. Spanish Storytime: 2-5 years Saturdays, 3pm.

Murray Scholls Storytimes Toddler: 2-3 years old Thursdays, 11:30am Preschool: 3-6 years old Tuesdays, 9:30am

Friday Fright Film Night! Friday, Oct. 31 at 6:30 p.m. Every month on the 4th Tuesday, fall through spring, we show a different foreign or independent film. To celebrate Halloween, we’re showing a selection of short films inspired by HP Lovecraft from the US and abroad. See our winter film schedule at: gardenhomelibrary.wordpress. com/adult-programs/film-club/

Family Events Read to Hannah (the Dog) Nerd Night – Trivia for adults Tues., Oct. 7 6:30-8 Test those “little gray cells” at our monthly trivia night for adults (first Tuesday monthly). Open to individuals and teams (of 2-5). Our Trivia Master, Miss Heather, suggests a team of wide-knowledge. She chooses a mixture of question types, but some of them are definitely hard. This month, expect questions about the 1970s, current events, among others. Prize(s) for team/individual who gets the most correct answers out of 50. Booby prize for losing team too!

Book Group Tues., Oct. 14 from 7-8:30 p.m. Oct. selection: The unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

Do you have a child who is nervous reading? Have them read to Hannah, a sweet, non-judging doggy who will listen as they practice. Dates vary, space must be reserved. We have some available for Oct. 14 and Oct. 28. Call 503-245-9932 to reserve a space for your child.

Book Babies Storytime Every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. This storytime is perfect for children aged 0-24 months but all welcome.

Preschool Storytime Every Weds. at 11:45. Recommended for children ages 2-6 but all are welcome.

New evening family storytime Every Thursday at 6 p.m. enjoy an all ages storytime.

New members are always welcome to join our book group. We meet once a month on the 2nd Tuesday. We are a mellow and friendly group. Ask in library to see if copies of selection are available. Book Club schedule:

Sustainability Fair Tues., Oct. 21 from 4-7 p.m. The 5th annual Garden Home Community Sustainability Fair will be Tuesday, Oct. 21 from 4-7. Free and open to the public. Peruse booths on various sustainable topics and businesses from gardening to recycling to water. Here are a just a few of the booths that will be at the 2014 fair: Winterbloom Inc (landscaping), Toxic Reduction Outreach, Sunlight Solar Energy, Solar Oregon, Washington County Recycling, New Season’s Raleigh Hills (they always bring great snacks), Green Living Journal, RS Solar Energy, Friends of Tyron Creek, Laurence Overmire, Brooks Design Services, and Beaverton Solid Waste & Recycling. Plus check out a Tesla electric car and the THPRD Naturemobile here! Recycled craft and activities for children too.

Support Your Library by donating to the Beaverton Library Foundation online @

The Book Corner For gently used books at affordable prices w/ proceeds donated to the Beaverton Library. 503-643-5188

Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 29

Out & About What’s Happeni ng T hi s Month in B eaverton?


Oregon's Washington County is a short drive from Portland, and is home to nationally renowned golf courses, award-winning wineries, tax-free shopping, agricultural experiences, outdoor recreational activities & more. With a combination of suburban and rural settings, Washington County offers an unparalleled experience for all travelers.

Pumpkin Patches, Hay & Corn Mazes Throughout October - hours vary by location visitwashingtoncountyoregon. com/Play-Shop-Dine/FarmsMarkets/Pumpkin-Patches

Crafting Day October 11 – Oak Knoll Winery (Hillsboro)


First Friday

October 11 – Oregon Heritage Farms

October 3 – Downtown Beaverton

PaciďŹ c NW Geological Tour

Spooky Streamside Celebration October 3 – Tualatin Riverkeepers (Dirksen Nature Park /Tigard)

Tualatin River Fall Colors Paddle October 4 – Tualatin Riverkeepers (Browns Ferry Park/Tualatin)

5K Zombie Mud Run October 4 – Lee Farms (Tualatin)

North Willamette Harvest Trail

October 18 – Washington County Museum (Hillsboro)

Color Vibe 5k October 18 – Washington County Fair Complex (Hillsboro)

West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta

Regatta Run / Walk October 18 – Tualatin Community Park www.ďŹ

Date Night

Washington County Artists Open Studios

As You Like It

Great Onion Festival October 11 – Sherwood

Birds & Brews Festival October 11 – Fernhill Wetlands (Forest Grove) thefriendsoffernhillwetlands, 503-436-8502.

Time Travelers’ Ball & Market Faire

Beaverton Art Mix!

October 10 through 26 – Theatre in the Grove (Forest Grove)

Please contact Kumi Pickford for more information:

Portland Cello Project

October 4 through 12 – Beaverton City Library

October 10 – Walters Cultural Arts Center (Hillsboro)

Classes are Fridays, Oct. 3, 10, 17, 24 (noon-2:30pm) at Beaverton Lodge, 12900 SW 9th Street, Beaverton. You are welcome to come and observe the class, then sign up for this most fun and rewarding type of artwork learning.

October 17 – Walters Cultural Art Center (Hillsboro)

October 18 – Tualatin Commons

Toni Lincoln: An Evening of Jazz

& Paint Your Loved Ones, Pets and Family members!

October 12 – The Grand Hotel at Bridgeport (Tigard)

October 4 and 11 – North Willamette Vintners (SakÊOne/ Forest Grove)

October 10 – Plum Hill Vineyards (Gaston)

Learn to Draw

October 18 and 19 – Participating Artists Studios throughout Washington County

Dial M for Murder October 16 through November 2 – Bag&Baggage Productions / Venetian Theatre (Hillsboro) dial-m-murder

Spooky Ales October 29 – Cornelius Pass Roadhouse (Hillsboro) events/122480-Spooky-Ales

Synopsis: In the spirit of the theme of the season, and in keeping with our commitment to new works and local playwrights, HART presents a night of original one-acts, conceived, written and directed by members of the HART community. From allegory to dark humor to slice-of-life, these short plays will be entertaining and challenging.

Al h Aloha Community Library There is a chill in the air! EVENT WRS E\ WKH FR]\ $ORKD &RPPXQLW\ /LEUDU\ WR FKRRVH QHZ EHVW VHOOHUV DQG '9'V WR HQMR\ DV WKH QLJKWV JURZ ORQJHU :H DUH ORFDWHG DW 6: )DUPLQJWRQ 5RDG 6XLWH % &KHFN RXU FDWDORJ RQOLQH DW ZZZ DORKDOLEUDU\ RUJ WR ÂżQG RXW LI ZH KDYH WKH ERRNV DQG PRYLHV WKDW \RX DUH ORRNLQJ IRU 7KH ZKROH IDPLO\ LV LQYLWHG WR WDNH SDUW LQ RXU (]UD -DFN .HDWVÂś Community Collage Project on 6DWXUGD\ 2FWREHU WK 7KH GD\ kicks off at 10:30am with a special VWRU\WLPH IRFXVLQJ RQ .HDWVÂś XVH of collage to bring the worlds in KLV ERRNV WR OLIH $OO DJHV DUH ZHOFRPH WR GURS E\ RXU OLEUDU\ DW WKH IRUPHU 7XHVGD\ 0RUQLQJ ORFDWLRQ from 11am-2pm, to collage a tile LQ WKH .HDWVÂś VW\OH 7KH WLOHV ZLOO be assembled to create a collage of the library’s façade, which will be on display in the library until PLG 1RYHPEHU -RLQ XV RQ )ULGD\ 2FWREHU WK DW SP IRU )DPLO\ 0RYLH 1LJKW :H ZLOO IHDWXUH D UROOLFNLQJ +DOORZHHQ PRYLH ÂżOOHG ZLWK IXQ IRU HYHU\RQH )LQG RXW ZKDW happens when an ordinary guy stumbles onto the hidden vacation destination of vampires, werewolves, and other creepy monsters ZKR DUH MXVW WU\LQJ WR UHOD[ %ULQJ your bean bags and lawn chairs to the library annex right around WKH FRUQHU IURP WKH OLEUDU\ VHH DGGUHVV DERYH &RPH LQ FRVWXPH if you wish!


Visit us at

Verboort Sausage Festival November 1 – Visitation Catholic Church (Forest Grove)

Bridge Crossing on Banks Vernonia Trail by Melissa Hay

503-644-5555 | 30 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014)

Synopsis: HART Theatre is again presenting our Playwrights’ Showcase, taking a unique look at the creative process which takes a playwright’s work from page to stage with readings from previously unproduced plays or works in progress. Actors will read the scene(s), followed by a discussion of what has just been presented. There will be six readings in all. Bring your inner director, be prepared to discuss what you’ve seen, and don’t forget your imagination! Our panel of judges will select one of the works to be produced in July of 2015. Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Out & About W hat’s Happeni ng T hi s Month in B eaverton? Beaverton Civic Theatre Presents



.07*& -*45*/(4 Coming to a Theater Near You!




Wed, October 1


Friday, October 24

Men, Women & Children

OCT 3 - OCT 18 Fri & Sat 7:30 PM | Sun 2 PM Beaverton Library Auditorium


Friday, October 3

$15 Adult | $12 Student, Group, Senior | $5 Youth

śŖřȏĹ?śŚȏĹ&#x;ĹžĹœĹœȹȊȹ   ǯ ŽŠÂ&#x;Ž›Â?˜— Â’Â&#x;Â’ÂŒ ‘ŽŠÂ?Â›ÂŽÇŻÂ˜Â›Â? Supported by the Beaverton Arts Commission

Synopsis: James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim take everyone's favorite Brothers Grimm characters and bring them together for a modern classic. The story follows a Baker and his wife who wish to have a child, Cinderella who wishes to attend the King's Festival, and Jack who wishes his cow would give milk. Everyone's wish is granted, but the consequences of their actions return to haunt them later with disastrous results.

A tuneful, riotous romp that’s part mystery, part drawing room farce, and all musical comedy.

Annabelle Gone Girl The Good Lie Left Behind A Good Marriage Drive Hard The Hero of Color City


Friday, October 10 Addicted R Dracula Untold NR Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day PG The Judge NR Kill the Messenger NR One Chance PG13 I Am Ali NR Automata NR Whiplash NR The Overnighters NR Catch Hell NR

John Wick Ouija Stonehearst Asylum White Bird In A Blizzard Reach Me Exists St. Vincent


Cinemarkk Ci Cedar Hills Crossing 800-FANDANGO+984


Friday, October 31 Nightcrawler Before I Go to Sleep Horns Hit By Lightning ABC’s of Death 2

Local Lo ocaal theaters


Progress Ridge 503-597-6900

Valley Cinema Pub Bvtn-Hillsdale Hwy. 503-296-6843 Call Theaters for Show Times

Friday, October 17 Fury NR The Book of Life PG Men, Women & Children NR Birdman R The Tale Of The Princess Kaguya NR Dear White People R Young Ones NR Camp X-Ray R Rudderless NR The Culture High NR Photo by Paul Rich



%52$':$< 526( 1(: 67$*( ‡ 6: *5$17 $9( 7,*$5'

Synopsis: A wealthy spinster and her maid take a Connecticut summer home in 1931. When they arrive, all the help has quit, except for an odd butler who warns that something strange is going on. They are soon joined by the spinster’s niece who’s brought a “friend� who turns out to be a young man! After a night of attempted break-ins, the sound of gunshots, and the discovery of a dead body, the detective arrives and things get really strange!

Don’t miss this Exclusive Screening - 1 Show ONLY! Sunday, October 26, 7:55pm at Valley Cinema Pub (9360 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy) Synopsis: All across America, 1VSDIBTF 5JDLFUT BU parents are becomingďŹ lm/ ingly dissatisďŹ ed with the state private-screenings of public education. The current state of our educational system & economy shines a spotlight on problems with traditional schools. Class Dismissed showcases a growing trend in alternative education strategies that are working for many families across America. Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 31

Out & About What’s Happeni ng T hi s Month in B eaverton?

Tales T l off a B Beaverton S Super-Mom M Moving On to a New Stage By Maureen Wilson


y mama always said that life is just a bunch of stages, and whichever one you’re in always feels like it’s never going to end‌ until you’re long past it and sudGHQO\ UHDOL]H LWœV RYHU DQG WKHQ WKHUHœV QRWKLQJ OHIW EXW WKH SLQLQJ As with most things my mama says, I’ve discovered this is pretty DFFXUDWH 2XU IDPLO\ KDV VORZO\ graduated from the sleepless nights and potty training and toddler tantrums and preschool co-op, and now, suddenly, all of our children are in full-day school, I’m back to working almost full-time, and my husband is coaching middle school VSRUWV 0LGGOH 6FKRRO /LNH WKH RQH WKDW FRPHV EHIRUH KLJK VFKRRO 7KH NLGV DUH DUJXDEO\ VRPHwhat self-reliant, nobody needs me 24-7, and we even seem to have some sort of system in place that keeps the house running--which, for a number of years, I was pretty VXUH ZRXOG QHYHU KDSSHQ DJDLQ So although there is always some sadness in watching a chapter close, there is also that little excitement of wondering what’s around the bend‌and I’m feeling ready for where this ship is heading, because I’ve been a mom long enough now to get that this part of the journey will be different than anything I’ve imagined and will, inevitably, have highs and lows‌but it will also be the only time we’re in this particular stage, so we might as well put on our life jackets and ride those waves ZLWK D JULQ In a minor melancholy moment

the other day, after watching my suddenly very grown-up 5 yrold walk herself down the hill to school, open those big double doors, and disappear inside without looking back, I remembered a moment recently where I’d picked her up in the kitchen and tried to lift KHU LQ WKH DLU ZKHQ , DVNHG Âł:KHUH GLG P\ EDE\ *2222""""´ Âł6KHÂśV ULJKW +(5( PDPD ´ VKH VDLG ZLWK D FRQIXVHG VPLOH Âł,ÂśP ULJKW KHUH LQ \RXU DUPV &DQÂśW \RX )((/ PH"" ,ÂśOO $/:$<6 EH \RXU EDE\ ´ :LVK , ZDV DEOH WR JHW WKDW LQ ZULWLQJ $QG QRWRUL]HG But even though she’s quite independent in her new school world, she’s also apparently still young enough to have a ton of IDLWK LQ PH $V , ZDV IUDQWLFDOO\ VHDUFKLQJ IRU D ÂżVK UHFLSH DERXW 10 minutes before we were supposed to eat dinner last night, she said, “You don’t need to use that FRPSXWHU -XVW XVH \RXU +($' %H UHVRXUFHIXO /LNH WKRVH JX\V LQ Âľ&KRSSHGÂś ´ And I love that her life is still simple enough that our neighborhood and familiar routes are as ELJ DV WKH ZRUOG JHWV :KLOH , ZDV reading to her, she asked me what, exactly, does “famousâ€? mean? Âł:HOO ´ , UHSO\ ÂłLWÂśV VRUW RI OLNH when everybody knows you wherHYHU \RX JR ´ Âł2+ /LNH ZKHQ \RX JR WR &RVWFR" 2U 6DIHZD\" $QG we have to stop so you can talk to HYHU\ERG\"´ 8P QR 7KDWÂśV MXVW your normal, every-day, chatty PRWKHU 7KH ODVW IHZ \HDUV ,ÂśYH VSHQW D little time documenting some of the more humorous moments of my children’s lives, and thank goodness for this opportunity, because

, DP WKH :2567 VFUDSERRN PRP (9(5 6R UHDOO\ WKLV ZKROH ZULWing gig has at least ensured that at least a small piece of their childKRRG KDV EHHQ FDSWXUHG But I’m feeling like we’re moving on to a new stage‌one with new adventures and new struggles and, predictably, a few funny moments that I may not even recall VRPHGD\ ZKHQ , ORRN EDFN %XW WKDWœV RND\ ,œP SDVVLQJ WKH EDWRQ on to the next generation, because it’s time for my children to start writing their own stories—in their RZQ ZRUGV Message from the editor: Dear Maureen, thank you ever so much for opening your life, heart and family to us these past couple years. Your insight into parenthood, as revealed through your unique writing style, wit and charm, brought smiles, laughs and even some tears to our readers and followers of this column. You are truly a SuperMom... but better yet, a super neighbor that’s helping to make Beaverton the best DAM city in Oregon!

By Bob Strong


hen I was a Boy Scout in the 1950’s, one of the merit badges , HDUQHG ZDV FDOOHG (OHFWULFLW\ 7KH (OHFWULFLW\ PHULW EDGJH ZDV GHVLJQHG to teach youngsters the theory, appliFDWLRQV DQG KD]DUGV RI HOHFWULFDO VHUYLFH LQ RXU KRPHV 7KH RQO\ HOHPHQW RI WKH PHULW EDGJH TXDOL¿FDWLRQ WKDW , UHPHPEHU vividly is having to identify which lights, appliances, and outlets were controlled by each fuse in the fuse ER[ 2I FRXUVH LQ WRGD\œV KRPHV fuses have given way to circuit breakers, but the concept remains WKH VDPH (YHU\ EUHDNHU VKRXOG EH accurately labeled as to what cirFXLW LW LQWHUUXSWV +DYLQJ VHUYLFHG thousands of homes during the past two decades I can tell you without KHVLWDWLRQ 'R 1RW WUXVW WKH ODEHOLQJ

in your distribution panel, unless you create it for yourself! Again, it would be money well spent to have an electrician or handyman help you with the process, if you are not VXUH KRZ Finally, if you have gas appliances in your home, you also need to know how to shut-off the gas at the PHWHU LQ WKH HYHQW RI DQ HPHUJHQF\ Since the most dramatic emergency that comes to mind is a ruptured line due to an earthquake, there is a tool VROG VSHFL¿FDOO\ IRU WKLV SXUSRVH FDOOHG DQ (DUWKTXDNH 6XUYLYDO 7RRO It’s nothing more than a doubleended, rustproof wrench that hangs right on the meter, so it is always DYDLODEOH 2QH HQG LV IRU UHVLGHQWLDO PHWHUV ZKLOH WKH RWKHU ZLOO ¿W FRPPHUFLDO PRGHOV :KHQ JDV LV SRXUing out of a ruptured line, you don’t want to waste time digging through your tool box looking for a wrench! 7KHVH WRROV DUH DYDLODEOH DW QHDUO\ any plumbing supply store, many KDUGZDUH VWRUHV DQG RQ OLQH

32 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 4–Issue 10 (October 2014)

This month’s Kids Corner features Addison Moore (age 5), Preschooler at Young Learners Preschool off Cornell Rd. (Parents, do you have a talented preteen? Submit your child’s poem and artwork to:

Mermaid If you were a mermaid I'd make a wish to be a mermaid too... So I could swim and play with you!

Sincerely, Michael L. Wong (Editor) Maureen is an educator, Girl Scout leader, and often frazzled parent to 3 active girls. She ďŹ nds motherhood to be a far more humorous and humbling experience than she ever expected.

Attention parents of creative pre-teens: I urge you to encourage your daughters and sons to submit their poems to be considered for publication in Beaverton Kids Corner. This is a wonderful way to spotlight student creativity! --Paulann Petersen, Oregon Poet Laureate Emerita

Halloween contest *Win A $25 Gift CertiďŹ cate*

The Care & Feeding of Your Home When Seconds Count‌ Part 2

Beaverton Kids Corner

Let’s have fun in the BRG! Throughout the paper there are 9 school related images scattered about. Find & count up every instance of the black witch (shown below), and you could win a $25 gift certiďŹ cate to Black Bear Diner! And as a bonus, ďŹ nd the one white witch, and you’ll be automatically entered into the drawing no matter what. Email your answer to and the 3 winners will be chosen at random from all the correct answers at the end of the month. Good luck and Happy Hunting! Congratulations to our August Winners Karla Forsythe, Jan Seiler, Sindy Sibold

Handyman Bob offers home improvement advice on his radio show, Around The House, every Saturday from noon to 2:00 on FM News 101 KXL. And, during the week, he is the Development Director for Molly’s Fund Fighting Lupus. For information on this debilitating disease, visit www. u d org g

Win a $25 Gift CertiF icate!

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Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

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