Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 1www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com BRG ConnectingCommunity The Beaverton Resource GuideYour FREE Monthly Community PaperVolume 12 | Issue 9 | September 2022 What makes Viva Village the very best: Many Thanks to our Community Partners! HEALTH LEARNING CORNER OUT & ABOUT OUR TOWN LOCAL BUSINESS FRESH AIR SENIOR LIVING •They do a wonderful job helping and meets senior needs in valuable ways! •supportive network and fostering a sense of community for local senior citizens. •I have said before, they are so organized they should be running the country! •Viva Village is special for how proactive and responsive it is to the needs and interests of seniors! V iva V illageViva Village Neighbors • Helping Neighbors • St ay NeighborsNeighbors • Helping Neighbors • Stay Neighbors Organization for Seniorsfor Seniors in Beaverton!Voted #1 #1 BestThe Beavertonof Choice Reader's (See story page 13)
MESSAGEFROMTHE EDITOR Hello Beaverton! Welcome to another issue of The Beaverton Resource Guide. As a full-color, monthly newspaper that’s dedicated to the positive aspects of our community, you can be sure to find interesting and uplifting stories about what makes our city one of the best in the country (ranked #3 nationally for “Best Places to Raise a Family” by www.livibility.com, 2018).
CEDAR HOUSE MEDIA BRG@cedarhousemedia 503-641-3320Beaverton,10200BRG@cedarhousemedia.comcomSWAllenBlvd,SuiteDOR97005 Executive Editor: Cory Burden Managing Editor: Michael Wong Webmaster: Troy Brisbin Advertising: Michael Wong MONTHLY WRITERS City LarryKPTVMayorStaffBeatyStaffFerguson Dirkse CC Staff TVF&R PoliceSpencerStaffRubinStaff County Staff Dr Bryen Bell Oregon Zoo Staff PGE Staff THPRD Staff Dr. Jennifer Means Dr. Bryen Bell Karen Bolin Kimberly Shute Larry ElisabethBall Dellit Anbna Janowski Jim Stulting Dr. Dan Miller Brian Tennison BFM Staff BEAVERTON, OREGON, USA First Settled: 1847 (by Augustus Fanno) Year Incorporated: 1893 Population: 97,229 (2017) Sales Tax: 0.0% Income Tax: 9.0% Zip Codes: 97005-08, 97075, 97078, 97003 Area Codes: (503), (971) Elevation: 189 feet above sea level Yearly Rain/Snow: 39in/2in per year Clear Days per Year: 142 days Median Home Price: $353,316 (2017) Median Household Income: $58k (‘17) Projected Job Growth: 8.7% (2017) Average Communte Time: 22 min. High School Graduation Rate: 81% MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL Mayor: Lacey Beaty | City Manager: Jenny Haruyama City Council: Allison Tivnon, Laura Mitchell, Marc San Soucie, Ashley Hartmeier-Prigg, Nadia Hasan Tuesdays,MEETINGS6:30pm City Council meetings are held in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers in City Hall and open to the public. 503-526-2222 or visit: www.beavertonoregon.gov. USEFUL NUMBERS Beaverton Recycling........................................503-526-2665 Beaverton School District................................503-591-8000 Chamber of Commerce...................................503-644-0123 City Hall............................................................503-526-2222 City of Beaverton (Water)................................503-526-2257 Hazardous Waste Disposal (Metro)................503-797-1700 Oregon DMV....................................................503-299-9999 Oregon Ecycle..................................................888-532-9253 NW Natural (Gas).............................................503-226-4211 PGE WastePolice(Electricity)...............................................800-743-5000(Non-Emergency).................................503-526-2260Management(Trash)............................800-808-5901 OUR TOWN CONTACT HEALTH LEARNING CORNER OUT & ABOUT FUN & GAMES OUR TOWN LOCAL BUSINESS FRESH AIR SENIOR LIVING CONTENTS Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the position of Cedar House Media and/or the Beaverton Resource Guide. •TREBLE CLEF •MEZZO•TEMPO •DECRESCENDOPIANO •FINE•QUAVER•ALLEGRO•LEGATO •BAR•STACCATO•CROTCHET•BEATSLINES •DA •FORTISSIMO•CODA•MINIMCAPO Answers to Last month’s Word Puzzle Find business related stories and local directory on pages: 3-8 Find stories on parks, pets & sustainability on pages: 8-9 Find health & wellness tips on pages: 10-11 Find general essays, editorials & advice on pages: 12-18, 31 Find city & public safety news on pages: 2, 17-20 Find information about senior living on pages: 13, 20-24 Find events, programs and performances on pages: 24-32 Find puzzles, contests & photography on pages: 2, 31 #MESSAGEFROMTHEMAYOR
2 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!
The Beaverton Resource Guide is division of Cedar House Media. For questions or comments? Contact us:
September is already here and it’s hard to believe The colors are changing all around us, teachers and students are returning to classes, but we aren’t quite ready to hunker down yet. We’re going to celebrate all things Beaverton with our annual parade on September 10. On October 16, we’ll welcome hundreds (if not thousands) of runners and walkers from across the region to participate in the Beaverton Half Marathon. While outdoor activities slow down slightly, the work of the city and your elected speed. I am hosting a series who represent Beaverton and candidates who will be representing Beaverton in the upcoming legislative session. With the session starting in January, we have been working on our state legislative framework, including bills that Beaverton will support. I’m always interested in hearing from community members about the issues most important to them – so reach out!
Mayor Lacey Beaty: “I’m grateful for the BRG’s role in keeping our community connected so that we can build a better Beaverton for all. We are resilient, and together we can recover the American dream.”
Lacey Beaty was elected Mayor of Beaverton in 2020. Prior to serving as Mayor, she served for six years on the Beaverton City Council.
The goal of The BRG is simple and can be easily read at the top of each month’s cover: “Connecting Community”. To me, this means connecting people who live, work or shop in and around Beaverton with the abundant local resources available here. So, whether you’re a shop or a shopper, we’ll do our best to introduce you to each other. Are you looking for something to do out of the house? We’ve got you covered there too with a variety of options in our Out & About section. Find the county’s event calendar, the Beaverton Farmers Market Vendor Guide, regional theatre line ups, a full list of library programs and more.
Sincerely, Michael Wong (Managing Editor) PS. Don’t forget to visit our website www.beavertonresourceguide.com.
The BRG is available for pickup at over 170 locations from large grocery stores to small dentist offices. For information about placing an ad, stories, distribution or anything else, email BRG@CedarHouseMedia.com.
OUR TOWN Join us on Septe mber 10th forSeptember the a n nu a l Beaverton pa r a deannual parade
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 3www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com Arts & Culture Theatre in the Grove theatreinthegrove.org(503)359-5349 Lana L. Nelson Oil Painting See my work LanaLNelson.com & lana-lnelson/www.villagegalleryarts.org/(inFacebooktoo!)Callmeat503830-7894 Beaverton Civic Theatre BeavertonCivicTheatre.org503-754-9866 Increasing Access to the Arts... through our Scholarship Program and the Campaign to build the Patricia Reser Center for the beavertonartsfoundation.orgArts HART Theatre www.hart-theatre.org503-693-7815 Broadway Rose Theatre www.broadwayrose.org503-620-5262 European Classical Music Appreciation. Sit back and enjoy! annaclassica.com Learn About our City’s Past through historic photos, artifacts, exhibits and www.historicbeaverton.orgmore!503-430-0106 Community Resources (See useful ph# list on page 2) Aloha Community Library www.alohalibrary.org503-259-0185 Beaverton City Library www.beavertonlibrary.org(503)644-2197 Beaverton Composting 503-526-2460 Beaverton Police Dept. www.beavertonoregon.gov503-629-0111 Beaverton School District www.beaverton.k12.or.us503-591-8000 Cedar Hills Crossing www.cedarhillscrossing.com503-643-6563 Cedar Mill Library library.cedarmill.org503-644-0043 Chamber of Commerce www.beaverton.org503-644-0123 City Hall www.beavertonoregon.gov503-526-2222 Community Gardens (City) 503-526-6433 Democratic Party Values in Action! www.washcodems.org503-626-7018 Energy Trust of Oregon 866-368-7878 Community(THPRD)Gardens 503-526-6433 FOX 12 Oregon www.kptv.com503-906-1249 Garden CommunityHomeLibrary gardenhomelibrary.org503-245-9932 KPTV Fox Channel 12 www.kptv.com PGE Green Power Program 800-542-8818 Recycling & Waste Programs 503-526-2460 KUIK AM 1360 www.kuik.com Oregon Long Term Care Ombudsman www.oregon.gov/LTCOProgram1-800-522-2602 The Round 503-381-1670 Solar Oregon 503-231-5662 THPRD www.thprd.org503-645-6433 Village at Scholls Ferry 503-747-7238 TVF&R www.tvfr.com503-259-1225 Wash. County Visitors Center oregonswashingtoncounty.com503-644-5555 Visitors Center for Beaverton and Washington oregonswashingtoncounty.orgCounty503-644-5555 Wash. County Republicans Working for www.washco.gop,Oregon!503-927-7374 Wash. County Sheriff’s Office www.co.washington.or.us/sheriff503-846-2700 Washington Square Mall shopwashingtonsquare.com503-639-8860 Education & Learning Agia Sophia Academy Orthodox Elementary & Montessori Primary Programs 14485 SW Walker Road 503-641-4600 | www.asapdx.org Customized Learning in a choice-based environment. Small classes, all subjects, K-12. www.villagehome.org503-597-9100 Beaverton Coloring Books Color in the fun images as your kids learn about the city. The perfect gift or BRG@CedarHouseMedia.comsouvenir! Cascade Montessori Preschool is expanding on the corner of 170th and TV Hwy! Serving kids ages 6 mo - 6 yrs! Visit us cascademontessori.comat Support Your Library by donating to the Beaverton Library Foundation online beavertonlibraryfoundation.org@ Jazz Combo Classes www.ensemblejazzexperience.comCallTinaat917-202-9816today! Beaverton Education Foundation beavertonedfoundation.org503-643-7453 *Free Placement Testing* See student success stories in Kid’s corner on back www.kumon.com/south-beavertoncover!503-639-7219 The Book Corner www.bookcornerbeaverton.org503-643-5188 Acting & Speech Coaching All levels and all ages welcome! Call Terry at 503-707-4554 Learn to prosper with life! Let your self esteem blossom. Aweigh Impasse holding classes at 12750 SW 2nd Street, Ste 102 Call (916) 396-9633 Beaverton School District www.beaverton.k12.or.us503-591-8000 Beaverton City Library www.beavertonlibrary.org(503)644-2197 Preschool- Grade 5 Education centered in the 4855livingwisdomportland.orgheart.SWWatsonAve.Beaverton503-671-9112 Local Directory | Shop at these Beaverton businesses 26217217 97008 Tigard97223 Garden97223Home TV Hwy Canyon Rd FarmingtonRd HillsdaleBeavertonHwy Scholls Ferry Rd BlvdMurray Bethany97229/Cedar Mill 97007 97005 970789700397006 26217 Beaverton Zip Codes Garden97225Home
4 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community! Health Beauty & Wellness Get Back to Feeling Good! Visit us at 503-406-2020renuchiro.com Men, Women & Kids! Up-do, Bridal, Special Occasion, Lash Extentions, Face Waxing, Colour, highlights, 503-430-0008smoothing Primary Care for the whole family Nutrition, IV Therapy, Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Dr. Jennifer Means & Dr. Elizabeth Elliott welcome you! 503-641-6400 Catwalk Premiere *Atelier * Showroom, * Beauty * Event Space * Call Kelly Christiansen at 503-464-6711 Birth & Postpartum Doulas www.birthingstone.com503-718-7574 Cedar Mill Optometrist Call Dr. Goldman at www.cedarmillvision.com503-646-6166 Holistic Health Clinic www.hhclinic.com503-646-8575 Your Healing Sanctuary www.jaderiverpdx.com503-297-3825 Leave the Stress Behind! puremassagepainrelief.com971-407-0402 True Potential Chiropractic * Get Adjusted! * ** Get Stretched! ** *** Get Massaged! *** by the “Best of Beaverton.” Scan to request an appointment. Comprehensive dental care for your entire family. Visit us murrayschollsfamilydental.comat:503-590-7574 Family Practice Hindi & Punjabi speaking provider available. **Mon-Sat Extended Hours** 503-644-1171 **Brain Training** Enhance your life & performance Improves memory, focus & sleep Visit peaktrainingcenters.com(503)420-7580 Been in an accident? www.MeridianMedicalMassage.com503.446.0698 AWEIGH IMPASSE offering comprehensive consultations in Biofield & Chakra Modalities at 12750 SW 2nd Street, Ste 102. Call for Appointment: (916) 396-9633 Tetyana Zinchenko, Practitioner Dental care you can smile about! www.ismilebeaverton.com503-336-0382 Beaverton Pharmacy Medicare503-644-2101accredited Bridgeton Chiropractic www.bridgetonchiro.comCallToday971-255-1708 Housing & Home Maintenance Your Shower Door & Mirror *EXPERTS* Free estimates on all projects. Come talk to www.canyon.glassus!503-644-3153 Painting & General Contracting *Finishing Fine Interiors* **Weather Tight Exteriors** www.ffpaint.com503-451-3239(CCB#205045) Senior Living Community www.creekside-village.com503-643-9735 Guaranteed Pest Control Protecting your health and property since www.guaranteedpestcontrol.net1949!503-646-2119 Cornell Landing of Cedar Mill parkavenuelifestyle.com503-487-5383 Morningstar of Beaverton Building Family for Life Independent Living | Assisted Living | Memory www.morningstarseniorliving.comCare503-713-5143 Donna Meeuwsen | REALTOR® Topography Real Estate Group donna@topography.homes503-583-3200www.topography.homes Raleigh Hills Assisted Living www.rhliving.com503-297-3200 Canfield Place Offering Independent Living And Assisted Living Services At Canfield Place, we are family. 503-626-5100 Serving Beaverton & Tigard Grab your “Honey Do” list and gimme a call. No job too handymanmarcpaul.comsmall!818-823-3070 New Continuous Gutters! Gutter & roof cleaning, gutter repair, pressure washing, moss removal. allguttersandmore.com503-268-9121 Welcome Home to King City Senior www.kingcityseniorvillage.comVillage. Enjoy Life with Friends www.thespringsliving.com503-629-5500 Shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist Retirement Residence Take a look at what retirement living should www.beavertonlodge.combe!503-646-0635 Building Family for Life Independent Living | Assisted Living | Memory www.morningstarseniorliving.comCare503-713-5143 Compassionate In Home Care Trained professionals meeting senior care needs in the safety and comfort of home! www.homematterscaregiving.com503.352-5634 Senior Living In Beaverton Offering Independent & Assisted Living Services At Canfield Place, we are family. 503-626-5100 Compassionate In Home Care Trained professionals meeting senior care needs in the safety and comfort of home! 503.352-5634 Medical Alarm, Inc. Local LifeLine Provider PersonalColumbiaMedAlarm.comhealth&safetysolutionsincludingGPS&medicationdispensing.503-644-4736 Beaverton Hills Independent & Assisted Living Memory Care & Skilled https://www.prestigecare.com/Nursing(503)520-1350 Your Partner in Homecare Personal Care, Household Tasks and HomecarePartner.orgTransportation503-433-8079 Senior Living Communities & Services For a complete listing of local communtiessenior Turn to page 23 “Age is a matter of Andmind...ifyou don’t mind, it matter!”doesn’t ~ Mark Twain
Sunday Services: 8 &
Valley Community Pres Church www.valleycommunity.org(503)292-3537 One-on-One Counseling Groups, Family Camps, Addiction, Abuse and Recovery groups, and MORE! www.goodsamaritanministries.org503-644-2339 Restaurants Food & Drink Welcome To Our Pizza Family! **Voted #1 Pizzeria in Beaverton** Delivery, Take Out or Hang Out Family Owned & Operated societypie.com | 503-747-4831 Italian inspired with a menu that changes weekly featuring fresh seasonal ingredients from the Northwest. decarlirestaurant.com503-641-3223 A Little Taste of El Salvador Tu-Sa: 11-3pm, Saturday Breakfast 9-11am and Sun. 11:30-2:30pm. Homemade salsa and soups to go! 503-268-2124 Broadway Saloon (503) www.broadwaysaloon.com641-7474 Authentic Caribbean Cuisine Boriken Restaurant Flavors of Puerto borikenrestaurant.comRico!503-596-3571 Are you Hungry? Welcome to Grill68, where all the dishes are prepared with care & with style! Try our flank steak with baked potatoes. 503-352-4472 Azteca www.aztecamex.com503-643-8269 SUPERTeriyakiBOWL Try our Super Teriyaki Bowl! Also Spicy Stir Fry, Yakisoba, Orange Chicken, Asian Chicken Salad, Bibimbap and more! 503-626-0552 Enjoy Authentic Mexican Food! Open Sun - Thurs: 11am - 10pm Fri-Sat 11amwww.lahaciendarealoregon.com11pm503-601-7000 Abhiruchi Indian Cuisine Come enjoy a taste of India Lunch, Dinner, Take www.abhiruchirestaurant.comOut503-671-0432 Breakfast-Lunch-Diner 30 varieties of pancakes & waffles! *Beaverton’s Favorite www.tomspancakehouse.comRestaurant*503-646-2688 Mexican Cuisine Daily happy hour from 11-5pm. 16305 SW Barrows Rd, www.casalolapdx.comBeaverton503-567-8131 Killer Burger Burgers, Beer, Bottomless Fries! killerburger.com, 503-268-1757 Happiness is not in money, but in shopping Get businessyourlisting for as low as $20/month!
New Hope Missionary Baptist www.newhopealoha.org503-591-8993
Holy Angels Anglo-Catholic Church. Services w/Father Vince Varnas every Sunday 10:30am at our home church: 8950 SW 190th Ave.,503-356-8852Aloha/Beaverton St. John Greek Orthodox Church 14485 SW Walker Rd, Beaverton at 10am. Visitors
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 5www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com Beaverton Hills Independent Living, Assisted Living, , Memory Care & Skilled Nursing, (503) www.prestigecare.com/520-1350 Beaverton Lodge Take a look at what retirement living should www.beavertonlodge.combe!503-646-0635 **PLUMBING** Hills Construction Contracting Residential, Remodel & Service “We take care of all construction needs including kitchens & baths!” Low prices on water heater 971-246-3682replacements(CCB#102201) Pets Animals & Pet Care Dove Lewis 24hr Pet Hospital #1 choice for animal www.dovelewis.orgemergencies Daycare & Pet Hotel Suites Visit barklandia-pdx.com or call us at 503.430.5821 Come On...Let’s Play!! Daycare & Overnights 4070 SW Cedar Hills www.busterandlilly.netBlvd503.596.2146 Hart Road Animal Hospital hartroadanimalhospital.com503-591-5282 End Petlessness Oregon Humane www.oregonhumane.orgSociety503-285-7722 Healthy Affordable Pet Supplies Nature’s 503-579-2403Pet Pet Lost & Found All found pets are registered with the county. For more www.petharbor.cominfo: The place for all your bird needs. Exotic birds, healthy foods, toys, boarding & advice. Great prices! www.bizeebird.com503-644-9515 Washington County Dog License **Cats and other pets www.co.washington.or.us/HHS/exempt**AnimalServices Adopt a Lovable Put www.pacificpugrescue.org503.704.3587 Great Cats for Great Homes www.catscradlerescue.com503-320-6079 Religious Churches & Spiritual www.mylighthousechurch.org 12555 SW 22nd St, Beaverton Our Sunday service times are 10:30am (in English) & 2pm (en español) Valley Community Presbyterian Contact us at valleycommunity.org or call 503.292.3537. Bethel Congregational UCC Sunday mornings at www.bethelbeaverton.org10am. Beaverton Church of the Nazarene www.beavertonnaz.org(503)643-6616 Southminster Presbyterian Church. 12250 SW Denney Road Progressive Spirit, Beloved Community,www.southmin.org503-644-2073 Portland Balaji Temple www.ebalajitemple.com(503)621-7716 Sunday Service 9:15am Come connect, grow & serve with us! parksidefellowship.org(503)646-4455
work that Jesus began. Located up
Hoshana Rabbah Messianic hoshanarabbah.org(503)570-3376
Sunday service
2201 SW Vermont,
Good Samaritan Ministries GoodSamaritanMinistries.orgorcall503-644-2339. Join us Sundays at 10am A positive plan for spiritual living. Everyone welcome, families & www.unityofbeaverton.orgyouth503-646-3364
www.murrayhills.org |
Warm Church with an Heart
Murray Hills Christian Church Disciples of Christ: the the on SW Wier Rd. 503-524-5230
Bilal Mosque Association (503) www.bilalmasjid.com591-7233
St. Barnabas Church 10am saintbarnabaspdx.orgPortland503-246-1949
6 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community! If shopping doesn’t make you happy, you’re in the wrong shop! Black Bear Diner Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Take out & Delivery Available Visit blackbeardiner.com503-646-4507 Authentic Japanese Cuisine Beaverton’s Best Sushi! Udon, Tempura, soba, Ramen, Curry, and more! Visit us at 9230 SW B/H Hwy 503-296-0045 Retail & Shopping We Buy Gold & Silver! Engagement, Jewelry, Antique, Timepieces, Gifts, www.smithandbevill.comService/Repair.503644-1333 Beaverton ReStore Shop, donate, or volunteer to support local Habitat homebuilding pdxrestore.orgprograms. All Major Camera Brands www.theshutterbug.com503-639-5088 Hot Tubs, Stoves, Fireplaces Pools, Free Water Analysis Service & www.HavenSpaPoolHearth.comInstallation503-649-2201 Book Corner www.bookcornerbeaverton.org503-643-5188 Jan’s - Voted #1 Bookstore in Beaverton! www.janspaperbacks.com503-649-3444 Raise Your Business Visibility Signs, Banners, Decals, A-Frames & Vehicle www.fastsigns.com/46Graphics503-526-0216 Village on Scholls Ferry Restaurant & Office Space Avail. www.guansusa.com503-747-7238 Beaverton Coloring Books Learn about the city through these locally drawn coloring books. BRG@CedarHouseMedia.com503-314-3459. Medical Alarm, Inc. Local LifeLine Provider PersonalColumbiaMedAlarm.comhealth&safetysolutionsincludingGPS&medicationdispensing.503-644-4736 Services & Entertainment Sun Connections Travel & Cruises, LLC **Layaway Plans www.sunconnections.comAvailable**.503-655-4850 25 cent Color Copies! High Quality | Low Cost Any project large or www.cedarhousemedia.comsmall.503-641-3320 Disability Employment Specialists Consultation & Training in Diversity, Inclusion & Conflict Resolution503-265-9256(www.dirksecc.com) Brisbin Computer Consulting From corporate networks to home helpdesk and affordable web design, let me know how i can be of service. 971-217-0988 Karen Bolin, Financial Advisor Keep a level head in an up-and-down www.edwardjones.com/karen-bolinmarket.503-356-1190 Insurance Partners NW Home, Auto, Business, & Health Friendly local independent www.InsurancePartnersNW.comagents!503-372-5621 Home Matters Caregiving www.homematterscaregiving.com503.352-5634 Cartridge Network 6800 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy Portland, OR www.cartridge-network.com97225503-246-0665 BRG Local Advertising If you like what you see in these pages and have a local business, consider advertising with BRG@cedarhousemedia.comus! Family Entertainment Center SuperPlayOR.com503-292-3523 Where the Pool is the Classrom! newborn, toddler or young swimmers. www.childrenofthesea.com503-620-5370 Cecilia K. Nguyen, Esq. Immigration & Citizenship, Business Law, Adoption & Legal Guardianship,www.beavertonlaw.com503-644-2146 Beaverton Farmers Market The Summer Market every Saturday, May, 830a beavertonfarmersmarket.com-1:30p Oregon Metropolitan Elite Gymnastics Academy Camps • Classes • Birthdays We set children up for success and train champions for omega-gymnastics.comlife!503-466-4872 Spanning 50 sq. Miles and providing high-quality park and recreation facilities, programs, services, and natural areas. ww.thprd.org Ferguson Auto Brokers “The Car Guy” Do you need Auto Help? That’s what I do! I Buy, Sell, & Consign Automobiles. 35+ years experience in the auto industry. Call me: 503-930-1493 EMPLOYMENT
Jen n ifer Lu n dgrenJennifer Lundgren
“People Matter”, that’s our motto!
“People Matter” represents the individuals we serve, our team, as well as our community partners. We are all unique and have a purpose. It is important to understand a person’s perspective and not what we [as providers] might think is best. It is important to value our team; if employees are valued, they are more engaged with their work and focused. Our partners matter: collaboration and working together more effectively to meet client’s needs while encouraging people to be their best.”
By Kristi Metschan. For more info about our mission & programs, call Glenn Bishop: (503)-265-9256 or email gbishop@dirksecc.com.
How did you begin working in the field of supported employment? “I have family members who are autistic and grew up advocating for more inclusive environments and acceptance. Through connections of people I knew, I was recruited for my HR/ operations background. It in the mission and could use my skill set to impact the company.” Why work in employment? supported “Your work is meaningful, and you have a profound impact on someone else’s life. Every day is an opportunity to make a difference in our clients’ lives and the community while experiencing the rewards of nurturing independence. Each day is different, and you always learn something new about yourself and the individuals you support. What is your motto?
What does an HR/Operations manager, a psychology student, and a former special education provider have in common? They all work with Dirkse Counseling and Consulting! I spoke with the CEO and co-owner of Dirkse Counseling, Jennifer Lundgren to share her journey in the world of supported employment.
•Beaverton Resource Center can always use volunteers to help with packaging food and / or school supplies. For other ideas you can search Volunteer (www.volunteermatch.org)Match or Hands On Greater Portland
•Habitat for Humanity has opportunities to help at their ReStore and local build •Familysites.Justice Center of Washington County has a variety of ways to help.
Tualatin Valley Creates and other local arts organizations help design and install public art projects like •Tualatinmurals.Hills Park and Recreation District (THPRD) also does public art projects, plus activities like park cleanups.
Ryan Holiday Stoic Philosopher LOCAL BUSINESS #BeavertonAreaChamberofCommerce Good sales, high yields & happy customers! Business Benefits of EngagementCommunity
•Community art projects.
See y’all out in the community. By Rob Routhieaux, Director of Small Business Support & DevelForopment.more information about how your business can be involved or sponsorship opportunities, email us at info@beaverton.org or call, 503-644-0123.
~ Epictetus La Str a da Strada 2022, K id's Ch a lk ArtKid's Chalk Art 2021 Cr af ts Crafts Ta lk ing Wa llsTalking Walls 2021 Mu r a l2021 Mural Ta lk ing Wa llsTalking Walls La Str a da 2022Strada Ch a lk Art istChalk Artist
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 7www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com Shop Local • Give Local • Stay Local BUSINESS ADVICE #CATALYSTBUSINESSNEWSLETTER Let’s keep it simple... and deep My favorite quotes Over time, I have shared some thoughts with you, based on how I see the world. Based on my experience as a manager, coach and business owner. THANK YOU for reading my ramblings and scribblings! This month, I want to keep it simple, and just share some quotes with you I love:Jenny finch “You can’t control the circumstances. You can control your attitude & effort!” Miscellaneous “The difference between ordinary & extraordinary...Is that little extra!” Miscellaneous “Failure is a part of life. Giving up however, is not!” SpencerRubin “The greatest gift you can give another person is...Time! Under the umbrella of time, is: inclusion, care, friendship, support, love, recognition and so much more. When you gift someone your time, you are giving them something you will never get back!” •Make it easy for people to do and keep doing business with you! •Look up…and surprise someone! Spencer Rubin is a sales/marketing expert and a passionate advocate for the success of small, local business owners. To sign up for Spencer’s weekly Catalyst Newsletter, contact 971-732-4745.
Here are a few great options:
“Don’t give up, don’t EVER give up” ~Coach Jim Valvano
D id you know that employees who do volunteer work with their colleagues tend to be more engaged and committed to their employers? There are many studies that demoners teaming up on community projects.Manycompanies underpay their employees while doing community service, some schedule teams of employees to volunteer during the regular workday. As employees work alongside each other in service, they build stronger bonds and respect. This provides more context for working through at work.Sure, it can be hard for very small businesses to take time away from day-to-day activities to volunteer together. However, with advance notice to customers and suppliers, most businesses can close for a few hours or half day to volunteer together. Heck, some of your customers might even join you in your efforts if you ask them! volunteer opportunities?
Look around. Lots of local and other yourorganizationscommunity-basedwouldlovehelp.
•Good Samaritan Ministries has several projects – including special events reach in the community.
If you are interested in learning more, visit www.pacificpugrescue. org or email adoptions@pacificpugrescue.org
8 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community! ConnectingCommunity
Fluff to feathers Achicks are getting their wings this month at the Oregon Zoo’s Jonsson Center for Wildlife Conservation. As their sturdy wing feathers — a the young birds have started to “Some of the chicks are still Kelli Walker, the zoo’s lead condor keeper. “But they’ll be their own, they’ll practice in larger enclosures until they’re wild.”The chicks, which hatched earlier this year, stay with their parents for at least eight months before spending about a year in their large, outdoor pre-release pens. Eventually, they will travel to a wild release site to join andTheArizona.12-chick cohort is the biggest batch yet in the zoo’s 19-year effort to save the birds from extinction. And with scarcely more than 500 birds left in the world, each new condor is vitally important to the species’ survival. The California condor was one of the original animals included on the 1973 Endangered critically endangered. In 1982, only 22 individuals remained in the wild and by 1987, the last condors were brought into human care in an attempt to save the species from extinction. Thanks to recovery programs like the Oregon Zoo’s, the world’s California condor population now totals around 500 birds, most of which are The Oregon Zoo’s condor recovery efforts take place at theJonssonCenter for Wildlife Conservation. More than 108 chicks have hatched there since 2003, and more than 73 Oregon Zoo-reared birds have gone out For more zoo animal stories, visit oregonzoo.org
In the words of the late Coretta Scott King, the distinguishable “greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”
OREGON ZOO Con d ors chicks look ingCondors looking forwa r d to fly ing fr eeforward flying free
Collaboration over Competition
Oregon Zoo condor chicks prepare for takeoff
There is power in numbers
Tmyself thinking about quite often as I stroll through Downtown Beaverton; there is power in numbers. The streets are bustling with morning vendor trafof human interaction in the First Dining Commons. I greet one of the town’s lovable retired constituents on their morning stroll. Different dialects coalesced with familiar sentiments greet me as I pass the historic 1916 Fisher-Rossi Building. “Peace be upon you, brother!” As I saunter from one meeting to another, I see doors of businesses propped open; more than a sign for customers indicating operation hours. However, the open doors also welcome commercial neighbors and the sharing of information (and inevitably trite gossip) that feels inherent to a close-knit community.Outsideof the proven Ricardian model of economic comparative advantage, it is clear that collaboration between business owners, property devates the status of a community opportunities yielded from entrepreneurial networking, the cohesion resulting from collaboration shapes a community’s overarching identity. We often bifurcate history into past and present with minimal understanding of the connection between the two. I’m referring to the constant balance between imagination and realization or ideology and practicality. The BDA exists as a body to preserve what holds meaning to the Beaverton Downtown area while accommodating the imminent change that growth will bring to our community. Our organization aims to cement the legacies of the past, honor the contributions of the present, and ensure equitable representation for the Whetherfuture.you enjoy a scrumptious meal with us on Beaverton Restaurant Week at the last week of September, indulge in a few brewskis at Brewerton beer walk, or get the family costumed up and ready for an unforgettable BOOverton, there is always a shindig going DOWN in DOWNtown Beaverton. It’s poppin’ y’all! I still have a long way to go before meeting the necessary stakeholders, memorizing their names, hearing their stories, assessing their needs, and piecing this overall burgeoning community. But what I have witnessed are the organic relationships between local businesses in Downtown and their true preference for harmonious collaboration over unpitying competition.
#PugAdoption Buck needs a little work But he’ll be ready for adoption soon, please email us B uck came in from the shelter late in July in really rough shape. He is a senior guy that was found as a stray. He was very infestation that had caused him to lose a lot of hair and he had a pretty bad skin infection.Fastforward to today after getting vet care and lots of lovins and he is a very happy boy that is no longer put on some weight and is feeling much better! Buck has a weak rear end, but he can still get around ok. Buck still needs to get a badly needed dental and a neuter so he is not ready for adoption yet, but he should be ready to go by the end of the month!
In Community, ~ Kamil Khan Beaverton Downtown Association The BDA team welcomes new volunteers and downtown connections, so reach out to us at kamil@downtownbeaverton.org to get involved! Do you have ideas for making downtown a more vibrant place? Share them with us on Facebook and @BeavertonDowntownAssociation.Instagram
DOWNTOWN #DowntownBeaverton
In every walk with nature, one recieves far more than he seeks
#BONNIEHAYS Emergencies can be stressful on pets
oaks are
•Work with your neighbors to make a plan for your animals if an evacuation is ordered when you aren’t home and can’t return to get your pets. Don’t know your neighbors? Now is the time to introduce yourself!
ANIMAL SHELTER OREGON FLORA #NATIVEPLANTSOFOREGON This tree makes excellent firewood Oregon Oak •Binomial Name: Quercus garryana •SoilType: DroughtTolerant •Sunlight: Prefers Full Sun •Form/Growth: Oval Form, Groves create a Canopy •PlantType: MediumSized Tree •Foliage: Deciduous •Flowering: Yes (Catkins) Reaching up to 75 ft tall and 60 ft wide, Oregon oaks are also occasionally grown small and shrubby. The 5” long leaves are shiny, dark green on top, paler and hairy below, and the leaf blades are oblong in outline with 3 to 7 deep, rounded lobes on each side.
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 9www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com
PET ADOPTION Hello, I’m Mario!Hello, I’m Mario! Bear here!
Emergencies are stressful. Do what you can to prepare now. For more information on this topic and more, please visit The Bonnie Hays Animal Shelter located in downtown Hillsboro at 1901 SE 24th Ave or visit our co.washington.or.us.shelter,Ifwww.WashingtonCountyPets.com.website:youhaveaquestionfortheanimalemailStacy_Beckley@ This native produces edible surrounded by a shallow, scaly cap and reach up to 3 cmOregonlong. very drought-tolerant, historically mon in the drier portions of the trees are found. Due to adsion, today Oregon oaks are and although the wood has a beautiful grain, it is not used much for commercial purposes without westOregonwarping.oakwoodlandsarecriticalhabitatsfor a number of plant, animal, and bryophyte species that are rare or virtually eradicated in the region. This Native Plant of the Month is brought to you by the City of Beaverton’s Landscape and Urban Forestry Department. Visit Clean Water Service’s Native Plant Finder webpage for interactive questions to help you find the right native plant to fit your needs!
Spending more time at home? Why not share it with a new friend!
•Create and maintain “go kits” for your pets. Find a list of items to include at
•Keepwww.ready.gov/pets.yourpets’vaccines up to date. In an emergency, your pets may need to go to a home with other animals or stay at a temporary shelter. Plan now to help protect them from disease.
From Cat’s Cradle Mario (11 yrs) I’m a sweet, healthy boy who wants nothing more than to be your constant companion. My favorite pastimes are being talked to, petted and brushed. I also like sitting in laps and lounging around; I’m basically a big baby! I get along with gentle cats, but would prefer a house without dogs. Won’t you consider adopting me? Contact Cat’s Cradle Rescue 503-320-6079. Twinkle (9yrs) I’m a beautiful, affectionate torbie cat, who would love to be your one and only. I’m not a fan of being picked up, but I will park myself on your lap; bonus points if it’s covered in a blanket. Just think of all watch together! If you adopt me, you’ll never be lonely. Meet me at Cat’s Cradle Rescue 503-320-6079. Bear (4yrs) I’m a handsome, charismatic boy who loves sunny days outside, as well as gloomy days inside, snuggling with you on the couch. I have a neat trick of speaking whenever you point at me; I’ll tell you all about my day, and ask you about yours. Quality time with you makes me happiest. Being left alone or ignored makes me sad. I’m at Cat’s Cradle Rescue 503-320-6079. Cat’s Cradle Rescue is an all-volunteer, foster-home based No Kill rescue serving Oregon cats who need new homes. We invite you to become a foster parent and experience the great satisfaction of helping a cat or kitten in need. Find your new kitty friend by contacting us at 503-320-6079 www.catscradlerescue.com.or
It’s best to prepare now September is National Preparedness Month. Spend time this month preparing yourself and your animals for a disaster or emergency that could strike at any time! Do these things now:
•Prepare small animals like cats and dogs to be ready to evacuate by training them to come when called and getting them used to being in a crate. Work with large animals such as horses to get them used to moving in and out of trailers in case you need to move them quickly.
My name’s Twinkle!name’s Twinkle!
•Check that your pets’ tags and microchips have correct information, and that your dogs are licensed. If your pets are not yet microchipped, talk with your vet about this permanent could easily be separated from your animals during a
•Finally,disaster. take photos. Photograph any unique markings, or anything that makes your pet different from animals.similar-lookingSnapaphoto of you with them, too. These photos will be helpful if you are ever separated.
•Prepare to take your pets with you if you need to evacuate. Identify locations that may be able to house both you AND your animals. Not all emergency shelters accept animals. Advocate to your community leaders now for pet-friendly human sheltering options for those who need them.
Short-term treatments for CTS typically consist of prescription medications and physical therapy. Cortisone injections are used to manage pain in the wrists and hands. The side effects of these treatments are often worse than the CTS. They include pain and swelling at the injection site, infection, cartilage loss, allergic reaction, or skin discoloration.Ifsymptoms do not sig surgery happens in 71 percent of cases. Claims about the success or failure of carpal tunnel surgery greatly vary. But there is a way to improve of carpal tunnel symptoms without resorting to invasive techniques: chiropracticChiropracticcare.care is a more conservative and less invasive approach to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome treatment. Chiropractic care helps CTS by adjusting the patient’s wrist, elbow, and spine. Most CTS patients show sensation, and pain reduction after a series of chiropractic treatments.Chiropractic care is an excellent, non-invasive, and effective solution for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Contact True Potential Chiropractic today for a consultation! By Dr. Bryen A. Bell, a Board-Certified Chiropractic Physician with over 20 years of professional experience. Contact Dr. Bell at True Potential Chiropractic family care facility. Call 503-574-4872 or visit tpcportland.com. 503-574-4872
Coconut Water: This drink is loaded with vitamins and minerals, along with its cooling properties.
10 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community! HEALTH Find all these stories & more Online! Visit www.beavertonresourceguide.com #BEAVERTONHEALTH&HAPPINESS Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Naturally Symptoms and treatment Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) can profoundly affect your quality of life. The painful condition in your hand and wrist is caused by nerve compression on your median nerve – the one that runs the length of your arm. Some causes of CTS include: •Repetitive use of the hands or continued work with pulsating tools •Metabolic•Pregnancy•Obesity disorders that affect the thyroid and pituitary glands •Prolonged computer use •Unresolved neck and upper back causes•Diabetes•Rheumatoid•HypothyroidismpainarthritisCarpalTunnelSyndromenumbnessandtin seconds of activity. CTS can cause loss of strength in the holding or gripping small objects. The more quickly symptoms appear, the more severe the carpal tunnel syndrome.
Cucumber: With high water this is another great way to cool down, even drop a slice into a glass of water for a refreshing essence.
Ever bystretchedbeenapro?
Green Leafy Vegetables: There is a reason that salads seem to good during summer. Those leafy greens are cooling your body down, not to mention they taste great. What you eat is only part of staying cool, but it can really help. Enjoy the rest of Summer and be safe!
Mint: Not something you typically eat on its own, but a mint leaf in water, or iced tea is both refreshing and cooling.
Family wellness, children welcome!
D’Vida offers integration with acupuncture, chiropractic, and massage from real trained experts who want one thing; to get you better. With over 200 5-star reviews, patients seem to agree. Call today. 503-626 2166. Stay cool w i th awith s l ice of Su m merslice Summer Ta ke ca r e ofTake care yo u r wr istyour wrist
•Corrective care chiropractic •Pediatric & sports chiropractic •Motor vehicle and work-related accident care •Assisted stretching program •Professional massage services #BEAVERTONHEALTH&HAPPINESS The summer heat doesn’t seem to be going anywhere Even well Septemberinto
Finding ways to stay cool is crucial during days of high temperatures. One way we can help our bodies maintain a healthy temperature is eating cooling foods. locally that are good for lowering body temperature: Water: Ok, this was a no brainer. But it is so important, it’s been added to the list. Drinking cool water is the best thing you can eat or drink to lower your body temperature. In fact, most of the foods on the list have high water content.
Watermelon: Loaded with antioxidants, and over 90% water, this summer fruit is a great way to cool down.
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 11www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com A healthy outside starts with a healthy inside HEALTH #BEAVERTONHEALTH&HAPPINESS
“Spacing out”, sleepiness, irritability, headaches, and light-headedness during the school day are common signs of low blood sugar.
Health Workshop “Living to 100“, 9/29 at 6pm These topics and more will be discussed at our next health workshop “Living To 100” on Thursday September 29th 503.644.8844 to register as space is limited. Dr. Dan Miller has been serving the Beaverton area since 1992. He has long held the belief that good health begins before birth. For more information, visit his website at: www.BeavertonFamilyChiropractic.com
4.Spinal Function – our brains control the function and repair of virtually every part of our body. If the connection is poor, then the function is poor. Consider this, you could eat the best food in the world, but if your body can’t absorb it – then it goes in one end and out the other without want and need.
Good Good yo u'r you'ree l i v ing toliving 100!100!
1.Eat Food – there is no “junk food” and “health food.” Either you are eating food, or you are eating junk. Consider this, if the place where you buy your food has a health food section, what does that say about the rest of the items for 2.Movesale?–the average adult exercises very little. We are built to be active. Walking, swimming, or whatever you fancy is important for weight management, mental clarity, and decreas-
Living To 100 (FREE workshop, 9/29, 6pm)
Back to school strategies for success
3.Thoughts – I was once told, “If I talked to you the way you talk to yourself, you’d hate me!” Reread that, then reread it again, and again. Let that really sit inside your soul. We have been told that we should love our neighbors as ourselves, but do we really want to receive – or give that kind of love?
So, as the rhythm of the school year gets into motion, it’s a good time to lay out some strategies to help our children succeed in school. Limit screen time. First and foremost, limit computer, tablet and smart phone screen time. This is especially for teenagers in the post zoom school era; but also, the most important thing to do. Computer time affects attention, sleep, mood and negatively alters brain development.Inanarticle in Psychology Today by Victoria Dunckley, MD, researchers found, “excessive screen-time appears to impair brain structure and function. Much of the damage occurs in the brain’s frontal lobe, which undergoes massive changes from puberty until the mid-twenties. Frontal lobe development, in turn, largely determines success in every area of life—from sense of well-being to academic or career success to relationship skills. “ Manage blood sugar swings and crashes. Processed cane sugar and high fructose corn syrup can interfere with concentration.
Here are some ideas to try When my son, Eli, was 13 years old he loved YouTube videos, on-line games and music. Like any normal young teenager, he would much rather pursue these activities than do his homework. And often he would procrastinate with his homework until the last minute then “whip through it” only to discover that his teachers and his parents found this haphazard approach to be sloppy and unacceptable.
Staying Active for Life As the youth of our community head back to school, it is a great time to consider those on the later years of life. Getting older doesn’t mean shriveling up and dying. In fact, that is the opposite intent of this article. I want you to live life to its fullness to the very end, then go out like the and quick. The obvious question then is: “What do I need to do to stay healthy for as long as I live?” Keep reading and get ready to take charge of your health! Many people have the false belief that they are predestined to die of the same ailments as their parents and siblings. But of epigenetics, the study of the mechanisms that turn your genes on and off, has found that lifestyle can affect which genes are turned on or off. What this means is that how you live your life can have a big impact on how you ‘live yourBasically,life!’ what I’m stating is that if you live a healthier lifestyle, you are less likely to suffer from chronic health issues. Which then leads to the tough part – changing your lifestyle to match your vision for your future. Ok, so the obvious question now is –“What is a healthy lifestyle?” achieve a healthy lifestyle and still not do the topic justice. Short of that, here are a few ideas you can begin with today.
Dr. Jennifer Means welcomes you for Primary Care for the whole family: Nutrition, IV Therapy, Naturopathy, and Acupuncture. Contact us at 503-641-6400.
Feed your kids protein for breakfast rather than sugar-sweetened cereal. Easy, protein rich foods include eggs, smoothies (use protein powder), leftovers from dinner (soup or chili), beans (breakfast burritos) and toast with nut butter. Healthy snacks and lunch. Make sure that they have good healthy snacks and a reasonable lunch. Strategize with your children about what they will eat at and after school so that they have some choice of foods they like. Avoid processed foods. Food colors, additives, and preservatives have been Disorder. Try a cup of tea. At our house, while selecting fonts and font sizing was fun, the act of actually writing a paper was often a challenge. Keys to success include starting early with a cup of honeysweetened green tea for focus. Tea contains caffeine and L-theanine which stimulate the brain and help a child focus. Don’t do this too late in the day or it may affect sleep. Also, if you don’t do it daily, the effect of the tea will be moreKeepingdramatic.young students focused in class is always a challenge, but doing these simple things can often help. And children, as a general rule, respond quickly to lifestyle changes. If they continue to struggle, taking a closer look at food sensitivities and other underlying health issues is probably indicated.
12 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community! Enjoy BestMexicanAuthenticFood&theMargaritasinTown! 12025 SW Canyon Rd *Beaverton* 503-601-7000 503-601-7000 20% OFF One coupon per party. Offer good at Beaverton location only. Open Su-Th 11-10 | F-Sa 11-11 SUPER Dine-inTeriyakiBOWLorTake-Out OK! 12865 SW Canyon Rd | Beaverton | 503-626-0552 Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10:30 - 8pm | Wed 10:30-6pm | Sat 11-4pm Dine Local Taste Global Happy Hour Special 10% Off Daily after 4pm Open Daily from 8am-8pm! (Offer good at TV Hwy location only) BeavertonBulletinBulletinBoardBoard Thank you for supporting our Sponsors! To place your business card here, BRG@CedarHouseMedia.comemail B ** ** Indian Cuisine 50% OFF Order one entree and get 2nd entree at 50% off On the corner of Millikan Rd & Murray Blvd Lunch: 11:30 - 2:30pm Dinner: 5:00 - 9:30pm (Closed Mondays) 14603 SW Millikan Way | 503-671-0432 www.abhiruchirestaurant.comCall 503-671-0432 for take out or get home delivery thru GrubHub! 4970 SW Main Ave, Ste 200 | 503-641-6400 •IV•Acupuncture•NaturopathyTherapy •Nutrition•Ozone•HyperbaricsTherapy Dr. Jennifer Means www.singing-river.com 644-4736(503) www.columbiamedalarm.com Personal Safety & Health SolutionsMedical Alarmm, Inc ww columbiam To make an appointment, call 971-727-7673 or visit: www.doctor-george.net Affordable Integrative MedicineAffordable Medicine Call Dr. Darryl George to learn about: •Chronic Pain Management •Oregon Medical Marijuana program evaluations Swedish Pancakes........................... 3 delicately rolled pancakes, dusted with powdered sugar and served with lingonberry butter. Three Little Pigs............................... Link sausage rolled in 3 large pancakes with apple sauce on the side. Master Burger.................................. Deluxe burger, served with cheddar cheese and sliced lean ham, served on sesame bun with all the fixings. Monte Cristo Sandwich................... Our own thick french toast bread with turkey, ham and Swiss cheese. Senior Plate...................................... One egg, two bacon strips or links, pancakes or hashbrowns, and one slice of toast Tom’s Pot Roast Dinner................... Just like mom’s. Served with creamy mashed potatoes that we made from scratch and fresh sauteed vegitables. Satisfying!
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 13www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com The act of giving is the heart of our community #BESTOFBEAVERTONESTOFEAVERTON Because aging is a team sport, that’s why we were voted #1 Welcome to Viva Village For seniors who are involved with Beaverton-based Viva Village, there are almost unlimited opportunities to get engaged:•Discussion groups •Specialty plentyship-basedtheywayVillageinvolved!bersthe•Volunteering•Tai•Book•Movies•Dining•Hiking•Environmentallecturesclean-uphillsandparksandbeyondwithpopcornClubsChiandmindfulnessTheskyisonlylimitedbyimaginationsofthemem-andvolunteerswhoareMoreimportantly,theoffersolderadultsatostayasconnectedaswanttobe.Thismember-groupgivesseniorsofwaystostaysharp, keep learning and has been the springboard for many satisfyingVivafriendships.Village also provides its members with resources and volunteer assistance that make it easier and safer for them to remain in their homes for as long as they wish as well as become active participants in the community. Members get all kinds of support •Computer issues •Home families.ofniorsandbringscomeresourcesto•and•Transportationmaintenancetomedicalappointmentsmanyotherservices.Membersalsohaveaccessalistofvettedvendorsandsotheycanfeelcon-intotheirhomes.BeingpartofVivaVillageanewsenseofwellnesssecuritytoBeavertonse-whichinturnofferspeacemindtothemselvesandtheir For more information about activities, events and membership, call us at 503-746-5082 or visit our website at clubexpress.comvivavillage. VOTED #1 Join us for communityJoin us for adventure Jore BestThe Beavertonof Choice Reader's Join us for fu n fun Living Better Than Ever 14570 SW Hart Rd • Beaverton You might meet new
Karen Bolin Financial Adviser 3835 SW 185th Ave, Suite 300 Aloha, OR 97078 (503) www.edwardjones.comKaren.Bolin@edwardjones.com356-1190
Rev Sybrant has a Masters in Divinity, Social Work, and a Doctor of Ministry. For more information, visit us at 15050 SW Weir Road www.murrayhills.org | 503-524-5230
With fall’s arrival this month, farms are busy ingathering apples, blackberother seasonal produce. One treasured memory of of gifts. There were guidebooks, maps, a city history book, an orchid, greeting cards, and a welcome basket chock full of “Beaver” state presents and treats. As a newcomer to ciated the thoughtfulness of gifts helping my family acclimate to a new community. I learned that only Oregon here in the perfect climate of the Willamette Valley and can live a century or more! The one wisdom and inspiration... perhaps a good snacking choice for students returning to classes this month? The hazelnut is unique because it blooms and pollinates in the middle of windormant until June when the nut starts forming. Life hidden in unexpected seasons bears fruitBeavertonlater.
14 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!
celebrates National Welcoming Week from September 9-18. One in a series of quarterly “Partner Gatherings”, this event “brings together immigrants, refugees, and U.S.-born residents to raise welcoming everyone”. This year’s theme is “Where We Bebelonging occurs, and ways we can break barriers so that immigrants, refugees, and U.S.from welcoming everyone.
•How can we foster belonging for all?
•Whatnewcomers?hidden life in unexpected places might bear fruit later?
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local financial advisor, Karen Bolin. For more information, contact Karen at 503-356-1190.
And in the process gain satisfaction If you’re a grandparent, you don’t need Grandparents Day (observed on Sept. 12) to remind you of the joys of having grandchildren. Yet, you might want to use this day as an opportunity to think about ways to help provide for your grandchildren’s future. The type of gift or support you provide will be different at various stages of your grandchildren’s lives. Here are a few suggestions:
Learn one new thing Everyday
The week’s activities celebrate the contributions of newcomers and provide opportunities to build cross-cultural relationships and understanding.
Beaverton celebrates National Welcoming Week from September 9-18 How can you help welcome others? Farmer and author Rowland Robinson wrote, “September days have the warmth of summer in their briefer hours, but in their lengthening evenings a prophetic breath of autumn.”
How much will you need to retire? Let’s talk.
Help grandkids prepare for the future
•What gifts might we offer to and receive from
When they’re born… Open a 529 plan.Open a 529 It’s never too early to start saving for college or other types of advanced education. To help your grandchildren meet these costs, you could invest in a 529 education savings plan, which offers potential tax advantages if the money is used for qualigrandchild for whom you’ve established the account ends up not using it, you can change family member of the original that a 529 plan could affect aid prospects.) If your grandchild doesn’t go to a college or university, a 529 plan can also pay for expenses related to apprenticeship programs offered through trade and vocational schools and registered with the U.S. Department of Labor. When they’re children… Open a savings account.Open a account. It’s important for your grandchilhabits – and one way you can help is to open a savings account for them and encourage them to contribute to it. You might even offer an incentive, such as matching their contributions, either in whole or in part. Consider shopping around for a high-yield savings account that’s free to open and charges no monthly maintenance fees. Establish a custodiala account.account You may want to introduce your grandchildren to the world of investing by starting a custodial account (known as UGMA or UTMA) in their name. You can put most types of investments, such as stocks and mutual funds, inside this account and track their progress along with your grandchildren. Children often enjoy learning about investing – and they may like owning shares of companies that make familiar products and services. The earnings generated by these investments can have tax implications, so you’ll want to consult with your tax advisor before opening the custodial account. And you can’t hold onto this account forever –once your grandchildren reach the age of majority, they gain control of the account, so they can do what they please with the investments. When they’re young adults… Help with the down paywith the down payment on a homement on a home. Once your grandchildren are out in the world, they may well want to become homeowners. And, as you know, it can be challenging to come up with a down payment, so, if you can afford it, you may want to help in this area. You’ll be doing your grandchildren a big favor, because home ownership is a key element in building wealth. ance.ance As your grandchildren join the working world, they guidance on various issues, such as setting short- and long-term goals, managing their 401(k) plans and choosing an appropriate investment mix. So, consider making an appointment for them with a By helping your grandchildren at different points on their road through life, you can make their journey more pleasant – and, in the process, you’ll gain a lot of satisfaction.
©2022 Kumon North America, Inc. All rights reserved. m
#TEENESSAYEENSSAY Book Review: “The Sun Does Shine” by Anthony Ray Hinton I didn’t want to read it but I’m glad I did Like most students during the month of August, I have been playing catch up on my summer reading assignments. Now, I’ve never loved being assigned books so having one forced on me and then having to somehow connect to the material when I didn’t drains the joy straight out of my usual love of reading. With that out of the way, this summer I was assigned two books: The Sun Does Shine by Anthony Ray Hinton and Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer.
Let’s give Hispanic history the respect it deserves National Hispanic Heritage Month Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to highlight the history of Hispanic communities, though their impacts on the history of Oregon and the United States deserve recognition year-round. This annual recognition began as Hispanic Heritage Week in 1968, and 20 years later was expanded to the month that it is today. Instead of spanning just one month tage Month begins on September 15th of each year and ends on October 15. These dates represent the independence of Latin American nations from Spain:•Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua became independent on Sept. 15, 1821 •Mexico on Sept. 16, 1810 •Chile on Sept. 18, 1810. Various Latin American nations have made their mark on Oregon’s history. One such nation is Historically,Mexico.there have been many Mexican migrant workers in the western United States. Making up a significant part of the Hispanic population in Oregon, these jobs such as railroad work and farming—endured numerous injustices, ranging from dangerous working conditions to the possibility of deportation.
To learn more, schedule a FREE orientation
In fact, somewhere between 400k and 2 million Hispanic workers were deported during the Great Depression. This was a prejudiced action for which the United States government has never apologized. Despite such injustices, Mexican Americans as well as other Latin Americans who trace their heritage to a variety of different countries, have contributed a great deal to the culture of the United States, bringing their own diverse traditions, practices, and languages across the border. To honor these people who have contributed so much to our culture and history, look further into the history that informs all they have brought to the United States, and the world. Continue to learn this history, and in doing so, respect it and the diverse group of people and cultures that continue to make it.
“The Sun Does Shine” by Anthony Ray Hinton I started with the former as the topic interested me more. If the title does not seem familiar, The Sun Does Shine is a memoir written by a man who was put on Alabama’s death row for thirty years after being found guilty of a series of murders he did not commit. By the forward alone (written by the one and only Bryan Stevenson who wrote Just Mercy) I knew I was right to choose Stevenson paints Hinton to be a rarity among his many encounters with death row inmates. Guards were not cold and harsh as per usual legal visits, instead they inquired on how to help Stevenson prove Hinton’s innocence. While I did not understand why that was yet, I knew I had to conI did. it means to forgive, despite all odds. As a Black man, he makes friends with a former KKK member. He does not violently retaliate or simmer in his resentment for the unjust and cruel criminal justice system during his thirty years in prison. Instead, against even the darkest setting a man can face, he continues to bring humor and light to his fellowDespiteinmates.being a book assigned to me by my school, I am grateful that I read it. If you are looking for a last summer read before school starts or before you have to rush around picking up your kids from various activities, I strongly recommend this book. It expanded my knowledge of the deep, racist cracks in our criminal justice system and how to appreciate my own freedom substantially more.
The theme for this year’s Hispanic Heritage Month is “Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation”. In practicing inclusivity and by giving Hispanic history the respect it deserves, we can strengthen the future of both Hispanic Americans and the nation in which they live.
Elisabeth Dellit is a 10th Grader at Jesuit High School. She enjoys reading, writing creative stories, baking/cooking and participating in her school’s drama program.
Anna Janowski is a teen volunteer at the Beaverton City Library (grade 12). Outside of school, she likes to read, write, play softball and the trumpet.
Mathtoday!and Reading Program Preschool –High School more,nea SetTo your sights on success this summer.
Kumon Math and Reading Center of Beaverton - South 12325 Southwest Horizon Blvd. Ste. Beaverton,#221 OR 503.639.7219heathbailey@ikumon.com97007
There is no shortcut to greatness. Mastery of skills takes practice. Your child can excel in math and reading … with practice.
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 15www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com
A story Should change the way you see the world
Let’s connect so I can help you strategize to achieve your dream of homeownership this season.
Sell Sellinging yo u r ho use?your house? Protecting your health and property since 1949! A local family owned & operated business. Birds Insects & Spiders Rodents (503) 646-2119 GuaranteedPestControl.net Please call for an estimate (CCB #43186). RSVP Today! tom@travelbytomhigham.com TRAVEL GET OUT OF TOWN! IT S TIME FOR YOU TO TRAVEL AGAIN IN 2023 FREE Travel Tour Presentation, Sept. 12, 6pm It’s Time For You To Travel Again You Are Invited To Attend A Travel Tour Presentation And Learn How You deserve to travel again, see some new scenery and create some memories! •Hosted by Travel By Tom Higham / T&R Tours •When? Sept. 12, 6-7pm •Where? AC Marriott Beaverton Hotel (15705 NW Blueridge Dr, Beaverton) •Free easy parking right in front of the hotel. •Door •RefreshmentsPrizes! served Share your photos with us! Email: BRG@CedarHouseMedia.com 2022 Da nce of thr ee n at ionsDance three nations by Brian Jim
Bottom Line Homes priced right are selling quickly in today’s market.
16 Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community! ConnectingCommunity
There’s no doubt about the fact that the housing market is slowing from the frenzy we saw over the past two years. But what does that mean for you if you’re thinking of selling your Whilehouse?homeprices are still appreciating in most markets and experts say that will continue, they’re climbing at a slower pace because rising mortgage rates are creating less buyer demand. Because of this, there are more homes on the market. And in a shift like this one, the way you price your home matters more than ever. During the pandemic, sellers could price their homes higher because demand was so high, and supply was so low. Now, things are shifting, and that means your approach to pricing your house must shift too. Because we’re seeing less buyer demand, sellers must recognize this is a different market than it was during the pandemic. The price you set for your house sends a message to potential buyers. If you price it too high, you run the risk of deterring buyers. When that happens, you may have to lower the price to try to reignite interest in your house when it sits on the market for a while. But be aware that a price drop can be seen as will wonder what that means about the home or if in fact it’s stillTooverpriced.avoidthis headache, you’ll want to price it right from the onset. A real estate advisor knows how to determine that perfect asking price.
Let’s connect to make sure you price your house based on current market conditions so you can maximize your sales potential and minimize your hassle in a shifting market.
Questions about buying or selling a home in Beaverton? Contact Donna Meeuwsen at 503.583.3200 or email donna@topography.homes
balance the value of homes in your neighborhood, current market trends and buyer demand, the condition of your house, and more. Not to mention, pricing your house fairly based on market conditions increases the chance you’ll have more buyers who are interested in purchasing it. This helps lead to stronger offers and a greater likelihood it’ll sell quickly. Rest assured, it’s still a sellers’ market, and you’ll still accordingly and work with an agent to set your price at the current market value.
Selling your house?
Your asking price matters more now than ever
4. Manually Focus your Lens Make sure you set your limit. You will need to test around with a few shots to make sure your stars are in perfect focus. At the end of the day, go out, have fun, and experwork best for you! Have more questions? Schedule a 1-on-1 in-person photo class at the Shutterbug (1 hr for $45) online or in-store! Need to rent a camera? Give us a call for availability at (503) 639-5088.
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 17www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com Find all these stories & more Online! Visit www.beavertonresourceguide.com Specializing in care for the entire family Call to schedule an appointment today! 4510 SW Hall Blvd. | www.pacificmedicalgroup.com | 503-644-1171 Mon-Fri: 7:30am - 6:00pm | Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm PHOTOGRAPHY #TheShutterbug#TheShutterbug September 9: Watch the Epsilon Perseids meteor shower, 8 - 9pm 4 Tips for Taking Meteor PhotographyShower
2. Use a Tripod This is one of the most important items you need besides your camera to get high quality photos. By using a tripod, you have the ability to keep your camera steady for your long exposure shots, while also being able to set up that perfect composition
Come ride bikes with us
3. Use a Wide-Angle Lens
Kevin Teater About Kevin Teater
Kevin Teater is a Beaverton City Councilor-Elect, whose term starts in January 2023. He currently serves on Beaverton Planning Commission and was previously the executive director of the Beaverton Downtown Association.
Exploring the city with joy When I started campaign for Beaverton City Council near the end of 2021, I did not yet know many of the people I would come to consider as friends. Campaigning is a brutal challenge, but with it brings the opportunity to create meaningful change through the building of relationships.
With the Perseids Meteor Showering having just happened, it made me realize it might be a good idea to make an article about how to take some good photos for the next one: the Epsilon Perseids meteor shower on 9/9. Here are 4 strategies to try:
Policy advocacy can be hard. Its progress can be slow. And yet, we want to have fun doing it. We want to build relationships. We want our families to connect. This is grassroots And you can join us! Our bike rides are meant to be family-friendly and casual. If you are new to riding bicycles, we can help you get more comfortable and show you the ropes. If you just want to come out and have fun without diving into policy, you can do that too. And if you really want to sink your teeth into local community activism, you can help us build this movement in Beaverton and the greater Washington County area. We don’t have an online presence for our group of neighbors yet, but you can message me on my social(www.kevinteater.com)websiteormediachannelssothat I can connect you. Also, keep an eye on the www.shift2bikes.org calendar for the rides we post each month. See you soon!
One friend, Tina, saw that invited me for a bike ride along the Waterhouse Trail in northwest Beaverton. She wanted me to see some of the existing problems on one of our best trail facilities. Later, another friend, Rick, invited me to ride bikes with him along the Fanno Creek Trail in Raleigh Hills to see the potential for expansion of walking and biking paths. I didn’t know it then, but these rides formed the foundation of monthly group rides around Beaverton where we talk about policy and how to advocate for better transportation options and land use development.Asweride and enjoy our community, we are exploring the next steps for our growing group. We want more housing in Washington County. We want better walking and rolling paths that are safe from the danger of speeding drivers. We want more sustainable development. We want racially equitable neighborhoods. And fortunately, many people in the group know public policy well, and so we can talk about practical solutions that we can implement locally.
1. Get away from Light Pollution When taking photos of the night sky, your biggest enemy is ambient light. This can come from numerous different light sources. Anything from homes, to streetlights, cars, and cities, all of these can impact the quality of our photos. My suggestion is to get as far away from the city as you can. The absolute best location to see faint stars and meteors is at least 20-30 miles away from city limits.
Using a wider-angle lens, anything from 35mm and under, are perfect for taking night sky photography in general as they allow you to capture as much of the Milky Way and those beautiful stars as you can. You do want to be careful of going too wide if you don’t want to get lens distortion though. Also make sure you are using the 500 rule when setting your shutter speed. Basically take 500 and divide it by the length in millimeters of your lens and the resulting number is the shutter speed you should use if you don’t want star trails.
AUTO Q&A Do you need auto help? That’s what I do! •Buy, Sell, Consign Automobiles •Expert Negotiation and Appraising •Expert in Automotive Technology 503-930-1493 | popslcf3@hotmail.com Over 35 years of experience in the Automotive Industry!Over 35 years in the Automotive Kay wa nts a bluewants ca r, Kay gets acar, Kay gets a blue ca r car #TVF&R Talk to Your Kids About
Do yo u h aveyou have a pl a n? plan?
•Do not place items that can burn such as clothes, blankets, or scarves over a lamp or near a heater.
•Keepburner.things that can burn potholders, dish towels, and food boxes away from the •Waterstovetop.andoil do not mix! Never throw water on a or cause burns to a body.
It’s that time again — when Beaverton students head back to class. And for many students, this may be the school year where they will be trusted to be home alone after school.
Kay’s adventure in car buying Buying a car does not have to be stressful
A week later, Kay went to get her hair done at a local Salon where she has been going for many years. There, she picked up a copy of the Beaverton Resource Guide and saw my article. Kay called me and after relaying her unfortunate car shopping story, I gave her an easy solution that she was bound to be happy with: let’s do this together. I explained that we actually do not have to trade in her exactly the car she wanted. Of course, she agreed and even though she was not in a hurry, this probably being her last car to own, she wanted one of two colors if possible: a super bright blue or ruby red. Having a couple of color choices sure makes my job easier! The next day, I found a bright blue car that she really wanted to see. I offered to pick her up in my sports car and when I arrived, she got so excited that it was a convertible, she said ‘keep the top down’ to which I happily complied. After putting her cane in the back seat, we made our way to the dealership and test drove the car (just the two of us). It was a 20-minute test where we got to check out the car up and down without a salesperson looking over our shoulder. Halfway through the test drive, she decided to buy it so I made a call to the dealership. Kay called it magic but when we returned from our test drive, the manager had everything ready for Kay to sign and purchased the vehicle. We even transferred her old plates to the new car. All in all, she saved $12k. What happened to her old car that she wanted to trade in? I sold it to a private party for It$7k.was truly a pleasure to make Kay’s car buying adventure less challenging and much more fun!
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue encourages parents and life safety tips with them.
The Moral of the story: hire a broker and relax! If anyone wants to buy or sell a car and does not want to deal with it, let me know. We can be fergusonautobrokers@gmail.comreached at Fire and Life Safety
18 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community! Find all these stories & more Online! Visit www.beavertonresourceguide.com
• home and call 911 from a cellphone or a neighbor’s home. Other safety tips to share include:
Safety tips share from TVFR
•Know two escape routes from every room in the house. One of those could be a window. Create and plan.
This is also a good time to set house rules on using the stove, oven, or microwave. Cooking is one of the leading due to food or oil being left unattended while being heated or having items placed too close to the burners. The following tips may help your child avoid a fire: •Allow cooking privileges based on age and maturity. Consider allowing younger children to only use a microwave or oven to heat food (versus the stovetop). However, use caution when heating food due to the potential for burn injuries.
•Never mix cleaning products together. Each product has a job to do, but together could cause harm, off-gassing, or an explosion.
• plies are located. Consider signing up older children babysitting, and/or CPR class.
For additional fire and life safety information, visit www.tvfr.com.
•If allowed to use the stovetop, never leave food (especially oil) unattended — even for a moment! Preteens and teenagers enjoy many activities that can cause them to be distracted and/or forget they’re cooking. Remind them to stay by the stovetop when cooking. If they need to leave the room, turn off the
Talk to your kids about how and when to call 911 for police, the event of an emergency. Children should know their address, phone number, and your contact information so that they can provide the information to an emergency dispatcher.
It’s also a good idea to have phone numbers for family and neighbors posted on the refrigerator, near the phone, or on a designated bulletin board in the event kids need assistance but it’s not an emergency.
•Never use matches, lighters, or candles. Keep these items away from children and remind them that they are not to be touched by anyone other than an adult.
•Do not play with or overload electrical cords, and do not insert anything other than a plug into an electrical socket.
Let me tell you about my new friend, Kay, who has been a widow for 12 years. Kay was driving a 2007 Chrysthe transmission replaced for the second time in only 138k miles. At 83 years old, Kay needed a more reliable car and After going to several dealerships and listening salespeople offering cars she wasn’t interested in (and for mark ups between $5k-$10k!), she felt quite exhausted. And to add to the stress, they would only offer $2k for her current vehicle as trade in. Needless to say, she became discouraged and walked away.
“I was looking at all the Google,” Swargam said. “Using it in plants it makes the plant grow healthier and better. It has so many Her idea includes sensors to monitor soil temperature, moisture and pH level. That data is sent to a program which collects it real-time in theAllcloud.ofthis combined, got her named one of 10 nationScientist Challenge. “I was like really happy,” Swargam said. “I couldn’t keep my smile in. I was walking around the halls that day smiling so much, and the teachers kept wondering why.”It’s a major honor for a eighth-grade year at Stoller Middle School in Beaverton.
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 19www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com ConnectingCommunity OUR TOWN #FOX12OREGON
#BEAVERTONPOLICE BPD Patience pays off Crime ring busted
people who are really workshe would be changing her mind and start eating all the last beans,” Sunil Swargam said.Sunil said he’s impressed with how far his daughter has“Notcome.only did she stop that point,” he said. “She moved forward, and she started thinking about, ‘How do I help Sahasrafarmers?’”saidshe’s thankful for getting a chance to be the winner. She knows it would also mean her invention could change lives.
Meet scientistSwargam,Sahasrayoung
For Sahasra Swargam, it all started growing up around crops during weekly trips to Sauvie Island. “I used to go there every weekend to see how fast they were growing, what the results (are),” she said. “I realized the progress was kind of Swargamslow.”started looking into what could grow crops healthier. She came up with soil that includes arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF).
“I want to thank our community for your patience while we investigated this case,” said Beaverton Police Chief Stacy Jepson. “I know it has been frustrating to see this type of crime continually happen with seemingly no end in sight. And we underinconveniences put on everyone who has been a victim of this criminal organization. Your patience has allowed us to take this organization down from the top instead of just scratching the surface.”
Beaverton Police Department Detectives began an investigation into the converters in late 2021. The investigation, which culminated last week with the search of eight locations to include a waterfront residence in Lake Oswego, led to the seizure of over 3,000 catalytic converters, hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, a high-end vehicle, and jewelry. Police say the crime ring was centered in the Portland Metropolitan area, spanned over six Oregon counties, and reached into the states of Washington, Nevada, California, Texas, and New York.
The investigation began in late 2021 when Beaverton Police Detectives learned 32-year-old Tanner Lee Hellbusch of Beaverton was running an illegal stolen catalytic converter fencing operation. On March 1, 2022, Tanner Hellbusch was stopped by police in a vehicle transporting over one hundred stolen catalytic converters with an approximate value of $80,000. During the next Detectives determined Tanner Hellbusch, Brennan Doyle and over 12 other associates participated in an organized effort to steal catalytic converters from vehicles up and down the West Coast.
“It really makes me think I’m working on something big,” she Sahasrasaid.isnow perfecting presentation to the judges in mid-October in Minneapolis. The winner of the entire event gets to take home $25,000. For more information, visit kptv.com.Foryoungscientistlab.com/challenge.www.morelocalnews,visitwww.
Beaverton student’s new farming technology is national top-10 finalist
The non-emergency number to all Washington County law enforcement agencies is 503-629-0111.
In March 2022, Beaverton Police Department Detectives nan Patrick Doyle of Lake Oswego as the leader of the criminal organization. Brennan Doyle is believed to have stolen catalytic converters since January 2021 with an estimated street value of over $22 million dollars.
Her father, Sunil Swargam, said it’s a big deal for her family as well. “Until now, nobody knows but my family what I’m doing,” Sunil Swargam said. “I’m also an average human being in a big society.”Itwas actually Sunil and his friends who were the on Sauvie Island where his crops. He said when his daughter was younger, a lot of times she would leave food uneaten on her plate. “That way, by looking at
Beaverton Police Detectives say Brennan Doyle’s organization capitalized on the increased price of Rhodium, Platinum, and Palladium, which are the valuable metals found in catalytic converters. At the time this writing, Rhodium is valued at over $14,000 an ounce- up from approximately $2,500 an ounce in 2019. This makes the few grams found in each haul.On July 29, 2022, a Washington County Grand Jury indicted Brennan Patrick Doyle, Tanner Lee Hellbusch, and 12 other individuals on charges including Racketeering, Aggravated Theft, and Money Laundering.
Are you looking for a new way to give back to the Beaverton community?
Join us to learn traditional Korean, Chinese and pre-Hispanic dances; cook traditional Ethiopian dishes and build with local Afghan families; learn about caring for Black, naturally curly hair from local stylists, and so much more!
Beaverton’s boards and commissions play a critical role in supporting city functions and advising the City Council and Mayor on a variety of issues and topics. All are essential to incorporating the community’s voice in city decision-making. It’s not all feedback-focused though; their creativity has also produced beloved Beaverton programs and events such as the “Library of Things,” the annual Bike Beaverton event, and the annual Beaverton Night Markets.Weinvite you to join us in creating the community you want to see. Bring your perspective, ideas, and passion and apply today at
Want to chat about board openings? Join us online or in-person during the month of September to get your questions answered. Visit locations.GetInvolvedwww.BeavertonOregon.gov/fordates,times,and
Apply for Beaverton’s Boards & Commissions
OUR TOWN WElco m ing Week beginsWElcoming Septe mber 9thSeptember DINE DfromanddiverseCelebratingTASTELOCAL,GLOBALBeaverton’sindependentrestaurantswithflavorsaroundtheworld!INELOCAL,
Visit www.BeavertonOregon. gov/ WelcomingWeek to see a complete listing of the week’s events and the most updated information. Get Involved!
Beaverton’s boards and commissions are comprised of passionate volunteers dedicated to the betterment of Beaverton. Each board and commission has its own mission in supporting an area of need or interest throughout the city. With everything from human rights, the arts, social services, diversity, urban renewal, libraries, city budgeting, community involvement, more, there are many opportunities to choose from. We are also seeking volunteers for the Climate Action Task Force and the Housing Technical Advisory Group (HTAG) that provides feedback on proposed housing policies, programs, and activities, and serve as housing ambassadors in the community.
20 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community! oes.edu/openhouse503-768-3115 GRADES 6 TO 12 SUNDAY, OCT. 16 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19 Find all these stories & more Online! Visit www.beavertonresourceguide.com #CITYNEWS Our Town: Welcoming Week | Boards & Commissions Building a Better Beaverton Where We Belong: Beaverton Welcoming Week 2022 is September 9 Through 18 T he city is excited to celebrate its eighth annual Beaverton Welcoming Week, coming up Friday, Sep. 9 through Sunday, Sep. 18. This year’s national theme, “Where We Belong,” focuses on the places and spaces that foster belonging. “Where We Belong” aims to go deeper tion on how and why belonging occurs as well as ways we can break barriers so that places can foster belonging for all, including immigrants, andInrefugees.Beaverton, we are fortunate to have several inspiring, community-led events, including six feature events that the city is proud to support through its annual Welcoming Week grants. Come out and enjoy both virtual, in-person opportunities to connect across cultures during the week!
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 21www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com ConnectingCommunity 12900 SW 9th Street | Beaverton, OR 97005 | 503-646-0635 Call for a tour. We’d love to meet you in person! Visit us at www.BeavertonLodge.com Join us for retirement living at its very best! •We have some of the largest studio, 1 and 2 bedroom appartments in the area •Prices start at $2270, including most utilities •Weekly housekeeping and linen service •Flexible meal program •Resident Managers on site 24/7 •Affordable month-to-month rent. Need Help Moving in?Need in? We can help, call for details! Prestige Senior Living Beaverton Hills 4525 SW 99th Ave · Beaverton, OR 97005 · (503) 520-1350 · www.PrestigeCare.com Sign up for the free webinar at PrestigeCanHelp.com For more on our cognitive programming, contact our team at (503) 520-1350 FREE WEBINAR CARING FOR A LOVED ONE WITH MILD TTHURSDAY,DEMENTIASEPTEMBER22HURSDAY,SEPTEMBER22 What happens when your loved one is showing signs of cognitive decline or has a diagnosis of mild dementia? Cognitive decline and mild dementia can be an overwhelming experience for a caregiver as they work to navigate the new challenges this reality can bring. To provide support for those caring for a loved one with mild dementia, PRESTIGE SENIOR LIVING BEAVERTON HILLS is hosting a free webinar entitled “Caring For A Loved One With Mild Dementia: How to Navigate The Challenges” with Adria Thompson, a dementia consultant, certified dementia practitioner and founder of Be Light Care Consulting. Join us on Thursday, September 22 at 3pm PT for the webinar as we examine topics related to mild dementia that many caregivers and families find themselves struggling with. You’ll also receive advice and tips on how to best support your loved one while navigating the disease.
22 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community! Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional F E A T U R I N G All-day, Restaurant-style Dining | Resort-style Amenities C o m i n g s o o n : M o r n i n g S t a r a t L a u re l h u r s t | M o r n i n g S t a r S e n i o r L i v i n g c o mComing soon: MorningStar at Laurelhurst || MorningStarSeniorLiving.com Move MoveWe Want to You yleeInto a More Active, Engaged LifestytyInto a More Activee, yLLifesttifes lInto a More Active, Engaged Lifestyle Call today for your in-person tour Virtual tours also available Beaverton Assisted Living & Memory Care 503.714.7363 Hillsboro Independent Living 503.855.0377 Happy Valley Assisted Living & Memory Care 503.496.7643 Luxury Senior Living Opening Early 2022 AvamereBeaverton BeavertonBeaverton HillsHills BeavertonBeaverton LodgeLodge BrookdaleSenior Living Canfield Place Cedar Sinai Park Edgewood Point Creekside FarmingtonEdgewoodVillageDownsSquare Cornell Landing Hearthstone at Murrayhill Hearthstone of Beaverton Laurel Parc At Bethany Village Maryville Memory Care Morningstar of Beavertonof Beaverton Murray Highland Memory Care Raleigh Hills Assisted Living Regency Park Senior Living Rock Creek Retirement The Ackerly at Timberland The Springs at Tanasbourne Touchmark in the West Hills 503-520-1350 (see ad page 22) 503-646-0635 (see ad page 22) 503-626-5100 (see ad page 29) 503-714-7363 (see ad below) Senior Living Directory In-HomeCare ShortTermRehabLongTermCare Hospice SkilledNursing FriendlyPetIndependentLivingAssistedLiving MemoryCare RespiteCare Need more information?Community
FREE webinar, 9/22, 3pm
Moving is like spring cleaning: you keep know you had which equates to more time in the move preparation process. The cost of time is an important value as it is one you are in fact able to manage. You can never start early enough to plan for a move, which will reduce your stress, increase your control and result in a much more seamless experience.
Here at Prestige Senior Living Beaverton Hills, we’re holding a free webinar on Thursday, September 22 at 3 p.m. titled “Caring for A Loved One with Mild Dementia: How to Navigate the Challenges”. It will be hosted by Adria Thompson, a dementia conpractitioner.Inthewebinar, she will discuss different forms of early memory loss, how to provide more care if a loved one refuses help, and ways to To register for the free webinar, visit prestigecanhelp. com.
Nov. 10: From We to Me - Adjusting to Widowhood Dec. 8: Touring Retirement Communities - What to ask and know
And don’t delay the processmoving
•Reduction of possessions •Addressing
For repairs, a handyman can accomplish a lot. If something larger is needed, such as a new roof or a large amount of painting, it is important to schedule appropriately as busy contractors can take weeks or even months before they can come out. Having a list of what is needed to be done so that you can keep track is extremely helpful. If you need help, your realtor or professional services can be do not forget landscaping as curb appeal is what will help make a car driving by and stop in it’s tracks to ‘oooh’ and ‘ahhh’ over your home!
And while those more severe symptoms are common as the disease progresses, most people start their journey with memory loss with less acute symptoms, either with a diagnosis of mild dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment.Theystill present unique challenges for caregivers, as their loved ones may not fully accept or understand their diagnosis and its implications, and therefore may be reluctant to make necessary changes to their day-to-day lives.
Lake Oswego, Churchill Mortgage (135 A. Ave)
By Kimberly Shute. If you would like to learn more about real estate and move management services, please let me know: 971-227-1302 | www.mmret.com or email Kimberly@mmret.com
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 23www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com SENIOR LIVING How old would you be, if you didn’t know how old you are?
Tigard/Portland, Nordia House (8800 NW OIeson Rd.)
What are componentsthe of moving?
For more about our cognitive programming or our community, prestigecare.com/BeavertonHillsvisit or call us at (503) 520-1350 to schedule your visit. www.mmret.com and click on the Event tab. Any questions, Kimberly Shute, 971-227-1302. 10:00am-11:00amSellingAllowedStrictlyLearning!
When people think of Alzheimer’s disease, they often picture someone who requires long-term care, has and faces, and is struggling with daily tasks.
#SENIORLIVING Plan for this cost when moving
Oct. 27: Tips to Prevent Being Scammed
A Focus on Cognitive Health at Prestige Here at Prestige Senior Living Beaverton Hills, cognitive health is a centerpiece of our wellness program Celebrations. It includes our Mind Masters cognitive programming, brain games and as well as the bodies of our residents.
#SENIORLIVING The Challenges of Mild Dementia in Older Adults
Sep. 14: Medicare: Maximizing Your Benefits Dec. 14: Touring Retirement Communities What to ask and know Join us (in-person) for our expert panel learning seminars.
occur under each of these headings. With the reduction of items, this can take one week to a few months depending on the number of items. When starting early, it is a gift you can give yourself. Having a friend or family member also helps greatly. My sister and mom just completed reducing mum’s garage and did a fabulous job! Additionally, there are professional organizers and move managers (such as ourselves) that can also help you.
Sep. 29: Medicare: Maximizing Your Benefits
Free Webinar on Caring for a Loved One with Mild Dementia
Benefit from interactive discussions that offer invaluable planning tools for you, your family, parents and grandparents.
Let me know if you have questions, I’m here to help!
24 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community! Out and About... There is always something to do in Beaverton
Another gem is KillinKillin Wetlands,Wetlands which is close to the city of Banks. This nature park has 370 acres of lush habitat for location for bird watching, as well as for spotting beaver, river otters and elk. Walk the trails and take in views of the rolling hills and wetlands. Located outside of the small city of Banks, Killin Wetlands also boasts a quilt block, “Doves in the Window,” as part of the Quilt Barn Trail of Tualatin Valley. The third gem is located on the outskirts of Forest Grove. Fernhill Wetlands boasts a variety of open water sources providing safe haven to eagles, hawks, herons and migrating waterfowl, as well as beavers, minks, otters and many other species. Approximately 1.25 miles of trails, raised dikes and two viewing shelters provide unobstructed views of the wetlands. The crowning jewel of Fernhill Wetlands is the ADA-accessible Water Garden featuring graceful wooden bridges and a great view. Please note: Dogs and other pets are no allowed at these nature parks. For more nature hikes in Washington County, visit tualatinvalley. org. This comprehensive site has information about things to do, places to visit and more. Visit the site or call 503-644-5555 to order maps and visitor guides.
Online Writers GroupOnline Writers
Online Tai Chi Classes
September 6, 13, 20, 27, 10 am. Join members and volunteers for a morning of coffee and conversation. RSVP for the Zoom ink
September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 1:30–3 pm (Thursdays). Join other writers for sharing and inspiration. RSVP rec. Viva Village NatureViva Nature WalkWalk September 3, 9:30 am. Summerlake Park, 11450 SW Winter Lake Drive, Tigard 97223. RSVP recommended Online Women’s Coffee
September 13, 2 pm. In person at Southminster Presbyterian Church, 12250 SW Denney Road 97008. Viva Village member Frieda Pardo will talk about her experiences as a barista and running a coffee shop. RSVP recommended Dine Around Beaverton and Beyondand September 14, 1 pm. The Old Spaghetti Factory, 10425 NE Tanasbourne Drive. Hillsboro 97124. Lunch and conversation. Participants must be vaccinated. RSVP required. Space limited to 12 people Online Living SoloOnline Living Solo September 15, 4 pm. Share ideas and insights about solo living. RSVP for the Zoom link Patio Picnics September 16, 12 pm. Enjoy conversation and lunch on outdoor decks and patios with 4–6 other members and volunteers. Bring your own lunch. RSVP for the address by noon Wednesday, 9/14. You will be contacted with the host’s address Thursday Evening Social Social GroupGroup September 22, 5:30–7:30 pm. The Thirsty Lion Gastropub, 2290 NE Allie Avenue, Hillsboro 97124. Enjoy an evening of dinner and conversation with Viva Village friends. Outdoor seating, if weather permits. RSVP required. Limited seating Online Movie InterestMovie Interest GroupGroup September 28, 5 pm. Check the Viva Village calendar. Movies are available on Kanopy streaming service offered by the Washington County Library. RSVP for the Zoom link and more info. To learn more about Viva Village and/or see the full calendar of Viva Village events, go to vivavillage.org.
Ridge Courtesy Metro 2 Join
Chehalem us!
Activities for Members and Volunteers (RSVP orvivavillageevents@gmail.comtocall503-746-5082)
SENIOR LIVING SENIOR LIVING: VIVA VILLAGE VivaVillage Monthly Calendar Aging is a team sport, join us! Activities open to all (RSVP 503-746-5082)recommended, Age Cafe Cafe September 2, 11am–noon. Beaverton City Library. In person small group conversations. Stay and mingle afterward. Registration optional. Online Viva Village 101Online Viva Village 101 September 10, 10–11:30 am. A fun and informational session about Village life for prospective members and/or volunteers. RSVP for Zoom link Beaverton Celebration ParadeParade (open to all) September 10, 10 am–noon. Enjoy a festive morning — Walk with fellow Viva Villagers behind our banner to celebrate our city and our Village or cheer us on from the sidelines! See our calendar for details. RSVP to take part in this fun morning. Viva Village PresentationViva Presentation at the Elsie Stuhr Health and Wellness Fair. September 24, 9 am–1 pm. An introduction to Viva Village is part of the Elsie Stuhr Health and Wellness Fair. Attend our presentation at 11:30. Stop by our Viva Village table, and peruse the many other resources. Details coming soon. Come and enjoy. No RSVP. Men’s Coffee Break September 26, 10–11 am. Ki #160. Conversation and coffee. RSVP recommended Viva Village ForumViva Forum Inperson September 26, 2–3:30 pm. Topic: “The New 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!” United Methodist Church, Wesley Room. Join local experts to learn about: 1) Reducing and reusing before recycling, 2) preventing food waste, and 3) new legislation for a positive impact on recycling. Lots of time for questions! Refreshments served. RSVP recommended Online Viva Village BookOnline Viva Book ClubClub September 27, 1–2:30 pm. Selected book: The Heart of a Woman by Maya Angelou. RSVP for the Zoom link
Chehalem Ridge, Killin FernhillWetlands,Wetlands Here in Washington County (or “Tualatin Valley,” as we like to call it), miles and miles of trails—accessible to all—help to connect us all to protected nature. These nature walks showcase our valley in all its beauty and are part of region’s diverse ecosystem of open spaces, wildlife corridors andNolowlands.matterwhere you are in Washington County, you’re not too far from a nature park. Here are three parks that truly are hidden gems. Washington County’s newest nature park, ChehalemChehalem Ridge Nature ParkNature Park, located in Gaston, opened to the public in early 2022. Adventurers can walk, ride their horse or off-road bicycle on nearly ten miles of trails. This nature park encompasses 1,250 acres and a variety of habitats, including upland forests, oak woodlands and wetlands. From the park, visitors will see panoramic views of the surrounding Tualatin Valley and the Coast Range.
September 7, 14, 21, 28, 10 am. Meet in person at Jim & Patty’s Coffee, 4130 SW 117th, Beaverton 97005. RSVP recommended Online Mindfulness ClassesClasses September 12, 19, 26, September 5, 11 am. Befriend the Breath, Befriend the Mind. Martha McJacobs from Life by Design guides participants through exercises and discussions focused on using meditation techniques. RSVP for the Zoom link Life Stories
OUT & ABOUT #TUALATINVALLEY Nature Hikes: Three “Hidden Gems” in Washington County
Women’s CoffeeWomen’s (in-person)
September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 10–11:30 am. Learn Tai instructor, Richard Chew. RSVP for the Zoom link
Intro to WatercolorWatercolor Children's Art Cl Classesasses
Welcoming Week “Where we Belong” THPRD is honored to be a part of the National Welcoming Week movement, which focuses on creating a sense of welcoming and belonging for immigrant and refugee communities.
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 25www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com
Harman Swim Center Reopening this Month Harman Swim Center will be reopening to the public on Monday, September 19. There will be a preview Open House at the center on September 14 from 10 am to 2 pm. We are so grateful to be able to reopen the pool and know how much the community has missed this space. Can’t wait to see you back in the pool!
Cedar Mill Farmers’ Market:Market: Come by our booth on September 24 and watch an art demo, pick up a free Art Kit to take home, volunteer opportunities, ask for membership details, or just talk about art. After two years away, this is an important opportunity to renew our acquaintance with our neighbors and let you know what we have to offer you and your families. We’d love to see you there!
Did you know that THPRD relies on community member’s feedback in a number of areas to improve our service delivery? We have openings on three district advisory committees and on our Budget Committee. The district’s committees include: Parks & Facilities, Nature & Trails, and Programs & Events, in addition to the Budget Committee. Applications are being accepted now through October 24 for appointments beginning in January 2023. Health Care Partners Program: Did you know THPRD is networked with area insurance providers? You may be eligible to receive FREE monthly admission to facilities by having a Health Care Partners pass paid for by your insurance company. Many people 55+ qualify. To learn more drop in one of our facilities or about the program.
Art speaks where words unable
Annual Passes are Back Have you missed your annual pass to THPRD? S tarting September 1, you can once again purchase an annual pass to THPRD. The district sells General Passes which can be used at any facility for admission to the following drop-in programs: lap swim, open swim, family swim, senior swim, open gym, drop-in sports, walking track and weight rooms. The district also offers the Deluxe Fitness Pass which classes and drop-in programs. This encompasses everything in the General Pass category es. Admission to instructor led classes is based on space availability. Age restriction apply for the Stuhr Center and the Babette Horenstein Tennis Center is not included. Fall Native Plant Sale – Place Your Order by September 12 Go online to order your fall native plants. We’ve got more than 100 species of native plants. This is a big fundraiser for the Tualatin Hills Nature Center made possible through a partnership with Sparrowhawk Native Plants. Pre-ordering is required at toknativeplants.com.www.sparrowhaw-ThelastdayorderisMonday,September 12, or as long as supplies last. These climate resilient plants will enhance your garden, allowing it to best support pollinators and wildlife. At checkout, select to pick-up your order at the Tualatin Hills Nature Park on October 21 or 22.
Big and Bold Painting: Lisaand Bold Lisa Manners:Manners: “The painting is a sunset view from a dock in Kota Kinabalu, a city on the North Coast of Borneo. For me, what made it a memorable sight, was the contrast with the activity only a few hours earlier. By day the dock is bustling with diesel powered where local seafood chefs bid menus. Now the boats and buyers are gone, the dock has been hosed clean, and all is quiet as the sunset spreads its stunning glow and fades into night.”
Children’s art classes 3 sessions; each 90 min; Thursdays, September 15, 22, and 29; 3:45 - 5:15pm; max. 8 students, Face Masks Required. Join an exciting class learning a variety of art forms! A team of rotating instructors provide a chance to explore a variety of media and approaches while building their artistic concepts and skills. 2D and 3D projects are included each month. All supplies included!
Volunteer Opportunities Available on THPRD Advisory and Budget Committees
Gently Used Art SupplyUsed Art Sale!Sale!
September 9 and 10, Friday and Saturday, 10am4pm. Purchase a wide variety of gently used art supplies at discounted rates! This is an annual fundraiser to keep and thriving. Bring Cash For Quick Sales Transactions Ccredit cards and checks okay!
Welcoming Week runs from Sept. 9 – 18, and the district will be hosting events and activities throughout the week. Check out our website at www. Welcoming Week activities.
Find your summer event online at the district www.thprd.org/events/.calendar PARK & REC Hooray!Hooray! Annual Passes are back!Passes are back!
The Village Gallery of Arts Share!Create, Featured Artists for September:September: Our New Members! This is the month we highlight the work of our newest members. Come see how our new members are adding to the amazing variety of artwork in our gallery -unique stoneware, wooden vessels, up-cycled jewelry, hand made books, wall art in watercolor, acrylic, oil, mixed media, photography, collage and more! Join us on Sunday, September 4, for a reception in honor of our New Members.
Intro to Watercolorto with Debbie Teeter, 4 sessions; 3-hours each; Wednesdays, September 7, 14, 21, and 28; 9:30am - 12:30pm; 8 students. Learn the basics of watercolor and some creative approaches to working with it. Lessons will cover the unique properties of this medium, composition, color, and a few bells and whistles. We will explore various subjects, and how different artists handle watercolor. Supply list on website. The Village Gallery of Arts is located at 1060 NW Saltzman, Portland, OR, 97229. Open Wed through Saturday, 10am - 4pm; Sunday 12 - 3pm. Online Registration for all classes: villagegalleryarts.org
ART Big & Bold
Family Events: Family Storytime Wednesdays at 10-10:45 am. Join Garden Home Library for our live and in-person weekly storytime! Our storytime books and activities are ideal for kids ages 3-8, and the entire family is welcome to join in the fun. Together, we will read, write, sing, talk, and play--these are strengthen the skills that we use when we read.
Young Willamette WritersWillamette Writers
Virtual Pajama Storytime:Virtual Fri 9/16, 9/23 & 9/30 @ 10:30pajamas and join librarians Katie & Jesse for storytime! Visit with our friends Narwhal and Unicorn, read and sing together, and interact with other children live on Zoom all from the comfort of your home. Please note: no Pajama Storytime on 9/2 or 9/9.
| Registration
Author Visit: Matthew Bogart (at Main) 9/3 | 11 AM - 12 PM | Grades 6-12 | Reg. required. Young Willamette Writers and Beaverton City Library invite readers and aspiring writers to attend a series of talks by Oregon authors on the Matthew Bogart is a cartoonist living in Portland who has been making comics since he was 10. He is the author of Incredible Doom volumes 1 and 2. Register online.
26 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community! Library Programs in and BeavertonAround LOCAL LIBRARIES When in Doubt... Go to the Library! Garden www.gardenhomelibrary.org.CommunityHomeLibrary
| 2-4
Aloha www.alohalibrary.org.LibraryCommunityAssociation 17455 SW Farmington Rd, Suite 26A 503-259-0185 | Become an ACLA member! All library events are free and open to anyone. No library card required. Call for BooktiqueCall for Booktique Donations:Donations: September through November We’re bringing back our Booktique holiday sale this December, and we are seeking donations of handcrafted items Do you make jewelry? Stuffed animals? Knitted hats? Artisan soap? Whatever your craft is, we hope you’ll consider supporting library operations by donating some of your completed projects to our sale. Bring your donations to our service desk any time during open hours through Wed 11/30. Aloha Library Book Club:Aloha Book Club: Wed 9/7 @ 6:30-7:30pm Our next book club selection Whitehead! It is a warmhearted crime saga that takes place in Harlem from 1959-1964 and portrays the humanity and humor of small-time hustlers. In novelist Denny S. Bryce’s review of the book for NPR she wrote, “[it] is also a powerful tale of a man’s love for his family and the neighborhood where he lives. And the man at the center […] is a devastatingly enjoyable character who has a true gift for words”. Storytime in the Park:in the Park: Wed 9/14 @ 10:30-11am. Join us for our last live, in-person storytime of the summer for kids of all ages at Mountain View Champions Park! Come read, sing, dance, and play with librarians Jesse and Katie. Just follow the signs and bubbles us! (Please note that outdoor storytimes may be subject to last minute cancellations due to the weather. Seating will be in an uncovered area on the grass, so consider bringing blankets or folding chairs.)
Garden Home Book Group Discussion Discussion Tuesday, September 13 at 7 pm. Inperson – no registration req. In September we’ll discuss “Harry’s Trees” by John Cohen. When his wife dies suddenly, Harry Crane leaves his job and old life behind and takes up residence in the woods behind single mother Amanda’s house. She and her daughter Oriana have suffered a tragedy of their own and Harry reluctantly agrees to help the little girl in a scheme to escape his past, which just might change his life.
Events for Adults: Nerd Night: Trivia forNerd Trivia for AdultsAdults Tuesday, September 6 at 6:30 pm. Zoom meeting –Register here. Test your wits at our monthly Trivia Night. Playing with a team (limited to 5 members) is recommended but you can also play solo. See how much you know about the four themed sets of questions, which vary monthly. Points awarded to those with the highest and lowest number of correct answers; these points can be used toward a future trivia night and may help you win.
Henna WorkshopHenna Friday, Sept. 23 from 4-6 pm. Inperson – Registration required All ages are welcome to join us for this presentation on the history and cultural Attendees will receive a henna cone and basic designs to practice. Bakul will be offering small henna designs for interested attendees.
Come learn about the history of the Garden Home area and the Fanno Creek Trail as we walk along a 1.2 mile (total walking distance is 2.4 miles) section of Fanno Creek Trail with speakers from the Garden Home History Project. Space is limited!
Beaverton City www.beavertonlibrary.orgLibrary 503-644-2197 | 12375 SW 5th St. All library events are free and open to anyone. When applicable and for virtual classes, find the Zoom link or the registration link for each event in the web www.BeavertonLibrary.org/Eventscalendar: For Adults Pacific Wonderland Poets (virtual) 9/1, 9/15 & 9/29 | 6-8 PM. This group is for poets, 18 and older, at any level of expertise to meet and discuss their in-progress, original poems and provide courteous, constructive, verbal or written commentary. Facilitated by Susan Swartwout. Find the Zoom link in the web calendar Song Circle Circle (at Main) 9/12 | 6-7:30 PM. Join us for an inperson Song Circle to sing and play together. and chords
Library Birthday Party: Sat 9/24 @ 1-3pm
The Aloha Community Library is turning 10 years old, and we’re inviting everyone to our birthday party! We’ll be outdoors on the grassy space between the library and KeyBank on Saturday, September 24th, from 1-3pm. Enjoy a free slice of delicious cake and chat with library staff, board members, and volunteers about all things library, books, and reading. We’re excited to enter our second decade of service to our community!
Basics of Mushroom IdentificationIdentification (at Main) 9/20 6-7 PM required. Curious about how to identify mushrooms? Join for this workshop with mushroom educator Krista Cushman. Register online. Events for All Ages Chinese Cultural ExhibitionExhibition (at Main) 9/10 PM ages. Celebrate Chinese culture through traditional dance, music, and spoken words with the International Performing Arts organization featuring the Rising Stars Dance Team. Welcoming Week SignsWeek (at Murray Scholls). 9/11 | 2-3 PM | Registration required Create your own Welcoming Week sign to display at your home! Register online. For Kids Messy Art Art (at Main) 9/6 | 4-5 PM | Ages 2-8. Make art while making a mess! Truck DayTruck (at Main) 9/12 | 10:30-11:30 AM | Ages 6 & under with family. Come see big trucks up close! Hispanic Heritage Month Month Book BingoBook (at Murray Scholls) 9/15 - 10/15 | Grades K-5. Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month all month long notable people of Hispanic heritage and cultures. Two opportunities to win prizes! Puzzle PaintingPuzzle (at Murray Scholls) 9/30 | 4-5 PM | Grades K-5. Let’s paint our very own puzzle masterpiece. Events for Teens
Fanno Creek Trail HistoryFanno Creek Trail WalkWalk Saturday, Sept. 24 from 10-Noon. In-person –Registration required
503-245-9932 | 7475 SW Oleson Rd. The library is open Monday through Saturday. For those who need or prefer it, we offer a low contact option, via limited appointments. Call the library or visit our website to schedule a low-contact appt. Fall is coming! School is about to start. And we’ve got plenty of events planned for this month.
| All
Events for All Ages: Take home Craft KitsTake-home Every Saturday we offer a new craft kit in the library. Visit the library on Saturday or check on the library website for the schedule.
Repair Fair Fair Saturday, September 10 from 11 am –2 pm. Registration required – Register through Repair Fair at this link: withrefusewithskillchoosevariousrepairaboutAlthoughmaintenance.offerhelpFairitemsitemsattemptBringSWR/repair.cfmco.washington.or.us/HHS/https://www.yourbrokenitems!AtorepairormendyourandmayteachyouhowisessentialforRepairevents.Evenifarepairdiagnoseanissueoradviceonrepairandtherepairrateis70%attheseevents,aisnotguaranteed.Thetypesofrepairsanditemsbasedontheirsetandcomfortleveltheitems.Volunteersmaytobeginorcontinueanyrepairasneeded.
he thinks.
SYNOPSIS: Henry Mann is eager to settle down…or so Afterreceiving an invitation to his ex-fiancée’s help fromhis roommate, Gwen –embarkson a quest to datein thisnew musical comedy.
DAM Teen Open Lab forDAM Teen Lab for TeensTeens (at Main) 9/24 | 1-2 PM | Join us in the DAM makerspace to play and create during this hour exclusively for teens in grades 6-12. Make Your Own Comic Book!Book! (at Murray Scholls) Sunday, Sept. 25 | 2-3 PM | Grades 5-8. Start drawing, writing, and coloring your own comic book and talk about your favorite comic books and graphic novels Cedar Mill & Bethany Community library.cedarmill.org.Libraries 1080 NW Saltzman Rd., Cedar Mill (503-644-0043 ) & 15325 NW Central Drive Suite J-8 in Bethany (503-6177323). Offering events and programs online, social media and zoom. Find event calendars, storytime schedules, enews and more online. All Ages Fall Into ReadingFall Into Sept 12Oct 31 (All Ages) Fall Into Reading from Sept 12-Oct 31. Read for fun, log your reading in Beanstack, and earn virtual reading and activity badges. To participate, download the Beanstack app and log there or log online acom.librarycedarmill.beanstack.atOneluckyreaderwillwin$25Powell’sgiftcard! Board Game EveningsBoard Game Wednesdays | Sep 14 - Dec 28 | 4-7pm | Ages 5+ | Cedar Mill. Drop in and play board games! Oregon Truffle HuntingTruffle Industry & Dog Training& Thursday | September 15 | 6:30-7:30 pm | Ages 10+ | Northwest is home to four Roma will provide a general overview about these native hunting experience. GKidsrab and Go CraftsGrab and Crafts Fridays | Sep 2 | 10am-5pm | Library Hours | Cedar Mill & Bethany Stop by the libraries to pick up fun crafts while supplies last. One craft per child, please. served basis. Find more fun for kids online. Family Storytime •Cedar Mill: Wed/Thurs | 9/14 - 10/20 | 10:30am | Ages 2+ •Bethany Library Annex: Tues, 3:30-4pm, Thurs, 10:30-11am | 9/13 - 10/20| Ages 2+ Join us for stories, rhymes, songs and Registrationmovement!isrequired and space is very limited; we appreciate your patience as we bring back more in-person events. Registration will open 2 weeks before each storytime. Separate registration is required for each week that you plan to attend. Visit our website for details. Teens & Tweens Teen Crafternoon: Morse Code Wristband. Saturday | September 24 | 3-4:30pm | Ages 11-18 | Bethany Library Annex. Learn how to write in morse code and create your own coded message to wear on your wrist. Materials and instructions will be provided. Registration Required Graphic Novel Book Club:Novel Book Club: Robin V. 1 Pickup. Starting September 26 | Library Hours | Ages 11-18 | Cedar Mill Library & Bethany Library Get a free copy of Robin Volume 1 while supplies last. Registration for the in-person book club with author Joshua Williamson on October 20 is required to take a book. SAdultspanish ConversationSpanish Conversation HourHour Wednesday | Sep 14 | 6:30-7:30pm | Ages 16+ | Cedar Mill Library Want to practice your Spanish with other language learners? Join us for a Spanish language conversation hour every second Wednesday of the month starting August 10 in-person at the Cedar Mill Library. The conversation hour is not an instructional course but rather a great opportunity to chat and improve your Spanish language skills through facilitated conversation. Monthly Groups for Adultsfor Adults Questions? Write askuscml@ wccls.org and visit our website. Writers’ Mill Sunday | Sep 18 | 1-3pm | Location TBD or Cedar Mill Library. Join fellow writing enthusiasts for inspiration and fun. Owl Book GroupOwl Book Friday | Sep 30 | 10:30am-12pm | 10:30am-12pm | Location TBD or Cedar Mill Library. Learn which titles the group will be discussing each month by visiting our website calendar. •Sep: The Power of the Dog by Thomas Savage •Oct: South To America by Imani Perry •Dec: There is Nothing for You Here by Fiona Hill Voices in Verse Saturday | Sep 24 | 10:30am-12pm | Online Via Zoom. Share your own poetry or listen to others read their favorites. Second Edition Resale Visit Second Edition ResaleResale for fabulous items, favorite themes and extended hours. Watch for new, colorcoded tag sales! All proceeds support Cedar Mill & Bethany Community Libraries. New Store Hours TuesdaySaturday •9/6-10:Upcoming10am-4pm.Themes:Storewide sale! Everything 50%-75% off! •9/13-10/15: Halloween theme, plus all-new fall clothing, housewares and more in every department. Fall Book & Media Sale Join us at the Beaverton City Library •Wednesday (VIP day) 9/28 from 2:30-6:30 •Thursday to Saturday 9/29 to 10/1, 10am•Sunday5:30pm 10/2 Bag Sale (Fill a grocery sized bag for $5) 12-5:30pm
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 27www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com Out and About... There is always something to do in Beaverton A 30-something New Yorker embarks on a quest to find his perfect date in this modern romantic A ROMANTIC MUSICAL COMEDY musical. Book and Lyrics by DAN ELISH • Music and Lyrics by DOUGLAS J. COHEN Based on the novel Nine Wives by DAN ELISH Box office www.broadwayrose.org503.620.5262 show sponsortitle sponsor SEPT. 22 THRU OCT. 16 “A great date musical.” - BroadwayWorld Audience discretion is advised.
wedding,Henry – with
28 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community! Shop Local • Give Local • Stay Local Now 503-747-7238Leasing •4,442 sq ft •5400 sq ft For morecontact:information, Come Visit 503-747-7238 | 16315 SW Barrows Rd. Beaverton Conviently located where Scholls Ferry and Barrows Rd meet and just East of Roy Rogers intersection. FEATURED BUSINESSES GENERALCOSMETIC Family Dentistry Scott R. Walker, www.MurraySchollsFamilyDental.comD.M.D. | 503-590-7574 4845 SW Murray Scholls Blvd., Suite #113 | Beaverton OMEGA - Inside Every Child Lies a Champion | 9700 SW Harvest Ct, Suite 180, Beaverton OR 97005 | www.omega-gymnastics.com Oregon Metropolitan Elite Gymnastics Academy • Locally Owned • Recreational Classes • Parent & Me Classes • Camps • Birthday Parties • Competitive Team • Drop-In Classes • Field Trips • Mini Camps • Discovery Program • Parent’s Great Escape • and much more! 503.466.4872 Beaverton Family Chiropractic Since 1992, Dr. Dan Miller has witnessed the transformation of 1000’s of patient lives. He has seen children overcome the damage of birth trauma, resolution of injuries from car accidents, and positive impact on families when a loved one’s health is restored. www.BeavertonFamilyChiropractic.com 503-644-8844 818-823-3070 handymanmarcpaul@gmail.com Serving Beaverton & Tigard Voted #1 #1 Family Consignment Shop in Beaverton! (503)rockitresale.com646-2021 BestThe Beavertonof Choice Reader's 12640 NW Cornell Rd | Est. 1978 thecurlyhairstudio.com503-989-3482grill68.com (503) 352-4472 Come watch your favorite team at Hillside www.thehillsidepub.comPub503-747-5973 Email the coach at larryball48@yahoo.com today! s withCoachLarry e onSkype yahoo.com Easy and safe via Skype or in person! Chess Lessons with Coach Larry BestThe Beavertonof Choice Reader's
Quinn’s Prime & VineQuinn’s Prime Vine World’s best dungeness crab cakes and *NEW* Smoked Salmon Dip: “I’ve never had a crab cake that came even close to this. Everything about it is perfection. Crispy on the outside, incredible flavor profile with amazing texture on the inside!”
Come watch the parade on 9/10 W hile summer is winding down for many folks, the market is still in full swing with activities, events, andStartingmusic. the month off is Labor Day weekend. Market goods to make their BBQ a hit, including sausages from Scratch Meats, choice cuts of beef and pork from Mason Hill Cattle and Lonely Lane Farms. To sauce or not? Both Danielle’s Sauces and Felton and Mary’s have spice rub and sauces to dress your meat. Tu ituilla True Fish will be back with fresh fall run salmon. There is no shortage of produce from watermelon to corn and tomatoes for dishes that are a farewell to summer. Basics Market will be back to visit on September 10th, however this time they have a special treat for adults, instead of the Market Sprouts Kids Club. Basics Chef and Culinary Mentor Sam Maggi will demonstrate a quick and easy summer favorite featuring Basics’ own organic Silver Sage™ Farms Beef, beef skirt steak with chimichurri and tomato salad. Stop by for a taste, take home the recipe and meet Chef Sam. Also, on September 10th is the Beaverton Celebration Pa rade! Watch marching bands, civic and cultural organizations march down 5th Street to celebrate the rich diverse community of Beaverton. The nation has been facing the worst blood shortage in decades due to less blood drives during the pandemic. The Red Cross will be at the market on September 17th for a blood drive. If you are able bodied, consider donating. For further details visit com/market-sprouts.visitdetailsaMarketNaturalevent-calendar.beavertonfarmersmarket.com/theThemarketwelcomesbackGrocerstoleadtheSproutsKidsClubinhands-onactivity.Formoreonactivityandtimebeavertonfarmersmarket.Anddon’tforgettoenjoylivemusicatthemarketbeforeit’sgone.Septemberisthelastmonththatlivemusicisscheduled.BarrioMestizo,Jamblers,SandySaunders,andDaveDegman&TheHometownReviewcloseouttheremainingseason. MARKET
ketEnjoy Music at
Grilled Beef Skirt Steak with Chimichurri dish connects the rich culinary history of the Argentine Pampos region with organic beef raised in Oregon. Fresh herbs and healthy olive oil combine for an added scrutinize every aspect of our
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 29www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com
Mason Hill Cattle Our local Wagyu Beef is born, raised & harvested in Oregon. No growth hormones or steroids. Humanely raised on Oregon pastures along with a well-balanced nutrient rich diet that yields top tier, beyond prime grade beef.
Nate’s Oatmeal Cookies Hi, I’m Nate! I got my raisin pecan recipe from my mom. She perfected it over 20 years of baking. I’m excited to offer a product that is 100% organic, vegan, and hand-made. I now have a handful of flavors featuring well-loved classics and rotating seasonals Not Bread Not Bread is a Glutin Free, Vegan Seed Loaf made with organic seeds, oats, maple syrup, olive oil and sea salt. No flour! No eggs! All organic ingredient. Small batches, crafted with heart in Bend OR. Golden Drops PDXGolden PDX Our Turmeric Paste has been used for centuries to make Golden Milk, a tasty, healing, and anti-inflammatory beverage. Our paste can be used to make Golden Milk, Golden Milk Lattes, Golden Tea, or even in baked goods or your morning bowl of oatmeal!
| May 8:30am - 1:30pm #BeavertonFarmersMarket
Queen Chili The best chili in town! Eat it and believe it. Queen Chili makes and sells Cincinnati style, Texan and Hot Bean Chili by the quart. Our chilis are made with locally sourced pasture raised meats and organic ingredients. the Ma rthe Market
Continued on page 31-->
Stillweather SpiritsStillweather Stillweather Spirits is an American Craft Distillery producing unique & quality botanical spirits. Try our 90.8 proof American Gin, 84 proof West Coast Gin or 84 proof Pluvia Vitae Aquavit. Soda JoySoda A premium sparkling vodka soda like no other. your at sodajoy.com. Coffee & TN2 T Hi, my name is Miguel Garcia and I am the brewer & coffee roaster making craft, premium coffee & tea specializing in nitrogen infused cold brew coffee and teas. Cheers!
Alchemist’s Jam Our jams are made from locally-sourced fruits. We enjoy the process of combining healing herbs with berries and fruit to make jam in much the same way that an alchemist works.
joy? • Natural Flavors • Carbonated Water • No Preservatives • No Sugar Additives • Gluten Free Visit us
En j oy Mus ic at
September is the last month of live music
Beaverton Farmers Market
Martinez Family FarmMartinez Farm Try our Fresh Produce! We have many varieties of leaf greens, carrots, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, corn, broccoli & more!
Altitude BeveragesAltitude Elevate your morning
Not Umamis CookingNot Umamis Homemade frozen gyozas, ready to be made at home! Comes with easy to understand cooking instructions. Gyoza options are Traditional Pork, Chicken & Mushroom, and Vegan. H&A Family FarmH&A Family Farm We are a small group formed by my wife and children. Come visit us to find the freshest grapes, rasberries, tomatoes, strawberries, blackberries, peaches, plums and much more!
Linda Brand Crab & SeafoodSeafood is a collective group of fishermen, processors and shellfish farmers who bring the best local, sustainably harvested, and wild seafood to your family’s dinner table. We sell all varieties of salmon, dungeness crab, black cod, ling cod, rockfish, oysters, clams, and black mussels.
We are a handcrafted organic & vegan skincare company. We believe that it’s important to feed the skin with essential omegas, vitamins, and antioxidants from plant essence and extracts serving as medicine to revitalize, heal, and protect the skin from harsh environment. Are you seeking for deeper skin transformation?
Fraga Farmstead Farmstead CreameryCreamery We are Oregon’s only animal welfare approved goat dairy. We milk 72 very happy goats, turning the milk into a wide range of delicious cheese as well as goat milk caramel. Try our Farmhouse Chipotle, Goatzarella & more! Intentional Lotions Intentional Lotions strives to raise the bar among the CBD industry. We do this with our dedication to locally sourced, organically focused and sustainably packaged handcrafted topicals for bath and body. Pizza Crust Creations Our artisan infused and baked pizza crusts are made from all-natural quality ingredients and combined with many delicious and varied flavor pizzacrustcreations.comprofiles.
HIBISBLOOMHIBISBLOOM Hibisbloom is a premium hibiscus based beverage and cocktail mixer. We offer three unique and delicious flavors: Cascade Vanilla, Savanna Cinnamon, and Cavally Mint. Not only is this drink very nutritious but it is packed with flavor.
Super Mineral BrothMineral Broth We created a mineral broth with all of the health benefits and nutrition of bone broth, using 100% clean, sustainable, locally sourced, plant-based ingredients.
Bearded OregonBearded Oregon’s premium line of locally infused beard and body products. ‘Excellent soaps, awesome ingredients, and amazing customer service! Bearded Oregon puts out a professional product of the highest quality. Casa de Tamales We incorporate authentic and fresh ingredients to make outstanding tamales, mole, and chili rellenos. Featuring hand made tortillas and homemade salsa, Casa de Tamales is the closest place in Portland to old Mexico. Nut Tritious FoodsNut-Tritious We create the healthiest and freshest roasted nut butters. To this day, Nut-Tritious Foods continues producing the most nutrient dense nut & seed butters available in the market. Each tub is hand packed with cold press ground nuts and seeds. Peace of SoapPeace of Peace of Soap crafts 100% natural, artisan soap of the highest quality. We believe that raw, organic ingredients and pure essential oils make great soap that is healthy for your body and the environment.
Woven Oats Woven Oats makes sweet and savory instant oatmeals using ingredients sourced as locally as possible. All of our oats are wholesome, delicious, and convenient as hell to make. routine + our functional
Ocean Green HealingOcean Green Each and every ingredient is thoughtfully sourced. From our Oregon grown hemp to our certified organic essential oils, to even our all natural beneficial clays and healing lava salts, you can be confident that you are soaking in nature’s best.
with an oatmilk latte
personal blend of
Essance Skincare
T Bee S HoneyT Bee S We work very hard at providing our customers with a variety of raw honey derived from different flower nectar’s and bee products that hold all their nutritional values including pollen, honey, propolis and most importantly royal jelly.
Vertigo Brewing Quality Craft Ales since 2008 and now packaging our most popular crowd favorites including the Raspberry Wheat, Vertigo IPA and Madagascar Vanilla Porter. Swift Cider Swift makes delicious, awardwinning craft hard cider. We make more than 30 ciders each year using fresh-pressed, locally-grown apples, natural fermentation and infusions of whole fruits and botanicals.
30 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community! Keep your friends close... and your farmers closer!
adaptogens designed to give your body everything it needs to start the day right!
Lonely Lane FarmsLane Farms We offer grass-fed and grass-finished meats raised sustainably in the Willamette River Valley. All of our meats including traditional sausages like Bratwurst, Kielbasa, Merguez, and Chorizo are gluten, dairy, nut and soy-free.
Angeline has a love for books and writing
“I would write 5-10 pages a day” Angeline, a Kumon Student for more than 6 years, has loved reading for as long as she can remember. Through reading, she was inspired to practice developing her writing skills to write a novel of her own. She began writing a book at a young age, and her writing routine later became very consistent. Angeline said, “I would aim to spend a minimum of 3 hours daily on themanuscript. This would mean writing another 5-10 pages, or just rewriting some scenes.”
The motivation to write wasn’t always there, but one key factor that helped was discipline. She credits the Kumon Program for helping to develop the structure and discipline needed to continue building a skill or completing a task. Angeline said, “Kumon goes the extra length to give you the repetition that is key to understanding those concepts and In Angeline’s case, the repetition of writing each day helped her complete her novel. While she did work consistently on her novel, there were times she faced challenges like writer’s block. Angeline said, “Even so, my family continued to push me, andI was still dechildhood dream of being an author.” Thanks to her drive and the discipline to continue working towards her dream, in December of 2021 Angeline’s dystopian novel, “Compound” wasAngelinepublished.intends to study engineering to have an occupation in orthopedics or biotechnology. She is set to intern at the National Cancer Institute where she will be investigating plasma membranes through a process called microscopy. Angeline said, “With my acceptance into this prestigious internship, I feel as though Kumon has continued to feed my hunger for knowledge even in other subject areas like this one.” What is Kumon? Kumon is the world’s largest after-school math and reading program. New Students! Call 639-7219 or visit us at 12325www.kumon.com/south-beaverton.https://SWHorizonBlvd,Beaverton
Now Accepting
Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) | Beaverton Resource Guide – 31www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com
STUDENT CORNER Find 20 Animals (minimum 3 letters | no double words | last month’s answers on page 2) Word Puzzle Contest! Win A $25 Gift Certificate to Black Bear Diner! Email brg@cedarhousemedia.com. Let us know which words you found (minimum of 3 correct words) and we will enter you into the monthly drawing. Also include: 1) where you picked up the paper 2) what your favorite story was and 3) any comments or suggestions. What’s in Season this Month - September •Winter•Tomatoes•Sweet•Summer•Raspberries•Potatoes•Peppers•Peas•Pears•Peaches•Nectarines•Herbs•Greens•Gooseberries•Eggplant•Cucumber•Celery•Carrots•Cantaloupes•Cabbage•Broccoli•Blueberries•Blackberries•Beets•Beans•Asian•Apricots•ApplesPearssquashCornSquashGreens SantosSQuinn’sQHumbleCreameryHelvetiaGardensBridgePieBakinguinn’sPrimePrime&Vine&VineKen&June’sHazelnutsLinfetteBriarRoseCreameryantosFamilyFamilyFarmFarmCrabCCiderFender’sOrchardsProFarmBlueHempPeakLightCompanyPortlandAshwagandhaFarmRoseCityPepperheadsCyrusSaffronEsoticoPastaHumdingerFoodsLindaBrandLindaBrandrab&Seafood&SeafoodSomaIntentionalIntentionalLotionsLotionsAlchemistsAlchemist’sJamJamLePetitJardinBastionBastionRoastingCoRoastingCoNate’sNMundusSuperSNotNGettaWRAPSGyrootUmamisUmamisCookngCookingCHURMURIBozorthBeveragesuperMineralMineralBrothBrothFoodsFermentistaatesOatmealOatmealCookiesCookiesWovenOatsWovenOatsOlympiaProvisionsOceanGreenHealingLLCHowlattheSpoonTutuillaTrueFishPortlandFreshMasonHllMasonHillCatteWagyuCattleWagyuBeefBeefPizzaCrustPizzaCrustCreationsCreationsDecadentCreations C’est Si Bon! KaloSunshineLiquidKitchen De Leon’s Farm Thrilling May’sSinfulScalesTippingKindnessCulturedFoodstheVeganBakeryELAFarmEssanceEssanceSkincareSkincareNotBreadNotBreadConfectionsProduceandFlowersIIZoeAnn’sCheesecakesNorthwestCactusandSucculents EspressoPony Handel’s IceHomemade Cream HigginsHenry BagelsBoiled FelipeDon ProductsFine Puppernickel MushThe roomery MeatsScratch Gathering FarmTogetherWafeltjeFarmsUngerCasade Tamales Hermiston CoMelon RightPrice andNursery Produce HerbM&N Nursery LoversPlant MartinezMartnez FarmFamilyFiFamyam PizzaHapa N2 Coffee &&CoffeeTT FamilyRiverlandFarmsLonelyLaneLonelyLaneFarmsFarmsLady-LaneFarmDanielle’sSaucesNOLADoughnutsKhalsaSalsaBrothy T BeeS HoneyT BeeS SouperLaPortlandSourdoughLindsay’sHoneyBuddhaChocolateJuicePortlandCreameryFloridaPDXNatural,aMYLKColumbiaRiverSourdoughKimo’sDipsNutTritiousNut-TritiousFoodsFoodsSuzanne’sChocolateLandiaSkincare BlvdHallSteetWashington Market Map Market Map 4th Street MomEarly Salmon FarmCreek deCasa Tamales Eleni’s Kitchen RiverRolling Spirits RootsWild Spirits andRose CellarsFern VertigoVertgo BrewingiBrewng ShopDrop Distillery MusicMusicStageStage City Park & Fountain 3rd StreetLiquidLLocaliquidMasterEdge RoseSmokin BBQ BearLittle VodkaDregs Straightaway WineRicochet DistillingTrail Freeland Spirits CellarsCatman KatBuddha Winery DistilledForth Goods Baird BlackTheCommunityCartwheelOrchardsFamilyFarmRedHatMelonsHummusStopTheBerryPatchFireBrewDirtFarmMilkMoneyMomoCocoaPumpkinRidgeGardensHossSoss6463 H&A FamilyH&A FragaFFarmFarmraga WintersConfectioneryFarmsteadFarmsteadCreameryCreameryTwistedCroissant29Kettle2AngryCatsKiyokawaFamilyOrchardsFarms BoothBBFMBFMInfoInfoooth S “The Beaverton Resource Guide is a vibrant snapshot of the Beaverton Community” Marie Prins, Washington County Visitors Association
32 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 12 - Issue 09 (September 2022) Connecting businesses with their customers and residents with their community!