Tech cv portfolio beatrizvillanuevacajide

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B EATRIZ VIL LAN UE VA CA JIDE BEA@BRIJUNIARQUITECTOS.COM +966 (0) 53 198 76 33 +34 619 04 13 46 SKYPE: beabrijuni

Highly skilled and accomplished architect, interior designer, curator and scholar with seven years of teaching experience and twelve years of experience as a self-employed architect.

TEACHING AND RESEARCH PHILOSOPHY My view of teaching architecture is strongly influenced by the fact that I put everything I learned in school into practice when I founded my own office with Francisco Javier Casas Cobo after I graduated. In my practice I find that my designs are heavily influence by architectural theory. That is the reason I find it is essential for students to learn not only technical skills but also the history and theory of architecture. Understanding the issues related to Theory of Architecture and Design are fundamental to develop their own ability to design as architects. The theoretical dispersion architecture has sunk to since the end of the last century as well as the emergence of "iconic buildings" as a model to follow, has caused an radical change in the concept of our discipline. The lack of positivist models in architecture joins the particularities of the so called "society of information". The old master has become more of a kind of content´s catalytic converter stimulating students to do research and learn how to develop their own architectural thought. Theory and practice in architecture must be learned in parallel. My thesis "Architecture and Commitment. A critical review on Architectural Manifestoes" studies how Manifestoes (understood as primary architectural theories) affect the development of architectural practice. Being an architect is not just a profession, it is also a particular way of understanding the world and students should be introduced into the discipline while being free enough to express themselves according to their personal development at the time they are acquiring technical knowledge. The reality surrounding us must be called into question during the workshops: movies, books, music, video games, apps ... everything should be studied and dissected so that from this understanding, we can develop the architecture that could be more interesting from us in the future. I always try to mix theory and practice during my lessons so that parallelism remains clear from the beginning. The way of expressing architectural thinking should be free and each student must be supervised in the most personal way possible to help them to find and develop the architectural tool that is most favorable for them. For example, when I arrived at Riyadh I was really impressed by the interest the iconic buildings awakening in the population and therefore, in my students: they all wanted to design something unique and original but they did not understand which ideas were behind the design of these buildings or what social benefit we can or can not obtain from them or in which particular cases they could work. I decided to suggest a Design course, parallel to the one aboutTheory of Architecture I was also teaching that, under the title of "deconstructing iconic building" propose a radically different view on the subject. From the idea of Antoni Gaudi´s famous working models, made with threads and weights, I proposed to my students a series of "handmade parametrics" where they could see by themselves how, by introducing different parameters (location, climate, program winds. ..) in a basic structure it could be easily transformed manually in a similar way of what "star system architects" do by using avance software such as Rhino or Grasshopper. Everything was called into question: the need of the building itself, the cultural program understood in five different countries, the issue of sustainability ... and above all, how to understand the architectural result: each group of students developed the project differently: the building could be understood from a succession of models, from traditional architectural panels, explained in a comic book or in a collection of essays and poems, videos...everything could be use as far as the architectural process remains clear. This is just an example of how I always try to customize the way of teaching depending on the particular environment, in the way that, through a combination of architectural theory and design processes, we reach Critical Thinking, the !1

goal of any learning process, which will make us architects regardless of the branch of the profession we choose to practice. This way of understanding teaching architecture as a whole, was reinforced after my time at the Architectural Association in London. My courses focused on themes of Criticism and History of Design and Architecture, which have always had an important component of Design itself, so my students have been able to test practically the development of their own personality as architects at the same time they are provided a background of theoretical knowledge. Depending on the maturity of the students themselves, theory becomes part of their thinking as architects and, consequently, they incorporate it into their design process as another tool. Although the Syllabus of my classes varies widely according to the particular University and subject, I use some common parameters, with minor variations. Fleeing from dogmatism, students are encouraged to read texts that reflect different views on the subject my lectures deal with or even, if relevant, other experts are invited to give lectures parallel to mine, so that students can get an idea of the panoply of views that exist about each of the topics we are talking about. Thereby the student comes already prepared to a class that is actually a place open to the debate and exchange of ideas, which are always called into question to encourage everyone to reach their own conclusions. To make this process even more complete, the students develop a graphic work, which can range from a traditional architectural design to another more similar to an artistic installation, or even more personal options that involve other forms of contemporary production outside the standard traditional practice of architecture, such as video or electronic music sessions, interpretation or any other means of expression that allows the students to express themselves freely and to develop their own critical thinking, which is, in my opinion, the foundation of the architectural thought itself and the goal of my entire career as a professor.



EDUCATION 2011-present Doctorate in Advanced Architectural Design. PhD candidate. Research group ARKRIT. Design Studio

Department. Public School of Architecture [Politécnica] of Madrid. Dissertation Architecture and commitment. A critical review on architectural design in the digital age, to be defendant in public before December 11th 2017. [Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, ETSAM. Public School of Architecture of Madrid. *NAAB Accredited. Ranked between the 50 Best Universities in Europe and between the 100 best Universities of the world]. Co-directors: Rafael Pina and Nicolás Maruri.

2009-2011 Master in Advanced Architectural Design [MPAA] Public School of Architecture of Madrid [Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, ETSAM*]

2004 Architect registered in Spain [Official College of Architects of Madrid. Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid. COAM]

MArch [Public School of Architecture of Madrid: Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, ETSAM*] Architect [Public School of Architecture of Madrid: Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, ETSAM*] 2003-2004 Master in Design and Management of Virtual Spaces [Fundación Antonio Camuñas, Universidad Europea de

Madrid, CEU School of Architecture. NAAB Accredited. Ranked as the best private school of Architecture of Madrid]



Lecturer at Prince Sultan University Full time position based on the credit hours system. In charge of different courses such as History of Architecture, Theory and critic of Architecture Basic and Architectural Design Studio.


Assistant Professor of History and Theory of Design, Master en arquitectura y diseño interior Universidad de Salamanca, Spain


Assistant Professor Art & Architecture 20th-21th century [Part II:Architecture & Technology], Universidad Europea de Madrid [UEM]

July 2012: ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATION (AA) LONDON, UK Tutor Unit 5 Summer School Architectural Association [AA], London, UK


Assistant Professor Theory of Architecture, Tri-Continental Mater´s Degree in Advanced Architecture Design, Universidad Europea de Madrid [UEM]

2011-2014: SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, SAN JORGE UNIVERSITY, ZARAGOZA, SPAIN Assistant Professor of Deontology and Professional Ethics USJ, Zaragoza, Spain

2011: ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATION (AA) LONDON, UK Visiting teacher, Architectural Association [AA], London, UK


Assistant Professor of History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture and Interior Design Istituto Europeo di Design, Madrid, Spain


Assistant Professor and Workshop tutor Summer Course Intendente Olavide, Spain



During my time at Prince Sultan University I am preparing the first magazine of the ID/Arch Department together with Dr. Fiorella Vanini and Dr. Margarita González at the same time contributing with my work an ideas to the following Committees and Clubs: SWOT Analysis Committee: Committee at College level in charge of reviewing Architectural Programme in preparation for International NAAB accreditation.

Fellowship Committee: In representation of Prince Sultan University, the committee is in charge of the selection of students from our department to opt to a the Governmental Fellowships to study a Master´s or phd at a North American university.

Facilities Committee: Under the standard number 7 of the NCAAA accreditation framework, this committee is focused on assuring that the facilities of the University are designed and selected according to the Architectural program and the NAAB conditions for accreditation. I am currently coordinating the software and hardware substandard that is in charge of the improvement and design of the model lab and fab lab facilities as well as the continuos updating of the resources and faculty members.

Recruitment Committee: The work of this committee consists mainly of advising the management of the university in the process of hiring new staff. I was the chairperson of this committee during three semesters when I decided to start my collaboration with the new Facilities Committee. My responsibilities included, but are not limited to review applications for prospective faculty, organise, attend and evaluate demo lessons and make hiring recommendations to the upper administration through Human Resources.

Academic Assessment and Planning Committee: The responsibilities of this committee include, but are not limited to facilitate and implement a process of quality assurance and improvement in order to ensure that the programs of Architecture and Interior Design at Prince Sultan University meets the minimal standards for its faculty and curriculum accordingly to the NCAAA accreditation request. I have been assigned as one of the coordinator of the Architecture Program.

Curriculum Committee: The curriculum committee is responsible of the review of the actual proposed courses and of recommending changes to improve the existing curriculum to increase their quality and to follow the requirements of the NCAAA accreditation programme. My roll in this committee is coordinate the Theoretical courses of the curriculum.

Research Committee: The research committee is responsible of the coordination of all the researches both for students and faculties of the Interior Design and Architecture Department. I am currently coordinating the team dedicated to organise Research activities for students and to outline the polices for the Researches.

ARCHtalks Club: To promote the architectural discussion from different points of view, the club offers a monthly film or documentary showing different visions over Architecture followed by a discussion, where students have the opportunity to exchange ideas with professors and experts in the matter.


JOURNAL ARTICLE: The Manifesto and the hammer. A review on how contemporary architecture theories are being built, Athens Journal of Architecture, Athens Journal of Architecture, October 2016, A journal of The Architecture Research Unit of The Athens Institute for Education and Research ISSN NUMBER: 2407-9472


INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS PAPER: Rem Koolhaas: Le Corbusier through the Looking-Glass, selected to be presented and published in Le Corbusier, 50 years later, organised by University Politécnica de Valencia, Spain, 18-20 November 2015. ISBN: 978-84-9048-373-2 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS PAPER: The Manifesto and the hammer. A review on how contemporary architecture theories are being built, selected to be presented and published in 5th.Annual International Conference on Architecture, organised by the Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, 6-9 July 2015. Published in Athens: ATINER´S Conference Paper Series, No: ARC2015-1673. ISSN: 2241-2891


INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS PAPER: Transfers from the manifesto to contemporary architectural theory, selected to be presented and published in Critic/All I International Conference on Architecture Design & Criticism, organised by Public School of Architecture of Madrid [Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, ETSAM] 12-14 June 2014. ISBN: 978-84-697-0424-0. Published in Madrid, Critic/All International Conference on Architecture Design & Criticism Paper Series. CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS: Espacio de Juego (Playing area) chapter in the book, Glosario de Reciclaje Urbano (Glossary of Urban recycling), TC Cuadernos, directed by Dr. Elisa Valero. ISBN: 978-84-939845-6-4


SYMPOSIUM 3: SILENCE AND CRITICISM, AA Conversations , 8 August 2013 SYMPOSIUM 2: MISSING MANIFESTOS, AA Conversations ,13 June 2013 SYMPOSIUM 1: ON THE VERGE OF CRITICISM, AA Conversations, 22 May 2013


CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS: Cooltemporaneidad, Liquar, Marketináculo, Arquitectura “Bichomórfica”; Arquitectura camuflaje, Gusano habitable and Torre de manzana cerrada, articles published in the book: PM, PAT, PECH. Estrategias de Proyectos: Experimentos, Madrid, Colección de Textos Académicos ETSAM-UPM [Academic Texts collection Public School of Architecture of Madrid ,Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, ETSAM], edited by Mairea Libros, 2012 CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS: Un hito, article published in the book: OMA/AMO Casa de la música de Oporto, Madrid, Colección de Textos Académicos ETSAM-UPM, [Academic Texts collection Public School of Architecture of Madrid ,Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, ETSAM], edited by Mairea Libros, 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS PAPER:: La importancia del espacio público en el ámbito privado como agente de cohesión social. Ideas de los Smithson para la sociedad contemporánea [The importance of public space inside the private sphere. Ideas for the contemporary society by Alison&Peter Smithson]. II Congreso Equiciudad 2012, Vicerrectorado del Campus de Gipuzkoa de la UPV/EHU, Spain, 12-13 December 2012 INTERVIEW: Entrevista a Peter Cook [Interview to Peter Cook], Pasajes de Arquitectura y Crítica, nr. 125, October 2012, pp. 50-55. Index: AVERY INDEX INTERVIEW: Entrevista a Beatriz Colomina [Interview to Beatriz Colomina], Pasajes de Arquitectura y Crítica, nr. 122, June 2012, pp. 50-54. Index: AVERY INDEX


INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS PAPER: El lugar de la identidad en una ciudad sostenible [The place for the identity in a sustainable city] and Pinceladas sobre arquitectura para edificios educacionales [Broad strokes on architecture for educational buildings], Both selected for the VIII International Jornadas científicas arquitectura, educación y sociedad. International Association Architectural Research, Barcelona, 23-25 May 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS PAPER: Neoliberty y funcionalismo o el fin de una tradición: el debate anglo-italiano de Banham y Rogers en Casabella y Architectural Review en las revistas españolas de los años 60 [Neoliberty and functionalism or the end of a tradition: the anglo-italian debate by Bahnam and Rogers in Casabella and Architectural review in the Spanish magazines during the 1960s], VIII International Congress The History of Modern Spanish Architecture, Escuela de Arquitectura de Navarra, Spain, 16-18 May 2012


INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS PAPER: Escuelas en Europa en el siglo XX: algunas ideas sobre pedagogía y arquitectura [Schools in Europe during the 21st. century: some ideas on architecture and pedagogy] INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS PAPER: El edificio icónico como comunicador de la arquitectura contemporánea [Iconic building as communicator for contemporary architecture] . Both selected for the II Congress Digital Society: Spaces for interactivity and immersion. Icon magazine, nr. 8, 10/2011. ISBN: 1697-8293 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS PAPER: Reciclar el espíritu del barrio [Recycling neighborhood spirit] . II European Conference on Energy efficiency and sustainability in architecture and planning. Universidad del País Vasco, Donostia, Spain, 27-29 June 2011 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINES: Sobre Jaén, iconos y crisis [About Jaen, architectural icons and economical crisis], Almenas, nr. 8 2011 pp. 11-16 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINES: Bajo sospecha [Under suspicion], Detail, nr. 3 year 2011, pp. 252-255. ISSN 1578-5769 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINES: Tozmowy A&B: idee pod controla, Architektura & Biznes, nr. 3, 2011, ISSN 1230-1817 [Based on an interview with Sir Peter Cook in his office -CRAB- London, January 2011]


CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS: Competitions for a better world, Magnus Rönn, Reza Kazemian, Jonas E. Andersson, The Architectural Competition: Research Inquiries and Experiences, AXL Books, Stocolhm, pp. 469-490. ISBN-10: 9197859826 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINES: Mouse(s), devices y otros interfaces, Arquitectos (C.S.C.A.E. journal), nr. 188, 1/2010 [July 2010] pp. 58-60. ISNN 0214-1124. Index: AVERY. IN-RECS(0,000) CONTRIBUTIONS TO ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINES: Mecanoo lands in Lleida, de Architect [April 2010] pp. 34-41. Index: AVERY, RIBA


CONTRIBUTIONS TO ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINES: Copenhague. Vanguardia danesa [Copenhagen. Danish avantgarde], Diseño Interior, nr. 208 [November 2009] pp. 54-64. ISSN 1130-9458 INTERVIEW: Bjarke Ingels, Diseño Interior, nr. 208 [November 2009] p. 68. ISSN 1130-9458 [Based on an interview with Bjarke Ingels in his office BIG, Copenhaguen, March 2008] INTERVIEW: Julien de Smedt, Diseño Interior, nr. 208 [November 2009] p. 65. ISSN 1130-9458 [Based on an interview with Julien de Smed in his office JDS, Copehaguen, March 2008] INTERVIEW: Andrés Jaque, Diseñart, nr. 35 (June 2009) pp. 42-43 [Based on an interview with Andrés Jaque in MadridFoto in May 2009] COMMUNICATION: A la búsqueda de una nueva identidad como profesionales [Looking for a new profesional identity], Congreso de arquitectos, Valencia, Spain, 1-3 July 2009 in Arquitectos (C.S.C.A.E. journal), nr. 187, 2/2009 [May 2009] pp. 64-65. ISSN 0214-1124. Index: AVERY. IN-RECS(0,000) !7

INTERVIEW: Tuñón y Mansilla, Diseñart, nr. 34 (April 2009) pp. 58-59 [Based on an interview with Luís Moreno Mansilla and Emilio Tuñón at Museum of Art Reina Sofía (MNCARS), Madrid, August 2008] ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINE ARTICLE: Rotterdam -retrato coral de la ciudad de la arquitectura-[Rotterdam Architecture´s city´s choral portrait- , Todos los caminos llevan a OMA [All roads lead to OMA] y Vivir y dejar Rotterdam (cómic) [living and leaving Rotterdam], Future arquitecturas, nr. 15 (February 2009) pp.12-21,103-105 y 235-239. ISNN-1885-8228 ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINE ARTICLE: Malabarismo y textura [Juggling and texture], Europ’A Acero Arquitectura, nr. 10, pp. 50-51 [Caixa Fórum Madrid, Herzog & de Meuron] ISSN 1951-1299


INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS PAPER: Competitions for a better world, Selected by KTH School of Architecture an the Built Environment for the Nordic Symposium Architectural Competition, Stocolhm, Sweden, October 2008 ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINE ARTICLE: Especial Expo Zaragoza 2008 Agua y desarrollo sostenible [Expo Zaragoza 2008 special supplement: Water and sustainable development], Europ’A Acero Arquitectura, special number (July 2008), pp 6-35, including eight reviews on the main buildings of the international exhibition.ISBN 2-7258-0012-9 ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINE ARTICLE: Cruda y desnuda [Raw and naked], Europ’A Acero Arquitectura, nr. 8, (April 2008), pp. 56-57 [Restoration naves Intermediae-Prado Matadero –Madrid-, Arturo Franco and Fabrice van Teeslar] ISBN 2-7258-0011-0 ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINE ARTICLE: Turín 2008 World Design Capital, Diseño Interior, nr. 189 (April 2008), pp. 104-114. ISSN 1130-9458 ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINE ARTICLE: BMW Welt Munich / Coop Himmelb(l)au / Arquitectura de viento y nubes [BMW Welt Munich / Coop Himmelb(l)au / Winds&Clouds architecture], Diseñart, nr. 24 (February 2008), pp. 99-10


ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINE ARTICLE: DeBrug / JHK Architecten + West 8 / Oficina volante sobre Rotterdam [DeBrug / JHK Architecten + West 8 / Flying office over Rotterdam], Diseñart, nr. 22 (December 2007), pp. 99-106 ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINE ARTICLE: El maximalismo de Mecanoo [Mecanoo maximalism], Diseño Interior, nr. 185 (December 2007), pp. 70-80 (text and photographs 4, 8 and 9) [based on an interview with Francine Houben, director of Mecanoo, in their headquarters in Delft, June 2007] ISSN 1130-9458 ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINE ARTICLE: El velo leve [The light veil], Europ’A Acero Arquitectura, nr. 6 (October 2007), pp. 24-29 [Madrid Arena, Casa de Campo, Madrid, Cano Lasso office] ISBN 2-7258-0008-0

2006 CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS: Biographic Dictionary, Real Academia de Historia. Eleven biographies of Spanish architects



BlogArquia is the blog of the Foundation with the same name with an important roll in the diffusion and promotion of Architecture. bRijUNi Architects are correspondents since the beginning of the blog. 2016

Diáspora. Capítulo III: Cultura, educación, globalización , March, 9th


Diáspora. Capítulo II: Espacio, tiempo y dinero , November, 4th Diáspora. Capítulo I: Dios, patria y aire acondicionado , September, 9th


Comisariado y crítica ¿una República Independiente?, October, 13th Comisariado y delito o la crítica como Narciso, July, 15th


La Civdad Viva is a prestigious website hosted by Junta de Andalucía and is ranke 2nd-3rd in Spanish written websites as it is wide world read with a huge number or readers from Latin America. bRijUNi architects contributes regularly with texts about History and Theory of Architecture, Criticism or other issues since we won an open ideas competition back in 2009 2014

Un post actual, June 2nd ¿Cómo explicar esto? (1st part). Sobre la posibilidad de etiquetar la emoción, March 21st


Less is less, December 26th Las asombrosas coincidencias entre arquitectura y música. Boceto 1: Red Bull Music Academy (Matadero Madrid) September 1st Al borde de la crítica (3/3): Silencio y crítica June 14th Al borde de la crítica (2/3): Manifiestos Ausentes May 29th Al borde de la crítica (1/3): Nuevos habitantes, nuevas miradas audiovisuales May 17th Por qué estudiar arquitectura hoy April, 1st ¿Qué es arquitectura contemporánea? February 25th


Ciudades sin estilo, November 12nd Vuelve el Diccionario Mutante (tercera entrega doble), June 21st Cielos y Suelos de Badajoz, May 28th Rehabilita-35, March 31st Ma Yansong en Madrid, February 14th Bajo sospecha, January 9th


La arquitectura sólo interesa a las escuelas de arquitectura, December 6th No tocar, November 7th La participación en Caño Roto según Antonio Vázquez de Castro, October 3rd La arquitectura: un interminable trabajo colectivo individual, June 27th Visibilidad, May 30th La inocencia perdida, April17th Sutiles diferencias, April 3rd Robin Hood Gardens & Criteria for Mass Housing, March 6th Volver antes de ir, February 14th Encuentros de críticos en Londres y Madrid, January 22nd


La ciudad horrible. Del in-between al poché: una regresión infantil, December 28th Oficina de patentes y diccionario mutante (segunda y última entrega), December 9th Adiós al Ministerio de Vivienda, November 24th Oficina de patentes (primera entrega) y de regalo: diccionario mutante, November 14th Retales y saldos político-literarios, October 26th Architecture as a hobby: un negocio ruinoso, October 6th !9

Derivadas. Resaca de verano, ausencia de debate y appetizers sobre vivienda, September 7th Mouse(s), devices and interfaces. Historias para jóvenes de arquitecturas a golpe de ratón, July 19th Felicidades, Gran Vía! [¿O es que alguien no se ha enterado?], 18 June Ausencia de debate, May 20th Mecanoo lands in Lleida* La Llotja de Mecanoo en Lleida, April 24th La injusticia de la vivienda social en propiedad (II). ¿Un problema de medios económicos o de sensibilidad y cultura?, March 30th La injusticia de la vivienda social en propiedad, 2 February Del icono al objeto encontrado: la estrategia serena de las palmeras, January 24th


Yo no cruzo el puente, November 23rd Little boxes, October 13rd Urbs in horto, September 17th Paciencia infinita , August 14th Ex novo, July 7th Buenas intenciones, June 16th Perversas ambiciones, May 29th


Veredes is a website focused on architecture, theory and history. It is monthly ranked among ten most influencers Spanish Architectural websites. bRijUNi architects is often requested to contribute among with other prestigious critics and authors who reflect on different issues regarding Architecture and Urban Planning 2014

Comisariado y jurado: Un asunto personal, November 3rd


Manifiestos ausentes, June 7th Arquitectura moderna, March 1st Defensa de lo defendible, February 1st


La perversa privacidad, October 30th Distancias disimuladas, August 16th Cuestión de estilo, June 28 th Reconversión de “Fábrica dos Leões’” en Escuela de Arquitectura de Évora, April 12nd



GUEST SPEAKER in the presentation of the book La viga en el ojo by Fredy Massad, together with Santiago de Molina, José María Echarte and Juan García Millán (editor), 10th June OPENING ROUNDTABLE member of the exhibition Couples&Co: 22 mirror stories of Spanish Architecture, Spanish Embassy in Berlin, 24th September


LECTURE Looping frenesí. Una histeria electrónica [Looping delirium, an electronic hysteria], School of Architecture of Valencia, Spain, School of Architecture of Valencia, Spain, October GUESTS SPEAKER in Ménage à trois vol. 1, School of Architecture of Valencia, Spain, October GUESTS SPEAKER in the Round-table: Making Mistakes. Blind dates conference series hosted by Wonderland magazine and Ordine Degli Architetti Della Provincia Di Milano, Via Solferino 19 Milano, May GUEST JURY at the End of Year Jury Third Course Studio. Invited by Professor Andrés Perea, Universidad Europea de Madrid [UEM], June 2013


LECTURE The influence of climate on Spanish Architecture. For the Notre Dame University of Louaize, Lebanon. Hotel Husa Chamartín Madrid, Spain GUESTS SPEAKER in the Roundtable Arquitectura en papel couché. CEU Architecture, Madrid, Spain Master class Transferencias. Universidad Camilo José Cela School of Architecture, Madrid, Spain GUEST JURY at the End of Year Jury Studio Courses of the Universities of Alicante, Spain, European University of Madrid, Spain, Sevilla, Spain and the Architectural Association in London, UK. May and June, 2012 MASTER CLASS Días de Hedonismo y Cítricos, School of Architecture of Sevilla, Spain. March


LECTURE Mini-estrategias patio-sociales: punkarquitectura a todo color. Rehabilita 2012, Plasencia, Spain. April 2012


LECTURE Ética, ciudad y política. Proyectar el futuro mirando al pasado, Universidad San Jorge Zaragoza, Spain MASTER CLASS Apuntes optimistas sobre el drama líquido del espacio urbano. Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain LECTURE Meanwhile. Desplazamientos semánticos de la confusión en la difusión de la arquitectura. Escuela Técnica Superior de Sevilla, Spain DIRECTOR Summer Course Urban Design. IED Madrid


LECTURE La erótica del poder: arquitectura, política y tableros de Monopoli, Summer Course Intendente Olavide, Spain, July 2010 LECTURE 2 Houses Building in Jaén, Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Jaén, Spain GUESTS SPEAKER at Pechakucha Night A Coruña vol. 2, Spain, November 2010 MASTER CLASS Intimidad, emoción, acabados de quita y pon, Istituto Europeo di Design, June 2010


[EXHIBITION: ARQUITECTURA DISPUESTA: PREPOSICIONES COTIDIANAS (Ready architecture, daily prepositions), Itinerant exhibition about Spanish Architecture including two projects by bRijUNi Architects: 2 houses building and 12 houses building in Jaén, Spain. By the time the exhibition has been displayed in: Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo. Espacio Secadero (Sevilla, Spain), Mostra Espanha (Évora, Portugal) and Centro Centro (Madrid, Spain)]


Oversee Basic and Executive Projects and the Direction of the building works (mostly residential and offices). Selection of different works: 12 Houses Building in Jaén, Spain. Completion: 2013 Budget: 1.5 Million Euros 2 Houses Building in Jaén, Spain. Completion: 2011 Budget: 200000 Euros Architectural Office in Madrid, Spain. Completion: 2010 Budget: 100000 Euros Offices for Caja Madrid bank in Madrid, Cartagena and Vigo Spain. Completion: 2008 (2-3 months each) Budget: 100000 Euros-240000Euros



12 Houses Building in Jaén, Spain Built thanks to a Detail Study [special urban planning] that allowed us to build twelve houses where once there was just one. It is, along with the two houses in Soria de San Juan street, an ambitious project intended to densify the center of Jaén, at the same time it becomes more contemporary. Featured in: Diseño Interior, Architizer, Hinge Magazine, and Archdaily.


bRijUNi Office in Madrid, Spain Featured in: Diseño Interior, Onoffice, SUMMA+, Exkema, Oficinas and Plataforma Arquitectura, among others


CajaMadrid´s premises in Vigo (2), Cartagena and Leganés, Spain

2006-2007 Single home in Los Villares, Spain. House built according to sustainable principles for a disabled person. Design enables her to walk throughout her home and enjoy the views thanks to a system of exterior ramps 2004-2009 2 Houses Building in Jaén, Spain. Featured in: Diseño Interior, El País Semanal, Cyan Mag, La Vanguardia, A10 New European architecture, Plataforma Arquitectura and Del tirador a la ciudad, among others. Nominated to Best New Building VIII Edición del Premio Provincial de Arquitectura “Andrés de Vandelvira” Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Jaén 2003-2006

8 Houses Building in Jaén, Spain. Essay of a little Gesamtkunstwerk: design of the main door, lighting and handrails


PROJECTS: COMPETITIONS Selection of awards and mentions to bRijUNi Architects 2013 First Prize. Competition. Deputy Directors of Fundación Arquitectura Contemporánea, Spain 2010 Shortlisted. Competition for the design of the new Catholic Church San Pedro Poveda in Jaén 2010 Selected for the Catalogue of Young Architects of Spain with our participation in the blog La Civdad Viva. Foro Próxima Arquia Caja de Arquitectos, Valencia

2009 First Prize. Competition to select contributors to the blog la Ciudad Viva, hosted by Junta de Andalucía and Consejería de Vivienda y Ordenación del Territorio (two winners out of eighty two entries) Exhibition. Valencia, Congress of Architects (competition section experience/future) with the collective Studio Banana and as co-editors or the architectural channel in Studio Banana tv Special Mention. Competition by invitation sponsored by Fundación Camuñas and Empresa Municipal de Vivienda y Suelo (EMVS) in Plot E1 APR 13.01 Sierra Toledana -Puente de Vallecas- Madrid to design a social housing building

2008 Selected for the Catalogue of Young Architects of Spain with our proposal for the competition “Mercado de las flores de Tirso de Molina”. Foro Próxima Arquia Caja de Arquitectos, Valencia Selected to participate together with Studio Banana Alter Polis for Intermediae. Matadero de Madrid

2007 Selected by Cajamadrid to collaborate in its expansion plan 2007-2010 Finalists. Ideas competition by invitation. 75th anniversary of Afsluitdijk (dike protecting the Netherlands from the North Sea), working for Monolab, Rotterdam


Second Prize. Ideas Competition for the Restoration and Conversion of Palacio Conde-Duque into a social-cultural building for Caja Provincial de Ahorros de Jaén


[bRijUNi Architects Office. Photograph by Miguel de Guzmán (]


Apart from continuing as director of bRijUNi Architects, Beatriz Villanueva was Responsible of the Section NST [New Technical Solutions] of the Spanish magazine Diseño Interior from the year 2011 until 2014.


Renovation of a penthouse in Madrid, Spain


Internal distribution, interior and furniture design for a dwelling in Madrid, Spain


Interior, lighting and furniture design for a penthouse in Madrid, Spain

2009 Internal distribution, interior, lighting and furniture design of an office in Madrid, Spain 2007-2010

Internal distribution of four Caja Madrid´s offices in Vigo (2), Cartagena and Leganés, Spain !15


EXHIBITION: LETTERS TO THE MAYOR (Madrid edition), bRijUNi Architects is one of the 75 architectural offices selected to write one letter to Madrid´s mayor. An initiative that started in New York in 2014 Storefront for Art and Architecture and that is curated in the Madrid edition by Eva Franch, Enorme Studio and Moneo Brock. Opening 30th of September 2016 DISTINGUISHED by Un día una arquitecta [One day, one female architect], a research project focused on highlighting the work of the women in architecture, to be part of the 365 architects selected for the project´s first year, January


EXHIBITION: ARQUITECTURA DISPUESTA: PREPOSICIONES COTIDIANAS (Ready architecture, daily prepositions), Itinerant exhibition about Spanish Architecture including two projects by bRijUNi Architects: 2 houses building and 12 houses building in Jaén, Spain. By the time the exhibition has been displayed in: Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo. Espacio Secadero (Sevilla, Spain), Mostra Espanha (Évora, Portugal) and Centro Centro (Madrid, Spain)


INTERVIEW: Arquitectas de puertas adentro (Women architects behind closer doors), El País Semanal, October 13th. Text: Anatxu Zabalbeascoa


AWARD: Winners. Deputy Directors of Fundación Arquitectura Contemporánea, Spain


ILLUSTRATED REPORT: Acid wit, Onoffice Magazine(UK), nr. 65, July, pp.42-45.Text: Emily Pacey ILLUSTRATED REPORT: Estudio de arquitectura Brijuni arquitectos, SUMMA+(Argentina), nr. 123, December, pp. 102-103 ILLUSTRATED REPORT: Estudio de arquitectura Brijuni arquitectos, exkema(Colombia), 12 pp. 71-74 ILLUSTRATED REPORT: Rehabilita 2012 exhibition, March 2012,Plasencia, Spain


ILLUSTRATED REPORT: ¿Lo real puede ser ideal?, El País Semanal, November 6th, pp.88-94. Text: Anatxu Zabalbeascoa ILLUSTRATED REPORT: Cambio de concepto, ES La Vanguardia, July 30th, pp. 16-18 Text: Alicia Guerrero Yeste ILLUSTRATED REPORT: Vanguardia barata en Jaén, Del tirador a la ciudad, May 25th. Text: Anatxu Zabalbeascoa ILLUSTRATED REPORT: Dos viviendas en la calle Soria de San Juan de Jaén/Brijuni Arquitectos, Plataforma arquitectura, May 19th Text: Giuliano Pastorelli ILLUSTRATED REPORT: Estudio en Malasaña/Brijuni Arquitectos, Plataforma arquitectura, March 29th. Text: Alejandro Concha ILLUSTRATED REPORT: Fresco, moderno, barato, Diseño Interior, nr. 224 March, pp. 54-63. ISSN 1130-9458. Text: José María Faerna ILLUSTRATED REPORT: Conversion of two houses, A10 New European architecture, nr. 37 January-February 2011, pp.32-34 . !16

Text: M.J. Marcos & G. Herrero Delicado


AWARD: Nominated to best new building: project “Two dwellings (yellow and green)” VIII Edición del Premio Provincial de Arquitectura “Andrés de Vandelvira”, Spain AWARD: Selected for the Catalogue of Young Architects of Spain with our participation in the blog La Civdad Viva. Foro Próxima Arquia Caja de Arquitectos, Spain ILLUSTRATED REPORT: Verde y extrovertido, Diseño Interior, nr. 213, April 2010, pp. 46-48.ISSN 1130-9458. Text: Rafael Fernández Bermejo ILLUSTRATED REPORT: A todo color, Cyan Mag, nr. 11, July 2010, pp. 52-55. ISSN 2171-6242. Text: María José Marcos & Gonzalo Herrero Delicado


AWARD: Winners. Contributors to the blog la Ciudad Viva, Junta de Andalucía, Spain EXHIBITION. Valencia, Congress of Architects as co-editors of the architectural channel in Studio Banana tv. AWARD: Special Mention. Competition by invitation sponsored by Fundación Camuñas and Empresa Municipal de Vivienda y Suelo (EMVS) in Vallecas, Madrid, Spain to design a social housing building ILLUSTRATED REPORT: Estudio de arquitectura Brijuni arquitectos, Oficinas, nr. 281, December 2009, pp. 45-49 ISNN 030-0650. Text: Celia Lozano


AWARD: Selected for the Catalogue of Young Architects of Spain with our proposal for the competition Mercado de las flores de Tirso de Molina. Foro Próxima Arquia


AWARD: Finalists. Competition 75th anniversary of Afsluitdijk with Monolab, Rotterdam


AWARD: Second Prize. Ideas Competition for the Restoration and Conversion of Palacio Conde-Duque into a socialcultural building, Jaén


[Ménage à trois vol. 1: Blind date, 5th October 2010. Ménage a trois has a Creative Commons license and has been taken place at CAC Santiago de Chile, COA Jaén and Cooper Union New York.]

CURATORIAL ACTIVITY Communicate architecture capable of connecting with contemporary society. Experiment with new ways to confront the public with a message. Through techniques of theatrical performances, with the action of D-js and V-js as a link between spectators and commentators, with the disappearance of the curators and some others they have achieved to connecting better with the public not degrading the architectural message.



EXHIBITION AND CATALOGUE: Couples&Co: 22 mirror stories of Spanish Architecture Itinerant exhibition to feature the contexts and works of 3 different generations of Spanish Architects and their work around the world organised by the Spanish Embassy in Berlin, curators and Catalogue editors: Francisco Javier Casas Cobo, Beatriz Villanueva and Teresa Sánchez de Lerín. Berlin, June-August 2015. Next programmed cities: Hamburg, Madrid and Riyadh CONFERENCES: “Al Borde de la Crítica” (“On the Verge of Criticism”) (continuation) Curators: Francisco Javier Casas Cobo, Beatriz Villanueva and Santiago de Molina Organised by CEU School of Architecture: La muerte de la crítica [The death of critique] (23 March 2015) Participants: Panayotis Tournikiotis (National Technical University of Athens), Josep Mª Montaner(ETSAB) and Auxi Gálvez (CEU). Moderator: Nicolás Maruri (ETSAM) De la hemeroteca a la biblioteca [From the newspaper library to the library] (25th February 2015) Participants: David Cohn (critic of Architecture), Alicia Guerrero Yeste (critic of Architecture), Antonio Miranda (ETSAM). Moderator: Juan García Millán(CEU)


CONFERENCES: “Al Borde de la Crítica” (“On the Verge of Criticism”) Curators: Francisco Javier Casas Cobo, Beatriz Villanueva and Santiago de Molina Organised by CEU School of Architecture in Madrid Postcrítica (Postcritique) (5th November 5th, 2014) Juan Antonio Cortés (ETSA Valladolid), Jaume Prat (critic of Architecture), Eduardo de la Peña(CEU). Moderator: Arturo Franco (ETSAM) Curate or Die (7th October 2014) Participants: Terence Riley (curator for Architecture), María Teresa Muñoz (ETSAM), Martha Thorne (IE), Mauricio Bertet (CEU) Moderator: Jesús Donaire (ETSAM), October 7th, 2014 Selected as Ambassador for the Competition Arquia/Próxima organised by Arquia, Caja de arquitectos, Madrid, Spain


CONFERENCES: “Al Borde de la Crítica” (“On the Verge of Criticism”) Curators: Francisco Javier Casas Cobo, Beatriz Villanueva and Ramiro Losada, Organised by Universidad Europea de Madrid New inhabitants. New audiovisual ways of looking (15th April 2013) Participants: Nuria Álvarez Lombardero (AA), E. González, J. Yuste (Arquitectura Viva), Norberto López Amado (filmaker) Warm up speech by Ramiro Losada Missing Manifestos (29th April 2013) Participants: Beatriz Colomina (Princeton University), Milla H. Pezzi (ETSAM), Andrés Perea (UEM), Nacho Martín (AA) Warm up speech by Beatriz Villanueva Silence and criticism (13 May 2013) Participants: Anatxu Zabalbeascoa (El País), Fredy Massad (ABC), Néstor Montenegro (UEM) and Francisco González de Canales (AA) Warm up speech by Francisco Javier Casas Cobo



COORDINATOR: Laboratorio de Ideas (Ideas Lab). Platform of reflection about the future of the profession of architect. Coordinator of the theme “Communication and training”. Organised by COAG, Vigo, Spain, June 2011


ORGANIZER: Pecha Kucha Night Jaén vol. 1-9


CONFERENCES: F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions). Devisers and curators: bRijUNi Architects (Beatriz Villanueva and Francisco Javier Casas Cobo), Organised by Fundación C.O.A.M., Madrid, Spain. F.A.Q. Colectivos (Architectural collectives). April 4th, 2011 F.A.Q. Visibilidad (Visibility). May 12th, 2011 ROUND-TABLE: Ménage à trois Devisers: bRijUNi Architects and Eduardo Rega. Curators: bRijUNi Architects (Beatriz Villanueva and Francisco Javier Casas Cobo), V-j and Audiovisual Design: Eduardo Rega. Organised by Fundación C.O.A.M., Madrid, Spain. Ménage à trois vol. 6: Without you I’m nothing (?). 2011, April 14th. Jesús Donaire, Iván López Munuera and Guillermo Espinosa Ménage à trois vol. 5: Paradojas de la complejidad, espacios de la creatividad (Complexity paradox, creativity spaces). 2011, March 22th. Andrés Perea, Nicolás Caparrós and Emilio Luque Ménage à trois vol. 4: crítica (critique). 2011, January 18th. Fredy Massad, Anatxu Zabalbeascoa and Jordi Costa Ménage à trois vol. 3: provocación (provocation). 2010, December 16th. Paco Leiva, Ramiro Lapiedra and Manuel Bartual Ménage à trois vol. 2: género (Genre). 2010 November 10th. Carlos Arroyo, Vampirella and Pilar Cristóbal Ménage à trois vol. 1: blind date. 2010 October 5th. Beatriz Ramo, Agustín Fernández Mallo and Guzmán de Yarza *Ménage a trois is under Creative Commons license and has been taken place at CAC Santiago de Chile, COA Jaén and Cooper Union New York



B EATRIZ VIL LAN UE VA CA JIDE BEA@BRIJUNIARQUITECTOS.COM +966 (0) 53 198 76 33 +34 619 04 13 46 SKYPE: beabrijuni


[Workshop: Monsters vs Paper-dolls, Salamanca 2013]

[Architecture Design II: Deconstructing Iconic building. Hand-made parametrics, 2014-15] 


[Architecture Design II: Deconstructing Iconic building. Hand-made parametrics, 2014-15]  !22

[Architecture Design III: Model of the Wadi Hanifa along the city of Riyadh, scale: 1/10000, 2015-16]  !23

[Architecture Design III: Model of the Wadi Hanifa in Riyadh, scale: 1/10000, 2015-16]  !24

[Architecture Design III: Models studying lighting effects and sketches about "The Invisible cities" by Italo Calvino, 2015-16]


[12 Dwellings in JaĂŠn, Spain. Photograph by JesĂşs Granada (]


[12 Houses Building in Jaén, Spain. Photograph by Jesús Granada (]

[12 Houses Building in JaĂŠn, Spain. Photograph by JesĂşs Granada (]


[2 Houses Building in JaĂŠn, Spain. Photograph by JesĂşs Granada (]


[2 Houses Building in JaĂŠn, Spain. Photograph by JesĂşs Granada (]


[Architect´s office in Madrid, Spain. Photograph by Miguel de Guzmån (] !31

[Architect´s office in Madrid, Spain. Photograph by Miguel de Guzmån (]



B EATRIZ VIL LAN UE VA CA JIDE BEA@BRIJUNIARQUITECTOS.COM +966 (0) 53 198 76 33 +34 619 04 13 46 SKYPE: beabrijuni


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