Buying a Carpet Steam Cleaner, This Article Will Make The Process a Little Less Painful.txt

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Weather your doing a little spring cleaning, getting ready for guests, or hosting a holiday meal, now is the perfect time to invest in a new carpet steam cleaner. The problem is, with so many on the market to choose from, which one is right for you. Let's walk through some of the options and figure out which options you need before you lay out your hard earned cash. First we need to clarify that there is no steam used in a carpet steam cleaner. It is usually a combination of hot water and a scrubbing action which loosens the soiled debris. The excess water is then extracted along with the debris into a holding tank where it is later discarded. Some models have the cleaning wand and the container separate and others are all self-contained. The self contained models are the ones we will be concentrating on for now. If you are a home owner you will most likely be looking at a consumer grade model. Bissell and Hoover are the big players in the market. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, it really depends on what features you are looking for and what you will be using it for. If your house has very large area rugs or has several rooms with wall to wall carpeting, an upright unit will probably be best for you. Bissell has three basic product lines with several machines to choose from in most product lines. The top of the line Bissell is close to a professional grade machine, and unless you are a land lord or you need to clean a lot of carpeting, the Big Green Deep Cleaning Machine will be over kill for you. The second line of cleaners Bissell offers is the Pro Heat line of carpet steam cleaner. Most of these cleaners have all the same basic design, with some basic feature differences to make them stand apart. They range in price between $279 and $149 and are the most likely candidates for home owners. The last line in Bissell's arsenal is the Power steamer and Quick Steamer line of cleaners. These range in price between $129 and $79. Hoover does not seem to categorize their cleaners the same way Bissell does. Each one seems more specifically designed for a certain usage or a certain set of cleaning situations. Their top of the line is the Platinum Collection and they retail around $399. At the bottom of the line is the Steam Vac Quick-N-lite for around $99. The nice thing about Hoover is that it appears each model is specifically designed for a particular type of cleaning tasks, instead of just piling different features on a certain model to change its purpose. The first thing to keep in mind is the construction of the unit. A consumer grade unit will not be as durable as a commercial grade, and the cheapest model will probably not be as durable as a mid grade unit. Sometimes price is an indicator of the quality, but not always. A mid to high priced unit may be priced high because of all the added features and attachments, not because of durability. Make sure to look at durability and the ease of fixing the unit yourself if you have problems. Repair shops will likely charge big dollars to fix things that can easily be ordered and fixed yourself.

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