==== ==== For more information on Hoover Steam Cleaners please check out; http://steamcleanerssite.com/ar/hoover-steam-cleaners.php ==== ====
How much is a local product demonstration worth to you? Or the ability to have warranty work done close to your house? How much value do you place on supporting your local economy? These are the questions I'm now asking myself. We've been shopping for a carpet steam cleaner. Our carpets haven't been cleaned in over 10 years (embarrassing to say) and it's definitely time. After doing a lot of research we had the option of doing the Kirby shampoo system (no steam, not quite as thorough a job) but it was a loaner unit from a friend, or purchasing a Hoover steam cleaner. The local sales rep talked me into the Hoover. I'm super excited about it. I got it home and checked online to see how bad the price difference was. I expected to have about $30 more for local cost (plus taxes), but was shocked to discover I had overpaid by $80! In this recession that's a lot of money! I called the store and asked if they could close that price gap. It's not fair to make them price match to an online only store, their overhead costs are different. But a 50% price increase is outrageous. They would not budge. He said they would lose their Hoover license for selling below the price they offered me. If that's true I feel sorry for them. Here's the kicker. He said they cannot do warranty work for units purchased online. I'm not sure if I believe them, but if it's true that is something to consider. It basically means I'm paying $80 for an easier warranty. But given that the item is a carpet cleaner and I'm not using it every day anyway, even if I had to ship it out for repairs I wouldn't be in dire straights. So I'm asking myself how much their local support is. How much that demonstration was worth, how much supporting a local store is worth to me. It was worth $30. It's not worth $80. I just can't.
If you're in the market for a Hoover steam cleaner [http://steamcleanerssite.com/ar/hoover-steamcleaners.php] or even a Dyson vacuum cleaner [http://steamcleanerssite.com/ar/hoover-steamcleaners.php], I strongly advise checking with your local store for suggestions and asking them about price matching. Don't expect exact price match, it's not fair to them. But see how far down they will come, especially during hard times. Haggling can be your best friend.
Article Source: http://steamcleanerssite.com/ar/hoover-steam-cleaners.php