Calcium Tablets.txt

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Calcium Carbonate is an important ingredient of eggshells, milk and yogurt which promotes strong teeth and bones and is used in homeopathic remedies. It is also used in antacid remedies to relieve acid indigestion and the symptoms of peptic ulcers. Calcium from cows milk or soy milk is bio available which makes them ideal sources of dietary calcium. Supplementation of calcium in tablet formation is useful where the consumption of foods rich in calcium is lacking for example in people who have lactose intolerance and therefore cannot drink milk. This is particularly important when a person has a diet that is rich in salt and drinks lots of coffee, which is believed to be a factor in the increase in osteoporosis among younger people, as salt and caffeine are diuretic and calcium is excreted via the kidneys, and so calcium is reduced via excretion as a consequence of salty foods and coffee. The regular consumption of calcium carbonate rich foods and supplements can help prevent the onset of osteoporosis in old age which causes the bones to become brittle. Some studies carried out have also suggested that increasing calcium intake can help reduce the amount of fat present in the abdominal region. There are no side effects of calcium tablet supplementation, although hypercalcaemia can occur if a person takes significantly more than the recommended maximum intake of 1500mg/day and does not drink any water. The symptoms of hypercalcaemia are abdominal pain, constipation and nausea and can be resolved by diuretics.

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