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There are so many types of Christmas gifts available where do you start and what do you give someone who has everything or who doesn't like things you can afford or maybe you know someone that has a simple personality and doesn't like material items. Well the hand held steam cleaner may be a good gift for some people but for others it may seem like more of a chore gift. What is a chore gift you ask, well those are gifts that you would buy yourself not as a gift but because it's something you need. An example of a chore gift would be a dust buster brand hand vacuum. Some people believe that the gift shows how much you care and what you think of the person. That's not true and is absurd. The act of giving is just that, you are thinking of the person and so you bought a gift for them. It should not matter what the gift is, as the old saying goes, it's the thought that counts. A hand held steam cleaner is a very handy tool for making a persons life more clean and enjoyable, a cleaner environment is much more safe and healthy. So why wouldn't this gift say to the person getting it, "I care about you"? Well again it would be due to the person's way of thinking, which is usually clouded in the society we live in where more is better. More is not necessarily better; in fact more a good thing actually is bad for you because you will learn to become dependent on material items. This creates a breeding ground for things such as depression, dependence, suffering and anger. How you ask does this work? Well when one becomes materialistic they become attached and then when they lose what it is they have become attached to it brings suffering and all the things listed above. A hand held steam cleaner is something one could use and never become attached to, although a person can become attached to many and all things it is still harder to become so attached to an item that does not bring you pleasure. The steam cleaner will come in handy yes, but it will most likely not bring pleasure and so will do its job without bringing to much pain and suffering upon its motor burning out. During Christmas season we sometimes forget what it means to give, and it is truly better to give than receive, that is because we should be drawing some satisfaction of making others happy more than ourselves. This will ensure that we do not become overly critical of ourselves making ourselves selfish in the process. So if you are given a hand held steam cleaner for Christmas this year, just smile and know that the person was thinking of your health and say, "thank you it is a very thoughtful gift." Christmas season comes only once a year, make it a good one.
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