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Portable wheelchair ramps are of great significance to the wheelchair user. Without it, his life is made increasingly difficult as being able to travel to various locations become a long difficult and tedious process plagued by frustration. By using portable wheelchair ramps in and around your home and van, it cuts down on frustration and also ensures easy convenience. When purchasing a portable wheelchair ramp you will need to check the style of ramp most suited to your everyday needs. These ramps also need to adhere to a strict building code and mistakes cannot be allowed, as it is extremely dangerous and could result in a fatal accident. Various ramps are available at your nearest wheelchair accessory outlet. There is also an option of purchasing a used wheelchair ramp, but take carefully into consideration the quality of the ramp you wish to purchase. Is it still durable and does it still have a relatively long lifespan? When it comes to the safety precautions involving these ramps the option of purchasing a new ramp as opposed to a second hand one might be the better idea. However if budget is an issue you can always opt for a plastic ramp. It is relatively less expensive than a metal or concrete ramp, although the least expensive of the portable wheelchair ramps would be a wooden portable ramp. When deciding on purchasing a portable wheelchair ramp you will need to choose what suits your wheelchair. Full width ramps are the most popular kinds of ramps as they are specifically designed to load scooters, power chairs or wheelchairs that work manually. These ramps are relatively easy to store and are generally available in a couple of styles to promote mobility more easily as well as storing them effectively when they are not being used. The width of the whole ramp may very from between 28 to 30 inches. They will also generally come with solid grit to prevent wheelchair from sliding backwards. Another form of portable wheelchair ramps is called ramps on tracks. They are very different to your standard portable ramp due to the fact that they do not have a driving surface with a full width. Track ramps consist of two sections that need to be aligned perfectly in order to prevent accidents and ensure a safe and easy loading. Choosing the ramp most suited to your needs is an important decision. Full width ramps are usually the most acceptable and user friendly option as it not only provides assistance in the instance of a manual wheelchair but also for power chairs and scooters as well as walkers and are also a lot safer to walk on. The benefits of a full width ramp are that it is more stable and you do not need to align the width and therefore making it more users friendly. However on the other hand track ramps are lighter in weight and can be adjusted easily. It is best to contact the company you purchased your wheelchair from and speak to a representative regarding choosing perfectly suited portable wheelchair ramps for your use.