Sun Protection Skincare - 10 Tips For Gorgeous Skin.txt

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What is the MOST important skin care secret you need to know for youthful skin? If you said "Protecting from the harmful rays of the sun!", you get a gold star. Sunlight is a major cause of skin aging, according to the National Institute of Health (NIH). We all know a sunburn is obvious skin damage. But, did you know that short, repeated exposure to the sun (also called chronic sun exposure) is a major cause of skin damage too. With your beauty in mind here are some simple but effective suggestions: Sun Precaution #1 - As a daily routine, apply sunscreen and wear a sun hat. On a big beach day or playing 3 hours of golf. I am sure you are slathered up with sunscreen and wearing your sun protective clothing. What we are talking about here is protecting against the chronic doses of sun you get from doing things like stopping to pick flowers, walking from your car to the office or driving. Remember sun damage accumulates over time and lessens the elasticity of your skin. Vitamin D - It is impossible to write about sun protection without talking about Vitamin D. Vitamin D is very important to your good health but the amount of sun exposure is unclear at this time. If you are not an outdoor person, your only exposure to UVB rays (UVB generates Vitamin D, not UVA) may be short stints under the mid-day sun. Be sure to consult with your physician about the proper amount of sun for your body. According to the EPA: Get vitamin D safely through a diet that includes vitamin supplements and foods fortified with Vitamin D. Don't seek the sun. Precaution #2 - Not every sun hat is equal. Choose a sun hat with a brim of 4" or greater that also has a brim that slants downward. A downward angled brim will surround you face giving you protection for more hours of the day. And, do not even think of wearing a baseball cap. A baseball cap basically shades the forehead and that's all! Precaution #3 -Don't be fooled into thinking a base tan protects you from additional sun damage. According to the FDA, there is no such thing as a safe tan. A tan is your melanin pigment migrating to the basal layer of your skin to protect your DNA. Precaution #4 - Keep protected from the sun all year round. Both UVA and UVB contribute to premature aging. In the winter months UVB lessens but the harmful UVA rays are in full force year round. Sun Precaution #5 - Beware of sneaky reflective rays. UV rays can reflect off of cars, the asphalt, water and other surfaces that "bounce" up and reach your face and neck. Wearing your daily dose of sunscreen will help with these harmful sneak attacks. If you are going to be on the snow or water all day or doing road work, you may want to consider wearing a UV protective Sun Mask.

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