The Difference Between Electric and Manual Wheelchairs.txt

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Often when deciding what type of wheelchair to get, the decision comes down to the cost of the wheelchair. In many cases, an electric wheelchair ends up costing significantly more than a manual wheelchair. However, the needs of the user must also be taken into account when deciding what type of wheelchair to use. The manual wheelchair is the oldest type of wheelchair, dating back long before the design became more standardized during the first part of the twentieth century. Drawings that go back as far as Roman times, and even further, depict wheelchair like devices used by those who are unable to walk on their own. However, when we think of manual wheelchairs today, most will picture the steel tube framed folding wheelchair. This is a self-propelled wheelchair, which relies on two large wheels on either side of the chair to move the device. The advantage of the steel tubes is that they are hollow and very light, despite still being incredibly strong. Most are designed to fold, so they can be easily placed in the trunk of a car or back seat, although this can vary. While there are a number of specialty designs, most utilize the steel tube folding frame. Electric wheelchairs, on the other hand, have changed a great deal over the past 60 years. When they were first developed, inventors placed an electric motor onto a standard manual wheelchair frame to propel it. During this initial time period, a number of companies began selling custom kits that could be used to add electric functionality to a standard self-propelled wheelchair. While some power chairs still share a similar design with manual wheelchairs, most today look a good deal different, offering a plastic base with a large cushioned high-backed chair for the user. The base of the chair is where the electric motor and batter are stored, with many also offering improved bumpers and even running lights. Even though the physical design of an electric power chair is quite different, most still utilize a joystick like control on the hand rest to turn and move the chair. This is similar to the earlier designs developed in the fifties, although it has, of course, been improved to be more responsive. However, not everyone is able to use their hands to control the power chair, so a number of different types of specialty controls are also available. From strictly a cost perspective, a manual wheelchair can often be as much as 100% less expensive than an electric one, if not free. It is often possible to receive a second-hand wheelchair from local churches or other charities. Since there are only mechanical parts, they also tend to last longer with less care than electric wheelchairs. In addition to being considerably less expensive than a self-propelled chair, electric wheelchairs

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