5 Fashion Faux Pas men Commit
There has never been a doubt about the fact that men have a carefree attitude when it comes to shopping. Unlike women, they either get their job done by someone else or probably in a hurry because of which there are loopholes or aspects for which they regret later. Then there are times when they’ll be quite happy with just a simple t-shirt and jeans. However, some mistakes are not worth ignoring and can prove fatal for your overall personality. What can these faux pas be? This article talks about 5 fashion faux pas that men have been committing but shouldn’t make if they want a pleasing personality. 1. No or wrong men’s underwear: Starting from the basic, this is the first mistake men make. You all must be aware of men (and women) going commando for the sake of feeling comfortable down there. Well, wearing no men’s underwear or wearing a wrong size is an equally grave mistake. Nothing between the pants and your bare skin can cause problem
whereas; the wrong size can be harmful to your intimate health. Whether you choose the conventional men’s jockstrap underwear or men’s bikini, the correct size is essential. 2. Bold brand names on clothing articles: Have you seen men wearing big and bold brand names on their t-shirts? Well, they look as if you’re working for that company and it’s your uniform. What’s worse is that sometimes those logos or names of the labels look cheap as well. Whether they cost you a dime or thousands of dollars, you look like billboards or hoardings carrying the brand name on the apparel article. Would you want others to think of you as that? You must stop doing it right away! 3. Socks in sandals: Who wears socks in sandals in today’s time? Men go up to the extent of wearing printed patterned socks in their solid sandals that look really good without the bulk of fabric that you carry in it. It would be acceptable only if you are at home in the cold months where without socks, you go cold. However, in the other situations, it is totally unacceptable. In addition, sandals are made for the summer months where your feet need to breathe better. You must keep sandals for summers and opt for covered shoes in the winters. 4. Wrong clothing for the wrong weather: Like it was discussed in the above point that sandals are for summers and should be worn then, this is an individual mistake that men make. They wear anything at any point in time. However, the outfits, as well as underneath fashion, must be well coordinated with the seasonal change and weather conditions. Often
times, we see men wearing sleeveless shirts during the rainy or winter season, and layers of clothing during summer or spring. 5. Pay hefty amount for what they like: Pampering oneself with the luxuries of life is a completely different thing that paying a huge amount of money for whatever one likes. You must invest wisely in pieces that you think will go a long way with you rather than in those that’ll go out of fashion. With these listed faux pas, you can correct your mistakes and get the best makeover.