5 New Year Resolutions all Men should Keep in 2017

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5 New Year Resolutions all Men should Keep in 2017

A new year has already arrived, so, it is time for you to figure out an action plan. Most of you must have made a resolution of the year and probably most of you may have already failed it. It won’t be wrong to state that it is difficult for men to stick to a particular plan. Especially when you promise to do something that is particularly difficult. So, instead making any sort of unrealistic resolutions stick to the basic and plan out something that you can do.

Listed below are some of the resolution for men that are not just easy to follow and can bring about positive changes in your personality. Have a look at them.

1. Stay healthy There is nothing new in this resolution. You must have planned to hit the gym and give up smoking many time before. However, you can take up the same plan in a bit easier way. Stick to the basics, instead of promising something that becomes difficult for you to follow. You can plan out a healthy diet for your days and weekend. Eat healthy and avoid junk food. Use fitness bands to keep an account of the calorie you burn. Don’t stretch yourself too much. You can go for morning walks and jog, if working out in the gym is too much for you.

2. Take out time for yourself Taking up a hobby and learning new skills is a common resolution by men. However, you tend to forget it as time passes. So, take it easy this year. Instead of adding more work to your already hectic routine, think differently this time. Manage your diaries and spend some ‘me’ time. Take a break from your everyday work at least once in a week. Do whatever you feel like during this time. Or else sit back and restore to reading your book. This pleasant change in your everyday life will prove to be very productive.

3. Maintain a diary

Diaries are the best friend of a man. Moreover, it is the best way to reflect the positive and negative aspects of your life. Get into the habit of writing a diary at night. Write down everything that happened in the day and this will help you to improve yourself.

4. Dress to impress Men are generally very careless when it comes to grooming themselves. Your dressing sense plays a very vital role in your personality. Hence, promise yourself to take a bit more care of the attire. Dress according to the event and your personality. Men’s underwear is as important as your outer

garment. Wear the style of underneath article that is cozy, yet

stylish. The modern style of men’s brief underwear can add a lot of confidence your personality without compromising your style. You can even try the enhancing underwear to project a impressive personality.

5. Work on the negative aspects of your personality Work on the development of your personality. Take a note of the everything that is restricting you from becoming a better person. Get rid of these drawbacks and become a confident person this year.

Don’t let this year pass away like every other year. Plan out a resolution that you can can follow and make full use of the opportunities ahead.

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