7 Styling Hacks for the next Date Night
The date night jitters is the way of our body to say how important the day is. Dates are beautiful if they are carried out successfully. It is said that the heart of the person matters, but the special evenings look plays an equally important role. Have you got a date planned? You must have already booked the tickets and reserved seats. It is now time to style yourself, whether you are getting ready for a date night at home or at the movies. Listed below are some styling hacks that can make your profile picture just perfect. Have a look.
1. Start with your shoes Choose the attire and then pair the matching shoes with it.
This is the usual way of getting dressed for any event. However, this is not any ordinary meeting. It’s a special night that may turn out to be a life changer. So, ditch the conventions and think differently this time. The footwear is the first thing that is observed in a person. Especially if you are dating a woman, it is necessary to choose the right pair. Select the best pair of shoes that you have and build the entire ensemble against the same. Do not pick up your sneakers and sport shoes. The formal ones are better. Even the clothing should be elegant and formal. Do not go in your casual and laid back attire. Having said this, you need to be ready to get laid. So, wear a clean pair of men’s underwear. Enhancing underwear for men are ideal for frontal accentuation. You can go with the sexy cut of men’s thong or anything of this sort.
2. Rock the stubble look Shaving right before you are heading for any event is a general practice. However, a well-maintained stubble looks better than clean shaven look. So, shave your beards a day before and go to the date with a light stubble. This will give you a raw look. It will appear as if you have not worked hard
to look your best. Or else you can get the beard trimmed elegantly. Make sure that it doesn’t look very fuzzy and untidy. Men look extremely handsome in trimmed beard. Take advantage of it and rock the date.
3. Embrace an edgy shade Try new shades and color combination for the special night. Embracing the things that you haven’t tried before always gives you an edgy look. At the same time, make sure that whatever you choose, suits your personality. The classic shades like black, white and navy should be kept for the formal events. For the romantic dates, you can go with the rear shades like pink, purple, burgundy and others.
4. Avoid drinking The night of indulgence will give you nothing more than morning sickness. The hangover can ruin the entire date single-handedly. So, avoid drinking a day before the date. This is one of the grooming aspect for the special occasion. When you are under the weather, you just can’t look good. Along with this, don’t get drunk on the date as well. This stink of the alcohol will ruin the efforts that you have put in for dressing.
5. Roll the sleeves The machismo of a man multiples almost 10 times when he rolls up his sleeves. If you are wearing a suit to the date, then, just roll up the sleeves in the proper way. The appearance should not look untidy. Keep it sleek and stylish. Here are a couple of DIYs for rolling up your sleeves.
6. Use the right cologne A man who smells good will automatically attract the attention and win the heart of everyone around. There are a lot of men’s cologne that are advertised as a turn on for the ladies. Avoid using them. They are way to strong for anyone to get attracted. In fact, it is better to avoid wearing a perfume.
refreshing and not very strong.
and and
7. Do you hair properly The hairstyle is as important for the gentleman as it is for the ladies. So, make sure that you gel your hair properly and style them appropriately. Do not go with the funky hairstyles like spikes. Just comb them neatly and don a sophisticated look.
Are you ready for the special night? Share your date experience in the comments below.