Did you know That Underwear Drawer can Reveal your Personality?

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Did you know That Underwear Drawer can Reveal your Personality?

Oh yes! We all have that separate compartment in our cupboards often referred to as the men’s underwear drawer or the top drawer. Do you have it? Like men’s personalities, their drawer too has the different types. What are those? They can be classified as Organized, Moderately Messy, and Extremely Messy. What kind do you have? Did you even know that the state of your apparel drawer can actually tell a lot about you? We’ll be talking about the three classified underwear drawers in this blog and also about your personality in accordance to your drawer type.

1. Organized: A neat and tidy men’s apparel drawer would have separate compartments for men’s thongs, briefs, boxer briefs and more. On the other hand, you might have them folded in particular patterns- folded, rolled, laid flat or some other way. You would have them segregated the styles according to the occasions like everyday, parties, romantic dates, workout/sports and more. With someone who has a drawer like this, you’ll be a person who likes to be organized in everything you do. No last minute changes, pre-planned strategy and you also like to the perfectionist in everything you do. 2. Moderately messy: Just a step lower to the fully organized personality is the moderately messy category. This category is about fashion underwear drawers that might have compartments of the various styles

but might not for the variety of occasions. It is also possible that you might find socks, handkerchiefs and other small accessories in the same drawer with . Well, men with such a drawer are the ones that try to take control of their life but are lazy enough to get it all messy again. You know how things will be done but you can even go with the flow.

3. Extremely messy: Well, there’s messy and then there’s extremely top drawers. Talking about the latter one, you might find everything upside down and strangled together. You would have to look for compartments but they’re of no use. Going through the entire lot to find that pair which you just remembered that you have will take not less than an hour is what calls for the extremely messy drawers. You, who has something these sorts are someone who is laid back or ignorant (most of the times), restless, quick decision maker (decide without paying a lot of heed to the actual matter) and more.

Which drawer type talks about you? Do let us know in the comments below.

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