Provide Underneath the Basics with Miami Jock Jockstrap Have you ever seen the collection of jockstrap underwear at Be-Brief? Well, it is a combination of both fashion and function that caters to a wide variety of personalities. Where you’ll find something that teases the senses with the revealing aspects, there are products that are specifically for athletic purposes. One of the latter products that we’ll talk about in this blog is the Miami Jock Agility Jockstrap.
Agility is the process of being agile or moves quickly and easily. Hence, the name of the fashion underwear itself provides a sneak peek at the intention of the product. Made to comfort and support the manhood, the pair offers solid construction throughout the men’s underwear with a luxurious shine added to the fabric. With a bikini underwear-like coverage in the front, the back is what deciphers the true worth of the same. With strong elastic leg
bands going the under the butts, the support is matchless. In addition, these bands also make the butts look rounder. The pouch offers all the support manhood needs without losing on the comfort end. Made of 91% polyester and 9% spandex, you know how the support and comfort would be like in this pair. Find out more at