Summer Academy Catalog

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Table of Contents Regular Education Courses (Classroom)

Design Fundamentals – AR0100 ......................................................................................... 3 Driver’s Education – DE1402 (Traditional classroom) ............................................ 3

Virtual Education Courses (Online)

Virtual Education Course Information: ........................................................................... 4 American Government – SS1208O ..................................................................................... 4 Area Studies: The Middle East – SS1234O ..................................................................... 4 Business Essentials – BC0234O ............................................................................................ 5 Computer Applications – BC0270O ................................................................................... 5 Driver’s Education – DE1402O ............................................................................................ 5 Emerging Technologies – BC0456O .................................................................................. 6 Health & Wellness – HE0098O ............................................................................................. 6 Personal Finance – BC0204O ............................................................................................... 6 Physical Education -­‐ PE1000O ........................................................................................... 7 U.S. History: Understanding the Contemporary United States Since 1865 – SS1230O ................................................................................. 7

Credit Recovery Courses (Online)

CR -­‐ American Government: Semester 1 -­‐ SS1208A or Semester 2 – SS1209A .......................................................... 8 CR – Biology: Semester 1 – SC1100A or Semester 2 – SC1101A ............................ 8 CR – Communication Arts I: Semester 1 – CA0300A or Semester 2 – CA0301A ....................................................... 9 CR – Communication Arts II: Semester 1 – CA0304A or Semester 2 – CA0305A ....................................................... 9 CR – Communication Arts III: Semester 1 – CA0308A or Semester 2 – CA0309A ....................................................... 9 CR – Contemporary Communications: Semester 1 – CA0324A or Semester 2 – CA0325A .................................................... 10 CR – Algebra I: Semester 1 – MA0806A or Semester 2 – MA0807A ................. 10 CR – Geometry: Semester 1 – MA0810A or Semester 2 – MA0811A ................ 10 CR – History of the Western World: Semester 1 – SS1200A or Semester 2 – SS1201A ...................................................... 11 CR -­‐ U.S. History: Understanding the Contemporary United States Since 1865 Semester 1 – SS1230A or Semester 2 – SS1231A ...................................................... 11

FAQ ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Steps for Summer School Enrollment ............................................................................ 13

Regular Education Courses (Classroom) Design Fundamentals – AR0100

Driver’s Education – DE1402 (Traditional classroom)

Prerequisite: None Dates: June 3, 2013 through June 25, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: 429 Monday through Thursday – 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Fee: $250.00

Prerequisite: Kansas Instructional Permit Age Requirements: 15 by August 31, 2013 Dates: June 3, 2013 through June 18, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: TBD Monday through Thursday – 9:00 a.m. – Noon Fee: $275.00

Overview: Design Fundamentals serves as a general introduction to all aspects of the visual arts, giving students exposure to a variety of studio disciplines, theory of aesthetics, art history and art criticism. The fee for this course is $250.00.

Overview: Dates and times noted above are for classroom instruction. Driving time is scheduled in one-hour blocks on an individual basis and is separate from classroom instruction. Students may receive up to six hours of driving time, depending on their demonstrated driving skills. Each student will receive a minimum of four hours of driving time. Driving will be completed by July 26, 2013.

Attendance: Students enrolled in credit courses must maintain regular attendance. Students who know they will miss more than two days of class for camps, vacations, etc. should not enroll. Enrollment: Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4082.

Students must obtain a Kansas Instructional Permit through the Kansas Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) prior to the first class. The DMV can be contacted at: 913-432-2266 6507 Johnson Drive Mission, Kansas


913-829-2501 1839 South Ridgeview Olathe, Kansas

Driver’s Education consists of classroom instructions and driving instruction. Students must successfully complete both portions of the course. Daily attendance is mandatory. It is important for students to maintain regular attendance in order to meet course competencies. Please note that any morning or full-day summer camps scheduled during June present possible conflicts for the summer session of Driver’s Education. Please consider your ability to commit to the full class schedule before registering for the class. The fee for this course is $275.00 In the event that a student requires additional driving or classroom instruction time to pass the course, an additional fee of $100.00 will be charged to cover this instruction. The instruction will take place during the next available session of driver’s education. Please contact the Driver’s Education Coordinator at 913239-4082 if your student needs a special accommodation to complete this course. Enrollment: Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4082.


Virtual Education Courses (Online) Virtual Education Course Information: All online courses are available through Blackboard. Students may access the virtual courses from any location with internet access. Electronic communication with the instructor and classmates is a key component to online courses. Students will participate in online discussions and communicate with the instructor through Blackboard and the Blue Valley student email system. Most resources (i.e., textbooks, and handouts) are provided in an electronic format are available in Blackboard. If a student requires an actual textbook, they can check out the book from Blue Valley North. *Textbooks are limited in availability; students are strongly encouraged to utilize the web-based materials.

American Government – SS1208O Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session and complete a proctored final exam. Dates: June 4, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 12 Credit: 1/2 Fee: $250.00 Overview: Students study citizenship and the working of our system of government. Emphasis is placed on rights, responsibilities and privileges of citizenship, the development of the U.S. Constitution, the operation of the government, contemporary politics and current affairs. This course fulfills the graduation requirement. The fee for this course is $250.00.

Online students are required to complete assignments in a variety of formats. The student will be required to complete all online assignments within the summer school session (June 4, 2013 through August 2, 2013).

Enrollment: Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12.

The virtual courses are designed to allow students to work at their own pace. Each course contains suggested pacing guidelines to help keep students on track for completion.

Area Studies: The Middle East – SS1234O

Each virtual student is required to attend one orientation session. During the orientation session, students will receive instructions, materials and other relevant information. Each student is required to attend a proctored final exam. The final exam dates, times and locations will be announced during the course orientation. No refunds will be given to students who drop the course AFTER June 7, 2013.

For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session and complete a proctored final exam. Dates: June 4, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: 1/2 Fee: $250.00 Overview: Students are engaged in a fresh, interactive look at the world outside of the European sphere. Emphasis is placed on the development of the unique histories and cultures of the Middle East. Students learn about current global and geographical issues that emerge from this region and the importance of the Middle East in global economics and politics. Students demonstrate further development of necessary learning skills in the social sciences. The fee for this course is $250.00. Enrollment: Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.


Business Essentials – BC0234O

Driver’s Education – DE1402O

Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session and complete a proctored final exam. Dates: June 4, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 9, 10 Credit: 1/2 Fee: $250.00

Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session and complete a proctored final exam. Prerequisite: Kansas Instructional Permit Age Requirements: 15 by August 31, 2013 Dates: June 4, 2013 through June 18, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: ¼ Pass or Fail Fee: $275.00

Overview: This course gives a broad background and contemporary view of business topics and careers. The student explores business economic concepts and the interrelationship of finance, accounting, management, and marketing. The fee for this course is $250.00. Enrollment: Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

Computer Applications – BC0270O Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session and complete a proctored final exam. Dates: June 4, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: ½ - this course fulfills ½ of the computer technology graduation requirement Fee: $250.00

Overview: The classroom phase of the course will be taken in an online format. The course involves lectures, discussions, and tests over basic principles of car control, turns, parking, the driver’s physical and psychological factors in driving, Kansas driving laws and natural laws affecting driving emergency procedures. Students must obtain an instructional permit prior to the first day of the course. Students will be required to log driving time with a licensed Driver’s Education instructor. Students must pass all online assignments and assessments with an 80% or better in order to pass the course. The fee for this course is $275.00. This course concludes on June 18, 2013. Driving must be completed by July 26, 2013. Enrollment: Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

Overview: This course offers students a thorough knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet, email, web integration, database and presentations and is recommended for the student with proficient keyboarding skills using the touch method. Students use the above applications to produce personal and business related communications. The fee for this course is $250.00. Enrollment: Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.


Emerging Technologies – BC0456O Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session and complete a proctored final exam. Dates: June 4, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: ½ - this course fulfills ½ of the computer technology graduation requirement Fee: $250.00 Overview: This project-based course will focus on the use of emerging technologies as tools for learning. This is a dynamic course with content that is updated frequently to reflect new technologies that students will be expected to use within the full range of classes taken during their high school program of study. Therefore, this class is recommended for 9th and 10th graders. Students will employ college readiness skills and technology literacies and apply these skill sets in assignments for other courses. Students will also be introduced to the tools, processes, and self-management skills required for online courses. The fee for this course is $250.00. Enrollment: Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

Health & Wellness – HE0098O Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session and complete a proctored final exam. Dates: June 4, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: ½ (meets graduation requirement) Fee: $250.00 Overview: This course is designed to meet the general informational and educational needs of students in the areas of health issues and wellness. Students will gain practical information to support healthy, life-long decision-making. Subject matter includes nutrition, prevention and control of disease, injury prevention and safety, personal health and wellness, mental and emotional health, substance abuse, abuse and misuse, family life and sexuality, consumer and community health. The fee for this course is $250.00.


Enrollment: Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

Personal Finance – BC0204O Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session and complete a proctored final exam. Dates: June 4, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: ½ Fee: $250.00 Overview: This course is designed to cover the important skills in personal finance that every person should have before leaving high school. Course content includes basic business decisions such as getting and keeping a job, employee pay and benefits, checking accounts, banking services, income tax, investing, insurance, credit, consumer protection, consumer decision-making, and an introduction to economics. The fee for this course is $250.00. Enrollment: Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

Physical Education - PE1000O Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session and complete a proctored final exam. Dates: June 4, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: ½ - this course meets ½ the graduation requirement Fee: $250.00 Overview: This course is directed toward developing and improving physical fitness knowledge and ability, knowledge of rules and interest in physical activities with individual and small group sports. Students will be required to complete both online assignments as well as logging fitness hours using a heart rate monitor. During the summer semester, students will be required to complete and document 10 hours per week of physical exercise. Organized sports or activities will not be counted towards the exercise requirements. Students will be personally required to meet with the instructor four times per semester at prearranged times to completed the downloads. The fee for this course is $250.00. *Only semester 1 content is offered during the summer term. Students will be required to complete content from both (semester 1 and 2) to receive the full (1) credit for the course. Enrollment: Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12.

U.S. History: Understanding the Contemporary United States Since 1865 – SS1230O Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session and complete a proctored final exam. Dates: June 4, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 11 Credit: ½ - this course meets ½ of the graduation requirement Fee: $250.00 Overview: Students will begin this course studying the foundational themes in our nation’s creation, i.e., creation of government, federalism, rule of law, etc. The emphasis of this beginning unit will be how these foundational themes defined the nation in 1865. This prerequisite knowledge is a necessity to understanding the contemporary United States and will be used as a building block from which to study all future events. The fee for this course is $250.00. *Only semester 1 content is offered during the summer term. Students will be required to complete content from both (semester 1 and 2) to receive the full (1) credit for the course. Enrollment: Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.


Credit Recovery Courses (Online) Credit recovery students are required to attend a weekly meeting with their instructor. The dates and times of these meetings will be distributed during orientation. Credit recovery courses are available ONLY to students who have previously failed a course. Students should enroll in the corresponding course in which they previously failed (semester 1 = fall, semester 2 = spring). Student transcripts will reflect both courses (traditional course and the credit recovery course).

CR – Biology: Semester 1 – SC1100A or Semester 2 – SC1101A Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session. Students will meet weekly with the instructor. Dates: June 10, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 9, 10 Credit: 1 – this course fulfills the graduation requirement for one unit of Biological Science Fee: $250.00 per semester

Students who need to complete 2 or more credit recovery courses are strongly encouraged to enroll and pay for one course at a time. *Students who complete the first credit recovery course early (before August 2, 2013) can enroll, pay and complete a second credit recovery course. All credit recovery coursework must be completed by August 2, 2013.

Overview: Biology is the study of all living things and how they interact with their environment. This introductory course is designed for students who desire a general overview of biology including the survey of plants, animals, human beings, ecology and genetics. The fee for this course is $250.00.

CR - American Government: Semester 1 - SS1208A or Semester 2 – SS1209A

Enrollment: Credit recovery courses are limited to enrollment by students who have previously failed the course. Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12.

Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session. Students will meet weekly with the instructor. Dates: June 10, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 12 Credit: ½ - this course fulfills the graduation requirement Fee: $250.00 Overview: Students study citizenship and the working of our system of government. Emphasis is placed on rights, responsibilities and privileges of citizenship, the development of the U.S. Constitution, the operation of the government, contemporary politics and current affairs. This course fulfills the graduation requirement. The fee for this course is $250.00. Enrollment: Credit recovery courses are limited to enrollment by students who have previously failed the course. Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.


For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

Summer school classes will be located at:

Blue V alley N orth H igh School 1 220 L amar Overland P ark, K S See you t here!

CR – Communication Arts I: Semester 1 – CA0300A or Semester 2 – CA0301A Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session. Students will meet weekly with the instructor. Dates: June 10, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 9 Credit: 1 Fee: $250.00 per semester Overview: Communication Arts I, is a skill-based course, focusing on themes of identity and the individual’s journey as a hero. The curriculum contains a balance of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing skills. For comprehension and pleasure, students read novels, plays, short stories, poetry and non-fiction. Students write narratives, poetry and exposition. The class includes the study of literary terms, vocabulary and conventions, as well as the application of research skills. The fee for this course is $250.00. Enrollment: Credit recovery courses are limited to enrollment by students who have previously failed the course. Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

CR – Communication Arts II: Semester 1 – CA0304A or Semester 2 – CA0305A Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session. Students will meet weekly with the instructor. Dates: June 10, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 10 Credit: 1 Fee: $250.00 per semester

and poetry through expository, persuasive, and narrative writing techniques. The class includes application of literary terms in literature and the refinement of vocabulary, research skills and accuracy in conventions. The fee for this course is $250.00. Enrollment: Credit recovery courses are limited to enrollment by students who have previously failed the course. Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

CR – Communication Arts III: Semester 1 – CA0308A or Semester 2 – CA0309A Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session. Students will meet weekly with the instructor. Dates: June 10, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 11, 12 Credit: 1 Fee: $250.00 per semester Overview: Communication Arts III explores the ongoing struggle between the needs of the individual and of an ever-changing society in American. Students interpret and analyze works by various American authors. Through reader response, essays, technical writing and a research project, students begin to further develop personal styles of writing. Students will also continue to focus on critical thinking within the contexts of reading, writing, listening, speaking and viewing. The fee for this course is $250.00. Enrollment: Credit recovery courses are limited to enrollment by students who have previously failed the course. Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

Overview: Communication Arts II is a skill-based course, focusing on the traditional elements of story and the connection of self with others. To enhance comprehension and pleasure in the sophomore year, students read challenging novels, plays, short stories, poetry, and non-fiction. Students analyze literature


CR – Contemporary Communications: Semester 1 – CA0324A or Semester 2 – CA0325A Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session. Students will meet weekly with the instructor. Dates: June 10, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 12 Credit: 1 Fee: $250.00 per semester Overview: Contemporary Communications is a year-long course that will focus on collegiate-level and corporate-level communication skills through a technologically-innovative, fast-paced, advance course of study. Students will develop abilities in technical reading and writing, oral presentation, desktop publishing, researching and reading contemporary and classical fiction and nonfiction. The fee for this course is $250.00. Enrollment: Credit recovery courses are limited to enrollment by students who have previously failed the course. Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

CR – Algebra I: Semester 1 – MA0806A or Semester 2 – MA0807A Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session. Students will meet weekly with the instructor. Dates: June 10, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 9, 10 Credit: 1 Fee: $250.00 per semester Overview: Students will master algebraic skills essential for the study of higher mathematics. This course is designed to bring together past experiences in algebraic concepts and extend these experiences through the real number system. The course stresses understanding of the structure of different number systems and learning to appreciate the need for precision of language. The fee for this course is $250.00.


Enrollment: Credit recovery courses are limited to enrollment by students who have previously failed the course. Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

CR – Geometry: Semester 1 – MA0810A or Semester 2 – MA0811A Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session. Students will meet weekly with the instructor. Dates: June 10, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 9, 10, 11 Credit: 1 Fee: $250.00 per semester Overview: Students are provided the opportunity to extend knowledge in algebraic concepts through the study of geometric relationships. Students communicate mathematical ideas and geometric arguments by a variety of means including 2-column proofs, flowcharts, paragraphs and indirect arguments. The information about geometric relationships and the variety of communication strategies and logic skills should prove extremely valuable in future courses in mathematics as well as other fields of knowledge. Topics include transformations, congruence, linear and quadratic equations, right triangular trigonometry, the basic ideas of coordinate geometry, direct and indirect proofs, and applications of formulas, ratio and proportion, statistics and probability. The fee for this course is $250.00. Enrollment: Credit recovery courses are limited to enrollment by students who have previously failed the course. Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

CR – History of the Western World: Semester 1 – SS1200A or Semester 2 – SS1201A Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session. Students will meet weekly with the instructor. Dates: June 10, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 10 Credit: 1 Fee: $250.00 per semester Overview: Students study modern western civilizations, primarily European, dating from the Renaissance to the present. Emphasis is placed on the use of important concepts from political science, economics, geography and sociology. Students demonstrate knowledge of the development of the modern western world and apply their knowledge to understand current world affairs. The fee for this course is $250.00. Enrollment: Credit recovery courses are limited to enrollment by students who have previously failed the course. Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.

CR - U.S. History: Understanding the Contemporary United States Since 1865 Semester 1 – SS1230A or Semester 2 – SS1231A Prerequisite: Students must attend one orientation session and complete a proctored final exam. Dates: June 10, 2013 through August 2, 2013 Location: Blue Valley North Room: N/A – course is offered virtually Grades: 11 Credit: ½ - this course meets ½ of the graduation requirement Fee: $250.00 per semester Overview: Students will begin this course studying the foundational themes in our nation’s creation, i.e., creation of government, federalism, rule of law, etc. The emphasis of this beginning unit will be how these foundational themes defined the nation in 1865. This prerequisite knowledge is a necessity to understanding the contemporary United States and will be used as a building block from which to study all future events. The fee for this course is $250.00. *Only semester 1 content is offered during the summer term. Students will be required to complete content from both (semester 1 and 2) to receive the full (1) credit for the course. Enrollment: Credit recovery courses are limited to enrollment by students who have previously failed the course. Parents can complete the enrollment process by using Synergy. Instructions for completing the enrollment process are included on PAGE 12. For additional information about the course call 913-239-4221.



Q: What is the last date to drop the course and still receive a refund?

A: Tuesday, June 4, 2013 – A completed schedule is posted on the Virtual Education website –

A: Students who drop a virtual course prior to Monday, June 10, 2013 are eligible for a refund. Students who drop after June 10, 2013 will not receive a refund. Summer Academy is financially supported through student tuition.

Q: What if I am unable to attend on the dates of the virtual orientation?

Q: I am on free/reduced lunch. Do I need to pay the summer school fees?

A: Students are required to attend one orientation session. If the student is unable to attend any of the scheduled sessions, they will need to contact Robert Asquith at 913-239-4344 to schedule an appointment. *Students will not receive access to the online course until the orientation has been completed.

A: Free or reduced status applies to the elementary Step Up program only. Fees for virtual or credit recovery courses are not adjusted for free/reduced status.

Q: What dates are the virtual orientations?

Q: What if I am unable to attend on the date of the virtual final exams?

Q: How many students are in the design fundamentals class? A: Each design fundamentals class has a limit of 25 students per class. Q: The classes are full can my student be added to the wait list?

A: Students who are unable to complete the proctored final exam during the scheduled session will need to contact Robert Asquith at 913-239-4344 to schedule an appointment.

A: The Summer Academy courses do have wait lists. The wait list criteria are based on content, facility, equipment and teacher availability. For additional information about the wait lists, contact 913-239-4221.

Q: I didn’t receive a virtual orientation packet in the mail. Where can I obtain a copy of the materials?

Q: Is transportation provided?

A: Complete copies of the summer school packets may be obtained from the summer school website.

A: The district does not provide transportation for the summer session. Q: How many traditional classes can my student miss?

A: The fees for virtual classes including credit recovery courses are $250.00 per course per semester. The fee for driver’s education is $275.00.

A: Students enrolled in the summer academy are strongly encouraged to attend all instructional sessions. Any student who will miss more than two days of class for camps, vacations, etc. should not enroll. *Students enrolled in credit recovery courses are required to meet with their instructor each week throughout the summer term.

Q: When are the fees due for the virtual classes?

Q: Will my student need any supplies?

A: Fees are due at the time of registration and must be paid online using BV Parents Online/ParentVue.

A: Students enrolled in design fundamentals course are not required to purchase supplies for this course.

Q: What are the fees for the virtual classes?


Q: What are the requirements to enroll in a virtual education course? A: Students must have access to a computer with Internet access. Students are required to have the full version of Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Access) if they are enrolled in the Computer Applications course. Students enrolled in other virtual courses must have a word processing program available to them. For a specific list of technology requirements visit

Steps for Summer School Enrollment Coming soon!

Q: How much time should I plan for my virtual coursework? A: Each virtual class requires approximately 8-10 hours per week. Students are required to complete assignments, readings, quizzes and online discussion forums. Q: Can my family take a vacation during summer school? A: Although virtual courses have a flexible schedule, students are required to complete coursework within a specific timeframe. It is highly recommended that students who will miss more than one week of instruction not enroll in a summer course due to the compacted semester. *The summer semester is less than 8 weeks and students are required to complete the same curriculum as a typical semester.


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