Beci Culley is a Brisbane based contemporary abstract artist. She was born in Geelong Victoria and raised in Manly, Brisbane. Taken to art classes that her mother was participating in, her aesthetic in art was developed from a very early age. After finishing school Beci became a Graphic Designer and later spent her time studying music where her romanticism in her lyric writing was honed and transferred later into her artwork. With the launch of her career as an artist, she has participated in many group shows around Australia, America and Italy. Beci’s artwork is an oftenbrooding combination of emotional and spiritual themes, which has a drive for freedom from boundaries. Her body of work is infused with her expression of romance and powerful displays of patterned layers that reflec t her love of natur e and fashion. Her journey has dipped her brush into a broad range of the arts including Graphic Design (Adorne Accessories), Musical Theatre (Harvest Rain Theatre – QPAC), Make-up Artistry and Photography. Although Beci is based in Brisbane she regularly visits Florence, Italy where she continues her studies in art and Italian. “Beci is a passionate and dedicated artist whose work I admire very much. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing her for over 20 years and on many occasions have had the chance to work with her, and in my opinion she is an artist of the highest calibre and a wonderful assets to the arts world” Tim Oconnor - Artistic Director (Harvest Raine Theatre - QPAC)
2 0 1 6 COLLECT I ON
R E D G I RL # 1 Those That Wander “Those that wander are not necessarily lost� Size: 122cm x 91cm price: $950
R E D G I RL # 2 Let Your Life LIghtly Dance
“L et your l i fe lightly dance on the e d g e s o f t ime l i k e dew on the tip o f a le a f. R a bindr anath Ta g o re Size: 122cm x 91cm price: $950
R E D G I RL # 3 I Believe In Pink
“I bel i eve in p in k. I believe th a t laugh in g is t h e b e s t calor i e bu rner. I believe in kiss in g , k is s in g a l ot. I believe in b e ing strong when e v e ry t h in g s e e m s to be g o ing wro n g . I b e lie ve t h a t h a p p y g i rls ar e the pre ttiest g irls. I b e lie ve t h a t t o mo rro w i s another day and I b e lie ve in mirac le s . � A u dr ey H epbu rn
Size: 122cm x 91cm price: $950
T O D RE A M # 1 Remain Sitting At Your Table
“Yo u do not nee d to le a ve your ro o m. Re ma in s i t ting at your table and liste n . Do n o t e v e n lis t e n , s i m pl y wai t, b e q u iet still and solita ry. T h e wo rld w i l l fr eel y offer itse lf to yo u to be u n ma s k e d , it h a s no choi ce, it will ro ll in ecsta sy a t y o u r f e e t . � F ranz Kafka
Size: 102cm x 102cm price: $750
THE DREAM #2 Let There Be Spaces In Your Togetherness
“But l et ther e be space s in your to g e t h e rn e s s a n d l e t the w i nds o f the h e a vens dance b e t we e n y o u . L o v e one anoth e r b u t make not a b o n d o f lo v e : le t i t rather be a mo vin g se a between t h e s h o re s o f y o u r souls.� K h al i l G i br an
Size: 122cm x 122cm price: $1350
THE DREAM #3 Music Is Healing
“I t hi nk m usic in itse lf is h e a lin g . It’s a n e x p lo s iv e e x p r ession of h u manity. It’s so meth in g we a re a ll t o uched by. No ma tte r what cu ltu re we ’re f ro m, e v e r yone l oves mu sic.” B i l ly Joel Size: 102cm X 102cm price: $750
CI RC A #1 Top Hat “From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere.� Dr. Seuss Size: 77cm x 100cm price: $850
CI RC A #2 Circa “Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” Dr Seus Size: 77cm x 100cm price: $850
CI RC A #3 Cic us Cat “You’ll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You’ll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life’s a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left.” Dr. Seuss Size: 77cm x 100cm price: $850
Beci Culley is a Brisbane based contemporary abThe Embrace “If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love..� Dianna, Princess of Wales Size: 61cm x 76cm price: $350
Mater “One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.� Friedrich Nietzsche Size: 76cm x 76cm price: $550
Shower My Spirit “Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.� Langston Hughes
Size: 91cm x 122cm price: $850
Dreamer “Nothing happens unless first a dream.� Carl Sandburg
Size: 91cm x 122cm price: $850