It is the role of the Safeguarding Team at Hopwood Hall to ensure all our students are safe from harm and get every opportunity to succeed on their chosen path. This booklet will give you the contact details of how to get help should you need to.
The Safeguarding Team at Hopwood Hall The Safeguarding leads within the College make sure that the procedures are followed ensuring we discharge ours safeguarding responsibilities so that all our students are kept safe and well. Our Safeguarding leads are: Luke Goodlet Senior Management Team Lead for Safeguarding
Nimisha Mistry Lead responsible for Safeguarding
The Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSOs) who are the key contacts for any safeguarding concerns and will support student and investigate further. Karen Mackle DSO for the Rochdale Campus 07717361907
Tracey Marrow DSO for the Middleton Campus 07850323664
You can contact Karen or Tracey between 8.30am and 5.00pm on the telephone details above or by e-mailing Outside of these times contact security on Middleton 3474
Rochdale 2352
If you have an emergency or if you believe someone is in immediate danger please contact the Police on 999
Student Support Tutors All Student Support Tutors are Deputy Safeguarding Officers. Please contact them directly if you have any concerns about yourself or other students. Middleton Campus Animal Care/ Skills for Life Mandy Fletcher Room L02 ex 3320
Rochdale Campus Art and Performing Arts Eloise Dale Room B319 ex 2234
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Daniel Bowerbank Room W32/TC G07 ex 3613
Health and Social Care Sabrina Chaudry Room A309 ex 2261
Business, Retail, Travel, Medical Science & Access. Conor Finnegan Room HW45B ex3304 Room HW108 ex3403
Image, Hair and Beauty Sarah Henson Room A309A ex 2206
Information Technology Laura Pearson Room L101 ex 3413
Catering Lianne Cole Room A211 ex 2312
Construction and Work-Based Learning Dayle Oxton-Law Room W31/TCW8 ex3236
Early Years Suzanne Mulholland Room A309 ex 2261
Electrial Installation Laura Hilley Room W31/TCW8 ex 3236 Sport Aaron Stapleton Room HW38 ex 3217 Uniformed Public Services Afy Balamiya Room L108 ex 3225
Advice and information available Help for young people with mental health issues es.asp?catId=12&pageID=216&catex pand=False
Help with drug & alcohol problems
Housing advice and support
Need someone to listen?
Domestic Violence support
Help for 18+ with mental health issues
Forced marriage advice
Child exploitation and online protection
Child protection and the prevention of cruelty
Victim of a crime?
Support for young vulnerable adults and children
Hopwood Hall College is committed to keeping you safe at all times and so we have set up a course on itslearning called 'Staying Safe' that you can access anytime, anywhere.
Here you will find lots of information about issues that you may come across. There is advice, guidance and links to help that you can refer to when needed. If you are worried about your own safety or that of another student but don't want to (or cannot) speak to someone directly, you can also 'report a concern' via itslearning. Watch this video to find out how: