English and Mandarin: Case for support

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Championing and challenging young people worldwide

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The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

Supporting the next generation to find their purpose, passion and place in the world. As they set out to find their place in the world, today’s young people face a broad range of challenges. They are bombarded by information, expectation and uncertainty. They are growing up with complexities and challenges unseen by previous generations. If they are to succeed, they need the skills, resilience and understanding to help them take on whatever life may throw their way. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award helps young people to do just that – to find their purpose, passion and place in the world. To develop the character and confidence to take the future in their stride. We believe that equipping young people with the skills and confidence to discover their potential has never been more important. This makes a difference not only to them, but the communities they live in. But we can’t do any of it without people and organisations like you. With your support, we can help even more young people across the world dream big and find out what they are truly capable of achieving. If you would like to join us in championing the next generation, then please read on for more information on how you may be able to support or get involved today.

John May DL Secretary General The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation

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R f

Recognised for my ability Australian Gold Award holder Melanie Tran explains how the Award enabled others to see her differently. “The 6th of March 2014 is a day I will never forget. It was the day where I was recognised for my ability and not my disability. It was the day where I received The Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award. From the very first day when I started my Bronze Award (I was the first person to complete my Bronze Award through the Muscular Dystrophy New South Wales Association), I wanted to go right through to the Gold Award. It was a promise I secretly made to myself but I didn’t know if it was possible; I didn’t know if I would be able to take on such a big challenge.

I found hope A lot of people said I couldn’t do it because I’m in a wheelchair and that I wouldn’t succeed. I wanted to prove them wrong and show them that having a disability doesn’t mean you have to sit around and watch everyone else fulfil their dreams. And I did prove it to them; I completed all three Award levels and took on a new challenge for each one. And through that I found hope. For my Gold Award I updated the website for the Association as part of the Service section. For my Skills section I completed an online training course on a product design programme called Creo and I also learnt about film production and editing videos. As a direct result of my Service section I have been employed by Muscular Dystrophy New South Wales as their web administrator. I am responsible for adding new events, news articles, flyers and brochures on to the website as well as keeping everything up to date. I was absolutely thrilled when the Association was willing to give me a chance to work with them. Most of all, I’m glad I can do something for the Association after all the amazing opportunities they give me.” With thanks to Muscular Dystrophy New South Wales and The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Australia.

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Who are we?

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award in a year.


The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a global non-formal education framework which operates in more than 130 countries and territories, helping to inspire young people to dream big, celebrate their achievements and make a difference in their world. We’re not limited by boundaries. There are 1.3 million young people currently completing their own unique programme, via hundreds of thousands of youth-focused partners and operators, including schools, youth organisations, examination boards and youth offender institutions. We’ve got more than 60 years of experience and we’re just getting started. Our ambition is to make the Award accessible to every 14-24 year old around the world, regardless of ability, experience or culture.


*Statistics from 2016

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How does the Award work? By encouraging young people to learn new skills, get physically active, volunteer within their communities and discover a sense of adventure outside the classroom, the Award helps young people to unlock their potential. Using the Award framework and with the support of adult volunteers, participants develop their own bespoke programme, as they work towards achieving the internationally recognised Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. The Award framework


Bronze Aged 14+ 6 months min

Physical Recreation


Silver Aged 15+ 12 months min

Adventurous Journey

Residential Project*

Gold Aged 16+ 18 months min *At Gold level only

How is the Award delivered? Hundreds of thousands of dedicated people help to deliver the Award around the world, every day. They do this through a simple but effective social franchise model. From the slums of Uganda and the favelas of Brazil; correctional facilities in Malaysia and USA; youth centres in Israel and the Netherlands; national schools and sports clubs in India and Australia; to the most prestigious private and international schools across the world, the Award’s framework can support and thrive in a multitude of different environments. Whilst the framework of the Award does not differ from country to country, the Award is licensed to operators around the world, to ensure it is nationally and culturally relevant to each and every young person involved. In many countries the Award is delivered via licensed National Award Operators. In addition, in countries where a National Award Operator is not present, the Award is delivered through Independent Award Centres, licensed directly by The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation.

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Why the Award?


Non-formal education focuses on developing the wider ‘soft’ – or life - skills which help young people ensure they are ready for the world. When paired with a formal education, it provides a fantastic foundation for a young person to thrive.

T a T p i

This is where the Award comes to the fore. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award encourages young people to develop the character, skills and confidence they need to improve themselves and their communities, by encouraging them to step outside their comfort zone and build positive habits that they will take with them for the rest of their lives. With the support of adult mentors, the Award helps young people to unleash their passions and believe in the power of their own potential. Through the Award, young people can be empowered with not just the confidence but the desire to create meaningful change; to find their purpose, passion and place in the world.

Based on a global sample of 2, 491 young people (September 2016 February 2018) 1,505 were Award participants, 986 who were not.

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Access to so many life-changing experiences and opportunities has had a significant impact on my attitude. The Award has allowed me to seize opportunities I couldn’t have dreamt of when I was younger and it continues to inspire me.” Gold Award holder Hasanka Pushpakumara, Sri Lanka

But non-formal education also benefits those young people who may not be able to access a full formal education – such as refugees, those living in poverty, young parents, those with physical or learning disabilities or those from an at risk or marginalised background.

Not all learning happens in the classroom – in fact, we believe some of life’s biggest lessons happen in the least likely locations.

Why now? There are 1.8 billion young people aged 10-24 in the world today. There have never been more young people of this age group alive in history. Though fast-paced developments in technology mean the world has never been smaller or more accessible, it has also become increasingly unstable, uncertain and often insecure.

Good health and well-being

Although the Award is more than 60 years old, it is as – if not more – relevant today, than it ever has been. Today’s young people need to be able to tackle the ever-changing world they live in – and to do that, they need transferrable skills such as adaptability, communication, resilience and problem solving. Governments and leaders around the world are also recognising the importance of non-formal education and the Award’s activity aligns with a number of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, in particular:

Quality education

Decent work and economic growth

UN Sustainable Development Goals 2017

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The impact of the Award It’s not enough just to believe that the Award makes an impact – we have to be able to prove that impact, and have developed an evidence-based approach to our research and evaluation. The Award’s impact differs in form and social value according to the context and environment of the participant. When assessing this impact we take into consideration a range of demographic groups such as women, ethnic minorities, youth offenders, young people with physical and/or learning disabilities and individuals who are otherwise at risk or marginalised.

I have seen timid girls improve their self-esteem because they were given a chance by the Award to make decisions for themselves. Students who were truants and had difficulties settling down totally transformed to be responsible young people. I’ve seen leaders being nurtured. I have seen young people leading from the front knowing they have a role to play in their community.” Teacher Ms Kamanda, Kenya

The ways in which the Award positively affects individuals and communities can be identified via the Impact Framework, which details the long-term impact of the Award. In the last two years, the Foundation has invested in growing our understanding of not only the Award’s impact, but also our insight into and understanding of youth motivations and challenges.

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The Award made me recognise how empathy and optimism can make you overcome difficulties and that only those who do not try actually fail.” Gold Award holder, Greta, Lithuania

The impact framework The long term impact of the Award includes: 1 Improved employability and earning potential due to improved life skills.

Your support Award participation

2 Improved physical health and fitness due to increased long-term participation in physical activities.

Young people can get involved in the Award at three levels (Bronze, Silver and Gold), with each containing four sections (Service, Skills, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey) and an additional Residential Project at Gold level.

3 Improved mental health and emotional wellbeing due to increased social interaction, self-confidence, enhanced life skills and sense of purpose. 4 Increased engagement with charitable and community causes directly, through the Service section of the Award, and indirectly, through increased likelihood of long-term participation in volunteering and other forms of community and local participation. 5 Improved environmental impact due to involvement in environmental projects and/or spending more time in nature as a part of Award activities. Increased awareness of environmental issues and greater connection with and compassion for nature, resulting in an increase in positive, or reduction in negative, environmental impacts. 6 Increased social cohesion and community cohesion; a greater respect for diversity and ability to accept differences, as a result of interacting with people from different ages, abilities and backgrounds. ‘Community spirit’ also increases, as a result of greater participation in civic life through Award activities. 7 Reduced offending Reduction in first-term offending and reduction in reoffending by young offenders, due to long-term increased levels of physical activity, improved life skills, increased social inclusion and improved social skills resulting from increased levels of social interaction.


Through participating in the Award, young people can experience outcomes such as increased confidence, resilience and determination, creativity and adaptability and personal and social wellbeing.


The long-term impacts of Award participation on young people and their communities can include improved employability and earning potential, improved physical health and fitness, improved mental health and wellbeing and increased social cohesion.

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Our challenge is to grow the Award so it is available to as many young people as possible.

Our long-term ambition is that every eligible young person will have the opportunity to participate in the Award.

Our vision is to reach more young people from diverse backgrounds and equip them as individuals to succeed in life.

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T p w o

How can you support us? The Award has ambitious targets for growing the number of young people participating in and achieving The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award worldwide. To achieve this, our activity between 2018 and 2023 will focus on the following:

Access increasing the number of new Award entrants, particularly those from at risk or marginalised communities.

There are a variety of ways that you can support the Award’s activity, either globally via the International Award Foundation or nationally. Your support could include:

Reach increasing the number of organisations and people involved in delivering the Award by improving the social infrastructure of the Award.

• Making a personal gift • Leaving a legacy gift • Introducing us to individuals who might be interested in supporting us • Providing in kind support

Impact increasing Award completion rates by assisting, supporting and training providers – volunteers and Leaders – to enable more young people to achieve their Award.

• Speaking to us about running the Award in your school or organisation • I ntroducing us to organisations who might want to run the Award

Thank you for taking an interest in the Award. If you would like to support our work, or have any further questions, we would love to hear from you! Email development@intaward.org or call +44 (0) 20 7222 4242

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©2018 The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation All images © 2018 The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation Registered charity in England and Wales number 1072453 Company limited by guarantee number 3666389

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支持和激励世界 各地的年轻人

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今天的年轻人在寻找自己的位置时,面临着各种挑战。他们受到太多信息和过 高期望的影响,而倍感困惑。在成长过程中,他们遇到了前所未有的复杂性和 挑战。要取得成功,他们需要提高技能,坚持不懈和被理解,以克服生活中可 能出现的各种障碍。 爱丁堡公爵国际奖旨在协助年轻人找到自己的目标、激情和位置。帮助他们塑 造品格和培养自信心,使其在未来的道路上勇敢前行。 我们相信,培训年轻人具备发掘其潜力的技能和信心极为重要。这不仅有利于 他们的成长,还有利于其所在的社区发展。但是,如果没有你们的帮助,我们 将寸步难行。在你们的支持下,我们可以帮助世界上更多的年轻人开拓国际视 野,找到他们能够真正实现的目标。如果您希望与我们一起来培育社会明日之 才,请继续阅读,了解如何支持或参与我们的活动计划。

约翰·梅尔 秘书长 爱丁堡公爵国际奖基金会

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对 认

对我潜能的 认可 澳大利亚金章奖获得者梅勒妮·德兰 (Melanie Tran) ) 讲述此奖项如何让 其他人对其另眼相看。 “2014年3月6日是我永远不会忘记的一天。那是我因为 才能而不是残疾而被认可的一天。那天,我荣获了爱丁 堡公爵金章奖。

添加新的活动、新闻文章、传单和画册,并及时更新信 息。当协会向我提供就业机会时,我非常激动。最重要 的原因是,我很荣幸能为协会提供优质服务,感谢他们 多年来对我的支持。” 特此感谢新南威尔士肌肉萎缩症协会以及爱丁堡公爵国 际奖澳大利亚办事处

从我获得铜章奖的第一天起 (我是第一个通过“新南威 尔士肌肉萎缩症协会”获得铜章奖的人),我就将目标 瞄准了金章奖。这是我对自己许下的承诺,但我不确定 能否实现,不知道自己是否能够承担如此大的挑战。 我找到了希望 因为我坐在轮椅上,很多人怀疑我做不到,不会成功。 我想证明他们错了,并告诉他们,残疾并不意味着我只 能坐在轮椅上看着别人实现梦想。我成功了!我完成了 所有三个奖项,接受每个奖项的新挑战。通过这些奖 项,我终于找到了希望…… 为了获得金章奖,我完成了该协会的网站更新,以作为 服务项目的一部分。对于技能项目,我完成了一个名为 Creo的产品设计在线培训课程,还学习了电影制作和视 频编辑。由于我的服务成果,我被新南威尔士肌肉萎缩 症协会聘请为他们的网站管理员。我负责在该网站上

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关于爱丁堡公爵国际奖的数据 成功在

爱丁堡公爵国际奖是一个全球 非正式教育理念,现时共有超过 130个国家及地区推行此计划。 我们旨在协助和激励年轻人实现 个人远大理想,自我完善、散发 正能量。 本奖项计划不受地区的限制。现时, 全球共有超过 130万年轻人参与此计划。此奖项计划极具弹性。参 加者可在关注青少年成长的合作伙伴和团体 (包括学 校、青年组织、认证委员会和青少年犯罪教养机构) 的协助下,自由选择参与各项不同的活动。 虽然拥有60多年的经验,但我们觉得这只是个开始。 我们的目标是能继续深入社会各个阶层,提供机会 给不同背景、文化和能力的14-24岁的年轻人自我挑 战。

个国家和地 区开展活动





每天有超过 名新参与者 超过34万名年轻人 获得铜章奖、银章 奖或金章奖

超过20万名志愿者 超过14万名参与者来自处境不 利或被边缘化的群体 *2016年的统计数据

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此奖项如何运作? 此奖项鼓励年轻人学习新技能,积极参与体育活动和社区的义工工作,并在课外发扬探索精神,从而帮助年 轻人挖掘其潜力。 在此奖项的框架和成人志愿者的支持下,参与者制定自己的行动计划,为获取国际认可的铜章奖、铜章奖或 金章奖而努力。 此奖项的框架


铜章奖 年满14岁 至少6个月

康乐 体育科


银章奖 年满15岁 至少12个月

团体生 活科*

野外探 索科

金章奖 年满16岁 至少18个月 仅针对金章奖


此奖项如何颁发? 每天都有成千上万的热心人士在世界各地协助年轻人参与此奖项计划。他们通过一个简单但有效的社会特许 经营模式来实现。 从乌干达和巴西的贫民窟,到马来西亚和美国的教养所、以色列和荷兰的青年中心、印度和澳大利亚的国立 学校和体育俱乐部、以及全球最负盛名的私立学校和国际学校,此奖项的框架可以在各种不同的环境中获得 支持和发展。虽然此奖项计划的框架并不因国界而异,但是此奖项计划只会授权给当地符合资格的团体和合 作伙伴,以确保每个参与的年轻人都与本国的情况和文化相关。在许多国家,此奖项计划通过授权的国家奖 励计划团体 (National Award Operator) 来颁发。没有国家奖励计划团体的地方,此奖励计划通过爱丁堡公爵 国际奖基金会直接授权的独立奖励中心 (Independent Award Centre) 来颁发。

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“读万卷书,不如行万里路”。非正 式教育的重点是培养更广泛的“软技 能”或生活技能,让年轻人能够应付 未来的挑战。配合正式教育,爱丁堡 公爵奖为年轻人的成长提供坚实的基 础

当 年 轻

能够有机会多接触外面的世界,发展个人 兴趣,这经验实在难能可贵!对我来说, 这奖项让我能够更好装备自己,蜕变成 长,追求更美好的未来。” 金章奖获得者 Hasanka Pushpakumara,,来自斯里 兰卡

我们的使命,是以培育年轻人的素质为己任。透过有 意义的活动,鼓励年轻人能踏实地奋进学习,多接触 外面的世界,自我完善,积极地参与社会,贡献社 会,蜕变成长。 在成人导师的协助下,此奖项计划激励年轻人培养探 索精神,身心得以均衡发展。 通过此奖项计划,年轻人不仅能增强自己的能力和信 心,坚毅不屈地向目标迈进,而且能让年轻人有机会 积极面对生活的挑战,自我完善,贡献社会。

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另外,非正式教育也有利于弥补正式教育的不足,让 一些无机会接受全面正式教育的年轻人,例如难民、 生活贫困者、年轻的父母、弱能人士以及处境不利和 被边缘化的群体也能有机会参与此奖项计划。 并不是所有的学习都在课堂上进行 - 事实上,我们相 信人生最好的课程往往发生在你最意想不到的地方。

* 调查问卷了2,491位年轻人 其中有1,505名奖励参与 者,986名非奖项参与者 (2016年9月-2018年2月)。

为什么是现在? 当今全球上有大概18亿10-24岁的 年轻人。历史上,这个年龄段的年 轻人数量从未如此多。

回顾过去,展望未来。此奖励计划已有超过60 年的历史。今天,这奖项计划更具现实意义。 今天的年轻人必须具备勇于承担,坚毅不屈的 生活方式和态度。严格来说,是培训年轻人做 人做事的基本态度、适应能力、努力进取的精


神和能力。 世界各国政府和领导人也认识到非正式教育的


重要性。爱丁堡公爵国际奖与联合国一致,帮 助年轻人达至全人发展,尤其是:





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奖项的影响力 仅仅相信此奖项会产生影响是不够的 - 我们必须能够证明其影响 力。对此,我们建立了一套以实据为基础的研究和评估方法。 根据参与者所处的环境和背景,此奖项的影响力在形 式和社会价值上有所不同。在评估这种影响时,我们 会考虑一系列社会群体,例如妇女、少数民族、青年 罪犯、弱能人士、以及处境不利或被边缘化的个人。

我看到胆小的女孩提高了自尊心,因为这个奖项给了 她们为自己做决策的机会。我看到曾经逃学和难以安 定下来的学生完全转变为负责任的年轻人。我看到了 领导者的成长。我还看到年轻人在前线发挥带头作 用,他们知道自己在社区中的作用。” 来自肯尼亚的卡曼达 (Kamanda) 老师

影响力架构 (Impact Framework) 详细说明了此奖项 计划的长期影响,通过该框架可判断此奖项对个人和 社区产生什么积极影响。在过去的两年中,基金会加 大投入,使我们不仅了解此奖项的影响,而且理解年 轻人的意念和挑战。

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这个奖项让我认识到同理心 (empathy) 和 乐观 (optimism) 可以让人克服困难;不经 过尝试,注定要失败。” 金章奖获得者 Greta,来自立陶宛

影响框架 此奖项计划的长期影响包括:

1、 由于生活技能的提升,提高了就业能力和 入潜力。

您的支持 奖项参与 年轻人可以选择参与此奖项 的三个级别 (铜章奖、银章 奖和金章奖),每个级别包含 四个活动,包括服务科、技 能科、康乐体育科及野外探 索科,以及金章奖额外的团 体生活科。

2、由于长期参加体育活动, 改善了身体健康 3、 于增加了社交互动、自信心、以及生活技能和自 我完善的优良素质,改善了心理和情绪健康。 4、 通过以下方式增加了对慈善和社区事业的参与: 直接地通过此奖项计划的服务项目;间接地通过 长期参与志愿服务和其他形式的社区或地方参 与。成为负责任和勇于承担的良好市民。 5、 由于能有机会参与野外锻炼科的评核旅程, 提高了对环境问题的认识,加深人与自然的亲 密关系,从而产生积极的影响或减少负面的环 境影响。

6、增强了社会凝聚力和团队合作;通过与来自不同 年龄、能力和背景的年轻人互动,令他们更加尊重 多样性和接受差异。通过此奖项的活动参与社区生 活,提升了“社区精神”和拓宽社交圈子。 7、 降低犯罪率 – 通过加强长期的体育活动、 改善生活技能、促进社会融入、以及增加社 会互动来提升社交技能,从而降低年轻人初 犯和再犯的次数。


通过参与此奖项,年 轻人可以增强信心、 毅力、决心、创造 力、适应性、以及发 展个人潜能和训练社 交技能。

影响 参与此奖项与对青少 年及其社区的长期影 响包括:提高就业能 力和收入潜力、改善 身体和心理健康、提 升幸福感和增强社会 凝聚力

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扩大奖项计划的影响 力,鼓励更多的年轻人参与。

我们的长期目标 让每个符合条件的 年轻人都有机会参与这个奖项计划。

我们的愿景 提供机会给更多来自不同 背景的年轻人,并协助他们实现自我价 值,从而在生活中取得成功。

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我 爵 将

您可以如何支持我们? 我们的远大目标是在全球范围内增加年轻人参与并获得爱丁堡公 爵国际奖的数量。为实现这一目标,我们在2018~2023年的活动 将重点关注以下内容:

普及:增加新的奖项计划名额,特别 是来自处境不利或被边缘化的群体。

您可以通过国际奖基金会或国内的各种方式支持 此奖项的活动。 您的支持可包括:

渗透:通过改善此奖项的社会基 础,增加参与此奖项计划的培训 人员和机构的数量。

• 个人捐款 • 捐资 • 将我们介绍给可能有兴趣支持我们的人士 • 实物支持

影响:通过协助、支持和培训志 愿者以及合作伙伴,提高奖项计 划的完成率,让更多年轻人获颁 奖项。

• 与 我们探讨如何在您的学校或组织推广此奖项 计划 • 将 我们介绍给可能有兴趣运作此奖项计划的 机构

感谢您对这个奖项计划的关注。 如果您想支持我们的工作,或者有任何其它问题,我们很 乐意听取您的意见! 电子邮件地址:development@intaward.org 或致电:+44 (0) 20 7222 4242

29/05/2018 08:58

©2018 爱丁堡公爵国际奖基金会 图片版权©2018 爱丁堡公爵国际奖基金会 英格兰和威尔士慈善机构注册编号1072453 有限公司担保编号3666389

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29/05/2018 14:18

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