Increased risk of forest fires The land is more susceptible to erosion, and when enough of the land has eroded, it can no longer sustain plant life
Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere during the deforestation process
Accounts for 20% of greenhouse gas emissions
Changes to the Amazon River would affect the South American current and the jetstream
Effects of Deforestation
The Amazon could turn from a carbon sink to a carbon source
Regional rainfall decreases as less trees = less water vapour released into the atmosphere
Animal and plant species, and indigenous people’s habitats are destroyed
Worldwide increase in droughts and crop failures
Less oxygen available Larger variation of temperature from day to night, which could be fatal to some species
Medicinal plants are being lost or reducing in number
Plant a veggie patch inin Plant a veggie patch your garden. Grow your your garden. Grow your own herbs. Give any own herbs. Give any excess toto friends, family excess friends, family and neighbours. and neighbours. Put upup bird houses and bird Put bird houses and bird feeders in your garden to feeders in your garden to attract and protect wildlife attract and protect wildlife
Make the most ofof natural light, only Make the most natural light, only turn the lights offoff when you really turn the lights when you really need to,to, and remamber toto turn them need and remamber turn them offoff when you leave a room when you leave a room
Cycle and walk more, toto work, Cycle and walk more, work, toto the shops. Make the most the shops. Make the most ofof public transport, and trytry public transport, and out car sharing. out car sharing.
Wash your laundry ofof a cold Wash your laundry a cold setting. Also try and line dry setting. Also try and line dry whenever possible instead ofof whenever possible instead using the tumble dryer. using the tumble dryer.
TryTry and buy local produce and buy local produce wherever possible. This supports wherever possible. This supports your local businesses and their your local businesses and their families. Locally grown produce families. Locally grown produce will also have a much lower will also have a much lower carbon foot print then non local carbon foot print then non local produce, asas it it doesn’t travel miles produce, doesn’t travel miles and miles. and miles.
Composting is is a great way toto Composting a great way recycle your food waste and make recycle your food waste and make nuroushing soil for your garden toto nuroushing soil for your garden support all the vegetation. It also support all the vegetation. It also reduces the amount ofof waste that reduces the amount waste that ends up in landfill. ends up in landfill.