Major Documentry Project Workbook

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AD6800 Major Documentary Project Rebecca Thorp s1307336 Kingdom

Contents Proposal…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4 Correspondence ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Researching the Religion .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Candida Höfer ............................................................................................................................................................... 7 Thom and Beth Atkinson - Missing Buildings ................................................................................................. 9 The Becher’s ............................................................................................................................................................... 10 Jack Latham…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....11 Alec Soth ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13 Proposal Amended ................................................................................................................................................... 17 Timetable ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18 John Duncan ................................................................................................................................................................ 19 William Christenberry ............................................................................................................................................ 20 Lewis Baltz and Thomas Ruff ……………………………………………………………………...……………….…21 Shoot Plan 1 ................................................................................................................................................................ 24 What is a Kingdom Hall? ....................................................................................................................................... 25 Jehovah’s Witnesses Beliefs ................................................................................................................................. 26 Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Holocaust ............................................................................................................. 28 Risk Assessment for Shoot 1 ................................................................................................................................ 30 Shoot 1 Contacts ....................................................................................................................................................... 31 Shoot analysis ............................................................................................................................................................ 34 Selected images from Shoot 1 ............................................................................................................................. 35 Shoot 2 Contacts ....................................................................................................................................................... 40 Selected images from Shoot 2 ............................................................................................................................. 42 Book Layout and Artist Research ...................................................................................................................... 44 Who to print with? ................................................................................................................................................... 47 Choosing Blurb .......................................................................................................................................................... 48 Shoot 3 Contacts ....................................................................................................................................................... 53 Nicolò Degiorgis - Hidden Islam ………………………………………………………………………………..…….56 David Spero……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………58 Markus Brunetti……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..59 Plans for Upcoming Shoots .................................................................................................................................. 64 Shoot 6 Contacts ....................................................................................................................................................... 86 Thomas Struth……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...100 Paul Graham – American Night ....................................................................................................................... 104 Simon Roberts – We English ............................................................................................................................. 105


Book Layout 4 ......................................................................................................................................................... 108 Book Layout 5 ......................................................................................................................................................... 111 Book Layout 6 ......................................................................................................................................................... 112 Book Layouts 7 and 8 .......................................................................................................................................... 115 Layout 9 – working out the cover ................................................................................................................... 117

Final Layout and Cover………………………………………………………………………………………………....118 Printing ...................................................................................................................................................................... 121 Evaluation ................................................................................................................................................................. 122


Proposal My Major Documentary Project will be a personal exploration to gain a greater understanding of the Jehovah Witness religion. I want to produce a body of work which insights and informs others about the religion of Jehovah Witnesses but also allows me to understand a religion that my mother left at the age of 18. This project will allow me to understand and get closer to a side of my family that I’ve had little contact and interaction with over my 21 years. I want to show that they are people and that a religion shouldn’t label them, they shouldn’t be subject to jokes and to be made a mockery by television programmes, I want to show respect to them and their religion. My approach to the project will be complementary and forgiving, I want to give an insight into their lives and their opinions on their religion but also on how others view it. This will be done through general questions, research from books and images. I will take portraits of those willing and landscapes/stills of the Kingdom Halls, this including interiors and exteriors. I will also do some still life and closer shots of small details within the buildings. I’m planning on shooting the project on colour film most likely 35mm though I may also shoot on medium format if I feel that I have enough time. (This could be subject to change once I start shooting.) As I already have the access in one community though my Grandparents back in Hertfordshire. I feel that I will have enough time to use this medium rather than digital. Though I may switch to digital due to the scanners at university and time in getting my book printed. My time span for this project is short and I need to start shooting ASAP. I hope to get in contact with some communities up here in Gloucestershire to save me commuting back and forth. I will need to have my images and book layout done by the middle to end of April to have time to send it off to be printed. My overall output of this project will be a small book; about A5/A6 titled “Kingdom” the book will contain images in keeping with my style of shooting throughout the past year and passages from their bible. I may also include my own thoughts and discoveries; I may also include reasons from my Mum for leaving the religion and quotes from people that I meet. I feel that a book will reflect the personal and quiet nature of this study. Overall I hope that this project brings an insight about the religion and aims to reduce the amount of mockery the religion gets. I also hope it brings me closer to my mothers side of the family as I will understand their lives more.




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Researching the Religion As I want my book to be a neutral/positive representation of the religion and the people within the religion. I’m going to research statistical facts and quotes about their personal opinions about their religion. I feel that this will be able to give you an insight to their religion without putting a negative spin on the religion, as I want the book to represent the people in a positive way, showing that they are people and everyone is welcome to their own beliefs. “We come from hundreds of ethnic and language backgrounds, yet we are united by common goals. Above all, we want to honour Jehovah, the God of the Bible and the Creator of all things. We do our best to imitate Jesus Christ and are proud to be called Christians. Each of us regularly spends time helping people learn about the Bible and God’s Kingdom. Because we witness, or talk, about Jehovah God and his Kingdom, we are known as Jehovah’s Witnesses.” “We are ordinary people. We come from various backgrounds and social conditions. Some of us formerly practiced a different religion, while others did not believe in God. Before becoming Witnesses, however, all of us took the time to examine carefully the teachings of the Bible. (Acts 17:11) We agreed with what we learned, and then we made a personal choice to worship Jehovah God.” 240—Lands where Jehovah’s Witnesses worship 8,220,105—Jehovah’s Witnesses 9,708,968—Free home Bible courses conducted 19,862,783—Attendance at the annual Memorial of Christ’s death 118,016—Congregations


Candida Hรถfer


“In majestic large-format color photography, Candida Höfer captures the psychological residue left behind in empty public and institutional spaces. Höfer meticulously composes her shots, positioning herself symmetrically either in the center of rooms or along a diagonal that best reveals the space’s internal architecture. She prefers places that contain an institutional history, embodied either in texts or in structures, such as libraries, museums, and zoos. A member of the Dusseldorf School and former student of Bernd and Hilla Becher, Höfer is influenced by the legacy of conceptual and typological photography.” - Within my project I am aiming to shoot the interiors of the Kingdom Halls so I have included the two top images, not common of her style of shooting; this because of the locations within the images. They are more typical of everyday halls and show a different approach to shooting them rather than straight on. I really like the image with the curtain and birds of the window, I feel that it depicts a narrative in its self but also has a vast amount of atmosphere that I aim to capture in my images; this subject to the types of lighting within the halls themselves. I also think what I can learn from Hofer is to take my time, making sure the symmetry is correct within my images and that there is no distortion from the lens when editing. When shooting I will need to use a low iso and reduce noise and use a slower shutter speed to compensate for the lack of light getting into my camera.


Thom and Beth Atkinson - Missing Buildings

Missing Buildings seeks to answer war artist John Piper’s vision to preserve the ruins of the Second World War in London. This extensive body of work, made over the last five years, studies both the physical and the imaginative landscape of the London Blitz. Over a million of London’s buildings were destroyed or damaged by bombing between 1940 and 1945. From the mysterious gap in a suburban terrace to the incongruous post-war inner city estate, London is a vast archaeological site, bearing the visible scars of its violent wartime past. 70 years after VE Day, Thom and Beth’s photographs search for evidence of the Blitz, both real and mythological, in order that we might memorialise what remains and contemplate its effects upon the British psyche.


The Becher’s



The repetitive categorisation of the Becher’s work is something that has been a constant inspiration for my work. It will also be something that I am going to continue to do within this project. I am going to photograph a series of different Halls across the UK these images will go alongside interiors of Halls that I am aiming to get. The book layout is something that I will also consider – having a singular image on the right and text on the other side. I really like the size of the image on the page – this is uniform throughout the book. The overall lighting and quality of the images are something I need to consider, the shadows aren’t too dark and you can still see all of the features of the buildings. Jack Latham


Jack Latham’s lighting and tones within his images are very complementary and can be seen within all of his images in this series. His project looks into the Mormon religion, this relates to my project about Jehovah Witnesses. His work is useful to look at as it shows a different take on photographing a religion than what I had considered for my work. For this body of work I need to consider surrounding photos of the Halls to be able to set the scene of where they are situated within the different housing estates, roads and building sites.


Alec Soth Sleeping by the Mississippi

Similar to Latham’s work Soth’s are very aesthetically pleasing in both lighting and tones. His images are powerful and hold a strong narrative. The image of the workers by the cross is a similar shooting style that I could adopt for people going to the Halls. Along with the workers the straight on shot of the Hall is what I want the images of my Halls to look like. Well framed but also shows the area of which it is built. This shot is always very reminiscent of the Becher’s photos.


Last Days of W

I feel this series of Soth’s is more relatable to mine, his images that he has included are matching in colours and tones, this is something I need to consider with my book. The watching lighting and tones with the inside and outside is something that I need to consider also as jumping between the two wont work very well, and will create a confusing messy book.


Feedback After submitting my proposal to my two tutors I received feedback form both. Both suggesting that I should ditch my idea of shooting film and focus on digital due to turn around time with making a book. I t was also suggested that shooting architectural images will be easer in digital due to being able to correct my verticals in Lightroom. I feel that this is a sensible suggestion that I will take under my wing. It was also suggested that I focus my attention onto the physical buildings of the Kingdom Halls and how many of them come pre fabricated and all follow a very similar style and layout. This will also relate to my style of shooting throughout the year, this in turn will support my previous work, but that previous work would then support this new project. I feel that from this feedback I want to create a repetitive documentation of a selection of Kingdom Halls – Focusing on the Kingdom Hall its self and its small details but also the Hall on a larger scale, how it fits into the land. I want to take photos of the surroundings to show how Kingdom Halls are on prime real-estate land yet some are also shoved out of view where there was only a small plot of land to spare. I initially thought I wanted this project to be about the people but I feel that yes it will still be that but I want to show the importance of the Kingdom Hall and how a building can bring everyone together. This linking to my scouting background where a scout hut can bring different people on from various families and wealth. These Halls make everyone equal, and bring people together to celebrate what they believe, and that’s okay.


Proposal Amended My Major Documentary Project will be a personal exploration to gain a greater understanding of the Jehovah Witness religion. I want to produce a body of work which insights and informs others about the religion of Jehovah Witnesses but also allows me to understand a religion that my mother left at the age of 18. This project will allow me to understand and get closer to a side of my family that I’ve had little contact and interaction with over my 21 years. I want to show that they are people and that a religion shouldn’t label them, they shouldn’t be subject to jokes and to be made a mockery by television programmes, I want to show respect to them and their religion. My approach to the project will be complementary and forgiving, I want to give an insight into their lives and their opinions on their religion but also on how others view it. This will be done through general questions, research from books and images. I will take portraits of those willing and landscapes/stills of the Kingdom Halls, this including interiors and exteriors. I will also do some still life and closer shots of small details within the buildings. My initial plan for this project was to shoot on film, but from feedback and recommendations from both tutors, it has been suggested that I shoot on digital due to my lack and time and quicker turn around. This was also cancel out my issue with the scanners. Shooting digital RAW will also allow me to correct verticals in Lightroom as most of this project will be architectural photos. So for this project I will now be shooting on high end digital, 5D MKiii and or the digital Pentax 645. I’ve want to shoot on high end so if needed in the future I will be able to print these images larger for exhibition or other sue than just a book. This is something I have learnt from previous modules this year. Along with the communities in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire I hope to get in contact with the Cheltenham Kingdom Hall, and from there I hope to gain contact with other halls within Gloucestershire such as; Tewkesbury and Gloucester. I will approach these communities after I have photos from home so I have some images to show them. My overall output of this project will be a book entitled “Kingdom” the book will contain images in keeping with my style of shooting throughout the past year and passages from their bible. I may also include my own thoughts and discoveries; I may also include reasons from my Mum for leaving the religion and quotes from people that I meet. I feel that a book will reflect the personal and quiet nature of this study. Overall I hope that this project brings an insight about the religion and aims to reduce the amount of mockery the religion gets. I also hope it brings me closer to my mothers side of the family as I will understand their lives more.


Timetable 23-28th March 29-30th March 31-1st April 3rd April Week of the 3rd April Week of 3rd April Week of 3rd April 4-8th April 9-10th April Week of 11th April Week of 11th April Week of 11th April Week of 18th Week of 18th 28th April latest 28thApril - 11th May 11th May

Planning and Researching


Shooting Chesham and Hemel Hempstead Kingdom Hall Editing and reviewing photos Approaching Kingdom Hall Cheltenham Taking photos at Cheltenham Kingdom Hall Editing and Reviewing


Book layout research and starting layout in InDesign More Research and InDesign Layouts Reshoot in Chesham and Hemel Reshoot Cheltenham and possibly drive to others in Glos Editing and InDesign

Photography and Sketchbook Photography Photography and Sketchbook Sketchbook Sketchbook Photography Photography

Photography and Sketchbook Possible Reshoot back at Photography home if needed Possibly Reshooting if Photography needed Refining InDesign layout Sketchbook Sending book off to Photography and Blurb for print Sketchbook Finish Sketchbook Sketchbook HAND IN HAND IN


John Duncan

Though John Duncan’s Bonfires doesn’t directly relate to the Jehovah witness religion, his style of shooting is something in location is something I need to study. He manages to capture the subject but also sits it successfully into the scene. There is no doubt that these photos are defiantly taken in Great Britain. This is evident in the type of housing, light, the Lidl in the bottom right image. When shooting the Kingdom Halls these are things that I need to take into consideration. I am aware that many of the Kingdom Halls are pushed away from the roads and are at the back of houses or in industrial states. So when shooting I will need to put these buildings into context, perhaps shooting from locations there you can only just see the kingdom halls. This representing how unfamiliar their religion is to others.


William Christenberry


In 1936, William Christenberry was born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He attended The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa where he received both his BFA and MFA degrees. The artist is best known for his photography, paintings, drawings and sculptures that depict Southern themes. There have been two main retrospectives featuring William Christenberry's work: one that was organized by the Morris Museum of Art in Augusta, Georgia, and another traveling exhibition organized by the University of Arizona's Centre for Creative Photography. Christenberry‘s style of shooting is similar to the style I am planning to use for the Kingdom Halls. I want to try and photograph the Halls and show the surroundings around them. As a lot of the Halls within the UK are prefabricated it felt fitting to include Christenberry‘s work as alongside his images he makes models of the buildings he photographs. Lewis Baltz


Next to Bernd and Hilla Becher, Stephen Shore and Henry Wessel, Lewis Baltz is one of the most prominent representatives of the New Topographics movement, which was seminal to the development of conceptual photography. Baltz's photo series document the side effects of industrial civilization on the landscape, focusing on places that lie outside the bounds of canonical reception: urban wastelands, abandoned industrial sites, warehouses. His photographs uncover the correspondences between spatial forms that occur in the everyday world and advanced forms found in art. Baltz's strategies imply a reflexive knowledge of the history of photography in that they deploy the photographer as a teacher of seeing who makes things visible through reductive gestures. He already turned in the mid-1960s towards a reduced, minimalist-style aesthetic, orienting himself on artists in the fields of painting, sculpture and Land Art. Looking at Baltz’s work, I feel that is minimalistic and straight on style of shooting will be very fitting with Kingdom Halls. The Halls in the UK are very simple and bland, and Baltz images get across this feel within the industrial America. This feel is also evident in Thomas Ruff’s architectural work, though his winder shots allow for a better understanding of the area. His straight on style of shooting is similar to the Bechers, this because they taught him along side Candida Hofer. Inspired by the lectures of Benjamin H.D. Buchloh and the photography of Bernd and Hilla Becher, Ruff began to work in a more minimal and conceptual way. He studied alongside artists such as Candida Höfer, Reinhard Mucha, Klaus Rinke and Thomas Struth. Through an acquaintance Ruff met students from Gerhard Richter’s class, including Michael van Ofen, Thomas Schütte and Volker Tannert. Evidence of their teavchings can be seen within Hofer’s work also.


Thomas Ruff


Shoot Plan 1 On 29th and 30th March I have been granted access to Kingdom Halls in Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire, these being in Chesham, Hemel Hempstead, High Wycombe and Aylesbury. I feel that these four locations will give me an amazing step into my project, allowing me to gain at least 5 images per location showing the variation but also similarity in the Halls. Im planning on taking interior photos and exterior, looking at the Halls physically and also how they sit in the surrounding area. Though I may only have access inside the halls in those two days during that week nothing is stopping me returning during the same week to get more external shots. I am aiming to also include smaller details that will follow the similar shooting style of the rest of the architectural images. During the shoot I also hope to gain some text to include within my book this being from conversations with my grandfather but also thoughts and opinions about the importance of the halls. I hope to find out who built the hall/halls and here the originals plans come from. From there I could look into the manufacturing of the halls. I want to investigate this, as I want to show the importance of the Halls. How these buildings are mass manufactured with little love, but once in place mean so much to a community. From there I will look into quotes within the Jehovah Witness community showing the importance of the Halls. I am undecided whether I want to include the locations of the halls within my book and if that would add any other information to the narrative. I will see what my tutors think.


What is a Kingdom Hall? “A Kingdom Hall is a house of worship used by Jehovah’s Witnesses for their religious services. There are tens of thousands of Kingdom Halls in use throughout the world. Each week, more than 105,000 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses meet in such halls. Every Kingdom Hall has an auditorium where Bible study programs and lectures are held. In most auditoriums, a stage serves as a teaching platform for the conducting of meetings. Usually, seating is provided for between 100 and 300 people. The Kingdom Hall may also have one or more auxiliary classrooms, an office, and a small library containing Bible-related literature and reference works that can be used for research by any member of the congregation. In a Kingdom Hall, however, you will not find any of the religious emblems and fixtures typically associated with the churches of Christendom. There are no altars, images, or crosses on display. Why not? Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the use of such items conflicts with the Bible’s command to “flee from idolatry.” (1 Corinthians 10:14; John 4:24) Many churches and temples are ornate and lavishly decorated. By contrast, Kingdom Halls are designed to be functional and are modest in design. The emphasis is placed on the Bible instruction that takes place within the building rather than on the structure itself. Why the name Kingdom Hall? Public gatherings at a Kingdom Hall focus primarily on the teachings of the Bible and its central message about “the kingdom of God,” the theme of Jesus’ ministry. (Luke 4:43) So the name Kingdom Hall, which was coined in the 1930’s, appropriately describes the purpose of these buildings—to promote true worship and serve as a hub for the preaching of the “good news of the kingdom.” (Matthew 24:14) Thus, Kingdom Halls are not used for social or commercial activities. Construction, operating costs, and support expenses are funded entirely by voluntary donations. A collection plate is never passed. Rather, there is a box in a fixed location for any who wish to make a contribution.” Why are they called Kingdom Halls? In the Bible, the Greek term that is sometimes translated “church” refers to a group of worshippers, not to the building they meet in. Note this example: When the apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome, he sent greetings to a couple named Aquila and Priscilla and added: “Greet the church that meets in their home.” (Romans 16:5, Contemporary English Version) Paul didn’t intend for his greetings to be conveyed to a building. Rather, he was sending his greetings to people—the congregation that met in that home. So instead of calling our place of worship a church, we use the term “Kingdom Hall.”[search_id]=56468a61-5195-4c0c-86c1e4f604351322&insight[search_result_index]=1


Jehovah’s Witnesses Beliefs Jehovah is the personal name of God, as found in the Bible. A witness is a person who proclaims views or truths of which he is convinced. Thus, our name Jehovah’s Witnesses designate us as a group of Christians who proclaim the truth about Jehovah, the Creator of all things. We witness to others by the way we live our lives and by sharing with them what we’ve learned from the Bible. They believe in: The Bible The Witnesses believe that “all Scripture is inspired of God.” Jason D. BeDuhn, an associate professor of religious studies, wrote: “[Jehovah’s Witnesses built] their system of belief and practice from the raw material of the Bible without predetermining what was to be found there.” They align their beliefs with the Bible; they do not interpret it to suit themselves. At the same time, they recognize that not everything in the Bible is to be taken literally. The seven days of creation, for example, are symbolic, referring to extended periods of time. The Creator The true God has given himself a personal name—Jehovah (or Yahweh, as used in the Roman Catholic Jerusalem Bible and preferred by some modern-day scholars)—that distinguishes him from false gods. The Hebrew form of the divine name appears some 7,000 times in the original text of the Scriptures. Stressing the importance of that name, Jesus said in his model prayer: “Hallowed be thy name.” (King James Version) God rightly demands exclusive devotion. Hence, the Witnesses use no icons or images in their worship. Jesus Christ He is the Savior, “the Son of God,” and “the firstborn of all creation.” As a created being, he is not part of a Trinity. “The Father is greater than I am,” said Jesus. Jesus lived in heaven before coming to earth, and after his sacrificial death and resurrection, he returned to heaven. “No one comes to the Father except through [him].” God’s Kingdom This is an actual heavenly government with a King—Jesus Christ—and 144,000 corulers, who are “bought from the earth.” They will rule over the earth, which will be cleansed of all wickedness and will be inhabited by many millions of Godfearing humans.


The Earth “The earth endures for ever.” (The New English Bible) After the destruction of the wicked, the earth will be made into a paradise and populated forever by righteous humans. Jesus’ words in prayer “thy will be done in earth” will thus be fulfilled. Bible Prophecy “God . . . cannot lie.” Hence, what he foretells always comes true, including the Bible prophecies concerning the end of the present world. Who will survive the coming destruction? “He that does the will of God remains forever,” Secular Authorities Pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God,” said Jesus. Accordingly, Jehovah’s Witnesses obey the laws of the land when these do not conflict with God’s laws. Preaching Jesus foretold: “This good news of the kingdom” will be proclaimed earth wide before the end of the present world. Jehovah’s Witnesses consider it an honor to share in that lifesaving work. Of course, whether people listen or not is their own choice. The Bible says: “Let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.” Baptism Jehovah’s Witnesses baptize only those who, on the basis of a thorough study of the Bible, want to serve God as one of his Witnesses. These symbolize their personal dedication to God by water immersion. The Clergy-laity Distinction “All you are brothers,” said Jesus to his followers. The early Christians, including the Bible writers, had no clergy class. This Biblical pattern is the one that Jehovah’s Witnesses follow.


Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Holocaust The Nazi government targeted the activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses as early as 1933 and banned the organization throughout Germany. The Witnesses’ moral principles and practices were not compatible with Nazi ideology. For example, the Witnesses would not offer the obligatory “Heil Hitler!,” as they considered paying homage to Hitler a betrayal of their loyalty to God. The Witnesses also refused to perform any military-related duties, a stand the regime considered to be anti-state. “To refuse military service meant being sent to a concentration camp,” explains Andrzej Szalbot, who was arrested in 1943 and sent to Auschwitz at only 19 years of age. Jehovah’s Witnesses were promised immediate freedom if they signed a document renouncing their membership in the organization and declaring that its teachings were erroneous. Mr. Szalbot refused to sign.

Jehovah’s Witnesses were promised release if they renounced their faith by signing a declaration similar to this one. Official Nazi documentation refers to Jehovah’s Witnesses by using the abbreviation “IBV,” which stood for Internationale Bibelforscher-Vereinigung (International Bible Students Association), the official German name of their organization. The Nazis required the Witnesses to wear a purple triangle on their uniforms. This symbol helped the Witnesses to identify their fellow believers in the camp. They met every evening before roll call for mutual support. Secret meetings were also organized to discuss the Bible with prisoners who were impressed by the Witnesses’ kindness and faith. A number of prisoners became Jehovah’s Witnesses while in Auschwitz camps.

28[search_id]=006a8f52-97e8-49d7a17e-d02154ac5890&insight[search_result_index]=4 I want to include information about Jehovah’s Witnesses being in the holocaust within my book as I feel that it is something that is unknown within today’s society. I feel that their religion is still made a mockery in today’s society as it was then. We still don’t live in a society where everyone’s religion is accepted, and the Jehovah’s Witness religion is an example of that. I want this book to teach people about the religion and to show how people still look down on those who are a part of the religion.


Risk Assessment for Shoot 1


Shoot 1 Contacts




Shoot analysis Looking at these images from my shoot I feel that the interiors are okay but to make a successful book I will need to get many more exteriors of Kingdom Halls. I want to go back to the Chesham Kingdom Hall with a better camera so to get more high-resolution shots, though the current images will be fine for now. Looking at the interior shots I feel that the use of a high angle would be better and more aesthetically pleasing. I also want to gain access to the Cheltenham Kingdom Hall so to be able to compare the interiors of different Halls. This will require calling the hall but I feel that now I have images of the Chesham one access shouldn’t be as of an issue. From here I need to make a list of all of the Kingdom Halls within driving range and visit them to obtain a larger body of work. These photos are to follow my style of shooting throughout the year. (Straight on.) I plan on visiting High Wycombe next as its location is quite interesting (behind a Morrison’s super market, next to a building site.) I wont have access inside the building, but I will be able to get photos from the outside, hopefully trying to capture its locations as well. I need to make a risk assessment before going.


Selected images from Shoot 1






Shoot 2 Contacts



Overall I feel that this shoot went okay. I feel that the busy building site going on next to the Hall hindered the amount of photos and the different angles I could get. I also feel that the sign outside of the hall is very distracting and put a negative view onto the Hall. I am not trying to achieve a negative view, I want it to be neutral allowing for your own interpretation of the religion. Selected images from Shoot 2



Book Layout and Artist Research

I decided to look at not Nicholas Nixon’s books layouts inside but his covers and spine layouts and design. I really like his use of bold colour and singular image on the front cover. I liked his chosen font type, colour of type and his embossed lettering. I also liked the sizing of the book - 10x8. I feel that this sizing would be workable with my project. When making my book I will consider this styling, and size as I find it aesthetically pleasing but also feel that it could complete my work. I will also considering having a fabric backed book instead of an image wrapped cover as I feel that a plain colour would link better with the Jehovah Witness religion and the books that they use.


I included this book in my research, as it was an example of a different presentation of a book. This book is kept within a plain untitled/designed slipcase. The case is a light colour whereas the actual book is black – I personally don’t think this colour combination works but it is something different to consider. Throughout the book there is text on the left hand side then complemented by an image on the right. I feel that this is something I could include in my book, as it will be very reliant on text.


Book Layout 1


My idea for my book is it have it portrait to represent their biblical books, having now made the book and published it online I can see that it doesn’t work. There is too much space around the images and the overall layout feel empty. I can clearly see that I don’t have enough images, as the book feels empty and lacking in information, narrative and substance. I have planned many more shoots at different Halls, as I am aware that this would be an issue. Who to print with? From making this book I feel that I need to choose a book binding company so to know what size to initially make my book. Companies that I am to decided between: Exwhyzed Blurb The main decision will fall under budget – my max budget is £150 for two books as I want to keep one for myself to give to my Grandparents. Blurb Pricing per book:



Choosing Blurb Though Exwhyzed had a faster printing time – their prices were far too pricey for my budget. It would have also meant a lot more work in getting the page seizes correct as Blurb provides you with a free template to create your books. Becky of this I have decided to go with Blurb, this mainly for ease, price and I know what I’m getting from past experience. I have currently decided to go with their 10x8 landscape photo book. From research this is the closest book to other books used within the Jehovah’s Witness practise. I also ordered a swatch kit to decide on paper choices.

From ordering the Swatch Kit I have decided to go with the Uncoated paper as I like the texture the pages have rather than the plasticy feel gloss paper. I feel that this paper, though it will decrease the colour, will add a different tactile element to my book and will hopefully break up the monotonous halls.


Book Layout 2

Due to illness I have been unable to get to take photos so I have decided to get the text written for my book so to save time later on in the making process. I have decided on the title Kingdom for my book as I feel that it is complementary to their religion, and give the Halls a sense of being.


Jehovah’s Witnesses views on death “For the living know they shall die; but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” - 1989, p. 77 “You return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. Dust you are and dust you will return.” Genesis 3:19 “As the one dies, so the other dies; and they all have one spirit, so that there is no superiority of the man over the beast, for everything is vanity. All are going to one place. They have all come to be from the dust, and they are all returning to the dust.” - Ecclesiastes 3:19, 20 Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t believe in heaven or hell because “God is love” (1 John 4:8.) And they say that if God were love, why would he make a hell?


Factual introduction for book Within the United Kingdom there are roughly 140,000 Witnesses to the Jehovah’s Witness religion. The religion itself is of Christian denomination and was founded in 1870 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America. They are commonly known across the world for knocking on people’s doors, preaching about Jehovah and handing out the Watchtower magazine. Less understood principles of their religion consist of not accepting blood, refusing military service, not celebrating birthdays, Christmas or Easter, along with not believing in Hell. Witnesses believe that death is the opposite of life. “For the living know that they shall die; but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Whatsoever thy hand fineth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” This quote seen within the Authorised or King James Version (Ecclesiastes 9:5,10.) They believe your spirit returns to God in the sense that now their hope for future life rests entirely with God. The “spirit” that makes humans live is the same that makes animals live. When the “spirit,” of invisible life force, goes out, both man and beast return to the dust from which they were made. “Only by his power can the spirit, or life-force, be given back so that we live again.” (Psalm 104:29, 30.) Jehovah’s Witnesses believe Jehovah God arranged for the resurrection of Adam’s children so that they can enjoy everlasting life. The Bible explains, “There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Acts 24:15.) Their example of this, is when Jesus is hanging on the torture stake next to two criminals, one man next to him doesn’t believe in Jesus yet the other does “Remember me when you get into your kingdom.” Jesus promises “Turley I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:39-43.) Meaning if you were a criminal but believe in Jesus he will resurrect you from Sheol, or Hades so to be taught God’s will. They believe when you are resurrected your memories and knowledge will remain because Jehovah God remembers every detail, and will restore this complete person when he resurrects you. Jehovah can, and will, bring back to life all persons that live in your memory. Along with resurrection Witnesses believe in life after Armageddon. The Bible speaks of Armageddon as the place of a righteous war fought by God. (Revelation 16:14, 16. King James Version.) This war of God will prepare the way for a righteous new world. Witness believe after Armageddon no part of the wicked world will remain, and only those who serve God will continue to live (1 John 2:17.) After Armageddon God’s Kingdom will be the only government ruling over


the Earth. Satan and his demons will be gone. (Revelation 20:1-3.) This is where you will live forever on Paradise on Earth. Witnesses meet not in Churches but in Halls entitled Kingdom Halls this because in the Bible, the Greek term that is sometimes translated “church” refers to a group of worshippers, not to the building they meet in. The name Kingdom Hall wasn’t put into place until the 1930’s. “I must also declare the good news of the Kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent.” (Luke 4:43) this passage along with “And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) influenced the naming of the Halls.

Kingdom Halls are not used for social or commercial activities. They are designed to be functional in size and styling. They are used solely for meetings and marriages between those in the Jehovah Witnesses community. Construction, operating costs, and support expenses are funded entirely by voluntary donations. A collection plate is never passed. Rather, there is a box in a fixed location for any who wish to make a contribution. “The righteous themselves will possess the Earth, and they will reside forever upon it.” (Psalm 37:29)


Shoot 3 Contacts

This shoot was only small as there were only so many pictures I could take of the same hall – this seems to be a reoccurring issue within this project. Everything seems to be a bit bland. I need to work out how to make it seem more interesting. Overall I happy with the images though and feel that they will work well with the others I have already got.


Book Layout 3


My next idea for the book was to include architectural plans of the different Halls that I have photographed this is to show how many of the halls are very similar in styling and layout. I quite like this idea though I don’t know how well it will work throughout the book. It divides the different halls up will but if not too well. It has become very bam; bam, bam and doesn’t hold your interest very well. I really need to get many more images of different halls so to create a more interesting body of work. I need to find a way to get across some of the views of Jehovah Witnesses but in a subtle, neutral way.


Hidden Islam - Nicoló Degiorgis

“Consider these facts. In Italy the right to worship, without discrimination, is enshrined within the constitution. There are 1.35 million Muslims in Italy and yet, officially, only eight mosques in the whole country. One consequence is that the Muslim population have accumulated a huge number of makeshift and temporary places of worship. These are housed in a variety of buildings including lock ups, garages, shops, warehouses and old factories. This shortage of places to worship is particularly acute in north east Italy – where the photographer Nicolò Degiorgis lives – home to many anti-Islamic campaigns headed by the right wing party Lega Nord. The dull images of the many and diverse buildings that house the makeshift mosques are printed on folded pages. You open up the gatefold to reveal the scenes inside the mosques, shot in full colour. The size of the gatherings varies, from large crowds who sometimes pray outside to a small room full to bursting, or to intimate groups of two or three Muslims. Degiorgis provides a fascinating glimpse of hidden world and leaves the conclusions about this project entirely in our own hands.” – Martin Parr


Looking at Degiorgis’s book, I am incredibly inspired by the layout and use of colour verses black and white. I really like the full bleed pages full of colour; they are very immersive and show a positive side to the religion and an easy and inoffensive way. This is what I want to achieve with my book – I want it to be inoffensive but also immersive and captivating. The motive behind the book is similar to my motive – allow an insight to a religion that many don’t understand, or haven’t been taught about previously within schools. Using the full bleed colour pages as an example of something that I could achieve in my book – I could include the monotonous Kingdom Halls then break them up with a full bleed page of colour or something that relates to their religion.


David Spero


Markus Brunetti - Monumental Church Faรงades


All of the churches and cathedrals in the series were taken in central, western and southern Europe, explains Brunetti; he and Schöner researched their trip but had no set travel agenda, and often adapted their route as they went along. “Very often locals suggested where to go and sometimes we discovered regional styles unknown to us,” says Brunetti, citing the azulejos design of the Paróquia de Santa Marinha in Cortegaça, Portugal as an example. “Europe is a fascinating continent because of the diversity of cultures in such a small space.”

For Brunetti, the series is not just an inventory of famous churches but a very personal project. He and Schöner visited some churches several times over many years to get the right shot, and they inevitably faced numerous setbacks along the way. “Sometimes the sheer dimensions of the buildings caused problems, but weather, traffic, light, on going construction, parked cars, busses and all kinds of tourism [also posed problems],” says Brunetti. The couple visited Cologne Cathedral five times in seven years, for example, due to on going construction and restoration work on the building’s façade – but even so, he says it’s been a labour of love. Looking at both Spero and Brunetti, there is a clear comparison between the churches, Spero representing a more realistic modern view of churches, where they are simply built to be functional or the original purpose of the building is no more, these churches linking more to the Kingdom Halls within the UK. Whereas the grand churches and cathedrals within Brunetti’s images show wealth, culture and history, each church has its own architectural style and all are different. This in comparison to the Kingdom Halls where many of them in the UK are similar or identical, they are built for functionality and practicality reasons, not to be a grand building. As stated by Brunetti the churches were a labour of love, this could be said for the Halls but the time difference in construction is unfathomable. I feel adopting the straight on style of shooting that Brunetti did for churches but suing it for the Kingdom Halls will give them a sense of grandeur rather than seeing them as simple, basic buildings.


Shoot 4 Contacts




Plans for Upcoming Shoots As discussed with my tutors I need to get loads more images. So over the next coming weeks I will be photographing more Halls across the UK. Along with photographing Halls I will be looking at ideas of “Paradise” and how to bring that across in my book. This idea coming from reading a book entitled “You can live forever in Paradise on Earth.” I feel that including this element of their religion I will be able to add more depth and understanding – it will also add a strong contrast between the bland halls. The idea was also enhanced by Degiorgis’s book, using the large full bleed pages and focal points of the book and keeping the reader engaged. My first idea using their idea of paradise as inspiration is it visit Puzzlewood in the Forest of Dean, I aim to get some really green in your face photos that should show a representation of someone’s idea of paradise. From there I hope to get some different ideas of paradise such as the sea/ beaches this along with different woodland across the UK as I am aware Puzzlewood might not be a relatable to some than other woodland across the UK. Along with photographing Paradise images I will continue photographing different Halls. The issue I am finding is that 1 Hall usually services 2 or 3 major towns so I have to drive quite far for not a lot of return, but I will continue on. I am also planning on re shooting at the Chesham Kingdom Hall so to collate stronger images on a better camera. I aim on utilising the lack of light within the Halls so to get more of a point across about how their current Halls don’t relate well to their ideas of Paradise.


Shoot 5 Contacts





















I’m really happy with how this shoot went – I feel that I defiantly have usable images to represent Paradise – from here I need to get some different images to go along side these ones I think that the photos inside the wood are better than the field ones at the end of my shoot. The woods feel more immersive and hold more interest for the reader, the images will work really well full bleed over a double page spread.


Shoot 6 Contacts




I feel that this very long shoot went really well – it involved me driving over 200 miles to just photograph 5 different Halls. Though I have few images of Halls I think that from each Hall they will all be usable in my book. I deliberately shot wide and closer up on different sections of the building, keeping book layout in mind. One of the only issues I faced was the unexpected heavy rain at different points of the day – this causing water to get onto the camera lens. My next step is to re shoot the Chesham hall over the next coming days.


Shoot 7 Contacts




This was my last shoot at the Chesham Hall so to keep on time with my bookprinting deadline and I feel that it went really well. I’m happy with the use of lighting inside the main part of the Hall but also very happy with the external images of the building. A lot of these images will be usable for my book it just a case of narrowing them down.


Shoot 8 Contacts



A quick trip to the beach with my brother to get some images of the British seaside, again I feel that I have at least 1 usable image for my book that is all that I need. I feel that I am finally getting enough images for this project – it’s been a long road but I feel a bit happier with my work.


Shoot 9 Contacts



The potential last shoot for this project and I feel that it went fine, again usable images within the series just need to start making these book edits and research other book layouts at the library.


Thomas Struth


“In his first book to be published in the United States, German photographer Thomas Struth explores the social space and mental state of the modern metropolis. Thomas Struth: Strangers & Friends covers the entire trajectory of Struth's career and his work in several subject matters, including his restrained and rigorous architectural photographs, intimate family portraits, and frenzied museum interiors.” The layout of this book is main purpose for including it in my research. Looking at the beginning of the book at how the title, photographers name and credits are laid out then following on from there and looking at the different image layouts throughout the book. My favourite layout is the pull out pages allowing three or more images to sit across the page, yet this contrast of layout working well with a singular image on the previous page. This three-page layout works because of the similar style of image before. This layout isn’t something I cad of or my book as Blurb wont be able to print it, but it’s a layout idea for future reference.



“As the pace of work on the Museum Photographs slowed, Struth was conscious of a desire “to make a different kind of work with a different subject.” The experience of making much more dense and complicated street photographs in China, as well as a few photographs in forests for the Winterthur project offered possibilities for pictures which had a multiplicity of layers and a density of detail. Intrigued by Mayan culture and its intricate relationship to nature, Struth had first planned to make an expedition to the tropical rainforests of Central America as early as 1982. A visit to Mexico in 1993 was prepared and then cancelled due to the political situation in Chiapas at the time. Around 1996, Struth formulated a plan for the Paradise pictures, to the extent of already envisaging an installation with several works surrounding the viewer. He began to research forests and jungles around the world, using trips to China, Japan and Australia, often scheduled for other reasons, to seek out possible locations. The first eight of the Paradise pictures were made in the tropical rainforest in Daintree in the northeast of Australia in 1998. Struth then made several works in Yunnan province in China, on the island of Yakushima in Japan, and in the forests of Bavaria, Germany, in 1999.” aradise/index.html Both the title of Struth’s book and the images within it link strongly with my book. The title linking to the Witnesses’ idea of paradise while the actual images inside the book linking to the ones I’ve photographed.


Paul Graham – American Night


Grahams use of colour and lack of colour within his book American Night is extremely successful, the washed out tones of the lower class verses the high contrast images of the expensive houses shows a complete contrast between the poor and the wealthy. Though this isn't something I want to portray in my book, Grahams use of bright colours against the washed out images is something that I could consider with mine. Using my images of the forest I could contrast them against the dull Halls, allowing a break from continuous photos of different Halls. Simon Roberts – We English

I decided to look at Simon Roberts “We English” purely for layout ideas – looking at how wide the white borders are around his images and size of book. From looking at this I defiantly want white borders around my images of the Halls. I really like the size of this book though doubt it would work for my project. The size I’ve chosen is similar to other books within the JW library at the Chesham Hall.


Quotes/text ideas for book Many congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses initially used private homes for most of their meetings. Unlike decadent churches, Kingdom Halls are built purely to be functional and will have little to no decoration inside or outside of the Halls. It can take just a weekend to build a Hall, this due to large numbers of volunteers who help out during the construction process. A high number of Kingdom Halls within the United Kingdom come pre fabricated to speed up the buildings process; because of this many of the Halls are similar in style. “In his days the righteous one will sprout, and the abundance of peace until the moon is no more. And he will have subjects from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth.” (Psalm 72:7,8.) “Come, you people, behold the activities of Jehovah, how he has set astonishing events on the earth. He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth.” (Psalm 46:8,9) “Jehovah of armies will certainly make for all the peoples… a banquet of welloiled dishes, a banquet of wine kept on the dregs, of well-oiled dishes filled with marrow.” – Isaiah 25:6 “You will be with me in Paradise” – Luke 23:43 Surely you want to live on the paradise Earth like the garden in which the first man Adam was created – Genesis 2:8, Luke 23:43 “The sea gave up those dead in it, and death and Hades gave up those dead in them.” – Revelation 20:13 “The wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the wellfed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them.” – Isaiah 11:6; Isaiah 65:25. “At that time the eyes of the blind ones will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. At that time the lame one will climb up just as the stag does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness.” – Isaiah 35:5, 6. I rejoiced when they said to me: “Let us go to the house of Jehovah.” – Psalm 122:1 Unless Jehovah builds the house, It is in vain that its builders work hard on it. Unless Jehovah guards the city, it is in vain that the guard stays awake. - Psalm 127:1


And it was the heart’s desire of my father David to build a house for the name of Jehovah the God of Israel. - Kings 8:17 At the moment when the trumpeters and the singers were praising and thanking Jehovah in unison, and as the sound ascended from the trumpets, the cymbals, and the other musical instruments as they were praising Jehovah, “for he is good; his loyal love endures forever,� then the house, the house of Jehovah, was filled with a cloud. - Chronicles 5:13


Book Layout 4



I am finally feeling like I’m getting somewhere with this book, now that I have all of the images that I need its just now about choosing the right ones and getting them in the right order so the book makes the most sense but is also gets across what their religion is about. I feel at the moment this edit is too short so I need to look through my other images and decide which ones will also work alongside the rest of the book. The text that I have chosen came mainly from the book “You can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth” (1989, The Watchtower.) The book discusses what happens after death and their view on resurrection. Using this information I decided that before the double page spread I would have a quote about paradise then after to bring you back to the Halls, a quote about the Halls and their importance to their community. I’m really happy with how this has worked and I feel that it is very effective when you read through the book. Along with a digital version I have also included a printed draft – this so to know how the text fits on the page and whether the font size is too large or too small. Whether the images fit correctly or they are off centred.


Book Layout 5

In this fifth edit the only change made was to the last page, I decided to include another quote right at the end after the double page spread. I don’t think that this idea worked as it made it seem that the book was going to carry on so made for a very blunt ending. From my tutorial it was suggested to not include the last double page spread and just leave it on a quote about paradise. I like this idea and feel that it will work, I just need to choose the right quote so to give the book a better sense of purpose and meaning.


Book Layout 6



The main changes within this edit are the double page spread image at the beginning of the book which gives the quote before hand more depth and meaning, the rest of the text then follows after that as before. I really like this pause at the beginning; it allows time for reflection and a moment to understand the quote before hand. I have also added more images throughout the book, included a photo of the Hall door after the quote “I rejoiced when the said to me: “Lets go to the house of Jehovah.� I feel that this is really effective and feels almost homely.


Book Layouts 7 and 8

Within layout 7 more images were added at the end of the book, still including the last double page spread but after thinking about it – I really don’t think that last images works, it makes the book feel incomplete so within layout 8 I decided to remove it and finish the book on the last quote.


Layout 8.5 – new images

Looking through my book I felt like there was something missing within the interior images of the Halls. I felt like it gave you the sense that there were simply two rooms – the library and the main Hall. Including these images adds another element of the Hall. The flower image is important to the book as it falls on the middle of the book once it will be printed; it is also the only green within the images of the Halls both inside and out. I feel that this really highlights the lack of greenery and nature in the Halls and from there really emphasises the double page spreads.


Layout 9 – working out the cover

For printing my book I have decided to go with a dust jacket and fabric bound book, because of this I want to have an impactful cover so to draw your attention to the book, but I also want it to be forgiving and complementary of the images. I feel that this wording works well and gives you an understanding of the book before you even open it – though you don’t know it is about the Jehovah Witness religion which I think is a good thing.


Final Layout and Cover




This is my final book edit, it has taken me a while to get here but I’m happy with the finished product. I feel that this book presents what I went out to make and I feel that it is a neutral representation of the religion, being neither positive nor negative, just showing what it is then people can take it in their own way. I’m happy with the overall layout and I really like the bold double page spreads as they work very well at breaking up the inside and outside images which I would have struggled with otherwise. I feel that my large amount of research this including quotes really paid of with the text, which I feel is educating and informative. I also feel without the text the book would mean next to nothing, as you wouldn’t understand the work and story behind it. I chose the dark green for the cover to reflected the bold green pages within my book, I feel that this will work well especially as a dust jacket as the dark green will make the white text stand out well. Printing Now that I have finished my final book I am planning on getting it printed with blurb. It will be 8x10 on uncoated paper, this because I want the paper to have texture. Instead of image wrapping my book will be in a dust jacket with charcoal coloured linen around the book. I feel that this will work better than an image wrap, as it will reflect a more traditional style of book.


Evaluation This project has been a tough one. I think the title “Major Document Project” adds a new level of expectation to your work, there for adding more pressure onto yourself. My initial idea for this body of work was to produce a book to educate and give people an understanding of the Jehovah Witness Religion as the media in today’s society discriminates those within the religion. I feel like my final book achieves this, though it took a while to work out how to get to this point. My main issue I found with this project is the lack of Kingdom Halls within an area so most of my time of spent traveling to and from different places, to only come back with two usable images of two separate Halls. I think in future I would have needed to start this project sooner so to have been able to collate a bigger collection of different Halls across the UK. This would have then made for a more in-depth study of the Halls. My issue wasn’t the making of the book as I have had quite a bit of experience with book layouts knowing which ones do and don’t work. But in fact it was putting the right images in to get my point across. Even though the images are important I feel that the text is what manages to achieve this. A lot of my influence for my book came from a large amount of different book research the one main one being Nicoló Degiorgis, who’s book Hidden Islam gave me the idea for the double page spread of “Paradise.” The other books I researched also helped achieve my final book. I think the importance of the MDP is to create a project that you want to continue to develop. My project Kingdom is defiantly something that I want to continue, I want to continue documenting the different Halls within the UK, also getting access to the different interiors of other Halls. But most importantly I want to gain the trust of different communities so to get portraits and inside photos of their meetings. I attempted to do this for this project but I ran out of time and had little response from those that I asked. But I feel over a period of time of continuing this project it is something that I could achieve. On receiving my book in the post an issue in it, is that I hadn’t compensated for the thicker paper. Meaning that some parts of my double page spread have been lost in the gutter of the book. This is something to remember for future reference. Overall I think I am finally happy with this project, it defiantly still needs work on it to make it a successful documentary, but for starting legs its on the right track. It’s defiantly a more long-term project and that is now something I understand looking back at the work. I look forward to be continuing this project in the future as I feel that its something that could be quite successful.



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