Bede's Development Foundation Autumn Update

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Welcome to the Bede’s Development Foundation Welcome to the first ever Bede’s Development Foundation Termly Update. We will be producing a termly update to highlight the work that the Foundation carries out and keep our community up to date with our latest news. We would also like to use this update as an opportunity to say a big thank you for all of your support, whether that be through the time you have given to the Foundation or through your generous gifts. We have had a fantastic first term and have hosted events from the Beachy Head runs to the School Prefects’ Auction of Opportunities. Our pupils led by our School Prefects have worked hard to raise awareness of our Foundation and it has been so lovely to meet so many different members of the Bede’s community and talk to you all about your ideas for the Foundation and the ways in which you would like to support us. This term has been an incredibly special one as it marks the beginning of our very first transformational bursary recipients’ journey at Bede’s. Both have settled in well, making new friends, trying new courses and trying their hand at new activities from our vast activities programme. We hope that you enjoy reading our latest publications and if you would like to learn more about the Foundation or find out how you can support us please do not hesitate to contact us via:

Charlotte Sutton Director of Development and Alumni Relations


Our Vision Where every child finds joy in their pursuit of brilliance

Our Mission We continue to craft a more joyful education. Cultivating a vibrant learning experience, motivating us to pursue our individual best. Providing a festival of opportunity, enabling us to discover new passions and develop new talents. Building a kind-hearted community, inspiring us to enhance the lives of others.

Our Values Be Compassionate Because a caring community fosters belonging. We expect our community to show kindness to people of all ages, genders and ethnicities, maintaining campuses where every person feels joyful and energised. Be Courageous Because fortune favours the brave. We challenge our community to stand up for what is right, providing them with a safe environment where they can take bold action in pursuit of brilliance. Be Curious Because wisdom can be found off the beaten track. We encourage our community to discover unlikely passions and hidden niches, releasing them into a wealth of opportunities inside and outside the classroom. Be Conscientious Because dedication is a spearhead of success. We ask our community to throw themselves wholeheartedly into every endeavour, taking responsibility for their journey and inspiring others to do the same. 3

Vision 2029 The Bede’s Development Foundation was created in May 2023. The Foundation’s sole focus is to raise money to provide 110% transformational bursaries for pupils from the local community, giving children the opportunity of a Bede’s education, which treats the child as an individual, placing them at the very heart of everything that we do. Through providing these bursaries we aim to create a ripple effect of social mobility starting with the child and their family and ultimately impacting and raising the aspirations of the recipient and their peers, with the ultimate aim that they will give back to their local community. Our Aim: To have five 110% transformational bursary holders starting each academic year in the Sixth Form by 2029. This will include a mixture of day and boarding pupils (depending on the recipient’s personal circumstances). Recipients of transformational bursaries will be selected from the local community. A 110% transformational bursary ensures a pupil faces no barrier to every opportunity available at Bede’s and includes the pupil’s fees, sports kit, school bus transport, meals, curriculum-based trips, one optional activity per term (e.g. sailing, LAMDA, music lessons etc.), public examination fees, uniform, equipment necessary for academic study and additional learning enhancement lessons and any associated assessments. Achieving Our Goal: The Foundation needs to raise £1.6 million by 2029. This will enable us to increase the number of transformational bursaries we are able to offer year on year as follows:


Number of Year 12 Bursary Recipients 2

Number of Year 13 Bursary Recipients 0




















Our Foundation aims to highlight the Bede’s ethos and demonstrate that it is the living, breathing heart of everything we do; hence the Foundation is built around the values of: Compassion, Conscientiousness, Curiosity and Courage. The Bede’s Development Foundation believes that by working together as a community we can truly transform lives. Our Donor Impact Report 2022-2023 details that in our first year we raised over £310,000 and secured in excess of £125,000 in pledges. This report highlights the progress which we have made establishing the Bede’s Development Foundation as a separate charity, holding our first Giving Day, appointing Pupil Heads of the Foundation who raised over £7,000 and refining our bursary provision and our selection process in conjunction with local state school headteachers. Our biggest achievement by far was being able to offer two transformational bursary recipient places in September 2023. Our Transformational Bursaries Booklet is designed for prospective bursary recipients, their families and their teachers. We have ensured that we speak with local state school senior leaders explaining clearly our offering and application process to ensure that our transformational bursaries target those most in need and have the biggest impact and allow real social mobility for the recipients, their families and communities; while also inspiring other pupils from the same state schools as well as our own pupils and the Bede’s community as a whole. In order to create bursaries which will be truly transformative we spoke in depth to over 20 local state school senior leaders, taking onboard their feedback. We have worked hard to build strong relationships with these schools and are now in a position where they are recommending pupils and their families to us.


Truly Transformational Bursaries To be eligible for a Bede’s Transformational Bursary: The pupil lives in the local area. The pupil and their siblings have studied solely in a state school setting. The primary caregivers of the pupil making the application should be eligible for or claiming universal credit. The primary caregivers of the pupil and the pupil themselves can demonstrate that they would benefit from and fully take part in the wide range of both academic and co-curricular opportunities. We have worked incredibly hard to create a rigorous yet fair application process which places our prospective recipients at the very centre of this process, treating the applicant and their families with humanity and respect. We have purposefully made sure that until it is clear that all eligibility checks including financial checks and a home visit to the family by a third party are complete, prospective pupils do not themselves become part of the process. It has been incredible to welcome our first two transformational bursary recipients. Both from local schools, they have settled in well to Bede’s. Within just a few short weeks both have commented that they feel that they truly belong at Bede’s, they feel supported by staff, have formed strong friendships and genuinely feel a part of our community already. We all know the pastoral support at Bede’s is second to none, but what has been striking over the last few months is the kindness and compassion our pupils have shown in welcoming our new pupils. A note from our 2023 Transformational Bursary Recipients in their own words: “When my headteacher suggested that I apply for a Bede’s Transformational Bursary I thought it was a once in a lifetime opportunity which I should just go for! Although I was nervous, the thought of potentially being a part of Bede’s made me want to try. Everyone I encountered was friendly and welcoming which made the experience less nerve-wracking. Compared to my previous school, Bede’s is very full on, but as each week has passed things become easier and you find a new ‘normal’. The activities are exciting breaks in the afternoon and something everyone looks forward to. The days are longer but we get more breaks to socialise with friends and specific study periods to work independently or in groups. If others were thinking of pursuing a Bede’s transformational bursary then I’d say go for it! The Bede’s community is very welcoming and unlike any other Sixth Form or College I have visited.” “I applied for a Bede’s Transformational Bursary because I was attracted by the many opportunities the School had on offer, particularly its Football Academy and the wide range of subjects I could study. Settling into Bede’s has been a lot easier than I thought it would be, I made new friends quickly and being a part of the pre-season football training and being able to socialise both in House and in the Sixth Form Centre really helped that. I would definitely recommend others to apply for a Transformational Bursary place, it opens up so many opportunities, I’m so glad I did it.”


The School Prefects’ Vision 2023-2024 We are Mandy Zhang and Charlie Bennett, the Deputy Heads of School and Co-Pupil Head of the Bede’s Development Foundation. Mandy joined Bede’s in Year 5, and Charlie joined in Year 9, so Bede’s has been a huge part of our lives from a very young age. The supportive, caring and compassionate environment of the School has had a huge impact on us both and it is from this that our desire to give back and passion for the Foundation has grown. We were of course also very much inspired by the School Prefects work last year and the fundraising that they did, something which we aim to continue. We are both recipients of Bede’s Scholarships, Mandy for Art and Charlie for Drama, and we know that a standard bursary is so often not enough for pupils to experience the vast opportunities available at Bede’s, opportunities which we have both benefited from and adored so much. It is an absolute privilege to attend Bede’s, and we recognise how lucky we are. We hope that through our work that we will be able to enable others most in need to benefit from the same opportunities and feel the same sense of pride and belonging that we have as part of this community. Over the past term we have been raising funds for the Foundation through a number of different initiatives including the School Tuck Shop, Sixth Form socials and the School Prefects’ ‘Auction of Opportunities’. We hope that through our work we can inspire other pupils to support the Foundation and its work.

Mandy Zhang & Charlie Bennett Deputy Heads of School & Co-Pupil Heads of the Foundation, 2023-2024 The School Prefects’ Auction of Opportunities On Friday 1st December 2023, the School Prefects hosted Bede’s first ever Auction of Opportunities in aid of the Bede’s Development Foundation. The evening started with welcome drinks in the Old Dining Hall with canapes being served to guests in the glow of the beautiful Christmas tree decorated earlier that evening by prefects themselves! The 100 guests made up of parents, alumni, staff, governors and friends of Bede’s then walked to the Recital Room where the evening began with welcome speeches and a moving testimony given by alumna Lillie Skerman about her time at Bede’s and why supporting this cause is so important. The auction then kicked off with bids flying in thanks to our incredible auctioneers Mr Lenham and Mr Muston. Between auction bids for prizes from an exclusive training session with the Saracens rugby team, VIP Edinburgh Fringe tickets, getaways to the British Virgin Islands and VIP Chelsea tickets pupils from both the Prep and Senior School performed. Exquisite food was served by our fantastic catering team Holyrod Howe and guests viewed the pupil artwork up for auction in our auction gallery. The evening was a great success and thanks to our bidders both in-attendance and those bidding online, together with some generous donations and the School Prefects’ raffle for a luxury Fortnum and Mason hamper the total raised exceeded £15,000.


Bede’s Beachy Head Run 2023 Running the Extra Mile: Bede’s Staff participate in the Beachy Head races in aid of the Bede’s Development Foundation On Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 October, 24 members of staff from across the Bede’s Trust tackled the Beachy Head races from the 10km through to the Ultra Marathon, together covering over 400km and 11,074 metres in elevation. Together the team have raised funds for Sixth Form Transformational Bursaries. CEO and Head Peter Goodyer commented, “The Bede’s community embraced the opportunity to be a part of the Beachy Head marathon, a remarkable event that not only tested our endurance but also fuelled our passion for making a difference. Running for the Bede’s Foundation, we know that the true essence of achievement lies not only in reaching the finish line but in the lives that our bursary programme could transform. The Foundation has an unwavering commitment to change lives and I am most grateful to all those members of the Bede’s community who braved the elements and took on the Beachy Head course for this cause.”

Pictured left David Byrne, Director of Sport completing the Ultra Marathon and right David accompanied by Peter Goodyer, CEO & Head of the Senior School at the finish line. Despite the challenging weather conditions, Team Bede’s remained undeterred. Director of Sport, David Byrne, who undertook the Ultra Marathon on Saturday said: “Despite less than ideal weather conditions, the unwavering support from people who braved the elements to cheer us on was fantastic. I’m immensely grateful to my family and friends. I want to extend my thanks to all those who played a part in organising the event. Their dedication and hard work made it possible for all of us to take on this incredible challenge with plenty of team spirit.” 7

Pictured right, Chris Betts, Senior School Teacher and left, Simon Smith, Chair of the Bede’s Development Foundation Taking part in the Beachy Head Marathon in aid of the Bede’s Development Foundation was Senior School teacher, Chris Betts and Chair of the Bede’s Development Foundation, Simon Smith said: “The smile and brief hint of sunshine in the photo belies a pretty tough day out on the Sussex Downs. 26.2 miles and 3700 ft of elevation combined with Storm Babet made for some wet, treacherous, conditions both up and downhill! This was by far the toughest marathon I’ve run but it was made all the more enjoyable by a tremendous sense of Bede’s team spirit at the start line, throughout the course and at the finish line too - the marshals, supporters (including Mrs Smith) and checkpoint volunteers, who were out in all conditions throughout the day, were amazing. As ever one is sustained by the camaraderie of the other runners but also the sense of purpose in being out there for such a worthy cause. On several occasions my mind wandered to those future pupils who will benefit from our Transformational Bursary Campaign - 5 hours of plodding and a couple of days of aching muscles is a small price to pay for a person’s two-year education; the benefits of which will last a lifetime.”

The Team Bede’s 16 strong 10km team 8

The Team Bede’s Half Marathon team On Sunday, October 22nd, the Bede’s team were then out again with a team of five running the half marathon. Mary Northway, the School Doctor commented “Everyone seemed to be running with a “we’re in this together” attitude, having small friendly chats when passing, pointing out when the path was slippy, encouraging each other up the hills. This was one of the best runs I’ve ever done! I found it totally exhilarating and especially loved flying down the 5km of downhill from Butts Brow to the Seven Sisters! The conditions for running were perfect - sunshine, blue sky, and a slight cold in the air. I wanted to do the half marathon because of the amazing route and views. Although I’d be worried that the experience couldn’t be better than it was, I would definitely sign up for it again! Getting “flying feet” on some of the photos was an unexpected bonus!” We are so proud of our community and what we can achieve together.


Bede’s Wins IDPE Schools’ Award Bede’s Development Foundation Wins IDPE Schools’ Award for Ambition and Progress The Bede’s Development Foundation is thrilled to share that we have won the IDPE (Institute of Development Professionals in Education) Schools’ Award for Ambition and Progress for 2023. Over the past year Bede’s has been on a journey, working hard to establish its own charity: The Bede’s Development Foundation which strives to raise money to fund 110% Sixth Form Transformational Bursaries. To make our vision a reality we have worked to create a Foundation which strives to be the living and breathing embodiment of our School’s ethos. The Foundation partners and works with every area of the Bede’s Community, from the Nursery to the Sixth Form, the Bede’s Summer School to our suppliers. Through our campaign: ‘Together we can Transform Lives’ we set out to create a cultural shift, embedding development into the very heart of our school community. We went from raising around £10,000 annually to over £400,000 in the 2022-2023 academic year, established the School’s first Development Office and created a separate charity, the Bede’s Development Foundation. The School’s vision “Where every child finds joy in their pursuit of brilliance.” is the purpose of our development work and our values of “Compassion, Courage, Curiosity and Conscientiousness” drove us to focus solely on 110% transformational bursaries. Our development work proves our ethos is a living and breathing part of everything that we do. Our aim is to inspire every individual to be an advocate and give our community the confidence to drive our fundraising forward whether that be our pupils, staff, parents, alumni governors or friends of Bede’s. Chair of the Bede’s Development Foundation, Simon Smith says: “I am so proud as Chair of the Bede's Development Foundation to have heard that we have won this award. Huge congratulations to the entire Development team at Bede’s and all of our Trustees; with a special thanks going to our CEO and Head Peter Goodyer, our COO, Noj Northway and our Director of Advancement, Charlotte Sutton. What feels so special about what we are doing is the teamspirit and heartfelt sense of community which is present with every breath which our Foundation takes.” The IDPE Development Awards, sponsored by The Social Archive, showcase and celebrate excellence in schools' fundraising and engagement happening in independent and state schools across the UK. The IDPE, along with Hubbub, is committed to championing innovation and brilliance across the schools' development sector and is proud to recognise exceptional achievements through the awards every year. The full list of nominees and winners from this year’s awards can be found here: 10

Thank you to Bede’s Legat Dance Academy We just want to say a big THANK YOU! We would like to give a special mention to the Bede’s Legat Dance Academy for choosing the Bede’s Development Foundation as their chosen charity for their fantastic performance of The Wizard of Oz earlier in December. This was an incredible set of performances which raised over £850 with 50% of these proceeds going towards the Foundation. Thank you so much to all of the amazing dancers and Mrs Pennington and her lovely team, we so appreciate your support!

Bede’s Summer School Supports the Foundation We would also like to give a massive shout out to our Summer School parents who each made a £5 donation to the Foundation. When booking a place with our Summer School every booking includes a £5 donation showing that every single part of Bede’s is committed to supporting us on our journey to raising funds for more 110% transformational bursaries. As a result of these donations the Summer School raised £8,485. So we would like to say a massive thank you to Ryan Edwards and his team.


100 Acts of Kindness

We are grateful for every act of kindness whatever the monthly amount. We’d also like to take this time to thank some of our very first regular donors....

“I am delighted to support such an important initiative. Every bursary will have lasting impact by changing lives.” Current Parent “As a frequent visitor to Bede’s I see a school that offers friendship and opportunity for all members of the community, a value that I know my son would admire and recognise that this will bring change to a young person’s life.” Friend of Bede’s “We are donating to show our appreciation for everything that Bede’s School did for our three children. We hope the donation towards this worthwhile charity will go towards providing a less fortunate child the chance to experience the same exciting opportunities our children benefited from.” Former Parent “I can think of no better reason to support than to give other young people an opportunity of a Bede’s education so that they can achieve their potential in life. It gives me great pleasure to be able to support this cause.” Former Parent


Season’s Greetings

Artwork by Anthony Hammond To the Bede’s Community, We wanted to take the time to wish you Season’s Greetings! Thank you for all of your support towards the Bede’s Development Foundation. We have had a truly incredible first year and wanted to take a moment to thank you for all of your kindness, generosity and support. It has been lovely to reconnect with so many members of our community and we hope to continue this over the coming year. We hope that you have a restful break. Best wishes, The Bede’s Development Foundation.


Publications The Bede’s Development Foundation’s Donor Impact Report 2022-2023. Over the last year we have been on a real journey, working together here at Bede’s School as a community to truly transform lives. If you would like to learn more about the Foundation or the progress that it has made in its first year then you can find our Donor Impact Report 2022-2023 here. Every member of the Bede’s Community from our pupils to our staff, parents, alumni and Governors has been so incredibly supportive as we embarked on this journey. But a special shout out has to go to all of our Foundation Trustees who have worked tirelessly to make the Bede’s Development Foundation a living and breathing embodiment of our School’s ethos.

Here at the Bede’s Development Foundation, we have one sole focus and that is to provide 110% transformational bursaries. These provide more than just financial support, they provide a sense of belonging and open pupils up to a festival of opportunities. These bursaries are not just about covering tuition fees; they are a comprehensive commitment. From transport to uniforms and co-curricular programmes, we’re ensuring that no obstacle stands between our pupils and the endless possibilities which a Bede’s School educations offers. Applications are now open! If you would like to find out more about the Bede’s Transformational Bursary Fund you can do so here.


Any gift, no matter its nature or size, will have a life-changing impact on pupils who without financial support could not attend and experience the vast opportunities on offer at Bede’s. A one-time donation will have an immediate impact on our fundraising, whereas a regular gift can allow us to plan for the future. Every gift matters, every gift makes a difference. DONATE ONLINE: One off or regular gifts can be made by Direct Debit on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Please scan the QR code to set up your regular or one-off gift. You can make a one-off donation using a credit or debit card. LEGACIES: The Bede’s Development Foundation is a registered charity (charity number: 1203152), meaning that all legacies made to the Foundation are exempt from UK Inheritance and Capital Gains Taxes. Under current rules, if you leave 10% or more of your chargeable net estate to charity, the Inheritance Tax (IHT) rate on the whole of your taxable estate is reduced from 40% to 36%. If you have already included, or intend to include the Bede’s Development Foundation in your Will, we would be grateful if you would let us know. MATCHED GIVING: Many companies support charities through matched giving initiatives. Some will match pound for pound while others will double match donations which employees make to registered charities. Please check with your Payroll as to whether your company operates such a scheme as this could increase the size and impact of your donation. ASSETS: Bede’s Development Foundation is able to accept gifts of assets such as property or land which is not subject to Capital Gains Tax or Capital Transfer Tax. Donors may consider making a bequest of cash or other assets, all of which would be free of Capital Transfer Tax on death. EASYFUNDRAISING: Easyfundraising is an organisation which allows you to raise donations for the Bede’s Development Foundation every time you shop online. Over 7,000 brands including all the big names such as eBay, John Lewis & Partners, Argos, ASOS, Expedia, M&S, Just Eat, Uswitch and many more, will donate, at no extra cost to yourself. All you need to do is sign up and remember to use Easyfundraising whenever you shop online. Once signed up, simply start your shopping journey at the Easyfundraising website, use the donation reminder or app (information will be provided when you register) and the retailer you shop with will send us a donation based on how much you spend. BENCHES It is also possible to purchase a bench that will be placed on site (SPECIFIC LOCATION), with personalisation choices regarding what you would like it to say. These can be purchased for yourself, or as a gift, for the price of £500. With £40 from every bench being donated the the Bede’s Development Foundation. Please email: 15

Barclays Bank Plc, Barclays Corporate, Level 27, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP Account Name: Bede’s Development Foundation Sort Code: 20-88-13 Account Number: 83359972 Reference: Bursary Fund IBAN: GB58 BARC 2006 0570 4691 22 SWIFTBIC: BARCGB22

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Bede’s Development Foundation. Every donation is greatly appreciated and each gift leaves a legacy, helping Bede’s continue to offer a unique learning experience for all our pupils; helping to nurture individual lives both now and in the future. Please scan the QR code to find out more on how to donate.

We are incredibly grateful to the over 600 donors who have supported us this year at the very beginning of our journey. In just one year we have grown the Bede’s Development Foundation from an idea to a fully fledged charity in its own right which has raised enough money to support six Sixth Form 110% transformational bursaries. This has meant that the Foundation has been able to realise its aim of ensuring two transformational bursary recipients start in September 2023. This would undoubtedly not have been possible without the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and the support of the Bede’s Trust’s Governing Board. What has become clear over the last 12 months is that the Foundation has been able to establish itself so quickly and achieve such milestones because of the support of Bede’s community whether that be the Executive, Governors, teachers, parents or pupils themselves. The last twelve months have proven that the Bede’s vision “Where every child finds joy in their pursuit of brilliance” is a living and breathing reality. The values of compassion, courage, curiosity and conscientiousness which the Trust works to install in every pupil has been evident through the community’s coming together in support of the Foundation not only financially, but in time and effort. We hope that after reading this that you feel proud of what we have created and join us on this journey. The Bede’s Development Foundation Trustees

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