3. Our Vision, Our Mission, Our Values
4. Welcome From Head & CEO
5. A Message from The Chair of The Foundation
6. Thank You from A Foundation Scholar
7. Bede’s Development Foundation Objectives
8. Why We Established Our Foundation
9. A Message from Our Founding Head
10. An Introduction to Our Trustees
12. Our Journey So Far
13. Vision 2029
14. A Parent’s Perspective
15. Our Commitment to Foundation Scholarship Support
16. Procedure For Awarding Foundation Scholarship
17. Step By Step Guide to Applying
18. A Parent’s Perspective
19. Thank You from A Foundation Scholar
20. The Board of Governors
21. The School Prefects’ Charity Work 2023-2024
22. Auction of Opportunities
23. School Prefects Brighton Marathon Run
24. Bede’s Beachy Head Run 2023
26. Bede’s Wins IDPE Schools’ Award
27. Thank You to Bede’s Legat Dance Academy
28. Donor Messages
30. Money Raised to Date
32. Thank You From Our Prefects
33. The School Prefects’ Vision 2024-2025
34. Foundation Artwork
36. Publications
37. Legacies
38. Ways To Support The Bede’s Development Foundation
39. Thank You!
Where every child finds joy in their pursuit of brilliance
We continue to craft a more joyful education.
Cultivating a vibrant learning experience, motivating us to pursue our individual best.
Providing a festival of opportunity, enabling us to discover new passions and develop new talents.
Building a kind-hearted community, inspiring us to enhance the lives of others.
Because a caring community fosters belonging. We expect our community to show kindness to people of all ages, genders and ethnicities, maintaining campuses where every person feels joyful and energised.
Because fortune favours the brave.
We challenge our community to stand up for what is right, providing them with a safe environment where they can take bold action in pursuit of brilliance.
Because wisdom can be found off the beaten track. We encourage our community to discover unlikely passions and hidden niches, releasing them into a wealth of opportunities inside and outside the classroom.
Because dedication is a spearhead of success. We ask our community to throw themselves wholeheartedly into every endeavour, taking responsibility for their journey and inspiring others to do the same.
The Bede’s Trust together with the Bede’s Development Foundation is committed to providing educational opportunities for pupils, irrespective of their financial circumstances. Bede’s has long been a school recognised for its commitment to supporting children from a diverse range of backgrounds with a range of different talents and needs. We firmly believe that these Foundation Scholarships will not only transform the lives of their recipients but also increase the diversity of Bede’s, thus enriching every member of our community. We want to make a difference to the lives of young children who never ever thought they would be able to access a Bede’s education.
Unlike many independent schools, Bede’s does not benefit from historic endowments or legacy funds. Large projects, such as the building of our new Dorms Boarding House, have only been possible as a result of careful financial planning. We rely on the fees paid by parents every year to run the School, fund improvements across the campuses and provide a limited number of scholarships.
Despite this, Bede’s has worked hard to carve out a strong reputation for helping those most in need, providing a place where every member of our community feels a strong sense of belonging and is thus able to flourish and succeed. For over a decade now we have awarded in excess of 20 Foundation Scholarships at Bede’s, working with a range of partnerships. This programme has had a significant, positive impact, not only on the recipients of these scholarships but on pupils and staff across our community. Through the establishment of the Bede’s Development Foundation we aim to build on this success, increasing the number of Foundation Scholarships we provide for pupils who are most in need.
Each year we are approached by highly motivated pupils who are full of potential, and who, if given the opportunity of a Bede’s education, could achieve heights they never thought were possible, whether that be in sport, the arts or academically. Our peerless reputation for providing the highest standards of pastoral care has uniquely equipped us to unlock this type of potential and that is why we are so grateful to our donors and the support that they are providing to make our vision a reality.
We believe that ultimately, it comes down to social mobility, to creating a ripple effect across our school, local and wider communities where every single person is afforded the opportunities that a Bede’s education provides - no matter their background.
As we look towards the 50th anniversary of the Senior School our aim is to provide 110% Foundation Scholarships for five pupils in each year of the Sixth Form by 2029. Through the establishment of our Development Office and the Bede’s Development Foundation we aim to sustainably provide future Foundation Scholarships by securing an endowment fund, legacies and through gaining donations and commitments from members of the Bede’s community and its friends.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have supported us as we begin this journey and would ask those who are interested in giving to take a moment to look back on everything you and your family has gained from your Bede’s journey, whatever stage you are at and to consider helping us reach our goal.
Bede’s is a place which we believe wholeheartedly transforms children and we hope that, through your experiences, you agree. We would be deeply grateful if you would consider helping us continue to transform the lives of those who would otherwise not be able to benefit from a Bede’s education by donating to the Bede’s Development Foundation.
Peter Goodyer Head, CEO & Trustee
Bede’s transforms all who live, work, study and seek to fulfil their passions there because its culture, environment and raison d’etre is about enabling each and every member of the community to flourish. Bede’s is transformational because it offers the time, space, commitment and wisdom to encourage, challenge and support everyone in their joyful pursuit of brilliance. The single aim of the Bede’s Development Foundation is to open up the opportunity of a Bede’s education to those who would most benefit from it but without a Foundation Scholarship would never be able to attend.
My motivation for being a Governor at Bede’s was twofold. Firstly, to help Bede’s to grow and continue to be an outstanding place of learning - known and respected around the world for its pupils’ achievements. And secondly because its values of compassion, courage, conscientiousness and curiosity resonated with my own personal and professional values. I could only be a Governor at a school that prioritises the community and its pupils’ wellbeing and development in the way that Bede’s does.
In my role as a Trustee, I wanted to go beyond my role as a Governor in making a difference to the lives of those who have
A rather well-known Department Store once said, “because some gifts are more than just a gift.” Your gift will make a difference in ways which cannot be measured, not now nor in the future but for which they and we will be eternally thankful. Thank you to all of those who have already joined us and given so much whether it be through a financial donation, their time or expertise. In particular, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Trustees of the Foundation, without whom we would not have made the rapid progress we have in our first year.
“Thankyou!WithoutyourgenerosityIwouldnothavehadsuchawonderfulfirstterm atBede’s.IwouldnotbestudyingthesubjectsthatIam,havemadesomanygreat newfriendsortriedsomanynewthings.IfeelsoproudtosaythatIgotoBede’s, it’saplacethatIreallyfeelIbelong.”
The objects of the Bede’s Development Foundation are to: Advance education at Bede’s School (the “School”) for the public benefit by providing funding, assistance and support in such manner as the charity trustees shall determine including (without limitation) the provision of:
(a) Scholarshpip support for the benefit of pupils at the School who would be unable to continue in education at the School or who would be unable to commence education at the School despite being accepted, without financial assistance; and
(b) funding to the School towards the development of its facilities.
Head Office: Bede’s Senior School, Upper Dicker, Hailsham, BN27 3QH
Charity Number: 1203152
Barclays Bank Ple, Barclays Corporate, Level 27, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
Account Name: St Bede’s Foundation
Sort Code: 20-88-13
Account Number: 83359972
Reference: Bursary Fund
IBAN: GB16 BUKB 2088 1383 3599 72
Organisational Structure:
Appointed Charity Trustees:
• One former member of staff
• One Alumnus
• Three former parents
• Three current parents
Ex-Officio Trustees:
• Head & CEO
• Bursar & COO
• Director of Advancement & Alumni Relations
Nominated Trustees:
• Two Governors from the School’s current Governing Body
Trustees of the Foundation are appointed for a term of 3 or 4 years, renewable in accordance with the Foundation’s Constitution.
We established the Bede’s Development Foundation with a very clear vision and goal. One which is focused on Foundation Scholarships offered solely to those in need using a rigorous eligibility criteria which takes into account the circumstances of the applicant and their family. Our aim is to make a real difference to those whom without support would not be able to attend Bede’s and benefit from its vast resources from co-curricular activities to pastoral support and thus expand their horizons in a way they never dreamed was possible.
Bede’s has long proven itself to be a school which puts the individual at the very centre and has a reputation for the very highest level of pastoral care. It is this reputation which attracts parents to Bede’s and it is this care and focus on the individual which means that Bedians feel a true sense of belonging. This coupled with a wide array of challenging but supportive academic courses and a co-curricular programme offering over 100 different activities makes Bede’s a place where pupils are truly offered a festival of opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom.
In addition, Bede’s national reputation for its Looked After Children programme meant the Trust felt it’s next natural step was to establish a Foundation whose primary aim was to offer a Bede’s education to pupils who would highly benefit but for whom without financial assistance would never be able to access a Bede’s education.
The Foundation’s Board is formed of members who have a strong level of expertise and experience across a variety of fields from finance to the legal sector. Each trustee brings a unique set of skills and rigour to the Foundation. What unites our trustees is their steadfast commitment to the Bede’s Development Foundation and providing an opportunity of a Bede’s education to those who would most benefit but do not have the financial means. All of our trustees have a personal connection to the School and as you will read and grateful for the way that their families or they personally have been positively impacted by the School.
Charlotte Sutton Director of Advancement & Alumni Relations
The charity Trustees shall manage the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and may for that purpose exercise all the powers of the CIO. It is the duty of each charity Trustee.
(a) to exercise his or her powers and to perform his or her functions in his or her capacity as a Trustee of the CIO in the way he or she decides in good faith would be most likely to further the purposes of the CIO; and (b) to exercise, in the performance of those functions, such care and skill as is reasonable in the circumstances having regard in particular to:
(i) any special knowledge or experience that he or she has or holds himself or herself out as having; and, (ii) if he or she acts as a charity Trustee of the CIO in the course of a business or profession, to any special knowledge or experience that it is reasonable to expect of a person acting in the course of that kind of business or profession.
The opportunity to establish a new school was too good to pass up. It required thought and it might be difficult but strangely it became much easier when the first pupils began to arrive. Our advantage as the first senior independent coeducational school in Sussex, excluding the Rudolf Steiner schools. It was that we were not trapped in what had become a pattern for independent schools and could react to the students and respond in their best interests.
Fortunately, we did not have to have exams to determine who came to the school and it became clear very soon that in our company were very able academics, those who found school work extraordinarily difficult, those who could not speak English fluently because they were from countries across the world, superbly coordinated games players and those who would find cricket and football both tedious and embarrassing, but at
Everyone deserved something to look forward to each day and so apart from one afternoon each week doing something energetic to keep fit, not necessarily games, there developed a programme involving every member of staff and every student that ranged from Art, all games, music, motor mechanics to gardening, farming, making cuddly toys, cooking, and even making and playing the Didgeridoo.
In the classroom there were three compulsory subjects (Maths, English and I.T.) and the rest could be chosen advisedly by each child; some long-suffering member of staff, suitably flattered, would then be told to make the timetable for the year! No wonder it was possible to go home happily on the whole with a sense of achievement. It was explained to everyone that each person they ever met would be better than them by at least ten things, if they bothered to find out, but that should make them happy and confident as everyone they met, met them too! It is my hope that the school continues to be a place where every student finds their niche and that the school keeps changing so that it serves those who work and study there at that very time.
Simon Smith has over 25 years experience of teaching and leadership in boarding schools in Sussex, Kent and Hertfordshire. He is currently Deputy Head (Academic) at Tudor Hall School and a Trustee of Bede’s and sits on the Safeguarding and Education Committees. He has previously been a Governor of a large Prep School in North London. When not training for his next marathon, he is studying for an MA in School Leadership and Management. In his time as a teacher and a parent he has seen the impact of Foundation Scholarships on individuals, families and schools and wholeheartedly supports this cause.
Jonathan ‘Noj’ Northway graduated as a medical doctor from Southampton and trained in general surgery. Noj worked in East Africa for nearly 20 years. During that time he managed a rural hospital in Tanzania before taking on the role of Bursar at a thriving international school in the Kenyan Highlands. He returned to the UK to work as Bursar at a Prep school in West Sussex prior to joining Bede’s as Bursar in 2016. His wife is a local GP and School Doctor and their younger son attended the Senior School. Noj is a keen runner and sailor and can often be found walking his dog Willow on the South Downs.
Roger Perrin was educated at Ardingly College in Sussex and Corpus Christi College, Oxford. With a degree in law and the Law Society’s finals behind him, he turned to teaching as a temporary occupation when, at the age of 23, he decided to change from a career as a solicitor to that of a barrister and joined the Inner Temple. He was at this point confronted by the need to ‘eat dinners’ for three years as a part of the process for qualifying for the Bar. Eating dinner 12 times a year in Hall, whilst it was entertaining, was hardly a fulltime occupation! Two enjoyable years later the decision not to follow a career in the Law was easily taken. After 13 years spent firstly at the Dragon School in Oxford and subsequently at Brentwood School in Essex, Roger was asked to become the founding Head of a new co-educational school (St Bede’s) for boys and girls aged 13+ in Sussex.
Prior to becoming the Head at Bede's Senior School, in September 2016, Peter Goodyer was the Deputy Headmaster of Colston’s School, Bristol, a co-educational school (11-18), a post he held for six years. Previously Peter was the Director of Co-Curricular at St John’s School, Leatherhead (Boys 13-18 and Girls 16-18) and also a Boarding Housemaster of a boys' house (13-18). Furthermore Peter ran the Psychlogy department for ten years, and was a senior examiner for Edexcel. Peter’s teaching career started in South Africa, at St Andrew’s College in Grahamstown. Peter thoroughly enjoys sport and has run school swimming teams, cricket teams and coached 1st XV rugby. Peter currently sits on two HMC (Headmaster/mistress Conference) sub-committees, namely Sport and Inspection.
Charlotte Sutton graduated with a BA in Political Science and a Masters in Russian and East European studies before undertaking a PGCE in History teaching. Charlotte spent the first few years of her teaching career in Kent, establishing a Government and Politics department in a highly selective boys grammar school before moving to lead a large History department and work as the PGCE trainee coordinator for a large group of schools. Charlotte joined Bede’s in 2018 and has worked in several roles from compliance to Head of Sixth Form before becoming the Director of Advancement & Alumni Relations. When not talking about why the Foundation is so great, Charlotte enjoys travelling and doing something adventurous with her young family.
Marios Pattihis is a specialist commercial property slicitor and is recommended by Legal 500. He was a co-founder of Healys LLP where he has been the Senior partner since 2009. He is a keen networker with a passion for connecting people to opportunities. As Senior partner he has spearheaded Healys business development both in the UK and internationally. In addition to his work as a trustee for the Foundation, Marios is also a trustee of Bede’s School.
Stephen Castree is a qualified Chartered Accountant (‘ACA’) who commenced his career in London in 1995 with Price Waterhouse, prior to moving with the firm to Bermuda in 1998. After leaving public accounting, Stephen worked in financial services, joining Tranaut Fund Administration as a founding employee in 2000. After the acquisition of this organisation he worked for JPMorgan until 2007 when he founded Equinoxe AIS, a Global Hedge Fund Administration business. Stephen is also founder and non-executive President of The Development Initiative, a global Mine Action company operating throughout the Middle East and Africa as well as a Founder and Director of Climate Wise, a global organisation focused on assisting individuals, companies and communities reduce their impact on the environment. Stephen is a current parent of two pupils and one past pupil at Bede’s.
Simon Cloke is a private investor, who spent 30 years in the banking industry, advising large corporates, particularly in the UK and Asia. In addition to this he also spent 10 years as a main Board Director of The Restaurant Group plc. Simon is a local Governor of a Prep school and has three children, one of whom recently attended Bede’s. Simon’s son’s positive experience of the School has led to his want to give back.
Jim Gibson (MA Oxon FCA ICAEW) is CEO and co-founder of Big Yellow Self Storage with over 30 years experience in Business, Jim is also an investor and director of two other businesses in the UK and a founder investor in a Brazilian self storage business. Jim chairs London Children’s Ballet and the Big Yellow Foundation. He is a parent of one past and one present pupil of Bede’s. He is a strong believer in driving mobility through education and came aged 14 in the mid-1970s to the UK and has benefited from the opportunity to progress in the UK system.
Warrick Booth graduated from Auckland University in New Zealand with Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws degrees. He has worked in investment banking in London for 25 years and has been Managing Director at Macquarie Warrick is a parent of an Old bedian and having seen the astonishing, positive impact Bede’s has had on his son, he wanted to give back to this incredible Bede’s community.
Max Jebsen is a former international boarding pupil of Bede’s Senior School. Max is currently studying for a Liberal Arts degree at Newcastle University and is a member of a private Danish nature trust Tanganyka, which focuses on rewilding and tree plantation. For Max Bede’s holds a firm place in his heart and he credits the School as helping him to develop into the person he is today. Max’s strong affinity to Bede’s has led to his decision to want to give back and contribute to the School in his new role as a Trustee of the Foundation.
Isobel Muston is a mum of triplets and former parent of Bede’s Prep and Senior School. Her son attended the Prep school and as a result of the fantastic teaching there, so followed her other son and daughter when they all started at the Senior school. Isobel trained at Helen Arkell Dyslexia centre as a TA supporting children with SpLDs in 2015 and then worked as classroom TA in Year 3 for six years. Isobel has recently completed the Level 5 Diploma at Helen Arkell and qualified with Distinction as a Specialist Teacher of SpLDs (dyslexia). Isobel and her husband had three very different children with varying learning styles. Bede’s school was able to support them according to their individual needs and talents whilst the pastoral care was second to none.
Chris Davison has spent the last 20 years working in private equity. He is a Partner and leads Investor Relations and Fundraising for the firm globally and serves on the Firm Operations Committee. He joined Permira in 2005, having previously launched a PE research business at Almeida Capital/AltAssets and worked as a finance and economics writer and news agency reporter. Chris is also Chair of a national education charity and a parent of two former pupils at Bede’s.
Development Office established: September 2022
Deputy Heads of School become Pupil Heads of the Bede’s Foundation: September 2022
Foundation Strategy Meeting with Bede’s Trust Foverning Board: November 2022
Senior Leaders’ Training on Development: November 2022
Development Board Strategy
Evening and Training: March 2023
First meeting of the Development Borad: December 2022
Staff training on the Foundation and it’s vision: January 2023
Presentation and Consultation with State School Senior Leadership: March 2023
Our Aim: Five 110% Foundation Scholarship holders starting each academic year in the Sixth Form by 2029.
• This will include a mixture of day and boarding pupils,
• Recipients of foundaton scholarships will be from both the local area.
• A 110% foundation scholarship ensures a pupil faces no barrier to every opportunity avaliable at Bede’s and includes the pupil’s fees, transport, uniform and co-curricular programme.
Achieving Our Goal: The Trust needs to raise £1.6 million by 2029. This will enable us to increase our number of foundation scholarships year on year as follows:
School Prefect’s Foundation Raffle: March 2023
Foundation legally becomes a charity: May 2023
Bede’s first Giving Day: June 2023
Foundation Launch: June 2023
24 staff members run the Beachy Head marathon events for the Foundation: September 2023
Update to Bede’s Trust Governing Board on the Foundation: June 223
Our first two Transformational Scholars start: September 2023
We win the IDPE Award for Ambition & Progress: 17th November 2023 Legat Dance Academy donate the proceeds of their Junior Show to our Foundation: November 2023
The Prefects’ Auction of Opportunities raised over £15,000: 1st December 2023
Our 100 Acts of Kindness Regular Giving Campaign begins: 1st March 2024 The Foundation visits Bermuda: 20th April 2024
As a result of the kind generosity of the Bede’s community and its friends, to date we have raised over £600,000 towards our £1.6 million target.
The impact Bede’s had on my son Theo was immediate. We came back from New Zealand in 2016. Theo is one of 4 children we had to settle back into the school system in the UK. We had settled on a school that was convenient, but it was clear to us that Theo was not happy.
It was my sister-in-law who made a throwaway comment, saying “Have you ever heard of Bede’s? If we lived closer that’s definitely where we’d send our kids.” So, we thought we’d have to have a look. I remember the impact of the open day, and looking at Theo, who was literally on the edge of his seat. His body language was so different, and I thought that it was clear Theo had found the right school for him. From that moment on we sensed a very special connection, and from then it has continued to have a massive impact on him. He went from a lonely, ntroverted kid, to having a bunch of mates at the end of his first term. It even changed his
physicality. As parents we could see this extraordinary transformation. Theo’s recent A-Level results are a testoment to the incredible support and guidance he received at Bede’s. The near one-on-one coaching and mentoring he recieved in his last year at Bede’s helped Theo enormously.
When the opportunity to contribute and take a place on the Development Board came up, we did not hesitate. We’d like to give back to the organisation that has given us as a family so much. And if there is the slightest possibility that we can help someone’s else’s journey feel even somewhat like Theo’s, it is our duty to do so. That is why we are so passionate about Bede’s and the Foundation. The opportunity to give other children this opportunity, the same our son got, is something we want to contribute to.
Bede’s believes that awarding a Foundation Scholarship, within the environment of a supportive and high attaining school like ours, is one of the greatest forces for social mobility we could give. Our aim is to seek out pupils for whom a Bede's education is wholly out of reach and whose lives will be completely transformed as a consequence of attending the School.
Bede's takes this commitment incredibly seriously and will award these life changing scholarships to those who would most benefit from a Bede's education. This could be as a result of social disadvantage, challenging family circumstances or other barriers which a pupil may have encountered, which have limited a pupil's aspirations in ways beyond their control.
building a building. Ultimately a building’s life span will finish, whereas this fund will give opportunities that will last their life time and further into the future as well.
On an individual level our scholarships our transformative of course. They transform the child, they give them opportunities to do and find skills within themselves that perhaps they never dreamt they had. It gives them the chance to try new things. It is transformative for the Bede’s community because by bringing in children who may otherwise would not have been here, we benefit from having those pupils as part of our community. It is transformative in the long-term because those children will go back out into society and be, we hope, better people because of their experience with us.
Bede’s education is transformative in a number of ways. It is transformative in terms of the social opportunities that it gives pupils to interact with those from diverse backgrounds, socially and internationally, as we are an international school. It gives pupils the chance to mix with a diversity of educational backgrounds. We have pupils who can achieve the highest possible grades, and others whom have extraordinary skills across sport, music, art and other areas. It gives pupils a real flavour of different life experience.
Whilst capital projects are important, a Bede’s scholarship is something that will transform lives forever. Having a fund that we can establish that will be able to finance pupils and give them opportunities in perpetuity is different to
Donations will be ring-fenced and only used to support pupils who will really benefit. We have a very robust selection process ensuring that we make awards to pupils who would make the very most out of a Bede’s education.
That money gives them those opportunities that they would otherwise never have, and allow these pupils to reach their full potential at Bede’s.
“When I reflect on my time at Bede’s, I am immensely grateful for the opportunities I was given. My Sixth Form journey was made possible through the bursary I received. Then, attending Bede’s allowed me to immerse myself in a vibrant community where I joined various societies, made many great friends, and found my academic passions.
The support I received not only shaped my education but also opened doors to experiences that have impacted my personal and intellectual growth. An offer from Cambridge, improved skills, increased resilience and confidence were all things I received at Bede’s, and have stayed with me and continue to guide me as I pursue my aspirations. I am truly thankful to Bede’s, as it made this journey possible, and I will always remember the amazing years I spent at Bede’s.”
A Foundation Scholarship offers 110% financial support and includes:
Registration fees
Acceptance deposit
Tuition Fees
Compulsory Sports Kit
School Bus Transport
Curriculum-based compulsory trips
One optional activity per term (e.g. sailing, LAMDA, music lessons etc.)
Public examination fees (e.g. A Levels and BTECs)
Equipment necessary for academic study
Additional learning enhancement lessons and any associated assessments
We have specific criteria regarding the awarding of scholarships, some based on a financial level, and other requirements focused on character, so that we can ensure that our decision can make the maximum impact. Pupils eligible for this programme must meet the following criteria:
The pre-conditions for admission are that:
• The applicant is of the appropriate age and sufficient maturity
• The applicant enjoys satisfactory general health
• The applicant’s learning difficulties and other special needs (if any) can, in the opinion of the Head, be managed within the School’s normal provision or can be met by the School making such reasonable adjustments as may be required
• The present school reports good attitudes and conduct on the part of the parents and applicant
How do we assess applicants for Foundation Scholarships?
• The primary caregivers of the pupil making the application should be eligible for or claiming universal credit.
• The pupil and their siblings have studied solely in a state school setting.
• The pupil lives in the local area.
• The primary caregivers of the pupil and the pupil themselves can demonstrate that they would benefit from and fully take part in the wide range of both academic and co-curricular opportunities available at Bede’s and fully support the School’s ethos.
Step by step guide to the application process:
Applicants who meet the means tested criteria are invited to take part in a selection process designed to identify those with the potential to make the most of the opportunities provided by the Trust.
Step 1: Initial visit
Applicants visit the School for a tour and introduction from our Registrar or member of the Admissions Team to assess whether the Trust is a good fit for you.
Step 2: Registration
When registering, please indicate on the Registration Form that you would like your child to be considered for a Foundation Scholarship and ensure your child completes an ‘All About Me’ form
Step 3: Complete Statement of Financial Circumstances Form
Submit your Statement of Financial Circumstances Form along with any other supporting evidence requested. If you are deemed eligible, at this point you will be asked to provide all of the necessary supporting documents.
Step 4: Home Visit
All families under consideration for a Foundation Scholarship will receive a home visit from Bursary Administration Limited.
Step 5: Interview
Eligible applicants will be invited for an interview with the Foundation Scholarship panel, complete Yellis testing and meet with the Head for an informal chat.
Step 6: Offers
Successful applicants will be notified and receive their offers in writing. This offer is held until a specified deadline, by which time parents must make a decision. To firmly accept your child’s place, you will need to return the Acceptance Form, Terms and Conditions, Medical Form, School reports, birth certificate and copy of the child’s passport. This must be done by the deadline we give you –otherwise we cannot guarantee your child a place.
Step 7: Transition meetings and events
There will be school transition meetings and events in the summer term for pupils and their families who are joining in September with key pastoral staff including the Sixth Form and House teams. A detailed Joining Pack will be provided in the spring or early summer prior to your child starting at Bede’s. The pack is full of information about joining the School, including details of transport, uniform, school rules and Behaviour Policy and will include some forms to complete including academic option forms if relevant. For Senior School applications, Parents are welcome to express a preference for a particular Day or Boarding House but the School makes the final decision on House allocation.
Step 8: Confirmation of a place
On GCSE results day if applicants have successfully met the academic requirements for their selected courses they will be admitted to the Sixth Form.
Our 110% Foundation Scholarships are designed for pupils who without economic support could not attend Bede’s. We recognise that offering this opportunity truly changes lives. But we do not act solely from financial information. By looking at the character of prospective Scholarship Foundationers, we make sure that the pupils we choose will be those who will engage with the wide array of extra opportunities, so that they can truly reach their full potential and make the most of their time at Bede’s.
“ Looking back on my school years, I am filled with a profound appreciation for the incredible place and people who moulded me into who I am today. My academic journey took a transformative turn when I recieved a scholarship to attend Bede’s, or as it was then St Bede’s Prep. This opportunity opened the doors the endless possibilities and instilled in me a profound sense of resilience, determination and drive. At Bede’s, I didn’t just recieve an education. I gained confidence, a thirst for knowledge, empowerment and lifelong friendships that took me to where I am now “
I am the father of a recent pupil. Myself and my wife, Claire, chose Bede’s Senior School for Robbie, our son, because of the particular focus that the School gave to the pastoral care they offer to all children. The learning experience that Robbie enjoyed at the School was magnificent and he left Bede’s brimming with quiet confidence, with many friends, with good exam results and perhaps most importantly, with many happy memories.
I wanted to give something back to the Bede’s community after Robbie left. Becoming a Trustee of the Foundation, with a view to helping others enjoy the same opportunity to make progress in their lives as Robbie had, seemed an obvious way to do that.
The role of a Trustee is not as complex as some might perceive it to be. It is a prerequisite to be honest and transparent and engaged as well as to support the Foundation’s overall objectives, which are set out in policy documents. It is important to commit to supporting the Foundation, with practical help, with some financial contribution and by offering some advice and support in the aspects of the Foundation’s work where I have existing expertise (e.g. in finance). The work is fun and rewarding. Being able to give back is truly priceless
“I wanted to say a BIG thank you to those who have made it possible for me to come to Bede’s. I feel so settled now and so supported which has enabled me to feel so happy. My tutor, Hm and the whole House community makes me genuinely feel a part of something. At Bede’s I feel like I am part of a family, one which understands me and is helping me not only now but is showing me all of the possibilities which are open to me in the future.”
Simon Cloke
“As a long-standing Governor of Bede’s, I was delighted when we launched the Foundation. It is such a wonderful way to allow young people to experience the magic that Bede’s has to offer and to give them opportunities that they could only have dreamt of.” - Kate Nash
“It was a real privilege to hear directly from new and old pupils and parents about how their Bede’s experience has shaped their lives. A recurring theme was how Bede’s goes beyond a classic education to enable pupils to find and follow their passions in whatever field is right for them. Providing this unique opportunity to more families through the Bede’s Foundation will make a real impact on communities across Sussex”. - Nicholas Mercer
“I applied for The Foundation Scholarship for my son knowing what an incredible opportunity it would be for him to attend Bede’s, particularly knowing how outstanding they are in Sport. He is a footballer and knew there would be opportunities for him to develop and go on tour that otherwise he may not have had. It has been a wonderful experience for him, opening up amazing opportunities, creating new friendships, and studying the subjects he is interested in. This has honestly been something we could only have dreamed of and we are eternally grateful.”
Parent of a Foundation Scholar
“The application process was clear and concise with plenty of opportunities to ask questions or clarify points. We felt welcomed and part of the school community instantly. The staff made settling in straightforward and adjusting into the independent sector while daunting at first went smoothly thanks to the support on offer.”
Parent of a Foundation Scholar
Prefects 2023 - 2024
We are Mandy Zhang and Charlie Bennett, the Deputy Heads of School and Co-Pupil Head of the Bede’s Development Foundation. Mandy joined Bede’s in Year 5, and Charlie joined in Year 9, so Bede’s has been a huge part of our lives from a very young age. The supportive, caring and compassionate environment of the School has had a huge impact on us both and it is from this that our desire to give back and passion for the Foundation has grown. We were of course also very much inspired by the School Prefects work last year and the fundraising that they did, something which we aim to continue.
We are both recipients of Bede’s Scholarships, Mandy for Art and Charlie for Drama, and we know that a standard scholarship is so often not enough for pupils to experience the vast opportunities available at Bede’s, opportunities which we have both benefited from and adored so much. It is an absolute privilege to attend Bede’s, and we recognise how lucky we are. We hope that through our work that we will be able to enable others most in need to benefit from the same opportun ities and feel the same sense of pride and belonging that we have as part of this community.
Over the next academic year we aim to support the Foundation through a number of different ways including the School Tuck Shop, Sixth Form socials, the School Prefects sponsored Brighton Marathon run and the School Prefects’ ‘Auction of Opportunities’. We hope that through these events and activities that we can ra ise vital funds for this amazing charity, to give those the opportunity to attend Bede’s who otherwise could not.
Mandy Zhang & Charlie Bennett Deputy Heads of School 2023
On Friday 1st December 2023, the School Prefects hosted Bede’s first ever Auction of Opportunities in aid of the Bede’s Development Foundation. The evening started with welcome drinks in the Old Dining Hall with canapes being served to guests in the glow of the beautiful Christmas tree decorated earlier that evening by prefects themselves!
The 100 guests made up of parents, alumni, staff, governors and friends of Bede’s then walked to the Recital Room where the evening began with welcome speeches and a moving testimony given by alumna Lillie Skerman about her time at Bede’s and why supporting this cause is so important. The auction then kicked off with bids flying in thanks to our incredible auctioneers Mr Lenham and Mr Muston.
Between auction bids for prizes from an exclusive training session with the Saracens rugby team, VIP Edinburgh Fringe tickets, getaways to the British Virgin Islands and VIP Chelsea tickets pupils from both the Prep and Senior School performed. Exquisite food was served by our fantastic catering team Holroyd Howe and guests viewed the pupil artwork up for auction in our auction gallery. The evening was a great success and thanks to our bidders both in-attendance and those bidding online, together with some generous donations and the School Prefects’raffle for a luxury Fortnum and Mason hamper the total raised exceeded £15,000.
“It was an absolute honour to be invited back to Bede’s on December 1st to speak at the School Prefects’ Auction of Opportunities.
It was an absolutely fantastic evening in aid of a cause very close to my heart, and it was delightful to be able to reunite with so many of the Bede’s staff who played such a significant role in my life.
Huge congratulations should go out to the Bede’s Development and Alumni Relations team, the Prefects’, and the Heads of the Foundation for all their hard work organising brilliant events and raising money throughout the year. May 2024 be just as successful for them all!”
We could not have been prouder of Lillie Skerman, there was not a dry eye in the house after Lillie had shared her journey at our School Prefects’ Auction of Opportunities.
It has been amazing to see such strong support from our alumni for our Foundation and especially the fundraising of our current School Prefects.
Thank you to everyone one of our Old Bedians, together we really are transforming lives.
The incredible Bede’s School Prefects challenged every pupil to take part in at least one act of kindness and asked 100 families from the Bede’s community to show their support and kindness by committing to a monthly gift, all in support of our transformational scholarship campaign.
To show how dedicated they were, five of our School Prefects ran the Brighton Marathon.
All of their training and hard work paid off and we could not be more proud of you all.
Our fantastic five were running to raise awareness of the Bede’s Development Foundation and to promote our 100 Acts of Kindness Regular Giving Campaign. Their compassion, courage, conscientiousness and curiosity shone through and we could not be prouder of what they have achieved.
Thank you for all of your hard work over the last year, raising over £20,000 for the Bede’s Development Foundation!
Running the Extra Mile: Bede’s Staff participate in the Beachy Head races in aid of the Bede’s Development Foundation
On Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 October, 24 members of staff from across the Bede’s Trust tackled the Beachy Head races from the 10km through to the Ultra Marathon, together covering over 400km and 11,074 metres in elevation. Together the team have raised funds for Sixth Form Foundation Scholarships.
CEO and Head Peter Goodyer commented, “The Bede’s community embraced the opportunity to be a part of the Beachy Head marathon, a remarkable event that not only tested our endurance but also fuelled our passion for making a difference. Running for the Bede’s Foundation, we know that the true essence of achievement lies not only in reaching the finish line but in the lives that our scholarship programme could transform. The Foundation has an unwavering commitment to change lives and I am most grateful to all those members of the Bede’s community who braved the elements and took on the Beachy Head course for this cause.”
Despite the challenging weather conditions, Team Bede’s remained undeterred. Director of Sport, David Byrne, who undertook the Ultra Marathon on Saturday said: “Despite less than ideal weather conditions, the unwavering support from people who braved the elements to cheer us on was fantastic. I’m immensely grateful to my family and friends. I want to extend my thanks to all those who played a part in organising the event. Their dedication and hard work made it possible for all of us to take on this incredible challenge with plenty of team spirit.”
Taking part in the Beachy Head Marathon in aid of the Bede’s Development Foundation was Senior School teacher, Chris Betts and Chair of the Bede’s Development Foundation, Simon Smith said: “The smile and brief hint of sunshine in the photo belies a pretty tough day out on the Sussex Downs. 26.2 miles and 3700 ft of elevation combined with Storm Babet made for some wet, treacherous, conditions both up and downhill! This was by far the toughest marathon I’ve run but it was made all the more enjoyable by a tremendous sense of Bede’s team spirit at the start line, throughout the course and at the finish line too - the marshals, supporters (including Mrs Smith) and checkpoint volunteers, who were out in all conditions throughout the day, were amazing. As ever one is sustained by the camaraderie of the other runners but also the sense of purpose in being out there for such a worthy cause. On several occasions my mind wandered to those future pupils who will benefit from our Foundation Scholarship Campaign - 5 hours of plodding and a couple of days of aching muscles is a small price to pay for a person’s two-year education; the benefits of which will last a lifetime.”
On Sunday, October 22nd, the Bede’s team were then out again with a team of five running the half marathon. Mary Northway, the School Doctor commented “Everyone seemed to be running with a “we’re in this together” attitude, having small friendly chats when passing, pointing out when the path was slippy, encouraging each other up the hills.
This was one of the best runs I’ve ever done! I found it totally exhilarating and especially loved flying down the 5km of downhill from Butts Brow to the Seven Sisters! The conditions for running were perfect - sunshine, blue sky, and a slight cold in the air. I wanted to do the half marathon because of the amazing route and views. Although I’d be worried that the experience couldn’t be better than it was, I would definitely sign up for it again! Getting “flying feet” on some of the photos was an unexpected bonus!”
We are so proud of our community and what we can achieve together.
Bede’s Development Foundation Wins IDPE Schools’ Award for Ambition and Progress.
The Bede’s Development Foundation is thrilled to share that we have won the IDPE (Institute of Development Professionals in Education) Schools’ Award for Ambition and Progress for 2023.
Over the past year Bede’s has been on a journey, working hard to establish its own charity: The Bede’s Development Foundation which strives to raise money to fund 110% Sixth Form Foundation Scholarships.
To make our vision a reality we have worked to create a Foundation which strives to be the living and breathing embodiment of our School’s ethos. The Foundation partners and works with every area of the Bede’s Community, from the Nursery to the Sixth Form, the Bede’s Summer School to our suppliers.
Through our campaign: ‘Together we can Transform Lives’ we set out to create a cultural shift, embedding development into the very heart of our school community. We went from raising around £10,000 annually to over £400,000 in the 2022-2023 academic year, established the School’s first Development Office and created a separate charity, the Bede’s Development Foundation. The School’s vision “Where every child finds joy in their pursuit of brilliance.” is the purpose of our development work and our values of “Compassion, Courage, Curiosity and Conscientiousness” drove us to focus solely on 110% foundation scholarships.
Our development work proves our ethos is a living and breathing part of everything that we do. Our aim is to inspire every individual to be an advocate and give our community the confidence to drive our fundraising forward whether that be our pupils, staff, parents, alumni governors or friends of Bede’s.
Chair of the Bede’s Development Foundation, Simon Smith says: “I am so proud as Chair of the Bede’s Development Foundation to have heard that we have won this award. Huge congratulations to the entire Development team at Bede’s and all of our Trustees; with a special thanks going to our CEO and Head Peter Goodyer, our COO, Noj Northway and our Director of Advancement, Charlotte Sutton. What feels so special about what we are doing is the teamspirit and heartfelt sense of community which is present with every breath which our Foundation takes.”
The IDPE Development Awards, sponsored by The Social Archive, showcase and celebrate excellence in schools’ fundraising and engagement happening in independent and state schools across the UK. The IDPE, along with Hubbub, is committed to championing innovation and brilliance across the schools’ development sector and is proud to recognise exceptional achievements through the awards every year. The full list of nominees and winners from this year’s awards can be found here: https://idpe.org.uk/annualawards
We just want to say a big THANK YOU!
We would like to give a special mention to the Bede’s Legat Dance Academy for choosing the Bede’s Development Foundation as their chosen charity for their fantastic performance of The Wizard of Oz earlier in December. This was an incredible set of performances which raised over £850 with 50% of these proceeds going towards the Foundation.
Thank you so much to all of the amazing dancers and Mrs Pennington and her lovely team, we so appreciate your support!
“We would also like to give a massive shout out to our Summer School parents who each made a donation to the Foundation this year. When booking a place with our Summer School every booking includes a £20 donation showing that every single part of the Bede’s community is committed to supporting us on our journey to raising funds for more 110% Foundation Scholarships. As a result of these donations the Summer School raised an amazing £63,620, virtually covering a bursary on their own, a fantastic legacy for our 2024 Summer School parents.”
Caroline and Douglas Pye Winkleigh United Kingdom
The help given by (St) Bede’s to my daughters was invaluable and made a very positive difference to their lives. As founder members of staff we were proud to be part of the dynamic ethos Roger Perrin put in motion and to watch it grow. (St) Bede’s will always hold a very special place in our hearts.
Ned Barker London United Kingdom
I was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship from Bede’s from the age of 11 and it changed my life. It’s only right to give back so someone else can benefit from this amazing community.
Sue Daunt Pevensey United Kingdom
Our son has been given such an amazing opportunity at Bede’s that we wanted to just give something back to say thank you.
Jason Newton Bexhill on Sea United Kingdom
Bede’s is an extraordinary school with abundant opportunity - helping in a small way for someone in the future to experience & share in this community is a privilege.
Annabel Kapp Forest Row
United Kingdom
To give back to others as we have benefTtted so much from scholarships and burseries at Bede’s. Thank you
Joanne Cox Tunbridge Wells United Kingdom
My daughter received a Scholarship for 6th Form. We are truly grateful for everything Bede’s done for her. Without A scholarship she could not of attended Bedes. Thank you.
Andrew Waring Poole United Kingdom
Good luck with the fundraising. Bede’s really helped our son, Tom, identify and unlock his potential. We hope this collective fund raising will give others the opportunity to benefit from Bede’s excellence, all within a safe and inclusive environment
Anna Owens London United Kingdom
My daughter has had the best time boarding at Bede’s and I would like to give another child opportunity to enjoy the excellent teaching and the wonderful experience of living with friends from all over the world.
Elizabeth Devereux Eastbourne
United Kingdom
Well Done Bede’s pupils and staff for continuing to show today by your actions that making a difference to those outside, as well as inside, our community is part of Bede’s Ethos DNA.
Guy Blackden Burwash, East Sussex
United Kingdon
What an inspiring initiative, we hope Bede’s Giving Day successfully achieves it’s goal of enabiling more children to gain scholarships and benefit from all the Bede’s has to offer.
Mike Woodhall Laughton United Kingdom
With children in year 13 and year 4, we know first-hand the outstanding academic & sporting opportunities on offer at Bede’s. Happy to help someone benefit form the same.
I strongly believe in the value of Bede’s education. Let’s show our commitment to helping the next generaton of Bede’s pupils reach their full potential.
“As Co-pupil’s Head of the Bede’s Development Foundation, Charlie and I would like to say a big thank you to the entire Bede’s community. Our time leading the School Prefects in raising funds for our Foundation has been an incredible journey of growth, impact, and dedication to our mission. We’ve strived to make a difference in the lives of those who needed it.
From the Giving Day where we worked to enthuse pupils and staff across our schools, our Auction of Opportunities which allowed us to engage with donors in a unique and meaningful way, offering exclusive experiences while raising for Foundation Scholarships and the inspiring team who ran the Brighton Marathon to promote our 100 Acts of Kindness campaign to encourage regular giving. Together, these efforts have enabled us to expand our reach, support more individuals in need, and make a lasting impact on the communities we make up and we could not be more proud of the impact that we have had.
Lastly, I want to finish with a quote that I say at every event “remember little makes a difference, but many create a change”. As we become alumni of the School we are excited to continue our legacy of giving back and promoting the Bede’s Development Foundation. Thank you to all of those who supported us, it is truly a year we will never forget.”
Mandy Zhang and Charlie Bennett
Bede’s Development Foundation is focused on Foundation Scholarships, our aim is to make a real difference to those whom without support would not be able to attend Bede’s and benefit from its vast resources from co-curricular activities to pastoral support and thus expand their horizons in a way they never dreamed was possible.
If you are fortunate enough to help our cause please follow this QR code or contact us on Development@bedes.org
Prefects 2024 - 2025
We are Eliza Hutchison and Maya Goswami, the Deputy Heads of School and Co-Pupil Heads of the Bede’s Development Foundation. Eliza joined Bede’s in Year 9, and Maya joined Bede’s in Year 9.
The school has provided both of us, as well as the wider community, with unwavering support, compassion, and encouragement, which has inspired our enthusiastic commitment to the Foundation. We are acutely aware of the immense privilege of attending Bede’s, and we recognise how fortunate we are to benefit from the many opportunities the school provides. Through our dedication to the Foundation, we hope to extend these opportunities to those most in need, enabling them to experience and benefit from the caring and courageous atmosphere we cherish within the Bede’s community.
Over the course of the next academic year, we aim to support the Foundation in various ways. These include initiatives such as the School Tuck Shop, a raffle at our bi-annual Cabaret, Sixth Form Socials, and an outdoor cinema. Through these events, we hope to strengthen connections within the community and raise vital funds for this incredible charity, helping to provide the opportunity to attend Bede’s to those who might not otherwise be able to do so.
The Bede’s Development Foundation artwork has a particularly special meaning for the Trust because it was designed by Anthony Hammond, an artist who worked at the school for nearly thirty years, in many different roles from a Teacher of Ceramics, to Assistant Head. In his words here is the story and meaning behind the images he has created.
It has been a real honour to work on the illustrations for the Bede’s Development Foundation. Having worked at Bede’s for 28 years I have seen how much good the School can do, and has done, for so many pupils, especially those coming in on scholarships, so to be a part of this has been very exciting and extremely special to me.
During my years at Bede’s I have worked as Head of Ceramics, a Housemaster, an Assistant Head, Head of Teacher Development and a whole host of other roles. The pastoral side of the School is very important to me, and that is why I spent so much time focused on supporting teachers. It was very rewarding, as I knew that through helping the teachers directly, I would also be helping the pupils those teachers taught. It is this level of support which makes Bede’s the School that it is and why the Foundation is a natural next step.
The main inspiration for the logo, of the pupils with kites, came from the ‘It’s In The Air’ video that was created for Bede’s. I wanted to create a sketch that showed a lot of movement and energy, instead of being focused on too much detail, so that the people in it could be anyone and represent any pupil. When pupils look at these images whether they be applicants, current pupils or alumni I want them to be able to see themselves and their friends.
I wanted the strength of the kites with the Bede’s ethos of Compassion, Courage, Curiosity and Conscientiousness to be the prominent element of the illustrations. The kites are the only part of the drawings which feature colour so to immediately draw your eye and have the strongest impact on the viewer. The values of Bede’s are so important to what makes it a wonderful school, these words and the actions they inspire mean so much to every member of our community and so they had to be at the very centre of the sketches.
I then went on to select three iconic buildings and scenes from the School with the aim of giving a feeling of ‘home’ to our community when they saw them. For the illustration of the Prep School I wanted to focus on the detail of the historic buildings, making them the focal point and drawing the eye. As the drawing dissipates to the outer edges they become slightly more abstract. My aim was to create that rhythm of the coastline without detracting from the strength of the Bede’s Prep School, that wonderful building which means so much to so many I ensured was front and centre. Once I completed this drawing, I added the kites again closer to the coastline so that every image was linked and it felt like the pupils are at the end of the kites, hidden from view but still a focal point.
The final illustration is of the senior School Manor House. Here I wanted to celebrate the beauty of the architecture. I didn’t want to place bricks or tiles in the drawing, instead I wanted to focus on the shapes. There are about 29 layers to this drawing as I explored the shape and the elements that take focus. It is such an inviting and beautiful building and one which for many embody Bede’s and evoke feelings of belonging - a sentiment which our community places a great emphasis on and is integral to the success and very existence of the Foundation.
When drawing the Lake, I wanted to play around with textures and make it quite sculptural. So that is what I’ve given to the trees and the leaves, but then again adding the pupils with their kites to give that constancy and flow to the artwork. I have also worked to highlight the lawn and how stunning this area is, as it is a place where so many Bedians have spent their days while attending the School and is the setting for so many milestones from school photographs and impromptu football matches, to theatre performances and the Leavers’ Ball.
It has been an honour and a privilege to provide the illustrations for such a worthwhile cause, to bring some fantastic pupils to the wonderful school that is Bede’s. I hope that you will enjoy these illustrations and what they represent as much as I have enjoyed creating them.
Anthony Hammond
Bede’s Staff 1994 - 2022
Here at the Bede’s Development Foundation, we have one sole focus and that is to provide 110% foundation scholarships. These provide more than just finicial support, they provide a sense of belonging and open pupils up to a festical of opportunities.
These scholarships are not just about covering tution fees; they are a comprehensive commitment. From transport to uniforms and co-curriclar programmes, we’re ensuring that no obstacle stands between our pupils and the endless possibilites which a Bede’s School educations offers.
Application are now open! If you would like to find out more about the Bede’s Transformational Bursary Fund you can do so here.
The Bedian is Bede’s alumni magazine, published annually to showcase alumni highlights and provide an overview of the past year at Bede’s School.
Our goal is to feature as many alumni stories as possible. Whether you left recently or many years ago, we want to share your story.
If you have something you’d like to share for our next edition, please reach out—we’d love to include it!
Leaving a legacy to Bede’s or as many will fondly remember it St Bede’s is one of the most meaningful and lasting ways to support our incredible school. Such a gift ensures that future generations of pupils and staff benefit from the same high standards of education and care that have shaped the lives of so many whether that be at the Prep or Senior School.
Whether large or small, every legacy will directly benefit the Bede’s community. The pupils of today, just as those in the past, are the direct beneficiaries of previous acts of generosity, and your contribution will help to continue a long lasting legacy of kindness, a value our school was built on.
If you are considering including Bede’s in your Will, or if you have already done so, we warmly encourage you to get in touch with us. We want to ensure we fully understand your intentions and can apply your bequest in the most appropriate way. Additionally, we would love the opportunity to thank you during your lifetime and to celebrate your thoughtful generosity.
When drafting or updating your Will, it is advisable to consult with your solicitor. Legacies to Bede’s can be arranged in several ways:
Residual Legacy: Typically a percentage of your taxable estate.
Pecuniary Legacy: A specified sum, which can be index-linked to protect against inflation. Specific Legacy: A gift of a particular property, shares, works of art, or other valuable items. Reversionary Legacy: A gift that takes effect after the death of another person, such as a spouse.
Conditional Legacy: A gift made payable upon the completion of a certain condition, such as the education of one’s grandchildren.
Through any of these legacy options, your contribution will help Bede’s continue to thrive, ensuring that future pupils can benefit from the same exceptional education that has inspired generations.
Any gift, no matter its nature or size, will have a life-changing impact on pupils who without financial support could not attend and experience the vast opportunities on offer at Bede’s. A one-time donation will have an immediate impact on our fundraising, whereas a regular gift can allow us to plan for the future. Every gift matters, every gift makes a difference.
One off or regular gifts can be made by Direct Debit on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Please scan the QR code to set up your regular or one-off gift. You can make a one-off donation using a credit or debit card.
The Bede’s Development Foundation is a registered charity (charity number: 1203152), meaning that all legacies made to the Foundation are exempt from UK Inheritance and Capital Gains Taxes. Under current rules, if you leave 10% or more of your chargeable net estate to charity, the Inheritance Tax (IHT) rate on the whole of your taxable estate is reduced from 40% to 36%. If you have already included, or intend to include the Bede’s Development Foundation in your Will, we would be grateful if you would let us know.
Many companies support charities through matched giving initiatives. Some will match pound for pound while others will double match donations which employees make to registered charities. Please check with your Payroll as to whether your company operates such a scheme as this could increase the size and impact of your donation.
Bede’s Development Foundation is able to accept gifts of assets such as property or land which is not subject to Capital Gains Tax or Capital Transfer Tax. Donors may consider making a bequest of cash or other assets, all of which would be free of Capital Transfer Tax on death.
Easyfundraising is an organisation which allows you to raise donations for the Bede’s Development Foundation every time you shop online. Over 7,000 brands including all the big names such as eBay, John Lewis & Partners, Argos, ASOS, Expedia, M&S, Just Eat, Uswitch and many more, will donate, at no extra cost to yourself. All you need to do is sign up and remember to use Easyfundraising whenever you shop online.
Once signed up, simply start your shopping journey at the Easyfundraising website, use the donation reminder or app (information will be provided when you register) and the retailer you shop with will send us a donation based on how much you spend.
It is also possible to purchase a bench that will be placed on site, with personalisation choices regarding what you would like it to say. These can be purchased for yourself, or as a gift, for the price of £500. With £40 from every bench being donated to the Bede’s Development Foundation. Please email: development@bedes.org
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Bede’s Development Foundation. Every donation is greatly appreciated and each gift leaves a legacy, helping Bede’s continue to offer a unique learning experience for all our pupils; helping to nurture individual lives both now and in the future. Please scan the QR code to find out more on how to donate.
Barclays Bank Ple, Barclays Corporate, Level 27, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP
Account Name: St Bede’s Foundation Sort Code: 20-88-13
Account Number: 83359972
Reference: Bursary Fund
IBAN: GB16 BUKB 2088 1383 3599 72 SWIFTBIC: BUKBGB22
We are incredibly grateful to the over 600 donors who have supported us this year at the very beginning of our journey. In just one year we have grown the Bede’s Development Foundation from an idea to a fully fledged charity in its own right which has raised enough money to support six Sixth Form 110% Foundation Scholarships. This has meant that the Foundation has been able to realise its aim of ensuring two Foundation Scholarship recipients start in September 2023.
This would undoubtedly not have been possible without the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and the support of the Bede’s Trust’s Governing Board. What has become clear over the last 12 months is that the Foundation has been able to establish itself so quickly and achieve such milestones because of the support of Bede’s community whether that be the Executive, Governors, teachers, parents or pupils themselves.
The last twelve months have proven that the Bede’s vision “Where every child finds joy in their pursuit of brilliance” is a living and breathing reality. The values of compassion, courage, curiosity and conscientiousness which the Trust works to install in every pupil has been evident through the community’s coming together in support of the Foundation not only financially, but in time and effort.
We hope that after reading this that you feel proud of what we have created and join us on this journey.
The Bede’s Development Foundation Trustees