“We are proud to work alongside so many employers who see value in providing apprenticeship opportunities within their business.
Our dedicated Account Managers and Apprenticeship Recruitment team will work together with employers to ensure they are supported in any way possible to ensure that your apprentice(s) are enrolled efficiently.”
Gina Bubbins Director of Business DevelopmentThe Bedford College Group
Account Manager
Your dedicated Account Manager will be a point of contact during your relationship with The Bedford College Group. They will provide a comprehensive overview of apprenticeships and advise on areas such as funding, incentives and college delivery.
Liaison Officer
Our team of Liaison Officers are responsible for overseeing the apprenticeship sign-up documents with you and your apprentice. We use an esignature process called DocuSign to collect all relevant paperwork required. You will be given the option to either complete the paperwork remotely or at one of our face to face enrolment sessions at the College. Your Account Manager will discuss these options further with you. Only once the paperwork has been fully completed, will your apprentice be able to commence their apprenticeship.
Training Co-ordinator
Your apprentice will be assigned a Training Co ordinator who will support their apprenticeship journey once they are enrolled, from induction through to completing their end-point assessment. They will carry out workplace training, assessments and progress reviews. They will also liaise with classroom tutors and take an oversight of progress made towards completing mandatory qualifications delivered in the College. The Training Co-ordinator will be your ‘on programme’ point of contact for all delivery and assessment related matters.
Whether you have an apprentice you would like to enrol or you have an apprenticeship vacancy, we have a dedicated Apprenticeship Recruitment Team who can manage the process for you.
If you are an employer looking to recruit an apprentice then our Apprenticeship Recruitment Team will support you with this. They can advertise, review and send over candidates for you to shortlist and interview.
All we will need from you is a job description and some information regarding the vacancy, we can manage the rest.
If you are an employer who has already identified an apprentice / has an existing employee who you would like to enrol onto an apprenticeship, then our Apprenticeship Recruitment Team will complete a ‘pre enrolment process’ with your apprentice. As part of this process, they will be required to complete an English and maths assessment (regardless of prior qualifications).
Your designated Apprenticeship Recruitment Advisor will liaise with you to keep you informed of the progress and will also work closely with your Account Manager to understand your organisation and apprenticeship requirements.
All employers hiring new apprentices are now required to set up an Apprenticeship Service account.
You will need to register your details via the link below and follow the instructions set out below: https://accounts.manage-apprenticeships.service. gov.uk/service/index
Providing you have all of the relevant information available, this should not take you long to set up.
Once you have created your apprenticeship account, please sign in and complete the following steps:
1. From the ‘Home Page’ on the digital account, scroll down and select ‘Your Training Providers’
2. Once in the next page, add the UKPRN number 10000610 when prompted, it should then allocate to The Bedford College Group.
3. A ‘Change permissions’ button should appear, please select ‘Allow Bedford College Group permissions to add an apprentice’ and ‘Allow Bedford College Group permissions to recruit an apprentice’ If you decide not to ‘Allow Bedford College Group permissions to recruit an apprentice’, please let us know why.
Once you have provided us with permissions, we will add the details of your apprentice and their apprenticeship to your account for your approval.
You should receive an email prompting you to login, once this has happened.
Approve your apprentice cohort:
1. From the ‘Home Page’ on the digital account, scroll down and select ‘Cohort Request Ready for Approval’
2. Then, ‘Approve’ and return to the ‘Home Page’
Note - The Bedford College Group does not have visibility of the employer side of the Apprenticeship Service accounts.
For any queries not mentioned above, you will need to contact the Apprenticeship Service Helpdesk direct: 08000 150 600 helpdesk@manage-apprenticeships.service.gov.uk
Levy Employers
Levy paying employers will pay 100% of the agreed amount of the apprenticeship standard funding band. This amount will be deducted from their levy via their apprenticeship service account on a payment schedule.
Non-Levy Employers
As a non-levy employer you pay just 5% towards the cost of training and assessing an apprentice. The government will pay the rest, up to the funding band maximum.
If you employ fewer than 50 employees, the government will pay 100% of the apprenticeship training costs up to the funding band maximum for apprentices aged:
• 16 to 18
• 19 to 24 for apprentices with an education, health and care plan provided by their local authority or who have been in the care of their local authority.
Apprenticeship Funding Bands
All apprenticeship standards are placed into a funding band, within a 30-band funding structure, with the upper limit of those bands ranging from £1,500 to £27,000.
The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/) provides recommendations to the Department for Education on the appropriate funding band for each standard, and it reviews existing standards’ funding bands on a regular basis. New standards will be allocated a funding band once the Institute has approved them for delivery.
The upper limit of each funding band represents the maximum amount of funds that a levy paying employer can use towards an individual apprenticeship from their apprenticeship service account. The upper limit of the funding bands also represents the maximum price that government will ‘co-invest’ towards, where an employer does not pay the levy or has insufficient funds in their account.
All employers must meet, in full, any eligible costs above the funding band limit for any apprenticeship. They will need to make these payments directly to The Bedford College Group.
Incentive: AGE Grant
£1,000 is available for all employers who hire an apprentice:
• aged 16 to 18 years old
• aged 19 to 24 with an education, health and care plan or who has been in the care of their local authority
When you’ll get paid:
• The payments will be issued in 2 equal instalments for each apprentice
To be eligible, your apprentice must complete:
• 90 days of their apprenticeship for your first payment
• 365 days of their apprenticeship for your second payment
How to apply:
• We will require your business bank details to enable us to send you your payments:
• Name of Bank
• Sort Code
• Account Number
Who will I receive the payment from?
The Bedford College Group (Finance Department) finance@bedford.ac.uk
• The ESFA’s apprenticeships funding rules states that all new standards must contain a minimum of 6 hours per week off-the-job training
• The 6 hours per week is for calculation purposes only; once calculated the off-the-job training can be delivered flexibly.
• Off-the-job is defined as ‘learning which is undertaken outside of the normal day-to-day working environment and leads towards the achievement of an apprenticeship.’
• ‘Training can be delivered at the apprentices normal place of work but not as part of their normal working duties.’
• 6 hours per week of paid time in work dedicated to learning new skills, developing workplace behaviours and core competencies required within the role.
• Off-the-job training can be covered by:
• College attendance
• Work shadowing
•Observing skilled workers
• Learning new tasks
•Leading on new projects
• Working on assignments and revision activities
• Completing job reports
• Accessing practical training at work
• Developing portfolio (OneFile)
What are Functional Skills?
English and maths Functional Skills are an essential part of every apprenticeship and each apprentice will have English and maths skills developed as part of their programme.
Which apprentices will require Functional Skills?
For those apprentices who have not already achieved their GCSE Grade 4/C (or other equivalent English/maths qualification) they will need to achieve Functional Skills, as part of their apprenticeship.
Why will my apprentice need Functional Skills?
Apprentices are unable to sit their End-Point Assessment and therefore will not be able to achieve their apprenticeship without prior achievement of English and maths qualifications. Should they not already have these qualifications, they will be fully supported to complete these by our dedicated Functional Skills staff at The Bedford College Group.
What is my role as an Employer regarding Functional Skills?
We need your support, as their employer, in allowing them time to attend the required sessions. We see this as another way your apprentice can develop their knowledge and skills through English and maths, which can further support your business.
Correctly recognising prior learning and experience through an effective initial assessment is crucial to delivering quality apprenticeship programmes. It is vital that apprentices have a high-quality experience and receive the training they need, while delivering apprenticeships which work for employers and comply with the apprenticeship funding rules. Apprenticeship funding must not be used to pay for training the apprentice does not need, or certify knowledge, skills, and behaviours the apprentice already has.
The link below offers a short guide for employers regarding recognising prior learning and experience: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/apprenticeships-recognition-of-prior-learning/short-guide-foremployers-initial-assessment-to-recognise-prior-learning
As part of the ESFA funding rules, all apprenticeship training providers are required to complete a progress review between the apprenticeship training provider, employer and apprentice. A progress review meeting will therefore be planned every 8-10 weeks between the apprentice, training coordinator, employer and/or the apprentices' mentor. The recorded meetings must be signed and dated by all parties in order to meet these regulations.
Please see below for extracts taken from the ESFA funding rules:
P52 A progress review, to discuss the progress to date of the apprentice against their training plan, must be carried out every 8-12 weeks. This should be a three-way discussion involving the provider, employer, and the apprentice.
P53.7 Agree and document actions for the next review. The record of the progress review must be signed and dated by all parties (apprentice, employer, provider).
As this is a mandatory requirement, your apprentices’ Training Coordinator will be in contact at the start of the programme to pre-plan these meetings to occur, where possible, at a time convenient to yourself. If you are unable to make these meetings, you are required to re-plan these at an alternative time to ensure they take place frequently.
• A diverse workforce can bring different ideas and solutions and help a company better understand and meet diverse customer expectations.
• Take prompt action to stop harassment or bullying as soon as it is identified. Ensure that offensive comments are not dismissed as banter.
• Investigate when complaints are made and keep a record of any action taken.
• Use your judgement to correct behaviour that could be considered offensive and remind employees and learners of company policy on these matters. For an example of Equality and Diversity Policy which an employer can adapt to meet their needs please visit: www.acas.org.uk
• If applicable, be prepared to take reasonable steps to ensure the working environment is accessible to all employees and learners, for example toilets, changing facilities and eating areas can be used by everyone.
The Bedford College Group welcomes the diversity of our learners. Whether studying on our campuses or in the workplace, all our learners are entitled to develop their skills and knowledge in a supportive environment free from discrimination, victimisation, bullying and harassment.
Business case for encouraging equality and preventing discrimination
• Reduce the chance of complaints, disciplinary action or an employment tribunal claim - and avoids the costs and disruption to the company.
• Improves team spirit - an employee or groups of employees who are being discriminated against are likely to be unhappy, less productive and demotivated, and this can have a negative impact on all employees.
• Reduces the likelihood of staff leaving as a result of discrimination, reducing the costs of recruiting, training and settling in new staff.
• Enhances the reputation of the company as a progressive and inclusive employer.
As an employer or apprentice mentor you will be provided access to your apprentices’ OneFile account. As an employer you will be able to review in OneFile your apprentice's progress, including any outstanding tasks, current learning activities and progress towards off-the-job learning.
Reviews are recorded in OneFile so that all progress records are stored in the one place making it easy to access and update throughout the apprenticeship journey. Signing the progress review and commenting on the apprentice's journey is now mandatory. Please, let your apprentices’ designated Training Co-ordinator know if you do not have access to OneFile in order for us to arrange training and full access rights.
Your apprentice has the right to be and feel safe wherever they may be. That could be at home, College, when out in the public but most importantly, whilst at work.
We have policies and procedures in place to ensure our College and work settings are a comfortable, safe and secure environment. It is important that if your apprentice feels they are being hurt, bullied or made to do something they don’t want to do, whether in College or outside, that they talk to someone.
If they are concerned about themselves or someone else within their work setting, they should speak to one of the following people to ensure that this is reported:
• Designated Training Coordinator
• Their Tutor at College
• The Safeguarding Team at the College
If they have any concerns at all, our staff are trained to support them.
They can contact the safeguarding team via email or telephone and their details are below:
Telephone Number: 01536 413004
Email: safe@tresham.ac.uk
Telephone Number: 01234 291888
Email: safe@bedford.ac.uk
If they would prefer to remain anonymous, they can report their concerns via our Report and Support section of the website.
How much do I need to pay my apprentice?
Employers can pay their apprentice(s) as much as they like as long as it is not below the National Minimum Wage (NMW) for Apprentices which is £4.81 per hour (effective from 1st April 2022). This applies to 16-18 year old apprentices and those aged 19 and over in the first year of their apprenticeship.
Apprentices should not be paid below National Minimum Wage for their age until they are enrolled onto their apprenticeship.
Do I need to employ my apprentice(s) or can they be self-employed?
The apprentice must have a contract with you, which is long enough for them to complete the apprenticeship successfully (including their end point assessment).
Apprentices cannot be individuals who are self-employed.
Do I need to pay apprentices when they are at college?
The wage for apprentices applies to both time spent on the job plus time spent training.
What are the minimum number of hours my apprentice can work?
The minimum duration of each apprenticeship is based on the apprentice working at least 30 hours a week, including any off-the-job training they undertake. If the apprentice works fewer than 30 hours a week, the expected duration of the apprenticeship must be extended.
Is there an upper age limit for Apprenticeships?
No, apprentices can be of any age, however the funding varies depending on age.