Welcome to the first issue of the ALS Update, a termly release, dedicated to providing valuable resources, updates, and insights to support our teaching staff in their crucial role. The purpose of this newsletter is to keep you informed about the latest developments in the realm of Additional Learning Support. Each issue will feature a variety of content; including articles on specific support the ALS team offer; important dates for your diary etc.
In this issue, being the start of the year, we wanted to share our support process, from referral to support being put in place. We want to make sure you are aware of this process so every student gets the support they need, every student can access the curriculum and every student can feel supported by the great teachers we have here at the Bedford College Group.
Welcome back, and let's make it a fantastic year ahead!

Page 4 2023 - 2024 Support Review
Page 5 Support Available
Page 6 - 7 Referring students
Page 8 Support process
Page 9 Exam Resits
Page 10 - 11 Spotlight
Page 12 Awareness Dates
Page 13 ALS on the LMS!
Page 14 - 15 Celebrating the Success of the SEND Assistive Technology Conference 2024
Page 16 Vacancies
Page 17 Contact us
2023 - 2024 SUPPORT REVIEW
I wanted to start by highlighting the impact of Additional Learning Support (ALS) across our sites, sharing some impressive figures from last academic year.
Our largest area of support continues to be at our Bedfordshire campuses, where we assisted over 1,000 students the highest number to date. Support varies widely, from individual support meetings to fulltime Teaching Assistant support in every class. An exciting development this year is our growing Central Bedfordshire team. Following the recent merger, they have significantly expanded their services, supporting 509 students last year. We are optimistic about increasing this number as awareness of the provision grows across the sites.
Lastly, our Northamptonshire sites provide support for around 400 students. The team there is well-established and excited to celebrate the opening of their new Haven space and office directly opposite.

Number of Students Supported 23-24
Some of the most common support we have on offer is detailed below.
Individual Support Plan (ISP)
An Individual Support Plan (ISP) outlines a student’s personal details, their learning difficulty and/or disability, and specific strategies to support them in the classroom. These strategies are considered reasonable adjustments, which you are legally required to implement under the Equality Act 2010.
Group Study Support (GSS)
Exam Access Arrangements
Study Support is provided in small groups of up to five students, focusing on specific areas of need such as English, Maths, starting assignments, or trialling assistive technology. Learning Facilitators may require collaboration with tutors to ensure that students gain the maximum benefit from these sessions.
Exam Access Arrangements (EAA) ensure students have equal exam opportunities. Students with processing difficulties must undergo psychometric testing to qualify. Some arrangements are based on medical needs, while others are decided by the centre. All arrangements must reflect the student's regular way of working in class.
The Haven is a safe space for vulnerable students to use during time out, lunch, and breaks. It is continuously staffed by SEND Emotional Wellbeing Coordinators to provide support.
The referral process plays a crucial role in ensuring that students receive the support necessary to thrive at college. Any member of teaching staff can make a referral to Additional Learning Support (ALS), and it is the responsibility of all staff to take action when they identify a student in need. If you notice a student consistently struggling, take the time to speak with them. If they received support at school or have a formal diagnosis, it is likely that they will benefit from support at college as well. Even if a student has not previously had support, but you believe they are finding things difficult and you can provide evidence of this, please refer them without delay. Once a referral is made, we will schedule an appointment with the student within 10 working days and notify both the referring tutor and the student of the date.
What information does the referral form require?
The referral form asks for key details about the student, including their history of need and any evidence of difficulties observed in class. There is also an option to upload any relevant documents.
How do I access the referral form?
You can access the referral form using the direct link provided, the QR code, or via the intranet on the Additional Support page.

Number of Referrals 23-24 (CBC not recorded)
The Bedford College Group has now moved entirely to an online referral system, covering all sites. Paper forms or email submissions will no longer be accepted, so please ensure you save time and effort by completing the form online. You can access the link via the intranet on the additional support page.

Exam Access Arrangements are reasonable adjustments put in place during exams to ensure that every student has a fair and equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities. These arrangements help to remove barriers without giving any student an unfair advantage.
Examples of common access arrangements include additional time, use of a reader or scribe, taking exams in a separate or smaller group room, and scheduled rest breaks. Importantly, these arrangements should reflect the student's usual way of working in class or during mock exams.
The guidelines for Exam Access Arrangements are set by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ), and it’s our role to ensure that these are implemented effectively within the college
Why is this important now?
With the November GCSE resits fast approaching, the Additional Learning Support (ALS) team faces a particularly tight deadline. In just two months, we must ensure that all students resitting GCSE Maths and English have their access arrangements in place. Additionally, any new students joining us will need their requirements finalised.
What do you need to do?
If a student mentions that they had exam access arrangements at a previous institution but these are not yet in place at the college (i.e., there’s no record on their ISP or ProMonitor), please refer them immediately.
Encourage students to obtain relevant evidence from their previous school as soon as possible. Having the correct documentation allows us to transfer their arrangements swiftly, reducing pressure on both the students and the ALS team.
By working together, we can ensure that every student receives the support they need to succeed.

Number of new EAA processed 23-24

For our first edition, I’d like to take the opportunity to highlight the leaders who guide and shape our department—the Vice Principal and the Heads of Department. We have three dedicated Heads, each responsible for overseeing operations across different locations. Their leadership ensures that our students receive the best possible support, and they play a crucial role in driving our commitment to excellence in education and student care.
In this edition, we’ll introduce you to our Vice Principal and each of our Heads, giving you insight into their roles, the campuses they manage, and the valuable work they do to ensure that both staff and students thrive.

Vice Principal for SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Nina Sharp
As the Vice Principal for SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) at The Bedford College Group (TBCG), I am responsible for the educational provision and support for High Needs students within the college. My role is central to driving and implementing the SEND Strategy across the group, ensuring that the college remains at the forefront of inclusive education and that all students receive the support and resources they need to succeed. In addition, I represent the Directorate at both local and Group levels, working closely with internal and external stakeholders to promote and achieve the objectives of the SEND Strategy.

Bedfordshire sites - Katrina O'Brien
As Head of Additional Learning Support at Bedford, I’m passionate about helping young people succeed. Our dedicated team of caring professionals works tirelessly to put students first, providing the support they need to reach their full potential and achieve great outcomes. Together, we work tirelessly to support our students in reaching their full potential and achieving outstanding outcomes. We believe in the power of education to transform lives, and we are here to ensure every student has the support they need to succeed.
Northamptonshire sites - James Killick
I am the Head of Additional Learning Support for our campuses in Northamptonshire. My role is to ensure that all learners, regardless of any additional needs they may have, have a positive experience in their time at college (by removing any barriers), leading to positive outcomes and success.
I enjoy seeing the journey that learners make, starting as unsure (and needing some support) to confident and independent young adults.
The Head of Additional Learning Support at Central Bedfordshire College is responsible for managing support services for students with additional needs, ensuring equal access to education and resources. What I enjoy most is empowering students: it's incredibly rewarding to help them overcome challenges and achieve their goals.
The ALS team is committed to supporting every student, providing the necessary tools and resources for their academic and personal success.
Central Bedfordshire College - Laura Pope


This term we are highlighting 2 upcoming awareness dates. We hope to have some events taking place for these so keep an eye out and share your support. If you are able to, try to raise awareness during these periods within sessions. Dyslexia
13th - 17th October

13th November14th December
We are thrilled to introduce an exciting new training resource on our Learner Management System (LMS) to support your professional development with regards to Additional Learning Support
Accessing the Training:

Once logged into your LMS Dashboard, navigate to the Learn section and click on Find Learning.
On the Find Learning page, use the search bar (located on the right side of the screen) and type SEND.
• This will lead you to a variety of relevant resources and Playlists, including:
• SEND – Fact Sheets & Resources
• Additional Learning Support
• What to Expect: Each playlist includes:
• Quick, ‘bitesize’ fact sheets on specific areas of
• Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
• In-depth, interactive resources covering ALS systems and processes
• A QR code directing you to the ALS referral form

This is an evolving resource that will be updated throughout the year. Soon, we’ll be adding a booking system for SEND-specific development requests for individuals and teams.
We encourage you to explore the new resources and make use of this valuable tool. Stay tuned for more updates, and let’s continue working together to support our learners effectively!
The recent SEND Assistive Technology Conference, supported by the Professional Development Team, was a huge success! Over three days, the conference was delivered across three campuses, bringing together staff from Additional Learning Support, Pathways, and the library. The event showcased how assistive technology can empower students with SEND, helping them build independence and achieve success.
A key highlight was the involvement of our passionate Assistive Technology Champions:
• Melissa Dunkley
• Nadine Neite
• Nigel Gilbert
• Paul Allard
• Richard Morley
• Vanessa Fernandez
These champions demonstrated how freely available technology, both within Microsoft and online, can help students access tools that they can use anytime, anywhere. From speech-to-text software to other accessibility features, the conference focused on technology that students can continue using not only during their studies but also as they transition into adulthood. The champions emphasised that this technology is designed to promote long-term independence and success.

This approach is aligned with our SEND strategy, which prioritises creating an inclusive environment where every student has the resources to thrive. By integrating accessible technology, we are empowering students to take control of their learning and preparing them for life beyond education.
Staff feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many noting how the sessions opened their eyes to new ways of supporting students. There was a real buzz throughout the event as staff engaged with the technology and shared ideas on how they could implement these tools in their daily work. They left inspired and eager to put their learning into action, ensuring that the conference’s impact will continue to be felt.

This is just the beginning of our journey. We remain committed to further developing this strand of the SEND strategy, ensuring staff are equipped to support students with technology that promotes independence and success.
Here’s to a future where every student has the technology they need to succeed!
Interested in becoming a member of our team? Or know someone that might be? Take a look at our roles currently advertised on the Bedford College Group website under vacancies. https://jobs.bedfordcollegegroup.ac.uk/
Teaching Assistant
All Sites
Permanent - Term Time
Associate - SEND Support
Fixed Term - Term Time
£12.00 per hour
Learning Facilitator
Permanent - Part Time
From £24,000 per annum
SEND Emotional Support
Facilitator (Haven Coordinator)
Bedford, Kettering, Wellingborough
Permanent - Part Time
Salary from £24,000 (pro rata)
DOE and Qualifications
Learning Support Assistant
Cauldwell Campus, Bedford
Permanent - Term Time
Salary from £22,000 (Pro Rata) DOE & Qualifications
Job Coach - Ongoing
Fixed Term - Term Time
Salary from £24,000 DOE and Qualifications
EHCP Coordinator
Kettering, Corby & Wellingborough, Dunstable
Permanent - Full Time
From £29,000 per annum
Cognassist Facilitator
All Sites
Permanent - Full Time
From £22,072 DOE & Qualifications