Get £1,500 tax-free just for taking on an apprentice! Eligibility rules apply, see inside for details...
ENERGISE YOUR WORKPLACE WITH FRESH NEW TALENT Did you know that over 150,000 employers now offer apprenticeships across 170 different industries1? From childcare and carpentry to hairdressing and engineering, more and more businesses are discovering the rewards and reaping the benefits of taking a hard-working and enthusiastic apprentice under their wing. Don’t just take our word for it – an outstanding 96% of employers report benefits to their business, having taken on an apprentice1. You can find the range of benefits on page 5, but to give you just a taste apprenticeships help to create a more motivated workforce and fill essential skill gaps, resulting in significant increases to your bottom line.
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SO WHAT EXACTLY IS AN APPRENTICESHIP? Put simply, it’s a type of training programme where your employees study part-time alongside their employment. Apprenticeships are designed to develop practical skills through on-the-job experience and nationally recognised industry qualifications.
Apprenticeships can suit different needs. You might want to:
Bedford College is the largest apprenticeship provider in Bedfordshire. With over 20 years’ experience uniting thousands of apprentices and employers, you can trust us to assist you every step of the way; from the recruitment process right to the end of the apprenticeship itself.
1. Recruit new employees through an apprenticeship programme. 2. Train existing employees who change to a different job role. In both cases, apprentices make an active choice to pursue a career in their chosen industry, and they bring with them many advantages to your business. But it’s not all about internal gain, research carried out by the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) shows that over 80% of people are more likely to use businesses that offer Apprenticeships to young people1. Take on an apprentice and you will make a difference to society, enhancing your local community and improving the workforces of tomorrow.
Government funding is available, which means there may be little or no cost involved, other than paying your apprentice’s salary. And because we know how valuable your time is, there isn’t mountains of paperwork involved either. Turn to page 7 to discover how our unique apprenticeship training development model enables us to help you and your business right from the moment of enquiry to the end of the apprenticeship.
The College spends so much time helping employers to take on apprentices, and so it is important that we lead by example”– the words of Business Development Team Manager at Bedford College, Gina Bubbins. Paige decided she wanted to be ‘earning while learning’ after completing her A-Levels. Paige was taken on as part of the Business Development Team at Bedford College and is now learning about sales and securing customer relationships. Gina says: “Since taking on Paige, certain areas have seen an increase in productivity; she settled in quickly and worked hard from day one. Apprentices come into a company with such commitment and enthusiasm that they never fail to make a positive impact.
Introducing apprenticeships
Your questions answered
Extraordinary business benefits
Who do we work with?
Apprenticeships step-by-step
Employers believe that newly qualified apprentices are 15% more employable than graduates with other qualifications 1.
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Apprenticeships we offer
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We’re sure you’ve already got lots of questions, so read on to discover how the whole process works. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE? The length of an apprenticeship varies depending upon the prior skills of the apprentice, the qualification being obtained and the industry sector. Generally, apprenticeships take between one and three years to complete.
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HOW DOES AN APPRENTICESHIP WORK? During the programme, an apprentice earns a wage in employment with your business and develops industry skills through a training programme. As a general rule, they will attend classes with us on a part-time basis, either once a week or in blocks of several weeks at a time.
WHO CAN TAKE ON AN APPRENTICE? Whether your business is a small or large organisation, whether you’re in the public or private sector, the apprenticeship programme is open to you.
We offer apprenticeship programmes at three levels: Intermediate (Level 2) and Advanced (Level 3 and 4). Turn to page 10 for the full list.
Apprenticeships aren’t restricted to the traditional academic year – you can recruit an apprentice at any time. We will also help you to advertise the vacancy, which will help to lower your recruitment costs.
WHAT DOES IT INVOLVE? An apprentice must be employed by you for a minimum of 30 hours per week to complete the apprenticeship. Training is delivered ‘on the job’ at your premises and at a Bedford College campus. As with all employees, you are responsible for your apprentice’s wages and paying any applicable tax and national insurance.
WHAT IS THE COST TO MY BUSINESS? If you take on a 16-18 year old apprentice, all that you will pay for during the apprenticeship is their salary – the government will fund their training. If you take on someone aged 19 or over, as well as paying their salary you will need to make a contribution towards the cost of their training each year (the government will part-fund their training). Turn to page 8 for all the financial information you will need.
–SEE THEM FOR YOURSELF WELCOMING AN APPRENTICE INTO YOUR TEAM IS NOT ONLY REWARDING, BUT OFFERS A RANGE OF FULLY MEASURABLE BUSINESS BENEFITS. A loyal and motivated workforce – around two thirds of employers2 report benefits, such as apprentices bringing new, interesting ideas to the company and better morale among staff. Apprentices are eager to repay the investment a business has made in their future, leading to reduced staff turnover. Remember, an apprentice is with you because they want to be – they have made both an active choice to learn on the job and a commitment to a specific career. Filling your skills gaps – apprenticeships deliver skills designed around your business needs. They also help you develop the specialist skills you need to keep pace with the latest technology and working practices in your sector. In fact, 83% of employers rely on their apprenticeships programme to find the skilled workers needed to keep up to date with advances in their industry2.
Covering the costs – training apprentices is more cost effective than hiring skilled staff, leading to lower overall training and recruitment costs. 53% of businesses report lower recruitment costs and 59% lower overall training costs during apprenticeship programmes3. A more productive workplace – 72% of businesses report improved productivity having taken on an apprentice2, increasing the competitiveness of your business to improve your bottom line. The average person completing an apprenticeship increases productivity by £214 a week, made up by increased profits, lower prices and better products2. Grow with your employees – 64% of newly-qualified apprentices stay with their employer to pursue a career2, which not only means you won’t be incurring the cost of re-recruiting, you are effectively investing in the future of your company.
Want to see the figures for yourself ?
Check out what an apprenticeship could be worth to your business with the online ROI calculator at
Research conducted in February 2008 by Populus on behalf of the LSC to launch the first National Apprenticeship Week
Who do we work with? Here are just a few of the businesses in Bedfordshire and beyond that we’ve helped to recruit and train apprentices over the past few years... Bedfordshire & Luton Fire & Rescue Service Bosch Rexroth Charles Wells Fletchers Hair Studio General Motors Guardian Environmental Services Harpers Nursery Lockheed Martin Mark Rutherford School Mercedes Benz Millbrook Proving Ground Priory Marina Beefeater The Automated Technology Group The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives Woburn Golf Club
I was given the chance to complete an apprenticeship many years ago and I feel it’s important to give something back and give youngsters the opportunity to start a good career, I’ve always rated the instructors at Bedford College. Their knowledge, experience and the way that they teach the pupils is first class.
Barry Wells Barry Wells Plumbing and Heating
This is a long term investment and, moving forward, we know that working with Bedford College to train young people from scratch will give us more flexibility in the future and a competitive edge, as we will have multi-skilled engineers with experience and understanding of the whole business.
Andy Osborn (Training Manager) The Automated Technology Group (ATG)
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Once you have decided to take on an apprentice, there are some simple steps that both you and we will follow to ensure everything runs smoothly. OUR RESPONSIBILITIES:
• Help you to decide which apprenticeship programme is right for your business
• Interview and select the apprentice
• Explain the way that apprenticeships might work for you
• Issue a contract of employment
• Identify if funding is available
• Provide a safe and secure working environment
• Help you to recruit an apprentice or support your existing staff into apprenticeships
• Provide supervision and mentoring
• Agree a training plan with you and your apprentice
• Commit to providing time off for learning
• Deliver the training and provide on-going support to you and your apprentice, with regular feedback
• Provide sufficient breadth of experience to cover the apprenticeship framework
TIME TO CHAT: Your Account Manager will visit your premises to discuss apprenticeship opportunities in more detail and help you discover what will work best for your business.
GETTING IN TOUCH: When you first contact Bedford College you will be allocated an Account Manager. This person will help you during every stage of the apprenticeship and be your first point of contact.
SPREAD THE WORD: We will advertise the vacancy on the Bedford College and National Apprenticeships Service websites, throughout local schools, job centres and the College.
1 2
Our apprenticeship training development model
3 RECRUIT: Start the selection process to find the most suitable candidate.
ALL SYSTEMS GO: Welcome your new apprentice and start the apprenticeship programme.
FEEDBACK: As part of the ongoing support you will receive from Bedford College, we will give you regular feedback on your employee’s performance, so we can work together to achieve the best results.
Depending on the length of apprenticeship programme, you will be notified when the training is complete. We will assist you in evaluating the business impact of the programme and identify future needs.
Apprenticesh THE JOB If you employ an apprentice you will need to pay them at least £2.73 per hour4 (the National Minimum Wage for apprentices), although you are free to pay more, and many employers choose to do so – the average salary for an apprentice is around £170 per week5.
THE TRAINING Depending on the age of the apprentice, you may have to pay a contribution towards their training. The governments Skills Funding Agency (SFA) makes the following contributions towards training costs. Payments are made directly to Bedford College, as the learning provider who offers the training: • For those aged 16-18 the contribution will be 100% of the cost – you will only need to pay for your apprentice’s salary. • For those aged 19 and over the contribution will be up to 50% of the cost – you will need to pay a small contribution towards the training, in addition to your apprentice’s salary.
Regional finalist of the Megger National Apprentice Electrician of the Year 2014 Peter Hall, with his support team Bedford College CEO Ian Pryce CBE, Director of Teaching & Learning/Deputy Principal Dave Pridmore, Executive Director of Construction & Building Services Tony Joyce, and the winning electrical installation training team.
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From 1st October 2014
ship funding
Apprenticeship Grant for Employers of 16 to 24 year olds (AGE 16 to 24) AGE 16 to 24 aims to support businesses – not otherwise in a position to do so – to recruit individuals aged 16 to 24 into employment though the apprenticeship programme.
The AGE 16 to 24 is designed to encourage employers to offer apprenticeships to young people through a tax-free wage grant worth £1,500. If you qualify, you will receive the grant on top of the contribution already being made by the SFA (see above) – which means taking on an apprentice could make even more financial sense for your business.
More information and details of how to apply are available from our Business Development team or our website:
WILL MY BUSINESS QUALIFY? If your business has up to 1,000 employees and you’re looking to recruit your first apprentice (or have not employed an apprentice within the last 12 months), you could qualify for the grant. Remember, the apprentice you are recruiting must be aged 16 to 24.
Need more info?
For more information on all of the funding options available for apprenticeships, visit
Apprenticeships Bedford College offers Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 Apprenticeships in a wide range of disciplines. Check out the Apprenticeships page on the College website for information on a specific discipline.
LEVEL OFFERED Intermediate (Level 2)
Advanced (Level 3)
Bench Joinery
Building Services Engineering
Business & Administration
Childcare, Learning & Development
Civil Engineering
Conservation & Environment
Construction Maintenance Operations
Construction – Technical & Professional Customer Service
• •
Engineering Manufacture
Engineering Manufacture (Craft & Technician)
Electrical/Electronic Engineering
Electrical Installation
Health & Social Care
Hospitality & Catering
Improving Operational Performance
IT Application Specialist
IT Professional
Mechanical Engineering Motor Vehicle Body Repair & Paint
Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair
Painting & Decorating
Teaching Assistant
Trees & Timber
Warehousing & Storage
Apprenticeships coming soon... • Equine Management Level 2 and Level 3 • Accounting Higher Apprenticeship Level 4
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If Apprenticeships are not quite what you are looking for, our Employer Training Services team can introduce you to a range of alternative and tailored training solutions, designed to improve performance and productivity. In one year alone, 79% of employers that used Bedford College for their training needs reported improved business performance and 83% reported improved product and/or service quality6. Once again, our unique training development model comes into play, as we help you to identify the issues you want to address, develop appropriate training solutions to meet your objectives and measure the impact this training has on your organisation.
OUR BRAND NEW JOB SHOP The Job Shop at Bedford College is a new service dedicated to finding suitable candidates for job roles locally. When you next find yourself searching for ideal candidates to apply for a vacancy within your business, we will be able to help. Our skilled staff look at the job role, decide the type of candidate it would best suit and then promote the vacancy across the College and its other businesses, reaching past and existing students to find the ideal match and unite employers, like you, with the best possible candidates.
We regularly have students looking for individual work experience placements of varying lengths. If you can offer one or two weeks’ of work experience to a hard-working and dedicated Bedford College student, please do get in touch.
Traineeships are a new training programme that has been developed in response to employer feedback. Some businesses, like yours, have reported problems in hiring young candidates because they don’t have the necessary skills or experience you’re looking for. Designed for 16 to 24 year olds, traineeships give you the opportunity to: • trial young talent in your organisation • shape a trainee’s experience before potentially taking them on as a new employee • help create a pipeline of experienced young people for your business. There is no cost involved in taking on a trainee, but you must offer a high quality work experience placement that guarantees them an exit interview on completion of the programme, as well as a reference they can take forward to future employment applications. Or, if the placement is particularly successful, you may be able to offer them a job interview for a suitable role, or an apprenticeship.
Results from the 2011/2012 Employer Survey conducted by Bedford College in April 2012
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Next steps: Get in touch with Bedford College, your local training provider. We will be delighted to visit your company and discuss our apprenticeship service. To arrange a free, no obligation visit, call our Employer Training Services team on 01234 291747. Visit to find out more about apprenticeships at any time and wherever you are.
Bedford College Cauldwell Street Campus Bedford MK42 9AH
Tel: 01234 291747 Email: Web: