CONNECT - June 2022

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Are you interested in being the next staff governor? Read more on Page 4.

Find out more about the HE Conference this year on Page 6.

Staff perks can be found on Page 12.

Connect N E WS | U P DAT E S | D I A RY DAT E S | D I S CO U N TS

Staff Conference 2022 Thursday 30 June Together: sustainably evolving through challenge and change

Together: sustainably evolving through challenge and change Join us on Thursday 30 June for our first face-to-face staff conference since 2019 which will be hosted this year across our Kettering campus and Wicksteed Park. More details can be found on page 7.

June 2022


Olivia Morton

Communications Executive

Editor’s Note Your June Issue of CONNECT Magazine In this month’s issue, find out more about our first face-to-face staff conference in three years and tips on how we can all save some money for those sunny days during summer. If you would like to add your staff news to the final issue of CONNECT for the academic year, please send your article and photos to no later than Friday 17th June 2022.

Dates For Your Diary PRIDE Month

1 – 30 June

Half-Term Break

w/c Monday 30 May

Jubilee Bank Holiday (College closed)

Thursday 2 and Friday 3 June

GCSE maths

Tuesday 7 June AM, (1 hr 30 min)

GCSE English

Friday 10 June AM, (2 hrs 5 min)

GCSE maths

Monday 13 June AM, (1 hr 30 min)

Bedford College Open Evening

Tuesday 14 June, (5.00pm - 8.00pm)

Contents Pg.2

Key Dates


Principal’s Update


Staff Governor Election


Group News


Job Opportunities


Equality, Diversity And Inclusion


Staff Perks

Tresham College Wellingborough Open Evening Tuesday 21 June, (5.00pm - 8.00pm)

HE Staff Conference (Bedford campus) Wednesday 22 June

Tresham College Corby Open Evening Wednesday 22 June, (5.00pm - 8.00pm)

Tresham College Kettering Open Evening Thursday 23 June, (5.00pm - 8.00pm)

Welcome Days (all sites)

w/c 27 June, more details to be shared soon

All Staff Conference (Kettering campus) 30 June

For more diary dates visit

Pg.2 June 2022


Principal’s Update

Ian Pryce CBE

CEO The Bedford College Group

Principal’s Update A year of three halves

Meaningful equality

It was good to see everyone at the recent whole-college staff meetings, and to say thank you to you all for delivering such a strong overall performance so far, despite it being a year where we have had so much carry-over from last year with students falling behind due to Covid restrictions, so much catch-up for students who missed learning too, plus an unusually high level of audit and inspection.

The Times last month reported the education sector had the worst gender pay gap of any sector at 24%, including banks! Our sector media FE Week produced data suggesting the FE sector is better with a gap of 17%. It may be an imperfect measure but gaps on this scale are unacceptable. We should feel proud that, thanks to the work of our equalities forums and our HR and equality teams, our gender pay gap is 3.9% and reducing.

Given the volume of work this has generated we have to prioritise, and it is vital we make sure we start 2022-23 cleanly, without the same issues. To that end, the absolute key priorities for us all are to make sure our students and apprentices all achieve well and complete this year, and secondly, to make sure our plans for September are properly implemented – the curriculum, timetables, enrolment processes, initial assessment processes, staff in place etc. If we focus on these priorities, it should help with workload and wellbeing next year. Recordings of the staff meetings for those unable to join the sessions is also available to watch here.

Yes Minister In recent years our levels of capital investment have been very high and transformed the student experience in big areas like Construction, Engineering, Animal Care and The Bedford Sixth Form.

We have also started work on ethnicity pay gap reporting, where we still have some work to do. For those employed on college contracts our gap is 6%, though for our professional support staff employed through BCPS Ltd the gap is negative at -1.5%. Given BCPS is still a relatively new company this suggests we are moving in the right direction.

Staff Conference It is lovely to see we will all be able to come together at Wicksteed Park and Tresham College’s Kettering campus for our staff conference. It always takes a lot of organisation but I look forward to seeing you all there for what promises to be an interesting day of great speakers, relevant sessions, and a chance to unwind in each other’s company.

Our investments are also aimed at decarbonisation, and we have an unmatched reputation in our sector. It is therefore really pleasing that our Tower Block project at Bedford has now been signed off by Ministers, and future visits are expected at The Bedford Sixth Form and Bedford College to see the “best example” of decarbonisation, alongside being shortlisted for an all-industry national decarbonisation award for our work.



June 2022

Rachel Nicol

Director of Governance and Clerk to the Corporation

Staff Governor Election 2022 – take the challenge The year moves on and with the terms of office for both staff governors coming to an end on 31 July 2022, it is time to organise the next election and appoint staff governors for the next two years to 31 July 2024. Although there is nothing to stop either Melissa Peacock or Amanda Wagstaff standing again, they have indicated they feel the time is right to open up the opportunity to others. I asked Amanda and Melissa to reflect on their time as staff governors and provide some insight to encourage staff participation. Here’s what they said… What motivated you? “I really wanted to be involved in the wider college experience and to make a difference in regards to positive change for our future college.” “To gain a better understanding of how the college works and how decisions are made plus perhaps the opportunity of relating the effect decisions might have on staff.” What have you gained? “I really have gained insight into how positive decisions are made to support our college’s financial stability and how positive change is planned for in regards to our future college.”

What would you say to anyone considering standing? “If you want to be actively involved in decision making and represent across college staff then it is an excellent experience.” “If you are interested in the workings of the college and how decisions are made and being able to vote on some of the decisions, then stand!” Thank you to Amanda and Melissa for their commitment and for bringing the staff voice to the Board. All staff who are employees of the College are eligible to vote and to be nominated to stand as staff governors. An electoral roll will not be published this year but if you have any questions on your eligibility, on the election or on the role please contact the Director of Governance Rachel Nicol on or via Teams. Nomination forms, together with the full timetable for the elections, will be available on Connect from Monday 6 June 2022, to be completed by Friday 10 June 2022. Go on…take the challenge…

“A much better understanding of how boards work, and an insight into how robustly the governors check into things that the college is doing”.” Has the time commitment been difficult? “The second year has been difficult due to a clash in the meeting day/time with my PGCE studies (Thursday evening’s). I have really enjoyed attending meetings and have found attending online convenient and accessible.” “The time reading the papers has been challenging.” Pg.4

June 2022


Caroline Biddle

Executive Director of Human Resources

Time for your MOT? We have all been through a lot these past couple of years and although Covid has not gone away - we are beginning to live with it. To do this, we need to be at the top of our game, physically and mentally. So, for this year’s Men’s Health Week, which runs 13-19 June it’s time for everyone to give ourselves an MOT. Whilst most of us have been focused on the pandemic we are all guilty of taking our eyes off other serious conditions. We know early stage cancer diagnoses fell by third in the first lockdown and that shortfall has continued. Macmillan reckon that around 50,000 of us have missed a cancer diagnosis during the pandemic. Prostate cancer diagnoses, for example, were down 29% between 2019 and 2020. That’s not because prostate cancer is getting rarer (it isn’t), but because men weren’t seeing their GPs to begin to get diagnosed. Indeed, male GP visits fell more than female visits. There were good reasons for this fall during lockdown but not now.

Our message to men It’s a simple one: This Men’s Health Week, it’s time for your MOT. Take notice of what’s going on in your body and mind. There are plenty of resources on with links to a manual sharing great ideas to boost mental wellbeing. #manmot The Wellbeing Steering Group

Meanwhile, NHS Health Checks, which should be offered to most people over 40, were paused during Covid, although they should have restarted from April 2022. All of this gives us even more reason to keep an eye on our own bodies and minds and give ourselves an MOT.



June 2022

National Teaching Belonging Awards - Silver Higher Education Award Winners Conference You will have seen in the last issue of CONNECT that two areas from across the Group had been shortlisted for the Pearson Teaching Awards 2022. • Steph Lee-Vae, Lecturer in Art & Design at Tresham College was shortlisted for the FE Lecturer of the Year Award

Our annual HE Conference will take place on Wednesday 22 June at the Bedford College campus. Our theme for this year’s conference is Belonging. At this year’s conference, we will also be launching the College’s new University Centre branding for the Group. We have several speakers throughout the day that will focus our thinking on

Diversifying the Curriculum with Dr Christopher Lloyd,

Developing the Curriculum with Dr Sarah Flynn

Scholarship for All with Jo Fletcher Saxon • Motor Vehicle Team were shortlisted for the FE Team of the Year Award

The day will allow colleagues to reflect on the academic year and provide opportunities for HE staff to develop and explore plans for 2022/23 through several thinking and development circles throughout the day. Based at the Bedford College campus the conference will start at 9.15am with the opportunity to network with colleagues from across the Group. The conference will finish at 4.15pm with a further opportunity to network with colleagues at the end. We look forward to seeing you at the conference. Register your place by clicking here or scan the QR barcode below:

We are delighted to announce that as part of National Thank Your Teacher Day which took place on Thursday 26 May, that both Steph Lee-Vae and the Motor Vehicle Team received Silver Awards. This now means that both will be invited to the national award ceremony hosted in November 2022, and televised on the BBC’s One Show, where the overall Gold winners are announced from the Silver shortlists! Pg.6

June 2022


Staff Conference 2022 We are pleased to share that our first face-to-face staff conference since 2019 will be taking place on Thursday 30 June at the Kettering Campus (with key note speaker for everyone to enjoy at Wicksteed Park). The theme for the Staff Conference 2022 is Together: Sustainably Evolving Through Challenge and Change. This year’s conference will see the launch of our new purpose and values which we all began contributing to during the staff conference hosted in 2021. The conference includes a wide range of interesting speakers and workshop hosts covering topics from Learner behaviour and Risk It sessions to Mindfulness and an energy workshop. Information about workshops will be uploaded to the CONNECT Staff Conference pages, but please register for the event by clicking here Help Needed! • We need to hear from MIDAS trained drivers who could drive a mini bus to the conference. • We would like to hear from anyone who would like to share their Risk It or any other development they have carried out this year • We need some volunteers to help us with the smooth running of the day

Anthony is an inspirational and motivational speaker and fundraiser who learned how to walk, talk and speak again after contracting three viral infections at the same time After what many would consider being a miracle, Anthony was given only a 10% chance of survival, but he has made a full recovery and is inspiring businesses, schools, and organisations with his optimism and bubbly personality. In 2006, after returning from a trip to Disneyland Paris, Anthony fell extremely ill and was left fighting for his life. The cause was narrowed down to the air conditioning within the coach and affected 80% of students on the trip. After making a full recovery, Anthony played a major role in winning a £7.5m Charity Partnership between Whitbread PLC and Great Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity, where he spent 4 years traveling the UK and Inspiring teams to get involved in raising the much-needed funds for the children’s charity. The money raised went towards the construction of a brand new cardiac hospital wing, helping at the children’s hospital to treat up to 20% more children. He went on to be named one of the happiest people in the UK in the Independent on Sunday’s 2015 Happy List, a programme recognised by the Prime Minister for his efforts in enriching the lives of others, making Britain a better place.

• It’s not too late to help with conference planning! If you would to get involved you are very welcome If you can offer any help in these areas please contact

Staff Conference 2022 Thursday 30 June Together: sustainably evolving through challenge and change

This year we will be welcoming keynote speaker, Anthony Bennett ‘Miracle Man’.



June 2022

Sheraz Amin

Executive Director for Digital Transformation

Welcome to our new Executive Director The Group welcomes Sheraz Amin as Executive Director for Digital Transformation Sheraz has joined the Group as the Executive Director for Digital Transformation after working previously for National Highways, TUI and Santander. Having been based in ten different countries throughout his career he has also worked across England. Sheraz commented: I’ve worked in financial services for the majority of my career (around 20 years), with various banks and was head-hunted to help set-up a wealth management company in the UK for South Africa’s largest financial services provider (Old Mutual). I’ve had a variety of roles, ranging from a programmer, business/systems analyst, desktop/network support through to Technical Sales, Head of IT and my last role in this sector, as the Head of Digital Transformation for Santander.

The Digital Team, led by Senior Digital Content Executive Cameron Smart, took ownership, discussed with the web agency and tested and implemented the solution. At a cost of less than £1k a year the changes significantly improve our Accessibility offering and compliance in such an important area Accessibility Menu • If you go to the main website you will notice the icon below: • If you click on it, it will open up an Accessibility menu (which can be used by any user to improve the experience) but will be particularly helpful for users who have Accessibility needs. 1 in 5 people have Accessibility needs (sometimes people don’t realise until they use the tools) and it is strongly recommend everyone spends 5 minutes trying the tool.

I then transitioned into the travel and tourism world and worked with TUI to help them with their Digital Transformation and their transition from Thomson to TUI and the last few years, I’ve been working at National Highways in the construction industry (and my first foray into the public sector world).

By introducing this tool, The Digital Team and web agency identified some improvements to the way cookies are used on our website and these updates were immediately implemented to benefit all users.

Over his first few week in post Sheraz has been able to work with colleagues from across the Group to implement digital transformation changes quickly leading to significant impact.

We are now able to monitor the analytics to see how many users utilise the functionality and it will also highlight areas for improvement across the website which will benefit all users.

When joining the Group, Sheraz highlighted that our Accessibility offering on the Group’s website could be improved and there were tools he had used in the past. After providing a recommendation and following this up with the Digital Team he was impressed with the way that the suggestions were quickly actioned and a solution was found within days.

Following these improvements, if we were audited on Accessibility compliance, this solution will significantly improve our rating. However, more importantly, we hope to see more users with Accessibility needs, accessing the website and applying for courses and/or finding the information they need. Hopefully this is the start of many, many more changes we will implement to help meet our strategic goals. To paraphrase Neil Armstrong: “One small step for Digital Transformation, one giant leap for User Experience.


June 2022


The Bedford College Group Open Days Please add these dates to your diary for the forthcoming Open Days taking place up to GCSE results day 2022. If you have any questions then please email Events Executive, Parveen Mann

June 2022: Open Days Campus



Bedford College

Tuesday 14 June 2022

5.00pm – 8.00pm

Tresham College Corby

Wednesday 22 June 2022

5.00pm – 8.00pm

Tresham College Kettering

Thursday 23 June 2022

5.00pm – 8.00pm

Tresham College Wellingborough

Tuesday 21 June 2022

5.00pm – 8.00pm




Tresham College Kettering

Monday 27 June 2022

9.30am – 2.00pm

National College for Motorsport

Monday 27 June 2022

9.30am – 2.00pm

Shuttleworth College

Monday 27 June 2022

9.30am – 2.00pm

Bedford College

Tuesday 28 June 2022

9.30am – 2.00pm

Tresham College Wellingborough

Tuesday 28 June 2022

9.30am – 2.00pm

The Bedford Sixth Form

Wednesday 29 June 2022

9.30am – 2.00pm

Tresham College Corby

Wednesday 29 June 2022

9.30am – 2.00pm




Tresham College Kettering

Monday 27 June 2022

5.00pm – 7.00pm

Shuttleworth College

Monday 27 June 2022

5.00pm – 7.00pm

Bedford College

Tuesday 28 June 2022

5.00pm – 7.00pm




All sites (except The Bedford Sixth Form)

Thursday 25 August 2022 Friday 26 August 2022

10.00am – 7.00pm 10.00am – 2.00pm

June 2022: Welcome Days

June 2022: HE Offer Holder Events

GCSE Results: Thursday 25th August 2022



June 2022

Job Opportunities Centre Administrator

Location: Kettering, Permanent - Full Time Salary: £18,350 per annum Application closing date: 01/06/2022

Associate - Invigilators

Location: Bedfordshire, Sessional Salary: £10.00 per hour Application closing date: 31/12/2022

Associate - Invigilators

Location: Northamptonshire, Sessional Salary: £10.00 per hour Application closing date: 31/12/2022

Lecturer in English

Location: Corby, Permanent - Full Time Salary: £26,000 - £32,640 per annum, depending on qualifications and experience Application closing date: 05/06/2022

Learning Support Assistant

Location: Kettering, Permanent - Term Time Salary: From £18,329 per annum, pro rata Application closing date: 03/06/2022

Pastoral Mentor - Maternity Cover

Group Training Manager - Engineering Location: Bedford / Corby Salary: £38,760 - £50,980 per annum, depending qualifications and experience Application closing date: 30/05/2022

Student Registry Administrator

Location: Bedford Salary: £18,329 - £21,287 per annum, depending on qualifications and experience Application closing date: 01/06/2022

Associate Teacher of Sport

Location: The Bedford Sixth Form Salary: Associate - (Unqualified) £20.50 per hour. (Qualified PGCE/Cert Ed or equivalent) £21.50 per hour Application closing date: 01/06/2022

Lecturer in Performing Arts - Internal applicants only

Location: Kettering Salary: £26,000 - £32,640 per annum, depending on qualifications and experience Application closing date: 01/06/2022

Associate Lecturer in Media and Games

Location: The Bedford Sixth Form, Fixed Term - Term Time Salary:£22,000 per annum, pro rata Application closing date: 30/05/2022

Location: Corby and Kettering Salary: Associate - (Unqualified) £20.50 per hour. (Qualified PGCE/Cert Ed or equivalent) £21.50 per hour Application closing date: 01/06/2022

Pastoral Mentor

Associate Lecturer in Media

Location: The Bedford Sixth Form, Full Time Permanent - Term Time Salary: £22,000 per annum, pro rata Application closing date: 30/05/2022

Location: Corby and Kettering Salary: Associate - (Unqualified) £20.50 per hour. (Qualified PGCE/Cert Ed or equivalent) £21.50 per hour Application closing date: 01/06/2022

Attendance Officer

Lecturer in Media - Internal applicants only

Location: The Bedford Sixth Form, Permanent - Full Time|Permanent - Term Time Salary: £22,000 per annum, pro rata Application closing date: 30/05/2022

Teacher of Law - Maternity Cover

Location: The Bedford Sixth Form, Fixed Term - Full Time Salary: £28,000 - £36,000 per annum, depending on qualifications and experience Application closing date: 30/05/2022

Location: Corby & Kettering Salary: £20,910 - £31,323 per annum, depending on qualifications and experience Application closing date: 01/06/2022

» View and apply for our full-time and part-time vacancies via The Bedford College Group vacancy portal which can be found on CONNECT staff intranet.

Lecturer in English

Location: Bedfordshire, Permanent - Part Time or Full Time Salary: £26,000 - £32,640 per annum, pro rata if part time, depending on qualifications and experience Application closing date: 05/06/2022

Personal Achievement Tutor

Location: Bedford Salary: £22,000 per annum, pro rata Application closing date: 30/05/2022 Pg.10

June 2022


Ashley Spiers

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager


This year our staff survey will include a section about inclusion. It is vital that all staff are able to be open and frank in their feedback about their experiences, but staff from minoritised groups should really reflect on the challenges they have faced due to differences they may have. Most of us have heard the quote that likens diversity to being invited to the party, but inclusion is being asked to dance. One of the things that we are all starting to reflect upon is the concept of belonging. We’ll be asked whether we feel like we have a ‘sense of belonging’ here at college. Author Liz Fosslien says that having a sense of belonging is not the same as feeling similar to everyone else. Instead it’s when you feel safe and valued for embracing what makes you different. She takes it further;

We are well aware that this has already had a negative impact on our trans students and staff; and wider LGBTQ+ community members. There is no LGB without the T, and our trans colleagues and students can continue to get support from

‘Diversity is having a seat at the table, inclusion is having a voice, and belonging is having that voice heard’ Conversion Therapy When I was little I thought that by the year 2022 we would be seeing flying cars and taking regular trips to Jupiter. Yet here we are, debating whether or not it should be made illegal to force someone to change their sexual orientation or gender identity. A total ban on the extremely damaging practice of conversion therapy was promised last year (and was even in the Queen’s speech). It has been proposed that the ban will not now cover trans people. Well that’s not a ban! Most LGBTQ+ organisations withdrew from the government’s ‘Safe to be me’ conference in June which aimed to celebrate the UK’s position internationally as a beacon of LGBTQ+ inclusion. It was felt that trans people being excluded from the conversion therapy ban emphasises that it is currently not ‘safe to be us’. The conference was subsequently cancelled. You can find out more about conversion therapy at and and

Diversity calendar in June 2022 June is PRIDE month 2 June - Ascension of the Lord (Orthodox Christian) 5 June - Pentecost (Christian) 5–6 June - Shavuot Judaism) 12 June - Race Unity Day (Baha’i), Trinity Sunday (Christian), Pentecost (Orthodox Christian) 16 June - Corpus Christi (Catholic Christian), Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev (Sikh) 20 June - The Fast of the Holy Apostles (Orthodox Christian) 21 June - Litha (Wicca/Pagan) 24 June- Sacred Heart of Jesus (Catholic Christian), Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (Christian) 29 June - Feast of Saints Peter and Paul (Christian)



June 2022

Lynsey Travers

HR Manager - Human Resources


There are some great offers with a variety of providers this month: First Choice – Save up to £200 plus earn 1.5% Cashback London Theatre Direct – Save 10% online with Instant Vouchers DeLonghi – Earn 2% on purchases Specsavers – Save 10% with Instant Vouchers You can also save money on reloadable cards with Asda, B&Q, Currys and lots more. Remember you can set your communication preferences to receive alerts by emails and to your mobile so you never miss an offer!

News from the Wellbeing Centre Walking outside, or spending time in green space, can reduce negative thoughts and boost self-esteem. You can access all this: • Online kickboxing class – a 30 minute session to build stamina, improve coordination and burn calories in this high energy full body workout • Deep sleep body scan – a 10 minute session focussing on releasing tension in the body before bed • Recipe of the Day – Teriyaki Beef Mince plus access to lots of other recipes Social Recognition Wall It is great to see that staff have been recognising their colleagues and sending cards to say ‘Thank You’ and ‘Just Because’. If you wish to make someone’s day by sending an e-card please visit the Bedford College Perks scheme at SmartHub and click on Say Thank You.


June 2022



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