Connect March 2018

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UPS STUDENTS FIGHT KNIFE CRIME at Bedford College (page 5)


SUBWAY COMPETITION UPDATE for The Bedford Sixth Form students (page 7)


at Tresham College (page 8)


Keith Haynes (middle) receiving the TES FE Assessor of the Year Award

EDITOR’S NOTE Hello everyone! Welcome to the March edition of CONNECT magazine. Spring is in the air, lambing 2018 at the Shuttleworth campus is complete, Apprenticeships Week is fast approaching - all signs of life and opportunities blossoming around us. Speaking of new opportunities, this month’s ‘Spotlight On…’ features our Business Development team – you can find out more about what the team do here. This month’s ‘Taster Days’ at Bedford College and Tresham College will give potential new students a chance to ‘try-before-they-buy’ across the subject areas we offer. Don’t forget the power of word-ofmouth, tell your friends and family about it! The Bedford College Annual Review has now been published – giving an update on the College’s achievements in 2017 and our future plans. Keep an eye out for a link to read the publication and give us your feedback. As always – thank you for all your contributions. Keep ‘em coming!

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY March 2018 SATURDAY 10 MARCH – Shuttleworth College Open Day MONDAY 12 & TUESDAY 13 MARCH - National Apprenticeship Show, Arena MK

THURSDAY 22 MARCH - Careers Fair at Tresham College (Kettering Campus)

WEDNESDAY 14 MARCH – Bedford Learning Centre Open Day

April 2018

THURSDAY 15 MARCH – Bedford College Taster Event SATURDAY 17 MARCH – Gas & Plumbing Open Day (Bedford) TUESDAY 20 MARCH – Tresham College Taster Event (Corby Campus)


March 2018

WEDNESDAY 18 APRIL - Bedford College Open Day THURSDAY 21 APRIL - National College for Motorsport Open Day

The Spring term for the Corporation commenced with a very sunny day at Shuttleworth on 25 January 2018. The Corporation is always delighted to hear stories from across the College and I would encourage all staff to send me details of events, good news and success stories in your own areas so I can keep the Governors informed. Our two Student Governors, Janis and Manisha, continued their commitment to the College and their roles in supporting the College at the TES awards in London on Friday 23 February. The College had been shortlisted for three awards, Professional Services Team for the College’s Marketing Team, Outstanding Educational Initiative for the College’s Research Team and Assessor of the Year. Big congratulations to all the nominees and in particular to Keith Haynes for his achievement in being confirmed Assessor of the Year.

The Spring term cycle of committee meetings continues with Governors becoming increasingly active on College groups such as the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. This enables the Corporation to gain a greater understanding of issues and projects across the College and enhance the discussions at Corporation meetings. If you have any questions about the Corporation or any of the opportunities it provides please feel free to contact the Clerk to the Corporation; Rachel Nicol (tel.01234 291003) or one of your staff governors, Jane Dudeney and Shaun Wilson.


Corporate Communications Executive


TUESDAY 17 APRIL - The Bedford Sixth Form Open Day



T: 01234 291026 E:

WEDNESDAY 21 MARCH – Tresham College Taster Event (Kettering Campus)

Clerk to the Corporation T: 01234 291003 E: Student Governors Janis and Manisha

I am delighted to report that our Ofsted inspection of the services we provide to residential students at Shuttleworth has been judged Outstanding overall.

Did you know you can follow Ian on Twitter? @ipryce

PRINCIPAL’S UPDATE ME, ME, ME Maths and English are the most important subjects we teach. More of our students study these subjects than any other and, given the majority of students do not end up in jobs directly related to their subject, performance in Maths and English is key to future earnings. I have had two excellent meetings with Maths and English staff at Bedford and Kettering to discuss what more we can do to improve further our performance, student motivation and student attendance. We will undertake a number of experiments or pilots to test the impact of some suggested new approaches to these subjects. An analysis of student achievement last year also shows performance in these subjects is directly related to overall performance in your vocational subject. The higher your GCSE grade in these subjects the better you do overall on average.



All students learn about the national government Prevent programme aimed at ensuring our communities are safe and everyone feels respected. Our Public Services team have been at the forefront of work with Bedfordshire Police in developing community cohesion, so it was wonderful to see the College recognised for that work, winning the award of Education Ambassador at the Bedfordshire Police Community Cohesion awards. Course Manager Martin Rawles picked up the award from our Lord Lieutenant.

I am delighted to report that our Ofsted inspection of the services we provide to residential students at Shuttleworth has been judged Outstanding overall. We have seen a large jump in the number of residential students this year and inspectors look at the extent to which students are kept safe, are looked after, the quality of the accommodation and student services, and how well the students perform educationally. Given you get about two hours notice of the Ofsted visit they see it as it is. It is particularly good news that we were judged Outstanding for overall experience and student progress, and Outstanding for Leadership, Management & Governance. Thank you to everyone involved in providing such a caring and effective service to our students.

This suggests that improving our students’ Maths and particularly English skills will have a big impact on their overall programme achievement. Your GCSE grade

Achievement relative to those with Maths grade G

Achievement relative to those with English grade G






















This result should also give us confidence in the way we are developing across the whole College group.


Martin Rawles collects our award

Finally I would just like to add my congratulations to Tresham staff member Keith Haynes, named the TES’s first ever Assessor of the Year. After 43 years in the sector this is long overdue recognition. March 2018


INDUSTRY ARTICLE WORKS FOR ME! When you think of March, what comes to mind? Spring? Mother’s Day? St Patrick’s Day? International Women’s Day? Hopefully all of those things, but how about apprenticeships? Yes, it’s time to celebrate everything that is the wonderful world of earning while you’re learning, with National Apprenticeship Week (NAW), 5-9 March! We’re very excited this year because the theme is bold and simple, ‘Apprenticeships Work’. We know they work - we see them working everyday through the success of our own students and the employers we work with - but how fitting given Theresa May’s recent talks on launching a review of post-18 education? In her speech at Derby College in February she spoke about ending the stigma of vocational training and how it is too often seen “as something for other people’s children”.

with some very cool companies, from our Trees & Timber apprentice with Center Parcs, to Business Improvement Techniques apprentice at Weetabix and Improving Manufacturing Performance apprentice at Dr Martens. You can find out more about the last apprentice, Charlie, in the video on the apprenticeship page of the Tresham website. It’s definitely worth a watch for some inspiration. In the video you’ll also meet Alex, apprentice at Rockingham Motor Speedway, who opens up about the ‘stigma’ that he thought might exist when starting an apprenticeship. Fortunately he didn’t end up doing any filing (one of his concerns!) and said he “didn’t feel like an apprentice” in that sense.

Later that day an apprentice called Natasha at Johnston Press (@jpapprentices) tweeted a photo of herself with the Prime Minister; “This is for sure one of my apprenticeship highlights - speaking with the PM @theresa_may about the importance of apprenticeships! The opportunities at Johnston Press are amazing.”

My favourite quote comes from Stephen Bent, Production Manager at Dr Martens - “Don’t show us what you think we want to see [at interview], be the person you truly are”. It’s this ability for apprentices to be unique that enables them to develop into who they want to be and make their individual programme work for them.

NAW’s #WorksForMe campaign has seen plenty more apprenticeship success stories filling our Twitter feeds over the last few weeks. Our apprentices are doing great things

This year’s theme is not just about how apprenticeships work for individuals, but for employers, the community and the wider economy too. As you know, The Bedford

national apprenticeship week MONDAY 5 MARCH - FRIDAY 9 MARCH 4

March 2018

College Group is one of the largest providers of apprenticeships in the South East Midlands, working with over 1,500 employers across the region and training over 2,000 apprentices last year. Together, we really are making a difference. If you didn’t already know, we are exhibiting at the National Apprenticeship Show on 12 and 13 March at Arena MK with an interactive graffiti wall to let those unique creative juices flow and a motorsport pitstop challenge. What’s not to love?! In the meantime, I’ll leave you with the words of the star of The Apprentice itself, Lord Sugar; “Not everybody needs to go to university; they can get out and start working straight away.” #WorksForMe!

SARAH HYDE Feature Writer


BEDFORD COLLEGE NEWS UPS STUDENTS FIGHT KNIFE CRIME Our Public Services students have been involved in a competition to produce a high quality advert for Bedfordshire Police. The advert will form part of a frontline campaign against those in the wider community carrying knives. They produced six high-quality adverts for Beds Police to use on regional radio in a campaign and the winners will be announced when voting ends on 23 February. We’ll update you on the results in next month’s issue.

This week the Bedford College 2017 Annual Review will be published on the website and the staff intranet. The review looks at the College’s successes in 2017 against the strategic objectives and our future plans over the coming year and beyond. We would really appreciate your feedback on the publication so please keep an eye out for the email containing a link to read it online and then complete a short survey.

You can listen to all the entries here.

HE TRAVEL & TOURISM VISIT MALTA HE Travel & Tourism students recently visited the beautiful island of Malta. The students spent two days exploring the ways in which Malta’s tourism trade is trying to develop and grow. Louise Stevens, Head of the Bedford College Travel & Tourism department told us more about it: “Students took the open top bus tour of the north of the island, stopping off at San Anton gardens and palace. This is the Queen’s honeymoon spot and a particular favourite! We moved on to the craft village of

Golden Sands beach in Malta

Ta’Qali checking out the traditional Maltese glass and silver goods and onto M’dina, the silent city. The bus took us through Mosta, St Julians and Paceville before we glimpsed the beach at Golden Sands, one of the Game of Thrones filming locations. All the sights and fact finding will help towards the last three units that students need to complete.” Bedford College Travel & Tourism HE students Malta

San Anton gardens and palace

March 2018



SKI TO THE EDGE Outdoor Adventure students working with an Arctic expedition

Fisheries department welcomed Penny Gaine and Matt Petitt At the end of January the Fisheries department welcomed Penny Gaine, a lawyer who helps combat pollution offences and Matt Petitt who oversees embryo angling. The students enjoyed a deeper view into current industry topics and took notes on crucial employability skills.

Fisheries students talk about employability


Outdoor Adventure students at Shuttleworth College are working with an Arctic expedition as part of their Higher National Diploma course. Using data from activity trackers they will be analysing the impact of a 600-mile Yukon ski trek being undertaken by local adventurer Richard Harpham. Follow Richard’s trek here: Twitter @myrichadventure

Outdoor Adventure students visited Italy for a week of skiing and snowboarding On 27 January, 30 Level 3 Outdoor Adventure students from Shuttleworth College, along with four staff, visited Italy for a week of skiing and snowboarding at the Aosta Vallet Resort, La Thuile. The students enjoyed six days on the slopes with a mixture of skiers and snowboarders tackling some challenging runs, in particular La Thuile’s infamous ‘Black 3’. The run is the second steepest in Europe and

has a 73% gradient. The students were lucky enough to have five days of sunshine and one day of fresh snow to keep the slopes in perfect condition. Jon Goodwin, Outdoor Adventure Lecturer at Shuttleworth College, enthused: “The group were brilliant all week and a real credit to the College. The staff can’t wait for next year’s trip already.”


March 2018

Countryside lecturers organised for the Forestry Commission to deliver a Tree Health and Biosecurity workshop to students in February. This was an interactive event and focused on the most serious threat to the UK's tree stock and how pests and diseases can be prevented. Countryside lecturer Robin McMichael said ‘It was a really interesting workshop for the students to understand more about biosecurity measures and how they apply in real life situations. The students really took a lot from it.’

Outdoor Adventure students ready for action in Italy

Perfect conditions for the ski trip


Students taking a break from action

Students taking part in the Forestry Commission workshop



In the February edition we featured three students from The Bedford Sixth Form who made it through to the finals of the ‘Design-a-Sub’ competition with Subway at Cambridge University.

Film studies students at The Bedford Sixth Form took a trip out to the British Film Institute. Film studies students at The Bedford Sixth Form took a trip out to the British Film Institute for a study day which included a preview screening of ‘Ghost Stories’ – a new British film – about an arch skeptic, Professor Phillip Goodman, who embarks upon a terror-filled quest when he stumbles across a long-lost file containing details of three cases of inexplicable 'hauntings'.

On Thursday 1 February it was time to head to the finals of the competition. Ababil Yasmin, Ashleigh Chipandire, and Jessica OwusuAnsah pitched to the judges and faced strong competition finishing the event as runners-up. Alex Townsend, Business tutor at The Bedford Sixth Form said: “They did an incredibly professional job presenting their ideas. The judges praised them for their concepts and marketing plans. Very proud of them, it was a fantastic experience.” What a fantastic way for students to experience an ‘industry-like’ way of pitching business ideas and to build their confidence in situations they will likely face in the world of work.

The students then had the opportunity to take part in a Q&A session with the writers; Jeremy Dyson and Andy Nyman. Ababil Yasmin, Ashleigh Chipandire, and Jessica Owusu-Ansah of The Bedford Sixth Form

Sixth Form students pitching their idea to Subway

A wedding reception £1200 instead of £1800

A wedding ceremony £750 insted of £900

Struggling to find a suitable wedding venue?


£1950 instead of £2700

We still have late availability up until April 2018 at discounted rates. March 2018


TRESHAM COLLEGE NEWS YOUNG CARERS’ AWARENESS DAY A great event organised predominantly by one of our brilliant Tresham Student Union representatives, Laura AbbottMitchell.

The Young Carers Service

The aim of Young Carers’ Awareness Day is to identify and raise awareness of the 700,000 young carers across the UK who care for a sick or disabled family member. There were lots of activities on the day including a Wii competition, guess the name of the teddy bear and a bake sale. We also had a few visitors from the Northamptonshire Young Carers Service (YCS) who set up an information stall and did a talk to some of the childcare students before all of the events began.

Cakes and bakes to raise money

Annie Freestone and Sue Arber of YCS with Laura

UPS STUDENTS MEET THE SERVICES So far this year the Uniformed Public Services (UPS) students have met with both the Royal Marines and the Fire & Rescue Service. In January a group of students from the BTEC UPS course took part in a ‘Meet the Marines’ event at Cambridge University Officer Training Centre. The aim of the event was to give the students a better understanding of the role of the Royal Marines and the career opportunities available as a commando. They were joined by several other colleges from the East Midlands region and took part in a number of fitness and adventurous activities that mirrored elements of the work carried out by the Royal Marines. In February, Level 2 Uniformed Public Services (UPS) students had the opportunity to visit a local fire station in Kettering. Michelle Bates,

Youth and Diversion Officer for the Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service, took the students through a very interesting presentation which included; information about the ranks within the Fire Service, the equipment that the teams use for different emergencies and the types of incidents the crews have to attend – everything from fires and Road Traffic Collisions (RTCs), to supporting the ambulance service in attending to bariatric patients, animal rescue and body recovery. For the second part of their visit the students had the chance to go through a simulation of a rescue under the types of conditions firefighters may face.

Students view the infrared camera

UPS students, ready for a rescue imulation


March 2018



If you use childcare, or plan to in the next 12 months, read this and visit the staff intranet for more information!

26th March – 2nd April 2018

Our childcare voucher scheme will close to new entrants on 6 April 2018. If you are a parent and use registered childcare (or plan to in the future), but have never got around to applying for childcare vouchers, you need to take action today! To register online visit www. The Bedford College Group scheme ID is: 0000343839 You will need to place an order before 5 March 2018 and receive your first voucher in your March 2018 pay.

LGBT MONTH There have been lots of events across the Group this month for LGBT+ awareness month. At Tresham the Students’ Union had LGBT+ merchandise, such as badges, rainbow laces and wristbands, as well as informational posters and a presentation which ran all month. Our TSU officers helped with the lunch time events and had LGBT+ playlists playing over the speakers as well as some activities to raise awareness throughout the week.

In March, the Autism team will be leading several events around Bedford College as part of Autism Awareness week. Events include: • Providing Autism Awareness training and materials to personal tutors • Personal tutors delivering Autism Awareness presentation to students • Fun fundraising events on campus in aid of the National Autistic Society • Exhibition and information sessions on Autism for students and staff. Look out for posters around the campus closer to the time!

and wellbeing charity for children and young people. They also helped create a display promoting the positive impact the LGBTQIA+ community has had in the past. For more information on The Q Agenda group please contact Will Sparrow


We had an excellent turn out for Open Day events in January: BEDFORD COLLEGE - 471 vs 501 in 2017 TRESHAM COLLEGE & NC4M - 534 vs 314 in 2017 THE BEDFORD SIXTH FORM - 200 vs 209 in 2017 SHUTTLEWORTH COLLEGE - 162 vs 151 in 2017

TES AWARDS RESULTS The teams had a great time at the annual TES FE Awards, nominated in several categories. Here are some pictures of the event.

Keith accepts his award

Bedford College staff have also been embracing and celebrating LGBTQIA+ History Month. The student LGBTQIA+ group have re-branded to ‘The Q Agenda’ and have started an exciting positive images poster and badge campaign, as well as a cake sale to fundraise for Chums, a mental health Catherine Lloyd and Sam Jones

The College Research Team

Staff from The Bedford College Group

Click here to see all the pictures from the awards evening! March 2018



NEEDS YOU! Do you have what it takes to battle it out on the water? Can you row, row, row a boat (not at all gently) 200m along Bedford River or across Wicksteed Lake? If you can’t row, can you bang on the big bass drum and shout enthusiastically at your team mates?


Then sign up to compete for The Bedford College Group team at this summer’s main events:

The Bedford River Festival on Saturday 14 July 2018 Bedford Embankment

Nene Valley Dragons on Sunday 2 September 2018 Wicksteed Park, Kettering

We need approximately 15 members of staff to take part and the events are open to everyone who works for The Bedford College Group, at any campus and from any department. To take part in this fantastic opportunity to raise money for charity and feel truly glorious, contact: Daisy Cranfield, Corporate Communications & Events Executive


March 2018

PEOPLE NEWS HIDDEN TALENT AT THE BEDFORD COLLEGE GROUP With more than 700 staff it’s no surprise that there are some hidden talents amongst us. AMELIA DAVIE, PERSONAL TUTOR, SHUTTLEWORTH CAMPUS My job at The Bedford College Group: I am a Personal Tutor, based at the Shuttleworth campus, covering various Equine, Animal Care and Agriculture courses. I’ve always wanted to give back and help people, and being a PT enables me to get to know and support a whole range of students from different walks of life, making sure they have access to education, and feel supported in their learning – both as a student and as a person. It’s really fulfilling work, and the PT team is wonderful, kind, hardworking and supportive - I love my job!

Pole fitness is a rapidly growing industry, and the pole community is really supportive – we put ourselves out there doing some crazy, incredible, physics-defying moves on a metal pole, after all! Some of the artists in the Pole Fitness industry are incredible – check out Bendy Kate and Jenyne Butterfly! There’s an International Federation of Pole Sports, which hosts World competitions, and is currently trying to get Pole Fitness into the Olympics. I have competed in a wide range of Dance disciplines (I am a trained Dancer, and have performed on some of the same stages as Margot Fonteyne and Darcey Bussell!!), am competing for the first time in Pole this year, in competitions in MK and Hertfordshire – which will hopefully be the first step to getting to the World Pole Championships! Watch this space!

JUSTINE FROSTWICK Adult & Community Learning Trainer WAHITO KANGERE Social Studies - Senior Trainer NASIR MAHMOOD College Information Systems - Information Systems Analyst CANDY MARLOW Adult & Community Learning Learning Support Assistant JON NEWCOMBE Maths & English - Lecturer in English LISA WALLER Social Studies Training Co-ordinator Early Years CLAIRE YEOMAN Student Services - Learning Resources Advisor

What is your hidden talent? My hidden talent is that I’m a Pole Fitness instructor! Pole is a fantastic way to work on all-over fitness, as classes combine cardio, conditioning, strength and flexibility work, which improves muscle tone, flexibility, coordination, posture as well as upper body and core strength – it’s also a great boost of self-confidence.



SORRY TO SEE YOU LEAVE STEPHEN BUSTARD Examinations Team Leader Please add your language skills to your personal profile on the staff intranet – you could help in situations where it would be easier to speak to a parent, visitor or others in the College in their own language.

SAMUEL CAULFIELD-KERNEY Learning Resources Support Assistant CHARLOTTE MCGREISH Lecturer in Applied Science KYLE SCHIPPERS Apprentice - Land & Environment

March 2018


PEOPLE NEWS CURRENT VACANCIES Here are the current vacancies available across the Group. Visit the Staff Intranet to find out more information on how to apply.

Bedford College Professional Services Ltd (BCPS Ltd) 40 hours per week / full year basis Kettering Campus Salary: Circa £16,000 Closing date: 02/03/2018

Lecturer in Media 37 hours per week / full year basis Kettering Campus Salary range: £20,500 - £39,042 per annum (qualified Lecturers will receive a minimum of £25,500 per annum) Closing date: 04/03/2018

Associate Examinations Invigilator

Learning Resources Support Assistant

Bedford College Professional Services Ltd (BCPS Ltd) Bedford Campus Salary: GBP 7.50 per hour Closing date: 02/03/2018

Bedford College Professional Services Ltd (BCPS Ltd) Full and Part time opportunities available 40 hours per week / 40 weeks per year (0.8772 of the FTE) 30 hours per week / 40 weeks per year (0.6578 of the FTE) Kettering Campus Salary: Circa £16,000 per annum pro rata (actual salary Circa £10,524) Closing date: 05/03/2018

Curriculum Adminstrator Kettering

Lecturer in Plumbing 37 hours per week / full year basis Kempston Campus Salary: £20,500 - £39,042 per annum (qualified Lecturers minimum £25,500 per annum) Closing date: 02/03/2018

Social media is a great way to raise awareness about our courses and student successes. Help us to help you by keeping your marketing team up to date with everything going on in your area.

TOP CONTRIBUTOR THIS MONTH TO SOCIAL MEDIA BETH WEARRING-SMITH, Photography lecturer in Tresham’s Creative Arts and Media department

Lecturer in Agriculture 37 hours per week / full year basis Shuttleworth Campus Salary: £20,500-£39,042 per annum (qualified Lecturers will receive a minimum of £25,500 per annum) Closing date: 11/03/2018 Technician in Land and Environment (Horticulture) Bedford College Professional Services Ltd (BCPS Ltd) 40 hours per week / full year basis Shuttleworth Campus Salary: £15,500-£18,500 per annum Closing date: 11/03/2018 Technician in Land and Environment (Agriculture) Bedford College Professional Services Ltd (BCPS Ltd) 40 hours per week / full year basis Shuttleworth Campus Salary: £15,500-£18,500 per annum Closing date: 11/03/2018

Check out treshamcollege photography

25 Restaurant, Bedford College's prestigious training restaurant, is situated on the fifth floor of the tower block.

Our award-winning catering and hospitality students help provide a relaxing and friendly atmosphere, as you enjoy excellent food, great wine and fantastic service. To find out more or to enquire about our menus, call us on 01234 291719. Lunches (term-time only) Wednesday to Friday - Open 12 noon, last orders 1.00pm Dinners Various theme nights

Visit for more information 12

March 2018

FESTIVALS & EVENTS Diversity Calendar 8 MARCH INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY A Special Interest Group ‘Bedford College Women in STEM’ on Facebook - it’s a platform to share experiences, make connections and support each other. The group is for staff and students (full-time and part-time FE and HE courses, and apprentices). If you or your students want to join the group, please contact Dawn Fitt on Issues of gender inequality have been highlighted by James Bond (Daniel Craig) who wears women’s clothes for a short video narrated by Judi Dench. In this fascinating talk the founder of the Everyday Sexism Project, Laura Bates, talks about sexual harassment. The stories come from women of all ages, races and sexual orientations, disabled and non-disabled, employed and unemployed, religious and nonreligious. A short video raises awareness of the gender pay gap (and an opportunity to practise calculations with percentages).

21 MARCH INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION A video illustrates the Things not to say to someone of mixed race (some strong language). The defining characteristic of hate crime is not actually hate, but prejudice – in a video the artist George the Poet explores different elements of hate crime and why it is important to challenge intolerance and report incidents of hate crime. Another video, A Girl Like Me (including the White doll/Black doll experiment) can lead to a discussion on the standards of beauty and how unconscious bias has an impact on our decision-making and behaviour. More than meets the eye: real life stories - a Roma in the Czech Republic, an Albino in Tanzania, and many others - show key facts on groups of people vulnerable to exclusion such as migrants, people living in poverty, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities.

Religious Festivals The Inter Faith Network has a more detailed list of festivals and short descriptions 1ST MARCH ST DAVID’S DAY Christian 2ND MARCH HOLI Hindu 11TH MARCH MOTHERING SUNDAY 20TH MARCH SPRING EQUINOX Pagan VERNAL EQUINOX Druid 25TH MARCH PALM SUNDAY Christian 31ST MARCH - 7TH APRIL PASSOVER Jewish

THEMED NIGHTS AT THE MANOR RESTAURANT Thursdays 6:30pm – 10:00pm The Manor Restaurant, The Manor House, Cottingham Road, Corby NN17 1TT

March 2018


SPOTLIGHT ON... BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT WHAT ROLE DOES EACH TEAM MEMBER HAVE? GINA BUBBINS Director of Business Development, Bedford/Corby JULIE HOULT Head of Business Development, Corby JANE BLAND Business Development Manager, Shuttleworth/Bedford JEN BOGLE Apprenticeship Recruitment Administrator, Bedford LISA CHARLTON Business Development Manager. Corby/Silverstone SHARON DALY Apprenticeship Recruitment Adviser, Bedford PAIGE DEARMAN Business Development Manager, Bedford



The Business Development and Apprenticeship Recruitment Team are employer focused teams. We currently work with over 1200 local employers ranging from large organisations to sole traders. We have close relationships with our customers, working with them to meet all of their training requirements. We are responsible for bringing in apprentice new starts and commercial income across The Bedford College Group. Our apprenticeship recruitment team interviews and pre-screens all of the apprenticeship applicants in order to ensure they are the best candidates for our employers, as well as delivering apprenticeship insight sessions to all our full-time students and promoting apprenticeships at local school events.

There are constant changes with the new apprenticeship standards and the new Apprenticeship Levy. We are currently learning about new Government regulations and have to ensure we are constantly up-todate with all the new apprenticeship reforms. The apprenticeship market is increasingly competitive so we need to ensure our employers receive a first class service throughout.

WHERE ARE YOU BASED? We currently have two main offices, one in Corby and one in Bedford and our Business Development Managers all sit in the curriculum areas they sell for one day a week.


March 2018

WHAT ACHIEVEMENTS DID THE TEAM ACCOMPLISH LAST YEAR? We successfully placed 750 apprentices with employers and brought in ÂŁ600,000 of commercial revenue. We won a Supplier of the Year award with Weetabix and tendered for and won a contract to deliver apprenticeships for part of Cambridge University.

WHAT IS IT LIKE TO WORK IN YOUR DEPARTMENT? Fast-paced, chaotic at times but very rewarding.

KYRA JOY Business Development Apprentice Administrator, Corby ROGER LETT Business Development Manager, Bedford KATHRYN LUSK Business Development Manager, Corby SIMI MAHAL Business Development Manager, Bedford AUDUA OGILVIE Business Development Co-ordinator, Bedford DEE OWUSU-ANSAH Apprenticeship Recruitment Adviser, Corby MORGAN PIPER Business Development Apprentice Administrator, Bedford GEORGINA SMITH Apprenticeship Recruitment Adviser, Bedford ROSS THOMSON Business Development Manager, Bedford MAUREEN WIGFIELD Business Development Administrator, Corby

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