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AGM Minutes



Present: Tony Abbott (Chairman), Richard Infield (Vice Chairman) Sarah Perrett, Mike Williams (Treasurer), Charlotte Maynard (Secretary), Graeme Brown, Paddy Godwin, Catherine Lloyd (College Director), Nick Drury (65/67), Nick Badger, Bruce Ashworth (79/82), Robert Cooper, Robert Cowper 70/72, Garth Drury (86/87), Tim Durrant.

Apologies: Bruce Leggott (70/71), Carol Littlewood, Robert Wright (65/67), Paul White, David Surfleet (57/59), Tony Scadding, Graeme Brown, Eric Yates, Nick Drury.

The minutes of the 2021 AGM were accepted and approved.

1. Chairman’s Report:

Tony said it’s been a quiet year again due to Covid and we are looking forward to planning a reunion in 2023. He thanked the committee for their continued service.

2. Treasurer’s Report: Mike Williams circulated the statement of revenue and expenditure, capital account and bank accounts. (Attached). The main expenditure was for donations to the College – including the Sponsorship of the football team £450) Expenditure over income has not really changed since last year. 2021

Expenditure was £3,818.37 against Income of £2,618.40 as mentioned the main expenditure was the donation to the college. Excess revenue over Expenditure is £489.40. The Capital account contains £27,294.

3. Secretary’s Report – Charlotte Maynard thanked Tony and the rest of the committee for his efforts in planning the reunion and expressed her disappointment for it being cancelled for the 3rd year running and hope we can plan it again for next year. The zoom calls work really well and has kept us all in touch throughout the Covid lockdowns. Charlotte is hoping we will be able to meet face to face again soon back at the College.

4. IT Manager’s Report: (Paddy Godwin)

At one of our recent meetings we discussed digitizing all the old college photographs, this is still on-going and we plan to publish these on the web site and make them available for people to purchase in the near future.

We are always looking for photos and snippets to publish on the website and in the magazine. Paddy tries to keep everyone in touch via mail chimp (for those we have email addresses for). The newsletter is published electronically once a year and a small amount are printed (approx. 70) and sent via post.

Please forward any contact information to Paddy (Patrick.godwin@btinternet.com) so he can ensure the database is up to date.

We are always looking for subscribers so please put them in touch with Paddy and he will show them how to join.

Note the Alumni web site address is www.shuttleworthalumni.co.uk

Garth Drury asked if there is a facility where people can upload photos to the website themselves – Paddy will look into this.

5. Editor’s Report: Graeme along with help from Paddy and Sarah are working on the next newsletter which will be published later this year. He will continue to forward pieces over to Paddy. Paddy still receives regular snippets from Eric Yates from local press articles.

6. Students College Report – (Catherine Lloyd)

7. Election of Officers for the ensuing year:

Chairman: Tony Abbott – proposed by Charlotte Maynard seconded by Mike Laflin

Vice Chairman: Richard Infield - proposed by Charlotte Maynard seconded by Paddy Godwin

Secretary: Charlotte Maynard – proposed by Sarah Perrett, seconded by Garth Drury

Treasurer: Mike Williams – proposed by Charlotte Maynard, seconded by Sarah Perrett

IT Manager: Patrick Godwin – proposed by Sarah Perrett, seconded by Bruce Ashworth

Editor: Graeme Brown – proposed by Richard Infield, seconded by Paddy Godwin. Paddy will assist.

Committee members: Nick Drury, Eric Yates, Sarah Perrett, Mike Laflin, Claire Van Leersum and were re-elected ‘en bloc’. Proposed Richard Infield, and seconded by Tony Abbott.

The following people were also voted on as new members of the Committee:

Bruce Ashworth (HND 79/82), Tim Durrant (OND 76/79), Robert Cooper, Nick Badger (HND 92/95). Proposed by Mike Lafin and Seconded by Garth Drury.

8. Reunion

Unfortunately, the reunion scheduled for June 18th 2022 had to be cancelled. The College struggled to find a marquee for the event and due to the short notice we were unable to take the chance of one becoming available so we had to cancel this event. Charlotte has a meeting scheduled in July with Adam at the Mansion House (Shuttleworth Trust) to discuss the possible dates we could hold one next year and potential costs. Adam has already indicated that a £4,000 cost would be charged if we required access to the Mansion house. It was agreed that if we had to bear this cost we would not request the mansion house to be available to us for the occasion.

9. The annual draw then took place:

10. Any Other Business

Charlotte has a meeting with the Shuttleworth Trust in early July to discuss dates for the 2023 reunion.

This concluded the Annual General Meeting Next Committee meeting Saturday 1st October. Charlotte Maynard 18 June 2022

Mike Williams Retires:

Mike took over the role of Treasurer of the Old Students, as we were then, in 1998. He has been a steady hand on the financial tiller ever since and put many hard hours into keeping the books straight. His professional role as a Financial Advisor was a great help and the Alumni has benefitted greatly from his insights as to which investments may return the best dividends. Alas Mike now feels it is time to hand over the role to someone else. Our thanks go to Mike for all his hard work in the role over the last 23 years. AGM’s won’t seem the same without seeing Mike hold up the biscuit tin with all the Lottery numbers on rolled up pieces of paper for the lucky winning numbers to be drawn out by the Chairman.

Thanks Mike that was a great shift.

Sarah Perrett has kindly volunteered to step into Mike shoes and will be taking over the role of treasurer. All we need to do now it to try and fix the banking details and get them to acknowledge the swap over!

The editor is looking for material for the next Newsletter as soon as this one goes to press, so please don’t delay, get writing, look for stories and send them to him as soon as possible.

We try to make this magazine an enjoyable read and a way of keeping up with old friends. It relies on contributions from every one so please don’t leave it to others. This year the NDA 70/72 course showed the way to go. Why not make it your course next year.

When you go to next year’s reunion send in some photographs. We can put them on the website and in this magazine.


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