Eagle House

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A useful guide to life as a boarder in Eagle House Contents 5 Contacts and Staff 7 House Ethos 10 Daily Routines 12 Eagle House A to Z 20 House Expectations 22 Rewards 23 Sanctions 25 Finance
Living at Eagle House
Houseparents, Mr and Mrs Loader and The House


Houseparents: Mr Ed Loader and Mrs Sarah Loader

T: 01234 362278

M: 07956 704895

E: eloader@bedfordschool.org.uk Boys: 01234 403015

Assistant Housemaster (AHM): Mr M Roger

E: mroger@bedfordschool.org.uk

Resident House Tutor (RHT): Miss H Martin-Merchant

E: hmartin-merchant@bedfordschool.org.uk

Matrons: Diane Kyle, Jackie O’Rourke, Sarah Relton & Raluca Waters

T: 01234 362278

E: eaglematron@bedfordschool.org.uk


There is always a member of staff on duty and responsible for looking after the boys, according to the following schedule:

Mon to Fri 07:20 - 19:30

16:30 - 07:30

Sat 07:20 - 17:30

12:00 noon onwards

Sun 08:00 - 21:30

21:30 - Mon 07:30

Matron on duty

Housemaster / AHM / Tutors

Matron on duty

Housemaster / AHM / RHT

Housemaster / AHM / RHT

Housemaster / AHM / RHT

Eagle House
Our Eagle House Boarders

House Ethos

Our aim is to provide a warm supportive environment where every boy is able to feel secure, valued and therefore able to flourish and develop as an individual as well as learning to live as part of a larger family. Respect, integrity and responsibility are key elements of the Eagle House community.

Eagle House contains all the comforts of home and has excellent facilities. Eagle House, purpose-built to accommodate Prep School boarders, is situated in the heart of the Bedford School campus. With its distinct family atmosphere, it provides comfortable living areas where our boys can relax and feel at home at the end of the school day.

Opened in 1993, Eagle House accommodates boarders in bright, spacious rooms with beds for four to nine boys, each room having en-suite facilities. Mr and Mrs Loader are assisted by a team of Matrons, an Assistant Housemaster, a Resident House Tutor, a Visiting Tutor and the Graduate Teaching Assistants.

The boys are accommodated in well-furnished dormitories. Each dormitory has its own bathroom and toilets close by with additional showers and toilets available on the lower ground floor. On the ground floor there is a spacious lounge in which the boys can relax, watch television, read, play board games or chat. They also have access to computers which link the house to the school’s extensive network. Additionally, the house is part of the Bedford School wi-fi network, facilitating use of iPads, iPhones and laptops. Internet activity is actively monitored and boys are expected to adhere to the school’s acceptable use policy.

There is a quiet area available to the boys where they can have privacy whilst making phone calls. Each boy has his own work area in the prep room, each with laptop power facilities. After school finishes the boys will have a drink and a snack before settling down to do their prep. Prep is always supervised by at least one member of staff and is checked and signed according to a schedule.


The house has an excellent games room and is well-resourced with: two Xbox consoles, pool table, air hockey machine, table tennis table and table football. Next to the games room is a is a music practice room. There is also a purpose built hobbies room. At the rear of the house the boys have their own garden space to relax as well as access to the Prep School allweather pitch.

The social life of our boarders is very full. Visits, trips and outings are regularly organised and full boarders have the whole range of school facilities available to them at weekends. Each term there are two exeat weekends.

Weekly boarding is an option and the school also provides a “Day Plus” programme with a range of flexible boarding arrangements for Day Pupils. Some boys do “permanent flexi” which can be the same few days each week e.g.. Mon/Tue/Wed.

Although some boarders live locally, the majority come from across the United Kingdom and overseas. There is an easy mix between boarders and the school’s day-boy population which makes for wide and varied friendships within the extended Bedford family.

Boys are allowed friends over and are often invited out by friends for a meal or sleepover.

Mr and Mrs Loader’s door is always open to all boys and boys are welcome for a chat or to touch base personally at any time.

We believe that the boys of Eagle House should have the opportunity to flourish in a warm, caring and supportive environment. We hope they will learn to become independent, confident and organised and will respect all other members of the house, appreciating everything that is done for them. We expect them to take a pride in the house, helping to maintain the fabric, furniture, fittings and equipment for the enjoyment and comfort of everyone. There is a suggestions book so boys can help make improvements to the house.

We aim to promote good relationships and communication with parents, guardians, academic and pastoral staff.

The boys develop independence and learn to take responsibility for their own learning as well as being able to ask for help and support with their homework, projects

Eagle House

Eagle House

and extra-curricular work when necessary.

The aim is for the boys to think of Eagle House as their home during term time, and we hope they will come back to visit us in years to come.

Fun Days Out


Daily Routines

We do not rely on bells at Eagle House. Boys are expected to organise themselves to meet the timings in daily routines.



Wake-up. Housemaster handover to Matron with relevant evening and overnight issues discussed. Matron on duty for medicines and all domestic business.

08:00 - 08:20

08:40 - 16:10

Boys escorted to breakfast in the dining hall by Housemaster, AHM or Resident House Tutor.

Boys at school. Any ill boys taken care of in-house. Boys taken ill while at school are treated by the medical centre first, then collected by Matron if necessary and brought back to Eagle House. Boys are encouraged not to return to the house during the school day unless for changing for games.

16:10 - 16:45

Boys welcomed into house, change shoes, bags to Prep Room, PE kit down for washing, change into mufti and have supervised snacks. Weekly visit by school nurse. Free time before prep begins.

16:45 - 17:45


18:10 - 19:00


19:30 - 20:30




Supervised Prep. Housemaster, AHM, Resident House Tutor or Visiting Tutor on duty.

Boys escorted to dinner in dining hall by duty staff.

Activities: Mon and Thurs - Swimming, Tues and Fri indoor football, gym and squash. There is an option for 2nd prep if a boy requires it.

Matron does evening medicines before signing off.

Supper and free time.

Electronics free time starts for Y3-Y6 20:00, Y7 20:15 and Y8 20:30

Bedtime for the junior dorm. Boys have the option to read for 15mins in bed.

Lights out for juniors and bedtime for Y7’s. Boys have the option to read for 15mins in bed.

21:00 Lights out for Y7’s and bedtime for Y8’s. Boys have the option to read for 15mins in bed.


21:30 - 07:30

Lights out for Y8’s.

Boys asleep. Duty staff ensure that the house is secure, and that all is well.




Housemaster handover to Matron with relevant evening and overnight issues discussed.

07:30 - 07:45 Wake-up.

07:50 Matron on duty for medicines and all domestic business.

08:00 - 08:20

Boys escorted to breakfast in the dining hall by Housemaster, AHM or Resident House Tutor.

08:40 - 11:40 Y6, Y7 & Y8 boys at school.

08:40 Y3, Y4 & Y5 boys return to house for Matron supervision.

11:40 Optional lunch in dining hall.


Team members then may have fixtures home or away. Other boys return to house all afternoon. Weekend free time, routines and activities will take place under supervision, including town visit.




Boys escorted to dinner in dining hall, followed by evening entertainment at the house.

Film and BBQ, take away or noodles. Flexible evening bedtimes and lights out.

08:45 Wake-up.


Boys are escorted to dining hall for breakfast.

12:30 Boys are escorted to lunch in the dining hall.

13:00 - 17:00 Organised activity or trip.


Boys are escorted to dinner in the dining hall.

18:15 Chapel.

19:30 - 20.00 Supper.



Bedtime for the junior dorm.

Bedtime for Y7’s and lights out for juniors.

21:00 Bedtime for Y8’s and lights out for Y7’s.


21:30 - 07:30

Lights out for Y8’s.

Duty staff ensure that the house is secure, and that all is well.


Eagle House A to Z

Bed Linen

Bed linen can be provided, but we ask boys if they wish to personalise their bed areas to bring a duvet cover, which should be single bed size. They are encouraged to decorate their personal area with pictures and posters from home. Boys encouraged to make their own beds every morning and strip their bedding for washing once a week.


All boarders staying in the house at weekends, must attend the chapel service every Sunday.


Please ensure that ALL property, including mufti and shoes, is clearly marked with the owner’s name. Please send extra name tapes for use during term as needed (if necessary we can purchase additional name tapes during termtime, for which you will be bluebilled). Our Matrons supervise the repair of reasonable wear and tear and will name any articles given

to them if bought new whilst at school. Unnamed laundry is given to charity if not claimed by the end of each term.

During evenings and at weekends mufti is worn - casual jeans, sweaters etc.; this will be washed as time and space allow. Please ensure that all items can be washed on a normal 40° wash cycle and dried in tumble dryers; designer items which need special washing methods and temperatures should not be brought to school. This includes items such as lambswool jumpers.


The house provides multiple computers and printers to which everyone has access and these are linked to the school network. All boys are expected to use ICT facilities appropriately for school work and are bound by the School’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).

Laptops and iPads are by no means essential, but they do allow boys very flexible access to computing facilities. It is also possible to link


these to the school network via a wireless link. Through this link, boys will be able to connect to the school server, from which they can access the internet and any academic materials which are stored on the school systems. Boys can use their own laptops during Prep, but these will be confiscated temporarily if they are used for any non-academic purposes.

Boys are only allowed to access the Internet through the school server, where there are strict limitations on access to certain sites. Hotspots and dongles are not permitted and will be confiscated immediately.

Certificate 12 and below games and videos only are allowed. All electronic equipment can only be used on the ground floor in public areas.

Days Out

If boys are invited out by local parents of day boys, we will confirm the arrangements with whoever has invited them out and we require written confirmation from both boys’ parents/guardians.

Dress and Personal Hygiene

Boys are expected to follow the school rules applying to uniform and general appearance. Boys are expected to pay attention to their personal hygiene, showering every evening and brushing teeth twice a day.


Boys are expected to perform various duties, following a rota system that is organised by the Houseparents at the start of each term.

Electrical Items

All electrical products must conform to UK safety standards. Parents are asked to ensure that all electrical equipment is safe. The house has an annual electrical safety check and any items that do not meet these standards are removed. Two pin and three pin adapters are not allowed, owing to the danger of overloading the electrical sockets: only strip style adapters which conform to UK safety standards can be used. We can provide these and blue bill parents if required.


Boys are not allowed to bring items such as PCs, televisions, DVD players, fridges and cooking appliances (including kettles), etc. The house provides these items for communal use.

End of Term, Half Term & Exeats

The house is closed during the school holidays. Boys do not have to take their belongings home at the end of the autumn and spring terms. However, at the end of the summer term, they may only leave small quantities of personal belongings here if they are boxed up and labelled and put into the house bag store.

The house is closed over exeats and half terms and boys must leave the house before 18:00 on the last day of school, and return between 18:00 and 20:00 on the last day of the holiday. The house is locked between these times and the Houseparents may be away.

We assume that boys spend half terms and exeats with their parents or guardians and expect written notification from parents/guardians of any other arrangements. It is essential that all overseas boys have

a guardian who is based locally.

Start of Autumn Term House open all day

Start of Spring Term & Summer Term

Please return between 14:00-20:00

All half terms and exeats

Please return between 18:00-20:00

If due to flight times your son will be returning outside of these times please inform Mr Loader so that arrangements can be made with your son’s guardian if necessary.

Fire Drill

We hold practice fire evacuations at least once a term, test the emergency lighting system monthly and fire detection system weekly.

House Activities

During the week, on two evenings, the house has sole use of the school swimming pool for an hour and the sports hall on two evenings. Indoor football is usually the most popular activity with dodge ball, basketball, cricket and badminton also being played.


The boys have access to the Prep School’s all-weather area and will often be found there in the evenings or at weekends playing football, rugby, hockey etc. or flying around on bicycles, roller blades, skateboards or scooters. A hobbies room is available for the boys to do project work, art work or make models. A number of barbecues are held during the summer term and in the early part of the autumn term. One highlight of the year is always the Eagle House Christmas Dinner to which the boys invite their tutors and in previous years have entertained them with poems, music and a pantomime. After the entertainment the boys and staff take part in a karaoke session back in Eagle House which is always good fun.

House Inspection

We inspect the house regularly and it is expected that all rooms are kept tidy, clothes are put away neatly and beds are made. Weekly boarders are expected to tidy their areas before leaving the house on Saturday.

House Trips

Many trips are organised throughout the year, usually on a Sunday. These include go carting, crazy golf, camping, high rope climbing, a surfing simulator, Big Rock indoor climbing and the theatre both at school and at the West End. During the Summer Term we have a house trip where boys and staff have an excellent time in the National Forest. They spend 2 nights in a youth hostel and do activities including quad biking, laser quest and orienteering. The trip always finishes with a visit to a theme park.


The boarders take all their main meals in the school dining hall. There is a dedicated kitchen in the house where the boys have supper, under supervision, in the evening. Supper usually includes a choice from: fruit, cereals, toast, crumpets, noodles, toasties etc. On Saturday evenings many of the boarders will have noodles or possible a pizza or Chinese take away which always proves popular with the boys. After supper on a Saturday evening many of the boys settle down to watch an age appropriate

Eagle House

film in the lounge curled up in their duvets.

The boys will be allocated a locker in the games room on arrival. This is for them to keep their tuck in so they may wish to bring some with them. This does not need to be too much, as we try to promote healthy eating and they will also have the opportunity to replenish stocks at weekends or exeats! All tuck purchased at weekends MUST be stored in lockers.

Medical Matters

Medical cards must be brought to the house by all boys who possess them.

A full medical history must be provided to ensure we can provide the best care possible.

Matron must be notified of any allergies or medical conditions at the start of term in writing.

Boys must not hold their own medicines. All medicines are kept in the locked surgery and administered by a staff member.

All medicine, whether prescribed or over-the-counter, must be kept in the house surgery and is dispensed from there. A permanent record is kept of all medical treatment.

Any vitamins, medication or supplements that come from home must be handed over the Housemaster or Matron upon arrival, and must be accompanied by a letter stating the reason for the medication, its dosage and frequency of administration. We may ask the school doctor’s advice about this.

Matrons are available throughout the day and boys are encouraged to chat if they have any concerns at all. If a boy feels ill during school time, he must report to the medical centre via Prep reception in the first instance and should never simply return to the house.

Medical appointments (for example, to see a doctor if a boy feels unwell, or to see a physiotherapist to treat a sports injury) are organised via Matrons, who accompany boys to appointments. Boys will be taken to hospital by a member of staff, usually Mr or Mrs Loader, if they suffer a more serious accident which needs urgent evaluation and treatment.

Any routine dental and optician examinations and treatment should be arranged and carried out at home during the school holidays



If you do not wish your son to be given non-prescription medicines, please contact the Housemaster directly to discuss this with him.

Mobile Phones

All boys with mobile phones need to register them with us at the start of year and inform us of any subsequent number changes. The payment scheme is a private matter between each boy and his parents. Please note that mobile phones are kept at school and in the boarding house at the owner’s risk: the school’s insurance policy does not cover the loss, theft or breakage of mobile phones. Boys are expected to put their phone on their desk for charging before bedtime and only use them at suitable times during the evening and at weekends. 3/4G is not permitted in the house as boys should only use the school wi-fi where usage can be monitored. Adult apps are not permitted. Phones are only to be used on the ground floor and not in dorms. The use of hotspots is also not permitted. Boys who do not use their phones responsibly will have them confiscated. The boys’ line (01234 403015) is also available

should your son not have a mobile.

Out of Bounds

The attics, boiler rooms, storage room and all roof areas are out of bounds.

Parents/Guardians who are away from home during term time

If parents/guardians intend to be away from home, either on holiday or business, during term time, we ask for a contact number and address for use in case of emergency.

Passports and Tickets

We ask all boys who have return air tickets and passports to give them to us at the start of term and we look after these in the house safe. We return them to the boys at the end of term.

Pocket Money

Traditionally boys have been given between £5 - £10 a week pocket money to spend in town or on the activity. Please can parents provide sons with money which is looked after by Mr Loader and distributed before the weekend. Money can be


collected for specific purposes and chits can be issued for the school shop. Residential trip payments must be made by the parents. All expenses are added to the end of term bill. Major purchases will only be made with the specific permission of parents or guardians.


It is essential that all boys regard prep time as a formal and quiet study period for the entire house for the entire time. During prep there are to be no non-academic activities or applications running on laptops, no TV, no movement from study rooms, and no telephone calls. Parents are therefore requested not to phone their sons during prep times. If a boy has finished his prep he must get it signed off by the duty staff member and then read a book until prep finishes at 17:45. There is opportunity to continue with prep after dinner from 18:10 - 19:00 and this is encouraged, especially during the exam period.

Roll Call

Mr Loader will call house meetings as and when appropriate during the week and at weekends. Duty

staff will carry out regular roll calls as part of the daily routine.

School Policies

Eagle House follows the school’s major policies which can be found on the school website.

Town Leave

All boys should have parental permission allowing them to go in to town in groups and it is important that the boys remember the safety points which will be discussed with them on their first adult-led visit. The safety points are:

• Years 3, 4 and 5 may only go into town accompanied with an adult.

• Ideally the boys should be in groups of 3-4. They must stay in these groups and not split up or go around alone - they need to stay together for safety reasons.

• It is important for the boys to sign out and remember what time they are expected back then sign in with duty tutor as soon as the group returns.

• The boys must take one watch and a mobile phone per group, with the house number and Mr. Loader’s mobile number on it for emergencies. They must store all phones and money in pockets


out of sight.

• Boys must at all times be vigilant when crossing roads, using the pelican crossings - waiting for the green pedestrian sign.

• Always behave in a sensible manner remembering to be courteous to members of the public.

• Boys must not do anything to put themselves or anyone else in danger.

• Boys should spend their money wisely and not buy or bring back to the house anything they know is not allowed e.g. chewing gum or lots of sweets

• Boys should enjoy their trip and remember they need to be responsible or the privilege may be removed

Use of Rooms

Dormitories are not extra common rooms; they are the personal areas where the boys will work, rest and relax. Boys should respect the space, feelings and belongings of their fellow boarders, and may only enter another boy’s room if invited to do so by its occupant.


Although Eagle House does have a strong tradition as a family house with relationships being based upon mutual trust and respect, boys must exercise common sense in matters of personal and house security.

• All doors to the house must be kept locked shut at all times.

• Valuables, wallets and cash must never be left lying unattended around the house.

• Each boy is responsible for the care and safe storage of his own personal effects. Boys should accept personal responsibility for their belongings by locking away valuable items (such as laptops, mobile phones, electronic equipment and cash) when they are not being used. Each boy has a personal storage area which can be secured with a padlock.

• Passports, tickets and large sums of cash must be handed to Mr Loader to be kept in the house safe.


Parents and guardians are obviously welcome to visit whenever they happen to be in Bedford. We


would appreciate it if parents and guardians could let us know when they are intending to visit. The lounge on the private side is always available for private meetings if desired. Boys are welcome to have their friends visit the house during their free time. All visitors must sign in and out of the house and are only allowed in the public areas such as the Common Room and Games Room. All visitors to the house (and all female visitors) must remain in the public rooms.


Weekend leave should be arranged with parents or guardians and Mr Loader by telephone or email. We need to know who will be collecting the boy and when he will return, approximate times would be useful.

Weekly boarders are expected to leave Eagle House each weekend after school on Saturday. Please

could parents inform us if their son is staying anywhere other than home. Weekly boarders may stay in the house at weekends under certain circumstances, but their parents should contact the Housemaster in advance for permission.

Full boarders can go home or visit friends at weekends other than exeats from time to time if parental permission is given.

Parents and guardians are very welcome to call in when they collect or return their son to the house, should time permit. We would be delighted for parents and guardians to join the house for the Sunday services in chapel, particularly on the Sunday in each term which is designated “Eagle Sunday”, when Eagle House provides readers in chapel.


House Expectations

For Eagle House to be a happy home, boys must know and follow these expectations. Those that achieve this will be regularly rewarded and if these cannot be achieved sanctions are in place to help boys to reflect and learn.


Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself

• Have respect for all staff, Matrons and other boys in the House.

• Follow the instructions of all House staff and Matrons on the first time of asking without challenging.

• Respect other people’s property, privacy and personal space.

• Appreciate your surroundings and behave sensibly in all areas of the House.

• Look after your own property. Keep your desk, dorm, kit room and boot rack tidy and your possessions in their correct place.

• Remember your manners and use please and thank you.


To have the highest standards of honesty and trustworthiness

• Report any damage to equipment and /or furniture so that repairs can be made.

• When on duty carry out that duty efficiently and in good humour.

• Be sensitive to other boys and understand when they need space or a friend.

• Speak to an adult if you are unhappy or have concerns about anything or anybody.

• Show understanding for different religions and traditions and learn to appreciate different cultures.

• Tell the truth and be honest to yourself and others.



Take responsibility for your own learning and your own behaviour

• Use all phones, iPads and laptops with responsibility. Games should be certificated 12 and below. No electronic equipment should be used in the dorms and all equipment should remain on desks overnight. No use of VPN’s or other devices to bypass the school server.

• Produce a consistently high level for all homework ensuring it is done to the best of your ability.

• Take care of your personal hygiene – shower every day, clean your teeth in the morning and before bed.

• Maintain a good standard of behaviour in the Dining Hall and in Chapel. Display good table manners and eat healthily.

• Behave on House trips and in town on Saturdays. Remember we are on public view, and we need to respect everyone else.

House Trip


All boys should feel their successes in School and the House are recognised and celebrated. This is done regularly in House Meetings. These rewards are here to encourage all boys to achieve in School and meet expectations in the House.

Dorm of the Week

The House staff decide who has had the best week. This dorm gets their picture up on the board and gets to pick the special supper for the following week (the list of options for this can be found in the boys’ kitchen).

Boarder of the Week

The boarding staff decide who has had the best week or achieved something especially noteworthy. This boarder gets to keep the ‘Boarder of the Week’ Cup on their desk for the week and gets to have a spin of the prize wheel. There are 10 possible prizes, including treats in the House and vouchers for certain shops in town.

Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards

Awards are stuck on the wall and boys can enjoy a special supper to celebrate their achievement.

Weekend Trips

Weekend trips will be enjoyed by all that have had a good week.

Meal Out

The boys with the most merits (top 5 or 6) for each term will be taken for a meal out to a restaurant of their choice in the last week of the half term.


Consistently outstanding contributions to all aspects of boarding house life will receive a house tie and name on the colours board.

Boarder of the Year

Cup awarded in final assembly.



Recorded on the school system when necessary; there is a separate Boarding section.

Incidents needing sanctions should be few and far between as all boys should operate within the ethos of tolerance and respect for all members of the House, their property and of the House and gardens. If boys follow these House expectations, there will be no need to use these sanctions. That being said, all boys make mistakes. Once a sanction has been completed, we encourage the boys to learn from it and move on – mistakes are acceptable, making the same mistake repeatedly is not.

Parental Contact

We will contact parents for all serious incidents and repeated poor behaviour, to discuss sanctions and to discuss the best course of action moving forward.

Verbal Warning

For silly and minor behaviour issues. No immediate sanction.

A ‘07.30’ sanction

The student needs to be dressed in School uniform by 7.30am (wake up is at 7.20am) to meet the Housemaster in the boys’ kitchen. This is a minor inconvenience to the boys and is primarily a chance to discuss their behaviour. It is the first sanction for all minor misdemeanours.

Loss of Electronics

Boys have access to their devices (laptops) after prep time on two evenings a week. Repeated low level bad behaviour, or more serious individual incidents result in a loss of electronics time. Please note, devices can still be used to contact home, but must be returned once finished.

Early Bed

Missing evening activities (football/ cricket/swimming) and extra duties.


Loss of privileges (no town or house activity)

For repeated poor behaviour, a more serious incident in House or receiving a serious sanction within School time.


Loss of privileges (evening activities), no town on Saturday, worksheet and extra duties as a result of serious poor behaviour in House or School.

Referral to Head of Year or Headmaster

For very serious incidents or repeated poor behaviour.


Finance Accounts and Disbursements

Termly accounts are issued by the Harpur Trust. They include tuition and boarding fees plus the various disbursement amounts.

Disbursements (“blue bills”) represent spending over and above the boarding fee, and are placed on the termly accounts within various categories, including the following:

• School Shop: We operate a chit system with the school shop that allows boys to buy any items of uniform, games kit or stationery stocked by the shop. We order spare name tags from the shop, so we can keep a spare stock in the Surgery. Boys are always asked if they have their parents’ permission to buy expensive items. The shop provides each boy with an itemised statement at the end of term

• House Trips: We organise weekly recreational trips for members of the house. The cost of these trips are added to the disbursements bill

• Spending Money: The boys will need spending money for trips and town visits. Please send your son back with between £5 - £10 per week allowance.

Near the end of term, the disbursement total is given to the Harpur Trust Office and this figure is added in with the rest of the fees. An itemised statement of charges can be provided if requested. If you are ever unsure about any item, please get in touch with Mr Loader.


The school has a group insurance scheme covering boys’ personal property in the house. The total sum insured is £5,000, with a single item limit of £2,000. Items are replaced on a new for old basis if they are less than one year old. Bicycles are covered up to £250 if they are kept securely in the Bicycle Shed. Regrettably mobile telephones are not covered under this policy. The policy excess is £25.

Summer fun
Eagle House 9 De Parys Avenue Bedford MK40 2TX t: +44 (0) 1234 362278 e: eloader@bedfordschool.org.uk www.bedfordschool.org.uk Twitter: @EagleHouseBPS Bedford School is part of the Harpur Trust

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