BlackHistoryMonthstartedinAmericain1976, since then it has been celebrated in America every Feburary to mark the birthdays of FrederickDouglassandAbrahamLincoln,who bothhadahandintheabolishionoftheslave tradeintheUSA.
Black Histoy Month in the UK started in 1987 and is observed every October to mark the anniversary of Caribbean emancipation. It, in part, came about because the history being taughtformanyyearsaroundtheworld,often forgot or excluded the stories, achievements, and contributions of Black people. Sadly, too frequently, when stories of Black people are mentioned in history it is connected to the Transatlantic Slave Trade, oppression and injustice; while all of these are factors of our sharedhistory,theyarenottheonlypartofthe story. Black people have contributed in many other ways too, they have built empires, economies, inventions contributed to art, literature, sports, science and much more, which is what makes this planet great. Black History Month is a time to spotlight, acknowledge and learn about these achievements.
Black History Month is an opportunity to remember the achievement and successesofBlackpeoplethroughout history.ItissetinthemonthofOctober in the UK and is a chance to inform, educate and celebrate historical Black figuresoreverydayBlackfiguresandto celebratetheirachievemnts.
This is often associated with the symbolforBlackHistoryMonth.It is taken after the sign of protesting whichistoputyourarmupintheair and clench your fist. Two Black medalists, Tommie Smith and John Carlos,didthis inthe1968Olympics as protest, not for 'Black Power' but for human rights. Contrary to popular belief, despite their salute sparking more protests and riots, thesetwoathletesdidnothavetheir medals stripped from them as they stillhavethemtothisday.
Nelson Mandela or Nelson Rolihlahla was an extraordinary man. He helped massively to stop the apartheid in South Africa. He is credited to have become South Africa's first Black head of state in a fully democratic election while having a criminal record. In 1964, he was sent to jail. He was located in jails on Robben Island, Pollsmoor Prison, and Victor Verster Prison.
Rosa Parks caused one of the biggest boycotts by staying in her seat. At that time, Black people were enraged and boycotted the bus. More and more people joined the boycott. She was jailed after the incident, as seen above from the picture. After the incident, she joined the NAACP as the secretary and the only female member and became active in the civil rights movement.
The famous Rosa Parks is credited with causing a snowball effect that led to the Montgomery bus boycott. This all started with a cozy feeling. She was on the bus and the bus driver who was driving her did not like her. He had previously driven past her in the rain claiming to have "not seen her". Rosa was sitting on the bus in the 'coloured' section with all the seats in the 'white' section filled up. The bus driver got up, moved the 'White Section' marker behind Rosa Parks to let the White people sit. And of course, Rosa refused to get up.
Paul Stephenson Fought the Bristol ‘Colour Bar’ in April 1963
Bus Company refused to hire Black and Asians conductor
Paul Stephenson was born in Rochford, Essex, in 1937, to a west African father and mixed heritage mother, Olive Stephenson. He grew up in the Essex country side before moving to London, where we was faced with racism. He served in the RAF and later became the spokesman for the Britsol Bus Boycots campaign.He continued to speak out agaist preduice and inequality in Britain.
Black community boycotted the busses Heald press conferences, got sports celebrities and diplomats from other countries to stand up against the Colour bar
Colour bar lifted and the first Sikh conductor took up his position in September 1963
Their actions lead to the government passing Race Relation Acts of 1965 and 1968.
MartinLutherKingJr wasanAmerican BaptistMinisterandActivist.Heled marchesforcivilrightsforBlackpeople,ie therighttovote, de segregation,labour rightsandmore.Hewasinspiredby MahatmaGandhi's peacefulprotest marchesinIndiaanddecidedtodothe sameinAmerica
MartinLutherKingJrwasoneofthemost influentialandwellknown civialrights protester. His immortalwordsof 'Ihavea dream', hasinspiredmillionsacrossthe globe. Martincamefromapoor backgroundtoeventuallywinningaNobel PeacePrizeonthe 16thofOctober1964 makinghimtheyoungest athistime to receiveaNobelPeacePrize
Malcolm X, was also an activist Born Malcolm Little, later Malik el Shabazz was an American Muslim minister and human rights activist. His adolescence was spent living in a variety of different foster homes after his father's death and his mother's hospitalisation.
Malcolm spent six and a half years in jail he was accused of robbery His fantastic speeches contributed to the development of Black nationalist ideology and the Black power movement. However, his life was cut short as he was assassinated on the 21st of February, 1965.
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