The Ickwell field study centre is in part of a landscaped garden constructed for the Harvey family, who had a house 'Ickwell Bury' built near the site in about 1683 to replace the earlier house. The whole area is of great historical importance, being designated an historic park by Natural England. The Bury, house and land was left to Bedford School Trust for education purposes in 1953 in the will of Colonel Wells, an OB, for the pursuance of agricultural and scientific learning and was first used by boys in the 1970s. There is a teaching block and a meadow for camping.
The Ickwell reserve is about 9 2Ha of lakes, meadows and woodland and is managed partly for amenity but mostly for conservation. The site is used regularly by pupils from Bedford School and Bedford Girls' School and is available for hire to other schools and interested youth and community groups. Please apply to the Master in Charge (details at the end of this leaflet)
Figure 1 shows the landscape in pre-enclosure time and before the historic garden was developed around the end of the C18 early C19
By the date of the map in Figure 2, in the 1880s the garden was fully laid out in its Victorian splendour. Here you can see the lakes and woodland as well as the adjoining extensive historic wood pasture
In Figure 3 the modern reserve as utilised by the school. The remaining parkland and the Bury is now in private ownership
The historic landscape as well as an extensive photographic archive is being conserved for the future.
One large room and four other smaller teaching rooms
An equipment store containing field work equipment
Two lavatories and hand washing facilities
Drinking water available in the main lab and in summer
near the camping field
Two workshops/tool stores
A large area of deciduous woodland crisscrossed by paths
A lake
A conservation meadow
Two other areas of meadow - the largest is cut short with
a campfire area to allow camping and games house
An interesting octagonal dovecote and a thatched bee
All areas of the curriculum can be accessed and we especially encourage science, art, music, geography and history.
We also like to hear from sixth formers on project work or who are interested in the environment or architecture/ landscape architecture as a profession.
There are no resident staff at the reserve and relatively few facilities, however visitors can experience living and working in a conservation and historic area. Activities are very much tailored to suit visitors and are always of a nature sympathetic to the site The Master in Charge can help with planning and approves all activities In recent years we have encouraged among others:
Tree and hedge planting
Hedge laying
Seed collecting
Invertebrate investigations
Meadow quadrant surveys
Avian surveying
D of E Bronze award
Forest school projects
The facilities must be booked through the Master in Charge at Bedford School, who is always available to discuss proposed education visits. This is best done by email (ickwell@bedfordschool.org.uk). Please book well in advance of your trip using this form.
Ickwell is only 25 minutes’ drive from the centre of Bedford and is easy to find. Follow the A603 out of Bedford and continue on the A603 to Sandy. Turn right to Cople and follow this road through to Ickwell. Turn right on the village green in Ickwell and you will see a sign for the reserve as you cross a cattle grid. Follow the track across the field and then turn right through the gate and across a second cattle grid. Park on the grass, leaving space for other vehicles to enter and leave Do not block the entrance to the cottage whose tenant is private and not part of the school
The key to the buildings can be obtained from the Master in Charge of Ickwell. It must be returned promptly.
Vehicles should be parked on the grass at the side of the buildings or on the grass in front of the buildings.
Please ensure that vehicles do not block access for the residents in the bungalow.
Vehicles should not be taken onto the reserve.
Vehicles should be locked when not in use.
The boundaries of the reserve are clearly defined by wire fences, ditches or hedges. Please do not wander onto adjacent private property.
The reserve has part of its boundary alongside private houses, gardens and fields containing horses. Please ensure that activities on the reserve do not disturb members of the public or livestock in adjacent fields. Hirers will be given a map.
The facilities at Ickwell should only be used with permission from the Master in Charge and then only by persons properly qualified (where applicable).
Please ensure that equipment borrowed is left as it was found. Any damage should be reported to the Master in Charge.
Rubbish must be taken home and not left on the reserve or in the buildings. Fires must only be lit in the designated areas. Damage should not be caused to trees and undergrowth and only the wood provided should be burnt.
During the spring and summer, please stick to the paths as much as possible and walk carefully in the meadow by the lake as there are rare orchids growing there.
Risk assessments must be completed for all activities taking place on the reserve and submitted before hand along with insurance details.
Groups must inform the Master in Charge of the activities that they will be carrying out and will need to provide copies of risk assessments for activities not covered in the existing risk assessments
No boating or swimming is permitted in the lake, also the edges are very muddy. Accidents should be reported to the Master in Charge.
In the event of an emergency dial 999
Emergency services should be directed to: Bedford School Field Study Centre
Ickwell Bury
SG18 9EF
Grid Reference: OS 145 456
Mr Christopher Jones: Master in Charge ickwell@bedfordschool org uk Mobile: 07765510038
Bedford School: 01234 362200
Bedford School is part of The Harpur Trust: a company limited by guarantee
Registered in England: Company No 3475202
Registered Office: Pilgrim Centre, Brickhill Drive, Bedford MK41 7PZ
Registered Charity No 1066861