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Beyond the Classroom
Clubs and Activities
The school offers an extensive and diverse range of clubs and activities.
We actively encourage boys (though most need little encouragement!) to participate in a new activity each term when they join, as well as trying out things that they would not normally consider. It is an ideal way to discover new interests or hidden talents.
Clubs and societies typically run at lunchtimes, after school and occasionally before school. And, with the odd exception, no charge is made.
A selection of the clubs and societies typically available for boys in Year 3 and Year 4 are shown below.
Academic and General Interest
Academic Skills Gardening Club
Animal Care Club Hobbies Club
Arts and Craft Club Hungry Boys’ Club
Beginner's Chinese ICT Club
Board Games Club Knitting Club
Calm Kids Club (Intro to mindfulness) Lego Club
Careful Colouring Club Movies Club
Chess Club Pokémon Club
Coding Club (Y4) Scrabble Club
Design Technology Club Science Club
Drama Club Times Tables Club
Eco Film Club Vocab Builder
Forest School Club VR Headset Club
Musical Choir Steel Pans (Y4)
Guitar Ensemble String Buddies
Recorder Karate String Ensemble
Recorder Ninjas Theory Class
Recorder Taekwondo Wind Power
Rock Group Y3-Y4 Band
Samba Band
In addition to the main sports on offer.
Badminton (Y4) Multi Sports
Cricket Non-swimmers
Climbing Club Rugby Games & Skills
Fencing Running
Football Skiing
Fun Swim Squash
Golf Squad (Y4) Tennis (Y4)
Hockey (Y4) Table Tennis (Y4)
Homework is an important part of your son’s education, and plays a significant role in developing independent working skills and time management.
Your son will be issued with a student planner on the first day of term and will be expected to record his homework on a daily basis together with the date when it is due. We also ask that parents check and sign their son’s student planner each day.
In Years 3 and 4, boys are likely to receive 1.5 to 2 hours of homework each week. The majority of this will be reading and mental maths practice. Boys will receive one spelling worksheet and one maths worksheet per week (due in the day after it is set) and two ‘Mini Topic’ projects per half of term.
Your son will be given a homework timetable which outlines what homework should be done each night. All homework should be entered into the student planner.
If for any reason no homework has been set, then a boy should write ‘no homework’ in his book, and the time allocated should be used for revision or general reading.