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Useful Information
Term Dates
Autumn Term 2023
Term starts: Wednesday 6 Sept (08:30)
Exeat: Sat/Sun 23/24 Sept
Half Term: Friday 20 Oct (16:10) to Monday 6 Nov (08:30)
Exeat: Sat/Sun 25/26 Nov
Term finishes: Friday 15 Dec (11:50)
Spring Term 2024
Term starts : Tuesday 9 Jan (08:30)
Exeat: Sat/Sun 27/28 Jan
Half Term: Friday 16 Feb (16:10) to Monday 26 Feb (08:30)
Exeat: Sat/Sun 16/17 Mar
Term finishes: Thursday 28 Mar (11:50)
Summer Term 2024
Term starts: Tuesday 23 Apr (08:30)
Exeat: Sat/Sun/Mon 4/5/6 May
Half Term: Friday 24 May (16:10) to Monday 3 Jun (08:30)
Term finishes: Friday 5 Jul (16:10)
At the beginning of each term, boarders return by 18:00 the previous evening and, after half terms, by 20:00 the previous evening.
We strongly recommend that all Prep Boarders go home to their families during the Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays, as well as the two week half term break in October.
Each half term there is one Exeat weekend (with the exception of the second half of the summer term), which provides boys and staff with a well-earned break from their busy timetables. On Exeat weekends school finishes at 16:10 on Friday and resumes at 08:35 on Monday.
Boarders are expected to leave Eagle House by 18:00 on the Exeat Friday and return between 18:00 and 20:00 on the Sunday evening.
Lost Property
Any misplaced uniform, sports kit or school equipment that is found around the school is collected and taken to the lost property hut, which is next to the parking area on the Prep School playground.
It is essential that all items of school uniform and kit are named so that they can be returned to boys.
Named items of lost property are sorted into each Tutor’s box. Boys can then go and collect them from the lost property hut at break time and lunchtime. Any named items not collected are usually returned to boys on a weekly basis. Parents can also visit the lost property hut each weekday between 15:45 and 16:10.
School Fees
Details of fees are sent to parents each year and are also available throughout the year on the school website.
Fees for the forthcoming year are announced each summer term.