Bedford Prep Joining Booklet 2022-2023: Y5-Y6

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Joining2022-2023Booklet YEARS 5 & 6

Key Telephone Numbers & Email Addresses

Prep Absences +44 (0)1234 362274

Sports Fixtures & Results School Shop

Medical Centre +44 (0)1234 362261

Key Contact Information

School Shop +44 (0)1234 350720

Firefly Learning Platform

Emailing Staff Please visit for a full list of our teaching staff. Staff emails are generally formatted as follows: first initial followed by surname (without any spaces or full stops) then

Harpur Trust Fees Office +44 (0)1234 369510

Prep Parents’ Guild

School Facebook Bedford-School School Instagram bedfordschool_uk School Twitter @bedfordschool School LinkedIn bedfordschool

Bursary +44 (0)1234 362244

Prep School Reception +44 (0)1234 362274

Late Room +44 (0)1234 362276

Useful Online Links School Website Parents’ Section

Contents Year 5 Tutors ........................................................................ 04 Year 6 Tutors 04 Welcome ............................................................................... 05 Pre-season Rugby Training ............................................... 06 Timings 06 School Routines .................................................................. 07 Arrangements for the First Day 07 Daily Routines 07 A Typical Day 08 Weekly Timetable 09 Future Skills Curriculum .................................................... 10 Beyond the Classroom ....................................................... 11 Clubs and Activities 11 Homework 11 Wraparound Care 13 Late Room 13 Day Plus 13 Pastoral Care ........................................................................ 14 Tutor Groups 14 The Houses 14 Academic Staff 14 School Rules 14 The Chapel 14 Medical Centre 15 Counselling at Bedford School 15 Communication .................................................................. 16 Your Son’s Tutor 16 How we stay in touch 16 Reporting Illness, Leave of Absence and Early Departures 17 School Meals 18 Typical Lunch Menu 18 Meal Arrangements 19 Special Dietary Requirements 19 Food Allergies 19 The School Shop 20 Opening Hours 20 Day Boys and UK Boarders 20 Overseas Boarders 20 Key Measurements 20 Online Ordering 20 More Than Uniform 20 Returns and Exchanges 21 Labelling 21 Nearly New Shop 21 School Uniform for Years 5 and 6 22 Mouthguards 24 Water Bottles 24 Devices 24 Stationery Requirements for Years 5 and 6 25 Additional Requirements for Boarders 25 Useful Information ............................................................. 26 Term Dates 26 Exeats 26 Lost Property 26 School Fees 27 Payment of Fees 27 Transport - School Buses 27 Visa Requirements 27 Cash Management Procedures for Boarders 28 Insurance 28 Learning Support 28 English as an Additional Language (EAL) 29 Enrichment 29 Speech and Drama Lessons 30 Instrumental Music Lessons 30 Hotel Accommodation in Bedford 31 Travelling to Bedford from the Airports 31 The Wider Community ....................................................... 32 The Bedford School Association (BSA) 32 Eagle Connect 32 Bedford Prep Parents’ Guild 32 The Old Bedfordians Club 32 Bedford School Foundation 33 Forms .................................................................................... 34 Mandatory Forms 34 Optional Forms 34

04 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL Mr Dominic Affleck Head of Year 5 Miss Imogen Bowis Year 6 Tutors Mrs EugenieKindredChaillouMiss Jessica Hone Year 5 Tutors Mrs Rachel Osbourne Mr Sam Roberts Mrs Debbie Rossington Mrs Charlie Walker Mrs Rebecca Russell Mrs Michelle Aldridge

Ian Silk Headmaster

05 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL Welcome

A very warm welcome to Bedford Prep School. Starting a new school is always a time of great excitement (with perhaps just a hint of trepidation!). This booklet is designed to answer some of the questions you may have and provide you with an introduction to life here in the Prep School and how the school runs. Whilst I hope that it becomes a very useful guide for you, especially in the first few days and months of your son’s education at the school, it is even more important that you feel able to develop a personal interaction with your son’s Tutor. Please get in touch if there is anything you are not sure about, or that we haven’t covered. The same principle applies throughout your son’s time with us. Good communication is essential, and we are always happy to have a conversation and help in any way we can. We look forward to seeing you throughout the year. Finally, may I take this opportunity to wish you a highly enjoyable summer. I look forward to welcoming you in person to the school in September.

Timings 9:30am Langham Pavilion changing rooms opened 10:00am – 12:00pm

Rugby pre-season training for next year’s U10, U11, U12 and U13 (Years 5, 6, 7 and 8) teams will run on Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31 August. The sessions are open to all playing levels. We would ideally like boys to treat it as a training camp and attend both session so we can make the necessary progress prior to the season starting. However, please be aware that non-attendance to these sessions will not influence selection at the start of the year and we understand that boys may have other commitments for one or both days.

Pre-season Rugby Training

Pre-season rugby training form U10-U13 form Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Hinkins, if you have any queries.

06 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

BoysTrainingwill require • Training kit (this does not need to be Bedford School kit), including boots, mouthguard and any other protective equipment.

• Water • ThereSnackwill be medical provision for the sessions but please let your coach know of any necessary medical information upon arrival, e.g. injuries. There is no cost for the two days. If you would like your son to attend, please complete the Microsoft Form below by 20 August

Arrangements for the First Day

At the end of the day, boys should be collected from the Prep School Astro at 16:10, unless otherwise specified. Catching the Bus

The school day ends at 16:10 each weekday. Boys can be collected from the Prep School Astro pitch between 16:10 and 16:30 or can catch their school bus home. For parents who need to extend the school day beyond 16:30 we offer a number of options, including our free of charge Late Room. Please click here for full details of the available wraparound care options.

End of the School Day

Parents arriving by car should enter the school via the Palmer’s Gate at the bottom of De Parys Avenue and exit via the Inky Gate onto St Peter’s Street. We ask that parents switch off their car engines while they are queueing to enter the school as well as when parked to help minimise air pollution.

School Routines

All new boys should meet outside the Erskine May Hall (EMH) at 08:35, where they wwill be collected by staff and prefects and taken to their Tutor rooms. Boys will spend most of the first morning with their Tutors and will be introduced to school routines. There will also be the first whole Prep School assembly of the new academic year. Leaving on the First Day

Arriving on the First Day - Monday 6 September

All new boys who will be catching buses will meet before the end of the day in the Erskine May Hall. They will be helped to go to the correct bus stop in time to catch their bus home. Daily Routines Arriving at School Boys should arrive at school each day between 08:00 and 08:35. Should you need to drop your son off at school before 08:00, please see our before-school care options Boys are expected to be in their Tutor Room ready for registration by 08:35. The School Day

There is a standard weekly timetable for lessons. Lessons begin at 08:55 each day and last for 35 to 40 Asminutes.boysenter Year 6, they start to attend school on Saturday mornings from 08:40 to 11:40. This slightly longer week allows them to explore a greater range of opportunities, and helps to prepare them for the transition to the Upper School. Boys in Year 5 are offered the opportunity to attend additional sports coaching sessions on Saturday Twomornings.afternoons a week, boys take part in games and activities. Years 5 and 6 sports fixtures against other schools are usually played on a Wednesday as well as some Saturdays. The main sports by term are: autumn - rugby, spring - hockey, summer - cricket.

07 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

Please note that the timings and activities below are subject to confirmation.

08 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL A Typical Day Break timefun CommunicationActivities HistoryMaking Aiming high Maths TeamInteractivechallengesdramasports Investigatingscience challengesNew


09 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL Weekly Timetable Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 08:00 - 08:35 Arrive at school 08:35 - 08:50 Tutor Room Tutor Room Tutor Room Tutor Room Tutor Room Years 6 - 8


Period 1 08:55 - 09:35 Period 1 08:40 - 09:20 Period 2 09:35 -10:15 Period 2 09:20 - 10:00 10:15 - 10:35 B R E A K Period 3 10:35 - 11:15 Period 3 10:20 - 11:00 Period 4 11:15 - 11:55 Period 4 11:00 - 11:40 11:55 - 13:00 LUNCH 12:20 - 13:00 Extra-Curricular Activities 13:00 - 13:25 PrepAssemblySchool AssemblyY5-Y6 PrepAssemblySchool TutorY5-Y6Time MeetingsHouse 5 13:30 -14:10 GamesY5-Y6Period 6 14:10 - 14:45 14:45 - 15:00 B R E Period 7 15:00 - 15:35 GamesY5-Y6 GamesY5-Y68 15:35 - 16:10 16:10 - 16:30 Pick Up / Break 16:30 - 17:45 Late Room


Our Future Skills curriculum is based around the school’s core values of endeavour, curiosity, integrity, responsibility, and kindness, and aims to help to develop boys who are ‘intellectually curious adventurers’, confident and articulate, able to thrive in any setting, who understand how to learn, and who are resilient. To bring the curriculum to life for the boys, we have also developed our own superheroes, who embody our values, and whom our boys love and align themselves to.

At Bedford Prep School we want our boys to begin the process of growing into happy young men, who are confident, flexible and adaptable learners, ready to respond to any challenges life throws their way, and to shape their futures in a positive way. To help with this, learning is underpinned by our Future Skills curriculum, which is a comprehensive, school-wide approach that helps boys to develop the key skills, attributes and characteristics to be happy and successful not only during their time in the Prep School but as they move up to the Upper School and life beyond.

Future Skills Curriculum

EP SCHOOL Endeavour EAGLE PROFESSOR Curiosity Responsibility RAPTOR MAN OF IntegrityCAPTAIN Kindness

10 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

Wordshark Club F1 Schools Musical Assembly Band Rock Group (Y6) Chapel Choir Samba Band

Choir Concert Band (Y5) Ensembles Steel Band Orchestra Prep Orchestra Prep Concert Band The Jam Factory Prep Rock Group Theory Class Recorder Karate /Ninjas Wind and Brass All Stars String Quartet Windpower! Sporting In addition to the main sports on offer. Badminton Rugby 7s (Y6) Basketball (Y6) Running Cricket Skiing Fencing Squad Swimming Fives (Y6) Squash Golf Squad Swimming Ice (swimming)breakers Table Tennis

11 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

Indoor Football League Tennis Non swimmers Water Polo Homework Homework is an important part of your son’s education, and plays a significant role in developing independent working skills and time management. Your son will be expected to check his homework on a daily basis on Firefly along with the date it is due on. In Years 5 and 6, boys are likely to receive three hours of homework each week. Year 5 In Year 5, boys are likely to receive 1.5 to 2 hours of homework each week. The majority of this will be reading, online English and Maths activities, and Otherspellings.subjects (such as Topic and French) will be added to the timetable throughout the year.

Clubs and Activities

Intermediate Chinese Card Games Knitting Club Chess Club Italian Club Climbing Club Lego Club (Y5) Coding Club Maths Clinic Doodle Maths Club Maths Club Enrichment Design Technology Catch Up VR Headset Club Design EnrichmentTechnology

The school offers an extensive and diverse range of clubs and activities. We actively encourage boys (though most need little encouragement!) to participate in a new activity each term when they join, as well as trying out things that they would not normally consider. It is an ideal way to discover new interests or hidden talents. Clubs and societies typically run at lunchtimes, after school and occasionally before school. And, with the odd exception, no charge is made.

3D Printing Club Gardening Club Academic Skills General Knowledge Club Animal Care Club Historical Novels Club Beginners Chinese History Club Board Games Club Hungry Boys' Club Calm Kids Club (Intro to Mindfulness)

Academic and General Interest

Beyond the Classroom

A selection of the clubs and societies typically available for boys in Year 5 and Year 6 are shown below.

12 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

The amount of work will vary from week to week and boys will have the opportunity to plan their workload through the week, which should help them develop the important skill of time management. Where boys are finding this difficult, Tutors and subject teachers will be able to assist them. Time management is an important skill to develop as demands and expectations increase. It is expected that most homework will be completed at home. However, rooms are available for study or homework during the lunch break.

Your son will be given a homework timetable which outlines what homework should be done each night. All homework should be entered into the student planner. Year 6 Homework will be set on a weekly basis. In general, boys should be given at least two working days to complete homework, although there will be some occasions where work has to be completed in less time because of the demands of the curriculum. When work is set which is extended over a number of weeks, pupils will be given interim deadlines to assist them in completing the task and these should be entered in the planner.

Day Plus

All day boys in the Prep School can make use of the Late Room. This free-of-charge facility is open from 16:30 to 17:45 in the Inky Library each weekday. Boys have the opportunity to complete their homework or read a book in a supervised setting.

Wraparound Care

The Late Room is run by Mrs Brattle, the Late Room Supervisor, together with a member of the Senior Leadership Team, both of whom are available to help with any queries boys and parents may have. No refreshments are provided but boys are encouraged to bring a snack to eat at the end of school before going to the Late Room. Booking is not required to make use of the Late Room. If you would like to find out more, please call Prep Reception on 01234 362274. If you need to contact the Late Room, please call 01234 362276 between 16:15 and 17:45 and speak with Mrs Brattle. She can also be contacted on

The Day Plus Programme is available to all day boys in the Prep School and consists of three different options providing a before and after school programme and flexible boarding opportunities.

Before-school This before-school facility is available in Eagle House from 07:30 each week day. Boys are supervised from this time and join the boarders for breakfast at 08:00. Please note: boys should not be in school before 08:00. This is the earliest time that staff supervision is available. The before-school option should be used if you require your son to be in school before 08:00.

Flexi and Occasional Boarding Eagle House also offers flexible boarding on a regular and ad hoc basis. During their stay, boys become part of the boarding community. The flexi and occasional boarding include supervised prep, an evening meal, supper and breakfast as well as a range of activities. Bookings To book any of the Day Plus options, please email We ask that parents give 48 hours’ notice for all ocassional boarding bookings. Pricing Details of the Day Plus prices can be found on the school website. Discounts are also available on block bookings for a minimum of a half term (night/s booked must be the same day/s each week) - please enquire when booking. All before-school and after-school charges are invoiced termly.


Late Room

13 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

The after-school option allows boys to join the boarders in Eagle House from 16:10 until 19:30 each weeknight. They take part in a supervised prep session, join the boarders for an evening meal and enjoy a range of activities on certain nights.

We would be grateful if you could draw your son’s attention to the following policies: ‘School Rules’ and ‘Mobile Phones and Other Digital Technology’. The Chapel The school welcomes all faiths. Its foundation is nevertheless rooted in the Christian tradition and the chapel plays an important part in the life of the school community, symbolising Bedfordians past and present, and providing a daily reminder of life’s spiritual dimension. Families are always welcome to join us for Sunday Services in the chapel. Details of services can be found on the chapel page on the website.

14 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

From Year 5 each boy is allocated to a form with a Pastoral Tutor who usually teaches their form for at least one subject. Boys have a form base but move around the school to specialist areas for lessons and are taught by subject specialists. This pastoral system continues until Year 8 when boys are encouraged to become increasingly independent in their learning. The curriculum continues to be broad, with expectations increasing in terms of assessment and homework. In Year 5, boys are grouped by ability for the first time in maths. This is based on measures of underlying ability. Boys are assessed regularly through the year by means of end of unit tests in the majority of Fromsubjects.Year6 to Year 8, boys are also grouped by ability in other subjects based on measures of underlying ability and performance in assessments.

The Houses

A full list of academic staff in the Prep School can be found in the parents’ section of the school website. School Rules Copies of all school policies, including the school rules, can be found in the parents’ section on the school website.

Tutor Groups

The school Chaplain, Mr McCleery, is available throughout the school term and during much of the holidays, and provides pastoral counselling and support to any member of the school community.

On joining the Prep School, your son will be allocated to one of four houses: Bunyan, Harpur, Howard or Whitbread. Each house includes boys of all ages and seven members of staff, including the Housemaster. A house assembly takes place weekly. Inter-house competitions are organised across the age range and in as many fields as possible, and all boys are given the opportunity to contribute points for their house..

Academic Staff

We believe that for a boy to learn he must be happy and we have several tiers of pastoral care to ensure that the needs of all boys in our school are fulfilled. The Assistant Head (Pastoral) has overall responsibility for the pastoral care and safeguarding in the Prep School and oversees a team of Heads of Year – one for each year group – who have responsibility for both the academic and pastoral needs of the boys in their year group. Each Head of Year also has responsibility for managing the Tutors in their year group. For any query about a pastoral or academic concern, your son’s Tutor should be the first point of contact. Please be assured that they will work hard to ensure that your son settles in quickly and successfully. We encourage parents to contact their son’s Tutor by email if they have any concerns about their son that they may wish to share with them. Your son’s Head of Year will also be an important point of contact.

Pastoral Care

The school Medical Officers are local GPs from the De Parys Group. They are available in school each Tuesday and Thursday between 10:30 and 11:30.

Counselling at Bedford School

Further information on the giving of medicines to day boys can be viewed here. We would ask that you refer to this guide for detailed information and instructions. Staff at the Medical Centre y Jill Turner-Webb, Lead Nurse y Trish Comerford, School Nurse (part time) y Karen Henry, School Nurse (part time) y Holly Clifton, School Nurse (part time) y Claire Collins, School Nurse (part time) y Kerry Spearing, Administrator (part time)

The nursing team are available during term time from 08:15 to 17:30, Monday to Saturday.

15 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

Medical Questionnaires

Medical questionnaires are completed before admission to the school. The school nurse will check these and identify any health issues. If necessary, a care plan is written in consultation with you and your son. It is essential that your son’s medical questionnaire is completed and emailed to nurse@ by Monday 13 June. We may be unable to allow your son to start with us if this form has not been completed in full and returned to the school. You will also be asked to regularly update your son’s medical information during his time at the school to ensure that his medical record remains up to date.

The school has a long established counselling service. All boys are free to visit and talk to a school counsellor in complete confidence for help and support during difficult times. Boys can seek help and advice on a wide range of issues. Counsellors are available at school during term time: Monday 12:00 - 15:00 Tuesday 15:00 - 17:00 Wednesday 12:00 - 15:00 Thursday 12:00 - 17:00 Friday 12:00 - 14:00 Appointments can be made by emailing counsellor@, by calling +44 (0)1234 362248 or through the medical centre: +44 (0)1234 362261.

Medical Centre

The school has a professionally staffed and equipped medical centre which offers all boys a kind, confidential and professional service. They deliver a high standard of nursing care: aiming to treat every pupil holistically, looking at their social, psychological and physical needs. The medical centre has a treatment room, bedroom and a quiet seating area. The medical centre supports the national child measurements programme by taking measurements of pupils in Year 6 (ages 10-11).

EU Medical Cards Boys from within the European Union (EU) should bring their medical card with them at the start of each term. Medicines Short-term prescribed medication (e.g. antibiotics) prescribed to day boys by their GP that require a school-time dose must be handed into the medical centre in their original container displaying clear instructions. In addition, a letter from a parent giving permission for school staff to give this dose is required. The nurses at the medical centre can be contacted on +44 (0)1234 362261 or email: nurse@

Secure Parent and Pupil Portals

We encourage you to develop a strong relationship with your son’s Tutor, and to get in touch with any concerns, queries and, importantly, successes both in and out of school. Your son’s Head of Year will also be available as the next point of contact.

We offer parents and boys online access to a variety of information via our parent and pupil portals. These portals are real time and cover such areas as reports, rewards and conduct, timetable, activities, exam results and detentions. We will write to you shortly before the start of term with details on how to selfregister for the parent portal. Boys are automatically granted access to the pupil portal through their school network account.

Firefly (school e-learning site)

Bulletins and Emails

16 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL


The parents’ pages of the school website host a wealth of useful information including notices, school policies, term dates, the school calendar, staff lists, parent letters, news and events, as well as links to our dedicated sports website, the secure parents’ portal and Firefly (e-learning site). The pupils’ pages of the school website include a similar selection of information tailored to their needs.

Communication between parents, boys and staff, both formally and informally, is valued and is seen as integral to each boy’s success at the school.

How we stay in touch School Website

Your Son’s Tutor Your son’s Tutor is your first point of contact at the school. They will be in contact with you by phone or email at least once each half term to update you on your son’s progress, and are happy to discuss any queries or concerns you may have.

To access the team sheets, please use the password: Adeparysavwebapp

The school has an online teaching and learning resource called Firefly, which can be accessed via the parents’ section on the website. Boys and parents will find details of each subject and year group’s schemes of work and other topic resources, as well as revision

We send parents regular emails and newsletters, to ensure that you have all the information that you need for your son as well as news about the wider school community. Each week during term time we send a newsletter called The Week, which provides a round-up of the week’s top stories and the Prep Bulletin, which contains all the key information for the week ahead.

Detailsmaterial.of extra-curricular activities can also be found on Boys’Firefly.homework is also set via Firefly. If you ask your son to login to Firefly using his username and password, you can take a look at the work he is being Theset. Firefly app can also be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. Sports Website Our dedicated sports website holds details of all our fixtures and results as well as team sheets and useful directions for away fixtures:

is also available for the sports website. Instructions on how to add the web app to a mobile phone can be found here

Social Media Regular news stories and updates are posted on the school’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages, as well as the school website.

Reporting Illness, Leave of Absence and Early Departures

Once you have signed up, you can use Classlist to talk to other parents, find out about the Prep Guild and the activities they’ve got planned, join (or even set up) special interest groups, discuss arrangements for parties and lift-shares, and even find a home for an old bicycle. It’s simple to use and we hope will help to introduce you to even more of our fantastic parent

We advise that Prep parents follow BPSTravelInfo (@ TravelBPS) on Twitter for details of any delays in trips or fixtures returning to school. Classlist Towards the end of the summer you will be invited by the Prep Parents’ Guild to join Classlist, which is a private social networking site specifically for parents and guardians of Bedford School to keep in touch with each other.

We ask that parents advise us of any required absence from school. Reporting Illness

Leave of Absence

Once you have received the invitation from school, all you have to do is download the Classlist app on your phone or visit the website and search for Bedford School. Then it is just a case of following the very straightforward joining instructions.

Any requests for leave of absence (with the exception of medical appointments – see below) should be made using the ‘Absence – Request for Exceptional Circumstances’ form, which can also be found in the forms section on the Parent Portal. Your form will be received by the Headmaster and your son’s Tutor.

Medical Leave of Absence

If your son needs to come into school late or leave during school hours for a doctor, dentist or hospital appointment, we ask that you complete the ‘Absence – Medical Appointment’ form in the forms section on the Parent Portal. This form will automatically inform Prep Reception and your son’s Tutor of the appointment.

If your son is unable to attend school due to illness or injury, we ask that you notify us by completing the ‘Absence - Notification of Illness’ form, which can be found in the forms section on the Parent Portal. You can also call Prep Reception on +44 (0)1234 362274 in emergencies. It is very helpful if you can let us know before 08:45 so that we can notify all necessary staff of your son’s absence.

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Ifcommunity.youdohave any queries about Classlist, please contact the Prep Parents Guild at prepguild@

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Typical Lunch Menu

Vegetarian Vegetarian Sausage, Glazed Carrots, Sweetcorn and Garden, Peas, Herbed Mash and Rich Onion Gravy Special Diets Main Course Halal/Gluten Free Sausage, Glazed Carrots, Minted Peas and Rich Onion Gravy

Cold Desserts Seasonal Selection of Whole and Sliced Fruits and Jellies, Baked Raspberry Ripple Cheesecake

School Meals

The school catering team offers boys a wide variety of wholesome, delicious food choices and encourages good nutritional habits and a healthy lifestyle. Boarders and day boys from across the school eat together each day in the Dining Hall and enjoy a wide range of tempting options. The weekly lunch and supper menus can be viewed in the parents’ section of the school website.

Hot Desserts Sticky Date Banoffee Pudding with Toffee Sauce

Yoghurt Bar Daily Selection of Freshly Homemade Yoghurts accompanied with Fruit Pulps, Compotes, Granolas, Crunchy and Sponge Toppings Special DessertsDiets Daily Selection of Gluten Free Cakes, Puddings and Desserts

Soup Station Roasted Tomato & Basil / Seasonal Soup Jacket and Pasta Bar Home Baked Jacket Potatoes with Baked Beans

Freshly cooked Pasta and Chef’s Seasonal Sauces, served with Mild Cheddar, Nut Free Pesto, Flaked Tuna or Chicken Pots Main Counter Option 1 Cumberland Sausage, Glazed Carrots, Sweetcorn and Garden, Peas, Herbed Mash and Rich Onion Gravy Main Counter Option 2 Chicken Tikka, Cardamom Rice, Bombay Aloo and Potatoes

We would ask that you do not send your child to school with treats for their classmates/friends, to avoid the risk of a child being inadvertently given something that may cause an allergic reaction. Please also note that nuts are not permitted on the school estate.

boarders: all meals from Monday breakfast to Saturday lunch during term time Boarders: all meals during term time Special Dietary Requirements

We hope that you are able to assist the school through providing all necessary information required to enable the safe provision of school meals for your child. If you require any further information about Sodexo’s ‘Allergy in Schools Procedures’, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Food Allergies Bedford School provides all its catering through Sodexo, a leading contract catering company. In conjunction with Sodexo, the school seeks to ensure that suitable procedures are in place to manage all potential pupil allergy issues and obviously we are keen that all new pupils enjoy a positive dining experience from day one.

19 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

Meal Arrangements

The following meals are included in your son’s fees: Day boys: lunches during term time - Monday to Friday for Years 3 - 5, Monday to Saturday for Years 6Weekly8

If your son has special dietary needs for medical reasons, religious or personal beliefs, these will be catered for by our chefs. To help us ensure the right food is available for him, we ask that parents complete the dietary requirements section of the Medical Information form at the back of this document. Any query you have on the catering arrangements should be raised with the Catering Manager in the first instance by emailing cateringmanager@, and thereafter with the Director of Finance and Operations, if necessary.

Parents of boys who have a special reason for not taking lunch in school should write to the Headmaster explaining the situation. If, in exceptional circumstances, permission to take lunch at home is given, there will be no reduction in fees.

If your child has been diagnosed with a food allergy, please ensure you complete the Food Allergen form. Please note: this form must be completed and emailed to by Monday 13 June.

The details of the allergy should be supported by a doctor’s or dietician’s diagnosis/assessment of their condition in writing. The correct medical information will ensure that Sodexo staff are able to identify specific allergens in ingredients which your child is allergic to, so that an appropriate diet can be Returningprovided. this form by the due date will allow Sodexo to evaluate and clarify this information where necessary, enabling them to make any specific arrangements or adjustments to ensure the most appropriate provision of school meals for your son. Please ensure that you also inform us whenever there is a change to your child’s medical condition which may affect their food requirement, or if there is an update from the doctor regarding their food allergy.

Staff will not always be able to measure your son in store, so please prepare by taking your son’s measurements before coming in. This will help to reduce unnecessary trying on of clothes, save time and make the process safer and more efficient. The key measurements are: y Waist y Inside leg y Collar/Neck y Chest y Shoe Size

20 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

Boys and UK Boarders

Our school uniform and sportswear is supplied by No Limitz. Their store is located at: 25 Shuttleworth Road Tel:MK41Bedford0HS01234 350720 Email:

Opening Hours Monday to Friday: 10:00 to 18:00 Saturday: 9:00 to 17:30 Day

We ask that all appointments are booked by 30 June to enable No Limitz to allocate and provide adequate Toresource.makean appointment, please visit:

There are a range of different appointment lengths to cater for individual needs, and it is advised to book as soon as possible.

All measurements should be in inches, and a guide on sizes can be viewed here

The School Shop

We will be offering uniform appointments at the No Limitz store specifically for overseas boarders from 30 August onwards.

Online Ordering Online ordering is strongly encouraged for small topup orders, where customers are confident with sizing. Orders placed online can either be delivered to your home or for click and collect in store.

More Than Uniform No Limitz can also help with all your sports requirements, including trainers, rugby boots, hockey shoes, sticks etc. as well as school shoes, bags, labels and stationery.

Key Measurements

Overseas Boarders

We ask that parents and guardians check the school shop website regularly for updates

We kindly ask that all day boys and UK boarders make every effort to book an appointment between 14 June and 27 August. Appointments from 30 August are reserved for overseas boarders. All customers requiring more than three different items will need to make an appointment via the online booking system.

Please use the following guidelines to label your son’s sports kit and equipment.

y Blue Sports Shorts - Opposite and level with the bottom of the Eagle. y Blue Sports Socks – Both labelled inside at the top.

y Tracksuit Top - Opposite and level with the bottom of the Eagle.

y School Hoodie - Opposite and level with the bottom of the Eagle. y Sports Kit Bag – Outside and on top. y Base layers and thermals – clearly labelled.

y School Cricket Shirt – Inside collar. y White Cricket trousers – Inside waist band. y School Cricket Jumper – Inside collar. PE Kit Please use the blue labels with red writing supplied by the School Shop. y House White Shirt - Opposite and level with the bottom of the Eagle. y White Shorts - Opposite and level with the bottom of the Eagle. y White Socks - Both labelled inside at the top. y Swim Shorts - Opposite and level with the bottom of the Eagle. y Swim trunks - Inside waist band. y Blue PE bag – Outside. y Blue and Red Swim Bag – Outside and on the top red Additionalband.Equipment – does not need to be the blue and red labels. Please ensure all personal additional kit and equipment (hockey stick, cricket bat, boots, trainers, towel etc.) are clearly named. Please note there is also an embroidery option available at the school shop for all bags. Nearly New Shop The Parents’ Guild operates a nearly new shop within the school selling pre-owned uniform and sports kit. The shop holds a large stock of items, all of good quality and sold at half the price of their equivalent when new.

Returns and Exchanges

Games Kit Labels Please use the blue labels with red writing supplied by the School Shop.

The shop is run by volunteers who are keen to help you equip your son with the clothing he needs for the term ahead. Proceeds from sales are used by the Guild to support projects in the school, and selling used uniform prevents items from being thrown away and so helps the environment.

If you would like a face-to-face or virtual appointment with the shop’s team to source your son’s uniform, please email, and they will be in touch to organise an appointment.

Customers have an extended period of up to 90 days to make returns. Exchanges must be pre-arranged with No Limitz by emailing shop@bedfordschool. or calling 01234 350720. Exchanges will be processed via the click and collect entrance. Please ask for further details in store at the time of your appointment. Labelling It is essential that all clothes, including mufti and bags are clearly marked with the owner’s name and initials. No Limitz have partnered with The Zip Yard in Bedford to offer a discounted service for customers of No Limitz and process all labelling orders should you wish to use them. Orders must be dropped off at The Zip Yard but can be collected from either The Zip Yard or No Limitz, whichever is most convenient. Tel: 01234 217771 Email:

21 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

y Reversible Sports Shirt – Blue side opposite and level with the bottom of the Eagle.

y Tracksuit Bottoms – Opposite leg and level with the bottom of the Eagle.




All boys are expected to wear the school uniform, of which all major items are available from the school shop. from the agreed uniform list are not permitted and boys must ensure that the correct footwear, overcoats and jerseys are worn. basic school uniform for boys in the Prep School costs approximately £450. Full details and prices can be viewed online at sleeve or Eagle shirt (long sleeve) shirt (long sleeve) – for special events tie trousers socks black leather shoes (not ‘trainer’ style) book bag / rucksack overall DT - if worn, must be school coat (optional) hat (optional) scarf (optional) Gloves (black or navy) (optional) Uniform - via notification from the Deputy Head Blue short sleeve shirt (to be worn open at the neck without a tie) long sleeve navy jumper or Eagle sleeveless navy jumper trousers or grey bermuda shorts leather shoes (not ‘trainer’ style)

navy jumper


sleeveless navy jumper Blue




22 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL School Uniform for Years 5 and 6





 Summer


Schoolaproncoat  Winter Uniform Prep School blazer Eagle long




23 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL Games and Sportswear  Essential Games Kit School tracksuit Navy shorts Navy games socks Outdoor trainers School hoodie (optional) White base layer (optional in summer) Blue/white reversible rugby shirt Blue under/cycle shorts (optional) Boots with safety studs or moulded studs School sports bag Blue base layer (optional in autumn and Towelspring)  PE HouseKit t-shirt White (plain) sports socks PE Non-markingWhitebagshorts trainers  Swimming Kit Navy swimming shorts or jammers School swim bag GogglesTowel (optional)  Rugby (main sport in Autumn Term) Mouthguard HeadgearShoulderpads(essential)(optional)(optional)  Hockey (main sport in Spring Term) Mouthguard (essential) Shin pads (essential) Hockey stick (essential) Hockey gloves (optional) Stick bag (optional)  Cricket (main sport in Summer Term) Cricket whites trousers (for team players, optional for others) School cricket shirt (essential) Cricket cap (essential) School cricket slipover or school cricket long sleeve jumper (essential) Navy cricket training shorts (optional) Sports trainers (essential)* Cricket helmet (optional) Cricket bat (optional) Cricket box/jock strap (essential) Cricket pads, gloves and thigh pads (optional) * Note: team players will be expected to wear spikes when playing cricket

Essential kit for other sports Football - shin pads Tennis - racquet Other sports will advise participants of any additional kit required.

The governing bodies of rugby and hockey strongly recommend the wearing of mouthguards and the school policy is to adhere to these guidelines. We are currently working with OPRO, who are the largest manufacturers of Custom-Fit mouthguards in the world. This year, OPRO have launched their Instant Custom-Fit mouthguard which is a dentist level mouthguard that can be fitted at home

24 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

5. Follow the fitting instructions included with the mouthguard Water Bottles In order to support the school’s aim to reduce plastic waste, we ask that all boys carry a refillable waterbottle with them in school. Bedford School branded bottles are available for purchase at No Limitz, although any refillable bottle is acceptable. From September 2022, no bottles of water will be provided within packed lunches and so boys will be expected to ensure their refillable bottles are full in advance of any away fixtures, long journeys or trips. We ask that boys do not bring single-use plastic bottles to school as an alternative. Devices Please note: further information regarding devices will be issued after half term. We would advise parents to wait for this updated information before sourcing devices.

2. Choose the mouthguard you’d like to purchase

From Year 5, we complement our traditional teaching and learning with innovative use of digital technologies in the classroom. As such, each boy is required to have a device for use in lessons - a laptop or laptop/tablet hybrid is preferable to a tablet. There are minimum functional specifications recommended for each boy to use his device for digital learning. As Bedford School uses mostly cloud-based apps in the classroom, it is not essential to have a high specification device to run the latest Devicesapplications.should meet the requirements of the Digital Pencil Case criteria: y Wi-Fi connectivity* y Web browser access to school email accounts y Camera and picture storage y Video and audio recording y App for taking notes y Devices should have a keyboard attached and boys can bring a mouse too, if it is easier to use than a touch pad y A good quality protective case (labelled)

To order an Instant Custom-Fit mouthguard for your son, please follow the steps below:

1. Visit


3. Enter the discount code Bedford10 at checkout to receive 10% off 4. Your OPRO Instant Custom-Fit mouthguard will be sent to the delivery address provided

*To guarantee the best digital learning experience, Wi-Fi capability is an important consideration. A pupil’s personal device should be capable of 2.4GHz or 5 GHz dual-band Wi-Fi connectivity. This means that the device should have 802.11 a/n or ac as the Wi-Fi standard. Also, be aware that if your child’s device is equipped with wireless standard 802.11 b/g/n, then it is unlikely to be 5 GHz compatible. We would also ask that boys have a set of headphones for personal use in school, too.

25 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL Boys are expected to have their device charged ready for the day with sufficient charge to last three to four Pleasehours. click here to read our device FAQs Stationery Requirements for Years 5 and 6 Fountain pen or roller ball pen - blue/black ProtractorEraserPencilsink - either 360o or 180o Black fineliner for DT Highlighter Pens TransparentScissors ruler Pencil sharpener Pair of compasses Red, green and black biros Coloured pencils/felt tip pens Glue Smallsticklanguage dictionary (EAL pupils only) Stationery pack available Additional Requirements for Boarders 1 single duvet cover and matching pillow 1caseschool sports bag 2 bath towels (not too thick please)

Toiletries bag with brush, comb, flannel, soap, toothbrush, shampoo/shower gel and 1deodorantdressing gown and slippers 2 pairs pyjamas 2 pairs trousers/jeans 2 sweatshirts 2 jumpers 4 t-shirts 2 pairs leisure shorts 1 tracksuit 4 pairs coloured socks 6 pairs underpants 1 pair trainers 1 waterproof kagool 1 warm jacket/coat

All personal equipment, such as laptops, iPads and mobile phones, should be clearly marked with your son’s name.

It is essential that all clothes, including socks, underwear and footwear, are clearly named. All clothes must be able to be tumble dried. Please inform Matron upon arrival if there are any exceptions to this.

All electrical items will be subject to a safety check prior to their use, and two-pin adapters must NOT be used on any appliances.

It is very helpful if parents can send the correct numbers of each item as indicated, especially adhering to requirements for house and general play clothes, as each boy has only one wardrobe.

Useful Information


26 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

Exeat: Sat/Sun 21/22 Jan Half FridayTerm:10Feb (16:10) to Monday 20 Feb (08:35)

Term Dates Autumn Term 2022 Term starts: Monday 5 Sept (08:35) Exeat: Sat/Sun 24/25 Sept Half FridayTerm:14Oct (16:10) to Monday 31 Oct (08:35)

Lost Property Any misplaced uniform, sports kit or school equipment that is found around the school is collected and taken to the lost property hut, which is next to the parking area on the Prep School

Exeat: Sat/Sun 11/12 Mar Term finishes: Friday 24 Mar (11.50) Summer Term 2023 Term starts: Tuesday 18 Apr (08.35) Exeat: Sat/Sun/Mon 329/30 Apr/1 May Half FridayTerm:26May (16:10) to Monday 5 Jun (08:35) Term finishes: Friday 8 Jul (16:10) At the beginning of each term, boarders return by 18:00 the previous evening and, after half terms, by 20:00 the previous evening. We strongly recommend that all Prep Boarders go home to their families during the Christmas, Easter and Summer Holidays, as well as the two week half term break in October.

Itplayground.isessential that all items of school uniform and kit are named so that they can be returned to boys. Named items of lost property are sorted into each Tutor’s box. Boys can then go and collect them from the lost property hut at break time and lunchtime. Any named items not collected are usually returned to boys on a weekly basis. Parents can also visit the lost property hut each weekday between 15:45 and 16:10.

Each half term there is one Exeat weekend (with the exception of the second half of the summer term), which provides boys and staff with a well-earned break from their busy timetables. On Exeat weekends school finishes at 16:10 on Friday and resumes at 08:35 on Monday. Boarders are expected to leave Eagle House by 18:00 on the Exeat Friday and return between 18:00 and 20:00 on the Sunday evening.

Exeat: Sat/Sun 19/20 Nov Term finishes: Friday 9 Dec (11:50) Spring Term 2023 Term starts : Wednesday 4 Jan (08:35)

Termly Payments

Visa Requirements

Monthly Payments Fees can also be paid, by direct debit only, in nine equal instalments on predetermined dates (usually the first working day of the month or the first day of term if Autumnlater).Term Sept, Oct, Nov Spring Term Jan, Feb, Mar Summer Term May, Jun, Jul Fees in Advance

27 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

Non EU Applications

All non-British passport holders are required to have a visa to study in the UK. We have a Home Office Licence which enables us to take international students and to issue a CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies) for boys applying for a Child Student Visa.

Details of fees are sent to parents each year and are also available throughout the year on the school Feeswebsite.forthe forthcoming year are announced each summer term.

When your visa application has been approved, your son will be issued with a vignette in his passport which is valid for 90 days and will allow him into the UK. Please advise us and send a copy of both the confirmation letter and vignette as soon as you receive them. Your son’s visa in the form of a BRP (Biometric Resident Permit) card will be sent to the school.

Fees Invoice - Disbursements (Blue Bills)

School Fees

To enable us to hold the Home Office Licence we have to follow certain procedures and are regularly checked by the Home Office to ensure we are working within the guidelines. We would, therefore, be grateful if you could assist us with any request in regard to this matter.

Families whose sons require a Child Student Visa should have received a communication from us, but if not, please contact us as soon as possible.

Any additional costs not covered by the main tuition fee will be added to the following term’s fees invoice and itemised accordingly, as these are charged for in arrears. These may cover the cost of additional text books, additional excursions or trips, private music tuition, EAL lessons, subscriptions, shop purchases or any boarding house expenses, etc. Further details about the fees invoice are available from: The Director of Finance and Operations, 10 Glebe Road, Bedford, MK40 2PL Tel: +44 (0)1234 362245, email:

Payment of Fees

Termly fee invoices are uploaded to the secure parent portal before the start of each term. Payment should be made by direct debit, bank transfer, debit or credit card before the term commences.

The Harpur Trust accepts payment of fees by lump sum in advance. Further details of this scheme are available from the Harpur Trust Fees Office, tel: +44 (0)1234 369500.

Transport - School Buses

There is an extensive network of buses to all Harpur Trust Schools. This transport system is run by voluntary parent associations and commercial suppliers, a list of which can be found on the school website Whilst the school does not endorse the transport suppliers, these companies have been used for many years by Bedford School and other independent schools in Bedford. It is the responsibility of parents to organise transport to and from school and to make their own checks as they deem necessary. For further information on routes, times and costs, please contact the providers directly.

Successful EU applications will receive a letter with a link where you are able to generate a Share Code which needs to be sent to our Admissions team straight away. Your son will also need to bring his passport to the Admissions Office for checking upon arrival.

We recommend that your son keeps his passport and BRP (if applicable) in the boarding house safe.

Boys whose families are resident outside of the UK must have an AEGIS or BSA accredited guardian and we must have their guardian’s full contact details. Please complete and return the Parent Nomination of a Guardian Form. Before each Exeat weekend and the start of each holiday, your son will be asked by his Housemaster for the following details: y Where he is staying during his time away from the school. y How he is travelling from the school and who is collecting him. y If flights are involved, the flight numbers and dates/times of the flights.

On your son’s first day at the school he must bring his passport with him so we may physically see the passport and vignette before he can sign and receive his BRP. EU Applications

28 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

If your son has a British National Overseas passport or a Tier 1 Investor or Entrepreneur Visa or Tier 2 Visa, we would like notification of this before starting and will ask to see both the passport and visa when he arrives at the school.

Cash Management Procedures for Boarders

Pupils at Eagle House may only bring small amounts of cash each term (we would suggest an allowance of between £5 - £10 per week) which must be handed in to the Eagle House parents on arrival, with cash distributed as deemed appropriate over the term.

We also operate a chit (signed note) system with the school shop that allows boys to purchase any items of uniform, games kit or stationery stocked by the shop. Boys are always asked if they have their parents’ permission to buy expensive items. The shop provides each boy with an itemised statement at the end of the term. If you have any queries, please contact Mr Lincoln or our Accounts Team Insurance The school automatically provides pupils’ personal accident insurance for all boys. A summary of the policy is available on request from the Bursary. Your son will be automatically covered by this policy when he starts at the school. Boarders also receive personal effects insurance which covers their personal property in the boarding houses. The total sum insured is £5,000, with a single item limit of £2,000. Bicycles are covered up to £250 if they are kept securely in the bicycle shed. Items are replaced on a new for old basis if they are less than one year old. Please note this policy does not cover cash, mobile phones or mobile phone accessories. The policy excess is £25. A summary of the policy is available on request from the Bursary Learning Support Bedford Prep School is an inclusive school where there is an emphasis on high quality learning and teaching provision for all children so that they can work to the best of their ability alongside their peers in lessons. The school’s Academic Support Department is experienced in providing support strategies in lessons for boys who have a range of additional needs, including Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, AD(H)D, or those who may need additional study skills support in areas such as comprehension, planning or handwriting practice. Targeted support for some boys is through small group support sessions which are aimed at closing the gap in achievement. Personalised one-to-one lessons are for a small number of boys who require a more individual approach to support their learning. All additional support is provided free of charge by the school.

1. Basic English skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening. 2. The writing of essays, note-taking and summaries.

At Bedford Prep School we enjoy working closely with parents to support all the boys in their learning. We value parents’ input, and request that the school is made aware of any existing difficulties and / or assessment reports that have been carried out before they join. A joined-up approach between home and school is vital in ensuring a supportive learning environment for the pupil.

All bills for EAL tuition will be sent to parents at the end of each term. Current fees are shown on the school website. Enrichment The Enrichment Programme at Bedford Prep School aims to prepare boys for their future by providing a range of opportunities to develop different skills, pursue interests, and to gain new experiences outside of the curriculum. This year, we ran a competition in conjunction with the Independent Schools Association in which boys had to learn and perform a Shakespearean monologue. Boys took part in a workshop delivered by the Royal Shakespeare Company, organised by

29 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

English as an Additional Language (EAL)

In accordance with the SEND Code of Practice (2014), the school uses a graduated approach to identify and support pupils with SEND. The main focus is on enabling those with SEND to succeed in their education. If a boy should require an assessment report, the school will recommend an external specialist teacher who is able to carry out a private assessment, payable privately to the external teacher. The school can then use the strategies from this report to inform teaching and learning within lessons and / or small group and one-to-one sessions.

Should you have any concerns about a child’s needs, parents should discuss this initially with their son’s form Tutor, or with Mrs Rossington, Prep School Head of Academic Support (drossington@bedfordschool. We welcome discussion about any aspect of a boy’s development and offer a supportive and positive approach to enable boys to make good progress throughout the different stages of their time at the Prep School.

In addition to classroom teaching, we provide EAL teaching for pupils whose first language is not English. This is a condition of entry to the school. Tuition offered in EAL Our aim is to provide specialised help in those areas where it is needed. These might include:

3. Specific Preparatory School examinations. y KET Cambridge y PET Cambridge 4. Personal assistance and general availability to help each student, should any language or communication problems arise. We generally suggest up to four teaching periods per week are sufficient for new boys joining the school. If we discover a boy needs more intensive help, we will communicate further with you. We require your son to bring: y An electronic translator y A small dictionary y A large dictionary The small dictionary and electronic translator can be taken to lessons and the large dictionary can be used in Eagle House. We realise that there will often be individual requirements and we welcome contact with parents or Theguardians.feesaretermly and depend on: a. The number of lessons per week. b. Whether the lessons are with one boy (single) or with more than one boy (joint).

5. Absence from lessons. If a boy/parent gives at least 72 hours’ notice in writing (excluding Sundays and Bank Holidays), either directly to the Visiting Music Teacher (VMT) or to the Head of Instrumental Department (HoID), of being unable to attend an instrumental lesson due to a schoolrelated activity, then the VMT/HoID will endeavour, where possible, to find an alternative time for the missed lesson to be taught. If it is not possible to find an alternative time, the missed lesson will not be charged to the boy’s family. Notice by email will be accepted as long as it is copied to the relevant HoID. In all other situations, if a boy misses an instrumental lesson, then it will be charged to the boy’s account, as the VMT will be working and needs to be paid. Relevant school-related activities which require boy/parental notice will include sports fixtures, academic visits, trips and unavoidable classroom commitments, but this list is not exhaustive.

30 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

our Head of Drama, which provided coaching on how to use voice, gesture and intonation to enhance performance. The Enrichment Programme, this year, has also included an opportunity for boys in KS3 to attend Economics seminars, and a newly-formed Year 8 Debating Society. Boys have enjoyed developing their public speaking skills, and we look forward to providing more opportunities to develop this important skill next year. Each year, we commit to providing a rich programme of events and clubs for boys to take part in as well as opportunities for academic extension and collaboration with the Upper School.

Instrumental Music Lessons

If you wish your son to have instrumental music lessons, please complete the Instrumental Music Tuition form at the back of this document. Applications must reach the school by the end of the preceding term. Each form should relate to only one instrument. Applications to learn more than one instrument should be on separate forms (please submit the form as many times as required).

Speech and Drama Lessons

The Prep School offers speech and drama lessons, which are organised on a weekly-rotating basis during the school day. Boys spend the autumn term building performance skills and technique, the spring term working towards performances at the prestigious Bedfordshire Festival of Music, Speech and Drama in March and the summer term working towards their LAMDA examination. All boys are taught in small groups (varying between two to five, depending on the age group), and the current fees (covering 30 lessons over the year) can be found on the school Ifwebsite.youwould like your son to have lessons, please complete the Speech and Drama Lessons form at the back of this document, so that arrangements can be made for him to begin in September.

3. Termination of lessons. Notice in writing of the intention to discontinue lessons is required and should be sent to the Director of Music as soon as possible. The notice period is 11 term-time weeks from the receipt of the notice of termination of lessons.

4. Time of lessons. All boys will normally be required to have lessons during normal school periods on rotation on one instrument but at the discretion of the Director of Music. Please note that we are unable to process applications which request a fixed lesson time as a pre-requisite condition for taking up lessons.

uk 2. As part of their musical tuition, boys learning orchestral and band instruments will be expected to play in at least one of the school orchestras and bands at the discretion of the Director of Music.

7. Fees. Fees are reviewed annually and published by the Director of Finance and Operations.

1. All matters relating to instrumental lessons should be addressed to Mr Jonathan Sanders, Director of Music, Bedford School, De Parys Avenue, Bedford MK40 2TU. Email:

6. Reports. Reports by instrumental teachers are made at the end of each autumn and summer term. An instrumental music parents’ evening is arranged at the end of the spring term each year.

Swan Hotel

D’Parys De Parys Avenue Tel: +44 (0)1234 340248 Email:

Once you reach Bedford Railway Station, we advise that you take a taxi to Bedford School. To avoid confusion with other schools in the town it is best to give the taxi driver the school’s address (De Parys IfAvenue).youwould like to arrange a taxi to collect you from any of the above airports, you will find it cheaper to pre-book a taxi from Bedford rather than getting a black cab from the airport.

Hotels Close to Bedford School

The Embankment Tel: +44 (0)1234 346565 Email:

Embankment Hotel

Hotel Accommodation in Bedford

Mercure Bedford Centre Hotel St Mary’s Street

Tel: +44 (0)1234 799988 Email:

Reduced rates apply to those sharing lessons and for boys in the Prep School. Class tuition for theoretical examinations in music is provided free for those having instrumental tuition but a charge is made for other boys. 8. Examinations. Boys are entered for instrumental examinations at the discretion of the Director of Music and the cost charged to parents on Blue Bills. 9. Instruments. Instruments may be hired from the school, subject to availability, during the early stages of tuition. Parents are charged a termly hiring fee and are responsible for maintenance and repair costs and also for making good loss or damage, whether in or out of school. Parents are advised to take out insurance against loss or accidental damage. In most cases, boys will be expected to have their own instruments after the first year. Parents and boys are reminded that instruments should not be left at school during holiday periods as the school cannot accept responsibility for their safety.

31 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

The Embankment Tel: +44 (0)1234 261332 Email:

Please note that these details are provided for information only. Their inclusion does not imply that the school endorses the services offered by the provider. Travelling to Bedford from the Airports Please note that the school does not provide transfers to and from the airports. It is the responsibility of Itparents/guardians.ispossibletotake a train to Bedford from Luton, Gatwick and Heathrow airports but not from Stansted. Information on routes, costs and timetables may be found at

There is a wide range of hotel accommodation available in Bedford. The hotels listed below are just a few of the options available.

Bedford Prep Parents’ Guild

The Wider Community

The Bedford School Association (BSA)

y Fundraising with profits going to charities, groups and school projects agreed upon by the Prep Guild committee in conjunction with key members of Bedford Prep School staff.

The Bedford Prep Parents’ Guild (Prep Guild) is made up of parents of current Prep School pupils and members of the wider school community who aim to support the school in a number of ways, including:

y Arranging and promoting social events that bring parents and school staff together.

y Supporting school functions, for example serving mulled wine and mince pies at Christmas Carol Concerts.

y Providing a social network for parents new and old, with representatives in each year group.

All work carried out by the Prep Guild Committee is on a voluntary basis, but its work is greatly appreciated by the Prep School staff. Supporting the Prep Guild is not only rewarding and fun but also a great opportunity to meet other parents and staff in a more relaxed way.

If you would like further information, please email

The Old Bedfordians Club

Established in 1891, the Old Bedfordians Club was formed in order to help Old Bedfordians stay in touch with one another and the school. Over the years it has gone from strength to strength and is now a vibrant organisation across the globe. Although the phrase ‘networking’ was not used when the Club was formed, this has always been a key element at the heart of the Club.

32 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

The aim of the BSA is to promote engagement across the widest possible alumni grouping in order to create a sense of attachment and an active network which positively supports Bedford School. The school takes an inclusive approach to make all elements of the community feel most welcome. With a joined up approach, we feel that more can be achieved. The BSA supports the work of the Bedford Prep Guild, Parents’ Guild in the Upper School, Past Parents’ Association, Old Bedfordians Club and Foundation, and helps all of these organisations to flourish. It also aims to build up strong relationships with friends of the school particularly within our local community. We are thrilled that more and more people want to be associated with Bedford School and join us at a variety of events and gatherings. Throughout its history, the school has meant a lot to many people, and, whatever their particular connection, we hope that they are all proud of their association, and that this will continue. As well as The Prep Guild, parents also get involved in specific areas to support the boys and for their own enjoyment. Two examples of this are the Friends of Bedford School Boat Club (FOBSBC) who put on a number of events, and the Eagle Choir, which is a School Community Choir, made up of parents (current and past), Old Bedfordians, staff and friends of the school. We are pleased that most parents find their niche and enjoy the general camaraderie that the school offers. Eagle Connect Eagle Connect is the BSA’s online business and social networking platform. Membership is open to all constituents of the BSA who have a shared affection for the school and its community. The online platform provides a highly engaged and supportive community made up of those who are willing to help each other, both socially and professionally. From finding accommodation on a gap year trip (possibly a few years down the line!) to giving advice to someone who wants to change their career, Eagle Connect is a forum for people to support each other. Joining details can be found under the BSA section of the school website.

33 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

Bedford School Foundation Philanthropy has played a vital part in shaping Bedford School over the years. Generations of boys have benefited from the generosity of others, who have enhanced the school in all areas.

Bedford School Foundation is a separate charitable company which was set up in early 2003 to support the school by developing strong relationships with alumni and friends of the school and to raise funds for various projects including capital development and scholarships. Funds are raised through major gifts, regular giving, legacy bequests and single gifts. Such gifts normally generate certain tax benefits and

Today, the OB Club is still an invaluable link between generations of Old Bedfordians worldwide and the school through a shared member database, regular communications and an annual programme of social, sporting and networking events and reunions. In becoming a member of the OB Club, boys join the ranks of a 9,000 strong network of members who: y enjoy a shared history of Bedford School y represent a vast range of professions, businesses, sporting and cultural interests and passions, and who y have extensive knowledge and experience as well as links and connections that span the globe.

Theefficiencies.Foundation works closely with the Bedford School Trust in providing scholarships for boys to attend Bedford School. The Foundation enjoys close links with the Old Bedfordians Club and, together with the school, coordinates events and activities for alumni and other supporters of the school under the auspices of the BSA.

Importantly, Old Bedfordians have a natural inclination to help fellow OBs, irrespective of age, geography or status, and do so where they reasonably can. We are very pleased that more and more OBs return to the school each year to give lectures, talks or career Theadvice.OB Club works closely with the school under the umbrella of the BSA and takes direction from the OB Club Council whose plans are endorsed by Old Bedfordians at the OB Club’s AGM in July each year. It is managed through the OB Club office based at Bedford School. Boys automatically become members of the Old Bedfordians Club when they leave the school (subject to approval by the Head Master).

y Emergency Contacts y Bedford School Association y Travel Information (Day Boys only) y Parent Nomination of a Guardian (for boys whose families reside outside the UK) Optional Forms y Instrumental Music Tuition y Speech and Drama Lessons

We would be grateful if you could ensure that all applicable forms for your son are submitted by Monday 13 June. click on the form name to open.


34 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL Forms

and Special Diets


Mandatory Forms y Medical Information y Food Allergies and Special Diets

* email your son’s Allergies forms directly to:

Medical Information and Food

35 Y5-Y6 Joining Booklet BEDFORD PREP SCHOOL

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